Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 24 Oct 1912, p. 1

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Rhtifies .'Agreement' For AlIandal'eAIndustry' and . 5 4' Will Send It _To The i People.-Short Session. V [ V 7 III I}\-Ul$'\./9 \./L J. '\I`L \I|L4I UK , 7' III} sisj associated with Mr. J. F. Arnold of Ivy in the+estg1b1is1m_1`ent of the new Excelsior" factkgry, _- sent in` an, agreement which. had been. conrmed" by a. committee ; of the Counc_i1. The rm agrees to complete the erect ion` and equipment. of their-ne.wA cement 'faK_3t4Dlfy,; 42`: 100 - feet-,` V on.` the `south sidefof 'jT'ii n S1;'.,befQm 1stJan- ._.ua1,-y, -to $6,500.i . ~ - .rm.- '._........... -.;;....r;'._ -1. 1,.-..;. ANOTHER INDUSTRY UNDER DISCUSSION, IEXCEISIOR mcronv ; BY-LAW AT nus JAN. ELECTl0NS Junta u run 1116!; o .vvUa1o | The success of this rm is a strik- ing example `of -the ecacy of news- paper advertising, and is but veri- ocation of The Advanee s oft-repeat vied assertion that" publicity -pays if placed properly. This huge adver- tisement" is -written in the character ' istic clear-out style of the rm-- and The Advance has reason to know that statements made in Vickers ads. are trustworthy in every particular. ~That The Advance was entrusted with this` huge order" demonstrates that this rm -believes that the best medium to carry its biggest an- nouncement` to the people, should be the one which goes into the homes of the -best people of the County of Simooe, the. homw where the people have the money to spend. ` ,. The. Town Council gavetthe several readings to a by-law at the regular semi-monthly meeting on. Monday evening, defining. the terms of an agreement with Messrs. Whitesides "and Arnold, ,who are getting their -new factory into shape for the manu- ` facture of_ cxcelsior and similar pro- ducts, and the people wvill decide the question. on January 1st. Minor con- logseions of light and water are ask- The Mayor, Reeves Bennett and r Wes1ey and Ald. McLean, Sarjeant,i Gray and Rusk waited .patiently for another representative to put in an appearance. ` The hands of the, clock pointed to 7.55, , when Ald. Bidwell came in, `anti the Clerk had just` got nicely starte-d with the. formal recita- tion of the minutes of two previous sessions when Ald. Lowe? and Clarke took their` Seats. Ald. -Bunker, Davis, Marks, F raser and; Wisdom .were the quintette of absentaees. 1 ` ~MAIL WASLIGHT. ; But few communications were to I hand, and .these were mostly referred ,to1 r o _ ,_ ._ | \ Mr. W.- A. Boys wrote` that his _cl'ientf,, who is representing` an indus- ; trial 'concern, had given him instruc- `tions to lay the particulars of the proposition before the Council. The -Mayor int.imated' that he had the provisional -agreement, . but. . advised I that the matter be referred 6oCcom- lmi', which was; aftenwars done. It is: understood that the concern would be a 7la.rge one,"emp1oying a lalge numbem. of -hands. ' ` 1 T1" 1:71;:-i.`-_: 1-- .-n n\-;`__`_`_L-_; ;_1__ _-uazjy `vu vvvv `v. vvvvo > V. - A` e ,oomp.a_x: y to-, employ at least ten amen, - for 1300 , ,day'sV of each year, `ipji an_d.'a.rouz1d sii_d`:fa,ctc_>rj,` 'fo_r ten 9 fGbd`,'. '*.ai_`1 aux 1maoco1ri'pai1ied I.-.1 LLQILI6 ,. Jauuasxpvggvwugs w u QNLIQLI : .a.l.\.:, b.yx'1'm ._By':.`fzhgs;o1iOi1`; trib frbm A:t i1.'-.1. "1.-'n- *1--_;*1n--_4.. .-::m..:.~ --'D:..1...~...1.....-- L.~.`.,1 11E`- x11A1mb'e:_sV,, f`<);;rvnjng izij $y1ding:`: -_ Mend1sohr; s_j J Me, ' (1 ';.Jv-2! - ..`..`. .1}: `-5: A... . ......,.-.`....v ........- .`.n..VI4....J '._l'o-day pub]ish a ten-page edi-` tion of Ad'Vall(9,_IIldB necessary `by the demand for extra advertising Aspaee by this on pages 4 and`5- will be` `found; their advertisement, annbuncing- the greatest sale in the history, of the organization, and` oc-` cupying two full pages--which, we believe, is the largest advertisement, everrun `by one store in in Barrie newspeper. In, this. annotmeement will be ' found something to interest and prove protia.-ble to. every member of the family-for this store is a` complete one,--dealing in both w me"x`1"s' and men s wear. ' I` C . Cl C _ anti `.. Z H. :Mm- 1 1 1 Y: `_.-1`; 1.. > `FYI. I, _' , I. _: 1 ,~c,l_.4_.,_! Lt , 1 . v"":iI`:].e'.-L That Stxdicibus, -and ~in_te1ligent `of printecr s9.inkj is one of the `best in- ~vestm'ents,. is clearly demonstrated in the `sucee ss"' which ha;s'omg_ "to Vic- ;kers"` stone during `the, ten .'years of~tI1'eir business career in the .F-raw- Jy Block , the` annivecrsary ` .of which -is. being ` celebrated .,this A week and next. '.l`:hie rm s business` has each year until `now the store ranks `with t:he_;bes_t_i1i this part of Ontariq. '1`I?fT ."K7ede?$Tomto, who '.'._._3_)..' 1. `LL `ll`_`.` -A-,,;.1] 7f"i`1?Ly%Fa;1;% gxemption i from THE LARGEST Anv'r._ o_r cnuaoi -`nun cljutemou. F. T. SHORT. - Manhgei?` LONDON. ma. nnmcn. :1 'I`h-annlnoolllh St, El`. . oqsnvu Iva: 4.` We fa'11,to satisfy. people, ` but 'we_d_o not always` Vattain that end, said `Hi. .Wo1-ship,` who was, doub-t~ sit),-f a diicult 5 it: j'v4`,g.;v5;g 1';iciizi~c-T monarch to j };._evet7az4.Tra1i2;9 f-,yer, ` `satised; ' , . L Au: The _Town Engineer s communica- tion re snow plowing forcibly re- , minded Council-of the near approach of King Winter s reign. The En- gineer recommended that tenders be asked for snow-plowing outside the` relimits. Five of the six snow- plows are out of repair. A later mo-i tion authorized necessary repairs and thefrfdvemising for tenders. _ f`1L3IJ_.__.9, A2] L , 1-..- l _.,..e ..u.e...\,._..E. LLIL uvnauuxva , The Children s Aid `Society were granted the free use of the Town Hall for a. lecture by Supt. J. J. Keleo on Oct. 29th. `a i T _ GARBAGE COLLECTION. , A resolution passed at a joint} a meeting of a committee of the C-oun-| cil and the Board `of Health was| presented recommending a system of municipal garbage collection along lines outlined in last .week s Advance. M.O.H. _Dr. Little was present, but the matter was referred to committee withotxt discussion. The system as oiitlinedealls for the expense of the garbage system to come " from the general rate and: the Jnightsoil. co11'ec- { tion by special levy of 25c per month, 5 as .Aprox>ided by by-law. I ...--...L.._ -1? -..-._..-__...L.- _......._..........J _ \/l\Jl l\ III} IblL\.I" K'\4l (la 1 \JI)(&-OW UL `PQUo , There s Va` -little too much 1~bat,e. `protes`fed` Ald. Clark. Why it s half Twhnt he s paying, altogether, and whzitL'.is .weighed at Allandale would- .n t sunt"to $5.00. ' , . V nu.-` `Ir, g. _ ,_, ,,,., I `I :1 . .1, His Worshipsaid that the question was not `only one of expediency, but also one of expense. The uncontrol- lable expenditure continues to ex- pand, and this would necessarily--be "uncontrollable up " to one half a_ mill. As` Mr. Hunter had pointed out the Barrie Library was in good nancial shape and had "valuable as- sets, and he did not think the ex- penditure would run over a quarter of a mill. The Mayor said he could; understand that these men who had; given their time and ability so unse1- '- shly to the library, would like to see the institution in the sameclass as, -those of other towns. `It "was purelyl la matter for the ratepa.yer.s to decidcnl TL- .............--..-....L3...., __.... ....'_AL A. I. -u .t.;Lv v a.\lvn.u Ila ll. new vi. a A number of accounts recommend- ed for payment by the. Finance Com- mittee Were passed. ' ALLANDALE-WEIGHSC.\`LES. A `A motion by" Ald. Bidwell b1'_0ug'ht forth the first 'disc.ur.=sion of` the evening`. It was to the effect that Jtqhe .Ward VI ratpayers be allowed -to get weighing done at Allandale %- weighsales, `and Vthat] the Market | lerk be allowed a rebate' of $2`5. - "urnL'-__`9- ', >1.-Lu- LL. 9) " ?r$wL7i}o37 L";ined that the` "b&t a little out of. prbpor- I tiong` , % V . .~ ': A-1'1 -I-\ 1-5. cw .1` ` 1 . .c u . ` annu IAlll\IA\'OOVl.y \Jl8lL\l\.lO . I _ Wm. Elliott and others netitioned? for a. sewer on Bayeld St., from `Dalton to Grove St,s.,~ on local im- ` I provement plan. I I (r L'll.\Il.AeAlIl UAIC l\4'|Ji.lL \J ,,. , '_ I filal, and placbd the i m ', _ 1' `of "to "be Weighed there t at ;a._bb11t ten 3 The matter had ibeen_ `before ` Council a long tine, ihdwever.` and should be` . disposed of ."I`1.4_.'If...`_.._ ....2.`I .'_-..."l 1.. 1.--`, A... uAL\.' U Ru Uv %"_"%':i;"JSaL} saigi Vt}; oommitteg, _ and ,A1x_1%. Bidwell re- ; AI,lVr1g'ht, '-anythlng to satisfy >.SIxthWard.j - ' 111-Iv. -- .11 an . ~-.'c n .1 ?di*`Jh`{3F3?1` x`-1% :i {s"?3"$``>'$8a1i75i Total Assets (Over): Tu- Save 5s*!n??a`i . WANT Fain: LIBRARY 3 A communication from the Public Library `Board included a resolution asking that a by-law be submitted to `the ratepayers placing the library un- der 3 Public Library Board, the cir- culating library, as well as the read- ing room to be entirely free to the] public. Later a deputatiocu headed` by Mr. `J. M. Bothwell "and -.Mr. A, F ._ Hunter addressed the Council, ex- plaining the matter in detail. A re- port of the last meeting of the Lib- rary Board will be found on page three, and thevqueetion is there more fully set forth as presented by Mr. Hunter to the Council. _ u 55xuuuvL Aux II.|lC- Lil!/\/ lJ(l-.y()I'3 Lt! \l.CUlLlC. The communication was sent. to- committee .for 9. report. . 1, MORE SEWERS ASKED Fm: L W. C. Andrews and others petition- ed for a,sewer on Worsley St., from` Bayeld to C1~a.ppert0n .VSts-.,* on: local` improvment plan. The ptitf6n' was: insufciently signed. I TIT... TZ`1I_'-1..A. ._._1 _LL___. ,,,L';'-,__`ll 9-; will be ask- ` ed: Vfthis 1I.111f3h-(3iScuSS'd A ` n.$,ay~ttIW,~.\/_y`\.es, .y _.A4 vi Iaavtalxzxnh ` . ._ 4'17 `except taxes, and that the wa-- maih be extendedalong Tiln St. toi westerly limit of their factory, and two -pipes___b`ev laid from the mains to northern side of ` property for. for re protection; Vex- iemption of light up to $100 and wat- er `uupgto $50,` and that the electric li-ne -be continued to factory, they to pay for power at same rate as. Town` pays Hydro Commission. If hydro line is not erected in four .'n1enths ' after -passing of by-1'a.w the] company to pay reg'uI_a.`1~ rates of` Town Electric Light _ Commission. They` ask that by-law be submittecl as ,soon aspossible, at least by January `elections. l ,1tBdug:]ht. the reba. Hte `...1.._.\._.` LL- Rmnxnmz or WINTER me other, and even in the U.S., ro.w- boats, sail-boats -and canoes may be Ifound stamped with his name. He was commissioned by the Govern- ment to build- a number of boats for the Red River expedition, and he had the distinction of building the first steamer to ply between Toronto and the Island. True, it was an in- signicant vessel, compared with the `palatial ferries which carry their thousands over to HanIan s Point. and.` Island Park to-day, but it was i considered a. good one in those days D An. n ?l'Il\l\`rv-naunncux If IV...-1--~ L--1 uuzuvx ' as tfllll. UIIU Ill IJHJDU UuJUo ;vv Vtl. 5 [ A9 a.`yachtsm;a.n, Mr. Carley had ;few superiors in his younger days Born at Smith s Falls of Irish parents, in 1843, Mr. Carley early in life acquired a taste for the water, and when his family moved to Ham- ilton he took up boat-building as his 1ife s work. 4 He started a shop in Dundas, but after a few months re- moved to Barrie, some fty-one years ago. At this time Barrie was a comparatively small place and the Northern Railway then only extended! as far as Allandale. Mr. Carley s first business location in Barrie was on the site .where Taylor s green- houses now stand, the .water of the {bay coming right to the edge of his lboatbouse. In I 1865 a branch track `was laid from Allandale to Barrie, and in 1870 the line was extendetl .north. This necessitated the lling in of the bay at this point and Mr, Carley moved to the site at the foot of Mulcaster St. `where for forty years he "carried on a most successful boat-building and boat livery busi- ness. fwis great aim in -building boats [always was to make them up to the best standard, and such a good repu- 'tation did- he build up for his pro- duct that from one end of Canada to the other, and `In the U.S., L-..4.- -, :1 I Had Seen Twn Grow From Time We Had No Railway. A WELL-KNOWN MAN cnossas THE BOURNE Death removed' one of Barrie ; best `known arid most highly-respect-V ed citizens on Sunday evening, when Mr. John Carley passed away in -his 70th year at t.he family resi- dence, Peel St., which for thirty-two years has been his home.` Can 1.... 1.-.: 1...... :_ r--v gccun nus wen ms nome. Mr. Uar~ ey had been in failing health for the past three or four years, and ball` been confined to his bed for the past `I'll: ICDA 3`-on ! v7.;'w7e'i`` l ' T1 - 5. AND% 0PERA "0055 [TnUksng_,_ ogrogan 313:. .7_-'v' 7--co, -Ir`a. wvur at Sale opens Monilay. Oct. '28th. at A. F.-A. Ma.lcomson's otce, Phone 473.. V S`I'.\`Im', OCT. 27TH. T - XXI Sunday after Trinity-1 ' v A 8.3 :1.m.-~IITo]y Communion. . j A. 11.U::.m.--.\I`.1ti11:<, Litaanyand; Sermon 3.0 p,m.--.\'unda.ySchool (Ilasses. _ A Mn,\`n_.\\', Om`. 28T;II.b '1' 1 I .\ .\' l{SGI-VIN(':`r DAY. 7 % N! n.m.-I Iuly (.70m1nu3ni0Ii. 11.1`) n.x::.--.\I utinsr and munion. Messrs. SHUBER1 & Wm. A . BRADY 3 Present---- The Highland Comedy Success \ A A Bunty Pulls A Thlgep Strmgs L x Louis V. De. Fay. N.Y. World. a Fresh as 9. Sprig of Highland Hr-ather.-- ,An International success--.\`ew York. < London. Chicago. .P_Iucl.'.'s--$1.50. _$1.oo. -750, sec n--a. 5-1- -__-__ up, , lto Pehuuuuu IN ADVANCE / CIIOLI COPIIC 'fl'o'7III B INTI We make a special Bread in a special way for Hunters. This Bread will keep moist and wjllu not mould. We pack and ship " Anywhere. ('ConiIn& $}1'PJg;"I3f BREADu` Tl fray A Br! son's '- HUNTERS (mi.|.owE-am -T1u sYear By Grahiami Moifat Phone 26 Tvv IIuphuzardr' Occasi` 1.. . _ ` . -Vlng ., dam St"d~"~ lK>I'>=i=te11t re lam dam \ , gun` . . , ..`1r_`. ac-umn 1"-. . D 14198 much; 19$ Of 30 nmnv don . ars ` . or 50213011. in the Us 0ne_r1!.` Bk =oog-;;;.iw ada, which makes One _ an .1 V 1 dependent. The mo all the more rapidbney the Interest; Which itgov A` A "M95 em; 7 Q]; IIII I-Ctlnbiui-it I-DIG. .W.ASllE. - -` ..lII.annu:-L .-. 2. M. c. nun smut. Auluhnl L-E7`.-LZIE-ZIEIEI ~-- ""J V-m--,w"v' ox suom":s'r No"rw'n+.-~." ed 1 _ Special attention; devote- _ 0 unngm-as of patrons a.ttending e\f_eI_I-._, mg & uIhL-rxngs ` \ C. H. CUNNINGHAMV` `BL S1'l`('!-2.~`.i()R 711 .1 w, nnnrvr SI.`L'('l'I'()Y{v'i':)":I: Phone 478 day and Residence: 88 M: e---} FOR: .__j- THE BARRIE nA---- CSELEEE 0} f;a VOL. 1' I HOMPS No`. 4: on cum __ 2 LADu:s`:`:` Fur Setts We are show`ing a. great variety of new designs in- Blue and Black Wolf, , Persian Lamb, Canadian Mink. Ladies Fur Coats in Hudson Seal, Persian ' Lamb and Muskrat. It is not too Tcanrly to order your Furs now; when our stock is most complete. V smmous & c_o. Classes /now beiilg torjue Snecizu. terms to early apllclt WOW, jowv, TCCCZOI 51 Threudneedie _SI.. EC. Aclll` - Ilnn 'rjnity Church or nun; Barrie Branch. Io t`,.\ nmk Jfth '1'y o iIi i nv qI1nr.vm.-um \vn -1-rnn'~__.._... 4 I auu IIIU UVCIIII Mary Street FY HQUB} uullnlvl w. 900 1'1`, 419 evenings 1: sun 30-ant % .2; ,, -. = 5 ~'C -011-in, IIarr'y, G. T.', R. Station, Cross, F. Foundry, -Crook, Geo; L. Bank of Commerce, `Cameron, `J.TT. Penqtang St%.,. `Cooper, Jras. A. John St., Connell`, R., Ga.-lais, James, Chap- iman-, Charles Bayeld St. `In -u run. '% D39,-2.,ai;.;;, "{{ `.]v37ra.dfovd St-., }'Des-jmidine, Jos. Bradford St. 1'7 unr- i `]a"1'1`idt," '1sI>:};{1a{h,* H. Vic- Ltoria St. I ` T Fleming, Robt. Penetang St., Fer-. \guso~n, Art., Innisl St; Fraser, -, ['Frase r, (}has.,V OwenSt.; F lanagan; F. {Mulcas-tor St., Forbes, John Maple J.oh_nston, ['Sa:m., 'McDoxm;Ld` -St., Kenny,_Ed.1 f . -- ' 1 n` ,I,-,,1_.._1 QL. the following `names 9dded' under the Manhood. Franchise :- 4 Ardrill, -Wm., Baldwin St. _Ax-nold,` Geo., Tiin St.` `Arnold , `J. T., Ti1_n St. `Anderson, V., Small St. ` ' Brooks, Victor, Bayeld St. Bell, Bayelid St. _-Baker, Harman, Bay-L eld. Baker, f -Bert, Bayeld; Bell,` Thos., Bradforti St. -'- Baughman, B-ayeld St. `Brennan, Jvas., Brad- ford: St. Bolton,` Roy, Dunlap St. Black, Morley, Mulcaster St.` Bel*1, I A.pplia.tion "has been made to have `Chas. E., Worsley -St Bull, J 05., 'Braden, Ernie, Worsley St. ; Baxter 1;` A T V 'l',.J..... Q4. - 4.15 IM\l\.'aJ E. A., -I Va. \.I av- Ave. V Guthrie, Wm, G-ribb1'e,'. Fred .W., Essa St.; Granger, Silas; Graves, E. `Cha.r1'otte St., jGu.ilfoy1e, Wm. Bay- f'e1d:_.St., -Guilfoyle, Frank ' Sanford [and Victoria *Sts._., "Green, Bank of Nova Seotia or Wellington street; Gl'i:n,a;JOhI:` Ellen St., Girifn-Robt. 1.111,; _..;.__....... TJ'....'..... (V.-..'..4-...-.' .I\BI1I>lUU-`Y, UU1'UUll, L/u.1l.u)Gl.1uuu; I.lV Kear,.A1bert Wellington Hotel, ,Kiasi,_ Clarence Barrie Hotel, King, W. 11 1-: 11' 1 Q`_ JAJCUQ U `CFLIIKJD IJ AIAIAQ-r wa -- ald, J ohn Penetang 7St.., 1`Vn[,yers,.No`- .rome Cqlalieori S,t:;` Murphy, John-,' Sam - 1_'grd ` f~`, M.m':~hy; John iPemetang* -St _: -1~_1_.. :1\..-.~.1..;..*m`a-"L R4-f M3"-. 00.," E11_en,S., GZZKerf"iI$:}}""c3n2 g.St;, Graham`, Hugh Maple.- Ave., Har- 'r_1_,_ `Ir-..-1- A--- `l'J'....4..... ...-. ;-l3ln, \l1 u.ua1.u, _4l.Ll.l5'l-I 7 LLVUI, Lnucn `-per, John Map1e,Ave.A,.1"IV'Iunber, Rae `Owen St.. Hartt, Fmnk Collierr St., H-a.rt.t, W; Collier St., . Hunt, Robt.' Dunlap St.,` Hipkin, J 05 Post Oicc, Iowelh. 4-- ;Hughes-, Gordon, [Baggage-. Harvey, `W. -TM. Wellington Street, krxaml, Hurlebey, Chas. Frederick Sn, Ha.rtt, Parker Bank of Nova, ,S0btia I`-Iowe, Gondon Victoria St. ' '-nr1'\ 1!` CC; or `Wellington strevt; Harris,` Ernie.` Henry St;.,". Hudson,` John Dalton Sta, .l4(lrluu\;1L1vLv, a.av..-...,r, . `McKinn6f1,' J. "Alex" ` Mc- VLa1-ty, Robert Dona1id_v;._St.; Me-CIin'~ ton, Robt. U.v`\_"e xi LSv.,. McI*Iu-gH,"` Rich. Tiffin St., `McDoniJd, Winn "Welling- ton Hotell,` McFar1ane, D.` Florence `St.,: -McD,onn,ea1l', Chas.-, J tunes St., McDgn{1ell, Leo. James St.,` MaD;in- I 1 , __; 1')......;....... `Q6 'n.r.`.m-4 NIL" guano:-u-L vv. I.-uU L'\El.rUl',; Hub IIIIUFU were elections in sight and it was a time for activity. This year the political horizon "shows the approach of no election clouds, and yet we nd the Liberals very active---too late ~to be of any use, tis true,--but the Liberal "party has been too late before and is nowusedtoit. ` `J ya: Vuvv A-lil 4: av I 141., B1ja;lford_St..` `ford Sfg, M_u1'pany,A dorm J. e.I1uu_1,ugv~uu., Murphy`, J Dhn `Duckworth VS,t., Mur- `iray. Eugene -Mu1caster Sgt. Ma.y.`Wm. Murphy, Peter Donald ..S.t.,M';_Mi11-e'r,= Peter, ,Wel1ington ~Hope.1M;_ AMoor.9 f- -, ` ;O C'onnor, Fiapk; -h 1-'-..:1'.....:-..:a1'7* 4.1 ..'Lacki e, mJc:&1m Simooe AHou's`e`;p Lynch, V. Muloaster St., ' Lister, A_l- fred, Lennosx, A. To.1_ioVnto_ -St., VLemdemore ,Dr, DunIop=~7 '_ . ' ~ -- `Va; it-. .. 1`-'4 .Ow.en,,R..J;Inni1_-St. < ` PI'i,ng1e. Ge0r%e.< ~Bra4d`f1`d. . Sn; .`Pring`1e," A:-lfljed . Pye, ' Sa m.A Sa,11fQ`* ; Penmn, . ';_St_8.I]q;Iew. `Elizabeth, .S'.t`,-f,"ff;.`. Pzmie. .;;:`B.y+` " S ,3; II Cdurt: o`f Rev`i sion op % % Will Be Asked To? Plhe Nuniber on {Roll % ' J . Under M.F. % xjnuzuu Two woamssuow V % J INTEREST --v. v-- ---`I _B\r\V\ Jl\ VV\-IVKIII. Last year "the Conservative workers added. about eighty of thei.1-`own per- suasion` to the`1~oste r, but there were [for _.actisfi_t.y. T`l_1is thepolitical 11 im- cu1ti- - t` `of _ arti- ennox, V no 10.. Them.` is in .thLe_,}'air, an_d `local Conservatives , are wondering why. the Liberal workers are display- ing so much activity in ,1-egard _ to -.1_1'_-___. __ names to th; a;;. the Court to be held next Tuesday. The -mystery .when it -be `nrsnndn lDInt\4-can J.L-L '_ ..- ' 1' -` [ _..I.V ....,vs-ug savUpx7_un W'ull. lb >-U3` oome's known that a number of the n a1n'es' sought to be added are those of Conservatives. V It s an ill} wind that blows no one anygood, howeven. T._-L , ' us,,,RAIs;Acrw vorm xuuand 7 _ .42.- Kennedy; : Gordon, 4Cumbe`r1and St; I r- -__ A 11. __.' nr.11.:....u...... LT..A..-.1 `II(3aa.~I uxnuvg V` x su,;..,_ _.... ,R..J."Inis'1>St. - - n-- 1-, 1).. zrucj Ir_`rI`n:s1's`-or 7 `BARRIE, ?Co$_UN"'rY OE 'SI`MEOEg;ONTARIO,L OCTOBER 24, .912 On Monday morning Mr. Hays,` a representative of the rm-, had work- men at. .work on the remodelling and preparing of .the_bui-lding for the in- {stallation of the machinery. The roof .is__being repaired, contracts are being `let for plumbing and heating and other work isfbeing rushed. 'I"L.. -......_....._ ....!11 ...L `:..L- LL- UULIUIT WUIIX xalucxug l'U.BIJQlo I ` The company will go `into the manufacture of stwple lines of shoes,| which are in greatest demand, and` have enough orders ahead to` keep them working for some time to come. They,wiLl require a number of girls to learn the. business, besides the staff o`f men which will be erpployedz - ' .rm_- ..._....._.; ...-..._-.. -.. ...1_:-L 4.1.- RURAL MAIL FOR % ` 1 ALL soumslmcoa, BA.RRIE ation of lm-Rorya1Yi`ctt_n`ia Hbs?pita1,V ht,-. .4._`%p.m. =to`1'_eoeiira.A the report VL for elction ggo` ,_};a * ensuing: the .4 Ii-U1 A11 "- `Y .l.U.L U.L\1,:. I J.L\JhJL ;.L:Lu,: % I The armurab meeting-of the Corpor-_ '.Wi]]:: heki in the Police Court Gha.mbe1_'3' on A'1-`nwdfay, Q Oct, 29th, . UL WHICH, VVLI1 If WU: "The prompt manner in ,which the company put their men to work looks promising, and the citizens of Barrie have every reason to be well \ pleased with the advantageous `agree- ment worked out by the Board; of Trade and? the Town Council. Bar- nrie may not be in for an industrial boom, but ` things continue to -look, i brighter,- and the energies of. the 1 Board `of '_1`rad;e',ane%being "rewarded. A Mr. W. A. Boys, TM.P. has arrang- ed for several important meetings in conneetion with rural mail matters in South Simeoe, the first to he held at 1 p.m. next Monday..azt Cooksrtown, the second at Loretta the same even- ing `at 7.30, and the third} at Al1is- ton at 11 a.m. on Tueqiday. The won`- qderful spree.-ds and:'popu1arit.y of rural n1ai1' delivery is one of the signs: of theignowth of Canada -a11d~`Mr. Boys is showing -an" appreciative grasp of the needs? of. the farmer in `pi-ocmvoting the orgarzationvof new routes. A eld officer from the Department will: `explain 'a11'matters' in connection with the question, and it is hoped to have theywhole of Sou11h;.Sim_coej cov- `ered by mail routes shortly. h'\,L'- _._`_`1_1:_ `:.. ..-_.J:-I.1.. .'....'.:4..\,J +1\ I V'1`he.`.ag'ren1.ent between Undevr-a hills, Limited, and the Town, i_n ref- erence to the purchase of the Spencer _buibdings and the starting of a_shoe factory `therein, wasxatied by oo_un- cil on` Thursday `evening and signed by the Underhill representatives and Mayor COW:8I1 on Saturday. The text pf it will be found on page 3 of this" Issue. ' . `tn 1 a 1-`: 1'1? ctcu UJ `L110.-|..L Lvuvuv \ILLvLv` . . J _The public -is cordially -ilnvited to attend these - meetings, _ and as it is a matter" t`.w_.t concerns everybody, it is ~expec ted t{1_re ,will be, a lkargwe crowd -__J. -< EMPLOYES AT want: -I on SHOE moroavj nut. E the Share- uuo. - _ _ - . Th newrotmeg known as Strand No. 1, 18 glvmg entire Tsatlsfactlon, -._`J 1.1.. ....1... .-C I.l\. l3_v&.vwn:wy-tyrants !-, `A No. 1, is giving` entire satisfaction, and the order of the Govecmmem; to batf the` mail man carry stamps: wil. . C ` . O __...z. __..._.-..--....- L- ..u.`q.....\v..a 1.1. IHLVC but: luau: Luau. a;;..y pguguyu nu. be"a great oonven;enoe_to rsoI;:s_ liv- 41ng`sVomeV distance from..1: e post: of- c...._. . _ ~ _ - M : ,Bf)YAL ;_vI'r6B;IAj1 ;;os15mL,; `I3 VA` `I)'DT'E` ,Ja'mes Winiam St.,. > Sago,` Tony, a St 7 :Sma1L`:.Henry T Muloasteri ~'Robt.," Sprsoul, Jtfulaster St., .Steph{. ' ._e M ,;~-Gordon .Sanipeon St., :.,.1eunt, Wellington St,, St.Ong;; .1k1`~, .St;;;ielSimmomss+-.`o0vmn`est; sarieani;` >P,ercy.,'Dun1op "St., ~-Sohellp T Sibbald, .Jo`s.lMc,D6nii`ld'w St., vSeifr'eid, A. Web?` lingtein St., .:'S_t0ne house,- Jos. . ` ..'1'_1lcker,-_ Dunc'a n', Elizabeth St; Thompson, -Henry, Toronto Street}: Thompson,- Ernie ,Brad`ford` St`.-`g .`_Thompsosn`, Georx-geTJohn- `St., Taylor; Alfred W. Qwen St., T`ooth,,C'harla[ .Ba.yeld` St., Tooth`, Gharlesf A.Tii11 \St., Thompson, Bobt., Brock.St. `.2 ' Underhill, Fred, Dunlap `St. Villliers, Thos. . ;; White, Hugh, Wio_e,- Frank, Bradf ford `St. ;` Weaymouth, Ralph Sampe; son` St., Weaymouth, Ardagh` Ti_in_` St., ,Warwick, -- ; Wright, John Wore slay St., Wand , Thons. .American Hotel, Wines, George Bayeld St.,. Wolsey,--, Victoria- St; Walker, John Owen -St., Wilson, J. H. Toronto St.,. Wilson, Wellington, Wellington Ho- tel, Warren, 0'. Mary St., Walton,` E. Worsley St., Whitby,` Fred; J`, Elizabeth St., Whitby, Albert E. Eli-. zabeth St., Watkins, Russell Bayeldw St., Watkins, Harry, `Victoria St. ' 1 York, Mar-sha-l'l,~ Charles Street, York, Clarence, Oharles_.St. X Heard About It? Vickers - Anni-9 versary Sale. -See pages 4 and 5. % ;lAI`Ill. _`l'Ijl .couI1fv war. sm t._:q:_.Auo `rue. nommou -->;> si(_ient

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