Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 9 May 1912, p. 3

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' _L Fern Win-. ,g1ove,"W.lie McKe~ver, Cecil `Plow- ` Christine Horton,` Liz- `zie `Tuck , Normal; Wright. ' A. '71 - ESTHER A. HENRY, TEACHER. HOW ORILLIA GROWS. A Story of deep heart interest in which mystery, intrigue and thrilling adventure commingle in the inimitably fascinating I Parrish way vigorous and stirring tale of the Indian $3,429,080 Population ..65s9,s05 703 . .470,6o5 1,187 .. 727,235 1,007 . .447,345 1,060 _ . 441,910 1,266 . 571,465 1,159 .. , 73,715 736 days on the Western frontier. nestl -,-avg 7,123 . \.-Auu. uuaa.u will In 010 .L!1.'21JUL2ILl'!# {is t.he.ha.1f..:sister of Hope. The lat- Iter has been carried away by Black Bart and his gang. Dr. Fairbain avows his love for Phyllis. She ac- gcepts him. Keith` and his friends gsstrike the trail of Black Bart. Hope `has been taken back no the old cabin ;of the gang. The wilderness cabin '1-is the scene of a_ ght in .Which [Keith and his partners overcome `their outlaw enemies. Black Bart. `and. the plzainsmzam meet in a dine} in a. wild. spot and Keith is the vic- tor. ' The plainsman is wotmadeci in the ght with the desperado but is nursed.` ` back to life and heahth by +1.;. 'F.':+1`.t..J `an... Txr..:+.. pauxwvuu. I-ICIIJZX LU 1'1-LU auu '1-.h,e`fait.hfn Hope Waife. ; unxulvu uuuxu 1.3 (L `111qUL(5l'_y 111 e which he is going to turn to {her advantage. The p-lainsrman calls [upon Hope Waite -and tells of `her `resemblance to Christie Maclnire. {They decide that Fred Wil-loughby . may hold the key to the situation. `Keith locates VVilloughby, but it is to nd the army deserter just shot , dead by a lawless gang. Hope is [told of the death of her brother by Keith. He again comes across Christie Maclaire. Keith tries to {learn what rerpxwesenitations. Black lBart has made to the stage singer, |but she deelicnes to tell him. Hope Isuggests that in order to learn the secret of Black Bart she must brief- ly impersonate Christie. Dr. Fair- fbairn is in love with Christie Ma- iclai-re, and Keith induces him to de- tain her from the stage while Hope goes to the theatre where she meets `Black Bart. Black Bart really be- llieves Hope to be Christtie Maclsaire, ' {tells her that General Waite has `suspected his plans about -an inherit- lanoe and that they must y. Hope `is alarmed and demurs. General .Waite appears and confronts Chris- itie Maclaire. He says Black Bart has! stolen -patpers from him regard- ing an inheritance. Keth coming iuoporr the scene is informed by Gen- eral Waite that Christie" l:.- n.- L._1.c -:-;-__ .r 11__. Public notice is hereby given that Daniel Holmes has made application for permission to transfer the tavern license for the premises- known as the Allen House, Allandaale, to W. G. _Tooke of Thombury, and that said appliwtion will be considered at the "meeting of the Board of License Commissioners to be held in [the Inspector s Oiee in the Town of Barrie on FRIDAY, MAY 10th, 1912 at 2 p.m. All persons in oerest- iad will govern. themselves according- y. .L.L.L\JIsIo JJLJL.l.',- LICENSE Insemron. Barrie, April 2412!), 1912. 1749 Lic_ense District of Centre `Thiq property will be sold cheap, as the proprietor is. going West. For further: particulars apply on premises or to W. T. Hill, Thornton, |Box 16. 12-ti. unupnuuu, naau. and son: water._ {Two bank barns, one 40x100, one '60x30, cement oors, equipped with litter carriers, V windmill, and water - ughout, also tracks for slings, `silo 10 x30 `T a:c_:res_ orchard, 0 .c_` A __, `I IJLL\I !ve_ ` `half and south east.qua.rhaf of Lot 6, Con. `5, in t.he.Tqwnsh.ip `of In.nisl,_ containing 150 acres of 'choice clay loam with clay subsoil, all well fenced. and in a high stain of cultivation," ve minutes . walk from school, 11/; miles from church, 3% miles from Thornton G.T.R. station. On the Ipremim are a. new [ten roomed brick veneered house. [Ee"zi"}?."ome'd" 'i{Fii""""yenm,d equipped with furnace, d V H: new ho_use, umbwaltzer, telephone, hard. and soft w-gtmgv .-1l\l\ : FOR sm: THTOS. DU1B_`F,. NEXT WEEK Uvbi bush, ' VI Gill spring T119. possibility of ` tilizinggg. water p0W_91' on` the B9339!`- for municl-pal purposes l was m:o'nfn-9` ally discussed. by the A_ qf the Alliston Town `Con-11.011 apd; era] citizens when the 81 Cusa-t1o11;:wa9' looked over by Engineer. of the g'o\'L`tI`iIl1m(3lI1t Hydro-Electric d"e-' p;u'ta11eIlit, Says Th3 ' . expert ll'.l(l1 not mwch. to offer as '00 _ the Commission takmg` the development `in hand and when he enu_me_r a'.'tg'd A the various stages through` which the nuitter must pass` before any de- nite ac-.t.ion can be it-,.v'wa5" plainly evident `that n;o`t_hi1_1g_, could. ~ come of opening megotmtwns .be- tW(:L`ll the comlmission -'ann:l the town. To the amount of of. development from `the ` stream it Wlll. be naecessa1'y`t0 wait. till the month of August when then. water is -at its lowest mark and than 3 m.a.kL~ the estimate. of coin;-5.3 ; is impossible as by the tune August makes its appearance the new, now mi-dcr construction by Parker _ Bros. will be completed.` The Hydro- _| Electric Commission will not `de- 3 "3101, a power _unlaess is sui- '1 ciem. energy vavaalable to supply elec- E u-icity to neighboring tOW!DSI ' 5 bleszsml with Water -powers-. The enr- gineer looked over the ruins of the .i freskllot of April 7 and without run-; 5 nijlg` any lines or taking any maa;- T suresments made some which may or may -not. prove of HE value. One idea a.dva.noed by him H seem) `o have been reoezivedkwith gveneml favor. It Was `that when E the \\''worl system is perm;an- " .ant]y re-pziirccl a new reservoir be I f sunk in the hard clay on the side of H10 river, lined a ce-E ment. wall an-(1 covered With a light I f poof. lt. would; be permanent I-m,],] uni} mat any more than to re-I1` pair tho m~'vc1'\'oir which ,h.~as` been H u.<<-l. \\'h.a`r 21L'i~i'O!1 the council Will i C take will probably be determined; at t` I114? mm-Ii1I}.1` on Mo-nday evening. L Iflll('l1lnV(`lI1(`.1lt to purchase the eh-triw light: plant. grows. in favor '11 as it lm9hu.;-n ('lUilIg` in the last. `few r.la_\f.< it i< not unlikely that a step $ in t.hi< lim-rinn may be taken. V An fl ti`-X-11;,::.\'rn'. wlm hasx .bee11.stu.dgVi11ng;435 this ixmxx-, rig.1'u1'es that the town f` ~rml~l ;wn-.-lm.<- the lighting plant, 93 &l.]I'lillf_".`2l!l.'lI:` it with the waterworks, 41-wlq illv water power so that: (4 STHIII2 n' -.l 114-V1;-1` be used except "in |a1 a~a.-<- wt" :1m-i or e-mergency and 9` hzlw :11) EKwVN ." which would yfic-lid a: c( hig." 1-H1111. I"1'om the income, in- a `rm-~1 on .h-l-s:ntx1i'(~:< could: be met as `In 'l\'4:ll :1.~ ;: Sillisiilllt-lill payment made . . _ . QC ('\'1g\' j.'..u- >11 p-1"1'11'c1pal. and Still` W, 'h"1`v \`.`ul 1:0 :1 h.a.n'dsomses bahanoe b H, - 1 . , ` 1 ' .1 . , . . . . .. .. ...- -guu 11 .u. -.;u..`-av B `.""' Tllt-_\' mm .};1'lvz1.t(= p`ro-perty yet, but. will lilu'l,\' I.- 1n.:ule public in the` (mum-. uf ,-1 few days. As p1~u.w1ntl llu-_V make the aoqut-1'1'I1'g of Iln- <-la-r-tri<" light b~usiness 1il;- :1 tm11im,r ventuw, provldlng the ll;1'l1tln;_v' lmsiauess can be b0'\1_3`ht at 21 ll_1'lll"` . n.(wl1r:.1e in the 1'l`1igh'A borlwml ml Illv one on Which` this estlxnzm \\';1.< lmscd. It is not at llTJ.])l'Hlv;llll1* that at an early date ('itlzm.~. will lw given. an ormortunlty to (`.\I]l`l-.~`~ tlu-ms0lV(}S on this matter` lulu-1:. m=.1.~' ml" 1wc(`:ssity be-inLa11g'-11` A a<:1n).' llll'll zwlirm which may be fatal llll-.`nH'll:ll(".l.V, beforre much, power. . l 'I.l llvmrgv is .\.};1'lll in -due-ve:1'0'piT18' the I: = , . `I whi-ll mi `ta}`l'i.~l1 :1 amc fut` partly TH T{`\'(']l1l1`,4 Y7 I ` H0111 TIN-3' am ]ik] H`; ,I` ! v W().\' `H()I"T.\'ETTE MEDAL. I ` Iv T. (W. .R0})iK1-(3118 if)!` ]mMi- ,~"]w.:1l ;presented` to S"'11".\' ('<:11.(3;:iatt3 School, has Hm 1 111. -r_.1__.~ A "11 his '0 - unm - 1-, 1.11 ..ucu 01 (~11.(:011I`2lgeme A . 97 than i.11(111;~;f.I`i`2l1 neg ner of the uned five sid 0 of the debate. I ` Hydro Commission Develop It--But ---Plenty of Power Fur ; Local Use." ' " ca- ess., the- and: nia. be ing ni__vh1, he txsed `partly to es-= :1 .~in1 fund to be avail-, 1' m1f<;1'(r.'~uPon expenses, - and! M applied. to the gevmenalg .uf thv mrunici.pa1ity. I The` \\'21.\' S11()W`.I1. these gures . . .. .. 1-I\Lu!\Jul.I1'\IlL La Luvuv no-1 (~n.(:0uragementT in Ontario v1....;..:-1 - 1,, A ,L2 __ 99 r'nL'.. __..., Miss Marr; Uourvvenser new ~..M.'aIu1uvr Corm:., Miss New; OOIINGRGT Absen- tees Com, Miss Lowletr; Convener Social Com., Mies_Otton; Conven- er En12erba.i:xm:ent' Oom., Miss: B.` |Bmwn:; Teacher, Miss E. The folloswi-nag are the oicers elected for the ensuing year: Hon. `Presiudentse-Rev. I. G. Bowlsw, Dr. Riohnamdson; Hun . Vicey P-residents; Mus. Bowles, Mrs. Richardson; Pre- sident, Miss O1Jama.`;; ` Vice-~. Pnesidernt, Miss M-. Manshallj; Sec- nerhary, Miss Lomds; -'1`-reassure :-, Miss Reta Sutalie;, Miss Lilibe Mornetn; Olonnveuer Devotional Oom., gfiss Oouwemer New`. -.Member '--- (`I-.._..-.1... `Kenn- !PHILATHEA CLASS OF COL- - LIER STREET. Last week the a.nmra.1' meeting of the Philarthea class T took place.-i-n the -Oolliecr St. Church parlocrs, when a~ Iiazrge number of "the young `ladies was present A, review of the` lvpast showed the `year just clbeed L- J 1.... Av` n nmnaf `a.11n!'~nnnl`Fu11 rune- `DESI SIIJUWUU. UUC J was U vtvvvu JU9 had been 9. most `suoeesslfuxl one. After the election of ofoetrs a so- cial hour was spent. The outlook for the year is very bright. .1- - .132 ...`.... VVIFGJULLKJ-L VVVGD` JIIJI-JKJV \.\l\l V161-81411 .l.\J`J. lb band concert '~a.nvd the ban .Was not` ' prepared rbo p1a'.y--owing to the `ab- isence of several of the. banudsmern `from, Town. The -crowd wandered 'amo1m:d, examined the new, swan ' _. ._ J _.. . . . -1 L`uA. nuvuu-n1\r\{. 'siovns, band committees, etc. ' will be a concert to-nigwht, if` th Iweather is ne. . A - . ` I|\ bcuxvuxuu-, Unxutxxtgvu luvs: nLvvv_ uu-up-.- `pond--min:us! they TK1ng .s: s:wrans_- speculated on the 'p0SSi:b18 use of the large piles of fertilizer, and!` wentl `away, not rejoicing, -but lover the vagaries of parks commis- -, 1.--- .1 _.._`...._.u........ .4`- VI`)-.,~......-. ! A large number of` mrusic-Lovers ; (ma :1 few other lovers), as':semb1`r3cd? !at the Quseen s- Park -laisvt Thuxsday, {evening to Lisvtem ' to the first band] c~.on:c~e1't'0f the season, but owing to Ia hitch in the arrangements, the musricimls were not present, and) the concert Idlid not take place. The fweagher was noIe`too`Wa1"m for ai ; Some 72 dogs- and 10 bitches WBIEI registered and licenses taken out for `them up to -Saturday at the Town !C1erk s. office.` This date for regis- ltration has been exetnded from May 1st to May 15th, after which date prosecutions will follow.` The license fees as xed by Provincial Legisl-a.tu're arle as. fOlIOIWSs:- One dog $1.00 and $2.00 for e Loh'.a:dditi-onal; `for one bitch $3.00 and $5.00 for !each additiona1'bitc.h. The penalty ifor _infringvemen.t is a ne of $10.00 and costs, or V i-mprisonmen-t.' ' I lfwvu uwuxag 1.1; nauunus ore you buy. A large stock of lphonogvaphs and: records aswuaysa on !1`h0.`I \.r`< of I(.n.n.11n:n,n .-.51...- G.......'.Il .13.... i ,l---cv.----srrgovvrloo-I uuvsuuu LUUVLUD Ull- ;h:aan-d. at Kee~na1n s stone. Send` for i free cabaalogues. ' 1 In -a furrhem list of those` obtain: ing degwees at QueeIn~ s University, K1Ih8`St0n`, plpears the name of Samuel A. White `of Barrie, who my new wtrite M.A. afheer his.natme.. The Midland `Free-Press says that Contractor Tuck is experiencing some trouble 'with_ wamer on the To- irontolstneet sewer, which he is con- 'structing in that Town, and con- sequently the ' work is Ipmogrestsing very slowly. Better progress is be- ing made on the Queen street sewer, and it is being nxshecithrouxgh at a -Why send-- to Tonotnto or Win-n-it peg when there is but one price for goods anywhere in Canada. . `We sell on time at same prieesas stores. sell for cash. `Save money be- 4"n19n YIIVI1 k-I!!! 1-....- --L- A`- ----E I um mm-Jury AS81289 open on Tuesday, May 2151:, with Mr. J us- tice Sutherland presiding`. This `is Mr. J ustioe jSutherIand s; .rst nip-I peavance at a Rl1'I`;n nm...+ ml.- D'Lv1's:ion% Vmocnath -are May 14;`C May 13;;Barrie-. C~iourt si. as follows: '0ol1ingwood raighuzrst, May 23; New asstenger car` jfnom. \Messrs Bowles and Elliott. day. .1: arnved on. Thurs- J. a` New and Artisti Designs `in At T I-(C<;11'1;t;1:ed-. on page 8). %?30.K5T 0RfE=V #66 0! 5`."\-r\Iv' D`-"`-7559 VWIU l\J\JI\K7\.I- 1\Jlo ` The following oicevrs were elect-I ed for `1912:--President, D. L. J. Simpson, Stroud; Vice-'Pr?e_siden:t, F. C. Haughton-, Churchill; Sec.-Treas., -J. W. -Sutherland, Stnoud, (re-elect-' ed). Qnrvunvvr In `I Q1 0 - cu}. > SCHEDULE, 1912. May 8T---Thornrton at Shroud May 24--`-'Chu,rchi.1_l at. Ivy. - May 29-- at Thornton. J une` 1-Thomton at . O`hu.rchi.l1. June 5--Cookstown at Ivy. ' `J-nine )7-.-chug-chill 2'1t.4C.ookstown.~ "Junie %8---Ivyiat Strou:d=.` V. "June ~15`---Strand" fat Coolcstmvn. ' ` _>` 18-:C_h1_n1chi11 git .A T1i0rIitbn._ Ivy; -, T ` JiiIi1e'%'26g-if-CobkstownL-et`~Ch111`c1ii1I V (i;T1iiie" 29" ' \.A.|L(l.\LI.5\J ALI. VVVILJ VV All the clubs tisl year will be stronger than in 1911, -with t:he. pos- sible iuexoepqtiotn of T*hm'ntion, last ,yea.r s` champions, who _are losing their second pitcher, and an out- elder. There -was a very amiable spirit evident. in the_ meeting and a s'eason s sport is looked for. yuan, \/\I\IIIL`lII\J"YVvA 4.11 u.\.A.a.\rL'\.A, \J1l u-1 \.11111 | and Stroud. At the mneetin-g on Friday night representati-vves were present from _va.11 the elubs entered last year excerpt Bradford. The lea- gue wil-1 still be" a ve clu-b one, Ivy taking Bradford -place. This should prove -a satisfactory change as: `Ivy is an older baseball club than -Brad- foind,` and is also vne-arer the other clubs-. _ This wil-1 mean Iess.trave1- ling and? `should be a. benecial chatngve in every way. I A11 L1..- -`I.._L- LL}- _--_.. __3`l1 `I l SOUTH ISIMCOE -BASEBALL | T LEAGUE. i A meeting was held in Churchill on Friday evening, April 26th, 1912, for the purpose of re-organizing the South Simcoe Baseball League for the coming year. Last year the League `included clubs` from Thorn- ton, CookstogWn,' Bradford , C`h.u.rchil1 -...1 cu.....--.1 A1.` 1.1.`- ..-.-_J.__.-. _.--I \/\.L anvtxy an.) |I<.l Ll`) .|.\;U(4l.l'lL\J\J ' We. beg to submit. these sugges- .zes1;i'c-ns'to the farmers Aof the Prov- ince feeIin`g"s:atisred tha.t. if they are acted upon, the results will redounrl to the personal advantage of the -farmer as well as to the prosperity of the Province. K H. A. MACDONE-LL, - '_ Parliament Builldingsv, Toronto. uuuv \J.L tun. _1u;l."l. ` (2) Do not" be too exactingi about gettin-g_ an experienced man. Experienced: farm l.a=b'ou._rers are rare at the present time; as there is a large V demand for them in the Old (Tountry as` well as on this side. If you take an inexperienced man, recognizing tliat he is uu1fam.iliar [with the conditions and methods in I this country, -and -devote. ,a lttle at- tention to training` him for a few lmonths, -you will nd. in nine cases out of ten, that he will prove very, I useafiul to you. Being reasonably 'generous in the II1|ltt01' of treat- ment /and wages is essent.ia.l- if hir- ed help is ' to be retainegi. TIT- L-.. 1.- -,-`L_r 3 -v in this wa.y.a Instead, however, of I ;> _de?,V0_1`lng_---to, meet that demand: by -bnmslnsgmen from . Great: Britain . 311, -placing -them with . farmers in ; During the` P9515" f6_W years several thousand . h 8N'e been '_brought out and placed T` T":-"T"-v-Q Jllll Ilwy. U11` . `lhe _d_ema;nd lessening, seems to be "V 'mPe881ng- Our observation and:-ear 0 pP'%I'ience convince us that while 9 th`?1`e may be many explanations of L this -'{`eg', fact, the one ou.t- standing . reason `is the , practice of employing _men for six or eight _ s_months~ of the year and then .t-u-rn- lng them out to find situations else- for the balance of their time. . [his works out in such a way that : the men who have been employed! on the farms now. seem to -gravitate to ' towns and cities in the winter ' months and remain there, with the result that the farmer is compelled to start over again the next spring in his eorts to secure help. a ` Having. regard to these` facts, I `beg to make the following sugges- tions`, the adoption of .which We are satised would go a. long way to- wards relieving the stringency which exists at the present time: (1) First `and. foremost, arrange i` to employ -a man by the year. _ We; have found` that the farmer who; "employs his help by the year, es- pecially if he is able to. supply a house -and a small piece of land, is the farmer who has the least trou-' ble over the help problem. It is the I better` way for the man as well as` for the famner. If you feel your] .work does not warrant the employ- ment of a man the year round, you might be well advised to consider the question of taking up a few` more branches of farnr work or handling adoditiolwsl live stock, and i11 this! way we feel s'atis(c:d you woutld more than make up the extra cost of the help. /0\ T]- -...L LA LA- ER % OE. :1 all M--- V- vu-L J.l.'UVL11'(E quatqe supply of farm Coloniziaxion .B;.anx':h In deavoring to_ meet that bringing: men from G 3116.` Irgrland 33a_I1d_plac_in; A--...-_.- tl1eT most urgent. needs more `of our" Province `Winter Lay-off? Al`);-iveis lmmi-A! grlantstoi the Cities, Where I K : They Remain--Helpful Hints for Farmers. that one of pf the fey- 51-1 it]. aux?` la-bour, the 1.-.... pivl The; ,~ai"upJI a Iiin"{Ii nd! it? lone occupant to be a beautiful young . girl. Keith recognizes 'her| `as a singer he saw at Carson City. The girl explains ft.ha.t she came` there in search of a. -brother who! had deserted the army. she! had met a Mr. Hawey,'wh_o had in- duced her `t_o*come (to . the cabin while fhe sought` to locate .bro~ `J3-Ck Keith, 29 typical b0`1`d'1 tber. Haw-ley appears and Keith` plainsman, is uridiing along the Sazn- in `hiding recognizes him as the no-l ta Feiitrail on the -lookout for roamr Z t'1'1uS Black Bart H9-W195? T103! - -' , - $150 make love to the girl. There is! i3; :33; lffrggfngf asavagesdapt-ain1 mic battle in. the darkened`: ` I 5 ' 3 ` ,'room in which Keith overcomes `Virginia. regiment during the civil 5 Black Bart. Horses are appropriat--zi `war. He had left the services` toied, and the girl W110 Says that her! nd his old southern home in asthee `name Hope joins in the escape ! I . . . Keith explains his situation as 3.: `"3 frlemds `**`3dr and the fascm` fugitive from justice. The fugitiv--1' atiml` Of `Vim 'eS.t`3m life had 941' es make for the ford of the Arkan- ' lwred him. He notices a camp re gs aiming to reach Fort Lamed. at, a distance and then Sees a team ere the girl is_ left in charge `of attched to a wagon at full 3 ilotl 1:1-nd3dy- Kflllh i:h1`id11:1g' g,a,..o.p ,pm.sue,d by me, - 11-93. i-ac: ar_ s orse, an in e sz_a -, When Keith reaches the i iifgfi the `$116-bass dw0vf_ va_ Ieitier Mbearmgig `d ha a , ve name ,0 ristie `ac 11` an . rm erg ve massacred two men he believes Miss Hope deceivexl him! in disclaiming that name. Missf Hope tells the landlady that she isi the daughter ot General Waite. The fugitives Keith and` Nob drift; into Sheruian. Here Keith meets in an old! friend namecl Fairbairn, at two tra.velers., His nacouser is given _d0C1301`- The P1ai'I1S'II1aTI;SP0ak-9 Of 173193 as Blart Bart, pi. notorious. ruian. 11:19:69? o_f tetmt'a`mWmw,hbut Fan; 1` They gain readi-luy V swear the. orifrne, _1T1S1h B; .e(~18'e'11'1` on K01th.._The latte;-._goes to 1-gu1;a_1ve In en 11 onyK_ ay 13$-E. :u**g'ewrauei=ns iwmn;m.f rizit 3 an b;>*tht;`ii%i:v:;"m::;:n`:n M; a r A - V on IS I i 5. c1.1'j3_ it 1133.0, who tang him__1'I}:e is adjoining aipartment. One of them ti Neb and that he knew the Keith S'0_681 Of t}'Ym8' to _I1d glack lj `$, : tbh: v:2,` ,`,';" .,,dmd`; Nmih - ' ii2hi*3bwtiZi91i`Zfisu.73 Ming! thed`escri.ption by,Kei1:h.- He Of the b.1`t'h51` _f H0196 Waimg when 5] Onset-'.Wa9 John Sibley. the other Gem. I the other man is gone, Keith enters [j shot the horses and departed. He searches the `victims papers- and -a. locket with a. W-oIman s por- trait-. He resolves to hunt down the murderers. Keith reaches Carsoni City and is anested: there charged with murdering robbing the WilliS.3Waite,. formerly "an ooer in thy 1'00`m- 3 Wi1;198_hb3' 8<"1m0_W1d$` thy QAonfe de_ra_t'e, p]ain3- es that Hope 13 lug sister, _ bu-t_ is I ,`n', a,m-`and his. humble. evasive about Christie. Maclairez An it ca}; `fugitives ovserheard conversation convinces E :3 *9 lost. 15119 ,'gan,&dege;-t ' . Keith." Hope Waite is not theil iThei'eome.upon a."oabin`and.nd":is- singer Christie rMac1v-ire. but gs ai };thatsiB1aK'~.k` Bart has some plot in ii `ii-1:. .i`Kei_th} procm .in~1vins the two mrlsiwd I1 sis `i~Ii8l8ri.a.t.` ~Ga;i~oni_Cit,y. the pro1-sate1&bmther- How 86* f'i`is 11".I in `lains?.'_i7'th`a;t." e ,3'hGl'iCaTnfi`:`tin.g .9-.c11eW-.t0.the fact'_that General z . it %_,iv tsh n tmsf th t i ~ Vgfiitemiss 'Inistak(<);1- 3: t Keiiz * fazmily back in Virginia. Nab knows about the -two mundlered men from the descript-ion by-Keith.T He says J ohn the other Gem. Willis `..Waite,, an oioetr LL- (`1......B- .`I...._-A.._ _.._.._ 7'I"`L- __`I__.. WF-EK 5 ' ADVANCE border ta. F eltrail on iug war parties of savages. Keithi `had won his supurs as H -captain in at` Virginia civil: .War. services to} home in.asthes," scattered, V western had a.'1`- him. ata distance then seesa wagon` and at gvaibliop men on ponies. the wagon the raiders have man, shot papers? trait. He the _rea:_ehes Qan-so1_1 {NEXT U A a .L.L.Lo \JCKll'6 JJ.L\Z.I-lll.l`. {la Ferris, Mabel. Br sf. III.-Jean McKever, Leo I-Iorton. T T . I Sr. IV.--Rbbbie Cameron, May lmoau, Rita McKever, Edna R9 I ....J....... gefl '*f?~' =.*!~"~::If:+;".~f!;!!-`9?`;4'K% A . w l ,- T S-.r;` III`.--'-Ewqxt 3881, holn-I K ? ors; Wallace Beandsollv-3102; honors;' fA.ndre'wc' Rtithve-n- .723, -Johm1y'I Beardsall 538. . ., Jr. _`III.--Hope_ Church 3801, .-hon- ' ' or?s;. Milford 'Berhram 36/11, honors; .Birdie Healey 1390. , ~ - , | Jr. II.--Go1die Healey 2213, Jack! ~ Church 1266. . l Sr. 1I.---.Pea1-I 2613, Lil- Iian Weeks .1773. - ~Pnimer -- `('10 Albert Thompson 1704, Percy Henley 856.` (b) Bev-: erly Bertnam 195. C C `,Number on the roll 17, avemage att1$'nrlm1oe12. day` P` H. nesent every -- ercy ealey, Lillian Weeks, Pearl Beardsall, Gol- die Healey, Binrdie Heazley, Hope Church, Mi-lfordj Bertram, Ewmft ` Emms, Wallace Bewrdsall. V _ Obtained gold star for perfect oon-' ductr-Ed-na Bertraxm, Ewart Emms, l Wallace Beazrdsall, Milfordi Bert.ram,. ' Goldie Healey, Pemcy Healey, Pearl in Beardsnal, Jack Church, Albert M Thompson, Beverly Bertram. ' [I1 'r..,...,...+ .. L1--- -1 Tr----C J} .lJC`V cu -1'. V1 nun. ' | Lowest or blue seal -- Hope ; Church. ' % ] CUNDLES SCHOOL REPORT` FOR APRIL.` Jr. III.--`Georg1e Mclnsdlessc, M.` .. 'EV.....!.. 'll -L-1 1)_.-__.. J Sr. HI;'1'dv;%Lan, Laura!` .At`G1{eet E:peq3e,_ We 'H`eve 'S_ecui'ed the Exclusive Rights for this District` > Ad v,enl11!fe 0n.'the_ Western Plains . I . WEEK OUR NEW STORY N. PALMZE_R, Tmonmz. rrie. _oL0wEs; SYNOPSIS` OF THE STORY" Vuxuauxcz ulaulaxl (Irl.'k)IL|')l l.'u1a.u. .LL\.\4l.|-`ll meets the meal Christie Maclaire and that Black Bart has convinced The total assessment lat year, was $3,170,175, showingsan. increase A43 QOKQ om: VF]... 1n-1'11 -.._.-_I-;:__ vvucl Vlgl-IV,-I.I\I, ULL\JVV.lll-'5'-`all: .IJLIK.7Ljn5V of $258,905. The 1911 . population was 6,478, showing an i.-ncmarae of RA}! 523 Orilli-a, May 3rd.--Asse$or.. Hen- denson has completed his srpring work and his ret.m'ns_ show, `a stub- fstantial increase in both assessmevnt `and! population. The following g- ures tell the story :- l 'Jr.v_I., B.--Mary Woodrow, Nor` gmam. Brown, Frankie Armstrong. J 1". .I., A;-EveIyn Hunter, Bea-, Itrice - . \ ! Honor Conduct Roll--Rita. Me` Kever, Edsna Robertson, George Me-Q :Inod=less, Richard Armstrong, Mabel Brown, May Moffatt, Robbie ca-I meron, Glad-ys Armstrong`, Alice At-} k;`I'If('I 1; mm ea, Camergn, Norman Atkinson, Clarice I I Ferris, t.T_heo. Bnown, Alice Atkin-D 9011, Harry IN right. I

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