Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 5 Sep 1912, p. 1

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lung , ..- ~---u -~vv\a. I~J'|.a.\vlaIv tI\JVV\alu I After this opinion had been given by Mr. Ross, 9, fsimilar Tviewhaucl: been expressed` by Mr. E. F. B. Johnston regardinvg 9. like clause in a. Toronto by-law. - I ` Billboard By-`lay Ultra vires. 1 _Donald Ross-, having been asked for an opinion as to the Town s` pow- er to prohibit the erection of bill- boards on private property, advised the Council that it was not at all clear. tha.t they had,` such power. A IL--. A.L9_ uuoxvl; UI` secumentatlon I. `bni-1k S property was left to the "Mayor for adtiustment. (3) That sewers recommended by Board of Health be constructed. (4) That whe-reV Y st have to be constructed for sewer connections with private .pro- perty that the 0091: be charged to the sewers account and not,againsVt1 the .pmperty.V _ __ Sewer Systexn Extending. . The Works and` Sewers Oonimittee recommended (1) That sewer be constructed on Ross St. fnom Small to Wellington and on Wellington from Ross to Eccles St. (.2) Re com- plaint of W. J. `.Gilks--that guttgers `be made and openings; enlarged at each end of -crossing so as to convey the water to" the` creek and overicome the nuisance: complained` of. The! .ma.tter of outlet of sedimentation fnnl n`-n flllb .-. .`.--~----I--~ ----" `The Tow..n s" i'rn.'taeu'e9iz-'5-' are ,g'uarded , i_n every possible . way, 1 New Roof For Market. The tender of the Ball; Planing MJivI1.C`o. was acceptedforr repairs to roof `of Market building-.-a_,bout 55 sqwazres at $5.50 per square, guanin- teed; for 7 years. . I ........-..._.s-.5 uv uullbldb . T` __ NoI More- ; Dqput5feReeve_ Wesley asked" re-I 1 giandling 9. telephonefor the Sanitary ' Inspector and `was V" told. by Mayor Cowan that the" `Council had no more: free phone_s'-at its} 9*." NW .PImwe M< .I&1nJey s on Brad-ford: ,St.., -had- left the branches :}_5'i*.`%'~ 011' Ross St, and { these had ' ghmwn; into 9, _ga,rdevn, dest,hroy_.V !i-!>.1 2l'8. woman : ,. E4 I d 0 Impmving Small street. _.__, ....... uuv nun uvu,u1: ugugy opposite .McKinJe_y `gal [1-j .Ln.J|.1..4`4. LL- L_-__ OQl1NTYfOF `SIICOI KND THE DOMINION `OF. A. He,Lwa.s ,a`-frixand. ~ I`h.a.voVSee11* him` iin 2; he ii; 0"; J il_ ;w1w;WwblI$;.0f 11 ' ' - 1 I When the trutzlx;-c_ame to him that he must` always . be _blind; "he said `I `shall _I1,9.V1T `the. ljght dBllPeP4':1?o-_ me A Atha.,n'_a;I;1yot1zex-;. siin1i97S.;99'91 ;the, | He was the friend of wom-anh-ood..' In the early days of the movement I the G-enner-all decided` that women were to have equal privileges ild oppor- tunities with men. to -be united only as with man by her st1-ength and `ability. ` So today" the words of the Psalmist are fullled. .`Grea.t ar~'e* the * number of 'the "women" who publish the good tid.inq's. He; was wa..p1'e31ch- ` ;.er.~ He feared` not to` ,de c:lai'e the ytruth as he knew it...3F1~om the .,vdla.y,, sixtfseven .m;after W1`'8.V ta.t?his: .day;. along *in`7`:th `QV`V'i.1:.tV3iW'tt~ Ato 1ti1li`;V>i`"=Piifvf4as*t t - ebbiz_!`1g ;{:lJiVfeV'; .`n:n_*` 1_..v -gth` ,.- III 1 ;'.'.1-.~.-; ` Inputs 7 nus:-8 .L|.;.\.I ALUMAGEV. L7la|-fll-ll UL ILIB filf heA,de1a;'d- t-`(_}kt;Vi:_ s1; *1" It is, indeed, diiicult for me to >- write of one whom I, revered as at 9 le,a.der, father, and. loved a friend} 3 `It,;is' commonplace to say he was a great man. He has been horfored during the last years by rulers` -in, :1 many lands. The late Emperor of J apan received _him7 in audience and our beautiful Queen Mother, Alex-I` 1 andria, and the .1-ate King Edward= I showed -him many attentions. No one was more loved by the rank and le of humanity; When John Wesley ` passed away it is -said he had 100,000 " ` followers. A writer with the `S. A. ` has stated that there are 200,000 fo1- _ lozwers or soldiers of the S.,A. When '? the church of whic-.h he was a mem- ber refused to permit him, to do slevangelis-tic" work, he went alone and] L preached to the masses, with a wife'l ' and four; little children. `depending , upon him, and no money. But the f City of London, where, -forty-sevenlr l years ago,` heestood alone,` facing all "howling mob. a. few, years ago con- l ferred upon. him its highest honor in C `presenting him with the freedom of t n the city. . . .` He was a. mission- t ary. Foreign was a word not in his fvocabnlary. ,Like Wesley, the world I; `was his parish. . .' He was a social reformer, :1 statesman. a phil- I lanthropist. His `Darkest England theme has! been ~irm'itate-d everywhere .hby o-fcials nand -Christia}n:' workers, Jhut when he launched" this scheme, 1 twenty-two -years ago, While his beans 9 jtiful wife was dying. of cancer. he :1. and his scheme Lwia smet'w,ith astorm b of cri"t1:c.i._sms. It has solved prob-I lfems of saving? outcasts end: rescuing a lrssox:i_ety s denelicts, of bringing hone t to the hopeless, light where there was 3 ldnrkness, homes `'- homeless. 9 e-Thousands of men-', wIomer.,_,2.nd fhelpe `5 lless"ehild?ren`i_, are sheltered in= the d _Army s~,refuges; 50,000 are under. its 5' care and uplift in she1wps,, orphans F ages, colonies. and homes. . 1 LABOR 7 Capt; Elrick read a message from] Mrs. Blanche Johnstn, one who has! `travelled with the late General. Owyi ing to absence from Town, Mrs. Johnston was .unable to be present. In part herifnessnage was as! follows: I at. o o Se-`eretatry Reynoids then read the message. of Rev. Dr. McLeod, atmes- sage full of appreciation of the work of General '-Booth 1 and inspiration for his followers to continue in the noblecause for the good-of humanity; Dr. Mo-Leod h-as allwayst Shown 'a hearty sympathy with the Work `of the Army, and has frequently spoken of, General Booth/as a man ra:i_sed- up by God` for the defense a.iLd'.propa;g`a- tion of the Gospei. . . . V ` l V T.wo T 'o_f the junior girls Above th:e'Wav_es of Earthly Strife a. favorite duet of the Late General. It On Sundaj? evening theI:ocal of` the Salvation". Army a. inemj , orial service in honor of th:e1a.teGien- * er-al Booth, the citadel on Collier St-. A .1$eing< crowded T with the soldiers: and `friends of the Army. A varied` pro- gram was given, the key-note being the `Wendel-fulf .wor_k_ ._.the great Gen- eral. hadiacoomplished` for; struggling V humanity. A was reqxlfrom j Mayer C_-o,wan, in which paid high tribute to theineniilory of the great ` soldier who has-' marshallw his forces ` in every part of the world. % I V 'Ma_`?yor- Cofwan, Dr. McLeod Mrs. Blanche Johnston % Sent Messages.-AVVo'rk of | General World Wide. HRMY HONORED DEPARTEDGENERAL j_ camp: out: cniremou. *1: Tha of ',_Joseph s .0011- f;Av;ent,)a`Barrie, .. beg" -to-. announce ;hat % their}M1)iric 5 re-opens on 1. - 5t.,h`2 ' :3: `"9 % aw % ` A t;.,I;.i.*ou31-` - --s.- l_r- v vvv\ag- VA V51`? 'IITIILC1.lI.lI D1711.` `crt; ` given by the `Citizens Band. on evening amoun_ted- to nearly 1 80.00. " ` ` `It _is.ea1fn`est1-y hoped that the To.\ Council and the`Boa1-dtof Tradewill work. harmoniously fox: the indusxtrial _deV.010Vpment of the.Town. Our op- portunities are` manifold and if we :only%1aake -advantage of them n0w,we [need have .l1itj'.le_ fear of "the f-u tui'e ..-..`I.l.'-_- _ 5 the Alma!-IQ I-550 VKJ I-IIIULC L` welfare of Bare. V .a.aUIuA_11'\.- ID|Ll`\l\l?A\.l. U0 SIWIIIJ HDDI-BLUuo Other zrms are-now 1n communica- tion :w1th Presldent Vickers and Sec- 1 retary Salter of the. Bgand of Trade. .TA. 1. .-......`-r.A.1__ L, `-- vrvvnvnvlnv Ll-{JAIL uvvu-La..|. 1111110 VV1ULl' D ing to locate in Barrie. Both these 1'm's have looked over -the Spencer `building and both think it suitable and the location excellent. One of these rms .would require a $12,000 addition to make the building large enough " Representatives of these rms will be in Town.-this week and denite arrangements made to pre- sent the propositions to the Council. _With the` advent -of hydro-electric powerj industrial development of iBa0r_1-Se should be greatly assisted. l[\Hnn as:-r-an --A--- -~----- -- -----A~"` IND-IUVSTRIES SEEK LOCA- TIONS. T . The Board of Trade -considered propositions frpm several rms wish-l n... 4-,. ,'l..;,...4... :-- I),__.__-- n .1 .1 x.---n g--. van yuxxuv aauuuxuubv. .lJl' w, F.` M. Iidams, of Hilfsdale, ac-i ,' companied him on the train, and at the` station Chief Surgeon Dr. Beat- tie met them. I Itiis not thought his injuries will prove very serious. ` Early Thursday morning he. was taken into the Union station, To- ronto, and then to the Western Hos- pital in the police ambulance. Dr. `X7 - T4`? If A.`l-..-, 1' YT'1'n 1 1 l I ;'J01-IN MLTRRICH or Uxnamarz INJI'RFiD NEAR CRAIGHURST. - I Faing from the train between .Midhurst and Craighurst last Wed- nesday while tmvelliglg on the C.P.R. harvester especial, John 'M11rrich, of lUxbridge, Was severely, injured about I the -side and head. -_ { i . f~111lM;ccountof the reporfof the interview with the Board of Trade 'Y\.:]` rvzrvnvx :s-u n--- -----L I -;a-u1..A`v`A\zvv Vvlldl lzllb` L)Uul'(1 ` will be glven 1n our next Jssue. ' Wednesday. and interviewed the Board of Trade with a View to or- Qganizing a company and` estalishing 5, a business in'Midl`and for the manu- facture of stoves, says The Freel Press- In the party who visited town were Dr. Gaston " Montgomery, in- V I Several gentlemen were in town on ventor, London, accompanied by Mrs. Montgomery; Mr. J. R. 1 Qrter, cap- italist, lof Chiqago. Mr. Athol George Robertson, Commercial Fin- ancial vAgent, Toronto , is retained lfor the organization. The,proposi- { tion was presented to the Board of ` `Trade and favora.b]y received. i: It is the intention of the promoters .' to` make this a large manufacturing . industry, employing possibly 200 or 300 men. The plant wil1`be-operated 1 for twelve. months in the year,` giving" 1 employmeut"the year round. g s I A11 H 43;`, Vendor,` Barrie. I < .35-37` The "proceeds Of bgngiit ;;_1."..:__-.-- L__ AL, ('1 F 0 Big Stove Works May Locate in Midland Oh. may I be permitted to urge that his consecrated Life and brave death may mean life to some one who hears this message. ' I u..u.u 4. uawc Cl1DUlEu' IULU Hly re` ;;;`(1 Seek ye the Lord also and you too` will be crowned" with honor and __._ .. V.-u\.Ib ii .H;t`Zma ohrisxtian. '.He loved his (God. "trusted his God. When lilihdnss fell _upon him he said `In i the dark or in the- light, I am God"s-,9 : He; obeyed THim, .aI`1d, diouhtlesvs, A as the German Emperorr 'cro.wred his .heir with the Imperial Crown in white lilies, sohis Lord has crowned `him with joy. ,Could_ 01,11 , revered General speak to "our hearts from that radiant world where he has solv- ed life s mysteries and received a. re- velation of its -problems, could he speak as we have heard him address large audiences,` lifting high the lamp of liberty and. l1o would earnest- ly "ask you `what will you do with your life? _ Mine ,was- given to my ` Lord and'I have entered- into my re- . wand`, Qmlx Ira. Hm T,...,1 ..1-- -...1 ._-_ FELL FROM HARVESTER ---`.._._ $0, 'the Homeland; my thought was of his .Nperr`so11til. kindness and tender `sympathy to Ame-`A when I was in deep sort`-aw,V.years ago; when my dmling little girl went home. - I912 `NOTiCE ,_- _. v-- a.L\JkI.|._1.L;.lll. The Hospital Board met on Tuw~ day afternoon. They ret-eived official notication of the beqtwst of $7,000 left by the Late Mrs. Cook for the em dowment of _two cots, one to be known as The Elizabeth Sambmok Cot, and the other The Eliza Mac- watt Cot.. These cots are to be Iplaced in the public ward and are to be `for the use of poor patientsjnvhene ever possible. I 1r:-- 1r_`r, ' - - -.,v. ,.w.,..m-. V Miss McLennan was appointed 9. delegate to the meeting of the Amer ican- Association of Hospitals at De- troit in -Octobefr. . "Wm .. . . . . , The Committee in charge con- sisted of Miss Radenhmfst. Miss Bird. Miss Telfer. Miss C. Pulling, Mr. Guy Short and Mr. T. Cres- wiclae." ~ ' / The Saturday afternoon teas will be resumed` [during September and October. A large crmvd is expected [for next Sattlrday. -..._-, ........ nua a 51000 success-`in ivery Way. Mrs. Shdrt and; Mrs.` Witten were efficient chaperons, while Lt.-Col.` McPhee and Mr. J. E. Montague Leeds proved popular erpresentatives of the older mem-- um. ' ` 0 3 The visitors were entertained at lunch in the Club House and at dinw Iner after the .match at the Queen s VHotel. A return match has been are ranged for Thursday, Sept. 5th. _ The younger element in the Club celebrated the holiday by a dance in [the -ClubvHous_e, which was agreat, in mymm mm. ].r..,. oL--L _-- `I- .sJu-LJIC F. T. Short. . . . .0 Dr. Elliot... . .0 H. E. Jory. .. . .1 F. Lewis . . . . . .0 W. A. Boys. . .0 W.P.Armstrong1 `Dr. Arnall. .. ..-.1 Dr. A. A'rdag'h.0 Lt.-Col. McPhee.1. G. Rwpley. . . . .0 W. Scott... . . . . .1 0 T. Beecroft. . . . .0 W. "A. Watts. .1 T. Crew. . . . . . .1 F.L.MacGach-an O H. B. Richey...1 Dr. J.N.Ha.rvie.0 Q 1\.r,.AA..... n h- T` * u. 1.). nncuey. . . 1 Ur. J.N.1ia.rvie.0 S. McAdam. . . ..O Dr. Brown. . . .1 --....,, .. mums competition was held ; the playing atracting a large num~' , of -interested visitors. The result . was as follows: ' x ` Approaching and Putting--Miss. v Spry 1st, Miss G. Polling 2nd`. n Driving-Miss M. Lennox 151:, Miss Spry 2nd. ' ' Playing 8th HJole-Mns. Rex. Ardagh. ls :-, Miss G. Palling 2nd. Afterwards tea was served in the -Club House, the hos-tessee being Mrs. Boys. Mrs. Rees and Mrs. Wismer. About seventy-ve were present. On Monday,- notwithstanding the Wet Weather, the Orillia Club sent ten men to play the locals, but in spite of the encouraging presence of Captain Whitney. they were unsuc- cessful; The following` was the score: I Barrie Orillia TV '3` "` ' ill 6'- ing manifested in golf, and some of the newer members are the most" com stant players on~the Inks. On Sat- urday a 1`a.dies"competition held V. AA g7reat deal of Aintefest. stiil is b .tl1R hlvinnv no-n,.4.'..... A 1 Locals Defeated Orillia Op . V tithe Holiday.`-`-Ladies Com- petition Was Interesting. ` LEGACY FOR HOSPITAL. Eii`6` E . if we say thatx`_1_o home baking can possibly equal the products of this_ Bakery. Take \ the matter ofpractice alone. - We bake hundreds of loaves to '}'ourLpn_e, and as for faciliA'ti`es', . no kitchen `range `can. equal our :'s'p'eei_ally' built oven`s.- ;Try our,B`read for 3 . `ei`;:l`.:-`t ,`?`i`, k' .lj`. dg'e.-'? i .. '== DON'T BE 3%] Offencled [ 35.00 psi )0 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE V 3-cu cont: vnaugfcturs ? \Jl' ..0 ElIiot.....0 . 1 ..0 .'.o VV.P.Amjstro1g1 .:.1 :e.1. hite 13 "`"`-LL',lllUlHanly ],;ATE. FRAME HOUS,E;AaJTl): stab] 0) CHARLES is-tr? % 1 " .1 Popertvy of Mr.` *6 Imce $1600. ` V *}n9,1;_H H_E NEATE~S;T.,. % { BHIFK .lI`()l'SE BI';uH'mwl St. ill Illv (}r:m| Trun ingr mul pnmbin $101) lawn, Bali Barrie Property Increasing in Value WIW Not Take Advantag and Buy NOW . ..\`I;.\'r mm]: IIOUSE on `Sophia 25': ``'i'` 1i:."l1t and sewer. Price M``'` "H mm terms Posessiori 3. lulltn. lF_|[-";_'I|:-.`_-'II:II:-'_-'-J _ N... _ JNE OF THE NEATEST TAGES in Barrie; for%%.sa1;9% St, West of by Mr. J swwart I J - 2m<`:< uovsE ON VICTORIA.-` '`1'- light and fumaoe."This Ls n .~:u:1p at $1500. V Texfms 7`,}ff\ (` STOREY FRAME: G021-i xl,,co1'uer of Francjg __ .25 H"V.Y $3., be1autifu`l " R'liI`(]r.m - thu-IAA '- ' s : . `--..E '`--| :.?-.\'.:1 alt F. T. SHORT, "Manager u 1\n!l`\l\11 IWQI :1 - g--.- Yul! can do it safely, as-'A%_we, give :gpeciz11 attention to vd1'n\va1s or other` banking business 'l1nI1 in this way. See t_1_1e`Man- ag'('r allmut it. fLe_ the When roads are and _.a/` trip in town means 8.. work. save your horses and yoursif, by banking` with us by maili` . P Id-IIP Ca Ital. nest` axed Undlvl ed Proms Total Assets (Over): 0; aunxcuulnuzuullu Bio. I-lab 1-. w. ASHE. - - Manager. a. M. c. mar swlrnl. Auguunt May U!` LONDON, ENG BRANEI: 51 Th:-endneedlg 9.9-- tar- nH('('. SIMMONS &c0. c::1`liM11gV 5i:'st`rit 9f. Trunk. ` IIea`_t1n8';.`}111Z-'11? nml pulnbing`. Price `$250.01 I Iuwn. balance m0nth13f{Pi13_'i`7 A . . J L, LXI. No. as .vvAH6I.7 W Thompson cncw. PuI|,1_A;o(|jg` K. 'T?A1f?SrY3&' '9 prdpertis_" all part_s; .of a `door, nqhg. ~ %vem to put- erms. . ' er notg Fall Stiff w -, u---`V-U CUGBTDII "S-1 T-hrendnecdle St. E.C. - -- 1 For sale $1500, % 0`_dojw` monthly paymemzg-, I " * -Wu uwuu uu us unxvu " for the Barrie Branch.` or caxangy New Hatters Is? Aw `rm ss.:aI.3'I f6 -): $58_-,00i0. 0'[0.0 The Salvation Army requested` the `use of the Town Hall for a on Monday evening, Sept. 16th. The Eleceric Light Comm'issioners .w1~otse. that if they complied` wit_h a request to move an electric light pole Tecently placed in front of Mr. Jas. Dougal1 s' residence . on Thompson Qf #111) 1vvrnn1p]' 1\nivl\ 4-,. .\L....JA..- L`-A ' A peaiink 'f'-2.'m"'i%aI-Z1 that B. Parker be g'nanted= the privi- lege of weighing hay on his scales. Careless Tfee Trimming`. _ AM. Clark comf),ed= bf the man - 1101` in which the.B<'a11 Telephone Co. J: u yuan: I W IUULU l L"C' U11 .1. IUUIHWUIQ t.. they wou.ldJ.`l21la.v_e to abandon the light `at the bridge or move their poles to the other side: -of street. the N1/2 0 Town mt-y of noon of r, 1912. be 9.1 19 out- .. I ,A.1fredgHook,~ through his solici- tors, Crleszwicke & Co., has asked the Town for $300 damages, qauseda by` the oodzing of his premises, ' corner of Go-wan and Reed! Sts., through a -faulty drain. He claims` that his cellar Was: full of Water` for many weeks. causing sickness: in his;_ fam- ily. He also asks that the drain be put. in proper colisdiition. F ailing` compliance. -with these reques.uts,1ega.l` proceedings; will -be taken. .5...` nuts vaspvv 1 WI. T 'i`he Hydro-Electric agreement, duly signed by the 'Commissi.on,'vsas-A `received-'; , ` The vwestrumite Co. of Brantford I wrote in reference to the new pave- ment on.Brad}'ord St. One of their. reprmentatives had. been in f Town _ `looking over the street, and the com- e Inunicationi sng'g\ested? that the Coun- cil consider the advisability of b_uild`- ing a aroadwtay only'22, instead of 30 3?feet in Width, using better fni o_eria1. The Westrumite` Go. - offered `to sell A their ma.terial- at 750. a. square yard_;, 1 "0r.wn|1i An tho min.-.1. 4,4... :...1...1.-..... \ -OC\rlO Asoovvvl 5'64-l'_ Q0 `UV! iuo ' or would do the .whole job,` including the', laying of 5-inch con- crete base with a 2-in-ch`wea.ring sur- faoe of. Westrumite `asphalt, at a total cost of $2.00 per squane -yard-. They also offer to build a. concrete curb a1u`gutter (6 in. curb and 15 iii. gutter) for 550. {per lineal foot. The work to be guaranteed for v ` lyea1'sI.V _ ' _ 1 Mg.keL `ant:-lea with sec retaAryf' .7`..- _....._._.._.._...._ .._ v___. v.--`- - ---- 'mmurmmmmmm. - - Wednesday--3 to 0.; 7.80 )to 9 pm. . ` 1' 1`lcIB1'8-I8``cents.-2 tor as cams`. mWMmm- FOR: 7sPTE_MB_Ea_ _1_(_u and mu ; llr. VAB`osank0 Flower Show Dr. McC-ulloligh, Chief Officer. Of Health for _ -Ontario, sent oicial notice that `steps will: have to be taken `to establish a proper sewage idi,sposa1 system forthwith. the ow ish red ite. in- w_n ed that sewers be; `constfucted on Peel St. from James to Sophia St., `on[McDo1nald` St. from Mulcaster: St. to Owen St., and on Albert St. from -Charlotte to Louisa St. Aid. M-9-Lean, Sarjeant and Bunk: _er were the a.b'enVteesu at Movn_day s Council: meeting, the first held since the first week of August. The meet- ing was: of short duration and nine o clock saw" the, -member-[s on their may home. TOWN COUNCIL HAD & \ snoar SESSION Ausplces Barrie Hxortioultural Soclty n ~frowN.jIuI.L. BAIIRIE . ' '1_'wo:murs. nine 263% INUf '1`. '1'. Axopxa `rt-or." Inninfs _or'.nnn`uc, `ms. ` -vw ?>ll\`7V'(\&L LIL UL LII: .L`ll.lI1.I.Ly, ` upon the suggttstion of Ald-. Davis, the if there `am `sufcient -V .cari'fed. . _ _ fd W??? '94kkd- ml: #8 m .F1. The. , eviipqyawr . ywill .'or'n:menc_e 9th.* -We . fwant all are large: [V Z, ._ All is, .,,is% to" % A Emma EvA1?oRAroR y TAAPPLF-SLWANTED. -Ipllll\ vuuux Iuvu vu um A I ` Mayor Co.W . and'Reeve Bennett informed _fAld. Lowe that there was no.4 money available for this work, and suggested thaii he withdraw the motion or have it sent to committee. were` money they woinld the work done. Ald-. Lowe: `declined to d_o'._eSithIer,' saying that ;i+he did 1so,"? other work .would .be( _shd\'ned'i"in}a;l1,ead of it.` FFina11y;i : -`hum '-+39. *a:.'m...'....=.+:.~'..'. -.4: 41.1; +n..-_-;. ' l 'Ald:. Lowe inbrodrucedl a motion for! the expenditure of $20.0 on ` gt-adinig andVg`raLv' `Small St. from Eliza.- St`..4t43`LPark` St; ` `L ..., ._ I _be commenced early in the summer` ' _ Ma.yor( CoWan ex-pl2Anin`edA `that a wuir vnU\J uuuvun t.l\lIl\I1L U.L Gallic` 1l;21..) j of A1913. pe1ve_mIptory order for this: work had been issued by the Provincial Board of Hi3alt.h and- they had no option in the "H113.-Br. ' ' I ` ' I ' .41....` nuumx--:.wa.o nut: order 01] the Provincial Board of Health re} the treatment of the sewage of` the Town of B-arrie be complied`. with` and, that Engineer Macdonnell be in-] structed forthwith to_ prepare phms anc erpecicatioxls of disposal w~orks_ for the tneatingtof the sw- t age of the Town of `Barrie, in order - u . - that the constructlon of T same may 1 I]-\n nnmmannntq A-H-1" 5 `'L- ----`-`z Reevia Bemiett swted that `at _a coming session of the Leig:isjIa_ture the Act_Wou1d be amended to give \ thew municipality the power to pro-- ' hihit these boards- V . . ` Sewage Disposal. A T ' - Crla-z'k--RusJ<--That the order of. u+ln..AD.......:....:..1 1.`)-.`...I iv Tr 1-- IJJ Au-vv 0 Under the Tcirctnmstancesu it was deemed advisable j to rescixld this` clause of we building by-'-1:a.W, which was forthwith done. V nt. rticulmfs

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