Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 2 May 1912, p. 5

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W. \`|.|\4\4llx) -..m. 3 6----St, V-in_cent. s Park .13---Quea;;1 s Park ` 20--Que-;-n s Park .47-A1]a;Lda1e Gore 4.--Que: n s V Paik 11--Q11ee21 s: Park. 18+-St, Vincent's Park 25-Quee.n s Park t. 1-_-Queen s Park A1i__-_1_-L n__-, Ljw UCCJI D J. LIX ` -`-.-f`11anda1e pre 1 -r\ , . - , J nst eight months to a day, from` the date of her husband s death, Mrs. I N. Wheeler,. Penetang St., passed` ;a.\v_ay late `Friday night, after a _year s illness. Mrs. VVheeler; whose mai-den name was: Mary Ann Brown ;-, was born. in Devizes, Vfiltshire, En.g'- lland-, 70 years -ago, and came. to this cou-nt.ry thirty years ago, settling in ; Barrie, where she has ever ` `since. The funeral was held on Monday to the Union Cemetery,` ,Rev.- I. G. Bowles conducting ser- vices at. the church and grave. . The pall-bearers werez. Thos. Nash, H., Ottmvay, Isaac Coles, C. Mc.Milla.1_1,! N. Cotter, Po-Well. Many beauti-i ful oral oe.-rings expressed the. sympathy of friends -and re1ati.ves,l among the number being-' a Wreath from Mr. and Mrs. C. Bro.wn,'spra.ys. from Mr. and Mrs. F. Marr, Mr. and` Mrs. Handy, Mr. and Mrs. Howsle and ll/Ir. and Mrs`. Waters. ' Mrs). E. Carter of Applegate,` Mich. ,' is: ` a sister, and Mr. `Chas. Brown of Bar: rie a brother. `Three sisters residel in England. M_r...Jas.9 Franklin and] Mr. Nelson Brown, nephews, of! Detroit, were here for the - funeral} i 1 I The homes of Mr. and Mrs. Porritt was saddened by the -death in Toron- 7to` of ` their eldest daughter, Mary Alice, from blood - poisoning, on April 23rd. M-issi1 orrit.t, who was in her 16th year, was attetnding Bishop St.ra,c11a~.`1 School -and was ill but a fewj days. The remains were brought. to Basrrie on Wednesdsay and -the funeral was held on Thurs- day, interment being made at `Shanty Bay. Service was held V in Trinity `Church, Barrie, the Rev. E. R. J.` 1 Biggs being assisted by Rev. Canon Mimphy, Rural Dean of `West Sim- coe. Full. Ghoral render- ed by the `choir, ami feeling expres- sions of sympathy werevimade by both ministers. A The palli-bearers: gore: Messrrs..~J; H. G. H. A I1 'Qa....'a.`I....` M -'R.arngl l were: Messrs. .1. n. nemum, U . u. Eaten, A. G. Strathy, Geo. Raikes; Capt-. Bird: and Dr, Arnall; Among the many beautiful oral tributes were those from the R. V. Hospital Board, the Bishop Strachnn. School, Toronto, and Trinity .S.S. Ad- vance extends its sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Pom-it-t `and family. in this. `hour of th_;eir_ bereavement. Gibbs--Perso.-nai, is g helpful factor m bus1nfB8 T > `117-, -_.J `I.--..-..-....-. `.1-nugnaunaa. uvigijl;-l.>s-:-"'Y;'e-s, znd Business success is a.- helpful factm in'pe1's0,naI;apV- peaxaa;oe.-+Boston_'1franaript~ VT % I Pen-Angle Cighnigre Hose, two Speeiawls, 25c ahd 35 aits of very ne an Val Lace and le brxday rnornxng ~98c . ' White Lawn arid Mull `materials, trimmedwith Ge Cluney Insertion. ' All on at special prices. f ` 69:: 89c` vu-`... _. ,1;;;;`;e::.. .A :1 Every day in but Millinery department are shown new dels. We cordially invite you to see them. art. stylish trimmed Hats will be featured tl week at special VVe have bought diFe_ from the makers 20 D0z.Vpai-rs of ne Ri black, heavy soles, Sizes trom 5 in. to 19 ' ., all on sale at same price, per pair; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . | I . ..,-_- .- 44-.; ~ .- ' y;`, . ' I ` V, , I,,.[ _.;_ 4`. > `.). . .'. .' .1 "\ .r " , ,_ ...- .V . -V J . . ' ~ ` . -;' :3 - ' 2 . . .. r ; , ` . g \ , 1' . ." . ` LIMITED Mary Alice. Porrit-At. AN EVEN BREAK. Mrs. 31. \Vhee1r. PE!` pair SEE ms rw MILLINERY O BITUAT-RY. BOYS RIBBEII HOSE 15. ; T Ae U.S. PHO0GR PH} 100 mouslas gt: SALE Ca pets, Squares and Linoleumsare greatly in emand. i Our wonderful values are bring- in big business. We invite you to cqme and 766 A ow goods at the I om: OF SATISFACTION ifpec: tlie designs. We deerfx it a pleasure to s 1161 L. 05141.11: 5| lIA`llAI\..\..a L5ln\u I I I O I C O I D O I O 9 I SA mm & KING, Ln). AY,& SATURDAY am E IGHT TO ONE FORUNION. mcthodist Oicial Figures Show Big! i Majority for Proposed Union I 9 Basis. Oiciaxl figures of the `Methodist! Vote on the proposed organic union! {between the Presbyterian, Methodist, |and Congr-ega.tion.a1 Churches being; compiled in Toronto on M-ondayf_ show that the Apro-portional vote; gst-ands at between seven and. eight; to one for union on the proposed: basas. Over mnety per cent. of the quart-erly oicial boards have voted in favor of the anm11gan1a.tio11, buti the proportioiial individual vote is" `not nrore. than ten to Tone? for` union. 1 iT-he mermbsers and -adl1erentusa are vot- : }ing about the same. casting eight; iba1lot_s.fo1', to every one. against-. 1 Leadin Pianol 1 ~---V-* - iPAXT-ON-At the R. V. H0spita1,l . on Wednesday, April 24th, Cath-! ` erine Elizabeth Paxton, beloved`; wife of Mr. J. D. Paxton of VVin- mpeg. T 1 Funeral was. held from the residence ` of her sister, Mrs. J. H. Willis, on . ~T-hursday, to Port Perry.- I WHEELER-In Barrie, on F1'iday,l April 26th, Mary Ann, relict of i the late N. Wl,1ee1e1', aged 70' 'TROTT--At Angus, on Tuesday, ? April 30th, 1912, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Trott; of the 2nd of Sun-i I niviale; -a son. SPEERS-In loving memory of! Charlie Spears, our dear brothe-r,1 who died May 7th, 1910. Two years have passed, we miss him more, his loving smile, his we1~ . eomeiivoic; No one can ll his vacant place. Softly at night. the stars are gleaming upon. a lonesome grave` where thou sleepest, darling brother. Oh for a touch of his vanished! hand, and? 1; sound of his y`qicefthat' is sti1led.-Brotheri and \ l i f Every sportsman. -`interested in the welfare of . C-a.nada s `sh and game resources should read the May nu:m- ber of Roxi and Gun in Canada pub- lished by`? W. J. Taylor, Limited, Woodstock; Ont., which contains the rarh chapter of the Final` Report of Mr. - Kelly `Evans -of the Ontario Game. Land Fisheries ` Commission. Mari; Evans has spent two years in of this report and hcontainedij therein 3 -ears. THE MAY ROD AND GUN.` IN MEMORIAM. BOR331 . DIED. Special purchase of 300 yards of Fancy Messaline Dress Silks. New patterns for smart ,Summcr Dre=ses. On sale Friday morn- ingat,poryard. ...'..................g - Au-in Iuvinuixtlniiv I\I!II\! A I! Wc offer at fhis week end I Doz. Net .Waists in` Cream and White, worth rggularlv $4.50. `All sizes. On sale Friday morning at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Our showing is still complete and very attractive, including Cream Ma.dras_a.t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 25c and 35c Bungalow Senms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25c and 35c Casement Clgths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..18c and 20c Ca.sementvCh1ntz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..25c and 35c n_;.1.-.1..-1 1ur...:I...... An; 4.- oz- UGIDCJILUIL U Cathedral `lms . MESSALINE. nmzss s1u(s 43 YD. NET WAISTS ONLY $2.98 BUY CURTAIN NETS NOW s'1=.E wmnow DISPLAY and the recommendations svhii" Mr, Evans makes as to a broader policy, of ddministratcion should be read: by, every sportsman. An Ideal Can-, -J2__; '-'I.!J-_.!) __.'`II ._._...1 .. 1.1.--- .I.\.I\.Ir51. \/CELL` `ii-f o`1i`d:a:y `Will! `ggpeal to those who already have visions of a sum- mer outing. Trap-shooters will nd their. .in:teres-ts particularly well looked after in this, ,month s imue which contains -in: shdition. to the usua_IV department. scores as specxally fazrtwle by 11%-110k : T911 the Eater .1nter:n01:.abl - KJLuI\I\l K IIKJIJ VV\4 Hubert clubs; The ictor and} theColumbia I \".L.I; IJIJT Juli XI` -EL IyVo\L \I-II Z3 yefwegn Montreal and St. Mc DUJGAi GENTS RNISHINGS SPECIA FOR THIS EEK Sour `xed Pickles, 3 Pkgs Co Starch for 3 `f Cor Flakes 3 M aVita Sweet M ed Pickles, Quart . . . . . . . . . . H/ C. Channen BOTHWELL BXOCK and DRY @0003 UP-T0-DATE TOOK LOWEST PR ES :1 re the UV we-H lmm .llH1.\i(`. 'I` t:-.4\ t\l\ ALLANDALE` PIQONE` 339 I-UV I .250: as . 9; -400 : : : : to 850 Per Per . 25c V 25c 25c 25c V-15c vl|l|l,Wl` . I $20.00 H1: DAVIS with horn '- horn1ess._ They surpass all other In (es of cylinder machines, \ . 18 06 No one? p1(-:lsm'(st :1 Iinw 2113 Man-111110. You m:1l Phone 259a. Something lew and Up-to-dAa teA `T Sheet Music liq-<'()1-ds Barrie Music HEINT .AN & co. PIAN SALON ; lling will glve S6 much so many people for so long % ) little cost as the Talking leading disc gra.phophones 1 to every lover of good ey range in price from- .5 Eb p1ease everyone; no mistake if you buy the Emma MACHINE] on S56 at Scmer copy. All 1 y--V-Carc'y s Cut Rate. -S` showing; -an ext-en ' '1`--- `I - -- ,1 - - m. Haivriei Johnon is the iatest gddition to we ranks of the Call Oye _-H I ` ' ' . 1 u.uc-5u;a.u:` `ya. I01` ts1'and"% Lltw |bott'1e. V. . . ..... Mu mm. urucnr1st,.u1ovyan St - spent a few days in Toronto. wveek; ? A farewell party V: as held at_ the home of Mr. Rout. Trickef on Moun-" day night, in. honor of Mr. C-lareuce Toaze, who is leaving for the West-. 'I"`I-_ 1 . rm `If -u---- - I Tllelate. C. M. Hays `had a Life lpolicy for $50,000 in- the Aetna 00., which loses $200,000 by the} `Titanic dis_ast;er.0 0 y--V-Ua1'c'y -S Tan laced ore are nge of ladies V ut.toned boots, at 3.25 an-d $3.509. pair, -rth $50c to 750 9, pair more. I __, .--- -- I"`d .. ,...... .....~. .. . Su.p-11 P. J. Lynch was in Toronto on Mo=nd.'ay-T with a number of other GnT.R. ' ofcial-s, a.ttending a meet- ing of the Dorni.n.ion Railway Board. Nothing of .local interest " was dis- cussed. T { ~ ' ...... v-ulJ.~.LLUWl.6;1UI1'o I01` '.L'oro_mo last` . week- Mr. `Hoover out to an fami- in Innisl last wwb _ . , Mrs. J as. Ferguson returned on Monday, after spending a few,` days at` Ni~agara F ., _ . Mr. and. Mrs. W. `F. Catlin leave this Week for a two-months trip to- the Old Countr_y. ` " % The Vlinlasveb-all `sports will have to n:1' new gvouzlds. Mr. Wm. Grazsely is plo.-win-g` up the_ `bld diamond -on Essa St. ' T T V I The system of ticket oo1le(it.0rs' on! the Interco-loniial Express.` trains ,be_- tween St. John and Halifax, reliev- ing conductors of this work, has been put in eect. ' The new ofcials are called train agents. ` [THE TRUTH WILL PREVAILI i117 Icoufnt laid `before the Council shall lbe paid, -nor shall a grant of money `for any p-urposne be made, until re.- p-oi'ted on, and . such payment or` grant recommended` by a. Commit- tee (not a Chai'rm.a.n) ;` and no debti __ _L1_ __.-1.!-.. ._'L_.'I'I, L- _'_._____..__1- -- 1 There was nothing but the truth in our statcnnseunts in reference to the letter we Hydro Electric rates`, and` .We challenge the Reeve to prove otherwise. 3 He `Was not authorized b.v Council to go to Toronto, which is the only correct procedure. The `letter which he carried in his pocket! was '-not only shown to The Advance, but was also `used in the public meet- ing at the end of the year, as stated last week, which proves` conclusively that he had it in his possession. A It was `never presented ' to Council and the fact that the m te's,were high is but `a lame excuse. If the Council paid his expenses should ' the com- munication not go to them? 011 1 , A__` VI/\- U... .. .,.A.............,, ....... .... W. or obligation. `shall be incurred or authorized _ on behalf ' of the C`ou:n'c.i.1, without the consent or order -of the Counscil (not the Mayor), except in cases of great urgency, when the majority of the proper C om.1nittee may do so. -or. any other, rule shall not affect or interfere with the -payment of salaries or 'S`l1'.1TlS' aurtho-rized;_by -By-law of the Council or payab-le unsder any Act of Pa1'-lia- me.n1j.. ' - - I . _ - ._ Bennett t=.- to" the In- dige:nt C.hairmam ss % oxpenditums of smyall sums for relief, is too pusilfl-` animous to `be worthy of any `reply. >import.ant move. Lu.uu.svu.v.v.- .._.... 5- , Mayor Cowan will bear us out that The Ad`-vance7 frequ`e has urged u-pon .11im1 to make further at- tempts to secure better rates from the Hydro Comrmissivon`, and we are area-tly pleased that our .`,`chatter has.` in any way helped along "this --... ...'l2.-....~.` I-.n+ am Mr, uuspun Uauu uuv v \JO A C~ompari.~s~ons._a1`e. odious; but as Mr. Be.11~net,t, seems determined` to dfag Mr. Wes-ley s name into this discus- szion, lert; us here say that there is little in -favor of Mr. Bennett. when the two men s publlic careers are compared; _a-nd~ these facts are patent to all. T ' V ` And now t-huat, we have accomplish- ed our. purpose ` of pointing out to the ra1;epa_.ye4rs the` folly. of "allowing one` man` to squelch . all initiatory ort on the part Of the -other mem- of the. Counc_il, and also the Reeve s_-_ glaring; _1nonbxistmmc1es, the 355 625 730 nnu .l.\1XVU B, ssuxuoh ---... odi!Sa0USSi0n_, so far -as concerned, :3 closed, K/`\I.I.J.l.JJ.-IJAAU - u an .........___ - _ `Next. Sabbath `is Qu=a.i'ter1y Meet- ing. Love" Feast will-_ be held at 9.30 in? the` sc11ool'r_oom~ and the Sac1"a- mengt of; the` __I;4ord s' Suppem . will be administered at "the morning service. :596oo6o$3$;$9i '_HMrs;:&1bert Me % j jis ~`s`1-biouly` :$he uim, at ViAck-` r. Howie A1`eft for Toronto Tr E: 55 (Cont.inued__fro~ni ?age 1) Mrs. Giv1chrit,G'owanl 0 `Porn .4-L-nu-n 3... 7IV-__-L-4,, `"4 .yV us.-ing ver Pills-,` 250 a V\`LIo\4 lnvw , -- vii: Adxv-anoe Sfess, fry. Vic- ] ` `The rst band concert of the eeasronl will be. `given in` _Queen s_ Park to- night, if the weather is favorable. Bandmaster Addison -is` preparing a good program and'doubt1ess_tl__1_: park will be thronged with loversof good musm. ' . .- fr` nan The Citizens Band ., Commtee have -arranged the schedule for the 21 `oonsoerts;-,. A11anda1e Gore and St. Vincents ' Park each to have threel concerts.W Two" concerts will be giv- en in Quee.n s Park and "then one in Allamdale` or St. Vinceu1t s, following this Tp1an,_ thr.o1'i ghout"the season. This is th`?s`.-c}1edule:i- , May 2-- ue;eu s Park.` ` ] 9+ ueen s Park ; I 16-A11a11da1e Gore I 23-Queen s_ ' Park 30-.--Q ueen s Park. T...... 1'5 (VA. "72-- _-_-L`; T1___I_ !H0 USE-CLEANING I. BACK YARDS; August (C ALLJBI-ll\.Ib|~I\4 \Jl\JL\_, ` 15-5'-Queen s Park 22-Queen s Park - `29--St.. Vincernt sA Pa-rk L Sept. T5-Qu een s VPai`k V 12 and T19-ToH-be decided later" This schedule subject. to ch\auge- by the Band C0nm1jitte.e. _ ' I Firsf.Ba;i'd Cbnerf atQue en s, E Park To;Nighte+ScheJiile % ~Prvides1For. Music at ! . St. Vincent : and` Allandale. 4 ` Annuar Clean-up Announced } by Posters-Inspector Hag- 3 ` gartis Making.Goo_d in V ] ` Difficult Position. 5 After such .21 severeu winter there will of necessity, be large quantities of ashes in -almost every back yard, `and the `citizen .who- has watched the ' I contents of his coal `bin transform into an ash pile, will now lmve the .pleasure- of wheeling those rashes on- to the street ready for F the town teaxms. The time` for placing the ashes and garbage on the streets shall be conned strictly within. the following dates A: Wards 3 and 4 from May 1st to 6th, Wards 1 and 2 from May 8 to 13, Wardss 5 and Go from 1.r-_; -sun. ,. and.` rL....L........ w.....u- I. It. is `a `long lane that. has no to- mato oanxs--n-o a9l1se9--11o heaps of rubbish etc., etc. But now that the" spring o1an-u:p . has come. around `again we_ may look forward to see-' .ing the back-yard rubbish heap dis-| appear like. a snowbank under a J u~1-y` Householders and others are noti-I end: `by posters that all dirt or rub-R bish of any -and every kind must be. `removed from all yards, lazwns and other premises; water closets, privy vaults and cess pools must be thor- oughly cleaned and d-isinfected; par- ticular attention is directed to eel-: lars`, yards and closets; stables (co.w2 stables particularly) must be cleaned 2136. puried and -all manure rem.9v- le . T _ . ~ I Jxxug u vu .n.u, vv-u._J.\Lu7 u uuu u,.u.\.uu.' May 15th to 20th. Gavbage m-ust not be mixed with the ashes, other- wise `they .will not. be removed by Town teams. . | After 25th of May the owners. or occupants of premises who have not complied with reqtliremehtsr of the law. Will be held to, tmswer for their neglect. . ` ~u- . .-u "I' Sani-tary Inspector Geo. Hagga-rt i making good in a most. difcult task. He is im.pres-sing the people geirltly but rmly .With- the necessity for counp1ian.ce' w-ithfthe. reg'u1va.t.ions. He is making -a very efcientand `com-petent __ofcea'.' HAS NO WORD OF THIS. A .des=pa.tch from their Ottawa correspondent appeamed in The T0- ronto Telegram of Saturday evening, as follows: The -a.p.porintment of a successor to Hon. -A. B. Morine, 'K.C., as` head of the'Pub1ic' Service Commission, will be taken up by the 5 Government, when the Premietr re- turns next _ A _ 1 Among the proposals. being con- sidered is one that _ Mr. Justice Haughton Len-nox, ex-M.P., just ap- pointed` to. the Ontario High Court, should be taken o the regular court work for a year, am1;pres_ide' over the V till it nishes- its in-\ \/Uuussbauucvao vestigafzion. Mr. Iiemnox, ' when` interviewed, stated that he `had not been com- municated with in reference to the matter, and was not in ta.` position to make "any statennent. ` ~ V. _ J une ASHES AND GAnma`EREMo\'r:D.

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