Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 11 Apr 1912, p. 6

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_ Reward by your custom the met- chant who lives to serve you, and who is doing his utmost to build up. this dommmiity; who takes you into` his condence by means of ad- -`_..`*_.L_'---,. - Shun the shop that is dumb and `|da~rk . and dreary; keep away from the; shop that never speaks to you. APRIL ROD AND (}I,'.\', Once more Rod and Gun in Can. adav is outwith a. Special fxim-mg Fishing nu.mber--the' April issucx _,,,J __ _..,_.--..I 4.'L,... I .L JUIJALL6 uuunawvn vguna A1111 LL 1_~_uL;.* and as usual there snn1.<-thing to interest shermen in every I ru\'i11ce of the Dominion. The Hut Jay Fishing _C1ub s Canadian ()uIin;_r on the River is the upvlxillg nuanber, illustrating the !1<- .-Wm in by a party uf -\I|11'I`i I _._ -4--- -_2 ...1.- ...,.~.._....-,1 .1. 1 I LIL Ltd (J 11;; -/J AALII` lH_" (U1 sportamexi. who a.n.s:wered the (-2.11 of the Wild; in Algonquin Pzu-k. In Lhig stotry it was not the big .~h that gm, away is 0Vid`(.`J1C9d. 1'4,-121`: Mug- tions of photographs tak by the lV`0icial Photographer who 31-com. panied the party. Other :11-Liv]:-. am in keeping with the L'.h21I`;H-Io-1' at a special shing number of thi.~ (`-an. adian -`magazine which is ]mHi~}u-d by W. J. Taylor, Limiml, \`.'.,`.1. :stock, Ont. I . {' The Board of Licensv (`..m;, sioners for Centre Simcrw imw IfusedAtog-rantatransfer uf rhw In license to other ]')I'(:I11i.$`(,*-.~' ;z~1;.~-1 [by Mr. John Enright of \\'y.-Mi. |En.right came before the I}::11' \\ a plan to have his 1l()T(`1 lw.~i; [distributed hbout the wlmlr hum 5The bar was to occupy one l=.:3`wl': [the accommodation for _L'11('>T~ to be provided in a second. xvhii. stabling for horses was Ln _1u- prr` ed 01;]-a t-glbeigd pro)er(_y. .\]u app`. tion as IL ma e or :1 i<-<-n~~- ?this. property for the next _\`(3a1'. Itho number of C<.> Sixu-.-nw lC_:(DS."S reduced to fifteen th.-aw at you, `never botiiexls ~%%%l%aiIitoia, { Saskfchewan, A|nem| &ninlTninnIa:'vnTmmIn`)rm__ uyv-- ..-...- .--... . vuvulv anvv p_m_ on ll'llIL2,1I,3I' lAY14.28 ~4u|.v a. an _ nus. s. 20 in your 3006ooooooooo6oo6ooo3 Seeandclulic nuu. 0, III SEPT. 3, 1] Huh from Ontario station: Nonhwest point: at LOW ROU"nT'I3:"l7I5!'I"I5 R ' lid $34.00:_ Edmonlon a fl! `hf fkllfl III nfnnn-o:.._and'!~'.et.url Wm Incl null @J`!.UU;_ namonlon d $42. uldjo oh_er_poInu in proportion? to return wulun 60 day: from going dale ` -I-Au music? 2: en.-anus - _ _' n..--- n.--- -v --,. . vlu gum Que. T555131 SLEEPING CARS . u N A ea 1 wt! dd`mg',_..n be at moderate rates through local age.-m_ Early application must be made. A11 E2- IJRIDEQEEIIPRQI --__, IIBMESEB = .sx>;a;. `:.aa;;s{=}.;g;.'si' : V 4 containing nlesand full anrm:3o:'.P""" i_ ADD ? to neared C.P.R. Agent of M. G. MURPHY. Dist. Pass. Act, Torontg_ ONLY DIRECT LINE H0 CHANGE OF cans 'HE APRITL u {'1..;.......1-...`,;.;;,2`:;x,.,, In. nul|i| III 0 1I II' IV 11 on mu. -. R. J. FLETCHER Meaford Town Council has `grant-I ed $200 towards the expense of al mom.-thly horse fai=r. . I , ' I `EidU__Ai61Vs" Local Agent. cum: canal 1, 1915,; L and '11- vilh "Mesa-fond will how an Old Boys Re-u-nion_ and three-day celebration on August 5, 6 and 7. T 1 Orilliafs Y.M.C.A. is the Largest customer for both wamer and light; The water costs the Association a; lump sum of $120. `option }Will be the feature" of the Grwvenhurst municipal elec- tions in J a;nuary_ and mass meetings V have` -already conmnencedx Owen Sound ha -d. amaad dog scare" last [.week, P.C. Thompson despa`ooh- ing the rabies-infected collie`. with his revolver. * < . . Ori11ia s Omstoms Receipts show a .total of $112,000, an increase of $24,000 over last year, a'.nd an in- crease of 100 pe-r cent. in two -years. A number` of the men who. have w_i-nt-ered* at the House of Refuge, `.Beet1.on, lesft the 'instiitu't>io~n last! nveek to look for work for; the sum- mer months. ? Mr. Ernest` `Fryer; of hockey fame lms -left Collin-gzwood f-or Midland. ' he has secured `a situation`- 'I-Ie intends: moving his family there. shortly to become a permanent resident of` that town. - TPro-v. G;11i1e `Inspector Holden` _.seized; 52 partridges, 24 bare and 2! boxes of dzressed hare at Owen? Sound. Three prominent. gmovcerst and the Pat.terson House are: said to be the owners. - T i The Midland I11termedia.te Hockey i team was honbred on ? Thurs-dlayl night last by a banquet, held in the: Gladst-one Hotel, at which -9. p-resen- ; rtution of gold cu links was._ made to each member of the team. _ I Geo. Lee of Ad-jala has been ap- poinstcxd Livcens-e Commissioller for South Simcoe. The Board-now con.- sists of J. H. Lee, Inspector; John Roboinsuom, Fralnk Rbbinsom; .Eran1c; Ross and Goo. Lee, C0m~missionx31'_-s.} The Orillia Packet undrs~ands- that a syndicate composed partly of -- local -me-11 and` partly gof outsi-dons` has purchased a hundred acres` of V the Dwinne1l' farm, facing Lakev` Simeoc, for $25,000 and will break'_ it up into lots -and place them` on! the n'1.m'k_et. A ?g*ra.p'hite mi-ne, recently dis.-' covered a short distance from the; villluge of Haliburton, is said to- (voutain the pure goods, and the e.11-' tarp-r'ising owners-, Messrs. Tlmver and J ohznston, will spare ' neither Imonoy nor pains. in having` the con- tents tersbedu James W. Lunan, one of the fe_Iw remaining pioneers of Oo11ing'-wood district was killed by a. fall from a tree off which he: Was: trimming "branches. Mr." Lunan was " one of - `the deposed; lighthouse ke_epers- wt Oollingwvvood`, and: he leaves. a widow. and large amily all grown up. . The Public Library Board .of Collingwood have `decided to extend! the privilege of the town s splenditl library to the residents .of the rural districts upon payment of 9. small simorsrs or CANADIAN `Noam wnsn: LAND EEGULATIQNS. AN& person who is tie eoie head ota family. or any male oyer 18 {earn oid. may home stead a uarter section 0 available Dominion [land in anitoba. Saskatchewan or -Alberta. The applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub-agenc forthe district. Entry by px-oxy.Ina bema eatany agency, on certain condit one b father, mother son. daughter. brother on afer ot`in- `tending homesteader. ' I)I1nn._.h: months residuum unnn `um! `father. mother. son. daughter. , sides his I.-B_Il(lll1g Il0IIlCiEBtll18l'. _ Duties -a`ix m0ntt18' residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three ears. A homesteader may live within niuem les of his homestead on sfarm of at least "80 acres solely -owned and occupied brgiln or by. his that ox-sister.` In certain districts as homestoader in stnndinimay pre-em t, o. quartet-_-section s ong- omestead. r1co$3.00 peracrer * 2 D'uties.-M.ust reside upon -the h9mestead_Vor?' pro-om tion six months.-in each of six years giohm; am of homestad o.n`tr!,(inclu`d1n the . a ti required to earn ! .humestea__ds `pdtsh: -;: om vstev titty acres eiztm, _ ~ . L - A ' W . homestead mu Inhn ha: Avlsnnnfnairlxln Ionuukx, OUIIIVEIB XIII) ROYCE EXIT. ` I` - A homesteadcr who has exhaustod his home- ghead right and cannot obtain; ,pre-emptiqn. V` may enter for a m'ahased' homestead in can- .tu1!1`diatricts. P ce 33.01`: per acu,-._.',VDnties.-" ~. `Must. reside six months in mmh nf thlvon Vanni: ~ CAPITAL. - $10,000,000 uuu uusmcus. v1-1ce_ 33.3.10 acre, ', Dntieagg` - um; six months In each of three years. fg1tivatej3tty acres apd steer}; h'qus9_wo1"t`hA Ev 'BepMy of-the M1z;istexoft31eIntqx{lor. _ ;-.--Uzmchorxzea .pub1soag_1on t-h_iaai_:I`-", 9! `."Tj"*`-`."v.,1`&-`i``?' ' ? sun EDMUND wALKEi:76.V6;.%LL,o,, o%.c.L., Pnsajpaur ` ALEXANDER LAIBP, GENERAL MANAGER ` ' AI... $10,000,000 j RE.ST, ` ; $s,ooo;ooo? COLLECTION Business` ' BARF-llE__B_RANCH HTJI f;iizis.'1c`1"1`. Manager. annua.l[ fee. _. The object of chi s `is not to, secure a.`revea1.ue, but ~ a'o.en- courage meadi-ng`r,1and.A an ' increased, interest in literature [general-ly. . `on, April 12 -a, by.-law will be`Vs~ub- mitbed to the voters of Midland` to grant Benson & Bray a loan of $25,- "0O0, to be repaid, principal and in-V gteres-t-, i!1.- twenty -annual instal- menten. The rm agree to spend $46,000 in the erection of a new rplaning mi2]l,. on V a new aite, -and to _ employ fty men the year mu-nd-.V .CIliasrenoe- M-archant, son of Edi. Mamohant of Lloydtown; was ,dis- covered unconscious and! wounded behind] the horses in their stable on Wednesday morning of last Week. He has no recollection of .What hap- pened, but it is` -thought that the- horse may -ha.Ave kicked him. His wound required a number of _stitch- The death of a -bro-ther-in-law` in] Ottawa on. Friday was the cause of a hurried summons east to M-vs; -F. 13. Elliott, of Alliston. On a.m'iving at her des.tina.tion `she was acquaint- ed with the fact that another sis- ter s hussband had died 'at Port Ar- thur on Sunday. Both men died of pneu;monia,.the illness of each being: but a few days. _ ` . A -couple of years ago, Alliston voted 9. bonus of $5,000 and 1_ow xed assesasnment to the Memer Mfg. I 00., to soure; .a threshing machine factory. It is-1 stated that t1he-'co:m- I pany got the money t ful- ll-ed their part of. the -bargain. Now" the town P'*coposes. to see that the industry is operated` a:cco'ndi11;g'-, to` agreement or -monly refunded. ` | John Sp-encer of "the" Bradford` Fish Co}, has obtained an license to net carp, suckers and -catsh in` Lake Clouiehiohing. A water lot has} `been secured. at Oriluliae and -an ice. I house and packing house. vrwill be! `erected. Two llauunoheewanidi a dozen lmen w_i11 be employed. There is [svai-cl -to be a. big` market for this class of [sh in Buffalo,` 'Boston-, New Yorkvand Toronto. ' . ' Mr. V \Vm. MacDonald, member for Centre Bruce, in {the Ontario Legis- lllature, and` editor of the Chessley `Enterprise, has introduced. a bill in ithc House to have hotel bars closed `on statutary and civic ho-ilidiays, 'Lasrt;N session an amsendimnecnt. was [made to `the Liquor License. Act by ` W-hioh hotel bars are closed! on `Christmas "Day. Mr. _McDonsa1d. s idea` is to extend this to -a1~1'ho1i- itlays. ` A 6 V ;`Di'ck is 'the name of ia pet crq-w owned by Cecil Ferguspn of .T`horn- lbury. Although he. emoys h1sfroe- 33-.. - 1..-, 3.... ....,..'|..-`I.-um In LA 1-Pn-:n1.r1x vnrv.` 'Ull'1'J o 1.xuuuuug._:,u ;LL;- \.u_auvJu ;;au- ...-...\.. - idorrm he is seldom to be -found` very" far from the house "unless in the% fall of the year when he migra oes south. Three seasons has he spent the winter months in `a Warmer clinnate, only to re.tuc1'n- again in, the spnin-g. This year -he returned on Sunday, March 3rd, in -plenty` of tige to ` oversee.` 90'rnp1anti:Lg.- -..-_-_... .....-......'._-&L....-...'| LIIILU LU UVULUUU L7`-I'll-l.1Jb(LJ-.l-|ILII5u I Some enterprising news-gatherery in this county sent -a -desspatch to-a Tioraonrto paper, in February last an-' nouncing that the pitted-_ potatoes in Grey County had.` all ;been de- stroyed by the extreme freezing. '1` going the rounds of _the Weeklies. It is untrue; says The Mewford Express, at least nobody knows whether` it is true or :not,' be- cause farmers never-._ open their .pits_ until warm weather in spring, -and the X ray-has not yet been applied` l co_ 'inyestigtttiQm ui-ndergvrouddnd. JCKAU UV} lLll\3U|JIvNI$Iv\IUlLlOt 4!-VJ II.lIA) .L'\l'ulaLU\.|s dead on his mother s -grave. He had been brought .-up by his aunt, Miss Sloan -and` had taken her name and was a cousin of Mm Herrick Sloan of , -the township. . Deceased was forty-ve years old: and; umnarired. Rev, John Fletcher . .who died) in Hamiltoinr on Sunday T morning; March 30th, a; resident of Brad fond. during his .youth*, father; John .FJ;eteher;. beihg, of fl`. .:..:.. . ~u`.;..'.`.-JL, VD...-V..'.I.'l.';A...1/,`i_W.t.'-.. ~- l$3'l 0911311 I-"\lK3U\ill`JL,v LTWWIV `IL Trinity VBl`8df0l`_d',* for as number of years,` about half gt oen: ago, It was during hi_s_ ather inncu.m: ht" Bradfonclithat he . -aaanurugr & Ill :::'=::::..:.*.::r:: .15" Wm-.. Scanlon, a son of Richard` Scanlon, a. former .residie;nt of West Gwillhwbury, ended his life` by tak- ing prussic acid . at Ho1-1a1_1dLand- ing on`: Sunday, March 30th. . He ...-Am. .. u-uunn:i-:nIr :u-u "IN ('1 1115 V11 kl uumau -Alp-`Ca-L val. UV tun - .La.\.I was a d1-uggisi.n. Washington, 13.0. {and was on vacation. He was sub- ,1-,,, -1- _`I1'_* _ _ v.B____J `_V.V.ith its large number of branches. agents and correspondents, The iCanadian`Bank ofrCommerce is able toeffect.collctionsvthroughout the world promptly and at reasonable rates. Rats will be quoted on application. - V V . . A ` FOREIGN .BU.SlNE'SS' W, 45-9 `V $ I7\IIIl He was bbtlietf, J ` Fliett`-"i ch-er, M.A.,~ Iiow.'rector of the Angli- can Church in_ Whitby.` Mr. R. J. Flewhm; County -Clerk of` Simcoe 1-4-1.1. .'_ | . imtmcmr Trayhdr of 'San'- ley Barracks is conducting`-a special oou`1~se "Qf iI_1stmction. for`qua.1ica.tion of ~ ofcems and _non-commissioned: ofoefg the a.1'mories,at 0o11ing- .*-2-__ --._ 1..._1.1. 1.r...._~ Ju L'\4'V&l4Il\t&., \/I-I \ is .9. ~bi\Qther. U1'l.B1".1lL~ uuq . A a.z.x.uU.L:.w'_ an vvu.-up wood. The sessions are held ;_ - day, "and; :Friday .' even.- ings-. ~ The `local qualied oice-rs 'are also particiapating in the instru-Vctions~ by taking ah refreshing course. Sergt. Tragynor is conducting a similar class in Barrie-on Tuesday and Thursday evenings of each week. The classes -are to be ' con- tinuedvfor six weeks. i A The sum.-' .of $3,000 .was: voted by the Ontario Legislature to aid ooun-. ties in publicity work. The Count-y. of Lambbon. last year `issued! a book- let aidvertis-i-ng its aidiv-aintages, and the Government -purchased several hundred: [copies for circulation in Great Britain-. . Other counties am following the lead, `and; the $3,000 will enable the department to s-up-I 2;- ._--.1_l1Z`..:L.. -......1.. :.-. 4-Ln \v111.c11uu1u um uupm uuwuu W ..._, Vp1ement- its publicity work in the >O1d`Count.ry. It would be a. good move on the part V of the. Simooe County - ouncil to follow in Lamb- ton County sa footsteps. "People who travel on trains 'do`not' always ' know. just how close they are to trouble. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Searle, .who live near the C.P.R. track two miles` south of here, while watching the Vancouver train pass their, place, `noticed that something was wrong. Invcstigation -after the. train had gone on its way revealed the fact that a piece of rail two `feet in `length was missing. - The] whole train had` passed safely over this `gap,` the end of the rail where! the wheels had` u" again taken the vlzrack being pounded `at, with the impa~ct.-Bolton Enterprise. _- Chief Reid of O-rillia has received the following letter from S. A. Pel- , , Chief "of Police at Barahoo, 'Wisoon`s`in:--_*Is. there` a anyone i in `your town who knows a persomby the name of Chas. Ross? A man by that name .Was killed on the rail-- road*-tracks in this city and his coum'- ` panion claims that. the name of thcl I deceased was Chas-. Ross, who had a sister in Canada. Just received a letter from. one J. E. Gorman, 28 12 St; of Chicago, Ill., claiming to `know that Ross lived in. your town aiid had a sister. The body is rest- ing in a receiving vault .at the ceme- tery for developments. V Any infor- - mation ., will be received with] thanks. - i _ T ' tmmo PLANTING 1 Q wm.# BE CGSTLY ; { ---SEED IS SCARCEE - Ckieques and drafts on all "countries of the world, drawn in lsterlirig,` V .-francs, marks, lire, kronen, orins, roubles or any other foreign currency, can be negotiated at The Canadian Bank of Commerce at reasonable rates. Will Cost Over $25 Per Acre, But Many Rejoice that New . Seed Will be Introduced I With Increased Yield. ! Two sleigh loads of potatoes i were on sale yesterday at the market, `says The Lindsay Watchman-We.r~ `tier. They were picked up by an.- xious famners for seed purposes., At the present price the ofi an acre this coming season ,Will cost the farmer about $25.00,. as from 18 to 20 -bushels per acre V is, lreq To the ordinary farmer! lin V_Vict:ori`a County, this extra cost` is not noticeable, but in eastern On- tario in the vici-n-ity of Ottawa where 20 and. 40 acres are put in cnop each year, a ' large expendit.ure will result. ' This ,unp'reeedent'ad price will in itself ereduce. the acre- e_ age, -`and! [another year will probably tr,_ansrp'ire. before this district will get, back.- to its previous quuantity of ground, planted to the edible tuber. IJIlI\4LQ '\.lSC-ll: |J\.` 6-L v`vv 11.0 V V Luna-I. wyvutt ing of seed and its relative value to the insuring of a big return, it. might be well to mention. a wordi as to the preparation. of the soil, and the date of planting. Take any omd.-icnai'y- clay or samndxy loam that has `received a dressing of ham- yard fertilizer, plough in the `fall, let this stand in the spring until` perfectly dry, then disc 'hai'row the -land,-or run over "it .with the gang plough and harrow. Do not inter- n :fere with. `: then until =aft'enr" the _1-st . of June, `When. a -19- I similar ., cultivation L ' essential. V-Drill? `fund ' Kpla,n.t nguhout the V 10th of 4 in~6ar1ier- e Keep `the . ' V `_, Lplo the as re U the grat. and `universal failure is looked. upon in a benign way, as it compels the introduction of new seed, which is very_ much" needed, and is in itself -9. means of increasing the` yield. Many far- -mews have not -been more than 7 5 and!" 100 bushels of `potatoes L- `LL- --_.. -__-..... 4.... ' _...E_...-.. .....`l UIIKJIIIE U `I CIQLNL -L\l\ KI IJILHLJVJIE `IL lJ\I V(IV\l\4K7 to the acre owing to inferior and played! out seed, when by a proper and? judicious selection of the great- est producers from 200 to 400 lbushels can. "be. grown`. While Speak- S_.__ .1.` ---_`l -_..'l :4_ ..-.1-A.3__- _.-`l__-v *- SALMON F ISHJNG 1 ` % DURING OCTOBER; | F ishry Owierseri Says ,: They l % Spawn Tlnjee Weeks Ear- | lier if: L. Simcoe Than V In The {Great Lakes. i i: The annual. report or the Gamel and F ish`eries \Depa.1*l;ment for On- .1 tat-_i=o_ has been issued. A section is I devoted to the -re1ports - of 'the 'sh- ..I-.\... Q:1~1I|l'\n ant] gpooooooooooo090900906906:i 1(1eV01 e(1. T10 I-I10 'l'UpU1 I:`U.L uuu .u_9u- _ `ery Overseers `on lakes *_Sin1c0e` and l Couchiching. V a 1 r . l Overseer William McGim1 of ,Or-i illia, reports that bass shing ini `Lake Couehiching has been `very: good, especially during the latter` part of the summer. , Bass shing` in Lake Simcoe in that Section; over which `he _ has control has been, very poor indeed. -, . He has _ taken! parties out in his gas boat on sev- eral occasions, and they have re- turned without a` sh. For this] state of aairs, he cannot advance an opinion.. V Salmon trout, on the other hand, have been very plenti-I `fuul during both the spring and fall; shing. One Indian caught on a trawl sixty-eight large salmon off the point of Strawberry Island and Trout Shoal. - He might submit; . that he thinks it.:a mistake to allow) salmon to be taken during the: month of October in Lake` Simcoe. [Salmon spawn in these waters {three .}veeks earlier than in the up-: *1" , __._4. A.L2...1- 1.1.-..-u.n: l;ilI'L"I:! ~WU|$l\ \3u1'.I.1!::L `Luau. {nu run. my ; per lakes. .He -doles not think there; has been the usual illegal shing] this season, consequently he has had`. less patrol duties to perform. He} seized one net of three hundred! yards- off Eight Mile Point. -The patrol boat. N aiad, in charge of Capt. Carson, has its work on Lake Sim- eoe Well in__han~d, with good effect on the poachers . _ Ducks- are "very _few in number this seasbn, they, `seem to have taken new routes dur- ing their migration. Possibly the [scarcity of feed in these .waters has! had; something to do with the scar-` `city `of ducks. . Partridge, he is. `pleased to report, are very pleIntiful,! bu.t they have a hard time with the poac-her. Shooting before the open? ;season has been frequently reported, lbut he nds `it most difficult to get I any inform.a.t.ion', _ as the settlers and farmers are very averse to giv-i ling information to the Overseers. Overseer D. AMAcPhe_e of Upter-V Advertisihg makes bright stoves. Failure to advertise goes hand in hand with dullness and [ stagnation. Advertising makes the merch-am: think of you--of your wants and needs; makes him anxious to serve you to your liking and `advantage. Advertising brushes away cob- webs and dust, smartens: shop .win- Idows, Aquickens: the` intelligence of salesmen, and lets in the sunlight. .,. Advertisaitn-g acquainte _you- with new things, and so. brightens your hmne, your life, your person. 1; V '_ Y . Z`: OF COMMERCE ' growing lazy `and stupid`. Advertis- ing injects good red.-+b1oodi into the arteries` of a. business, and keeps it healthful: and active. ~ T Advertising keep a `business Where Do Yau Shop? Oyou shop in a brisk, active store, or in a A dull store? % % Let thalduancfe Adyertfsing Main talk `it over with you. If you arq not advertising {now we want to talk the `matter over with you. or }_!,, 'aibuna`dance, L : uamr.p1emfu1 fllunge ear <>n;the; and,-he mi`g`1'it.jsay't:hat. the lake evi- .`dent1y_eis`- ~ Ducks `also {are 3')le}ntifu1,-and~i"pa.rtridge- are in- creasing Araoipidly, while mink and lmuskrat are -very scarce. At Mud Lake, Mara, shing was `very good {during the past season, maskinonge, {bass and pickerel being the chief {sh caught it-here. Ducks were there [in abundance, -and ` hunters report {great shooting :in that district. II -artrivdge also were plesntiftrl, also Hots of mskra.ts_ there. He has had [little or no trouble in- his district `during the past season, the law be- ing we11`0.bserved'. , A ~ Overseer M. Timlin, of Atherley, `reports: The past season for fishing ihas been. very satisfactory in his- n! `e Over's-eferV'. M. Timlin; of Atherley, reports: `for shing` ihas been;.- very iq his - `di\sr`_r,1f~ict, and the tou-rlsts were all `game lawsk were very Well observed, {as he has had but one conviction, and: that ,was for illegal shooting of ducks im close season by an Ameri- ;can. Muskrats are plentiful in. the `marshes. -Partridge and mink are ` I g ONLY THREE LICENSES IN l _ SOU-TH -SIMOOE. i The Board of License Commis- l. sioners. for South Sirncoe met . at {the "Commercial hotel, Beeton, for the -purpose of reorganizatiori and to receive -applications for licens- : Connor -and Wilson `Black of Stroud. !The newly appointed license `in- !spec oor, `J. H. Lee of Newton Robin- isorrwas also. present. John Robin-' =s0;n of Bond Head was appointed chzaivman. Three applications for% licenses for 1912-13 were receive-d,| two from Bradford and one ifromi Loretto. These applications will be` cons\i(lero(l -at the nvext meeting of Ithe board which will be held in] [Bradford on Saturday, April 20th. g 9 ! !the board this 1 year, Geo Lee of: I I `_`I heard the inissus` talking abouti us, -said the cook. i nob 0- ', '1 .1 , VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV NEWS NOTES `nu: --1:1. V1 4 I l.I-A1 -4--w-a \----\/ v--__. 9 What did she say? inquired the cha[1irEberma`id_. ~ g we was neither of us I any good. I u _ . _ Ill . . -11 .1 1 1- ULb1l.\ --Was-hix`1gt.onL Star. ll\l1 .-d -v`.. Ain f. it terrible the Way 11k 2 about one another I1!0W8J(1ay8!' GOSSIP. Shop where your wants) and needs ' are Iuppernxost in the mind of the merchant. Shop in the store which ,reect.s you, which you dominate. -Shop where your money returrns to you "in better goods, better values. better service." - . ' never smile about you. FROM I-`AR -A-ND NEAR

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