- . , I Pavilion Being " Raised "And" -`Lavatories Installed.-- Walks. will be Laid Out Soon. A ` mmovamanrs % I T0 ouams PARK { NOW UNDER WAY! REAL ESTATE MQVING. -u vi TC CDT] ruunsnnf 7510.. nun Iv_a\.4 4I.uIDII-Al.U aDI3l_UUll:lII_ l_,:1'_HC_g`!.{U__l _l. . _ I 4` 1 He wi]`l'iB. Egzried to-dam ;,1i.Vi1 -.11 ,;ful1 military honp , and of -the i:-jne1)rs of the"1Bah& wi11;at- 'tend,the funeral in a body.- . `Addison .was,.quiteC%ve1l known i:;~Ieam5,fW*navfngi`%ts:isitd:. his vson 4 : BANDMASTER ADDYSON BE- . REAVED. The death occurred` at Hamilton ' on Tuesday forenoon of Mr. William Addison, father of Bandmaster Ari-I dison. and the `oldest member of the Iilton, after an illness which extended` : over a period `of nearly a year. Mr. l _members- of the famous Hamilton 13th Royal Regiment Band of Ham- ~_Addison was one. of the original band. having joined; at the formation of the organization in 1866, after several years service in the old Ar- tillery Band. He was one of the fore- most members in keeping the band i together through these 45 years and `Mr. W. F. `Robinson said the band `_-was never complete without his pres- ence.- As a euphonium nlayer he had few veers.-e Mr. Addison was born in Hamilton 65`years ago, and 7 has `lived ..th'eref' `all his life, fox-i...the last. tn iTor,'{twelve- years -being em- '::ployedjat'_the Pfovingigl Hospital for . ~ 1:"-V*V" . The -boy disappeared for a short time, but later .went back to May with a paper, When Detective Lea- vitt and Police Constable Holmes ac.- co'sted= the two they found that young` Manseld had simply gone to thel baggage transfer ofce and-, securingl a transfer slip, had written on it, Land. tax paid, $5. May was in complete ignorance of the scheme un- til the oieers led Manseld away to the nolice station on a charge - of ob"- taining money under false pretences. Manseld appeared before Commis- sioner Starr, of the Juvenile Court. The -boy had come from Nevgmarket to spend` the day in Toronto. vvAAvwL\Ju.uL\i.l|. .VVllAl]. Alla allul ed where he had come from and the fact that he was not well acquaint- ed with conditions in Canada. Learn- ing that May Wished to go to R0-I chester, it is stated, Manseld. offer-I ed to get his ticket for him. as he knew the location of ,_the ticket of- fice. May received the ticket in due course. `Then Manseld, according to the information, told May, that, as he was about to cross the border, it .would be necessary for him to pay a. tax, which was collected from all going from Canada to the United! States. He said, it is alleged, that if May would give him vedollars he would go to the proper place and- 'pay it for him. May gave him the money. Policeman Holmes had been watching thep-air and became sus- picious. rn1---1_,_ 1- I 3- ` 2 2.7 It is allegediby the police that Johnny .Mans-eld, a fourteen-yea.r- old boy from Newmarket, operated a, scheme for obtaining {money at the Toronto Union Station on Sunday -evening which is a surprisingly clever one `for so yound a mind; Arthur May, a young man who had just! arrived: from Eng1and',_was the other involved in the transaction. May was at the Toronto Union Station -Sunday` night, intending to take -a train for Rochester. It is said: that young Manseld got into I conversation .With May and discover- Q1`! ...1.,...,. 1.- 1.--4 --_-- rm ` -- -.,v.z-a-.4 UIL '.&!Lll.y L)llo, nu. UUJLVVQ` i9n0<>s. This is `a. very ne house and will be sold `for $I800. -Va-, cant first of September. , . BRICK HOUSE AND LOT--cor-' ner _of Perry and Eocles St.,v over- 1kmg Agriculture Park. This is 3 V91`.Y ne prdperty. Price $1,500,. Small cash payment. Now v,acaI_Lt.v RD-TIWTY TV'I\'rvt-u ._ -_. __-__ ..-v-v..u;nu uxsu l.1l.I.l.l.1UllaL.l'{f. . _The company this season is prac- tically the same as last, and the pro- duction is said to be -perfect in every detail. Seats for the engagement will be on sale Monday, Aug. 26. it -The dear old pastoral play itself is bv this time so familiar to every- -one that any attempt to describe it! would `be lsupererogation. The mere mention of the: names of Joshuawl Whitcomb,~'Cy Prime, Seth Perkins, Aunt Matildaand Rickety Ann, is suicient to bring to mind all of these delightful rural characters. and at the same time arise in the background the pictures `of the old -farm, the -homestead in Swansey, Grace 'Church on Broadway in New York City, and the aristocratic man- sion of Henry Hopkins, the metro- politan merchant and millionaire. I 7!. -Tl1ere_could'be_ no more welcome announcement _' for the amusement- loving public than that of the ap- pearance here of The Old Home- stead at the Grand Opera House, Thursday, Aug. 29th.. ` "ourteen-Year-Old Newmark- et Boy Dupedv an English . Emigrant.-Claimed to Pay Head Tax to I for Him. OUR CRITERIQN. 1912 OLD HOMESTEAD COMING The family left to mourn his de- mise consists of four sons and three daughters, his .Wife predeceasing him a few years ago. They are: Laid- man of Barrie; William of Rochest- er; Stanley and John of Hamilton; Mrs. Dr. Gsroves and Miss Waldie and Miss Elsie at home. [Barrie band on several occasions. 'Bandmaster L. F. Addison and Mrs. Addison left for Hamilton yesterday to 2}ttend `the funeral. B"""u cum payment. now Vacant. 1113101; HOUSE `AND _-LOT on radford St. In calling district V G..rand Trunk. Latestxheating, htln d , " ' V " %$2,50o.g Eggy telx)-1:o.nbmg' rme BIECK HOUSE ON VIQ1*o_I `IVl'I`l\nn 1!._LL , 1` I - ALLA . L}: Gloria . . . . .. wuson lVio]in So1o-Inte1'mezzo from Ca- ' Valeria Rusticana-Mascagni Mr. L. F. Addison. H_vmn--Nearer My God to Thee . ........arr.b_v Robinson (with variations for baritones and }' basses) ,_VOcal Solo-Out- of the Depths. . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . K/IIHIIID Kyrie Eleison from the Twelfa Mass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Moz Vocal Sol0--Se1ected. .Mrs. Laidn (With Violin Obligato by L. F. Addison). ! T?nu.-.~...'.-. `NFL- " --~' 1 .15 u ` Reve-rie--T_he |;\,\,u1.xJ.|L H111 uc Lzuxcu zu, U119 G001` and it is: hoped that everyone Will donate liberally towards the assistance `of this unfortunate musician and his ,family. The program is as follows: Sacred "March--D0minicale . . . .t The concert will commence at 8.30, immediately after the churches are out, and the programme, as .Will be seen, is: composed of purely sacred music of the best class. A silver col- lection will be taken at the door an [;+ :2, 11 .,] `Ln; ,__,________, ,,`1`l 1 - ......-., .v1.LcI. uuu. auu: Jul`. 0. U. 1100 [Q son have kindly consented to help, and Mr. Powell has -generously of- fered the Opera house free of rent for the occasion. , ,, _. .. --_.... -.-.u.wuuvn .....`Moza`rt God` Save the King. Mrs. M. P. Duff, accompanist. `Sacred Programme in Ope I House Sunday Eve., Sept. I lst--Silver Collection to Form Neuclus of V Fund For ' - Family. BENEFIT coucm 1-`ox AFFLICTED MEMBER or BAND 1-Barrie Property lncreaing in Value Why Not Take Advantage by Bily"-5 FOP QATD `KT-__L 1 2,1, 1-_,_- __--3 {$1.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE MNOLI COPIES Twill! GIN?! and 1 'i)'.' A}i{1i's'o}{ o.f'.-I*i2.aI'nii% <[),;-`1`.:l': from the` Twelfth Massa. . _ 4;uuL.a'uu/a ,Wayside -Chapel. .. TIT `I from Twelfth . Mozart c[1.:1\7rrs. Laidman (\l.`I:.....L- L T "i{?i1c}z ' Opera. Barrie Branch. F. T. SHORT. - - Manager jj - :-/g._.- CUT " 1 -9 10R SALE--Neat `brick house and lot on Sophia St., water, .light_ d sewer. Price $1,700_on easy ' .- Possession at once. `T ~ ` - `T311:--..._._ , L =.;L;};Lf.=.,.=_4 You (`111 do it safely, as {re give special attention to dgpo3it3,iw_i`th _ drawals or other banking busi1.1es s:. handled in this way. See the Ma- mz,'f'1' about itf V ` Whom roads are bad,` and1 a' trim to town means a `days work. save your horses aridv you;-slf by banking` with. us mail, un. IIII GIIIIIIGCIIIG L`) W _ F: We ' - l. G. M. C. HART SMITH. Assistant Mgr. .J__-[r-m-=1 LONDON. ENG nnANi" 51 Threndneedle 531-- tut 3!ab.?aFJ2 `"':3`r%`3:s $3.l8l.%'e5 I0 Total Assets (Over): Let the Mail-Carrier Travel for You ` SlMMONS& C0. L. Lxu. No- 34 fwuotna V V0 1-nouuasou cntw. nuuunuun; - - - J. FRANK mcxsou Nothing but a picture can iceep hm` as she is -isn't it worth a. pict_ure? V .___j_.__.._____..__...__ Make an Appoxntment 'l`o-day . That, little girl of yesterday is` a young lady to-day--het sum- luv!` t`rocks_ure most becoming. it is thq happiest time of her ."011glite. .. .01. .220 tifu1 - Fall Stiff ._-v--, .---`nu, uunbltli 51 Threadnecdle 531.. EC. ACl~ll`_ - - "-- for the lwakcr of Portraits or CANADA New Hatters ICLARKSM . BORN. _i - i BIDWELL--At 131 .Athabasca St. _W., Moose Jaw, oSask., on Aug. 11th, to Mr. and gMrs. Archie Bidwell, a son". Frederick Archibald GrIVENS--In Innisl; on Saturday, August 17th, 1912, to Mr. and ,Mrs. Robert Givens; 12th line, In- nisl,as0n.. 1.` .. HARRIS-In- Allandale on` Monday, August 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Harris, `a daughter. V V `DIED. a 'x.STEWAR. l`---At his. "late residence, Elizabeth St., on_ Sunday,` August- 13:11:, 1912, Thomas LStewi_irt,`_in his A II -1. .._.;_._ . The pastor, Rev. I. G. BowIes,l retu_rned this week from- his holiday- and will take the services next Saba bath. In the morning the Quarterly Meeting will be held. > Love Feast at 9.30 in the School .Room_ and the Sacrament .will be administered; at the morning service. In the evening the pastor s subgiect will `be, `The Faith of Moses. ." Special music will [be furnished by the choir. CO_I_;LIER S'I`RI:3E-T lguzyngnisw The shoot V of. the. Barrieii Gun Club brought out some re- markably. good scores on Friday v evening`,. two i members breaking 20 birds out of 25 set off. The scores were as "follows: "R. J. Wolfenden 20, E. Williams 20, L. -Campbelli19, Chas. Lower 18, H. M. Wolfendenl 17, WV. Urry 16. _ Considerable in- lterest is taken in these weekly meets of the gun-men, and with theclose approach of the a;11`hunting season, Ithe sportsmen` are keen to keep their aim true. Many spectators watched the sportsmen_ on Friday evening. ----- v--- vv-gs-Auvluuq pmncu .LU1' by the town council _should be plain and unvarnishedp in every particular. The people of Collingwood ;have, upon the representations of their municipal leaders, authorized large expenditures for re protection. It was said that the returns `would ex- ceed the cost, and leave a surplus in the pockets of those whose property. contributes to the caxpital invested. The insurance rates would be reduc- ed. and in the ordinary course` of events this. might have occurred. The unfortunate showing at the recent inspection by the Underwriters, how-l ever, postpones any such change and the business `section of the town must_ continue. to pay the price because of others blunders. It is not fair, nor reasonable, that it should be so. The responsibility must `be A. placed upon thelright shoulders and the Council and Water` Commission will not be doing their duty by the people un- less they make a searching. investi- gation and present a clear-cut, well- `dened statement of the situation. We believe they are capable of doing so and the hope isthat they will not ` prove a disappointment. . FOR,-% The Council and Water Com- mission is now confroritedwith a sit- uation .which desires some straight- ening out. It should. be thoroughly done and the explanations asked for by towncouncil be and unva.rnished__ every `Dr. Bosankn .....w. LU _w uauuuy we ratepayer who pays the piper, nevertheless such things must be iri the -interests of the community. ' ' . ` ;i;; ,;;;: Civic investigations are ni>t only undesirable, `but are expensive past- times. It is usually the ratepayer T\':f'l"|`3I` `I'It3Ivn.1vIv1\u\1n~.- --- -1- The Coullingzwooldi Saturday News calls for an investigation into . th. matter-of rc prbtection, following some adverse criticism `by a re un- - derwriters - inspector recently. The News says: ((l`\' 0 ' " Investigation C0l.LlNGW0 0DM4- FIRE PROTECTION uusmsmcronv GOOD SHOOTING. RING 263, `I'M: couurv or ` smco`: 1"_IZl-|t- IN:`n:s'rs fa?-' .IVAIuI`II:, Jun THE common or cannon ~ :jI:uc- m1-':'n:s-rs or :} BARRIE. Iii JILUII &l\I LILIQ\l\.7 IIQJJKIIV 11b.turn1__oblbrs, showing ti ) adintage full band, and are having, post Letterheads printed `in_ make {nta'"" uUUlllCf PM All I 8'11 _ boardmg I pri atest xmprovements. V ._Sale._ 96 $2500. Rent 816 properties 4): Mr. H. Rhodes, Sec.-Treas. of: the `Weston Prize Band, which organiza- tion gave several 'ne\-programs of sacred music here recently, writes in reference to the movements of the bandjsincetheir visit to Barrie and their coming engagements. They went over to J ockson s Point from Barrie in gasoline launches and de- lighted the huge Toronto Civic Holvi-' day crowd at the _Point .with pro- grammes afternoon and evening. Next Saturday they will meet at the ,Depot the famous Besses o the Barnes Briiss _Band. from England, the organization which has several ` timed toured the world, and which is engaged for two weeks at Toronto Exhibition. The Weston Band, .will -also play at the Exhibition for _two Adaysgandz they. have `also bookeai as number of other`.'. engagements, in- Streets-' i._:u-1.-...a `.41.... .-`.:...11 1--.... V1119 IIIl.\l UVLIWQ JIIIL -LGILLGO ,One ftripthe members of the` Wes- ton Baxtd- are looking forward to with pleasure is a. trip to Porto Rica, where they wil1_,play at the exposi- tibn there and then make a tour `of the, Southern States on their .return; They 4. _ ldave Wes_t about 4 the ` will.` way > wnsron PRIZE BAND on To PORTO RICO B There is one thing pretty certain that if the C.P.R. builds a line from Baxter to Collingwoocl, it will not be very` long -before they will have a- loop from _Baxter through Barrie and on to Orillia. It is not reasonable to suppose that the C.P.R. will sur- render all their north .West -business. from this territory to the G.T,R.' and .G.T.P. when the latter s lines are completed. There is work for the Board of Trade here, and.the pres- ent is the besttime to do it. Rumors are still aoat in Calling- 'l.w0od that the C.P.R. is preparillg to L enter the Shipbuilding Town, and it .1` is now said that the rai1way`com- . Danny has taken up options to `pur- chase some property from the Ship- yard Co. `Other rumors are to thel i effect" that properties in country along the proposed line are being. pur- chased, presumably for station sites. In Stayner, it is reported, that they {have purchased a piece of land at the corner of the Second Line and Dun- troon sideline and that other proper- ties are under option. On the op- posit-e side of the..stree_t, it is said, `the railway line as mapped out will run through the Presbyterian Manse property. At New Lowell and An- gus, also, it_ is reported that the -railway company s agents are nego- p-erhas iton good authority that a tiating for land. A Collingwood pa- -representative of the. Toronto Con-' . structlon Co. .W11l soon remove his headquarters: to Colnlixigwood in or- der, to direct the 'WO1`k oi construc- 5 ltion, andthinks the outlook is pro- : mising. VTVL - , EReported' to Be Acquiring ` Suitable Station Sites in . Villages Between Baxter - and Collingwood.-- . Will Soon Come" to Barrie. _ i -Councillor Barnes, together with three other residents of Steelton: `William O Neil, Sydney Pointing and" N. McLeod, were all [charged _with_ having purchased whiskey from a '``blind pig in Steelton. The four claimed they were only trying to se- cure evidence against Glnne Perino, the keeper of the `place. Perino was . recently convicted and ned $118. hold` on to his seat he becomes liable _to a ne of $40 for each time he oc- cupies it. - % $1600. --nun r1uUb`1!.' on V1U-'l`-U1.`51{5~ St., .water, light and furnace. Tins is :1 new house and will {be sold` for $1500. Easy wrm8- V . A _ STOREY FRAME _00'1'- TAGE, corner ` of Francis Henry, beautiful lawns den. For sale for $1500? 3100 down. . FRAME HOUSE AND ; L0'1`s' on Charles .St., with `stable; `P1T0_Pf my of Mr. Wilson. V `Sula pi0_i Easy terms, _ , FINED "$20 AND Cos'rs AND WILL HIS SEAT IN CoUNc1L__- - _ For having A violated the liquor license '-law; J ohn Barnes , of Steel-' ,.-ton, in _the Parry Sound District, was on Saturday, August` 10th, ordered to lpayla ne _of/$20 and costs. ~'Bar- ynes, .who is a member _of the town council of Steelton, automatically forfeits his office, and is not again eligiblegto hold municipal position. for a period of two years. In gddi-1 tinn nlsnnhl. +1..` ....--..-:1L 1` S"I`EELTON `OOUNOILVLOR 1?;t; T3rs l WHISKE_Y Prfom BLIND- 5us't Thad iad a. xiew L-..) -4.) _.... L-..$...;. Mr. W. C. Thompson has sold the following properties during the past week: Mr. S. A Kilgour s property on Bradford St. to Mrs. Wice of Al- landale; semi-detached brick house on Mary St. owned by W. C. Thompson to Mr: John Bryson; lot on Cumber- land St. owned -by Thos. Greaves to Thos. Tooke. =Mr. Thompson also re- ports g reatactivity in shore property. and foreshadows important announce: ments within the next few _days. "i1; unneces- sary and the remains were prepared for burial `by Meaford Webb. The deceased was a native of Essa Township, -and he had spent the past two winters at the Beeton, House" of Refuge, and on Monday Mr. A. W. Beardsley had arranged to have the -old man sent back. for the .winter. He was last seen just before eleven o clock and it` is thought that he walked o the end ef the dock. The first drowning of the season occurred on Monday night, V when Jas. J. Hill, an agedresident of Essa, and as well-kno.wn `character about Barrie walked off the dock at Mulcaster St. Nothing was known of the tragedy until Tuesday morn- ing. when two lads saw the body standing` erect in about ten or twelve feet of water immediately in front of 'Carley sv -boat house. They notied C. W. Carley who immediately re- covered the body and notied Drs. Hart a11d'.Ross. How the body came to be so far from the dock and in an upright position is `a mystery, the theory being that when the Fishery boat, Naiad, went out in the morn ing, that it stirred. up the water and oated the body dove . ' ' I r Other improvements are under eolisideration, but the Commissioners believe` in making haste slowly and surely and building for the future. Queen s Park is now recognized as our leading rest grounds in Town, and although it has been in a some- what chaotic state on account of lthe improvements this. summer, the _members of the Parks Commission have visions of future loveliness which will be unfolded as `the months lpass by. A . . FOR S4 MS. 1. mu. DROWNl-ID OFF MULCASTER WHARF With Mr. Lawrence aim mp; " _ oompany. . The Famous` Farm Hulda mm 1 tto.'l`h G d..Ch 1 i"l'h G ' --Bgene. Bgaurtggxl So:n{o]:sn9i.mnr?n:h`?;1m {how .ydu ho.ve begn vaulting tot`-.. v_ . 13-mg 5-5-- _".; ' _.'..', - ` 4;` .__ - ----,-v.`: .7:-w-up uvvmvwvv ' 3 -Iv: "P!vn. _A- 1'!};=.,6i_uI99!% =%91!99+ Phoni , ;, `u.r4_;. mom GRAND Oman HOUSE = THURSDAY. AUG..2I1lIp ' Denman Thomp6n's A ' i .. Drum: T ' ___- ,.-v...-.,-..l,. _ The. .water system has been com- .pleted- -and now the Commissioners are planning for further improve- ments. They have now under con- sideration the laying of walks and the construction of a cement curbing xaround the whole park. Among the different pavements of - which the Commissioners are considering the respective merits are cinder paths. brick, gravel, tanbark, concrete and ashfelt. Cinder c-paths seem to be most favorably looked upon as the most durable and economical to con- struct. " A ' At the meeting of the `Commission- ers on F1fiday`eve ning, the contracts were awarded, Mr. Thqs.` Tooke get- ting the cement contractand Mr. J. Neelands the plumbing. T The Parks Commission have com-L l menced the improvmenffs to the; pa; vilion in;Queens Park and the .work` wll rushed as quickly` as possible. The pavilion will be raised, and a cement foundation with a roomy basement will be constructed. Lava- tories and wash rooms .will be in- the storage of chairs and benches. Sewer connection will `be made with Sophia St. stalled and a store room laid out for SEMI-PETACHED `SOLID BRICK HOL SE on Mary St., all conven- iennm 'l`L:n :. ~.. ---_._ 2-- L.....`;..