Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 19 Sep 1912, p. 7

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git. `iswni: `te gray hairs I mind,` either, he admitted "hesitatingly, Ibu_t I m to? da_rned' baldeheaded. Oh, , _- ___`I_, 4.'L_'__4._. I _shou1`d say not, indignantly. Why should you ever think that 4 Well, there were so many young fellows hanging about. ` Who ? . , T . ' Oh, Keith and Hawly, and that! bunch of oicers from the fort; you! never had any time to give me. UL 1_,,,,L, J -._.-:_- 1...... .......... Why, how_ foolish; Ha.w1ey is: older than you are, and I was only` playing` wit.h.Keith. Surely you m11st|, know that now. And as to the of-E cers, they were just fun. You. 509,3; ,in my profession, one has to be aw-; fully nice to everybody. . I I u1')__;_, .1:-.1_,7;. ---__ ......1`I-- .,.-..A 4',-... .zix13 she-made no eort to withdraw _he1j imprisoned Hand. ` IIUVKJA uau KIAIJ I.1A.|1\; IA) Envy ;1:\.n U Shelaughed again, `her ngers tightening in their clasp on hisl ' I hand. /zvvvi 1 n 1- 1 T7 1 I .|.u11,y 11L\.,v vu \,vvA.ywvu.]- But didn t you really care `for 'Ha.W1ey`? he insisted, bluntly prob- iing for fact. 4:11`- L- _--J.-.......L..J .5 LVI. u.,..;. A . He--he interested me, admitted the girl, hesitatingly, her eyes dark- ening: with sudden anger._ I-Ie lied`. {and I believed . him-'I would` believed any one -"who Vcame '\vith suclr a`story." Oh, Dr. Fairbain,' and she clung to him now eagerly, ,ybu.cann0t realize ghow. hungry I, lhave been for what he brought me. --,, 41-, 1_.._.A.L -1. H--. i I wanted so to know, the truth of myl birth. Oh, I hated this life! she! ung her disengaged hand into the? l.air,with a gesture expressive of dis- gust. I was crazy to getaway from it. .That was what "made the man look- good to me---he_+he. promised `so much; You will believe me, won t you. I am a. `singer in music halls; I ,was brought up to that life from a little girl, and of course, I know whatl you Western men think of us as al class. Hawzley showed it in his wholel manner toward me,`-and I resented` it; just for that, deep down in my heart, I hated him. I know it now,: lnow that _I really undens-tand his pur- I -_-_ 1-,_;. --_________ __1_,.__ "r _____ -._:._1,_p 11U\v um. ; ......, ....u.,..,........ ...,. B... pg/se; but someway, when I was Withi h1m_ he seemed to fascinate me, to: make me do just as he willed. But! you` have never been that way; you! --you have acted as though I .was| somebody---somebody `nice, and not 1 :just a. music,ha11`singer. Perhaps; lit s_jjust yotir way, and maybe, deepi down you don t think I m- any better "than -the 0the'1's,d0,' bu:t~-but I want you to think I, am, and I am going ou get ' H to cu; Canadian'Correspondence Depart- T ment in Windsor, Out. If you desire to at but He fcal Jlnstitute in Detroit as we see and treat ' . in put Windsor` 9 ces which are for Corrspondence and for Canadian;bu3ine's's only, Address all letters as follows: ' u \ Itters from Canada must be addressed t in-vou mean NERVE W Nervous System V-_--Av - v- - ---- -- ---- - Ave. 'and_ Griswold St.. Detroit, Mich. The nerves control all actions of the body so that any- thing that debilitates them will weaken all organs of the system. Early lndisctetions and Exceucs have ruinedthousands of promising young men. Unnatural Dnimsap their vigor and vitality and they never develop to a proper condition of manhood. They remain weak- lings. mentally, physically and sexually. How you feel? Are you nervous and weak, despondent and gloomy, specks before the eyes with dark circles under them, weak back, kidneys irritable, palpitation of the heart. bashful, debilitating dreams, sediment in urine. pimples on the face. eyes sunken. hollow cheeks. careworn ex- pression, poor memory, lifeless, dlstrusttul. lack energy aend strength. tired mornings, restless nights. change- able. moods, premature decay, bone pains, hair loose, etc. b Thioistho cenditionour New Method Treatment is I GUARANTEED TO CURE `We hapxeitreiated Diseases of Men for almost a life- time and do not have to experiment. Consult us ` 1-at-I9 ` no DLIADIEE EARLY INDISCRETIONS AND EXCEBSES HAVE UNDER- MINED YOUR SYSTEM andwe tell `you whether you are curable ox-not. . T- Woguugntoocurnblocasesof NERVOUS DEBILITY. VARICOSE VEINS. BLOOD ' AND SKIN Dl3EAS. GLEETo BLADDER H . URINARY AND KIDNEY COMPLAINTS Men. lfunubloto call for -,~;.____`_;.`_v- -.... _-.. --Anna Innis Ail-nu:-1:-II WTIKB IT .;Quias11ON 1151' son nous TREATMENT {SE esti- FH-'+~n ` `to tell you-the truth, and " u must `believe .me-;-I am a good:i,1-1. Great God! of course you are, he blurted out. Don t you suppose II know? That isn t what has been bothering me, lassic. Why, I d- a 'fought any buck who d a sneered at you. What I wanted? to know was, whether `or not you really cared for any of those duera Can you tell me` that, Christie? CL- `I_'IA._J `L- ____ L, 1,! 1'_,. L-.. i _ Tenders will be received up to and lnicluding the rst day of October, '1912, for the right to cut white and iredpine and spruce, on two timber iberrths on the upper Waters of the ?Jocko River east of the townships of !Garrow and Lackhart, in the Dis- 5trict of Nipissing, Province of On- ,tario, the berths being designated iJocko No. 1. and Jocko No. II, .each containing twenty-ve square {miles more or" less. Big Dogg'ie.--Were you ever really happy, Fido? ' .- ._. --. I i.`it:t,l'e Doggie-Yes, once. My Mis- tress took me. out and forgot to put on my . mackintosh. and bootees; \/can L\IUI\J 'm"Sl;;l'i,fted her yes to his face, Ilips parted. T . . _ . _.-'_ _ . , , , _ __LL_'__ ,, __, _ , `wail y<;1;M;:nswer anything` you ask. V And you dp not care for them? - (`No.9, 7 , He `drew his breath sharply, his [roung]. face rosy. 10` a 1-. .n u\ Fdr and nditions _of sale lapply to the undersigned. 71-v -r-r -I--r-rs n -r\rurr1 Ti. `T -n_._r `sYNo1=sIsVor' CANADIAN NO_R.TH, WEST LAND REGULATIONS. Toronto, July 17th, 1912. ANY person who is the sole head of a family or any made over 18 years old. may home- stead a. uarter section of available Dominion and in anitoba. Saskatchewan or Alberta. The applicant must appear in .person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub-agency for the district. Entry by proxy may be made at any agency. on certain conditions by father. 3 mother, son, dau hter. brother or sister of in- ; lending homeste er. Thitinn .__Qi\' mnntha` v-nainnfrn -nnnn ant? .`.3' ; lcuuugg LlUlll.C5lCl1(1Cl'. . Dunes --Slx months` resxdence upon and ` cultivation of the hand in each of three years. ~ /{homesteader may live within nine miles or `Ins homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres solely owned and occupied bv him or by hns father, mother. son, daughter. brother or sister. Tn nnain dintrintn A hnmpainndor in onn I Luluur, uI0_u1cl'.. SDI], uauguber. DI'Ol`8I' 0_l' sister. ; In (_:crta1n dlstncts 3. homesteadexj m good standm may pre-emgt 8. quarter-sectxon long- slde his omestead. rice $3.00 per acre. I flIItiosL.__Mnnt rnnin nnnn tho hnrnoatnnri nr EIUU I115 llUlli| :8lC.(.l. I'X'lU8_ -`LUV [JCT ($0113. I . Duties.:--Must reside upon the homestead or pre-em non six months in each of six years from ate of homestead entry (including the time required to earn homestead patent) and ' cultivate fty acres extra. M I A hnmnntonnn whn l-mu ovhnnnfp hiixhnnxn. ' UIIIEIVIILQ2 uuy HCTCS CXLFII. . . A homesteader who has exhausted h1sahome- stead right and cannot obtain 9. pre-emption may e_nter for a urchased homestead in car- ltain dlatricts. Pnge $3.00 per acre. Duties.- - 1 Must reside six months in each of three years, _I cultivate fty acres and erect a. house worth : smnnm, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N.B.-Uruu.c}porized publication of this ad- verti sement wl not be paid for. 52-25 LAU H. HEARST, Minister of Lands, Forests and Mines .`oronto, 30-39 TIMBER FER SALE POOR DOGGIE S VIEW (To TContinu'ed) . way u. OF W. 'W. CORY,` It:__:..A__ an .1, _ 1' her He's L LC-`P! H u-1 ..-`own wvwu .... .. ......, . ' *3` _ ,, _ as }1u.<.V.-'1M(*, zllld. lett her 1118160 the v(:s'tilml<- \vuiti11Ag' fo-1" `Black Bart to mppr-:11`. At the head Of the alley I man illtn Fairbaill, told h'1m sotn`1e-~ thing; uf the <:i1'cun1stances', and pier- o+1mxI_ul him to escort Miss Christie burl; In the hntel. He was .I,10t hard to ].u'~1'.<\1.'1d0. Well, I-Ia.w7ley ' came, and llnpo met. him; they we;nt_.out of t.1u- alley-\\'z1y tog'ethe.r arm in arm,` tu1kin;_v plms-z111t~1y, -and _tur116d.` this \vz1_y In\\'u1'<] the hotel; _ Thedoctor and I lmth ..<:1\v mld heard them. I \v:\' l:]u,ml not [to exceed two min-; uh:-. .<;wul -.1-n.a1'\vord to Fair- lmin, um} ,whenV I reaclied` the street t}wy hm! I have hunt: or] tlmun w:ry\v11e.r0 wit11out n.d,i11g`a t-l`..(-e'-[ lmvc even been through the 1'(:~'m'I.~'. Slur lms not. r_etu.rne-d- to the lmuil. 2111:! I lmrst in 1111011 you here lmpi1:;_- that Miss 1\`e. ' might 11:m- wnw i11.f<)rn1z1ti011. 7' ' `I `IV '4', uun- muxn: 1||.|u|u.luu1\I|Ao_ Shv .~1lm>k hm` head, aa1d'\Vait'e, ',fI;1I'il1;." innpotolltly atthe ,tWO- Of tlwtn. .~'\\`n1`o slmrply. - (.1 ' I I V I _-. .`\ ' ...-.-- an `.1 'penseS Free- r been Lll'l .`\\\!1U s`!1l(.|l )l'yO "(hmzl (1-(Ml, 111`111! Ylly IIODC, n.Ium- with that damn on .\'l1z-ri r f; wc- ve got to _;1c1 her. Wait. tl1m1;.I;}) 1" and he Strode almost 1n nvr0s~; the 1'0-oum. Firsrt, ] want tn k1m,w`Who the devil you an: ` ' uv.. .. an "I 10 CHA1"'.1`l XXXI---(-(3ontini1.end-)`j 7 A:-; I say, she decided upon imper-, . 5()n-.-1til]g' (`hristie `here, way tu lczlrll more reg`-arding' Ham ,lcy .~'. }l1iUl.s`. We hadjdiscaveredi that the two w<~1'0 to meet after the oven- ing pm'1'o1'n'1a11ux> at the'~st'a.gB door of the T1'u('1l(1(.`l'(). GSL`.0I_'t3d. there (lressul as near like Miss M;1cl\a.ire_. .a1.ll<.l. ].eft inside `the 11'}! I T`\ our. _ Kc.-itln .-tr-.xi,u'11to11ed:-' up, looking 1im~'.Lv into the erce ql1BStl0n1I1g' eye;-2, T ' ' `.1 1 . 11 , -,__ # __._.... T....'l- I 1l:l\'<- told you "my name-'--,Jack Iivirln." hr replied, q,uievt1y..D0ot01' Fai1'}uix1 knmws something` of me: but fur _\'ml1` furtller illfomnation I will WM that when We met before I mesa muun L 0FWOMANS l|FE lnterestingxperienc pf .1 Women--Their ,StateI_r_ne,ntIV Worth Reading; White Oak, Ont.`---At change or Life? when doctors could do no maze and I was _ _`...,.,._._.,.!...,?._ given up by gpya `friends, Lydia , E. . 7 ,_ Pinkham a., Vegetya;-~ : ble Cor_npoundcame. A :3 ! to the front and`-did V had been`ngL'e-rV ' male tmubl ; ' . ~ .' yearh. mS*.h9a;d trouv V , l` .. `bled me,,rVe)y.a.t-f . ` *'..\.*.;,?.e:_ 'oimes,*I hqd_;begt1ng= 4 -e? down pain8a1! % ' _ 4 `ache and!- anaemxc from excessiveIowi!ig.;j;}.I 1?1l:.V;-. ommend your Compound high'l/.}:.a`!(`if3i:!fi9 all l,can to advertise it as a genuin6_,7yV'q.-. _ man 8 medicine." ~- Mrs. MANNING, White Oak. `Ontario, The Case of Mrs} Circleville, omo,~-e=1 335 that I never ` 3 g?ddrinz Ghanzeihf A 8 E. Pmkham a Vegtabl, .... -' all women voula; % ave W V . . .4- . Wonder; 16: `me, I A. ,_ :..v '1 `_ };*uRsnAY; F:i$ris Author of Mn Lady of 'l`heVso uth.'V' `Wh en Wlklernesg Wgo Inna}! Illustrations by Dem-horn Melvin? . ' V mm or THE Bosnia BANKOF INDIVIDUAL Barrie Branch, Five PoI Its'._%J. FRIIM 45 to .50 PwsunpLqS]{j;%f 1902 -A I912 - $7,SOo.ood?< In the surplus A mm: or `rm: Burns RANDALL PARRISH, Copyright. A. 0. 1 IAn corpo:"btil. 183,2; ` ` McClu1'8 C00 was O` Keith`, Third Virginia Cavalry, and bearing despa_.tohes from Longstreet; to Stonewall Jack- son. ` ` V V lieiiil straihiexaea Up, Looking Di-I ' `rcct-ly Into the Fierce `Ques- tioning Eyes. 1 The gruff old` soldier, ha1_f-crazed` by the news of his daughter s peril, the gleam` of his eyas still revealing uncontrolled temper, stared at the youngesr face frontmg: him; then_ `he held out his hand. ' 1)-_u1- 1!,.:;.1.. n 1.... ........\..4..\.J .\n \3'I\IVV[l.y JIYJ LICILI. VJWJV ulll Jltlallllo Keitll-Keith,?- - be repeated, as though brfinging back the name with an effort. By God, that s so--o1d Jefferson VKeith s boy--killed at An- tietam. And you know Hope? - . `:;Yes, G~ener.g1. ` T T T .1 A 1, .1----.x.`| "res, Uener.a1: -. He looked about as though dz}ze'd` and the `sheriff broke in notVunk1nd-` ly. ' sTIT,.1I"' TI7..&n 13 qun nnn n-r.s:nn~ +1} 13- T . "Well," .Waite, if we are going tol saea.rch- for your" we better` be at it. Come on, all of you; Miss Maclaire `will be safe enough here alone}? * " ' .' 1 '1 11. n Tf'-:;L9_ .. .....,. m`iTiZ' `took hold of Keith s? gm, questioning him briey as they pass-\ ed down the ha`lI1.. On the stairs the . latter took his arm, still confused.` b what he-hb.drjust-`heard. -` . cairn; .'- 'I`r.:-..~ 'l.l'....1...'...-.9 I111 nulx- % ed. Wllllla .1lW` .uuu'_V JUBD' 1100*- Who is Miss. ~Ma:c1aire? he ask- // 110 11 `I 9! Awlphyuis Gale. j % Of course, but who is Phyllis Gale? What has she to do with` Gen- eral `Waite? His [daughter has `told me she `never heard of any one _by thglt/"11-`am ` ~ T ..1, .1.- -11: _.-...- 1.-.; uumu 11-uuw. K ~ . . . . .Wel1,.Kei1:h,._the old` man has never told me very mu"ch~, he? pretty c.l`ose-mouthed, for -` swearing, % but _1 ve'.rad his _ .papers-, and pickd up a point or two. " I_` reckon. _the d.a.ughter', Miss Hope`, maybe. never` heard. a wyond- abotit it,"b1'1tVthe bo'y`--'A-. . the one that`. wa_sL`-`shot--must~. have stumbled? onto the s toryA and repeated .it- to Ha.w1_ey'.. ,'I`.ha.t q what stbthsat ;~fe110W..goi11g. ,,It: se9ms.1\&rs. .Wa.itefs `1naidert"n:aume4vv is 'Pierpbi1, V and . whey she was, sevenbee-n .yea:rs'o1dshe 0 ma-`ed V. 'rr}s9.I_ Tt 3? :5 `;\"-ieh` __1\ :`Ca.rolina`:__p].ag'1txer.jf-(`T ::e'1low Wasi 1-ya`. drunken; `-'d1. ,sso1-11fI~? 2`06`d~for%-;" wu-3_T.- 131.211-1`:.v. T:a:,......:. ...'lm..'.-' : l-.23.`. nH'J, Vn0m1u,g~. .L-utzy `uuw a uu & I-`V1.70 on ---'this-` Ph5%1:1is-rand .vvhe"%`1"iE child- wlasn th're e .y;ea.rst -her father, in a t of,` k_ `away, and to spite his wife took the little girl with .him.` {A11.eo~rt:s~tQ trgce them % failed` and%the%1rii>ther%na1Iysecured % a divorce, .and,* two years '1jB.tB`l'v',;II3.l`'. ' o 1 'l'I'!"II'|'. 1'IT.`L."T':.7.h,:`n.` `n"f.\=nn invanr in divorce, .anu,"tWO yeays mwr. Iuw ried: Will-is Wang; - :1`W `%1`99, facts. .%bu~i%nrobab1v%V%t11ey :.'-'I..1! --L- *`.L1..`.. - u-J/u`."J.1nmn. 'i'>`;i'.`.`;'. *nEI>o`s11`s" 1902` _.2cA>,\oob,ooo : L. J. Wllynagor. They dug into saloons, bag`nios,D dancehalls, searching back rooms -and , l'"queotio~ni11g inmates; _ they ` routed` -out every of the hotel, in- vaded b-oarling houses . and explored shacks and tents, indierent to thel lproteets of those V disturbed - but `without result. . They found: several \ who knew Ha.w-ley, ot`l1ere_ who had i seen the two togethertpzissixig by the- lighted windows: of the Troeadero, but beyond tl1at--11o.tl1i11eg. Convine-l ed, atlast. that the parties" sought , were "not alive in Sherida`n, and be- g'in"' to fear the worst, the search- ers separated,.. and began spreading i forth` over the black suri-onn(ling.,r prairie,_ and by the lig'h.t of law} lterns seekilig -any seinblance of trail . There was no "lack of volunteers for _. .work, but it was daylight before the slightest clue presented itself. Keith, with the sheriff and two 01' "-three others, haxl.{groped:- their way] '. outward until, with the first flush of dawn; they `found themselves at the opening of a small rocky ravine, near the foot of Boots Hill. Peering down into its still shadowed dept-he. they then discerned what appeared l like a body lying there motionless. _ Keith sprang down beside it, and turned` the rigid? form over until the dead face ,.was_ revealed -in. the wan ll I light-_-it was that of , the red mous~ taohed Scott. He staggered back at the recognition, barely able to ejacu- late. ' I 2 ` '-'T* .%-+`~'.M*':': 1 ~' 2 [M-lat .MacIaine . as nope W "fi fh%1fi$tr4?? =` ` ~ That af"th `it "loks now. V ;An Hapwleyi `merely happened,-' to stumble `on tofthe right party ? 'u--_.. - V2. "T'%1 y.}-"" *"" "" 7 g ;"i!:?si`;elder-;fml0usht`how gthat . _ boy [told _i him J and 'sho`wed',,him his istr.9i.=e r sae; tictute--~i .`B1`acka t in- gatantlgy e--her `resemblance to _hri$tie` ,;_Ma?cla.ire 1; "and .`t1_l'Qught: he money. ;He the papers,'*ho.w-` ever, to ascertain exactly the terms of the and .what would be neces-i syn:-y':for the identication. ' He never t intended. to go into court,` but hoped to either get Waite out of the way, or else convince him. that Christie was the girl, relying on her gratitude for ~hiE_tp1\0tS. When Waite. played City the chance was" too good to be lost.. I me-not sure "he meant to kill him, but he did mean to have those ' papers at any cost. Probably you know the rest--the girl` was easy," because she was so ignorant of her parentage, and nothing prevent- yed Ha.wley from winning except that `Waite got mad and decided to fight. Tho} `rv-urn:-n`v;-.1`: .l\uv1\nn. $1.4; -aha A`. L`--:-- -4 , ~`i:Iie;1oet .1iinas`-hia'father`wasAi saw}. chance i for some easy. into his hanth by coming to Carson- gm.eo:9p1ew1y%% disa;_)p<;ared;? ~{ % * rims. _;~_` -y-, -'va,-av VV`I`_Iil.l' u IWULIIIMI K101111130`. Iivay` .1119 i1d,5bi1t Aaifteithe` w died the __ ii`1}e}?"}J a3{;`.;id7';;}}Wa.'(i"`tEiie first touch of the cool night` air, ths first "glance-' up and down the noisy. mind ready Vto -grep-p1'e: with the prob- lem of , Hope s~ aisap-pearance. It seemed to`him he had -already look- ed everywhere, yet. there. was: nothing to do except. to continue ~ the search, `street, brought Keith to himself, this 3 `on-l,v more V ` systematically. The" sheriff assumed: oontrole--clear head- headod amid accustomed to that sort `of thing'"--calling in Hickock and his deputies. to assist, and _ fairly comb- ing. the town from one "end to the other. Not a rat could have `slipped unobserved through -the A .ne.t he drag- ged down that long street, or its in- ,tersectin.g'a1leysr--but it was without `result; nowhere. was there found a trace" of e:it-her the g*amh:`lIe:r or his | com-p,anion. VVVUIIIV IIIIISJI avl-III `I-j'l\.lQ.l' BU SILL: T-haat knocked over the whole t v'ng. 'I"I_ _ '75'ouT know the fellow? Yes, his name was Scott. ' Well, he s -been dead some hours, at l'east six` I should say; shot just above the eye, and good! Heavens! I ~1.ook` here,` ' Keith," at" the` size.` `of this Bullet wound; that s `no man s gun in this oountry--no morethan a- `-72 Pd. say. , .- .. ' -~-- `g. u g. V n. -. Here, Sheriff! This is one of HaMfley s men! The sheriff was bending instantly above the corpse, searching for the truth. ' You knowt fellow? " o. Wziite `had? a small revoiver. -She must have shot "the fellow. But he gisooyergg 2 why did they leave the body here to _ . - , `I I 5J\.~ unwvv v- s.--.- Tlie s1V1eriff'-arose to his. feet, .p1V`ho.wl-I -i'n~g a.b0ut"in the brightening :glow_ of` the. dawn; -`~ .. I /it-n1 .f 1__ _ ' A__L _______ VIIU \al'laVV 11 ` H _`,`They were. in ahurry to get away, and knew he wouldn t be found be- fore -morning. A six `hours start means: it good` deal. They- did drag him back" out of si`g1it-1ook here. This was iwhere the struggle - took` 'placeo,d~a_nd here is, where ` the .man -".`_'IIh`ergin1 put up a -__st'i_ff- {._ig'ht,~too--- see 'Whe1'-"9 * they `dragged `her `up the Upath. From the_ footprints -there .1xi_n1$t.t{;h;ve. }bee._11711a1;f.=aja, dozen in the ~3ar:ty.~s Get: bask out.-T o,f,,._,4th' way, Asiggst f ae$hi1e- I.`t'f($]d.ONF:5:_hthir1}Tai1:;7. t 4'..- ;;1_`__' '.-_.-_`_'..L~ ..'-..'.. J.L'.._'l...,`l, fell}? tracing * it out upon the ground": ` '|3.lLllb, wuuv .1. LUJJLUV1 vuuqxz vlumuo It was plain` enough, now they had daylight -td assist them . -and` led n.ro1md the edge [of the hill." A hun- horses atnding. the` tramp- evidgncing "~th5{ -must have ,b'e,n`f_tho$1V'.e`.9 for _~sd'me.;ts,onsidexx-able .,tfimi5.:;~`. .qnd;j gthe `sheri .:c'itic1'ed _ out 1mti1:`.they *ii r1`a1Jy; .:_s1;ruck,;'t11e_:trai1 u . acro;6`?;1_;he_ 'prai*1;ie. :i ~ `*v.. 110'` _'."'A ..`;;`_'I__'_~",.'-_~_-_ - -`1uj_`:_`._,.'. ` died` feet away they came". to` where. of--=Vth; pmy:..;% :iv_11ih= .13&7}f9ith`Aeb_t:th _VVB8U ` QIUIVJBB `hut! Plll so. Sevg=,nA fliorses.` one "`hin2' led yir.-wf3.;_g},=e 1 f0,.g,`e,__`A feAv1_~1,,,,t-_ ,wasf Es5nt?s;;ip:ohpbIy.* A . " 'tl'rl'|`l"_ "_`a.9`_Vx-. 11. . "....'.`I...., l.-I` K #38:: V "ilurx-U-\1A':t)'l" DL1)Db,'.y1iVqaU1y.' __ , .. ` v Th tfs the whole stqry, ` `replied the sherif`f;'%`;ss,ta_;~ing off toward the ,.;_,riz0n.M ,%amd'.'the. .cuses..fhave, at 1:1 % W"=`- V! V.UV.:.V-I-` 515.7 ' vIM-- Hxm `?.\1D\ }\N CE dow3'? % V VII`? IIUUCIO ' ' - _ I 1* It a late --hour, yet it was hand- ly likely the wo_m,a`n: had retired. Her excitement, her interest. in" the `pur- suit,`wou1d_' surely prevent that; more- over, he wasecertain he saw. a light still burning in her room, as he looked. up from the black. street be- low. `Nevertheless he hesitated, un- certain of his reception. Bluff, em- phatic, `never afraid to face a_ man in his life, his- heart now heat ercely as he endeavored to muster F the necessary courage. .Far down the dark -street some roysterer red a. shot, mid sudden fear -lest he might be sought after p-rofessionally `sent the doctor hurriedly within`, and up the stairs. He stood, just outside her door, quaking like a child: the perspir- ation beading his forehead, but a light streamed through the tr-ansioni, and he `could plainly l1ea1- movements within. _A_t last, in a sudden spasm of courage, he know.-kcd. softly. Even in that noisy spot she lieard. i11sta11t- ly, opening the door without hesit- ation, and? standing fully dressed within. She was no Inger a. dis- !cou1'ag'ed', sobbing girl, but an arous- ed, intent wonian, into` who/sc pathe- tic, lonelylifc. there had come a new `hope. She "appeared younger. fairer,, with the light rsliimmering in her hair and her eyes smiling welcome. IIIXI 'T\ 4.-; joi ~ FAIi;lI1'Wt:.'- Hats-ru':;1 V - f the seamhing*party; fIt1y*a.sveagr"hs ,`I_{eith-'1 $5 dow1_1:.the felte- gade Ha-yvley, butf31fter__`an hour! of resultless ejdrt,`->` his . 7nti.l'8. thought alone at 1 the hovel?-,HeAou1d not, as` yet fully grasp the isittiation, but he remained loyal the one overpov5wer- ing` truth that he :loved Christie Mac- laire. Fairbai'n s nature .wa_s rough, original, yertloyalt to theneore. _He` had `lived all..his lifelong in .a;r_my camps, and upon the frontier, and his code of honor was extremely sim- ple. It never once` _to him that Christieis profession not of the highest, or that her life and as- sociations in any way vuntted` her 1 for the future. ~ To his mind she was shifted! to the woman they left` the one and` only woman. His last memory of her, -as the little party of men led out of that room, haunted him until he nally dropped out of the search and drifted back toward the hotl. : t I . `I . I. , `L,,_`|i IICIIL (4I.ll\,| .lI\.l V. \.k) iilblulllla II\All\a`JlAgru Oh, Doctor, and her hands were thrust out, toward him. I am glad: `you have `come. Somehow, I thought I you would, and I have wanted so to 1 talk to some one.- -to you. I ' urn-'...,.I n- -.,..- .m...11-- .....-..... +l...+ I .'VllD\3` \/Lll_lQU|\.r o . Yes, I really mean that. you great hear of "a man, and the girl laughed -light.l y,--(lragging -him {into the room, `dildo closing the door. \Vhy,- who else could I,expo.ct to come to-nig'l1t'? You were the only one `really good to me, You--you acted as if you belie-ved in me all the time- 1-1 (`H ' 1' I L T J_'.] .5.-\J' .Ill\Jo .n.1u 1\I`i'ss Ch`ristie? 1/1? 1 J lI}\'l-l\:'V\'7\;l 111 1111: `I'LL ULJU |.1lLl\/ - . I I dxd, Chrnstle; you bet I d1d, . broke` in. thq_ delighted doctor, .every| nerve.`ling. - I d a cleaned` out that whole gang if you d only said so, but I `reckon nmv it was better toi let them tel1"a1l the_v kne~v._ It wasu like -a. thuixder storm clqarilig the zit: nlosphere. , urn. :. -.-.... :.?..:l-.....J! 1\T.;... T l-nnm lllU31JlICl Us Oh, it was, indeed! Now I know who I am--who I am! Isn t-that sim- ply glorious? Sit do.Wn,_ Docton. Ehai-rbain, there in the big chair where I can see your face. I want to talk,` tall-:,`ta1k; I -want" to ask questions, .a thousand questions, but it wouldn t do any good to ask them of you, would it? You don t` know anything about my family, do you? Kl'\T-L --...___ ....-.,.1n nu-an n-`~nn:r` 1111111 a.u,yuuug uuuuu 1u.y 1a.-111.11`), uu Jyux Not very much,` I am afraid, only that you. have got an almighty `pretty. half-sister, T admitted the man, em-| phatically, and old` `Waite possesses the vilest temper ever given a. human being. He s no blood kin*to_' you, uluug-u. , ~ _ No, but he 1s-awfully good under- neath, isn t he ? . . . lI"l_1. _ L_-..L -3 .....un. n11` Qwha: Fruit `II lieu`/ll, 1511 la 11U'o - Got a heart of pure gold, 91d Waite. Why, I ve seen him cry hke a baby over one of his men that got hurt. . 1171' I ,._ , L2_-_- J.L..... 1.`- n uurb. Have you known him`, then, .for long` W-hile_? ` ` I`_.__. ..-.-..-V. `Ln aw-nv:unn tr: ,`{1 lung w-uucx . Ever since the spring of 61. I was brigasded with him all .through V the war, and had to cut a bullet or so out of his hide before_ it ended. If there was ever -a" ght, Willis Waite was sure to get his share. .He could swear some then, but he s im- proved since, and I reckon now, he! [could likely` `cldim `the _ champion- `ship... ` _ n:'J l_1'::1 --..... 1...... win rnnflnor {ShiP- ` ` . Didr--`did- you know my mother also? and Christie -1_eaned=- forward, Tier eyes `suddenly grown misty. ` I "}1av4:i1 t even the`slig4htest-`memory of 1131'. v. The doctor s heart was tender, and he was \swift to. rspo'nd,.f r_eac11ing forth and graspingthe 11a' him; He had. Ihadenlove .befQre,. yet somehow. this was dierex_1t`;"he felt `l1;a,._lf afraid of this won1:a.n,~a,n it=was afgnew sensation a_l-together, not ' LL11 P LCTCIUCLIJ. Us I saw her often enough in those days, but" not since. She was fre- quently in camp, -a veiry "sweet-faced V 1 '. I` `. I. '. " 7 4 woman; you have her yes [and hair, as I remember. Waife ought to have 4 recognized. you; at ` sight- By g'(I)`ea.vens!v Athatgwas. what made me . .i.nfe,m a1ly.;mnii ~*the"` muleish 05-: `stinay of the&%-`old; fo`( >1.7 ~..iYou;r mother tor the=;hospita.13 te;;t, i ECU, ,1. us ll\.l' ny`;1u.5r AlrAJ.v?.|V\\J1.: agaa.-n.:..v.. V ~gH' In%%h1s a Aa1:t%%;;gg2g;Lsh A ~ ~ V .:,; .4 . Llll\ |._\J` DUIIIU \Jll\.' UV dull: 0 A`_`To me! Do you really mean that,` 1- r~n.o___' 42-. an I I You are just a nice` age, withl rm conviction. Boys are tiresome, and I thifnk a little gray in the hair is an improvement. Oh, you mustnit, imagine /I say this just to please you _--I have always thought so, since- well, since I grew up. Besides, eshy men generally look young, because they are. so good natured, perhaps. How old are you, Doctor ? 1 a 1 [as be_ing an old fogy! uuv 1.111 IJUU uullluu |J(bI.\J,l4I\ail:\.U\-\lc van, I ai1V1 tso old, for I was only thirty- ve . when the war broke out. I was so thin. then I could `hardly ca.`st al shadow. I ve changed,` some since, casting his eyes admiringly down- ward, and got quite a gure. I was forty-three last month. That isn t'o1d`; that s just right. I ve been afraid you looked on me -.1 1` na fori

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