20 25 19 10 00 AA ~`t0m' New England in their automo- a `trip through the Thousand Islands, Mr. and Mrs. Davis will u\.1O .vvc1U .u'.I u.wx:uuu.u'u5. H bile and will spend some time at the sea-shore before going `to A'lbany, N.Y.,'- where they will reside. Thehchief event was a _mixed-four- some-handicap. match in which 14' lladies and 14- gentlemen ,participat~ 1' .1311 ' - ` .-Tuesday excursions`, among `the num- ber being, Dr. Brother, R. A.` De- r `Hm, `Chas; Hunter, Mrs. R. McDon- nell and son of Barrie; Mr. J os. Edwardson and Miss Atkinson ._of Crown Hill, all; of whom. were tic- _' keted; for Edmonton. ` I wnto on: the` De'puty-Reeve -S- Wesley was A. in Toronto last '- week mztending the Grand Preceptory of ` Knight Te-II.1-' - `plum. Judge MacWatt of Sarnta well and J. C. Irwin `of Toronto `were also delegates representing Mount Calvary Preoeptony, No. 12, `Bax-r'ie. ` . i h A equiet marriage `was. solerrmizedl 'in `St. -Andre.W s- Presbyterian Church 1 on Tuesday morning, when Miss` Isa-bel Robertson Brown `became. the} `wife -of Wliam Russeil Davis" `of Albany, N.Y. `Rev. `Dr. McLeod] tied the nuptial knot "in the presence of the immediate family. of the bride-. The bride Wore her tr'avelling suit .ofV'b1ue'serge with white tailored felt hat. There were no attendants. AA`.EL._'_. , 4,," :1 1 .1 runs ,E, . to .. `merly ' of '1 ,-::.`~f, '}*9 uU!-'"9eCl_' W20-9 -` 938389" only daugh$e1:,.- Mabel \ r .. Ivan B Musselman, _for- take placg quietly early in `Septem- Ehfiira, mdrhge 1:07 BARBIE GOLF CLUB. DAVIS-BROWN'; THV3.;NoRTHERN Ab3vANcEW mm [iEi'Ens %xcunsIoNs, .10 . 10 -Ir I14 . 10" .14 I15 Hawke-i 47% :3, v--viur 4nuuAnoaaB Lory .|.va. ""11" I>1'U:2'rannne postponed ,on -ac- count of inclement weather. [A` `large S:10\}'_ a."c. ce11t'ive]-y` `to `the W:_1E)1a.~:v111111'1`1)ers by the band- -a_nd the<. '<-.'\f-(.-(-d1ng'1,`y. Well pleased S0md`1t1.~.t1r_-. msh of rthe_.mu'1<;. Z; _t of the more progresslve cm- n.~. talk uf a band stand for next. minn 62 50 53 _53 50 47 56 46 `64 cRANb`F1iiv"k" R-:ATL_V*V-A-YWS-'i'E*M`g ` We ask you to accept the accom- panyimr gift as a tangible proof of our best wishes, and regard for you. May you "be spared -for many years .to enjoy the unbroken fellowship with each `other ant! with your; friends, whose naima are attached. I 3 new Bari`ie J .Bi F5;i.1'2 Dear Friends,--A number of your` friends do not wish to let this oppor- | tunity go by without expressing to` you their sincere congratulations on this happy occasion which is not granted tovery many, the celebration of `your diamond wedding. We ap-i 'prec.iate your long life `of integrity! andVgood._neighborliness in this com-I munity; you have always been good friends in good and evil `report, and ` you have practiced to `the `best of your ability Good will and hospit-. _alit,v towards all. your friends. ' A On Tuesday morning a presentae tion was made to Mr. and Mrs. Blazckmore. by several of their many friends who did not wish to let the occasion of their -diamond wedding go by without. due recognition. The `present consisted of a beautiful car- ae and six glasses of excellent cut- iglass, accompanied by the following midi-nae - Painswick, Aug. 20th, 1912. 'Mr. and Mrs`. John Blagkmore. ----__ ......--0 n\4bA\JA7l ~Tl;e evening was spent most en- `joyably, the Rev. Dr. Langfeldt was asked to act as toast-master and happy speeches marked the festive oceasxon. , On Saturday evening the 'family of Mr. and Mrs. ` John Blockmore and a few invited guests celebrated right royally the 60th anniversary of their wedding. All the sons and daughters, sons-in-law and daughters- in-1a.w, grand-children 'and great-' grand-children were -present to honor their parents who are highly respect- ed; by their many friends. [ Mr. and Mrs. John Blackmofe! Recipients of" Presents E and Address on 60th ! V Anniversary of Wedding. ` Mr. .1. A. McNeil. of the Calladian Pres.-:., Limited, Tor0I1t0..ha.1'et111'n' J In tlw <-ity after a vacgtloll Spent with his fzmlily at h_11"5mmer C-Ottagro at .\Iim1ett s Pomt, f0 "," ing.-'21 \'i.-it -by Mr. and -Mrs. McNel1 and .\Ia.~:tvr .\[a1'cus McNeil to MP3 1\Ic.\'<*i]'.< nmthext, Mrs. E. M..Ha11, {at Hamilton. [. BOYS Shirt Waists, extra value at 50c SinceVrely you:-5-,`_ `iii A -9 A-n-pun-oi ~~~~~ "J J"""'! . I E Prices ` range according to size and quality, from $3.00 to $12.00 sARJEA1& KING [ fTht*_('itiz<;-1~1s Band gave rthe last 11 thmr throfz. Allandale concerts ,on "d.V <.-ven.m-g', thus making up for ' DIN` HIV \()`l'J In 1110 ~.-xntvd--`Au. AL] -l\/LO\I JJVVCIL DI COWAN; Barrie. _ Executors. `Dated August 22nd, 1912 . A 3436' , -_-- .. ..w-u.v_.;vs_ uuc, aaxu it-3" sets, or any part thereof to any per-| son or persons"of whose claims noticei shall not -have been received at the] time of {such distribution. VIOLA P. WEBSTER, `~ ` " Belle Ewart A1-1-Q-u-r ...-;_._._' And take notice that after such last mentioned` date the executors willi proceed. to distribute the assets, of the said deceased arhong the par-] ties entitled thereto, having regard! only to the claims of which` they shall ! then have had notice and-. that they will not' be liable ,for the. said as-! gain nap nun C\1\n` A.L-..--t` 4- H, --.\, ;.au~:u\.\.o Illfb bllzll; uu CI'(l1El Hers or others havlng clznms against Webster",-.who died on or about the 23rd day of of July, 1912, are required on or before the seventh day of Septem- ber, 1912, to send -by post or deliver `to. t ' undersigned`, executors of the said deceased-, their names and ad- dresses: and full particulars of their claims and the nature of the security, if :an'y,Aheld by them. A__ 1 .. a -- - the estate of the said Seymour Cook ' In the estate of Seymour Cook Web-E Vhster, late of the Township of A Innisl, in the County of Sim-1 coe, Merchant, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to -The Trustees Act that all credit- o nrqu nr nfhnsvo Ian-.. ,,_._ -'l-3, ' A Itiis rumored freeiy, says a Lon? don, Eng-, despatch, that many of the oicials of the Grand Trunkwill re- sign. very shortly. The news of Mr. iBrownIee s'1-esignationis said to be I the first one of many. Supt. -Whit- tenberger of the eastern division and ,. I ice-P-resident Fitzhugh are ,t-ioned as two of the prominent of- lcers to go, the former at the first [of September. Other minor oicials [will also leave the road shortly. of ((T` att fea Ho are qua be mu the Jim the [his OTHER OFFICIALSTO RESIGN can do her younger sister no greater service than to petr- suade her to buy her meats at this market. For it will mean choice tender meat on her table, honest weight, rea- sonable prices and` prompt service. Husbands of wives who trade here never nci faultwith their meals. They .can t nd cause to. NOTICE To CREDITORS. '.l`l1c fm1e1'al [took place on ;Wed- xsmluy of last week of the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Benj._ Terry, agml '5 months .and2'7 days. Inter-_ ml-nt \\`:1.~: Inzule at Stroud. .\lr-. J.S. Humphries of the Meth-. odis1. P:11'. .38 EBurt011 AV/'e.j, will rm-uiw on Tuesday afternoon and uvc-ning, August 27th. Her sis- to:-;<,tl1c Misses Breckenridge`- of Tormltu will receive .wit1i her. "1`>o`1m7s ` BARBIE Ahdfas in the past, they will be the Suits the T _.boys of Barrie want. ;And_as the `Joy takes his styles from the -man, he iviviil wear Tweed Suits this fall. \/Ve are preparing for the opening of school with V Are 'weecl Suits NOTICE is hereby given that I , have transmitted or delivered to the . persons mentioned in Sections 8 and . 9 of the Ontario Voters Lists Act, ` the `copies required by said sections to be so transmitted or delivered of the list made pursuant to said Act, of all persons appearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said `Municipality to \ be entitled to vote `in the said Municipality at elections `for members of the Legslative As- isembly and at Municipal. Elections, and that the said list was rst posted up at my Oce at Thornton on the !3rd day of August, 1912, and re- mains there for inspection, and I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors Cir omissions corrected accord- ing to aw. ' mg- ._ ____ Z Best Wearers i 'roWEJSiiii>"d& ihiiisrn. ('o11t1'zl<.-t<)1' Tooke j;1'1-ished the 9e. im-nt \\'m'k (ff t.he. new factory build- ing 101' }\i'lntes}des and- `Arnold last Wwk. ?h~ bmlding will be rushed tn :u.I\u\ .. IA? `..,.--.. ___-_"_'I_1_ iVO'l`ERS LIST, 12;; ,.....w.ue u; mun nanas which will be- heard in some new and effective munbers. The cast is practically same as last season, ..with Wil- liam Lawrence, who is now playing part of dear oId`Unc1e Josh for [his tenth season. As usual Mr. ;F rank Thompson, son of Dcnman, is directing and managing the produc- tion. At the Grand. Opera House, !Thursday, `Au,<.>:. 29th. __.., \IlRJ .n.;uuLCeu'J&1u," 1s a commg attractlon in Barrie. All the same features that have marked The Old Homestead as a success in the past are promised, "including the famous quartette of farm hands which will L- `L 1 ' That quaintest and most delightful home plays, Denman Thompson s The Old Homestead, is coming f(3_9_f`l'l'l'Qc fhaf Ln..- ......_.L- 1 urn: n.. THE OLDER HOUSEKEEPER MUNICIPALITY or THE. 1% `Vn5iv- 27 nomrzr n couwrv or SIMCOE ruvgv ll Z! noun nnnrvnmr .--Jvu, Jnxuluulllg Llle IEIIIIOUS 1n new ITTDYI no vnls A - ~ -- U... 411- uuuuxug W111. UU 1'U51cu tn <-ulnplt-ti as soon `as possible, and >114-1'z1ti011s will commence thls 13:. K -J ' nnnnncli rs from 50c to $2 per pair --v A rm-nt de.~:pa.t'c.h says that, the (:.T.]{. is sending back pay-tiofthose m'iko1`.~' who resumed work ` while thi1-cases were-pen'di11g~ before Ar- bitmtm' Bu1'1'011. ' .F1'oi,:l1t1msix1ess on this line is exu-ptimmlly heavy and is contin- ually ml the increase. New brakes- mm are .~'tm'ting' on every Week. I 4 1 `.1 w,`\lVr. G00. Lawrence at`tended' tlie Grznul Lodge of the S.O.E. at Nia- gam Falls` last week. --gr , -I I Mis Agnes B1'ennen_ of Montreal is the west; 01' her` friend, Mi_ss.Maud Clark. at "The Boulders. ` ,\lr.-. [Be-nrdley of Toronto and sons M. v1. her parents, Mr, ' and Mrs. Alex. -C~}1a1'k. V - ' `Mrs. Ed. Slwur _:1nd child are home fl-(.111 a 1nm1th .s v1.s1t 111 Woodstock. Bliss Edna J:_1ckT of T0ronto'\is visitillgr her cousin, JMISS Olive Jack, 1\IomIay was pay-day on the _G.T. _,- iv ,_ _ R. m_1 111nm-y is easier this week iii cu11.~`(l`q1l vmeo. r\ 1 1 .o IV` .' - gb .... ucueu vuu lot :atggu~`(i'iu`t`u 59?`? '.'_?-,.* `M `NY ammo mums Canadian Ni!~_9jna1% 1\.su. ... M1`. 111111 .\I1'\- J01} 1 . .. 11 Catlin"we . x Fe 111 B1111-111 1at \\ee 1 .5 . 1 k a . " W iQ\V da ` V ` ` yss . 10`. . u HLRUDO lllli Dl`lI- C" I 30099099090000ouuoouz U . H(1\'_ A. V. and Mrs. Brown_ have rct1n'm-(V1 tn '1 own. T 1 IV .1` onooooooooooooooooqgz . Q) A $3 1... X ` CI Plus half"- CW WQUZ UT 13-cent mile to Winnipeg, plug $.18-t9_ destinatin in EaI,t':`e\rnVCavn\.a.li_ Films, Plates, Papers. T ` Chemicals, Plate ~ `Holders, Tripods, Printing. Frames, etc. ~ " We do Devclopling and Flhilllissa. .1; p;_m'ides endless enjoymebt- .meut In years to come. as well as II;.th 3 . .-gaunt time. Ot course you . -h.v_. gmaxetiilles had the desire to take hbm` ...~...ws which appealed to. you._g_vg;-y.~_.. ourlines of suppliosis completevandi includes ever) thing needed in photo .mnkimZ. lncllfuca nakmg. iometimcs nan um uc-uru on use name {$3-svshag y be able to do 80` camera at almost any V pay, All prxces {mm 8 .00 to 876.00.. " -an Il\Fl"I\ GI YIHIII IE3 why notvget a` camera and ? a can sell you a. hlch you--e_y,g;-y.;; rlce you wish to Robertson s% .B.\.\'D CONCERTS. moss THE BAY as "-THE MLL HOBBIES? ubro SUPPLIES 1 Door Ea.stIofWB:7u'rie gate]. 6.;caie;a3"" n V f-cent mile from Winnipeg `to destination, but not beyond Macl`.eod,.Cnlgn1_-y or Edmonton. V. ` . <:::`..%.2:*:::'s*:.*:.`:::'a?'a-P2&%:`3n"%$%%l`-F&x`s`='%'-%an`%i'-`?o?r""-nte ~ to Kingston and Renfrew. h- From all stations Toronto and lint. fund Eat `9fv01"m.` "d_ 3" `mn.9n"._.Lil h- -From all stations Toronto tob_North BB7:p1l_I0l`_13`Y`}_D_,`lf,w?;"tr-_tV,Il.f`!$ l vnnuc s'%ron_zf.A $Io.oQ'ro WIINIPEG Y?` `?""?*`3_ A a~F u % " " 1 V .r ` uo.cos.;-unis` r;?_3:r;'?.e1f3t{"s'?:_ .f_'}`.}-'. ; `;"hn?3:a?1`3nis"%%"x'x':': a`:dPNI:rl;1W3r:It of tomato II&\.:\alIV pt .1. (M553 `of Thursday. the last of the three con-* 7 ince11t s Park. ! " !:`i; %-I =- Yw A 2:! W o Ri$TI?B3'IN_ `V ME. and Mrs. M-ark'B. Loblaw or .'!Bo;1d Head, On't.,_ `annouhce the en- gagement of their youngest daughter, Blanche Louzell, to `Mr. `John Glenn A Mr. I. Stirling Jory of Brandon and formerly of Oro, is visiting friends at Haileybury, Bracebridgz and Barrie. Mr. Jory `is now Bran- don representative of The Winnipeg iielegram. , . Prof. G. A. H.` Fraser of Denver, is renewing -acquaintance in Town. Mr. Fraser will be remembered as one of the. most brilliant graduates of the Barrie Collegiate Institute. I Miss Nellie Grant, `trained nurse of Montreal, arrived home this week to wait upon her. father, Mr. John lGrr_It, Henry St., who is dan'gerou-s- y 1 . . . I Mrs. Metcalf and Mrs. R. J. Gu-% 3t-hrie have been spending a week in. ` Toronto and have now gone to Parry Sound for a week s visit .with relativj Mr. H; H. Ardagh, B1ake- st.,' leaves next week for a business. trip" to Vah1couver,'in connection with the( Canadian Forestry Association, f A Mr and Mrs. J. W. Merrick were in Brad.fordV on Sunday-, attending the funeral of Mrs. Merrick s grand- father, tlie late Mr. Dutcher. Dr. and Mrs. Palling were in To- ronto on' Tuesday. ` Mrs. Palling and daughters have engaged apartments lthere for_ the .Winter months.. ' Mr. Peter McLa1-ty, Jr., i.s'home from Paris fora few weeks, -prior to attending the Ontario College of Pharmacy in September. Mrs. Geo. Mc-Lean of Barrie and Miss Mary Craig of Philadelphia have been visiting Mrs. Arthur Bell %in Miclland. " , Mr./Tand `M1-s._A.` W. Young and son, of Berlin were in Town for the 'Davis-'-Brown wedding on 'Tuesday. Tuesday. V I M-iss `R. Beatty `of Barrie is "the guest 0-f her grandparents, `Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Beatty. - -Goldwater Planet. ' ' ` Miss Leith and Mrs. John .'Le'i't -h..of Coulson spent a few days last week with _Mr. Jos. Swan, Ba`ye1c'l- `St. Miss Susie C1inkmmbroomer'o:f To- ronto, spent. week-end with her auxit, Mrs. A. McNeil], .Dunlo`p St. Dr. Wallwin was in IBraoe'b_r'iige on Monday attendinga man who had sl1\1s11i11ed' serious imjnaries to s 'u . - "Miss McKenzie of Toronto .spont Thursday with" Mm Fred. R. Red- ditt, on her way home from Parry` Sound. I ' vvvvv -- I A Gladys Ness was operated on for: appendicitis at the R. V. Hos-_ pital on Monday and is making good progress` towards recovery. . Mr. D. M. Stewart` gis _ holidaying at Fort William,~where Mrs. Stewart has been vistiug for a few "weeks. 1'! -r c u `- Mi;s- f1s`~`l';;1';3:~-a;n:iMrs. Campbell bf Aurora are guests of K. S. Macdonell, Dunlap St. - Mrs: F. 0. Coleman spent .a fw days-unde.r the..parenta1 roof, `..Beau-A mont Farm, Churchm; ' Mrs. H. G. Robertson, and children are spending a few :wee'.ks Eazt Wagner s Beach, Hamilton. 1.r-, 1- 1- " ' - `a few days. 16}; 1A1;d-vlljlz`-;-,a`1':`Ibn1:% D.a~v.idson of Toronto were the guests of Mrs. E. Lam-bie and. P. C. John Lambie for` `Miss S; M. Gamble` f- .ete1-.b6io7 is spendmg a few days .with her sis- iter, Mrs. 0. Coleman . ean sstaxideii, formerly of 1Minesing, has V been visiting friends` `in Town and vicinity. _ ' 711}... '|r:._ 7-` ~- % Miss E. J the-week end with refatives at Thornton. in", 11:.-- `n -"-- -- ` ` The `property has ._a frontage of 38 feet `on Yonge street, by 90 feet deep 1 glong Irwin. avenue. - On it are two the numbers 7.of `them being W `1_-644 .Yo_nge Street. V Thedatox-ves 316 two storeys high. ' The'pr_ice per `PW Mr. W. A. Boys, ` M.P., who has been interested in Toronto real es- tate for some time, has just purchas- ed as An speculation, the south-west_ corner `of Yonsre St.. and Irwin agnue, Toronto, for $57,000 _ The _- Ayehndonr was Mrs. Annie _.Murphy.* - BOUGHT TORONTO BUSINESS % `. % ~-PROPERTY. . 2 vcusr 28th- AUGUST 50th~- .1II.I I -L`-I-\IllI: A During J. "Salter and Reeve Benntt played 01} a most exciting challenge match in which the Reeve was beaten by one stroke. . . . feld, Dunlap or Elizabeth Sts., or LCST-On Tuesday night on Bay- 'in rink. 8, go_ld_coil.brooch set with` `an opal. "Finder" leaving at this Oce will receive reward. ` 57! Miss Radenhurst '. . Mg.` Montagu-Leeds` . . _._S.._. ;L_ _A.-__._-_ Miss `Constance Palling . Mr. S. McAdam .. . . sfnztggi Weil ::' :2 Miss Marjory Lennb "Dr. A1-nall .. .n.v\/an `AA -..- .,. ....,.. . . Lt.-C017 McPhee . . '. . . vs._ Miss? Witten`.. .. . Mr. Oakley .. .. . Miss. Wism_er . . Mr. Sims .; ... Miss Crew .. .. Mr. K. Macdqllell . _ ` vs. `Ito 1'10 ....n-\1J \4\lJ.V\/IDILLD. , B5 .~.`pH-izil request the Citizens - Band will give their weekly concert 011 the I u.~:t Office Square to-nigbd; (",n1*'-9 Next .week the concert will be held in St. Vincent's: Park` 2.13.M11=!y instead nf 'I`I1|n-tuIav_ Miss Seath ' . Q Mr. H. E. Jory ' ` vs. 110 `Ir I -rs Miss` Marion Dru1';r. Mr. A. `Boys . .. Miss Laidlaw .. -.. . Mr. M. J. Fra.wley .. _ vs. _` Miss Gladys Ardagh Dr. Gordon Gallie .. VUDJ EMrs.AL,aidmanA.. .. `Mr. H. J.~G-rasett .. J. I.\./5 Ll\.I\JJl D G111 LIDLJLIJVJLJ In H Mr. Sheepshank, -a" Week-end. guest of Mrs. Calderwood-, and an English golfer of some renown, commentecl most favorably on the excellence of the links : Following is the draw and score :- ' ` ~Handicap Net 1l'.'._ 15,11` [Miss Palling .. .. [M12 Sheepshank . . ;`_%`hey;3`i`;`5:.::2;s `close and .exciting land the players expressed themselves as being highly delighted wit} the afternoon s amusement. T A 1] n1 1 u - - - A ' The prize for best net score won -by Miss Palling; whose partner was Mr. Sheepshank `of `Norwich, England. The, other prize-was won by Miss Sneath, whose partner I was the \president,eMr. H. E. Jo\ry. Be.- fore the match the gvntlennen were entertained at tea in the Club House by the` ladies, with Miss Gladys Ar- -dagh p1\esidin'g. . I TL. .1... _.-- .1... _..I WWTKWO prizes; donated by the vice- presid`en.t,_ Lt.-Col. J. B. McPhee and Mr. D. T. Bees, and conlsisting of two beautiful hand-painted china bowls, svere given_for the best net and gross scores. ` ' , ,__ -_-. `as .-4-. \.d-A4`;-5'0 ` A most Eelightful afternoon `was. spent on the golf links o11'Saturday `last. A ` season.