01`. O. --? satanic. Arm: counrrv or st mo:"fAr4'p TH: pv6gnm`u9Tu or cannon oua cnnrzasou, ,` Mrmoxs ~ MONTHST ' FOR ASSAULTING & l = .BOAT%*~.CREW Chas; Lalonde; a "Wanderer, ! Swore_` and Created` - turbance on the lslay.-+~ Friend Got 30 Days _ '- _ For Cufsing. Charles Lalonde. whose home is under the blue sky, has learned to his sorrow, th it is a serious: offence to create A a dis rbance on board a steamer. He was travelling to Oril- ih started to 'mix it up with some sengers on the -boat, using sul- urous, ,la'.nguage, and when remon- Zgrough and tumble with that.oicia.l, _ e c'oo_k s ear being nearly bitten off iii the sncufile. to the . rescue and soon had: the man under control. When Atherley V with Crown Attorney Cotter prosecuting. Six months in the `Central Prison '.Was- the reward for -his obstreperous told him he vmight shake hands With himself. as he was liable to imprison- ment for a, long term, even for life, ila on the Islay last Thursday, when f rated with by the cook, engaged in Mr. Jack Mclnnis was _ reached a' phone message in- formed the Orillia police_to be on the lookout and as "he s.t,eppedi_ on to the dock he was arrested. He appeared before P.M. Clark of Orillia, conduct, and the Crown Attorney for attacking the officers of `a boat. V Walter Burdock (or Harry Rob- erts) a; chum, proved to be no wel- come. wallower, as he stood against the outer wall of the court `house and [reviled the oicers of the law in lau- g'ua.ge lurid. for the detention of his friend. He was .warned but heeded not, and i-n ten minutes he was com- mencing. a 30-(la._v term for blas- phemy on the streets. - The pair were brought to the County J ail on i Tuesday. T-1-_-`I 'L_`I 1. .'L,, 1` `I I J A. ll \.'Ia\.lcaJ o Lalond had; to `have medical at-i tention since his .incarceration', as he xvas. suffering` from a `slight attack of lqu-4insey.b ' ' ' T ` I-Ion. J. S. Duff reached? here on Monday after a. trip through the \Ves.t, says `The Alliston He'_rald.iO-p- `timism reigns supreme out there and that it is it. a. great country it would be tter" foolishness to question ,but when everytliing is considered, not excluding the unearned." increments to "be picked `off Ian-d_ values. the Min- i-ster of Agriciiltixre is satised that Ontario will never have to look to her ]aurel_s- as the `banner province of the Dominion. . f BORN. ' CAMERON -4 At Oro Station, ons ' Su.uda_v. August 5th, to Mr. and Mrs} .1-Iugh Cameron, 9, son. V TAYLOR--On .T'ued~ay, August 6th, 1 1912, to Mr. and Mrs. David Tay- ` 101', 12th Line,'Innisl, _a. dmlghter. `xv-..-.-.n.v. I PEARC'E-On/.Sun1day, Aug-us; 4th, ' v .1912, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pearce, Blak St., a son. HEPBU RN V- On Wednesday, J_u1y 31st,, 1912, to Mr. and M`bs. Jgmes TT__.L___.._ 'l\__..1-_ CA. . ..... I V |.III.\ la puldl ;L=-ent '[ DIED. `CAMPBELL-At Minesing, on Mon- ` day, August '5th, \Vm. Lawrence Campbell, infant son of Mr. and _ Mrs. Andrew -Campbell of Mine- | sing, aged`1 month and 8 days. I PRATT-At Minesing Station, on Sunday, Aug'us.1J- 4th, William Henry Pratt, in his 38th year. He leaves a wife and family. A W-EBB--In the R. V. Hospital, on Tuesday, August 6th,. 1912, Thosu Webb: of emdale. ~ WEBB-At the American Hotel, on Monday, August 5th, 1912, Louie, elder daughter of the late `William ' and Mrs. Webb.` _ . WILMOTT---At his late` residence, Mulcasteri St., Barrie, on `Sunday, August 4th,` -1912, Joseph Earle` Wilsmott, in his 74th .I'C'D\AC'? -rm t `l' petitioners had a grievance; and that the number `of sig1'1a.t1'mas was an evi- dence `of V a. `pretty general protest; `A special meeting_ `could be held to` dis- ,cus_s` the; yhQ1e"si1`1a,tionv.n . ' ..___ -_.L' _ ___L! WRAY--Iu the R. V. Hospica1,_on| Wednesday, August 7th, Samuel. Wray, of Cookstown, (born `at. lot 7, Con. _3, Innil)- in his 69th `31153 MIR: wuuxu Bluuuwusu I J usvt before addournment, a. peti- tion `signed `by A."B. Coutts, J as. Daley and others was . presented. They ask for a. sewer on Bass` St.,` _mm .Sn 1:al'1' to .Wel1ingtonZ M `-- _. V` . TRUE "TO `HIS `_1`IRST' LOVE FOR- VJLDIJ, Jpllllll, U\J JULIO CIIIKI AILICO I Hepburn, Dunlop St., a son. -u-`---rs-is ` The marriage was solemnized `at! 2.30 yesterday afte`rnoon, a.t the home of the --bri(le s father, Qweni St., of Miss Ida J .. daughter of Mr.` W. J. White, and Mt; Harry Smith,l son of` Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Smith,| the Rev. 1. G. Bowles performing the I -Ce-remoliy in the `presence of a num- Vber_.of .invited guests. The bride en- tered the. drawing room on th arm` !of'_ her father. p She was unattended and was -most becomingly. go.wned_ in white Duchess satin, with bridal veil and orange blossoms. and car- ried a shower bouquet ' of roses and lilies of the valley, her only orna- ment being a pearl nmkliaoe, the gift, of the groom. The wedding music: was played` by Miss Viola Richard-i son, and, during-_ the signing of the, register, Miss Atdn `Richardson sang] Because. After the ceremony al wedding breakfast was served in al `large -marquee on the la.Wn. The, groom sJ_favors to the Misses Rich- ardson were bar pins set with pearls.` Mr. a.nd Mrs. Smith left on the even-g ing train" for a short honeymoon in` Toronto and through New York lstate, the -bride s -going-a.wa_v gown I being-.a navy blue` serge suit, and cream Milan hat with black willow `plume. On their return they .Will re- side on Collier. St., "next to Mr. G G. Smith. a l James. Martin, a. farmer near Craighurst, was yesterday committed for trial for removing goods which had been placed "under seizure. `The story dates` back to July 11th, when D. C. Bailiff Corlett seized the chattels of Martin on judgment. Claims were niarle -against the pro- perty and the" sale did not take place, ' but on the 29th of July the chattels. were all removed to John Jn,nnett s, where they were found the next day. Detective Beardsley was sent for and after investigation, he laid an in- formation against Martin for steal- ing the goods and against Jennett for receiving. Before`Just-ices James Hayes and Richard Long at Craig- hurst yesterday, the case. was heard. Crown` Attorney Cotter prosecuted and W. A. Boys. K.C., appeared for de-_ fendant.` After hearing several wit- nesses. the magistrates committed Martin for trial on the theft charge, but as there was no evidence to sh-ow 3 that Jennett knew the goods were under seizure, he was acquitted. Bonds in the tum of $10-)0 were given for the appearanr-ra of Martin at the next General Sessioris of the Peace. ` | inc 1, 9f REMOVED % GOODS } A %-UNDER SEIZURE; Craighurst Farmer Was Com- mitted fr Ttial on Charge of Theft. ` . 5 i ' The following -are the winners in the eld crop competition of the Agricultural Society, with the priz- es .won: . 'I\ 11" ,9 _. 001/ C3 IVV U11 o W 1. Foyston Bros., Minesing, 881/; `per cent, $20. A 117 1).....s..2.J..... n..,...... 13:11 I 'll'C[ `L,'C'llIJo, Q1JUu` 2. A. W. ,Partridg\9, Crown Hill,` 841/2 per cent, $12. , 3.- Geo. M. C`A)_ut-ts, Midhurst, 83 per cent, $12. - _ _ A 1) 11- n,...+;.. M:,n......,+ R114` Us .I.l.I\.lU .|_Ia Lava us 801/2 `per cent.. $8.00. T 117 f'\..-L .. ...1 .pe.r"cexI..06."'T ' . Ctmrad, Rpvbsch. -of i`G1\1elph, was ghe judge. 3 .50: 4/ o \/ pe; cent. $10. 2! "l`L....~ T OU2 Jrltvl Iitlxln. vyuu E. J. W. Omh-;;`:1~,- Minesing. sol per cnt., $6.00. 7.- W. E. Brown, Dalston, 7 9 $1 l\l\ The following xtures have beenl arranged`:---_ _. .- I August 7 th-Mixed~' Foursaocrnes. I August 10 &`-12--Men s Handicap August 17 th-Mixed Foursomes. August 31st---I_Mixed' Foursomes. Sept. 2-30-lub `match with Orillia. - A-Teas wi:l1`be` held in the Ladies '- Club House `after play on the 17th g `and 3_1 sgt Auguset. - 1 /"m 9 .1 .' -_ .|_ I1-uu: The, play-"off for the tie in the r"e-` cent 'me4n s handicap was: won-on Sat- urday afternoon by Mr. Short, ,who played from `scratch. `I 1 ` 1 ' --Ifn Wish to entertain your. visitaors, you can conveniently do `so 1. ,y a motor our trip. A.` B, Thomas iusti 9. new*._-Regal Un-_ "nAn*ozand he quote you {raw ; tripen Just, phone 2ao, T i ju*St grrass 0111* the whole course has 1 now Been cut, and the ground was` never in ~bet_ter ` condition. All visi- ,:tors, and there have been `quite. a numbexr l_a.tely,_have- ex;pvx1eesed_ their appreciation of the links: in their itltgstion. and of the-. .va.riety of the FIELD CROP C=OM_IPETITION ' Coup, pun. Ul 4. R. D.` Cout.ts, Mid-hurst, 811/2 __-L 01A U!` LT.`-llh, !.p.I.U. - 5. Thos. D. Scythes, Thornton, n1l ,,_L aaonn BARBIE GOLF CL_UB. SMITH-NVHITE. tp'tgUUr of the 0.A.C., -_ LL- .';-.].....-. i The band is under the direction of Mr. Barker, an accomplisherl musi- cian from England, who directs the dierent numbers with an eascwhich denotes perfect familiarity .with the scores._ Numbered in the ranks of the band are many Old Countrymen, in fact, there are but a half dozen who can claim Canada as their birthrplace. Of the thirty men in the band; seventeen are ex-Salvation Army "men, who have come to Can- iada within the past five years. The band was nicely uniformed with scarlet tunics, black trousers, black {pouches With white strap and gold- Ibraid-trimmed caps. -r 1 1 T` u d 0 IS` i They returned to Jackson s Point in two gasoline launches on Monday morning and furnished music there during the .day. gl ' " i The afternoon programme in Queen s Park embraced a. number of ,we1_1-arranged selections, including such well-known compositions as Hande1 s` Largo in G. and Spanish Chant (With variations for different inxstruments) and every number was well rendered. A vocal solo by Bands- man LT. Goodwin, with band accom- paniment, .was well received. - v- I I Barrie Adfeated Bradford in a lea; gue bowling game on Monday. Sanitary Inspector Haggart is making a. census of the whole Town, to ascertain the munber of houses having sewer connection, cess pools, dry earth closets, etc. The informa- ltion thus gained will be recorded and `amended as changes. are made. Par- ticulars as to the best method of es- tablishing a garbage collection sys- tem for the whole Town will also be Worked out from this report. Over !220jpremises were inspected on Tues- day. - I I In the evening the Opera House was lled to the doors. and the large audiern.ce was Well pleased with the [music rendered. `The band, which is composed of 30 musicians, is what is known as,:a. purely `brass band, no reed instru- ments being used. In England the brass band ourishes . and every hamlet supports one or more, but in Canada (outside of the country band) the Salvajgion A1-my bands are about the only'c-xamp1es we have of the brass band as known in England. run sums concms BY WESTON BAND WERE ENJOYABLE programmes of sacred music .on Sunday, `and greatly pleased the large "audiences which assembled both in'the Queen s Park in the afternoon, .and in the Opera House in the evening. The band was lling engagements at J ackson s- Point on Saturday and Monday and made the trip over to Barrie by boat-. O I The Weston Prize Baud gave two 'Musicians Made Good Im- pression On Thir Second Visit to Barrie.-Large Crowd; Heard Them. {$1.00 PER ANNUM` IN ADVANCE IINOLI COPIIC 'l l~`II CENT. - Pn.t if we say that no home baking can possibly equal the products of this Bakery. `Take the matter of practice alone. -We bake hundreds of loaves to your one, and as for- facilities, no kitchen _ range can equal our specially built ovens. .'I`ry our Bread for a ivveektand judge. . '::. DON'T BE 3' Offended BRYSON 0.101-L r:F,T. SHBRT. - ;- Manager LONDON, ENG BRANCH. El Th-nnnnnlo CI F f` LME1{Es'..-2_5-:NTs L_--' " W ~!`;%-vki-Nichols: - Pm- 5;. mu. Rest ' . - C i':c`ic.lUt:x':liv`i' ed PI-goats _'ro1a.i Assets (Over): ` $1 ;])_on"tLWaste%Intere%st 1.- ..:un:n.n1 :fan1 kw `r'3dv\_ \ ing- "Ilia... - _ _ the \ ` a lot of n1011e;vp;I111tself by Tk'ee;, p;f ywr 1mc-kets` yu 1`-house ` It \\~m1ld be . A Union Bank Ofnlgzlltaflafeli _in Lthea `to be spont--anq . A as-- $5. likel idle. would be earltinrfteid Of A being and Ia.-. g `West night If `VON hi1.Ven t Ha `h A . IVE.-Y1.` BRICK HOUSE on `Sophia. Street. Water, light and sewer colxnection. ' . : : BRICK HOUSE AND LOT, Qwned Pb` Ilhrry Wyles, Worsley St. vThi3 15 It very handy property and will _ be Sold right. . ,r. A 1: G 1;: S-EMI DETACHED` `BRICK HOUSE on the Westside of Mary St., all conveniences. Chn he bought right. _ g A _. ._ . A VERY NEAT HOUSE AND 1 PLOT on the corner of Fl0r6n8' zamdv Henry Sta. `Will take small! F 3180 or _vacant land in ex<:han_ge;..,,, OLR PROPERTIES of Mr. A. H}; O{1tram s for sale. 8 and-' B Mulcs 9-? St. $1800. Two houses, %Pa r1<. Rn T\T\Yr1 'rrr\:I-vn-n rnn 1'i'l'11'\`I'fI".'I..' 3Tl1`dDF1orence St., $750 .' '5` 0'06`. Maker of Portraits E:a-::IIs1I:IrzIr:=_--lg %CLARKSON [___HOTEL \IL`IJ\r5 u, .._- - --, .---- --` 51 Tm-eadneedle SI., EC. 1: w. ASHE, - - % Manager. (.1. M. C. HART sMl'l'l_!. Assistant More . , t:o.f1`i'k9` 1] xmbing. Prlyate iwwer ` by '.FO)1}{ SALE--Br1ck H.3e own . n. r ' uuu 1* 1m'onC'9 St" $7wOea1ENTJ .93" BOARDNG H0U_SE T. % - J ,fan 1 C011io1',iSt... heating hghtmg Mr. Thos. Greaveso on T` ` % , { Overlooking Queen sdJP"v13_`lV `..L}e0ld< -` 7 neat property an 7 , -right. .5 _ ,1 gent in all parts f the Town 3 ce 1 door north Ofyhe ronto. ' ` j ` " "$12? hat 1!? EB? Have Your ` A 5L;;E.;;f` _PROPlRTlES FOR SALE `A `y\_1u-. -,,. ._~r_rmnt already, come in and`; J. FRANK JACKSON That. little girl of yestefday is u young ludy to-day-her sum nu-1' (rocks any mos; becoming. i( is Ill?` lmppxest tune of her ymxnglms. ' . .\`othim.>; btgt a_pictu_re can keep In-r as she 13- Isn't xtworth a pic! ure! ,\1i-l17\'l' nu Appoimrnent l`o-day runs] AUGUST 25 per cent. off regular prices if work is brought in this month. SIMMONS & C0; 4_, LXI. No. 32 wuou; pi` . T 1-nomasom cnzw. I-uu.mu_.,_ . `f ,.:- Remocielled and Repaired During or CANADA _I. c. THOMPSON, * . , ` Barrie Branch. Hats and Furs Maker of Portraits 3.5 $3,131,310 ): s5s.ooo`,oo.o ui i 1: '11. Petition ' M Presented ` Bradford St; Curl) and Gutter, \ To Consider the Ma%.tter.--Siedimentation Tank % ` Fifiy, Projierty Oxrnere Prdteisit ibnsgainit Frontage (if :15 "Cents Per F oo_t;-_-Speci`al Meeting of Council` To`-Night V.` Encrpaches on Private Property and Owner '" % Asks Rexnovtal.--Other Important Business. an uugv yvuuuvu u-zrarung DIR: 11411163 of nearly every property owner along. Bradford} St. was the feature of Mon- d-'ay, s Council "meeting. . The. tloners protest against. the proposed. frontage tax'of 450 per foot for a curb and gutter, and `a special meet-' ing will -be held. to-night to go into the. matter in detail. - Business was expeditiously -haxndledi and the ses-. sion was not lengthy. COMMUNICATIO.\'S. Forty-nine property owners on Bradford; St. petitioned a'g`ain-st the construction of the proposed curb and gutter on that street, on the local improvement plan`-, whereby ratepayers are to be assessed 450 pe.r foot frontage. They claim they never epetitioned. for `the work. The following_ s'ignat-ures_ were attaclied: `S. Caldwell, VV. C. Tllomipson, J. lluggard, John Cfannon, John Neill, J. C`-. Miles, Thoe. Henson, 5M. Alex-" antler, T. C-avenna, W. La.w1or, Mary A. Brennan, ._'Mrs. H. Smith, Jas. Cheesman, A. F. Garrertt, VJ. F.,Pall- ing. Sa.m I Kilgour, `Jessie R. Bell, Ed. Aye-rs~,T Mrs. L. Webb, A.` `Long- __ .1. VP]... C\!I,L_ - 6-LJ\.LQ, `U-LLB?! I` V \/LIL , A-LI .Ll\lI5 hurst, A. Luck, Tvhos. -Sivbbal-d. R. Johnson, T. H. Baker; W. McKin- ley, Mrs. C. E. Vair, ` R-oibt. Pa.ton (for estate of P. Paton), Doiiald Ross, J-as-. Wright (ra.g\e'nt), J .' R.- Hogarth, B. W. Rhinehart, `Wm . Se-mmens, T-hos. Turner, J. M. Both~ we11,- Donald-` `McDonald; Wm. C. Ferrier, C . _O. Gondon, W. Cline (per Lennox), C. Foster, E.G. Turn-. bull. M. H. Bowil, J . Glidden, Jno. S. Bryson, Agnes I-Ienry, ~M. O C'on-. nor, H. Ba.11.T. D.'S'oules-, Barrie Tanning 00. m1.. 1)-...._1.' -3 1J,.-1.L. `....;:L:,..1M .L (R ILJLIILS .\J\JQ The Bozud % of Health notied! Council of a. resolution passed` recom-W mending a. sewer on Sophia ASt., fro1n 1 Peel .to `Owen St., - on~ Ts-anitary I grounds-. V 1 Q-__.A. W) T T......`L --......;.. 41...; 1".` S 1 K1 llll\.l\`.'u Supt. P. J. Lyn-ch wrote that hej had referred C`ouncil s3 notications re ` the removal of obstructions across} various `streets leading to the bay,. to the management of the G.T.R. 3 wvv -1\ n } Dr. W. C. Barber,v> Managing Di- rector of Simscoe Hall Sanitarium, asked Council to reconsider a request for exemption _of taxation or xed `assessment on hospital in Wa-rd VI. Engineer Maodonell "asked for in- structions` as to Whom charges for breaking. into main sewers to make house. connec_tions,. .were to be billed. At present he had no option but to `bill the parties having "the -work done. ` 7 1;: ti ! \I.V.Ill\Jl I Stewart & Stewart, on behalf of Mr, W. `J. Gilks, drew attention `to loss and inconvenience sustained by their client on account of surface- water owing into the cellar of `the Railroad. Hotel through defective drai11agve._ Mr. Guilkst also claims that the outlet from the septic tank en-1 croaches some ten feet on his; pro- perty and: requires the `removal of the obstruction forthwith. 4- 1-1 .1 `ll';I`O;_'I 1 but)` UUDUL u'uw.uu .;.v. nun-V--. V Chief Oioer of Health McCul- lough sent 9. copy of the new Provin- cial regulations in reference to pollu- tion of .watens of Ontario by Sewage, etc. The P_~r4ovi_n:eial Board` of Health requires that the Town` must provide" for treatment of its_sewage- as ex- peditiously as` possible. _ -,-:_1 nn (1.. `n'v\.v\1:Ar]i `Fnfl peulbllnusxy an yum:.u.\,. I , The Imperial Oil Co. ~a;ppliecM for consent to allow the G.T.R. to run a siding from: the Collingwood branch" across Main St., Ward VI., to the property upon which the_ company has erecteda; large oil tank. 3- . ' `FIRE AND'Po1.1cE. - , The Fire" Police Committee made some rather startling recom- mendations in -reference `to the up- keep and?` cleanliness of bill` boards, `V have placed the onus of` any ' 'a:c~ ........ ...:..... ham. "nnnp'ni rfiisrht- _ and have pumcea me onus UL an, ..- cidente occurring from paper fright- ening horses upon the owners of the boards. A V 2 V. A They reporrtedthat after duly cong- sidering the request for the erection of billboards-' in the Town of .B9.i'rie, they would Jrecommendi that Q no... -fu.r- . ther -permission be given :for .`the erection of. billboards; and that the owners of those hoards `now in must put same in-good.` and keep them so; and-fuzrtvhetr _that,th`e owners shall _ not allow old ~bi1l'to_:.b9 A huge petition bearing the names` P nvnnutv us...-..~A...L..- -__--_,_ _I_;- A, TH: .INjr:`h:sts or BARRIE, COUNTYAOF sIMVcQjE%, %OiNTARI'O`,LAUGUST s, igxg `petition for same, ed out between Bayeld and Peel Sts.,_at an estimated cost of $50. The committee are of `opinion; that -in "the. near ` future it may b~e`neces-. sary to const;ruc't a cement drain be- tween Peel `and Bayeld Sts.`, and suggested that ~ the p- -operty owners tI}1e division; of cost befween them and .the Town to beVag1'eod wpon. , Local Imrplovement. Accounts, as follows. were passed.: Granville St. sewer . . . . .` . . .$261.75 Grallvill-e St. s.`e\\'re1' . .. . . . . . . 16.85 L0wei'ing Burton Ave. 1n\ain..=4 31.51 Concrete *Cu1Vvo1`t through '. Agricultural` 'Pa.1:k (sur- A veying`) . . . _ . 3.50 Sewer C5o.I1s~t.1'uctio11 (su1'vIe,'- ' - 0 0 ` 9 0 o o 9 `u o o o u o o u Salaries` txota-lled $619.70; Pri11ting $66.40, Marliets $4.71., Indigents $16.65. ` ` - The Boa-rd- of VVorks spent $527.-i .53, of which amount $350 .went for oil and $69.70 for house numbers-. 'TThTe Fire {ind Police Committee spe11t`$137.98-, M which $88 was for new, policy-_e u_nifor1n.{s. ` . A1d_. Clark and Bidwell do not like the .way the workhas been done, the latter being unable to nd` out why it was necessary to give some places two numbers-, as had been done at Dr. Ross and Wm. Tayl0r s houses. I fo_1-A T F;NANCE REPQRT. V Accounts totaling $383.93 in con- nection with the Board of Works were reconmme-11ded* for payment. (`I n Street to J 1115' 22nd! `were. passed as follows`: L. Tyre-r $21, H._'Manse1.d $10.50. A ~Sewer.Con.structio1i ((Locja1` _Im- |provement) totalled` $495.75. V ENQUIRIES. Who is putting 11-pthe new house nu1nb_ers?.amc a voice. and Reeve Beinnett explained that a University man was in charge with an assist- ant who` was bigger_ than the other. A`IC `1\t1 u The Engineer explained that every business place, as well as_ every house," was entitled to a sepamte number. ` ` ` ' n.1' ' 1 IA IIIIIULA 0 Some of the nuInbers are put on` top of the doors, while others are down at the sivdes, and they are not being put up properly, , said Ald. Clark, .who favored greater unifor- mity. ' ' lT.`__-___, -____,_____ `L__ 1.1-- _:_L4_ ;___ ___,._., III.lIJJo V Every owner has the right to say! where the figures are to be phioed, or! whether they are not to go up at all. There are none on: my house and none will be put up. said Reeve Bennett. , - . " FAI'l`H.F'UL SERVANT or Towx. e_ Who gave the order-for Watson Jones admission to the R. V. Hos-. pital ? qneried Ald. Bidwell; T I" Q. `been asked} by several respectable V ` ;`"It with 1 [His-WWcrrship W the Mayor, - 3 promptly answered the `Chief Magis- trate, .with a winning smile. He had citizens to do this for Jones who had fservedf on the town {re department` for many years. 3 r ' l -Until the sewer debentures are sold,-, the money necessary "to keep the wheels moving will be borro.wed` and the Mayor and Treasurer wcrel so empowered. ` -. _ ` A f BY -LAWS. A ' '3 - Both the Imperial O,il Co. and Gralcey & Sons were given permis- sion to cross streets with sidings. ,.JI McLean-4-Bitgvvcayll-_-Tha.t` Johnston St. be made passable `to the ba.y,"cost i not v_t0 exceed. $50. . * . % . guvv vv vu-vw_.... 7 Any objectio_nv.' Carried. ..said the Mayor, but Ald. Lowe was prepared to question, the wording. of the mo- A.-! __ sly tion. ll," 011- . ` Too late this 1;ime,~said| the Chief` Magistrate, with a .stile; and the motion carried. V V -III . .1 1'1 IILU Illvoa van: . -V -... - Lowe--Fra`ser--'I,`hat the Engineer` have Tororito; St. gradeci and gravel- led,- .Agh1"xc1_j:hLe'_ro,:1 cleaned up. . V the at Kempenfeldt and Dunlap Sts. be repaired. ' ' :J rm....4. nT...... lcpauvu. _. . .Sarjez'mt--Davis- --- That Wm-s1ey_ St. be _ graded and gravelledi in 1-om *9; the: _Cunty and % com ._.House.` p Bj:Aimonv S*r. CURB `PROTEST. ?_ On 2 recommendat1on~ of ` - the `Mayor~a.%Scml meeting will belhelil Wfdgi he }1ars1v .3`b3d Work o Agriculttiral Park cost -nn~ ,.... P14`?