Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 15 Aug 1912, p. 4

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' 1' f um oyjodob % CORRFSPONDENC_l5 :60ooouuuoouounuboo { coLvsj}3Ly V :;, .%g; 5 ' lately. A * *" --Sv..-k-.`9"-"'.-1'- . 1-.` __-u_ -1 n-11:.:__;- . 31.1% }LLGUl._ :lUC,yuVn.ID V ; \/V5JO6: wciody is-aspendmg her . hohdays 7 wxth friends` here. V ` . ` A _. -- - will In so avooucl u-V- v My Jame's ' A. Smith of Elmvale spent Sunday with hisfather here. `; 'L--..-._ ....... "t"f" """`*"'U ".-'-- ---V .--- V V _ [Mn Pat Doran V made a. business, trisp to Wyevale one day last week. `IT `I 1'! 'I_'._ -.... ,vnu _...- BowseW'r,wi3'r.,i ha `re- turned after visiting his brother George, in Parry Soundi 3 VAug. ' I4 a`tte_rs0n of Hamilton is spending her holidays at home. . "`1:Eif;s.-'-(3-`-.--iaollc `of Toronto is \?isit-._ ing `her cousin, Missi .M; Pal-k.. . .i1c$me- after an" ex fe}}ded visit in Quebec. ' vmlvl-i.;.`aT'E.' vsendifxg . the` ho1ida.y_with- Miss M. Hart. ` - -r 111- 5111,` o1 scvvv I Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Rogers were the guests? (if their son, Dr. N.orma:n Rogers, on Monda - 1 `Ir `TV `I 'II _________ Ail mi 'i:3dv}}I1s7$f Wyebridge is visiting Miss G. Adams." V V TYYIIIU J_ Williams Nvas: T home over the holiday. % _' ""T.V i . of Bracebrid-ge is I visiting his sister, Mrs, J as.` Hart. | I II 1 F; `I n `I J left last Week` for British Columbia, where she in-1 [bends -re-siding. V ' u :\v `Ir! a _-v--..-. ..v-.-._---- Misses C`. and Magee of Bracebridge are visiting the'former s _oousin, Miss L. Hart. - - -.-a v arr` 555133 ` A%*'re;'*%Hm1mm;s of Conigi` ,,-#'J_-__._ `I___ `l...1:.'I...-us .-all-L V: 9: - gi rl to Mr. and Mrs. David Taylor, the other day. _ . ' l`n1,: A family re-union in honor of the! diamond wedding of Mr. T and Mrs. John Blackmore, which occurred on the 3rd August, is` bringing the Blackmore family together at the homestead in ~ Painswick. ` {an Norman of To- I .1-onto are visiting Mr. and Mrs. _J. Van Norman. E The; many friends of Miss Mabel Carr will be glad to know that she has returned from the Toronto hos- pitalomucbh improved in health. ' 1 \lbl- GI-O-\`JO\Av"] y Mr. and Mrs. Weslesr Manueer. of the Queen City are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Young. FIG \/LV 1\; LLUIIVJGJ a Miss Lulu Quantz and Mr. Haraldi Knowles were married at St. Paul s Church on Wednesday, ' Aug. 14.` Rev. Dr. Langfeldt oiciated. .. 4 Wi\.i;as:I:f;-:u.1;.g.'l"e3-.l M9,, Langfeldt went to Toronto on Bar- rie- Civic Holiday. ' .-u:- 79' `Q1. _ Miss A. .E. Stewwafritmof Orilliawis. visiting at the Rectory. - `I _, Miss Birdie Miilrwisv visiting her _sister, Mrs. Browning, at -Armitage, Ont. `wily. J. J. Hellmuth, K.C., hag .1-e-| turn ed from London, England. _::~ ` .114-iS`undayl aiiter Trinity, Aug. 1_8.j - St. Petcr s, Churchill. 10 Aa.n1., Sunday School; 11 a.m., Holy C_omm.;1nion and sermon. = ` St. Paul s, Painswick. ' 2 p.m.,` Sunday School; ' '3 p.1n., Evensong and se.rrr;on. - St. Paul s Mission, Craigvale. 6.30, Sunday School; 7.30, Even- song and Sermon. .Conrmatioi1 classes for instr'u'c.- _tion will be. held a.t 8 o clock on- the following days `and places: . -wv 1 `-7. .. ' "$ ""11 - - 'v `V-\v V*. .[ Thbs. Nightin- Thursday-St. Peter s Church. '1 I gale, 10th Con. , ` | - F1-iday--St. Pa-ul s Rectory.` The W.A. o-f St.'Pa.u1 s Church will meet on Wednesday Aug. 21 at the residence of Mrs. Blackmore; 1-`aw TENDERS RECEIVED '-.-g `V ..-.v _.-_ It was to hold a. special meetings to go `into the D matter more _ th oro4ugh-ly. - 7 VACCINATION N013 COMPULSORY Trustee Palling gave notice that _at the next meeting he would move to`) _,st1ike out the fclause. in the. by? laws making vaccination compulsory forgpublic school impils; . ` uvv".-r Irv; 11' .. ing and plunging`. We would ad- vise p-rompt r turn of marked cheques received, viz., those of J. E. Farrell of North Bay and Purdy, Mansell, Ltd., of Toronto. Any further in- structions you may choose to give concerning this proposition will -re-- ceive, at the hands of `your Building Committee, prompt` attention. T Aug. 12th.~--'fhe E, I-Iaugh-` .ton of Jersey City `is visiting his `parents here. 11 71' ,__ __._1 `ll ..- l1-.......J...`-.'l1 `Trustee Otton favored a decisive action in Iregardt to the matter. 2 If the Board intended to goyahead with the building ofa new Collegiate prompt action was necessary, and if the project was to be abandoned, the architects should be paid o. I.t..was apparent that the local tenderers ....._4-.. ..-..-.J- Auncounlnn 4-.` nu` an nn:rnnfa. u-yyalcuv uuuu V140 V lvual. uunauvnuau were not anxious to put an estimate -` Chairman G. G.` Smith .Was also of the opinion that the matter should be dealt with promptly, but _could not endorse any proposition with only a bare quorum present. ' 1 `I1 . {i7EV_.' J. i former `prin- cipal of the Cenfral School, was. plwesemt; Trusfee Palling `referred to Mr.- Ha11ett s` app'oj.nm_nent` _aa` P.S. Inspector in .-New` 0nta.i'i9 amt obn- g'-'ratula_ted_ him on his promotioxg. ~` _nOwiIgg ,abilit and his atten- -n on -uh. `A-A V -hung:-\":`\1-n Sun- 1 .u_.uUw 1115 _u_1o A1 uuu; u 1;(>' duty, .we feei sure the. V_Giov.- has_- made .a. good appoint- .hi8 fni e',r.1f, ,;.?ztn< fwe Mr. 'H_allett'1`und_ "%fg3fmily ;evefryV`.su,9oess: , hapni -_._-.- .~.n.-2__ `L. -.'.".`..> --41.... 61% J65 Ilnnwpb XVII`V..:VF.- I `.. ....,: _.__ Dotog _tribu_te. . PARISH`. or 1NNisF1L. v(Cont_inued from Page 1.) sH1I'r1r_ BAY. PAINSWICK. 1.laJUuua Juu;\-o Mrs-. E. Hesson and Mrs. Campbell of`Fort Willi-am are visiting their sister, Mrs.` G. 0, Allan. - ' ' L n-11:..,.....,..,..:I THE%NOR1`wniE;RN. Anuama 1 . Iferred to the` pleasant memories he `cherished of his associations in Bar- ri, and felt that if his _lot was cast in as happy a sphere `in New On- tario he would be satised. RETURNING THE BAND IN- STRUMENTS. Last . week s Durham Chronicle says :-Ai'ter having held it for the past three or four years, Durham has again lost the 31st Battalion Band, and the instruments will be shipped to Owen Sound ` this .week, where it is hoped` to organize-"a. new regimental musical aggregation. The - red coats of the military don t ap- peal to the musicians~ of the town, who, while able to ll local engage.- ments, find it impossible to get away for the necessary two weeks camp every year. ` \ ` !Wheat Oats .. .. . . . . . . . |Barley .. .. . . . . . .. Peas .. .. Rye: . . . . . . . Flour.. ;.- . . . . . . . .. 5 Beef, hind quarter 1 fore "quarter 8 Lamb, per 1b., yearling 7 "10 `ll L;,_- -U"~*-'3 1.-'`-'-- -~-: .1 Mutton... ;. ... Hogs, live, select - live, heavy ' dressed . . . Turkeys .. .. Chicken, spring, , T`l'__._ ---- ii; J-LCJIE 1JC~L Alla I O U I n 5 I \I Butter, "roll, per 1?). . . 22 Lard-, per pound . .`. .. 15 Eggs, per dozen . . . . . 22 Potatoes, new, per bag 1 00 Hay, new, per ton _ 8 O0 Cured Hides, No. 1. . .. . Green Hides, No. 1. . . _Hides, No. 2 ...\ Calf skins, green, per Tb. ' ` Sheep skins .`. . . . . . . 1 00 Tallow, -per lb. .-.o...'...e Wool, picks 5 W001, washed .. .1'8 s M .7 45 V TORONTO MARKET. Toronto, August 13, 1912. Quotations` ` on Tuesday wen: - Wheat, bushel 95 1 0 goose, bushel . . ' 3 9 Oats .. 4'5 ` O4 THE LATEST MARKETS Ban-ie, __August 14, 1912. Vheat 90 9 Q T %SUMMERiGo od atReduced Prices A1. . SIBUUL, -$1.5;-.10 \.a a----..-- Mrs. IIende;'s:I; of 'Co11ii1g\vood and Mrs. Metherall of Toronto. are visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. Pratt. -_..-.. DE_VLIN 81 MURCHISON Boys >1-Ieaivy `Ribbed Black Cotton Hose, all sizes, worth 20 pair, per pair. . . . I..adies i Black Hose with Silk Boot,_ were `soc pair, n'ow, per pair. . . . . . . . . . Ladies Long Taffctta Gloves,` in Black, White. and -Tan, were soc pair, now. . Toweling-Pure Linen with red border, I 7 in. wide, worth xoc yd., now 3 -yds. for Tea Toweling with Red Check!" all linen, Reg. Ioc yd., now 3 yds. . . . . . . . . . . . fo the .I L2- ....`-...4-5:1`-nag :14 no!`- Linen Towels, extra large size, with Red Border and fringe,reg; 20c, now 1 5c, 2 for Bath Towels, Linen shade w ith re}! stripe , at, each, IOC, 15c, 18c, 25c and . . . . .. Middy and Sailor Blouses with Light or Dark BIueVCollars, all sizes, $1.00 and Ladies Vests with Short Sleeves or with- 1 I out Sleeves, each 10, 12%, I5, 20,25, 35 I , Ladies -Combination Underwear, worth 75 a garment, now . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. | A Full Assoftmeht of Floor Oilcloths & Linoleums New Fall Dress Goods Arriving Daily uu 111C, 1). us um 1; 90,09 Ilonocoo 00 Iocunootc 0000000 out-cannon: II (concocte- 31-0-0030 `quarter . . . . Jre 'q_1_1arter . . . `I'WIV5B `"9" """. """" "W" `t "'- Mrs. J oh11_ Allan visited in Toron- to last week. V ' - -..- -rs A: -vs II `I 1' er 80( `, 1o-ioo s,No.v1... , .; reen, '- .. 100 .-.?...'... . . . . . . .. d 18 pecan: pair . "io 00 i1 00 12 so W 500 550 10001100 4. vv -I-.-Iv 8001000 60 95 wv \.\.ou wr. a'1'1d~ rs. C. Berkinshaw of, Toronto and Mr. White of Hamilton, spent the week-end with `Mr. and TM;-sj. H. 0. Wijlson. __ ..... II A -I-\ In `I Vvv 15 12. 00 f\l\r\ 15 66 15 1600 _46 16.00 12 25' % 30. 30 00} 98] 50] 70! 1\l\ i6 `23 17 23 .25 `A l\ ` medium . . . .. buHs`..`....-.. Butcher cattle, choicef A` medium .. common . . . Butchers COlWS, choice IJLILAAJ Feeding Steel`; 6` `L__1`I.. J--ls \Ju `V lllkf-Ill Miss M. Micampbell of Bradford and Miss? E. High of Toronto visit- ed.Afriend.*s here last week. - Do not place your. order for Binder'Twine be- fore you see; our Twine `and know the price. Stenqard, 500 feet to lb. - 8c. Binder Twine .we never had as nice a quality oay Fork Rope as we have this season. To see it is to be convinced. Outline of Field and Harvest % E-'-=u'='-= Tools =-at--= Hay ForkRope 3??? .39 133`: .25 :2; .25 "."..": .25 canners .. . ... iuii yuvtu S I.I\|' .Loo-n.oo\a.a- oo~-v- av-- Our baseball club to have a moonlight excursion on Friday even- `-ing last, but owing to the unfavor- able weathe-r, have postponed it for Pure Mnilla 650 PARIS is Government standard. the best grades we can secure. '.Mn g2'-piecen Grey" Summer Suits ' sizes 37- to: _.\v;re' $10.00, now . . . . 8, Men's good qufy lrk_Tu?ed Suits,sizes 36 to 44, \I_s!'cr_V-$Z'& $15, now $7.50 8:3 Boys 2;pie_ce_ Sui;-tns, sizes 26 to , 32,worth $..5;to 647.5. now $3.95 and Men's Balbrfggan Shiits and Drawers, worth 3 50 each. now . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Spo0ka good strong Thread, 3 for Girig'hams--Ch`ecl and Stripe ginghams, all this .. 1 / season s patterns.` I2%c yd. for 9%c, x 3 /_.c 'for`II}4c. ` CorseVts--Ladies Summer Corsets,long hip lowbust, 4 hose supporters,were 75, now | White CottbnS-a good weight White _,,2_1n.L ---_.. Its.` ..A an...-'1 (A.- `air-D Mr. and Miss RetaTWebb of-Big Bay Point and Miss Amy Webb of North Battleford visited `Dr. J. L. Sloan on Sunday last. _ `'77 1. 3 u_vL :5 1' .w- v-- oo6oboooooo6ooo$oo9o f I . "L MINESIN_G." ; T` Aug. 12.4--Miss Belle 'Ru.sse11-'_ of Alliston is visiting for a few` weeks .wi}_1 `Mris. John Russell. VVIIILC \4\JL|.LJllJ u. Sv u - Cotton,good width,w;s 'no'v;'-3. Men s Bathing"Suits with Skirt, each, . 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . | 6 25 4.50 675 150 450 --AND- AUGUST 15, 15 9 choice, each. Springrs .. .. `Sheep, ewes, light. .. I Stockers, -choice . . Mrs.[ Knott of 'H-ainliulton is visit- ing her brother, Mr. Geo. Morris.- JJGIJJIJD, \; W In 0 Hggs, fed a;1_d.vv'.{ca(i. f.o.b. :`;,`si $10 338 4.95 .[?r.`f.".:'.s. .25 f`f`.? B.90| fr .101 9c. 10c. , .30 cm In 40 ()0 GI 4 (>41 4 .251 U (N) IN) Aug. 12th.:1`v[}1.W'a'nd Mrs. -W. Hurst and Miss E. Padden of To- ronto spent a few days at Mr. H. M. Lo11gheed s. . art. 1 11 1I- 11-- -'I__'L 00 c In -I4\-I uaoovwu ~n L Miss Grace Mitche11 of' Guelph `visiged lastweek with M1fs. H. Louge ' .lIU.ll|. JO vuw Jcvvv `lWUQ> ....f--, __,._ I.` _ % A `Miss M. Hm of =Tqronto"i;_e:=vi_aitn-2! _homA,"hene.V ~ ' rispn is llCI'1\Lo . Mr; Bob Redfern and sister, Miss Annie, spent the weekend -with friends at Big Bay Point. -4 .n, .1 J-O6\aoc\.oo9 vov vvwoa -.-.-ed .- ---r-- Miss Alice Bloxham of Brantford vis_i1;ed friends here last week. ~ Q .\ "iii." ax}{3?%~" C . Martin ]atter s mother, Mrs. Hunt, rie, visited friends here on T 'T\ `I 'Il',,A "'m'g."`e;;o.`::,sr and Mrs. R. Roi nolads visited friends at Midland` dur- ing the holidays.- ~- ` ' _'__L L`- L-12 ""i\a"vs7."ia"1B3;iiam spnjs the holi- day with his sons in Brantford. ' -rvo. `ll '3.`-`y__L_ :_` Miss Kit Munshau t-)'1' n5_VVVvstori is` visiting with Miss. Andrews. 1'-.. 'VVGVOG -won-u v-vows. ---'--V..- Mrs. slam Knapp aziii children of` .. V1`oronto are holidaying with {rela- tives in Minesing. ' -s . v A 1 1 n,__ VJDJ-V0365 Vvovoo ouoooqu v -not uovuvu-.--,_.... Mrs. ._L. Jago and daughto ' Jen- nie have returned: after a month : visit with friends in. Toronto. T %miiis"'a&i"51`My7ni$1g gii nusomo is spending her holidays with friends Lnlnlh NC-1'Uo ` V _ Mr. Art Dye`r h'a`s yeturned after a month s Visit with 'riends in the Wggt. _ ' ` . T ? -r,_ - -a`_.2'-.1 -__' L .. ,. ....:....... ...:I W 33:3; J no. has returned after a pleasant holiday at Orchard -n-..-1..- - ., I\JCQ \/U0 Mr. `and Mrs. Lesser of Toronto and I. Mr. Ward Cole of Anten _Mills' were.` yisitors with Mr. and Mrs. L. C 9%`-`CI U V 54 J epkins. tttt awoovoc M13 and Mrs. Albe Wegbb of A1; ---L an /'u:`l\IIrI3 \.o----ow--- - --r.. _ . ug. 12th.--The` wet weatherr of the past week has prevented;-the far- "mers from getting their fall: wheat and xbarley harvested. V Iv 111-`I'I_;- -1 UIQOIJ -II-Into avg u-aw n V-- Messrs. Thos. a;;(; Wm. Wane;-. of !Allanda1e visited their sister, ._; Mm) W. Dales, last j . ` A `B nnovw, p-u-aw v,v _ww._. Mr. Percy : Saunders `of Barrie is visiting his sister,` Mrs. John" E13 - ... `.4- in v w-- -co --vvwvwwc. ~M1-3; R1. 'For,de is in Guelph 9: t in few weeks with her mother. .7 Mrs. S. F. __T;rac,y=has~'passed th_ Jecond year examinations in the ? _Teacher s Training Course of the Anglican Church in Canada. ` ` H. Polkinghdm '.ofL 'I'.i,Arne` House is. the guest of `Mr. ,T. 1-1911 3 "l1';,.,'.'_`I- .__;.;..`A. 3;T$w'.' '&;m"'" ,;,";;;g:;t ';;;.;;a.;.s.; on the A O.P.R., has ` been transfemed. to; -Bo1t6n,:and -Mr. ~Mitche1I.o ' the new operator: -':u,. n - -all `V15. 1 .0 ."I"-___m:.'A.-.A.x'am_-1-1L J wilt.` James Hill of lElim'ale spnit Sunday with his. father, Capt.` Hill. I CC?` " 1 __ ___.__- ___A__;J____ `_ CHURCHILL. QRAEQHURST. STROUD. HQLLY. gnd thel \ of Bar- Monday. Aug. 12;--Miss Gertrude Kearnis of -Barriois visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and- Mrs. Angus Wamica.~ 1-110 ,3 (\________ xi, sonaw +5.; % in W fsgf John s East _-J;4as.` Martin h'as i gdne Ltd Mus-V kol;a._,,'w" ' A '---"~. --- .. '1 ` '0 n.'"`: p o____;J_ "7'..-- . . ` Mrs`. Th0,_v' 41_~ ratt 18 v1_s1t1_ng "1-xends [in Barrie. . % -;. , .m,___ All .1101 azvo WgI1e'r, " % % Mr. Jo11n`VSimzr.1:qrs<'>"11 has purchas- ed the . bairberiiag ~b`.1l8_ii1ma~.s_ : of 1* ` -4-b n_....5. VV HIIAVJO ' .2 -V _ `fr. .Wm. Cunningham. of `Owen Sound. is visiting his uncle, Mr. `J . Moran. ' . ' ? Mrs. G-. Miles of Barrie, who ha,s `been visiting her_ daughter`, -Mrs, (jeo. Binnie, `returned home on AMo-n- \JV3 \lI day. ' r. VA`. Boyd of lloonsne caIled on his siter,- Mrs. ;Wm. .Morrison, on Monday last. ` - -1 9' 11-11 3.1. Mr. Cecil Howarth . of - Hillsd-ale gave several friends from `here :9. trip to Edgar `in, bus auto on Monday evening Mast. I T ` -In. -u p_'n1. A_` __11__-I } `T Ford- of "A Tofonto called |on friends here, last - > ` In -o-ow vvou -.---. _-..-. an'd' MESS Robson ` of T Crown Ngelands. Hill. were Sunday guests of the - -. 1- - n. Aug. A12th.--'T_he very heavy rains of late have damaged the wheat to a certain extent. ~ .- -. --- .. - .- . 4 Mr. and: family of Barrie spent Sunday and Monday. in this: burg. - V ' - - The Misses May all!" Muljiel Toje intend? going to Parry Sound to [visit their sister, this week. T A. - - 77.,` V wI1;1f"r.wI`E:-;'s;edm(~3:a`1.(iw`ve:-`H of Hill spent Sunday with his sister. Mr. Ggo.` Wilson of this'_p1ace. . L Reta Brown" is visiting -at `Pa_1nsw1ck._ -- -0 1 11- `. 0 L ` IuJAova Iv use v Mr. B211 of I-Inawllrestone called on` friglds here on `Sunday. - ruunw Mr. an(1` HowardT Berjtrirfzr have returned after spending a few days in Bracebridge. _ ' `I ,1` ,1-__._!--... LIKCJD LAO 'Qv_V\1\4rc----cw: Miss Naomi Palmeq? is holidaying in Barrie. ` ` ._ . . n 0.9 1 Ill -I-IOU` 6 JV! 3 Miss Dora Tgylbr is visiting her aunt in Minesingn. . - ----nu. q ` L1__ uuuu {IL -AId.&JI\.4nIQoouu' , Miss P. White` has gone to the millinery openings in Toronto. 'u 11 1171.5; _f 1)__ Mr. and Mrs. Meredith, after an absence of a few months in Tillson_- burg, have returned to their home here. . - D V . %M`iss Mazel McK_instry of Brad- ford is the guest of Miss Agnes Su- therland. ' I T -u.- Au: .`CCV 11 to A1 IJIJLIOACVL J \tJ%-o--a-`g ___ ,_ V , Mr. and `Mrs. Chas. White Adf Bar- iie are visiting .at Mrs. Jos. White s, ,6. . I Aug. 13.-iavisi=I_a;i' Arnold of Cookstowu the `guest of "Miss M. Gauley. . , - - ` . 1-; 'I 1! TI\,,____;__ 3_ _ Miss Aiice Pal.-mer of goronto is a guest at Poplar Farm, -. I 1, , __ _,_;._...._.\,l i `Iv Raspbeyfpicking `is keeping _ our ladies busy,_J ' ` -I1 0 c 0,: `YA___ BVVDV wv - vr--~ -w--~--. V , Mrs. Wm. Haiwkins; has returned from Cookstpwnav A J.4v vv `man a. Mr. _Bert Rowe! of Torono i_ spending some weeks under the par- ental roof ' *- - - -\l'l 'II'n` I \I-l\/W II IJOJ Mrs. H. Emery is Visiting New Lowell friends. , - _ n rt! LII U601. L.\I\-I-LO Mrs. A. Hughson f and Miss Edith V 'Fe.rguso11 visited Angus` `friends last `week. A ~-- : - 1 "ll' '7' Mrs. Wn1.,Do11erty and Mr. J. Dunn of B_ren-twood spent Sunday with friends `he-"re. _ I.-\ .a.naw.-oo-.~ p--- Mr. and Mrs. Go. Rqwe have re- turned to their home in Toronto. 1'! Mr. uuu M13. Juucru vv Univ 14.; 5;. landalle were week-end visitors of M1: -and `Mrs. Samuel Broley. ` -" A "A UULAJLAA VU va;wa nos-3.3-.. --- ._V Mrs. J. Johnson and R. giolmes spent the weekend in Mid- LLUJJIJ` l land. `couple of ;!months. -..____._., Aug`. 12.:]:I`igs.Vio1et M-cI'V4augl1lin.| has gone to Sault Ste. Marie for a1 -'-~--L -LL` u'nw\n`v_` \.;u v.; >J4a\IJovo-wt Mrs. G. Peacock spent. `tlie Week- end in Barrie. ` ` ` nu III! 3. 11V_A Cllu. Ito\u . h Misses `Laura Coughlin anti Edna McEvoy have returned, arten spend- mg a week 1n Toronto. A T N - 1 -0, , ;."u _. `T-.. (`1...V.....1.- Llls` no VVC\.l\ SAL .5 v - V x - `-- Congratulations to Mr. Cough- lin, our athletic sport, who won sev- eral `rgces at `the Hillsdale tourna- cram KCIUCD u.u ment last week. $,1) (l.M-1'8. `sdns/'~:?f3?~9P*: '3"-`{, 135*`-{.'%"3:97`.% Land B1a1n.9V.`?9?i 3 ~ ! ... u`. -is ' `.`-`m `".?",`n '1'1r;."l`}:.L .; : ulcuv IHDV vvwv . Miss E. Brooks of Ivy and *Miss Pearl - Wilson - of Toronto, are visiting wifii Miss B. Reynolds. ` AI 1+ _ -_!__1__ VVIIIII 411150 -1.10 avvaoovcuwu _Mr. D arcy Reynolds of -Napiuka, Mam, spent` a Week with his aunt,'1`. Coey. ` -cc -uvv ' 0 , __- J .B.r`...:1-4 JVGB-I `btblklu -`I00 I V\davI9o vuVav -v v - - -v V Mr. and lifrs. Alex. Nees of St.` .Catharines visited the former s sis - ter, Mrs. Will Robertson, over Sun- J-- . A numbe r of our ung people spent Monday eveping at` Lake- vi_ew. ~ 1 . _A_ o___ was -I is. `F. .Ha.1*rison and family. and EMrs..Art Carsonof Toronto are holidaying at R. C.arson a , a `ll 'I'\_LL___ -_.I ":aa llvqluugsua um -.- -V... . - Mr. and ~Mrs.A Potter ' and Miss Pearl ami Charlie -Culfond of, To- ronto are spending a. couple of weeks at Ed. Wil_sou s, Lakeview. - o-..a`-- .. The g'rove picnic and concert 8'iV' ' .- L Lau h1in s ravine 011 eAn- In-11!, -!.`lg... LL..v. flfnfnnu-I-3:1-. en 111 dc J!Lc.uuuguuua Iuvvsuav, vu Aug. 7th, in aid the `Methodist Church, was a. grand success. The concert was given by St. ' Andrew's. Male Quartette` of Barrie, Ednvale choir, `-Minesing. Quartette and sev- eral others. ` Rev. Mr. Peacock L. made 3.37 961316 chairman. proceeds were | L Aug." 12th.-amiss; -`Abbie Ri1ey,and' her _ sister, Mrs,- Eddy of `Chicago, lcalled on old aquaintancgs `here 1ast _A_ -14 4 :;q;Lu, naqyvlunlq u-.1.-av. Mr. Charlie BIaE??`o.V wood visife his ~au:nt,_' Mrs.` ._:-Kelly, "7' T ?-"'1' J - ,-;,,- ;,I1~.f ~ 7'1? wda` rm. sister ;~.L1zz,1_e, ngd. , ...._ z_`11" two '_ .*i*.__'-'-1.-~rn-..`..-`..-...+... :`-.u=..:- .. 1:r.'.t*i`~':_9|`r..1-..." DALSTON. tow`! ' day-_

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