Barrie, X . N I :1` \ 4}] K QR `N Ogt. snh. UU VUC -LIN-JV. -I-V|-lll\-lll .5: -I-`I44!-!II\4&I -o [X.,., of Stellason, N.S., son of 191'- ) L ! ; IPANDYMORE--MOS.S 11 lvllllp ID Illl " ` fuel you put into it ? Il!...I --_-. I...-n.` me: you put mm 1!. x . _ V ~ _ ` , Mind you, heat in the rehdx doic'sV.,n5:`t'countf for -`any\h_ing.% "_ The heat must .be in' the oven .or'.eit" the holes-`--wher'e 'y%ou neeil` it _r forcooking. ~* `* 1 C- -'--L -.. ---- -A{.. LLAQ `I944! t\'-itfldl `ll in" l`llACEll'l_U_l8t you gt; aulncuuug Iuuuc ulau yu % , Asmall re in a` HtAPI{Y" THOUG\ 5i"i}2Siva1nc to}-3-bi ' diex-_cng'.:e' AinvT}`%;fuh`l.- . re in :1 less iciqt-;t0Vcg . . ,_ Ill `II-DIV! Uislvwnvn I; _d6e= . _I: '*sa\{es*you the_ .uu:e1-once" umuen. " ' .'I'ht isthc it stove is not a_ article: _ It.hOuld_hc% Qclectcdgj "It .vsh5t':_`1__cb`:}1osgn`;I`chiey oii-this dn 'pqig1t-bfjgrgatest-iAmpotan?c._ . ~ ..,V .15-;-_T...~.~,_.. lI:|l:-;;:. -l'R9`...i.1.-'J:.;--.;..._.:-5.5 .:...`;.1. aI._`' 1} .-,;[.i.`~iMf;.,,!*'.B, $pottoi1,'.of,Toronto,` fo_1'.'-f-* _ .._` _ , principal bf 320-1 W: t> -rwn vesww t t , l,tIr73?"Re+; jMiss Etta G:ilm ou`,r,`i`.;;70fvi4t -F9i'{11t0 -`8`pent*M0nday as` G ~ ` ' . f `I .bytMi5' . . . `-"lia;\hrear'legtu ::xl'1l:)1:r- lfglzge axzifntiri. 8`~1'0Om- `tAfWth "my '9 rP" '2.- \.- ,,1-O,;..`, Q0:v'...' ` t ' -*v_isi-t9r Vin 'T0Wnv.68t1`d~ : _ blossoms"! "H4; ' 9 mg V te76f"A11 M, G; Smith, Coalirgt; 53 `.:,.{-,],:`f' ` \ .=vsidins on St George St Tr9mt~ i:1th:` 1:3;.3;%;e1t%v?<::v:rk3 `Mrs. J. F. 1>a11ing and her daush-` t em Aftgr dejeuner, Mr. and Mrs. `..1'?91'3 left 13 Week f" Trt' when Patterson left for` the n:o1jth._ .th6 .'they' have taken apartments foxf the gOi`ng,a`way dmssheing . `winter. `pretty one "of 7aho't 1: and 8014.1 11', -_-1 `If... (`t A `l)m.b3na Loxynsuy-B n-A111 amBm1dPr' ' (!0111'l'. and 1' m_g;_,;mh; '37 - x. -;Ii.;`EEI.jQzt3vii;st?an ` ;f1.`:1- t 1` mt attersou~. `of ~ -the wr.`t;:";::I:;gc'n wp say th:;.tfrori1g e;very ounce 9.f"f(`ic_l y_o17p_ut a `V T_H:OUxGHCI-I" you get full rcturn In:'he_at~valuc,`3y _.I_!.._ _._A_. .4 ...`-'-._.. -.A. `Q1... nt`n-ne0nIib . nff I Iw1`\.lQ\.Z_lII,'Iy` ylllvl `VF II-III tvbuoaun nu quvuuu vuuuuluw, Vvyv mqcai_1_t`ht you` get something morc. than` you getfrom dther stovs. 4 . W- 12-- :_ -` uA'unv:~1~ unr.1n.u'1* :. ...u...-:....I`. ...+ m";,`.l-.35 SIIUUIQ Ucgcnuscu ,I1;cn1y uuiuua tuna yujuu-ya gawgguqu r._ hat aswhy a M`I!lg(9n use 3. given ...- -. `I 1!` `And that is this, -;wha: -`heat VaeVA.3l;_oi) t -- .._-. 3.... 2;. 3 There :33 2_ue H112" ortant Thin`; Ra`; `Stove lb .l1up1'Uvu-Lg au..vvcv.u.__ao,uu-yuu v\r>v-- -, pet: " .. ..Miss A. Red-fern "spent! Sun ay at. Big Bay Point. .. 1:13: A-i'win `of Angus delivered an ex- client sermon here on Sunday. L Oct. $th.- Mr.. and Mrs. F. Day spent Sunday with friends in Hills- diale. . . . . .-Mr. and Mrs. Moore, V_ic-- toria Harbor, visiting~the 1att'er. s. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hubbert. .. . . Miss "N; Day is visiting, her sister, Mrs. ' Rumble of Hillsdnle. . . . . .Miss Jessie Calder of Toronto spent a few days with her sister, 'Mrs.,Goulter. .. Miss Jessie Hubbert spent Sunday` at her. home. . . .Mr. James Megill `re- turn ed ho'1nej~ater `an; extended visit r 'inx=' tlxe-West:~:=w<.'-~..Mr: .-`r~'~'e11'r1T"' `J; White sperlt a few days with the f0l".- mer sister, Mrs. J. Hart . . . . . .Quit_e :1 number from here attend'ed- the anniversary service at Crown Hill `on Sunday evening. . . . . .` Next Sunday ailliiversary services will be held? in the Methodist Church. Rev. J. G. Bowles will conduct the service. in the afternoon. .'. .Miss Josie Williams spent Sunday under the 1')arenta.l roof. .. .. .Mr. and Mrs. W. J. White of Bnacebridge motored down .and. spent Va. few dayslwith the former s lsister, Mrs-. 'Jas. .Hart. ` '``6_'j4b ; 'roo$`6_3 * ' \ - , . ' 5: mg -',x:`;-' f - 3 `i . 7 `\ ~ Cf" ,`Alf Carson , of Harlpybury % fsitor in `Town xesterday. T `Mr; -H. '13. Spotboix,` of. Toronto, for? ' met: of the, 'B,C.I':, was in: `yesterday. \ I A l SI=I!ANTY]_3A}?3 IQ9.I!!'V,9vvvVvv_v_'vv-,vvvvvy.v ' .3" T ._:._} .1;i`f`siSter\`ii1 }I4ii1_dsay.' . , LMi*; Rus- `at: jpreent.;`;:.-. .;MiLSS -'Kin1J1_-ppT is 00:11-L "valeseing `n'icefly., . Wes; understand 3611 spgnt a#fe;vv g1ays_ ,viithfjher .da5ugh- , -telj-,< Belle, Who `Ii ij1ivi1_1;g in -_AlIIist; on _,tha't }hr ls,isftex`,T , Wi1_1_iams `of` `Pawlissan-, will return homai "CROWN.:H_1LL. A - `0ct'. _7th. ; services were held: in Methodist church) on` -Sunday-' mqxning. and eveni_`;g.- : La'1nb.v0f;.St1woud' preached earnest, practical sermons, the mbrn--T V i`ng` tsubject being" The Church and the Child, and .the' evening The Church and the. Nation. Collection -for the d;ay(amo1inted;.to7nearly $67. . .Therre :vvi117be,.no .I4eag'ue this week, owing to the Convention . in Ban-i:,e. . *. .Bible.C1ass wi1L be helcl o1;_Th1irs- day evening . . . . . .Service . will be v. hf3l_d in St, Jglei Church. at eleven 'LIUl\I. {ll KJUI` USGICJVD \JA&LI.L\,J.J. any I |o c~lock xaegt `Sunday morning. % sumiday 13thT.L;The Rev.fE. D. 71311. `cox of Toronto; Editor of The Con- Vgre5g{ation'a1i$`t, _ will preach special sermgu `in connection; `with the -;,I_)9- minion Alliance in Edgar Oo11g'$ega-- tional Church, at 3 p.m. _ AH" are |hea.rti ly welcome. ,' `_ V . % I" Sunday, "'20th.--A11nivens ary servic- fes will .beL`he1d . `in. % Ed'gar?-Congrega-' tional C h.urc}_1, when the Rev; .Wi1-. liam T. Gunn, M.A., B.D., "General. Field Sec_r_eta,.ry of `Congregational _Churches,. wil-1 preach at both servic- es`, 11 am. and` 7_ pm. Rugby qhoir will render special song services.` Ll 3be!,1tf.M0nda _ . an smm, *1 *5` If J uSgtie_ - Ighzxoai ? famiii }have left `their summer home and _%-{aiding `St. George St., ' . , t C-HUAROHILL. . . it Oct. 7th.-.-An evidence of the"~"-"'pop- E ularity which the Churchill. Bmincht tof the South Simcoe Women s `Insti- tute `enjoys, -was shown by the Targe attendance at the Old-Time Quilt- ing Bee . which took place at,._-'1 the home of the _Pr'esidunt,~_Mr,s. Stewart of ; Cherry Creek,-"or_1 Thurs- day last. Threequilts` were qltedl by the three missionary` societies in` the neighborhood, viz., Ax1g'1ica11,. Presbyterian._and` Methodist, whilst the piano resounded to the__ stt`ain.:= of I old-time-favorites. _ Fort-ve guests, attired in quaint o1d_cost1jmes .Sat down to it `sumptuous tea, server] in old-time style. A vote of tifaxlks was tendered. to Mrs. Stewart foi` her hosnitality and V the meeting was closed by singing Auld Lang Sine. vvwvv Ilaaeaannb vwyusau av. be the drderfef the day at present. . . The Toye family `are visiting at` H. E. Toye s of Hillsdale. .Miss Mary Palmer is spending a few,` days 7 in Ori-Ilia. . . .- . .T-he a.nnive_rsary ser- vices held in the Methodist Church on Sept. 29th were largely attended. Rev. H.- Toye of Hillsdvalle preach- ed two very impressive sermons; at 11 a.m. -and V7 p.m. The choir render- ed excel-lent music, assisted by the - 'I_`q'ye family, when sang a qua.rtette in jhe evening. Proceeds; amdnntecl ti)-$80.00. .. ..'.A large number from here attended- the aimiversary ser- vices at Crown Hill on Sunday, Oct. ` "6th.'. . ..j. ..The. Wmnenislnstitute will hold an Open meeting in the Metho- dist Church on Oct. 16th. Every- body .we.1$come. ` ` -n -\ A... 4 run . d The Rev. -E. 1). Silcoxr of Toronto] will preach at Dalston Congregation-I fa] -Church Sunday evening at 7 pm.` All welcome. ' V _ VL ! _ Oct. Sth.-M;r.' and Mrs. Tlms. Hill, who hgve been visiting ~re1ativ`- `es in_ the West for the past two! months, returned` home on Monday. . .Sev.eral- casgs of scarlet 'fey;er are reported are-und~ here and. the school has been closed . . . . . .Mr. and Mrs. Geaov. Binnie. visitedrelatives at`Au- 'tl-en Mills, over Sunday. . . .Mr. `A. I H. West of Barrie 7 con`duc.tedA the waervic in-. the P-resbyteri-an Church on Su.nd_ay.'.. . . .Mi', la_.nd' Mrs. Wm. 7 Burt of Mitchell Square visited their -dau{g'h aar, Mm. `Wm, Shefeld, last` weekgy. .; .Mis's J. Wilson `of Eady is`. the "guest of"Mis9 Mary Graig. . .1. .. Mr`. J as. ..V-M -[received wo}-d ion Th'ursda yf_ that. hi_s< `sister, . ;Mrs. L J hn' Timson died vary suddenly Put jCen1;erton`. . Mr. "'M left , #'b.1 _ that place on Fridayto attend the > .-:T~ - -Miss n1`?ttie" Hit?` Of "*f`e`;'7t1i;-I$otato' dag % mg 4.1-- .'!_..'I-_.` -1! LL- .J-_ ...A. _.....`.......L I DALSTON. I s `g1:1s"t0 Revrmntave f Wainied-by L_0W._ry s, `Limited, Grand Trunk Pacic: Railway Tofwn`sit"e_` Agnts, 121 "Ba`y .St;,g__.T9rdnto, `sell .1Ao1V;_s. mi he.Q1c1aI*`Railviay Tdv_m'- . CRAIGHURST. `~4.;amsm\ '% ..Piz lix;g+ gig: iaer daiighi 1'3 6 t.wee' or oronAto,.w ere ~f f ~ th; - ' have taken apartmealts fo1_- the i:1_:w:yl%:e?{,eing. ;!B'turned from an` extended visit with hat to match. . Mr. and: Mrs.` Patter-V ` `at the residence, 0: ue_o1j; %VAf,te1-%deje.uner; Mr; o.nd.~jM1"s ..= - _ `.pretty'one`otf ; _ 1; Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Perkins -have 9 with gold embroider" otflar, : and ftheir daughter, . Mrs. M.` P. Bridge-.~ ' 8611 wil1.a~eside`in Stella T n,`1,.S. : land at Calgary. V - . '. I North Dakota is visiting her uncle. Mr. Thos. Higgins} Jas:~Hi11 of Elmjvale was a `visitor at Captain Hill s`, over Sunday. . . .. Miw Alice Spence spent part` of last .week visit- ling friends at Midhurst. Potter shipped a car-load of dstoick to the city on Monday. . . . . .Mr.' Thos. Hill has started to buy potatoes and shipped his rst car on Tuesday. . . . . Mrs. D. Hart and daughter of West! Toronto are the guests of Mrs`. G. C.. Gaston. . . .Mr. Roy Watson, `who thus been up north re-ranging for the Ontario A Government, returned home on Monday. . . . . .Quite a num- berfrom here took in the Elrnvale Fair and report a largeyoroifd and a good time._.....Mr. Jas. Oades of Midland spent `Sunday with his da'ug'h-ter, Mrs. D. H.- Minty. . . . .Mr. (7. Bell has moved` into Mr.- W; Shaw s residence.-.. .. .Mrs. J as. Os-'_ ler visited relatives at Waverley. on] Saturday. . . . .-.Mr. `Joseph Beetnri of Vancouver "is `visiting relativessi in this locality. . ' - I . ----'--'-~'~ . Miss Sadie Leonard has returned from a t\vo.weeks holiday spent with `friends in Toronto. During her ab-| sence Mrs. John Cook, ofiiciatedi at- the organ in St. Paul s Church - at ' and Mrs. John Haywood. of Grilulial are visiting at the Reotorv . Mr. Justice Lennox -and family have left their summer .'residence and are re-_ siding on St. George. St.,_'l.`oronto. . . i . .A bazaar. at the Dutch Su.pper= Ion Oct. 21 will be a prominent fea- turc of the event. .. .. .We. are glad to report Mr. Roberts has returned home from the R. V. Hospital, Bar- rie, much improved in ihea:lth-. ;. . . . Mr, David. Peacock,` our. obliging Postmaster, took "in the. Fair-at Elmvalc last week and returned` on Sunday after "visiting his friends. . . . A meeting of the ladies -of St." Paul s [Church was held` at the Rectory. at D which the committees, were appointed for the Dutch Suupper. Oct 21. .. . . . ' It is expected that the Bishon of the Diocese will "aiiminister the A Aigoetolic Rite _ of Conrmation fin Par- ish. of _Inni_s1 on Sunday, Nov. .19. `the services. . . . . .Mrs. J. J. H-a.tley I f The ha;-Jest festival win: be "held: n . NEW CLUSTER LIGHTS cn S~n.nd'ay, Oct. 20, with J - ____"... _ ' " : Mf3Ki'f't1`i0k 9.3 3P_90i.31 preacher-_ 0011']; In connection with the changes in tr1bu__t1ons of gram, owers, frmt and: the street lighting` system` th O1-illia vegetables are requested ; -to be sent Qduncil is considering _& m.0p0Sa1 to "to" the church neg 1a~17er`th'a.n' -Friday, hm, the Wires removed from Missisr Oct 18. ;. .. .The'W.A.'wil1 meet o11;saga St,.e.t and runhliong the'_1apeS Wednesdsanyb O91?;_16}' nap the residence "he`hi`nd the stdfes;-a1so"to`p1ace.Vc11'ig4 of-. . . ,_ at the hghts along t_he.treet.. It'.is`1m. -t 0: ]5`r1d-Wat 3 9<=100k,- . . _ `d'er%stood,_ to be the _1nte4nt:ion _;o__f the . St_.**Petei* s, `Ch-yuichill, F . Be11~Te1eph_one Co. to nxemove. M `their 2* .p.m.`,f SundsLy.'_ Scho6; 3 'p.m;, 97-hW1'W1 eS..f'm theymain stneet Evensoi1 andi, _'ls'e1'-mon. .7; . ;Conr- (next S!m1' elther "1 `V35 Or by i..mation Thursday, at-81:'.m; in '" n'5i`t 35's.t`m- I The" 1'emV.31"0f --'th.`e church. * i [ h:`W* ~"V" be 1 .St~`>x>: to- 1 St Otaifvale W / the"-in,1p1jovement"of the pain .' . ,5 - \ ' 4 I ` ` `H , n~;n*me~, ha. gpuns` :n:9z%:2t1_1e .`H&1`1`.hna9.d-n`~~06tbduld` V 17.1: -"j V3;t1'3t: `1iV5.r"Vd0i,9i 1,!V the r 1 .;;. ,. X 9 *5 '.. ~ o 5}:W11 v.h- V 9. : tdx; out " p.m.. were attelxded by. Leongre-} 1gations_,. part`io_u;I;h1'.1y,fs-' evening- ;,.srvi<`:e. Rev. ?H.H.v S/pa_1'k.s? or` **`1;`f9i PARISH or INNISFIL.- A , 191:}:Sundayafte1`_Trinitr; Oct} 13 ` it St; P1uI ,, Pa'i11,s;wick 7 V ~ 10 'a..m., `Sunday = `School; .11 a.m.,. `Morning pyer.' and sermpn. " _ . I "1 `The 11qrv4id1';"-Fos:vn"I mini" kn "|1ptH prnrncf nrrnvc - Ulvnnnwbzn ~ PAI_N`3WICI_{. Mrs. Jas.'-]A31?`ow11 -"(wife (if SnaAtO.1' .Brown)- `with her two sons, Ha`m'l:d aiud Vincent; Blake St.,. leave at: the end of the month foxfj their wi1'1ter~ in Nassau, Bahama` Islands-. ; Ru. 7ABou'r7Yd`U%k FALL - -9 ' "' "5" 4. --n . TV. CARPETS [Rucs . AND .W FLOOR . OILCLOTHS {See our stock: and let us gi justVto hand and we are su the _f iworshippeirs. In the . morning he preached.` from Amos VII. I, The King s Mowmgs, and in. the evening, What sl_1al1 the.Har- enhanced by the pnesence of Miss Wiseman, Toronto,Vwho-`sang. at bothl services. `In the morning the solo. was, There is a green hill Jslar away, I by Gounod, and in the evening,-,Thcl Lost Chbrd, and Abide With Me. i }vest Be?_ The singing was muchl The choir, underie the able leadership of the talented organist, Miss Mil- dred Willson, acquitted. itself splen- 'didly in leading in the hearty con- gregational singing. ` The Thanksr giving offering proved: to be _.worthy of the object of the services; _showing that the people of St. Peter s Church understand God- s ideal regarding `it. It amounted in all to'fa.bout- $7 5.00, and more _ yet to be expected from ' those who were pljevented` from -being present. The church was beautifully decorated with `the products of the field, ,emblema.tic of _harvest of the World. The Rector very heartily thanked the congregation for the loyal and` enthusi-astic support given him in-everything in connection with the church . . . . . .Monday evening a large aiudiencc was present in the `|Qrange Hall at the entertaimnent -iti'ven ` by the con'g`regation of St. .'Peter s Church. The .. unpropitious weather did not in the least interfere Iwith the attendance, and a goodly sum of money W88 consequently realized. Dr. Langfeld-t acted as chairman. Miss Rogerson, after a lahort address by the chairman. sang ----J __---_ - ._-1..' '\r:..- n'1:11..-_. IDIIULII cll\.l\.Ax\.a-7:3 |]J unit) wnzugzguucag u o u as '-in good: voice a solo, Miss Willson acting as accompanist... Rev. L. Mc- Lean, who is a favorite With. the Church of England neoplie in Innis-l, gave *a; pleasant address, expressing his hearty sympathy with the_ coil- gregation, congra.t'ul'a.ting them and the Reetnr `upon the/manfy evidences of `success "and r'>ros'peri`t.y `in "their ', church life. Dr. Langfeldt, then gave Ta `.`t1~avel. talk ? relating his._rec_ent visit to.Enrope and shbwing '. aboutl 50 views illustrating` the,RLhii1e".and its castles. Afte1r*'t.he `levcture; which las.teclv\.Qver',a11 hour, .Re`x"r, Sal- inofr of V C`ooktOW'f1. who lvery_ `ki'n(ll~y `had placed lantern at the clisrnosal _of- the lecturer, gave a. Sl 1()_n1f_t,.af(Idress, appreciating the: happy "evening and - 800d fmpany which he much enjoyed. 5 The evening` was brought, _to%'a `close, all singing the National `Anthgm- -`=. 1 " >' V "..*1 r-`-;&'MI V Arthur R.`M. LoIWe1`} Svho re-' I turned .from Northern .0-utario, where` he has been `re yangiug, left to re- sume his Art Course at Toronto U-ni-. versity. V - - ;_ ,_ _ _ _` The` Counoil seourd_ options on the Halalien and ~Co1:bou.Id"prop_er- jzies in Bay` "street, _,adg'oinin`g the `Par1 9; vie ror`undmg_ out `}_the` block` in *_whic_1_1` tho greenhouses ; pu1I;Ving:.Station-.o stand,` and add~' Tiiago oit;o$a,,4the mm fpxiggs s ghout V V 2o `:1-1`-8,.-. ~` t0 be, 1 !10W`*.; -1 -'1'_ ~ *7~59s of }`oI1LLI~A MAY HAVE.._' * : .OLITSTER"I.I(-}Hf1_"S II ' Il'\4IlL\I&l Ev%i5c v..w;urJ;dt - , 13 . next et.__ MEWS Vrixjmir Tyy; Ribbed V -_ .....L ' . -. ,: .1 \ .- ., .r....'!`;o (I|OOU ccioncoooo cocoon- : , _| ' t % ._: 1 La _ +&`{e~.'a;.,., T J . ., _ moo 0.0.10 ' mm . c h dud" iirawrs. . .. . . .` `-"`{'11I :-r'.~, ,1- `tT..-4... '....J "D- .... .,\.. .. , `_ -- . `ud- 'Havy,[;f1ibbd . =:%%usgi?vi:y6gi;6ur pfiiccs. This is all new stock, is are~ su`re 'we t;an mtcrest you. % Woo1% shirts UNDERwm `A Little Dorothy Wood -acted as flower girl in white silkyfrock and carried i music rwaswrendextd by .Mr.;y-.1r`w1*thins.- ` rAfte:r a reception for "thew 7 immediarbaw Amid palms and esters the mar.-_` riage was uso1 emuized atthe iresidence of Mr. and Mrs. Myer`Mose, 'Bethurst street, Toronto, on October 1st, of. their daughter Gladys .to Dr. Fred- verick Willi-am Landymore of Barrie, V formerly of Toronto. e '0i ciating was Rev. C. G. Wallace of St. Steph- en's. The bride wore a navy blue travelling dress with black. velvet hat, and carried ' 21 white prayer =bo-okTsh0.wered with Iilyof the valley. pink and white daisies. The wedding family connection `the newly wedded` air left for Pitteburg` on their xonerymoon. They are to make their home in Barrie. ' %Sh`ms NONE so BLIND AS , THOSE WHO wow gm -` The Beaverton E.\:p1'a-ss sa1)`s:-In `the interests of the ;:'1`uut Ijberal garty, Sir Wilfrid sh011l How he off. It ought to be m lvariybody willing to see that Sir Wil} 'frid s` political ideas 2111- not t}1,_.;e `of-the great -mass of the (`;111a:`.ian people, and recent i11t<*1'x1a1ti_.;121I 3V9I1tB -have (10118 1l1UC1l to >`11m\' that the -judgment of the penplo \\':1.~' :u~ perior. to RCi])l'()(,'it)" is not practicable at prasent. Nor will it `be for:.. _many ye-drs_to -mm-. Why not get" 1t rest, turnm;_- thv ;1tt-uti)n bf. 13 e great party force of Liberalism to quesions which are u]Iina_r mire imperatively for solntivm? HONOR REPORT 01:` 8.5`. .\'().17, ` V INNISFIL FOR_ SEPT I'I.\l P.F.R e The numbers reprselxt th<- p<-1w11t- ,-age_ of` marks obtained. 9: ' C1683 Sr. IV.-Hmmaxl F<*l`I'ir`I` `I3, Irving 65, Bertha )lil1-r 13%. +(`/`lass J r. IV.-Dor0tl1_v J.ungf%1dt 966, =Edson Wice 54, Lluyal Pwuth 49. L `OM89 `Sr. II.- -A11droy I.a11l;2'f(`MC V76, Dalton Ferrier 75, Frank 1%-11-31. Lmgfeldt 58, Cecil Fm as. ~..C1a'ss;.Part II.--Alex 11-mg so. - Class Sr. I.-Ire}1e Pratt 3*. A1811 1. JJC 50.7 T V w ~= % M1}? $0. L\.V;1~..<'1'1<;.A\'rI0.\' '3 ' E_Va_S 0f 01`iHi:l 1`0<}I1t- c}mr~ pubhc _111\'(3sti;.:`:1ti:11 into agmnst. F. R. Mm-kie, r at -V35(`.V'- Of the three 4sW. h`<>1m : s .` d made the t'h:l1'}_-`v.< only one In. the u` ' ,. bt0_ s11bst-.mti;1t- the en1g_ \\'a_\' -H-ll] V chifj One thmn. 1:1 (110 \\et. i I1-:;`1[D1va111t n_r rho nne mt- ..'*'_ _~i1'mt_a1v. 1`. M:'1<-kw \\':1.< that he ,_` l'C(?1\'r-:1 \\' fan-w. M. t1`(`21f`.1l`1IT \vh(_>n hf? :..,'v. ~. p(). n1'..- about 1113 * "`A\4\.;:=,*1D'Deare flmn _ _cha1'2. 9 Of `.`11:- r\\'01\h' 1.. _11_uU1'1t-S \\'tnnH h;1\'o 116911 1t1_ll.(?}}arz1 .\l1'. Mackle Ween \v1t.11e.<. ~11] nf whmn be C0'11se1'\`;:tx\'v~`. to T135- J- ._ Q1k_a1`ter . . . ' `hi -2` yearling v w----.,. Mrs. J3hn Strathy of Toronto has issued invitations to the marriage of her` daughter, Muriel Agnes Grasett, to Mr. Grant Fletcher in St, J amea _ Cathadral`; at -2 o clock `on Wedhqsf day, `the 30th- of October. UV. , . T `Class Jr.` I., A.-Mu1vi11- 1-`m-nc-r 58, Gracie Wice.-19. . 'I` ...]~mI VASEY 12.0. 1: "5J~l6A\JD\.I.0 UV, \./\.\.4L .:.\.-n - Jr. 1., B.-Mn1'i-1 i}z111gT'+31 u u . mxgjs Drawers. `. Dfawers. Iv 1.1.1; .1-1. M. "G. Sl_\Il'. 'l'oa(-her VPATTERSON---BLA(3HFORD The marriage `took place in Wy- cliffe College Chapel, Toronto, on Oct. 1st; of Fannie Rand. Blachford, daughteiv of Mr. and: Mrs. Arthur` W. Blachfond,` Newton - Avenue, Rose- dale, to the Rev. Robert P. Patterson, 1:; -1 Q4...`I1...u..-... we mm .4: M- I