Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 11 Apr 1912, p. 2

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3'6. G. SMITH & C0,,- PHoE~IE 32. Es-i [ fnhnnlan 1QRO T.'....1....L..1_-.... S'rmc'r Pxmsomu. A'l"l"l`.1\Y'I'!nu Duns - ";``1$T:x:`:9:,?. To Horsesho eins i"- ..{....;.3,Av.F.I.E..Lr1_ sf? I1. .l\:'I.1J1.`J.LV1l.UJ.|rI~J.L .I..u11v.LvLAJ.I. Lrgv, .So1icitor, Notary Pulllic, &c. Ofce, `let oor Bank of Toronto Building. Money to loan at lowest rates. ` 1.0129.) VI J.\J.I.LJJ SV LL-LIJJALLLAV AJA44c, .I.'4a.a.U | risters, Solicitor of the Supreme` Court of Judicature of Ontario,` Proctors, Notaries, Conveyancersn etc. Money to loan. Oice, Ross block, Barrie. A. E. H. Creswicke, K.CV., `Arthur Alexander. I Fire and Life Insurance L Real Estate Agency Money to Loan A numbr .ol good Em-ins and Town Pto- potlluf by sale up any man. Ehcgfjurthcrugxvatutp} - ga.. .L. LLAIAVJLJJJJ \l.l.`.L'.I.\.JIJ ."'1.-V1}` `lvtesidence corner `of Toronto and! Elizabeth Streets. (Opposite Fliza-1 __beth Street Methodist Church), Tele-I phone 167._ i v\/.nv4;.;a.|./ J>II\IKJKI, J.JAlo4IJ, J.IIL.LULIJ.kJJ.JJlU,l Solicitor, etc. Bank of Toronto Building, Barrie. Money to loan. 'AIn .LI.l.\I.I.vJ.J..LI.LJJL|I .lJJ.\J;\, oi. unn1JLU.V St., Toronto, late of Brooklyn (L\*.' Y.), Eye and Ear Hospital, will be` at 67 Owen St., Barrie, every Sat- urda`y. Diseases-Eye, Ear, Nose} `and Throat- Consultation hours, 11? am. to 5 p.m., and by appointment; a IuuI..s.J..l..L \ll \l\l,o, .fJ'1\}.LV.Cl 62:. L5 Ntzrblished 1869. Undertakers. Open day and night. Morgue and chapel in- connection. -Barrie, Ontario. Dr. J. ARTHUR ROSS /(succesabrxto the late R. L. Bax-wick) Late of Toronto General Hospilal. o|3P'os|?' Foss s'r. JOHN BARR'S OLD STAND $1.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE} UNITED STATES 'SUBSCRIBERS I $1.50 IN ADVANCE - ` -l M. D.. C. M. ('l`or.) PHYSIOIANE LEGAL. A my Nomnm ' gnvmul THE Anvmvcaz xs largeoc circulation of any] Town. It has also by far the I receims. TOWAI. b reoei ts. Th its latter fact de patrons. If you h place it with the ~- ---.1 yupc ' 5' larg ave any not afraid to pay h t e price. monstrates th adv ' paper that rca em est subsc Slh chcg the Adveg~t_is_e_ments are chamm On. . ' th paper {h'z'r` `"3i'nzEE. .i {! _ _ each ah-a1 the price. L8 with Advertuements qharged accord. apa.oe-l'Z lines nonparexl measure x.m1fu . 01` TRANSIENT ADVER'I`LQI\ | uuv I 415) V Legal Notices. Aucti etc.--`First insertion 1 mg notices, 10 cen insertion : 5 cents per line insertion of the same matt 5c per line. on Sales, Am `I cents subseozllientiznsertlon 5 cents per Rea nu'l`lb'l.\ Yer 1 me. '3 D01` line for each suhfor f 36- P` 81`. (Jbitunrv 02? COMMERCIAL DISH A \- ~_-_r-..__V _.--- ..---_- ---- _..v.._. .- .---w- \ subscribers now in arrears for three month and over will be charged $1.50 per annum. I n . . CONTRAC1` cxuxc ES. Advertieers vsfill please bear m mind notice or xntennqn to change ud\'e,v-us "'3' must be handed mm the oict-. not later `- Saturday at 10 o clock, and the copy ` change must be in THE ADVAN('E omce later than 12 9 clock noon _on Monday mm week. otherwise the aqvertua_e1-`s u.nnounce? innmy not be made pubhc unul the week Iona: 9; CONDENSED ADV'ERTISPi.\lE.\'Ts, Condensed advertisements on fmnp as wants of all kinds, loot and found for sale or to rent, speqzc articles, must be accomvamed mm the cash. Cuts for `adve'tiscments_ mus case bcmounxed on sohd m 3128 sue`, 2 Drop") 9`C-. en t in ev_ {THE em PLANING rmu Llmlte (` """ "":T ' 1""I"Z l|||tL mite Manufacturers of and I)eale:"s in uil Rough and Dressed Lmn}>r 33%;;-:;*'#.?:L":*;.12'*w::ei":::~u:gu 5 A Planing. Matching. Mouldinz. 1:e.~.-, W ! Hot Blast Drvinrr 1:.'1.. ` `LY `rlindg C`- Iruuuug, xuutcxlulg. lVl0lll(1lYl`.{, ; Hot Blast Drying Kiln. Laying and P%lllglel%'l:latld\w'ood Floors rIn..o.....-.o:...... ......a I').-:I.l:__ H n . - L;`.'1,\H[`Y 3 CRAIGHURST, om. L_x_q1:Ns1:n AUCTIONEER 1.51.; All 'ld,'5 L'X'.'(' i 0,2-].7,'{;";L'."aDA\\"';rIuI=3i;;> s'r.. BARRlE.( I FOR THE counrrv or SiIM'C-OE ! Most reasonable terms gixu`. 0;: ;. {Stock Sales ,,_v--_.- -c -`.---- VVehave a large amount. of nm-_ atlowest current rates.eithcr in srxw amounts. on the security of ;:o.1 ages. McCARTHY. BOYS& Ml unlop Street. Barrie. j j " SPECIAL 1T"EY0R! l\\!l nnuv .~...I I -..-.. . vn\aI.|.Jllll\IA nuuunr will now sell their 10 day 'l`x~:m _$l50 per $100 Insurance. \\'rilc: mtend shipping Horus West. Possibly the high and eve-rF-in- cmasilig -cost of living (wit-hou,t` it eo11sider_ation of which it. seems al- most. i1n;possib1e to fairly `discuss any question to-day) has had its in- iuence inilleiping to -bring to the neazlization of the public that the C-Ihigh school is nollonger the poor; ;man s school. We look at the mere child-ren who graduaate by that blot -on our educatioin-al system--the ren- gtrance examiinatione-and it` is hard ,_to coa1vince"thc thinking man "that `these: '{L .gre7_capab1e of rea4}iz'- ins` that thyhre en to the` .h,1_811 ' school for a purpose--with a gold-e Tr i- W131')orunity to spend from three to vve years in tting themselves _f<`;r, ~'1ife s mark. The .m}am.-, W116 ossibly never got past {'1-tllio thi-rd; W k himself; 1ooks`atf_his boy who has just passd: the concludes that he: cannot `%aion d., gfp. ' sen'd- V him. tad ;C911e!g`w;te,` $10. .an1n}L1aa1`. fee: `? "?.of:7. .=I__ _1__ V ;;J.'1-,_` .-1`;n.'5.~. __'~ "_.,I.!._'I_ .'-`YI;'-"._`.. JOHN JENNETTI Jlolcflo I The Insurance Man. V NV` 55510; . DISLA\'_ Rates wxll be given on unnlicatinn nu \I.l(.a\lllll5 Contracting and Building listinnu \E3lt\Iu Inn 11-min`: gs: _ , _ Trlje New F awry} l\.I 'I"l\('\f\D'l'I'\ "'l._Jf` J`? 159 AV E T {H {O 03 90 X1 N5 ESL Jiolm & Smoker ADVERTISING BUY YOUR READING MATTER SCOT T S BOOKSTORE IS THE HIGH SCHOOL IN` DANGER? HAT IS the function of the secondary schools (high "I schools and collegiate in- stitutes) of our. Province to-day? Are they inaintaained for the pur- pose of preparing; youth for college,` for llI`Ile'(l profeassiolts, for com- mercial pursuits, or, to quote from -an old-time culture expert, to pre.-I pare them most.efI"ect.ive.l.y for1roth- ing in vp'lI`tiC1lla1`.7 vKceping: in animl all the .presen.t~day contro- versy over the proposed expenditure in Barrie of nearly a. hiimlrcd thou-I sand do-llars of the dear con.ding' public"s money, .\'oul it not be well for us to consider whether the gen- eral e:.l11(:ati0n commonly supposed to he rocoive at the high schools is not some-xvhat of '21 l`1o~ary tradi- tion only-~-in fact whetl1or_ the s-ec- (j11(la.1'y school is serving; our` com- munities best, t.ukiug.); into consider- a.t.ion the `present. day trend` of opin- ion for practical, rather tliau theore- ticxa-l k-nowlodg'c. Books THURSDAY, Brewed Entirely from the Finest Malt and Hops. SARRIE j Baewme ; sewn; DUNLOP STREET EAST; Boilers. Engines and all farm and stationary much i 1:: and repaired on shmtcst m moderate prices. Is 0 en for all orders in (.`AS'l`I.\'(;.~`. MI .1 . REPAIRS K-r-. 15 I} PCU IUT all UFHCYS II Mnix. REPAIRS, 3.-.c. Al work done by ('X].r-H xuu_).., ist and guaranteed rs! clams Splendid ALE and PORTER The Best and Brightest In Cask and Bottle BARRIE RAILWAY F. MALCOMSONV nun-`A- MANUFACTURER*SN.V TBANQENT .mvmz'rxs1\ . ,, _ ` t. Ynffnna A ....o.___ MONEY TO LOAN Expert Machinists `_,.0F. 353 R I E To make education cheap (in a mone.ta1',v sense), to -bring; the: high- er bran1cl1cs of learning to the wor - sing classCs--i11. short to make our se~con.d'a1'y schools and even our col- leges and nn.ivcrsities, the poor? mm1 .s f1'ic11cls, has been the aim of all deep-tlnking men" since the dia-ys of the` old gramzm-ar schools and private tutors. How well these Vvell-n1c~a11i11g public men have sue-' ceedod. may. he ascc1'ta_i11e=(l by V the fact `t-haat to-day, both in` the United States and Canada. tlhlerc is a move- ment. gro.wing' fron1_t-he popul-nr dc- maml of the people, fo1f_ -21 thorough re,-organization of the- whole sys- tem. The l1i`gl1'_ school _is .a.t_ present like the child in the Solomon story_ ----in dang'c1 of being` cut into bits ancl` lxaamled out, to"v a1"ious ants,~-the continuat-ions school, the comrmorci-al courses in. the public schools and the technical and man- ual;ining- schools--1e~avi_ng to -the the function of imparting` kIlOWll0Clf. .`6 of the classics, of l-an-I guages load and "near deadl, and some other btmlches` of which near- ly every pupil who -attends avhighi school gets it - -\ . I PHONE 136 ...AT..-. B p1`0\'6Il_ tn havem of any paper In the 10., nus` ` C", metal bar 71 cs .1433 given THOMPSON onnw, rp3L1s1-Inn. L` o_ . ' "`11.00 p In .. Cobalt". Spgsial .. `$.10 a. In 1 .10 40 a m'l`or`o'nto &..Nurt.h Bay 5.15 p m 5 36pm..North 12.50pm I 8.20 pm ..'l.`or-onto & Midland 7.42 am . ..Gruvenhurst ' 9.35'a.m " Daily including Sunday. IVLV (.l|ll-IUCIIOL LL19, VIII? ,V\)UU V-L IKIQU `books, the better olmhing which he would have to provide, am} the loss of his time and earning capacity. (which in these days i of inflated prices really means something tp:_}'o,; poor-man) -etarins` the % parent; 111 t_he~ face- `He is.1aent-;ont _.t<,s-`h1i:'n1= a_ J'ob. to at earh ibis. i ' bay. hia; can boy . -:10? .:d:'i`1i'.-~ en- 1' at trade; clemk :ar.,in;l .L.....I......`1 ' 1'...-.`.'l'..r -4; . ~H.`L1_5`T.`:2 ',-15114;- U!-a IO Llwuig UW 111' ;'8_.`.hu1_;dred_ ml _one.other iiierent V .`_V1`-6,156 `he_Wi11. 25.....;38ob1n 53....-10.27am 7 No.u....7.47am .43.... 3.30pm " 1'0 " - now} 55---- 7-60.?! _.V \ 55---.o'5.35Dm_ V Barrie afda Midland. 23....1020a`m 2700:. Collingwood aha Meatord. Thursday, April 11, 1912. TERMS or SUBSCRIPTION. . Penetang. Hamilton. Goihg 24...;l.p m 5-'2-9--7.47am 6....5.35pm .'l.'Blll No. n JR 61 .7 .: 3 u". |Io#Jtin.s o s hi8_`he1"`inathm.atics, he sit, 1iving;.~. _ He? my able . himself -and` better his condition by sheer pluck, but no one can gainsay that -a "thorough practical business` education, if_ it had been obtainable at the free public school, would not have been of inestimable , value to this boy in almost any walk of life. The father continues to pay the taxes -to support the high school to which his more fortunate neighbors Ichildren _ go, -and which, through `force of cireums-ta.nees,I, isxdieniedlhis own` boy. Is it any wonder the movement for` a re-organization of the whole system is springing from `the people? The greater .wonder is that the educational experts have not tackled this question long ago. We still have with us that -court- Iy old gentleman--Culture --. with double stock under his chin, who with all gravity will `declare that the youth of our country should! at` I tend high school as: -a preparation `for life s work,-`-'the man who tells you that the secondary depaumnent is a nishing school, where a `pupil gets metntalabstract training; where the minds is put through a dumbbell exercise of conjugation, de- clension, literal, and free translation of languages eexcusably dead`, and an `Indian-club drill of higher ma- thematics. The theory seemed to be that a chap who stood through the lordea-1-, aimed oonfusedly at nothing particu1ls ar, later could stand for anything; and for a certain portion }of the population this, in the main, .has always been, at least, a popular lA.L--_.._ When we look at this question fairly, and unbi`ased .by the opinions )of faddists and over-zealous per- sons who wouulvdi dounble the expendi- ture for high school .pu;rp-oses-,` the limjustice of /the present system, as. .well -as the Wanton waste of the rpeop-le s, money, is: very apparent, 'aud the advisability for a com- .11z-enc-e;1nent of the .work of reorgani- -zation in Barrie seems opportune. |EIf the Board of A Edvueation have not- the power to remove the Commer- cial Course .rom the Collegiate, it would be in the` interests of the pub- lli-e if - they would eouneider the es- tob-lishment of -a Comme-rci=a1 Course in the `Central School free to ' all lpupils who pass the Entrance. In-I eluded in this: might be the Fifth Book work which ,VVlS dis-continued Suome time ago. T~osro~nto, accordin-g to Inspector Hughes gives _ every pupil the opportuiiity to Vtak-e a C01111Tl~ tr-aining` not excelled by any husi-.n`ess (C-osllege i11 Canada. and there is little reason. .why Barrie-| should not do the same. The public lwou.l.(.l like to see the Board of E(lu~ ' outiron take this matter up. I Train` arrivals and depart} V ' '-at ind` 7 from Barrie...o.r'o an follows: Main Line.` I i-shed Boss to oblivion andl placed Whitney T in `power was due in` perhaps I-amge measure to the conviction which -had sunk deep into the minds of hosts of tenn1)e1~ance~ Liberals that they would ; never get. anything` worth While, in the line of temperance reform, from their ' own party, and that although Whitney was not lavish in promis- ing`, he .wouldi be found reli-asble , in peirfomning. ` Since then," not only have existing laws been -enforced: as tl ey had: not been for a whole gen- eriation previously, hut Wherever the I `people wantead prohibibion, they have been "able to get it through looal option; and additions are "nxaude annually. to the area 0ve=rtak- en, It is because the record of the C~onser'vat:ive :party has been so sat-. isfactory in these respects, as in -so `many others, that many of those .tempevance Liberals still continue to .vote with the govemment, and: it is sustained: whenever it goes to the pe.o_p-le by an A _overwhe1ming major- ity. ` - 1: 1 i "The policy now proposed by` lPre~mier Whitney marks another of those advance steps which he has always been ready to take when cir- cumstances warrantedi them. The? itreating system is acknovivledgecl by. men who have studied the question to be the cause of -the bulk of the dn'ink- ing; done in licensed. premises to-day. It has become so closely interwoven with the general opinion of hos- pitality, by many men, that any measure which .will _euartail its evi.l ,eie`cts should be warmly welcomed by the `people of this Province at large. Those temperance people .who`_ set store upon the abolition of. the bar, have in view the "abolition" of this custom, _ But the I premier thinks the abolition of the bar,` and nothing else, would: merely drive the ~dIi1?1.`ln `int? , 9.h9.;. .he11,`1 [Of l and jirivhte houses. . - frqpose to degl. with ttheuouetom} ;it`se1f,4 make it a V ` emegnoggfor any` per-. .'_tA_.' =;.L- 4 .1142.` ..,` ....:-a.-- :A.. _-'.. 2; - 'A...v'~ `,1: ..-.. _v-__ $T?o`"oe?`Era`iu3&ay ilo anot}1er. ` This is the bull "by" ____ . -____1_ T1." 1-.__..- n.. L... DEALING WITH DRINK, f HE OVERTURN which ban-`A1 i~he-d_ ` oblivion and! HJLKII/LICLO -I-1115 LU UGIl\.l'1l6 U1.l'C? lJLl'l.L |l.Y the horns surely. It leaves; the bj =1 , but only for solitary drinking, which is comparatively insignicant. It chases the tveatingg` system into places: Other than the bar, and checks` or puts -'-'an end to -3. fas'hionWsa1ic- ti;1Ee& `by _hoa.ry yet in these In ern tamtes a `universally -' Acondernned; " " " L "The; 1i;it,nperai1<$`(_,.1',1`,e"6fi the Pm; vi;_',1ce;_~p9'vv, have : an '_6pportunit'y%.%fT-of 1`A`7`A .`15`-`..`!.8'.v7E 'W""*`-`I1: .*of r }11q*1*?'a so -restrictive trim! a W gm an ink: temperahpe `question, and perhaps` many a L1b- continue to trust the sure V d fm hand which has already! made so creditable a record. 1 l1z8S_`b8`I1~' af concerted movement, -aided and abetted `by some easy newspaper controversary, to move the Collegiate` to a new s-ite, irres- pective of the real . necessity ,for the change -and`. entirely in opposi- tion to the wishes of .-a- large per- l3TULl.lB 1.1.! U9 ILIU -ullqaanyan unouur guy- u oetntage of.` the heaviest -ratepayers . of the Town . One prominent, man pl-an whereby the present outlines a building (variously "estimatzed to be worth today at anywhere between $15,000 and $20,000, although. it originally cost only about $10,000 `in the days of cheap building some thirty years; ago) may be altered, improved and enlarged at a_ cost of little over $10,000- His plan (which _ by__ the way, is very much guess- (work in reference to cost) would be to improve the gymnasium in ac- cordance` .With `the requirements, us- ing it also as an auditorium when necessary, build an additional room in the L to the w,est,and suitable lav-atories, similar to those con- structed in the `Central School, on the east side. The g'ymnvas.iu.m he would remodel, by .raising the roof and laying a new oor. This room could be tted with a gallery to one end, and a moveable stage or plat- for at the opposite end, and have seats which could be moved in for the few ccasions ` when a general assembly of all the pupils would` be necessary. The new classrooms to the West could be built for moder- ate cost, making them two storeys , high. On the opposite side of the passagzeway dfrom the main school` ` to the gymnasium - the lavatoric-s could` be built, two storeys. This should meet. all the requiremoentsl , for the next ten .years at least, and| it is pretty safe guessing that such la by--law would receive the urn- , qualied enrdorsati-on of a large ma- jority of the ratepayers of Barrie. This plan "Would be well worth the -cons'iderat.ion `of the Board bed'ore `anything further is done. RATEPAYERS. WOULD VOTE I _ `- - _* FOR THIS. _ INCE the publication in last ` ~week s issue of the Inspect- or s report condemning the present Col-le`gia'te build-ing hol-us: -bolus, The- Advance has had many prominent men give their opinion that it . would be .wanton ` was-te , to throw "away a good` build-I ing such as. the present one .is.; Most general, and ever-growing, eeerme to be the opinion that there -..____...4.-,J ..........-........n4- Nofih.` `Train 80. I? p m..1 The Water and Light Conmnittee of the Tomvm. Council have been in- strutcted to confer ,with the Com- missinonaers in re.fe_ren=ce to seacu1'in-g a. reduction in the clia-1'g:c-.s~ for street lighting, the installation of more lights on -the main streets, the psossitbilitiy of the removal` of the electric light`-poles on Dunflop and Elizaxbeth Sts., between Berezy and Bradifonci Sts, the placing` of the wires under ground: and the ores.- tion of cluster lights` instead: of the _ present lights" on .tl1e.y.streets_ named. Surely this is .a _comprehe11eive pro- rgramrmef,to'm:ap out, but one which should be favored by the t niajority of "the mtepayers if the soos-it is: not prohirbitive.' The negzessity for more vlights along Du_Irlop St. is very evi- dent to every c1t1zen- and the clust- er. .1ight? `idea, `slhould be taken seriously, now" that the i1'nprove- I That there will` likely be some cheering news to report in regard to the price of hydro electric energ'y [in Barrie . is the latest from official. sources. The Qomnimissioners and Manager speak optimistically in ref- l erence to the matter, and, We may all look forward condently to more in-forrnation on-` this nmclm-discuszzecl and often-shelved topic. . I V Just 22 years ago on the 5th of] June next, Barrie w,it.nessed one of the most disastrous _oods ever known in this section of count-ry. O]d- nresidents of Town c-an sym- gpathise With thosae residents of other towns who _ have experien-ced the rav-ages of ood during the past] -_._ -1- i There are some .men ,We know of who will_ go 'on. the water` wagon }When' ~- the anti-treating law comes j into force. RESERVE FUND-Q . s5.69o,ooo .9.IF.I!_N!I_9!!mow? or A BANK .- -------wvw-r 1'-D"v II ll VI `I U" can mean blit. one thing- -tlmt the service` it rehders its customers makes for agent `business rlations. q ' - ' ' THE BANK. or TORONT;_O_% \ .V FR van}-I: Ac nnnI'nI1Euua "nun-.u-L ---J --A-3-l'- -L-~- _ -_-nun I-IJTLVIS \II "I withm to than 55 years of continuous "growth and satisfactory ervice, _ smjxncs Ann susnusss A`ccouN'rs% ~ '\ `, _., ;' >. .. _ NOTE AND COMMENT. 5.5 :57 , ' 4- M ajn ager a4t_Barri%e1,._& AJl,_andale-A E 1:'0yRTHER%N ADVANCE If ormlons or ornanrmansj `line IIllJ._I. UH. - Luv DI.-L\/M-Ia nu... tra-nasxect .with`W.6nd'er_ at the tness of things when he sees `that, after the lapse of many centuries; mod- ernity is once more compelled to pay tribute to" the wise men of. old who compiled the calendar. For .did. not the Toronto City Council, in`; `this year of our Lord; meet on the 1st of April. M ON ALL FOOL S DAY} ;Tomntp Telegram.` V Mail andijmpa-e. `Ia-vv tention to the engine that oo_tns1_1mes oil as fuel-, and . is therefore inde-' pendent of strikes in -coal mines- The oil stove is not 9. new. invention. 1:1v1e'm<'3:>ai-;liortage has drawn . at- 3110! T;I1eI'6 tlu]_JL[)t,'u'.lT5 U1) U5 .uu .1. `why an oil-burning furnace could - not be constructed. The oil supply of the world probably exceeds the coal supply, and production is rarely hampered by strikes. ' I T-HIE `RIGHTEOUS FELL. I Walkerton Herald. V T I , Long stretches of ice "on the main- street here furnished our citi- zens( last Sabbath with some splen- did Sunday slides. Manny on theirr way to church fell from grace the moment` they struck the slides. In got made us fear that they broken more than the -Sabbasthi when they came down. The vast num- hers who .went sprawling on the ` ice on Sunday led us also -.to_ believe that Walkerton must be a mighty good place, for the scriptures say tha.t the vzickedi` stand , on slippery - _.:-.. ._2L2 fact the thumgps that some of themi No. Shed :1 tear, dear reader, for C_an- I ada is soon to lose that unconscious 1111:m.0I'iSt and ,wou.1(l-`be robran-d-,i Henri Bourassa, who is to retire from the political a.reIna.i In anliouncing a trip abroad, he says: I_ have been sitting in the scum of ` provincial politics for fteen years. I am.go- ing to Europe to cleanse my mind. to rejuvenate. myself. He adlded `that the nxWS[J{Lpl`!S in Toronto, with one exception, failed to catch. the main point in his speech there.) which was .tha.t, if the {progress of` C-atnada was to be assisted, the pro- ivince of. Ontario should try to have] a. better uliderstanding with the pro- vince of Quebec, and should _not treat._ the Maritime ~pr'ovinJces with the co-ntempvt it. did now. Mr. Bou- rassa says the Globe treated him ( ?ishonest1y while he was . in To- rronto. . V la.l.l.'d4U mu: wxuncu OL'(lll-'\.L .vu.u on-I-yyv-,1 ~pLaces----a feeaat that most of our citi- zens oouldn t do. In Toronto the preachers. took up the matrter zmsdu had the slides `-abolished`. In Want- ertoti the pulpit is silent on the su.bjec_t, because probably so `many of the business - men" have slides in; front of their places. ` } ments to `did P.O. Square and build-_ ` ing are .to be made thistsuzrnnner. It . the Electric Light Commissioners (cannot, according to their by-laws,` reduce the rates-, "they might give. an increased` number of lights for Dun- lop St. T The report of the liegotia-I tions will be awaited with consider-A-` able interest. The Toronto Star will nmvv have the undivided attention of tlhat sec- tion? of the -popul'at.io11V_ which would endeavor to stir 11'p}race `hat-re-dl andl jcreetl distinctions in Canada. Here s: hoping that their c.a1~e'o1- may be as fruitful of results as`th a.t of the V0- lvuub:le` Fl'I1C.l1`C:1I1:(lia,11 rebrand. ` I Ree-ve s attitude t-o\v:a.r-dsi 0e.1'tain n1(-`.`1n}l3'C1`S of the Town C0un- | oil is not conducive to g,oo_dibus~i-I Iiess, nor will it. a-ppeal to the elec-l toratc. who .-plnocxd him in the posi- tion to do that business. If the Re-eve will /take time `to consider that i that same e1ect.orate placed other men -at the Council Board `10. help cond,uc.t the T .own s `business, and that eachv of V those fourteen. other men have taken the oath of oi-ce prescribed by law. to do that business to the best [of his abil- ity.---the will, no doubt, hes:it1ate before "using s`aa'cas,1n;is:u~ch" as /he ,dir_ecte-d towands at two i of thes~e- AIdcenmse.n.'_ at Last` week s meeting -of. Council. A Nor is the Reeve, .we think, quit_e1co11sis`t-, 011} E03 FUEL; , . V OVER 100- BRANCHES IN _qh the T" street Vstands` - ' -- c;......... CANADA :6," invites ig; h;s`am;d. In.AP1'i1,'19,11 lhe put himself on records as belng ____ -__.1 4,. .r.r\-rv-urr|:++oor' nlhnirmon, .~ne- put , nuuzema -uu 1I7|. rU1L\.u 149- uv....,. `committee chairmen sp.e`mc1'in`gim:on:Ly without , the `Coun- ci.1f s.' sanction. Yet in April, 1912, when the same practice is in vogue,- he has as yet raised no protest, and has, as it were, become a partner in the game ,of side-tracking his fellow- councillors. Surely if the practice was wrong in 1911, it .'must bel 41545 ISTEWAR1` 85 smw urn, BARRIS- ' tors, Solicitors, Notaries Public, and Con`veyancers._ Money to" loan in _any sums at 5 per cent. Oice, 13 Owen St, Barrie. A H. D. Stewart, LL.D., D; M. Stewart. lW.r AULT, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ` Proctor, Notary, Convexancer, etc. Special attention in drawing and probating wills, obtaining letters of administration and guardianship,` collecting accounts, etc. Oices, a Boss Block, Barrie; Money to loan. I5Ji~INox, cov'v'AN & B}tOWN, SE- A bate of wills, guardianship and ad- Hinds block, No. 6 Dunlap ' Barrie. risters, Solicitors for obtaining pro- ministration, and general Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers, etc. Offices, street, Money to loan at 41/2 and 5 per cent. Branch oices at Cree- mor( and Alliston. Haughton Len- nox, K.C., Alex. Cowan, G. E. J. Brown, LL.B. ! `CRESWICKE 85 ALEXANDER, BAR- J .....L-..... G..`I2..!.|.._.. .. (.1..- Q .... AI'l\l\ . ie. A. RADENHURST, BARR1$T'Etc, o-1:-:A.... \7..a...-.... 1)..`l.l:.. 9... nm... -- --- ----------t----- I 'STRATHY & ESTEN, BARRIST.ERS,| Solicitors in High Court of Justice,` Notaries Public, Conveyancers. Of- ces over the Bank of Toronto, Bar-' trie. Money to loan at lowest cur- l rent rates. G. H. Eaten. ` [Having spent 4 years Post Graduate work in British Hospitals and having served as Clinical } Assistant in Golden Square Ear. Throat &: Nose Hospital, London; Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital (Moorelds) ; for a term as Resident Surgeon in Royal London 0 hthalmic Hospital; Bristol Eye Hospital, Bristo ; and Birmingham Eye Hos ital, Birmingham ;former Member of ' British phthalmological Society. .OFFICE--78 Dunno smm; BARRIE. 'Phon 5;. . P. 0. Box. 96. EDONALD ROSS, L173, BARRISTER, : at N` I .Qn`;n-N-A19 nlrn D In`! A-Ant.` Published ix-om the office, 123 -`Dunlap Street, Barrie. in the County of Simcoe, the Pro- vince of Ontunc. Canada, every Thursday Morning. by {DR-. J. A. C. EVANS, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon,. eta, Coroner for Simcoe County. Oice and residence: Wil-E A liam street, Allandale. Telephone} 269. -____.____._.__.__.._.._._____._______.:._..._.. 5 !DR. H. T. ARNALL. OFFICE AND 1 `DA.-3.1---- ....__-.. -1` "' I L.R.C.P. 8: s. Edinburgh; M.F.P. s: s. Glasgow ' ` --SURGEON-- Eye. Ear, Nose 6: Throat. :__.__- EDR. A; T. LITTLE, LATE OF`; ` C-hurchill, Ont. * Oice and residence, John 813., near corner. Elizabethd Phone 213. * DR. MORTIMER LYON, 31 CARLTON a Rf. rpnrn-n4*n 1:-M-n n43 `Dun.-.`l-1-.._ /'\Y !UNWIN, MURPHY 85 ESTEN, oN.! T tario Land Surveyors, Engineers, etc. I Established 1852. 4O`ice, Medical Building, S. E. corner Rich- , mond and Bay streets, Torontom - Telephone, Main, 1336. Instructions` left with Strathy & Esten, Solic.i- i tors, Bank of Toronto Building, I Barrie, will be promptly attended to. inn. W. A. ROSS, PHYSICIAN, SUR- | geon, etc., L.R.C.S., Edin., L.R.C.P.,; ' London. Ofce and residence, Dun-g ! lop street, Barrie. Telephone 77. ` V Office of the late Dr. Smith. Collier st ` - Phone 61. 32-13` I Vi ! - T MA \IUB`A(TER-IE;2.(')i:- Buggies, Carriages. Wagons- Sleighs and Cutters. E__-.._. `W. 4,. 1_,_s wis V 01% haw name will be added to the Sub- Ionption List until the money is paid. _I--A_......_'l.-___ _._-_- 1_. A___--__.. I--. AI_..__, _,_ __.A.I. |

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