Dec. t A Mal` Quartette Ttombon Qnartette ' Mr. H.` C. DlX_0N ZCEIIQ ' .Q 1 73033153 85'!!! an l\o.I. , 3?? -w Poems. ,.w- '... .4 .: rllzbnaoan ..,. 1:- {sNo_W.PIOWING TENDER LET -. jCo`ntra.cto1.-j McOutoI_1eon, who has 'be`e1;1_sinking` ajiest well for the Bar- ?`;riegG?u$_" Gil Syndicate, _i9 pack- ing. his outt and will .mQve' it. to Iiowmanville. IL-has just `host a few public-spiri,tdV 0 citizens?` $2000 to out that t-hr is no oil o1j gas -t<`1' bg `found on` th-e_p1-operty. of Mr. L. I. Vair, and` the `attempt. will be abandoned; The drills ivere sunk u distapce of 586 feat. to thg granite !and'f15 feet in the gfranite. At 400 I n:1I111J_v +11:-. "`nnvuLn\1 arm}. :1... Monday s Toronto Globe says: Sir` Edmund Osler, President of the Evangelsia Se-ttlement, Queen and River streets, has purchased The Gab1es, . a hiystoric spot near Allan-J A dale, as,a new, summer camp. It was the summer` home of Mr. Campbell I, Reayes, who has aoqui1`c~d another! property not far away. It has been the -home (in days past of well-known] families. A * - ' ;\)\.-Irv mu. _vuuc- Exallltlin (*9 at-ruck the Trenton; and over 100Cf,t~,' they,_ (lrilled through this `formation, and into a, bliue sand at 558 feet. They struck salt .Water at 440' `ft. and; several times encounter- ed good ows orf water, which had to be plugged` up. Naturally Mr. Wes- ley- and Mr. `Brownle-en ` feel` disap- o pointed; as they did the work of or- ggmizotion, "but. _the shaxeholders. all `went into` the _project. knowing that the result {was a. chance. sneculation. T V Dhe `tender, `of Isaac Woollnan for `s1_mW'_p1o_Ivving'was-aocepyed `by the Bourd- .of Works,` subject `to the, rati- catibn of Council. His price is Qnnn ....!L 41- ..4.:.....1..4..'..... 1.L..L -11 `?WO0DCOTI sow * T0 MR. 12. B. osuax { F0RG|R15 H0M5! quwuuvavna Va. tin: In I Luv 10 $400, .with age ;;,ipula`t;c`r\x,1 {hat all hand Shovelling is to be at the Town s expense. There was only ..... - 4......1.._ a.\lvIAA-u `As one tender. Former Property of Capt.l Whish Wiil Be Used As ' `A Outing Resort For Toronto Work- ing Girls } T -The pro'perty referr. to `in $113! folkxwillg despatch is what"i'*%*=5i-` xperly kngwn as ,f`Vl:oqdeott, the for- mer residence of` Captain Whish. V The Settlement is a Work- i11g gis. club, and the home will be used as a summerxesort. to give these `Working girls a vacation in the sum- \ mark,` i "The~ Ga.b1esf' has been donated as` a permtuxent summie-r home. .It. is situated at Kempenfeldt Bay, about two miles from AlIa,1ida1er." It. com-' prises 40 acres _ of land. with .wood.s, fzmn and -pz_1sture*1and.- The hotfe; is admirably. a.da.pt_ed `for t-hetpurpose, 1 iwith" .wide verandahs, large airy` rooms, a" sp1end-id `rec-.reat.ionA room.` realdsing a.11d'1-est mom` each with :1` fireplace. ` i nu .. u |` Ottawa, Nov, 26.--Major -Currie. `North Ssimcoe, in-t:rod.uc-ed a -bill in the; House of T Commons Tuesday I waftermocm _ to amend the criminal code -by pi' any alien who had . not takn out his nat-uralriza-g Atiotrpapers, under a"miuimugn pen-f alty {if a- ,tho`usan'd ne. and 6 six .mont.hs .'imprisq1;ment. from vot- ing or "taking any" {art ' by canvas- [`sing, driving e-let-.t.qrs_ tokthe polls, or eI.eet5on. ` ` I F. T. SHORT. %- - Mange: `The Gables has its ow11.p1-ivate! beach and'ouse_. and it Would! Tseemas if the 'place had been speci- a.1-`ly, .designed for the purpose of the Sett1en1`ent_. . . ` The-Vacation Clulvovf the Settle-g ment. has under oake1,1to provide for ` the furnishing of the house Without callipg upon the-`Settlement Council, _w-ho willingly "m1dertook. `to `ar- range for the purchase offhe. p1a'ce. ` The Vac-atio11' Club '1_1imed at $1,000: by $1. fne-`will oering. -allowing e'ery- one yvhp l1a.s experienoed the pleastue 'T0f :can1p life at Sunn_vside Farm, n eii1-._Ja.ckson s `Point, or who is in- ? tetnsted. in a `possible holiday `there ` in the future, it share in the under-` baking. my '7` - I 3 `\"If-here were American citizens` { who took -paaft. in my. election, de- t_c1a1-ed Mr. -Currie. One of them ` `from the `as the Aggarem,-ri% A ,the-y_ mam,`-,.g .`r>*=%5-..v.t ' m.gIect,a.9ns={m ., . v.v., _- .._ --__-_ ---.. _.... ...z r . .- CURRIE AFTER ALIENS- .p1D1*C?:i?s TR1;:E 011,. %1ub-.4 Noromous PELCH . AGAlNlNMATEOF`% CASTLE SISSONS * g And Disorderly And Took. Whole Calling- | _:~ wood Force to Arrest _ Man Who Broke i Out` of County There `b are several people in. Barrie who have every reason to` remember one Percy: Pelch, who made. a sensor- tiolnal escape fom the County J ail, -which was followed by_ an investiga- '_tion into affairs fat the Jail. Last. Friday evening Percy again entered into residence at the Castle Sissons, _a `. constable bringing him down for 60 days. The Calling- N ews tells the story of Percy s latest fall from grace as follows: On Friday morning Pete}; Pelch, who is no stranger in police circles, `was up for obstructing the forces It seems that some one had stolen u -.a\n.;...-n; - moan:-v \n.rL.L.|w U116 l.lUlJ.' OIAIUULI a case of whiskey from the railway Sta.-ti-on -and in a fit of generosity` had given Percy a bottle`, retaining, as Percy states, enoughlfor his own use for a couple of months. Percy a bottle appears to Iliave been boa at-gong for him and becoming hilar- iojus-, the `police invited him to the' lock-up. As he did not care for the accommodation offered he used such `weapons as he had at his command including his vteeth to resist the police, and. indeed. it required the fl1zl li-.]30S.S to induce him to take up-" ihis lodging in the t-own .~t quarters. The next n1orning_; `he was taken to the police court. and tho niagist-rate, Dwho has been dealing tcnde-.rl_v with ]1i_1n_ for some time_ past, evidently thought it. time to use stronger and accordingly sent Percy- down to" Barrie. to`endn-re sixty days- iharcl` labor. o Next `Sunday evening the `pastor lof the Congregational Church will give a. special address on The Great White Plague: How to Face It, and `How to Fight It. Many churches throughout Ontario are setting aside one service next Sunday to -assist in: educating the public in regard to the need for. concerted action to stmnp out tuberculosis. There is no special collection, the ordinary col-`lect;ione l going to the church funds. It is hop- red `there will be a. large audience next Sunday evening`. ` EIFHANDLING BREAD l % BORN. .DIC.3KIE-At Tollendal. on Wednes- ' day. November 20th. ' to Mr. and % T Russel Dickie, a_ S911. EIIARWOOD--At I1%.r.1ie.%B.c:.. on L.:.4.L.a.v IV \1 \JAJ `gxv .1. \ ao\'oy vs; Nofember the 24th t4; Mr. an Mrs. VVa1te`r B. De'L0tbinniere+- Harwood, `a. d8.ughte1`. _ 4` _ MARRIED. HART--CQPELAND--At. Trinity Church, Barrie, on \\-'od11osd1).y, '\T.._ n.-n.`L` -'1n-10 |___ 1.1-- tn--- LL- V LUV I 1 Ad! AV: :1 0 2186;`, A-0&1 ll; of to Laura j:3:):l: `I-.. J -1 1I`L...'.... L. aromvaef 17I`6?fV5%t11,*'ii32`, bt.11e"`i}fWtK$ .Rev. E. R. J. Biggs, Bert Hart. -L `ll'.'_'l.1(....I 1.- [soo PER ANNUM m Anvacz ` IIIIILI cont: 11.21: elmnon Sums. up to rpm: Lu mid wvwv. wr - `ada 3 with minimum 09511 tr.0}1?i'. 11?tz(z}11 absolutely no "P181! 0'!` Y1]; excepted) or to o;n}:_I>.:`f_-.` the .11'i111ci-3:1 cities: of the ()1-dm-.< for sums up'>$5; `THE WHITE PLAGUE `V - -u --wuvvnl ll` IIIIVHIVI IIIOLI COPIES Thai! OINTI ~ibE.-f: . them. `J1 III! Gt-uwwvuuwu 1--v` --cw: P. w. Asniz. _.-` - , G. M. C. HART surljll. " SI': DEC."1 . V Advent rSunday.'; ; - ` ' S.i}z1.111.--Un]y Communion. T" 11.0 :1.1n.~-:\l;1Ii11s and Com1nunioni. '. 3-0 1>.1n.~-Sunday School and VBibf9%; (`.1asses. T ' " u-_._ , Mans. 25 CENTS L I. Cubitt-Nichols, FORM BL Busanko ,. . , E - *.. `\ ~~, . * . , ~ \ . 9 ,3 " ' r 3 gm T I '- l ."` 1.` o ` 0 . ~ Bank ME; Save Trouble; a1`1.(l ?l.o;-;si.j - -u-v_. I U-;* TrirH1ity` > [0 Q) , UUo"";Lv&u qr;.v |g|,, `nn, :1 315.`) 1U .V ` b _. --fr0-In $30 to $50,_ 1 3 ;\I`zyA1{_~gl` of?-ort`!;,aits`_ Lu` {` ' iljlg ii: if u:-:-zlaala FOUR - WEEKS - OLY Our stock is complete." and much Of it we Will not be able to dupli-4 Cate at the prices. we are now selling t'nef:mL Zlt. Save money ahd liuy summons & co. IIIVILVQ I -ninth-U, n---.1 51 'l`h|-cndncedlc 8 LC. A null` _ Ilhl or uunnx-. trim! Reser\'?g`1}tg?$8"_1 idcd Prots Barrie Branch. NOW Furri'ex s ::l?w. Punmcnt` 7; s69,ooo,oQb` RING 263 52 ' "`11 ' =;Tn' $1-00 ' Per Day` 2 y ' . ` . "` 2 '.~ . "|l` `_ . "' ' 2 A . ; ` . .. ,,` ., . - ` .'. Inhisfil. Municipai om. VL _Rgret JDeApa`HuJr'eof Mtg R. J, LHa||`:he%we;t: % A -_1xadms And , 5 vuwwuu wv\n\I.Avv\:- ovJI\I- II: VWQIIL" ing. cane, and many *ex~pre'sione -`of good.-will were e'_xtend'ec: by thoee`j.wj10' spoke to -the Va.-riousw `re- gretting `the departure from the Township and service offth 'muni-. goipatltity of -such an oapabl oicial and "honored' friend: citizen. -4 I -I mu'ni.sipl_ Vex-oi; tiers of the Toivnsfiip of `Inni_s1 ba_3n- ; qgetted Atheirx` . le_rk,. RI. at Thorntoii on `Mondgy evgninggan_d$ of_ the most repteseniafiv er'_ he1d "ix; Innjsl. Duringjhe evening 11311 was presentd .with -`anuiluniin atdt address and`,'go1d+-'he:dd *6v`a;ll`:;V .' m _ A . u . .....`I ..._._.. ~--A---'--1-3-u! B M1'..J. A. Jvanlieson of Thvorrnbon,' 1~op'}i11g said it was a roa.l.1">`1eassure to 11 nor n. man who deserves it, and in `r. Hill the -people of Innisl had a man ` who ,dese.rved honor `for "his efforts on behalf of . the Te- ship. Our Country, said. Mr. Jamiesv on, i although progressing , by l' and` bounds, -was only in -the infancy i of its deverloopmnb, and the next code, .would be a revelation to ~ all. When institutions of Ca1iad;a are compared with` those of other tries, we our `own: -progress, for the Canwdian _institutio_1i:s' ff `are taking a foremost amongst the institutions otf.-ithe"w9n1k1'.. Brit- ish is the__ _1nos_t ioadvaned `in, civilization in. religious: and`we_a1-I fee]. A pride of. being 1116111 " * 0.i0n'8 ddmmfiw: *`Emr&" `- . ____-_ --__4-.,_`_ _2_..=_ --;;:--1.3-u:1a* - 11;. aA4V'aav vv-us: v\,uvI;._ . .l. 131:]. B` .uu.|uC, |.on the Sixth iinlf Qlzlis Jeteudea by --nearly `forty of the present and ft)?- "ca;tering being. in charge of Mr; `T. I. Bolger of `the . Iroquois, Barrie. mer oioials ,{of the Township, the. _T-lme. chair . was oc c:u:pied' .:by;= Reeve` E. T. and the ~Tjhornto;1 band was oxrhandl to"en1iven;the pro- ceedings .with. c-ho`iceysvelect.ions. " ' V I1}16Z-l>anq(1i{i.;i:,`;'i_1icV-1`1T,--f_ `Lmnt was served at: ll"s_11ozme, \1\C@ n... Q:_.n_ 1:..- _--- -1-L-_J: 1- 1;; 5.7 V 7. A` %`1`'~ "`"`` '` _ Among thc-se: p1~ese~nt_ we-re :-Alex. Ferguson, M;E.P.; E. T-. McCo'nkey, Reeve; Eben. Todd", Dep.-Reeve`; J. lalack, fWa.rnica', }V.H. Mar- ~ I I. I tin, Councixlrlors`, - James Black-, 'Rrea-I surr; `\Vm. Latimer, C.o11ec.'to.r; R. G. Rfeve, - of the Board of I-Iealth; Dr, Rogers, Metlical Health 'Of'cer;. S1oa.11, F. W. Mat11ers; S`ani,tax'y Insi)ec.tor`s; Jae. A. J athies-on . ex- Couxmcillor, `and J a.m_ieson ;, Rbt. i A. .Suthe~rla-11d,. e7x-.Reez\?"e; E; A. Lit- hlte. x-Reeve; `H. S1e.ig:ht." e.x-Couu- ci1lor';` `Geo. Leslie, ex-Cowun'cil1Qr; Hy. Groee, ex-Reeve; R. WV. Sloan," l ex- County Co-uncil-lorg W. C. Heu1*_v_, I ex- Audit~or; H. Black. em-Assess-01%; G. C`, Allen; `A. W. Fletcher, `I'1~ea~ sureafof _Essa,; Rev. -Louis Hjll: of Hamil-`ton; Mr. `7a`11d{'Mrs'. Posvetxs. ' uuuo wuuvuu 'UUu.u1.u.1::-v uuu ;A.gain referring` t-oTMr.*Hi1.l, Mn- Jamieson said, the Tp. of _Inni_sl made no m5stake~`;when. th_ey1ohi5s_e him as ofttxheir officcetisu. ~Hejisf `clever, wide-ainakve. and will! make his marl; wherever he ?bbscituatecI.'infahe 'fut.ura.. a. o.. A11m,Au~; =. `. -.- Ca Eht. [I431-,tersA ';o'regret at t;l1e1i-vixuability` to -be; present were -reach from Mr. J uysticte ;I. en1`1ox_. Hon. _J as. ._Duff,- W. A.`.BQys; 1\I.P..A.Jland1 _A'1ex. Cowan. lvMa.yor B.a.r1V"-iei ~- IA ` T , !' . ""' ' Tm: ToAs'1* I.I'.'~`.'1." _ i. The toast `to the King` \Vj:i.s follow: ed by the 11ea.r.ty singing 6f_t,he "Na- hional A;nthsevm.g_ 7 . I u1oI1a.L AfI1tlle41I1. _ VT T Our Country. Twas` propased Ex-Reeve -' Henry Grose, of who drew -attentyion. tq` the fact that _ we Canadian:s are a r_p-art, oaf .2-vphe , grea.test- em_pire.*t.he Wor1d _ha.s ,. e"v_er kxmoxyu, and that gCaua~.da was V ?greatest,-0ve1?Seas"d0miniO11 bf tfis g'rea.t fedemtion of , the` Anglia-Saxon. races. Loyalty to the mother ucoun-V try,` which.- is' imbued in our natures` from infa.n_~cy by the true examples of `loya1ty.in_ our homes, h=a.s been the key-note [in our .wonderful` unti-1 to~d%a.y}-tsl1eI,.- 9y.6SI , of the -._W'or~1d are upon Canada, the b-ruig11tet gem in the British Crown. 1 % Prsent'aibnf *H=%V!.Nfu2`ars` r?i%.-AnnIL.I=';;`.=:u=%< ;; ~:,mg th ._ ' .\.. `tof'5odm3' .F1'81`ia1 in fo;I'-N3` ?Wi.I1i1.ii18` and; as?T`oa=oohs"fas_?iice`oan`-,be o the bO3 S. Wi11 3303Iim1l0&:work. 5- .;TE:?"~..~foI-. . .;1o.wii1g:` omcers were = ;. A. Boys, .M-Pa. ' _`Wismer, -./Sf DS"ment,'f P. ,,Dr.* Artful], H. , AL SiII.lI5"oA Di'.'*"`I4ewis, Saltf; .? T. Mayor `C0WM_1. .A, `J. Habbick, .' R." King, D. Ja3m_ieson._u_ T . ' Hon. P_nesident.'-.H'. J. - Grasett; `Hon. -`Viee..-'P1'esi.daeu1t-'-J as. Vair. Preside,Iitr+H_. E. Jory. ) - '. A, \. 1st;.rVioe-Presidentv-1Jas. Mc1\' 2116.3 Vice-Prescidse-n`_t-W. J. Fowler. ` `Se'.c..-'Tre`as-.:--V. HA Cruilgshank; vMaAna.ger-.-C.o C, Hinds. ,- j ` - Maxwgement-Commit-tee-.G. S. C{ld;vve=1, D. Stewart. G. O._ Gamer: on, `.1110. Barr, Geo.` Rogers,` `Hart's Riddell. , ` . .' . _ "Coach---S... J. Vair. _ '- _ Feeling reference was made "to the 10$ sfistained by sporting organiza- ` tions in Barrie. by the death" of John Dyment, who was always` a liberal` supporter and worker _ for the hockey team.` ' RAlNBOW. BAZAAR ` NETT_ED1l_)VER $350 FOR A. Town Hall Blaze of ..Color And The Affair `V Huge Succs$--Those' A . in Chafge of The` ' Diffexnt Booths I a-The om Tfwvn {11a11* , lookd re-" , m1ndJent in a _blaze Of` color at `the - Rainbow Bazaar `given by the .W. A. n to the R; V. \H; Tuesda.y_ .afte;'-t noon and evening. There were white ;booths; `d-aintily `tvouched' A up with -g'oLd; tlmre were .c-.rim,so1'1 booths, green and white booths, blue, pu.rp1'e `and -pink. booths; and they all did an e;\:tt;snsive business_ in the wares th_e' sold. The affair was a 1m.g~e sucza eess, and the financial` returns are most gratifying, over $350 being t-hei ;proceeds of the day and evening. The candy boot.h' headed- the list, with $85.60,. and the doll booth d-is-. of ofer $60 worth ` of t.l1e:-e toys. In the erveningfAddison s' Or- fclmestra furnished deliightful lnusic./a and it was`aJ't.igl1t1yec1ose-d purse that did.11ot'.disg'0rge some of it,:~_Moontent.s- .-.for thg articles on `sale. The pro-, at! the door amorunted. to "almost ,-30, A H i J: Int: x`1~r ,` _ .'I`11 different - booths were in `chuLrg`e of - the following 1nn1be1's of -the,` W. fA:--. % \ ` `w Canfiy; Booth-.-Miss T1\IcCd'1'nmc], !"ed by a large st-a - of; helpers,` and `Mrs. Toinchette `liad charge` of the Fish Pond, .whi_ch' cratci no! and T of amusement. ` . _ -gr 1- 9-\ `rs \/J. $~Al.L'\.Axr\.'aAl.\. ll v V, The Doll Bmr.11--1\1r.<. J. D. _Ro:1..' gCl;.S: King. m1(1=11/Ins Felt. - -A.L - `If--- ' 5\-r'I_`K7Q AV`! "55`."a9 `MIIKL bVLI|~7u L \a'LUC Candy Booth-`-M1-s. 17. G. lvror-i } ton and ,Mrs. D. , H. Stewart. _ " i Tea Ruo-oina-'-Mrer. W, A. % I % 3l\}[m1.7ve ; Wzgtt and `M35: H'.~,Q`?5?"`. ' ' r 1v: 3 "1? ' in E V'icke`13s, ,1\f1?s.! W. R. Kinfg, Mrs. R. Pa';_vne, M1'~s. V, H`art.i_anid.' 1\[r's. :T. F. }Jfz tcks.on.~ I ' g I-I-(UL U9 IAINLII -AVA A urn (I 0 J. 0 V ,0 UV\.}J\\."\IAII 'I{_-_omenixad:e ,;DAzinties--Mr?. Bmwn sing 1V[nsf'4Stephcnsi. ` . ~ ____- -;_1`l1--1.L- `Il`__'"_.` GA--_-_.";__. iulbll. LIA-l`.Jo givulynuvnun ~ 1 B00 kx M1: G4n'i* 3- Bteve.1ion{ M-fss Avdrigh. .A T. - BARRIE CURLING CLUB sK1Ps 1 * ` The. Barrie Om-]Iin.g Club jat a. 1 meeting ' last , Wednesday evvening elected the following skips for the " `ATanka`.rd--Geo, Hogg, H. E. Jory. %Cup-J'aa.-N Pa.tw_rso1',' J as. air. . A , - _ . MqCa.rthy,Cup- 4(_3eo; HOSE: D. A." -M;Nig1n,{fASE-..-Stapiaetson, J as. Pat- 9 . -'n-- L 0 nL::_;,1,.'1".__ .`II.. :`..` A "7`m;o?"6o;;; ggggwi; M Bazaar andggave' a sho1;t ;1dcLress. 3 X Ia-I Q-La |V5won:[} Ori~1`li:a.-AI_Barrie Cupj-J:as. V;ai=r, A. % E. Staplebiin, H; -E._Jo1-j, G_reo."Hogg. W; Tmpm+;-Geo. i`R;j?Ma.loomson.~._- ._ ' f. b -I F ohm _Skips--Byvo-_n, King Jas. _4:ai.1':k=~7~ B. =.~Geo. 11032:} I1?! ._D. A.-`Me-.' %A4;;:.E-Vt,S 5" 1 %.,;Jas- Battef` VZVVLI Wwg-=.u;vuu`.a `A *. `;`~3 * Em? Q ` bury `f 5 h( `>;- ",._.,:",I` V _` -. ~5 v\. fo :9 Equdw or s_inioI:;[-Ann "'rH_I: no'm'm.ou- q;.c"qrcjbA_`6ua cm-_n:n`uovg__. B;nild'd._L p,;;iff;Perinanergt, 7 ' Avn'nu`a.l `Meeting; ._ V" By means of the Bank :~ OMS whilx we issues you can send` to $50 to any point.`in; ii .s3:]S(%I:1l{011 13` * $11; p1.i,,cL1)a1 .. ;.. m:+h minimum .0051} 11-l'.0".11. .Ex,ecn e-ive take st_ep.s~5 to fnxake :p1.`QVi8`i0n.;-,fO1f_ the-purl-ehase of a. ~permanent~ shelter-,.'wa the unani- `gmus fee?-ing of who assembled gt the*Annug1`Metieng as `the Chfld- ienrs Aid; society o'n .'1`.nes3ay after- noon. The w,ei'e lamgely in the ihajoritya .. but u ttendance mas gratifying to the '_o _ cers. S11ort ad: dresses) delivered -by -many of those present and all spoke` strongly of necessity for a permanent home, the only obstacle seeming to the apparent lack pcf interest on e part. of the other `towns of Sim- County, whose dependent child- ren e-were nearly alll looked after at 1)-____". ' s election of oieers resulted as foullowsix ;PrefsIident to be elected` (Mr. "h.;ving"' resigned); Vice- ,Preeiden_tss,._ Dr. McLeod: -and Rev. I: E: .;Bowies; Sec? -Treas., `Rev; ~' An- ew Sm_i.t-h; Agents, Chief King and RC, Lambie; Visitor, Mrs. Mc- Kee; Executive Com.,._Rev, W. Hip- in, D. Ross, J`. Sissons`, and Rev. Smith.` V ' ' There-were_recei1 )ts of $645.21fand disbursements of $639.86, but. out- etanding .:1?ia-bilities left a decit of iabout $100, -and arrangements `are `being n1.a:de to have this paid. I 1` The record for the year showed that eleven children had been placed in foster.'hoIne.s; five had been com-` mitted: by the Judge; [eleven had `passed Tthro-ugh the shelter; three i~1T\oye,; were out .on_ deferred sentence `and `one had been sent; to the Indus- trial` School. There are now two in the shelter. 3. boy of 7, and :1 giri of I f The. great work being carried on "by the society in reclaiming children from lives of crime, and" the assist- ance "giver; to those unable to look after their children, `is Worthy of 1'eve'rybody s support. ' THE.` WEA.THER. ' "_ Lowest Highest S_110rv , * Nov. 20 . . . . .31 51' ' 1% A 21 ..g.. ..42 .f56 A *22 334 L 46/ - r ` "23 .. ....30. 41 p L % 24 .. ._...3o `:54 % 4.0 > 25 ..2c3 .32 0.5 26 . . . ....29 . 33 7 0.5 Two _inohes of snow fell on. We - xlesdmy morning, making :1. total of {sevenVdm'i_n.g the - I The Advance gives special club-' hing rates .with .a1.__1 p_a.pers.T V BARBIE LYCEUM cotinsn _ 'Ausics Bairie Citizeng 2nd CQNCI/SRT . %VLCli!LDRENS %AlD| 01?!-IRA HOUSE Wed.