tvbi sin n.,. - U--- --.... \l\/\d'IL guru paxutslvulu uscuv uuu in regard to his efficiency his new position need only be msentioned. lThe position of station agent at |Sarnia and Point Edward means an important post. At Sazmia he will. have charge of the general station work similar to Owen Sound, and at Point Edwvaurd he Will superintend the exchange of the passengers from the Northern Navigation steamers to the G.T._R.` Po-int Edwamd is the ter- minal of the Hamonic, Huronic and the other large liners. I l PRESENTED WITH CHAIR. : On Thurrsadsay night of V last week the G.T.R. local staff gave Mr. Den-ch a pleasant sultprise when they informally sent him a beautiful armed rocker, leather seated" and backed, along with a short address` which read as follows-: i This property will be sold cheap, `as the proprietor is going Wesgsx aFor particulars apply on [A or to W. 'I'."_Hi1l-, Thornton. 6;, _15; : V 12.15, at V uuu- nuuvnxnlo Lu ULLU \JLllol1i1`1'U JJLVIHIUII of; the Grand This is the career of Mr. George Desnch, the for- mer Grand Trunk Railway agent at Owen. Sound, says The Sun. Mr. Denah left last week to -accept the position `of svation ag~ezn~t at Sarni and Point Ed-Ward, leaving his posti- f7;l'\N'I 0+ ntnn g.f\.1i\`\.rJ :~. LL- 1...... J-_- -I , _ ...., --.. ..v uv ;4.u L\.'L.l..I.LIILLl.'C\J. |4L.l.C11'U over two years and then. was promot- ed to Hensall as station. agent. After remaining there. two years he was transferrde to Caledon East where the was but two years when moved: to I `A_l1Ia.n2d'a1e. At A1IandJalehe was sta- tion agent about six` years and then was transferred to a s'imi1-a.-r position in Hamilton. From Hamilton after (11.27 vvr\.A\-r-" I-A -A-A~`-- '1 ....... ..v...u -I-J\.A:VVI-J.\.l, Avavul um yuan` tion at Owen Sound in the hands! of Mr. J. G. Heyd of Hespeler. Mr. Dench has been a respected citizen of Owen Sound for seventeen years while station agent there for the Grand Trunk Railway. He came in 1895 from Niagara Falls, and his de- ; partuxe will be felt by many. ' VHe began ra.ih'.oad-ing on the. line he "is! now with, in Winona, Ont. This was in 1873. He remained there nvytuu -I-u-w-A ............ __, V A Thirty-naine years in. the milwa` business -and: now going `to accept the agency at oneof the most import- ornf afni-<:.nn.n` 4 4-K... f\...&....Z- 'I\2_'__'___ -.... \aa\JDA\/J u-v vuv \J.l. V110 LLHUDI; 11111111111` ant. stations` in the Ontario Division ,_,g ;_`|_.,__ f 1___.__`l FI`.__-_;,`I I'l"IfI ' ' . lmportant Pgosvtv for Mr; Geo. Dench, Who Served Six Years in Raiiway jFORMER ALLANDALE STATION AGENT I GOES T0 SARNIA: TEAC_HERLEFT S`I`ID`DENLY" meat I T561? SALE --~--~: +v- ---.v O_" V v`- V--r wood on a oer.tai:.1 area s_it11ated on the Ab`-itibi Lakes and` River, tribu- tary to the Grand Truruk Pacic Railway, and the Temiskaming and Northern Ontario Railway, in the _District of Tetniskamiing. TENDERS FOR PULPWOOD LIMIT. | ENDERS'wi11 be received by I the undersig'n0d up to. and in- cluding the 15th vday of August `next, for the ri_ght; to cut. pulp- -...-,Jn ..... .. ......LA-_ _....- ..1`A._.-.A-AJ A- rthei are prepaneditopayasa bonus in `addition to dues` of 40 -cents per cord .'for other pulpwoods, or such irates as` may from time to time be `xed by the Li'eubenant-Governo-r in Termderers shall state _ the amount for spruce, and 20 cents per cord other Goumcil, for the right to operate a. pulp mill and a. paper mill on or near LL- .....,.._ .....c,.......1. 4.,` PIA-Ly AAAALL IbAA.\.AA av Irvv he `area referred: Sucth tendevers shall be required to erect a mill or mills on or near the territory and to manufacture the wood: into. pulp and paper in the Province of Ontario, the paper mill to `be erected when directed by the Minister of Lands, Forests a;n:1MinesI. Parties making tender will be re- quired to deposit with their tender a marker! cheque phyable to the Honour- ablie the Treasurer of- the Province of Ontario for "ten per cent. of the 555-3401. \ILA4 V- -..v.-- `axnount of their tender, to 7be forfeit- edin. the event of their not entering `into agreement to carry out condi- tions, etc. 1 V HUNTING DIAMONDS . IN BLEAK UNGAVA. `Ottawa Pa.-rty Goring in By Moose.` River Route--New York Interested. On Thursday morning of last week a prospecting party `passed thmough North Bay en route for Ungava, Where one of the party is said to have `previously uncovered righ diamond and. brought out samples of genuine sparklersa. The party repre- sents a. syndicate organized in Man- treal and Ottawa by Joseph Grant of Ottawa, an experienced pathnder and prvostpector of the north country, who maria `H13 A1-:rr?Hn1 J3,...m--n--- b For particulars was to desscrixptimi of territory, capital to -be invested, etc., apply to the unrdfensigned, Vrvv 1'? `I'1'T1A1`|("\fI1 mm 1.n.UUl.UUIJU'l. UL hue` 11101 !/I1 country, who made the origfhal discovery. He is accompanied on his journey `north by J. J. Roberts of Ottawa ,and- J. J, Cummings of Montreal, and entire party will consist of` seven white men and four Indians, carrying four tons of ' smptplies, and will go to Cochrane and proceed to Ungava, via. F redcrick House and MooseaRiverrto Moose Factory, where a Hudson Bay steamer will be await- ing the party, which will be convey- lcd to Rupert House and thence to east Main River, ~wl1.ich is in the vicinity of the discovery. It is- re- ported that New York men are also on the ground, and satised that the diamond possibilities are good` enough to warrant the eo of a large sum of rroney in sondfiiig in men and supplies for development work. The s=a:mples brought out are said to have been very fa.vorably reported :indI_ of E V The fxighest I or arhy` tender. not ineoestsarily accepted. I` IW. C. Andrew `Av \1\.I ..._., ..--\.. --..-c---\.. T _ W`. H. HIEARST, Minister of Lands, Forests and Mines Toronto, Ontario, May 15th, 1912. .` V ` ` 23~32 MA \ UFACTURER OF Buggies , Carriages, Wagohs Sleighs and Cutters. Seventy-ve a.c-ma of the n(3.w ex- peri-menital farm of the proviiice at Monteith on the T. & N. O. railway have been svtumrped and ('i(,-arod and it is the inteantiion of the ()nt~a1-in de- partment of agriculture to demon- strate the pos-siIbiiit.ies of the land lof New Onitzu-iio on this tract. A1- ready the vegiet-able grrowers of the province have found that their best . seed potatoes and can be grown m the north. TO SAVE` STIRRING. When cooking` custard, sauces, milk, etc., place a large, clean mar- ble in the pan, and it. will do the `stirring, thus saving the c00k S |tiine.x E`;5T`. `:;LTo Horseshoeing spair that when the C'2im.adi an team came they would be abl-e't~o show the visitors that the standard of curling had very much improved in Scot~ llund. `They were glad to welcome the team. back and to see that they were all `hearty and well notwith- istanding the very heavy ordeal of entertaining they had to undergo in the Dominion. , C. A. Galbraith, the distri(-t. repre- sentative of the derpartmont in T0111- iskaxming and located at New Lixsk- eard has been appointorl director 0 the farm and the foreman In `charge lives on it. W0. _._8__FJELQ_i5Te%%% . 1~11_;y donetheir Mg ... trymen cre'd1.t,_ -and he did 119, de- GN1OI.`II I11-itvvs -Ll. f`('...__ .13, WHAT"NORTI-I CAN GROW. ' 035051;:-`:' -F;C;$-S- ~57. sags mag-s mm srr AND 'l_ht- t~n_;'it1t-t=1'. Mr. Martin, Was c-a`t}t-tl {U111 .~'fzlIC`(1 that the train left the .:t:1titm at 11.24; a.n1. travelling at 'th-.: u.-:u-.11 rate of" speed, that he blew for the t:~re.:sing before the .cm"~` \\'1l~' t't*:1t'ht't'1 and that 011 round- ing the ('`.II`\'(' he saw a man walking 31011:: the track about 80 or 100 .\.`ard.~; alw.-ul and then whistleud again. S_eeing' the man paid no head tothe 51831211 he immedlately shut off -itezlltl. El])]J]h_`] the emergency brakes, `}}t~_``I :':m- two or threeshort, sharp wn.=.~.t1~.~- hut hy this time the train'tu-1; him. The rails were 511I'I`>+r,\' mvitttx to the train and as: it Wa-.` ;!l`:lIh. the train ran 0V6!` four ear 1m1g't.lts past. before it came T0 :1 . He then walkedaback `to \\`hH`t` the hot1,V lay, a short dis` `lm-e south of the crossing and `W111 1 or 12 feet. from the rails. 0I1_Iho \\`('.~1 .-it1t~ of the track; The `tram tht-n httr-kt"-t1 up and` the W85 phttwtl on heard and brought hat-k tn The mtitm and `left in the from-}tt .~1u~l. The reman. corrob- oratttl The tvit1<~n-cc of the. engineer `Y1 W-1`.\' pttrtit-uhtr. 311'. I)wnt-_v had eonsidevable diir U1T.V in lm-ttting a eeroner as at that tifm: In-. (Btmpht-11 had not Cl1191i j (` the accession of King G0T`<- to tht- throne... He na.-115 . Efvt D1`. zH`])(`l` of Allistonjwho ode"-V ~c1dt-t] zm inqu(~st' was"unnecessarY and {. ,'t1\'t- :1 ]:t'1'mit for the removal Of the hotly frmn the station.` Many P9t01 >1e are of the same e opinion 943 1`. H2111-1' :1: to the nece8S'it3 h1`]hl::' mt inquest, but _acco1'-d'Li.1`8't' t0 the new Jurv Act of -1911'. Part Of \\'hh~h xvzts 'i'(2a(1 by the CYOWXI Arn<:v. there is no` -a1temative.bu~t. . t0 hold 111] inquest inoall Such'ca8es`1 "hCj1't`- death (*11311(fSr from 8. r1`&,1iW3y_ at-cttlmtt. ` . ~ The inqm-. was resumed on Wed,- I1(~'~lny murning at 9 o clock, Cro,-W'n Attr:1'x1oy (`utter of Barrie, being on hand. .\lv<. Ben Hollinags-head, Dr. Roynnr, \Vm. Potter, A. P. Pot- ter. A. W. (T}roo11awa.y, E.J. Do.Wney, .\Ierm' Tlmnilton and J. H. Ward g;1\'-<-\'il:1n~. tostifyillg as to d- ('<;-zm-4}`.~' L-:1f11v.~`.-% and the condition L31`. 1111; }m \\'h(`11 brought back" t0 L, . .oI . .. Tlw i11q11v.~'t~ ws -rst called on Sntmmlayv. May 18th, and the jury mp;1nllmI and the body viewed. The jum1';< were B. L. Maybee, .who xma 1'u1'v1n:1n, A. VV. Greenaway, J M. (.'uxx1'rx1vy. R. J, VVa1kem, J. J. .\I(,'I{11i;:'l1I, I. M} Williams, An- ;i.j'\1.-: .\l(-K:1_v.. Jno. V. Childs, J. A. Bmwn. .1. I). Elliott, Jno. Ander- .1 I 1r,n,1 SUI} {1]}`(l `.iI(:]i; `-`4IIU\_-V) U I `bf flu; but]: the .~t:1tio11. VILAJLSLJL6 IILIU DIVHUISQ. .-.4 uni! `' .1, 1111 'A'.il1`"]i11e of Tec1_1mseth_ on 143111. The evidence clean`-lyv ShW_,__,1 11,21: the unfprtunate mar; <) loaf that he d1d not hear the \\a.,, `I ff the train. a1tl'1oug:11 the :.jW'pv-m \1'}1`i) several times, and :]}I1`:`"l1'\`\`\' II`m}( (`Very pre-Cautiuon" rvn pa? on all A inquest was. held at ,`l`ottcnlmm lust _ quim.-imo the C1I'Cl1II1.StaI1OeSV mmding- the deafch of Rlchard 1);-is. whn was struck by. a .C.P.R. train, as 11 .\va.s walking the tracks near thv 5111 line 1135- Jmh. unfortunate man 1 1. `I , 1 so 1 . ` ` Wednesday } to en- 5 8111". V Richard Davis, Who TWas Killed on C.P.R., Was Deaf and Did Not Hear Re- peated Whistling of i Engineer. ` JURY EXONERATES TRAIN cluzw ...u ,'.',21\'<` :1 the NOD10 :1 rv 4 ml new -1` - - fA.ft(-r wvh-\\'i11;: the `evidence'V0aT`- ullsv the jury 1':-t.111'ned a?verdictAQf.T' 3C'c1 lmlth. completely" 0X011"L-V` er`i.`~ 1114* tmin crew and` the 15;`'s1 wav 1 - ' r . -` I ..u:; H" way o+aoaa1s. 0fT31<?- '1`n11ua.l Rradu-ati*11av' M `113 '1m'm1f0 Gerneq-aal `(1010 LN Ffirl-av afternocm "Qt." V we HY-S`ev`e'11 nurses gnadfwtedl .an:lepI?9IG11tId' with _th`lei1-AC` A ~ 120:9. am the ; qng . W5, fmm Bame and ` FIVE POINTS ~. mftfuslas GET DII>I;0MA:S, 8!'a:du;V3.t;n-':g"';,.: I JUST NORTH OF 0TTN'S HARDWARE (.5. - Holland; Landing Girl Found `in House on -Pa.rli-amernt Street, Toronto. - Om information laid! by John Smith of Holland Landing, a charge of. abduction " `has: been preferred'.` Charles 0. ,Syphe:r, formerly of Holland Landing." The trial was set for -We estdxay ~-afternoon,` J upe- 5th, before agistrate `Clay in the County Police Court, Toronto. The allegation made by Smith is! that Sypher took his` 16-year-old` dlaughter, away to Toronto. . . Smith's story is that Mrs. `Smith took one of Sypher s chil-drea_1.,`a girl,- to live with her. In April they left their daughter at home while they attenvded -a funeral one -afternoon. parents"-retumed AaIlsduth:eylgo1',' no trace of her until +3. few days ago. Through their son they learned that `she was in Toronto and that [she was notaa11' `wed! to go -out. This infvormnation was glneanzesdi [from 81.1 acqua.1ntance_ of ,_the.g'u-1 An interesting case, I the rst un- der last sess-ion s amendment to the Liquor License Act, which makes it an offence to be found drunk in a local option. district, is reported. from (1-aIY`.z(1'.":.'I1-, .00-umties of Lennox and Ad'- dington, by J. B. Mackenzie, who do.- 1'9-nrde.d George Riddle. The case was hea.rd- this week by two local j ustioes of the .peace and judgment .Wa.-s- re- served. ' - . _ A Mr. Mackenzie eontends that the csharge was not in the words of the statute as it re'ads~:eThat you did, on the fourth day of May, 1912, un- lawfully be in an imtoxioatecl c0m=di'-` tion. M1`. Mackenzie asserts that it is not suicient to be in an intoxi- cated condition, but .the person charged must be found in that con- diti-o-n. iHe also claims that -the amendment t.0 the Act ` is! In any event ultra vines of the pt!`-OVIITSEB. as it is an invasion of the ]_)oumm0I1 poweajs: to {legislate on _cr1m~m~al mat- ters . ' V` ' A. serious: accident was narvowviy averted on ten-hill on Sunday, May 26th. Mrs. John Royal, Mr. and Mrs;' H. Halifax and` baby and` Miss Kathlexen Royal were: `motoring toi Crenetrncrre from Collingwood and! in going dqwn the hi11'.the brake fail- ed to _'oonnectf- ipvdpemly and! the chauffeur saw tmuble ahead. He quickly decideclhto take chances on the` dituli rather than amile .9. min- ute clip the andi ` y was sojmewhat i`i"ithgf iauiv acquaintmxce or `mm 5 seen her. `At this: time Working as a. painjzser om B-a.y! stueert. V at the foot of '11 1. `Caste. From IAenn.ox A and A~d'ding'ton in VVhich it `is Alleeged That On- " tario Law Invades Criminal J u.risdict-ionZ_ j WAS 16-YEAR-OLIVDT GIRL AB- DUCTED; Charlotte E. Massey ska.` ti_.on, Ont.; Mary A. Atkinson, Bar- ne, Ont.; M. Bartlett, Beams"- - ville, Ont.; 'MinsnieMC1m'ts,' Toronto, Ont.; E. {Henrietta Davidson, To- 1-ovn-to, Ont.; -S. Agnes C`am;pbevll-,_ C-ar-man, Manitoba; Minmie J. Dun-I can, Toronto, Ont. ;. [Anna Eilletring-' ton, Toronto, Ont.; Agnes A. God- bold, Toronto, Ont.; Isuabeul-.1-a McD. I-Ia.ig',_ Baltimore. Ont.; Corinna, -B. `Hanna, Mono, O-nt.; Florence Hil-1, `St. Johns, Nenvfoumdland; Lena." G. Hurst, A1h'ston, Ont. ;* Ma.-ry Eliza- beth J ar-dine, Omemexe, `Ont.; Chris.- t.i,n.e,1\_/LA Johnston, 'I`oronto_,. Ont.; Helen B. Knowles. Toronto. Ont.; Elsie W. Loblaw, Bornd. Head, Ont.; J. Leila O1dh=a.m,tChats-worth, Ont.; A1-m.a M. Patterson, Toronto, Ont.; Birdie B. Pollard-, Os_h.awa, Ont.; Meta J. Ryan, gWa:uba.usherne, Ont.; E1_iza.both 'T'.. Samnd-eld, Lon- don, Ont. ; Edith L. Staufferr, Br1.g- dou, Ont.; Lulu M. Stevenson, To- ronto, On._t.; E. F.- Tupling, Shel- burne, Ont.; E. Maude Wi.l`kinr3~, Baysvillea, Ont.; Margaret E. O.w~ern,> l\:(?111b].(*. Ont. ' l Pica.- ---.... IAUTO 1 ARTY S NARROW ES- --- __A...1.`. '\ ] tixon, riee, 4 (\...A. - `I3 13 ACT ULTRA `VIBES 2 BARRlE.ONT.- To give asslufanoe to the poor and needy.that- the `children. if left desti- tute, shall be watched over with tender care. T No costly buildings are necessary to carry on the work. What is needed: `is the devoted service of good .'people who love child;1~en,. and .who give freely of -theiftime and thought and money. The home life of ne- lected child-ren may be greatly` im- proved by kindly intervention, and, f_Lilin~g this, "the stfong arm of the law can be invoked. ' e - L .. n n To resolve homeless, abused -and ne- glected children in the earliest age of their` misfortune; nding homes for them in Well-a.pp~roved famsi1ies--to continue a watchful care over them. ` If you wish. for a;ny`f1jrther infor- mation or will help `in any Way,` Write 13.-_- A --_....--. 0-....."- JUDGMENT GIVEN % L % AGAIN?-ST TOWNSHIP` After hanging` re for nearly a year judgment has been given against the tovnship o-f Ntotta.was:aga with costs in. the now famous Dug- gan ditch case. Du-gg~an s counter claim for damages, however, was set aside .w1thout costs. This Was: an council to prevent. J as. Duggan dam- miug the water back from owing through his farm and sending it over the hill on the 'McArthu.r side- road; n It has. been a `bone of con- tention years`. but is now settled. unless.` the! council chooses to appeal. A,fum'_1-ything in connec~ tiom with the` judgmetnt is! the plea- fstuvewith which _it- has been received 3,.by so many of the -ratepayV=en'.sv,' who motion. instituted i by the township think the council was very i-11 -advish , ed: in going to -law over such `a tri- , _r-_ - J.J... f:n'v| To urge upon `parents their su- preme responsibility for the proper care and training of children, so that they may grow up into good citizens and and honor to the -Sotat/3. To protect society against its] greatest foes-ig'norance and vice--*; by securing proper` home training and edueatioxl for hgdestitutct little ones, that othenwise might fa1l'un- lder the most evil inuences.- -4 - a -*o~-~~-- u-'-'~'- -1 ! I-Ia.rde and .con.rrn:d' criminals become such in. their early years through bad home surroundings and lack of _moral training. In O-ntario_ there is -no reason why ' any. child- should grow up under such` deplor- able! conditions. L .7 _ . Generally speaking, the Soc1e.t.y s work is: ` ' V` ' Ovef seven th-ou sa.nd children hav been provided for in this may dur- `ing the past eighteen years, , j Instead ";)'1afcing ngeglectetl de:pende11t chi-1-d1-en in Orphanagfasl or Reform-atories, the aim now Is to get` them int_o `Christian foster homes; ' `T `_ _v_..--.-...~v-v--nan There are `sixty Chi1dTen s Aid Societies in the .Pro-vinoe at the present time in addition to commit-' tees and correspondents =represen.ting an `active phila.-nthropi-c force of |seve1a1 h_undr_ed. V V _ | Those Re~adi'n'g,,.~Th.i:s. Will No Giye ` So Readily to ?`. V . cc; _.__`__,_ I kill .1. uuuu and `H. --c-V i Boston". May 31:-_-For fty years` Pietro Benllizs tums-d~ the `handle of a street organ, visiting in su-oeession practically every imroomtant city. in AG`1~ea,t Bri,t~ain,% Canada and the Unit.-- ted}-St1ates,; Last week he decided` to .retire.'am;1.Jtod:8Ly hefis his W-,ay_to Italy with; Unitex} Statesbondr3I _.--..-a_ mantnnnv.-:+. 111;.` nm'2k~t.. A`t,j.9_'5. ~-~- o.---- ----'----1:" . 4 I The Ontario system aims at a union of government, municipal and 1 local philanthropic eifort. The head oice at Toronto is under the direc- tion. -of Mr. J. J. Kelso, but most of. the Work. is: done by benevolent persons and _organ._izations; * ' I111 ' uv;unu 111- uuvr WU1'.K- 1183.0. we ling paragraph , and `then .Iend= a han:d~.v We need-"Workers and .We need funds.- You are invited to be- come a member of the Society. The yearly subscription is 50 cents. It all who can, will help us , we shall , be. enabled to carry on our Work u-n- {hindered by lack of funds. Your is-ymgpathetic interest is sought. , n1,o11 e vs farewell reception given him by }=ri_=9*1.% 1 ie` D Lu LCD Uuu.\.uq- .vv vw v.. Aha: his 112841-y Wlnn, un1wu' nearly $50,000" in his pocket. said.` 1 1.1_ ..-_-__ .__ H- .`A_p' . ' - I So_ few people `are really acquaint- ed with the Children s Aid Society and its. aims, -that it hasbeen thought advisable through} the columns of this paper ` to give some informa- tion as may -lead to a Widespweads in- ferest in our work. Read the follow 'I'nn- vxnsunn-gn-n1A -- J `*1 o" It` ., ..--~~-----.- -----vvv -I '~ V-6""' Tlle C_hi1dre-n s Protection Act was ` passedz by the Ontario Legislature in I 1QQ2 - Dunu 4.-. -6-1...;.|. 4.1..-- 4.1.--. _....u. ...-uu; vu uuau mum ouere was no" `law by which a. -child could be legally `removed: from: immoml or Icruel g1_w.ndia.nshi-p. _An_ Appeai ' for} Help on V Be, ` ljalf of the Children : Aid V--'v \-A VJ vs; uu val AU J.J%'1B 1'11 D ur-e 1893." Prior to that time there .1 ' J.-..... `I.-. __L:_1_ 1 -11 1 - zmsmucus A: YE no ITUNTO , om: or THESE; ' HQ and n_i8 BAD FOR THE REST. REV. ANDREW SMITH, . 4 Secretary, Barrie. 9 i~'r HE%iN cRT-HE RAN A%DVANCE 0NTARIO S HEALTH DIS- TRICTS It is'expe_cted' that the new health act passed at the last sessi-on of the Legislature will in part at least be brought into effect on July 1st. Una dcr this the Province will be divided into. -districts`, the various counties of older Ontario into ve and New On- tatrio into two. These have been con- sidered by the Provincial. Board of Heailbh and the report has gone on to the Provincial 'S_ecneta.ry. Seven district ofcers will, it is expected,be selected this month front the largjei Q`, `-\,.\_,u\_uI.lI D1116 J1J\.IA&II.'.LIJ .L I-'\J'.Llu [JAIL ; rnumber of applicants and the `system put into effect Without the-r delay. as .1 , n U181` away. . M / It is probable that many A of i the other new regulati-ons of the Provin- cial Board of Health will not be put into eect for some months. That dealing with communicable diseases, Which, naw embraces tub~erculos`is, will ` become operative at an eaa,rlie_r date owing to the anxiety of the De- `parbmewnt to get possession. of full in- f as to the extent of the `white plague in the Province. Hemesry of the Brookdialeu Stables,` the winner of the King s: Plate, not only headed; the list ` of moniey`-win-, lying horses at the Woodbirne meeatr ___.. 1.--; :- ..A. 421.. 4...... -'A.L... `l:;..L -4! 111116 Lxuxquu ... l.'LL\.1 ..W....,..... ...w, ing, but is at the top of` the list of winnsers in America A this season,` though it. is little` over two Weeks since his nst va-c:e.~ The ten leaders on the Amerri-can turf up to dtate are: Horse Owner Sta.rbs Won Heresy: Brookdale Stable ...3 $5,950 A \1Y_;.;_`L . `IT I`! 1J"I1......`l_.....T_ :5 AH`: COMMITTED [FOR .TRIAL.; O. L. Macklin was arrested in To-% mute on Monday, May 27th, by "Chief Reid and taken. to Orilllia charged with o`bta.i-ning money un- der false rpretences-. He `appeared before Magistrate 1 C-lazrk on T11vG5|d'ay of last week, ` and pleaded `-`not guilty, -but. was cosmmitbedi to Bar- |x-ie to stand his trial at. the Sessions which commence on June 11th. `The eliarge was-']a.idi by Mr. J. T. Heath, .\vYi?') piirc-ghdsed 3,000 slim-es of 0 Elean`-' or `gold mine stock for $247 on the srtvength of statementas by Mack- lim, which, it is axlleged-, were ent.ire~ ly without foundation in fact. Mack- Lin was released on hail of $800. 1 C5`, 0 L \.f\IL\.\.L.lAIJ'\/ &1 UIn IIL \,o I Worth: H. C. Hlleanbeck . . Helios: J. N. -Camsdien . . .. . A Star Charter: J. W. Schorr 3 `I-Iawthorn: C`.F. Buschxmyeh 9 Any Povrt: McSa.1`go-. ,15 C-01. Hooll-o`wxa.y: Bevewwycli --r 1-9 ~t~ . n .S`iab1e'j.\; L . . . '.. . .. .18 1sIeri?1.`K 1'23 if '3'a,'1"11'22'1I'1-..':`.V9 Jawbone: W. A. Maswey. ..14 John Furlpng; F. J ; `Pohs. .16 2 THE JUNE Ron AND GUN. i ' g-An iustrated story descriptive `of a '. journey up into the Arctic slope is ~contri.buted- by Dr. Luther Harvey as ~t-he ovpenin-g number of the June is- sue of Rod and Gun in Oanad`a pub- lished -at Woodstock, Ont., by W. J Taylor, Limited. " Va-cation Camps follows and will furnish a pleasant solution of-_ the problem what to do with the boy during the good old summer time. In an article on the Grand C~ascaped.ia, the great saulmon [river of Eastern Canada, Mrs. M. G.- sportsunen who have shed in its Wa- ters-, including Sir Charles El~iisi,' Lord` Du"erin,. the Marquis of Lorne, Lord-is Landsdowne and Stanley. Al third article on the Culture of Black and Silver Foxes also. appears in this issue and other stories and articles are in keeping with the character of m#ag`azine and the time of `year. MacNeil McWhirter vrecalls famous ' Stable . . . . . .. . . . .18 4,090 Me.ridiaan`: R. F. 'Carman.. .9 3,970 for Crew-._ ~ .,14 3,785+ Furlong; J. P0113. 3,715 5 A Am.b\e.rit_ in `four starts, won $2,755 --.. 1 SUNDAY BAND MUSIC. Next Sunday the Citizens Band will give a s`acre`doonoert' at-. Conchi- chiching Beach Park `at-'3.35, _Whe1:her `permitting, "_sa.ys The VOri1:Iia;' ~NwBF Leigteyr; .Heme in Bar:riethve _ba.m1%_was ! IVir`;d11'-cedjo .'ca_nce1 =a con-'eevrt,'j `<>f'*h %$%aehbthT%?w&s I 1 P. . ___'.J._".....`.'A:. LL. ' ,v 2 _`.a.".-an" ' ` . ; .1 -"2 wuuuuxu _UU 1uu!'L.I. ..u'uv Juuv uvvv. evu `music .w0h1d"d'o_ _---- vvvv-u; u-no uvctu uuuvuxuclx iuuu CU.` lmulative Hp-mferresds stock, 7 lpeir cent. i-ntere'st,_an:d ranking _pa.ri passu. with the stock already issued. This: oornpa_ny_ operatm one: of the largesit .wirae. in Canada. In three years the `capacity of the plant has been inoraesed .fro-mz. fteen tons to_ forty tons of. nished, Wirevpro- duzct daily, and the plant is opesr~ ating consrtantly day and night. It is` said that during the next mbnth. the shareholders will receive a divi- sion of surplus -amountin.-g `to not less than 20 per cent. It is [the in- tention again shortly to increase the caxpuaacity of the. mills, and _possibly absorb sexvveral of the smaller Wire doing business in Canada. |lUnitet1 States `than any m:i_]:1iona.ire -tourist, 'i1i--`the fty" long: yean that I ve been: tramping I have, man: aged to save $50,000, Some times I I made as` much as $20 a day, and never less than ` Altogether I `have had twenty monkeys}. ' COLLINGWOOD WIRE 00. TO DISTRIBUTE PROFITS It -is announced! in the~ lGa.zette ofhltast week that $300,000 of the unsubscribed capital stock of the .l'm=peria;l Steel & Wire Co. of Col- Alingwoiod hasrbeen into cu; ....--'l...'__- .A_ HERESY HEADS THE LIS-T .yu,uvu| 5,47 5 1 5,024 4,905 ` 4,47 5 ' 4,136 \4VV fur- LJAL\/LLJJLU LJLLL J. L! LIL/AJLVJJJ. .Beaverton Express.-Perh:aps noth- ing: has `created so profound a sensa- tion or disturbed more deeply the social circles of town t1m.n- the d;isam- peamnce on Tuesday, May '21, of E. A. Eliott, Princispail of Beaverton lContin.uat1"on T School, who `for some days has -been under a; cloud" of sus~ lpicion, of theft. mhe. School Board held avmeetingl which Principal Elliott `was called upon to attend. Explanations made did not appear to satisfy the Board, however; V The next "morning Eliott faile-ck to` put in an appearance at the school and: on enquiry it was lear11esdT that d"u'ri'ng-`the night he had` dieparbedi for parts unlmown. He-is about 25 years of ages . sootrs WANT A RETURN. At the annual gathering` of the Royal Caledonian Curling Club, Lond Inverc.1y~dve said the RoyalCa1e - donian `Cilub, *a1`thoug;h. a Scottish in- stitution, wasv rezpreeen.-tatifve of curl- ing `throughout the Whole of the British Emspire, and he ventured` to think that in that capacity it had done something to bind the Empire together.` .1 C `.1 R I` , y Mr. George 'Den~ch:-Desar Sir,---! We take this opportunity, as you are about. to leave us-,' after so many years` as _agent and fellow Worker, of expressing our deep feeling over your drepartllre. from our midlst. We hope, however, our loss will be your gain. And our every Wish for youl is .9.` brilliant future. This small token is given to try vanrd show in some small way ou.r a.ppre.c.iationl of you as our a.gern.t `at Owen Sound`. ; uv5..v--~..-v L In proposing the health of the Scotch-C'an~adian curling team Lomd Inverclyde said the team had upheld the reputation of Scottish curlers in North half and south east quarter of Lot 6, Con. 5, in the Township of Innisl, containing 150 acres of choice clay loam with clay subsoil, all well fenced and in a high state of cultivation, ve minutes walk `from school, 11/2 miles from church, 31/2 miles `from Thornton G.T.R. `station, * On the -premises are a. new ten `roamed brick` veneered house, equipped with furnace, dumbwaiter, telephone, hand and soft water. Two. [bank `barns; one 40x100, one 60 x 30, c.ome_nt ours, equipped with litter Vcarriers , windmill, and water throughout. also tracks I for `slings, silo ~ _10 x..30'."/ Two acres` . orchard, `ve. gem ihardwood. `bush, `spring A..- -`l_ -5. ..-uv_.;:..u;A.u\Ju.Ao LLULLI J.Jn'l1.l.lI.11llUIl. allkff six yearsi he .a,coep_ted the position of station `agent -at Ni-a,ga:ra_ Falls `and from) thence moved to Owen` Sound, In Owen Sound, for seventeen years lhe has been the` energetic agent and 1.11 rnunwnvu-1 4-.n L3,. ....$.._',._. _-_