Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 11 Apr 1912, p. 1

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! ...:__.....i___. __...._....-:_._.-_.___------ " `'_(.2m`ce1V't' ' .a:A\d- Entftainment in. the evening. Sale of Under the auspices of the Socialand Working Guild . will be new in kLAnin$s;n 1-`ass SAVE THE PENNIES. THE `ANNUAL 1 Old Barrie Z Rie Company,l I Under Lt.-Col. McKenzie, * ` * %Are Scattered Far 1 T and Wide. VETERANSL 1 WILL sum IN GRANT! "Among those who wi_ll- gure in the $100 grant. to each of -_ the vcenans of the Feni-an Raid of 1866-67, Will be a number of surviv- ing: `members of the old Barrie Rie Company which was under the command: ._of the late . Lt.-Col. Alex. McKenzie, who- was made the cap- tain. Lt.-Col. McKenzie. died at ]-Znrt. Aitllur in -1882, while in. the discharge of his duty as an oicer of the Northwest Mounted Ifglice. ....}..A 4.1.....`.. ....4._...,]_ _-_ `Won m<`. \"1`" 3 acrea--brick house. burn an .~mhI<-, town water and cistern. Good loca- ygnn. .\ml_v tn James Arnold. Barrie, Bank of IUPUHIH l{nHrHnu' 15017 -r-. .4.` \IL Lu V190!) LL11-IICLI. .l.. '\I.lL'UCn ,asgd"3Ehe1+e stands ET the -`Union Cmebery to-'day a ne monument erected by the 35th Battalion. In The Advnance of Sept. 17th, 1896, was epu~b1is'hed ' a list of the members of the Barrie `Rie. Com- panyof 1866-7, all thesurvivtors of which will share in the grant. The complete list follows,` the names, of those known to be dead, beinsge pre- ceded by -an asterisk`: -6 'Lieut. W; E. O Brien,' Ensign W. J. Grvaham, Sergt.` Major T. Sids- worth, `"001. Sergt. .Henry Wisden, Sergt. Allan Lloyd, Sergt. Thomas Sibbald, *Sergt. Thomas B1ain, *Corpl. John McKinley, ..Corpl. Wal-I ter J. Keating, Cor-pl. Henry -Greg:g, Frank Astley, Adam Barry, -Harry Bishop, Robert Bentley, Isaac Brock, Charles Coulter, Edward Connor, `William Croker, William Dunn, `John Dempstaer, J ams. Far- rell, John Freeman, Thomas Gou- gan, T31 oh-n Gleason, Michael Hon- TT_ .__-_.L -X-1] : _`L--"| maptl Aimulder . --McKenzie, ` II \ILIII- \J I\r'\A3\lLL, Robert J .V Ha -X-1I'T."|1: A... Claude Holt, gg2:1:tl,u`i;~iL1\:a:.;l W. H. `Ir- T,J.......L,.... T.._..... I Wooclwavd. Ag-[I] `VD, .1-JJJLU, V I ALI L` I Irw`in,- *Wi1liam Johnston, James Jennett, Frank Jones, Robert King, J r., Jolm Landrigan, Chsarles Luck, *David .Morrow; Murt _Mc- Carthy, All-an M`cKenzie` (Bugler), J amies Minty, illi-am Neail , Rob- ert W. O Brien, James O Brien, Henry Reynolds, ."Wil1iam Rey- nolds Allan Rutherford, **C`ha1'.les` Sanford, *Char1es Sidswuorth, Peter VV. Soules, John gSullivan, ` J ohn` Supple, Wilson Sproule, George Stevens, William Treqvelya-n, Arthur Trcvelyan, Samuel, Wesley, Patrick Wimms, *J'ames Wickens, .Georg\e v v.,v-v-v..v.. ' Infantry Co.-Samuel `Alexander J a.mes- Bl-akely. \ - COUNTY GAVE PENSIONS. ` John I-Iogg of Collingwood or- ganized ;a battery of Garrison Artil- lery, at the request of the Govern- ment, being given oommarnd, and he was afterwards gazetted Lieut.- Col. in 1877. The County Council provided for the wives and `families of the volunteers called out for ac- tiveservioe` by a grant of $2.00 for each `adult Wife or inrm adult and 25c for each child, per week, COIL]:- mencing June 1st, 1866. The Towns {of Barrie and Collingwoocl also con- 'tributed. to the relief of the families of the volunteers. Throughout the County are many survivors of the Fenian Raid de- fenoe companies who saw active ser- vice-. Among this number 'may be mentioned some members of the" Oookstown company under Major Cooke, as follows: John Moir, Chas. Hamilton, James Cou1 oer,l J. W. Parks, W .R. Coleman, Richard Coleman, T. Parks, Wm.` Draper. John Graham, George Graham, R. G. Banting, Wm. Montgomery, Geo. Parks (Barrie), ' Chas.;z (Bradford) and W, .F.V and G. F. Poole .of Toronto. Frank Robinson of Beeton and W. W. Ellis of Mea- -ford and formerly of Beeton also [saw service at that time, cum ELECTRIC POWER ; OFFERED T0 BEETON arm to supply town With 175 ` h. p. from'Ni_cholston. . l 1.11. an Luyvxu v.|. Luv Luau uuux.-vnuoa va- th Beeton Council TheAWox`1d(sa;ys: One of the most . important irnutters that came. up for discussion was an oer` received fnon1'v`.M:1-. I-Iillock of Nichalston to supply the town: with electric bower for .1i-ght and other. purposes if required. There is 175 1.-.`..- _-_;a._ .....4-511'.`-`A ,":'n,_n11n; LQNDON9 ENG., BRANCH, :1 Tlnnontlnootllo RD I'l" `puanpvsoa 11. 1c\._[uu..I.U-Lu .:.uou: u: .n.uv i horse power Vava.i._]abIe which -`is .a.de4 I quiate for all the requirements of `the town, and the price_at_ which -it `may obtaind. will, `at the pres:- [1 A &i= *r3'?8 ;18id es.-5 In 5 report of the last meeting of .~- 1).-..J.-.'. nA-.mA:.` saving to the town in the cost of supplying light which the p-resernt system necessitates, that will pay for the total expenditure incurred in adopting the new system within a period of ve years, after which lcitizens should be able to get. light at about ane-Half the -price they are -paying, at present. The pro- position is a good one and worthy of the consideration the council is giving it. l Finding the answers. of the jury `to the questions, submitted by the Chancellor in the case of Stone. v. the `C.P-.R. were not suicient, the Court of Appeal at `Toronto has al- lowed the eo s appeal from the verdict `of $6,000 damages rati- ed by -the Chancellor at Barrie at theAssizes last fall. It will be re- anembered that, after Roy Stone? `lost his right arm while coupling cars at Bolton` Junction, he sued and obtained judgment against the C.P.R. for {$6,000, before Chancellor Boyd. This decision was appealed by the C.P.R. and the decision re- `versed. Mr. A. E. H. Cresawicke, K.C., counsel for Stone, says he will now take the case to the Su- preme Court -at Ottawa. WILL GO TO SUPREME COURT. $20,000 LOSS 1 IN C0. 0100003 Mmmm Special Meeting of the Councili May Be Ca|led-Ne_w $6,000 I I A special meeting of the County `Council may be called Within the next week to consider the ` question of rebuilding County bridges swept` away_'by the oods during the -past, week. The total loss ;'at over. $20,000, and this be in-. creased as {further reports come in. County Engineer Jupp, Warden Scanlon and Chairman of Roads and Bridges Simpson are in con- fenesnce over the` matter and if it is decided that the expenditure involv- ed will amount to a. greater nsurrn L... ;L.. D--,1- .....1 1J_:.1n-_, A. u.A.J..Iv'u1Lu LU` slfaaul/Cl. than the Roads and Bridges Com-1 mittee would care to take the "re-I sponsibility for, a. special meetingl of the Council will J be called tol discuss the matter. | III. III` GIIIIIIGGKIIQ IJID. A-QIJO 1-". W. ASHE. - - Manager. I G. M. C. HART SMITH, Assistant Mgr. 1 $6,000 BRI '13 GONE. , H i Five bridges are lmown to have; been carried away, notably the new; $6,000 structure over the Boyne River at the 4th Coixcession of Essa. constructed Last tsumxner, and cocn-! sidered one of the best of all" the[ County bridges. Other bridges "which were swept away by the oods of " Saturday and Sunday were: The Sand. Hook bridge over the Nottawasaga in Tecumseth, the, bridge over the Boyne River at the] mill pond negr Alliston. the bridge! `over the Nottawasaga at the Town Line of Adjala and Tecmmseth, and the bridge over the Mad River in` Creemore. 4 i County Treasure? Quinlan eon- siders the loss` will run between $15,000 and $20,000. and some later! reports would indicate that. this sum is a very conservative estimate. The ` total damage may run considerably over $20,000 when the list. of wreck- led bridges is completed. _ Get your Canadian Home from! the Canadian `Pacific. Buy direct from the Company and keep the Specu.lator s prot in you own poc- ket. Choioe lands` for sale on the ten instalment plan. Convenient to railroads, schoqb and churches. Un- disputable title Excursions every two -.weeks: during the spring. and 5 Decial- indupements 14>. `parties, .,Eor .p;ipes, terms other infqrmatioivtanply '00 :J=.`.REID ,% "n "i-m$' . -`n'-1_,_-_-L a-1-;. A ;_'_-L, _ OTHERS REPORTED GONE. ` 1 Two newly-const.ruTcted bridges are also reported to have been swept away, one over the Nottawasaga in Adjala, "and the other over the. Nottawasaga. at the Town -Line of Essa and Tecumset_h at Nico1s~ton. I. law AT FIRST COST! Igincr J um) is pre~ paring a report and he is now in: communication with all places ; where damage has lreen reported. 5 | 'V"_'_' """"C" """ " "` "5' ' ' ' I to a Wa.s_.hout on the To-{ ronto-Smdbury lin near Eady, the C.P.R. ram. paseegzger trains over \J_o.j. oLUc I Call ' L6Ul V1 01.1110 \.r 7 \JA- the Nortbenl Division of the G.T. R. on" Monday. The. news soon .____..`I ALA; AL. (`(131) L-) -.......... J-A. -.. v.. ...........,,. -..-. ..-..... .,.,--- spread that the 0.1212. had come to} Town, and quite a number of peo-, ple went down` to the depot to see` Eye ham1dso!me_`strirrg of-- cars on; W Iallbl-L\l7\J4IuIZ(; 6 VI A E iiznday evening. yliridg Over Boy:-1e A River Destroyed. `I5 I IVJU KJIDIIJW `_C_:P.`R .. fgnds, Evomtt,6;:.u "D"i;ui'5{f`;1es Agent, 1'_....1. `l'.V__`...u. t\...A. BD. OF HEALTH MAKES IMPORTANT RECOMMENDATIONS Privy Vaults, Cess Pools to Go Next--Geo. Haggart Re- commended as Sani- tary lnsp. iPub|ic Health By-Law Revised The Board of `Health met on Tuesdayi nigAht,_Vthe_ following mem- bers bing p1~esen"Chai1man J. R. Hamebly, Geo. Ball, H. G. Robert- son, Mayor Cowan and M.H.O. Dr. Littlg. An entire revision of the Public Healjch By-law was under consideration and many'ments propesed in the interests of the pub- lic It-alth of the Town. A motion was passed regretting the inability of Sanitary Inspector Penton to continue in the employ of the Town, his physician in New York having forbidden him to re- sume the duties? of sanitary inspec. ltor. Two apfrplications were received for the position of Sanitary In- spector, that of Mr. George W. Hag- gart being sent on to the Town Council with the Board s e'md0rsa- tion. Radical changes: are foreshadowed in the proposed amendmeslts in the Public Health By-laws, which are being _amended to conform to the new Provincial Health. .Act. III). portant and benecial changes are vaults, and the compulsory use of dry earth closets on premises Where sanitary conveniences have not been will `be cleaned once a month `by 9. installed. These dry earth closets ergtularly appointed staff, and a by- law will be submitted to the Coun~ oil for its approval. Onse PooLs TABOOED. Another important change is the proposed section of the new .by-Iaw- `proposed in the abolition of all -privy compelling all property oxvners on streets where there are now sewers, to discontinue the use of the un- healthy cess pool. making it obli- gatory to have all Sanitary conven~ iences empty into the sewers. The loess pools abolished by this order [must be cleaned out and lled up [with fresh earth. L\IlUl'!'l.\li PLANT mm, aaum or to menu. on 1111* Penetunguishenc Road.Crown Hill. M m-r.1m- ('hcpping Plant in County. Robinson Grimlcr, nnd up to-date Vvheelock automatic 9Ri1.0. Als'0crl1Shc!'. At a ha rin. and on l6=r_1n;z in suit the purchaser. . `A : WW: `mm. , 15-17 1) E1 1:1-:.~`1~::\"'i7.7s7r1vE WAN'rED--In each` \ lgr-u1_iLy L0 mail circulars -for-_gl_1fft_1[Di _Gl'0` STABLES AND SLAUGHTER HO{fSES A11 manure piles must be cover- ed in future, thus doing away with `one T of the most common breeding places for ies. A u -1. n I The keeping of hogs will be pro- hibited exoept in pens 100 feet from any dwelling, and the common prac~ tine of having a. pig-wpen attached to a. slaughter house will be forbidden. Slaughter lious-es must henceforth have cement oors. By-la.Ws are also being prepared lto ,cover the regulations of the new lsystem of garbage collection and `removal .of night soil. . `I bTy-1a:vsVwi11 be presen- oed [to the Town Council for ratication `at next Monday 11i~ght s meeting. {$1.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE smut: col-us 1-mu: OINTI 8.30--Hol_v Communion. l1.0-Matins and Sermon 3 0--Sunday School. 7 p.m.--Fcstal Evensong and Sermon. H-3"]-I.-.-`_IE-ZJEJE-I-Jl WI-I A1` nnrs Y0] Trinity Church Ask your neighbor about` the uality of our Bread. Ask or, madazn; and try BRYSON BROS. 1; m'm'Jh`l~;.\"I`.~\TlVE wAN'1`u.'u--In own lovzllity for Cut,-raw Gro- Ce_r.v .\Iui1 ()1-der House. Few hours spare time 11 ': s' 3 ` (10 J0 wiml.` `}. ..`7h?." . .`3..`{.`3`. }.`.`a" e.`..'l""88%i'1N1oN sro3n-cor. Elizabeth 8: . 'II'....1- A...` gacwonv - 1 Rev. Ernest R. J. i3iggs.Vicar. BRYSON S C1can1iness& Pu1A-ity of Product. Neighbor 1st Sunday after Easter Apri1'14th `WHAT nors YOUR NEXT TIME. "1E`a"p7i Ave,` wm<-usny: - 20 R1 . A onocanuoune work, (>xx(L1tllxt;n%urr`1`i,:a3l(:edy tregy DOMIIIEIEN '3 HOLT ER Y (30,, Windsor, Ont. , SAY 2 (Hill. .` Yoronn -'- u:--._ Six Bullsf ` T V 8: 20 ``_1 Imported stock. rangln from 0 mom ha, reds and roa.ns- thick and ocky animals of th A 1 0 Ii ht sort. 15:-ices rouonoble- pp Y to ALBER PURVIS. Cmigvaleatzgt. I40 I ` . \m dm"0 phone connection. NOTICE To"? .WWm'Ba1riAe Branch- V` ' A F. T. SHORi'I:, -{ `- Mgnager VOL. LXI. NO. 1'5 THOMPSON CREW! Pursuant to th ' he of The Tme W1 George V9. 133333. I911. Chn I6!` -5% 590% 55. notice is hereby given that a lured!- `"3 and Dersons havin any claims nzalnetle tistate of Henry Richate of the 'l`owneh1v`f ' '."Iisl m the County or simcoe. Farmer. who Elned on or about the 21st (in of Febrnllfl A-D A9l2._ are required on or begore the lMh'(!"7 '- ml. A.D.. N12, tosend b It. prev-id-'. -9` erwlse deliver to Creswiang 8: Con 013119 .1'Wn of Barrie in the County-of s:m 80l%o1..- gore for John Rich and Frank Rich; t e"Ex09.` , 13' ` `he last Will and Testament ot*th8.m. `I 9" ? Rich. their Christlanlnd-Iu|8.m'v"`1` ' `Wises and descriptions. and `the full It't1'- aura of their claims res their. 39!`! om ! ; a<(11.and or the securlt. es. ien7.,m . 7`! Wm gag: eater giletgiagdtgurtf M, , , ee o u u or. - ggctiased amongtho " tlj9.'l1`95 mg regard only to choee-" . . mg I all then have notice. and I7 H .....`2`9%r9- will not -thee: - 0!! received at the time of S|l(!l1\':fdi,f";",3`3`_",,`;?`,_"_'1'!, .s7.'i'a' Z?:?3`c`Js'3`i'$.3v`ifi `}?.%".`i.e`.`?`n'.i`:`.'n?o:7"i$;$n'I'5" ,`,t8- or an art thereof. so dlsu-!l$;. kg) person ofywgxose claim noco! shall not him: Dated the 7th day of Msr($h;_A%li~+-l`9.1`_ F011 S} l.E - One Holstein Cow. Apply Luke -`WruI'1n. Town Line. Allandale. 15-15p 'L [m1m?1.\'<; PLA.\"l` mm mum orto Rent; Uh Hm Pnnntunn-niuhnnn Pnn!`.(`.I'n|Nl'l 13-15` SHORTHORN. BULLS Fox SALE A F NEW 7:DvERT1sEM;ENTs7 .\.\"l'l'.l) ~ Sccund-huml Iiorec rower us- uu-nz. Mixer. Apply to J. A Shaw. gfillgia Let us show you our special dis- play of .'ucti\'e new styles. We are perfectly equipped for making: group pictures. and will pl!`-use you with the quality of ml!` work. Make the appoint- Innnf nnxv, 3. FRANKQACKSON Now is the Time to Have at Groua Picture Made UH] V\l|l\I NIGHT l')0`u\'. \.\"l`l1I) Secund-hand Home Power Ce- . . . . . ..| `\H.-.... Annhvtn Y A Qlannv nrillill Iauruprm , -1-wvuv, -r----g1 51 Th-readneedle St.. E.C. A `Kf"C` Illa-cl )r]H_V LU dill] Buildlmz Men's Hat Shop or CANADA] .1 th 0 t -_slmqoe_;.* .8?:|ic?1orsu!':;:t?!e @514 3'30" Autumn - ` ` _ ` or the Town ousumu . `?.?3 7b'. 3a:3 a'%"pr'3."c`. % $3.l8l.3'10 Total Assets (Over) A Joint Aqcpunt DUl IVIPU cutorlg WHOLE No. mm` PuII.m-on.` T To Dams u I5-17 Tf1oEe{.{1i1{enson ;ea};-amizr of the Wst Ward School, applied for 9.1"`- increase in , Inspector. ,Ga.rvin L made recoamr1enda. ci ons to the V manage- ment Committee, ' and" reported` on his inspection; of the Town schools. where he had spent seven days. Everything in the South andJ West Wards was sa.tis*fvactoVry. _ WHAT IT Cosms TO BUILD. " `ammo-call V7 IIQU port recom A -:11 4-`AA n1nn:A .-..-.1`:-.p.1.. -..._,.. A......-..,J 'I.AI\I.I. D'\-/LL (A~lIa\L U11`? In `TI " \1:iing their adiopt_ion I was the only absentee. ,A special meeting of the Board will be held to discuss these two sketches sush- mitted -by the Hamilton architects. .Unoicially it was given out that one of the plans calls foran ap- proximate expenditure of $65,000 ""t\'n +u"\t\ `nu.-:1.Ju'v\n. .. .I--- --1-31- in the Union Bank orwoanma is the b0.<-t place for` the famy jfumds. Eitllqr of two or more pemons, -can clc.})(>slt or vy,ithdna.w `money as de; ,.;in -41 when. 111 o0Wn--a, .ve,, yV 001-wemv iuut :11'raILg*e1ne'11t. T '_ . ? T Jn (use of death the balance `m the survivor without -an" - fmwmllities. T ` `y , legal Ask tlm Manager about this ffifwg. rat" :\c.c01111t. t, ..... aaauvvv unyuuv.uqus\7 `U-I. :puu,UvU for the building` 5 alone, while the other one, much plainer in. design, would run about $60,000. Penny Banks were en1dorsed 1 and 1:310 _re- oavvva V5, VV I-I-In V I.'JLU -L'\ L'\.I'lI-II`-I D'\A.I-L\II.l`J.' to see the workings of the system at rst hand. ' . " A solitary pair of a1pp11ica aiotns were the only to an [ad- vertisement for a Junior III teach- er to take the` class temporarily lled by Miss Skinner, in _the Cen- tral School, Miss Rhoda Niven of Parkd.ale being the choice. Miss Pearl $39.11 was Aapointed .to` l-1 the vacancy ' `the Junior I1 I`_-_ f`|__.L,,-`I CIJL - _____ 1. 1,_'_ E13s}"0{p""1"scE$o1,`Sau&`1 ti` .resig*n.a.tion of Miss Bell. We understand that your Board intends erecting a. new - school, wrote tMunro & Mead-, architects, Hamilton. As We make a specialty of school work, we could:_. no doubt, give you some valuable ideas on the same. We have designed and built: schools and can refer you to any of the school boards of thejfol-A lowing places: 4...-.. An.` In _'1 "Two sketches of plans for the new Collegiate were presented at `the. Board of Education meeting on Tuesday evening, when Dr. _1 a1ling _.-- _ L1; - , ` vav 4vwu;u5LLyAuuLfub' ULLULL (lv'Ll,\J1)'|:l\J`1L n the Barrie schools was: earned. committee (possibly -the whole .`Boa.rd-) will visit. Toronto schools LL , ,,- , ,,1,',, P 11` . ?J._ ...-_ PLANS HERE FDR NEW C0 LEGIATE Board Will Hold Special Meeting on Monday--Penny` Banks Will Be Started Every good style a. n_1a.n' can ask for is here. You can't pm}: a. poor one. Uu ,.LlUU-, .|.v.La. \a.1v uav;u-:,- ` Grimsby High School--$18.,00O,' 5' rooms}, opened .Aug., 1911. (No*ex-- tras.) - _ , Grimsaby Puvblic Schoo1-"$15,000, 6 rooms, opened 1908. (No extras-.) I 'V`Vhritby--T-$28,000, 7 rooms, now. , - ._ ._J........A. A... ` cv u ...= :,.---v-- . Ber1in--&$100,000# 8 rooms, opened Jan 1, 1912. - . ` `A \ i k `l'\ ____ ..111.. QQO*nn '7 iofutlxvvilcn n -I-II-L65 ua]15u:1,nvi11e--$32L,00O, rooms; open- ed VD_ec., 1912. (No extras). 1,, T1':__L c1,..L....`l Q-IQnnn' K. u.ll.|u!U.I. vvuou; uvuavuu Burlington -`- $33,000, .8 rooms, now under constrr'uct1on. mnn AAA '7 ...-. adun runny LIU Ll_ll'l.LU`L gut: uu. vu.-up v-V... Weston-$32,000, 7 rooms, now under construction; , _ 2 _ North Toronto High. School- $40,000, 8 rooms, under construc- tion. Aldershot and twenty-ve others.- All our school Work `is the result of competition with other architects, and in practically all our school work we have constructed the build- i1mg was within. the require havmgt no extras, which sometimes --- ----L Ju\'.na- VI.1`llI1I an Vv JILULIJ '\I&\d,\.Ivv, under constructw . T` 1' ML- . Q01 amount 72;) Eris ms contract. From Mortgage Sale of Valuable Farm in the Township of` Oro.` There wlllbe olfered for sale under mortgage on Saturday. 37th Aorll. 19l2._ at the Queen's Hotel; Barrie. at 12 o elock noon, by Mr. Alex- ` under Bx-ownlee.Auctloneer. that very valuable term. Lot 35. Concession .2. Draw 100 acres more less. . On this term there Is a. good roughoest dwellf lug house. cement foundation. eellnra.'bte.. also a good burn. . . ' here is also agood h9.rdwood`bush on the land (only fpom 2to3 mllee from Ore! burst). `from 6 to sacree-in extent. The rest-of t e land` by all cleered and n` ugood state of-cultivation. ea able of predua ng bountiful orops~"- ' = j here ieseid to be about 23 acres of rye in the ground in good ahane.- ' ` ' ' 'l`erms-10 Percent. down .aud"theh- belenee in ' one month without interest. . . . I - .`'l`l;e.purchaset can be glvelhilllmedlate pos- ' Forfurtlzer particulars epyfy to` V * Q 1.g_nAnmHU-RaT. f. o- .a_1A;u.-..'lI..--IAW ' Am-i1 1oth.A im. . Simmons & Co.` -q--.;jv-,-..__ , - .~, .- _ :A*:2'; u:I;`ly Ut"'p'rff1?,h te fuhdsji) `ioan at '1 '_.v ..z"u`;L` ".;L:_ .'_ ..__ -,-V"; 5., . rmowvt _ 1` yuan: cg \" '--. .- % $n'e2" y trriignif gsajyniint. Lmmiox. cowu an nnowx` _ 30T`V*91'.9-` V ONLY Two APBLIED. Soon. WW, Wuluw D'\}J.lN|aUl.aJU\.\r much as, Us A. nauuwuu u... . Vendor's'S6ucitor.` Bah-ine. = , .' ; `1a;17 I UM -un l'huI`S(1`LY last. 8. Y orxamm J uruur J l(r:wa.r(l fur return of same to 11330 Rows Uoiliur >`L.. Hnrric. . TH! INTERESTS or Bunnie. `rm-:-cou'm'v or smcoe` AND 1|-Itioonncnnou or cannon" qua cm1':_mou. _ _ _ _ , . ___W I.3ARRIE, c0UNTYo`F;,..s1Mfx:oE. ONTARIO, APRIL ml [912 -Trusrtee' Andrew had nothing but good- wonds for the scheme. He en- dorsed Mr. 'King s suggestion for personal in-vest-igatiorx and T said that the .principals of the schools should `go along. Former visits- aooToronto -`schools `had amply repaid`. the Board. Speaking on the_ reports Mr.~ King said if it did itake ten minutes each` Monday, it Would` be, teaching the children something that would be a great deal `more, valuable to them than the time spent. on some other subjects which are of no practical value. --The- kkn-owledge thus acquired. Would. be a benet to children in any ci.-rcum- stances, and the ; system .Woul prove one of -the best dep-artmen-ts of pub- lic school work. He believed it would be a good ,thing for the _tr_us~tees to visit Toronto -and get a personal knowledge of the sys-tern) so that they would be in a position to meet any objections that might be ..n..2......1 r Dr. Richardson was thoroughly in 'aocord` with the report. A system that could bring results such as desaoribed hy Mr. Hughes, . is; much to be. desired. . V - ' NEWINDUSTRY MAY % ` LOCATE IN BARRIE Trustee Otton agreed; ,thE1t the scheme has great` educaticzxral ad- vantages. Girls as well as boys would benet, and none would grow up without a knowledge of banking methods. V ` . ' - ` The Board .1 will hqld a special meeting next Monday 'eveni_-n`g to discuss the -p1a.ns`- already ,s:u'bmitted by-`Stewart & Whitton, architects, of T-`rnv-v\:-1..v\ , I ~King, "Chairman of, "the! Special Committee on Penny "Sav-i ings Banks~,_ recommended the "a:idnp-` tion of the system, that a. committee be sent to Toronto to inspect` the workings of the` banks there, and that a competent man be inyited~ to Barrie to inaugurate the system... As the Bank of To onto ,is the one with which the Boar ' now does business, and as the Allvandale braneh"wo_u1d be a. great convenience to depositors from the South _Wa.nd; School, the `committee recommended` the selec- {tion of, this bank. tioned plans. L i.n'schoo1' work we have ovrqome this. We would be pleased ."E_'di'1_'un up and talk this? over with you;-false show you any` of the .above.4.'Ii1se31- ac. . u - . u II`, KJUKIVVRII Hamilwn. Although the activities of the Board of Tradeare not very marked just at the present time, Barrie has a number of `citizens who "are, al- ways on `the lookout for an oppor- tunity to boost for the ad-van-cement just learned that some of thisquict boosting. may shortly bring forth good fruit. The -Crompton. Corset Co. of Toronto have been expan~d'ing their business so rapidly that the Toronto manufacturing -plant is be- coming taxed to the utmost, and a branch_ factory out of the city is- un-der eonsidenation. by the rm. Barrie. will stand an excellent chance of being selected as the site for. this factory, -and the Spencer builiding, owned by the Town, should suit the.` company to perfec- tion. Three of the five directors of of Ithe Town and The Advance has the Crompton _Co_. are `old Barrie! boys, and it_ is a. pretty s-afe guess` that if rm- estahiish this D11-Hula 11 DLIIU uxtu. Ovvcuuxx-0:1 IHJLD branch,` it will come to Barrie. The Barrie men _in the rm are : Mr. Fred ` Crompbon, Pres.; Mr. John Gilchrist (formerly of Oro) Vice-' Pres-., and _Mr. A. Carson, Director, It would` be in order _for` the Board of Trade` and the Chair.m;a.n of the Town` Imdiustrial Committee to show the firm: that ~ Barrie is a.nxi`ou._s to have them locate here. Trinit."'i55{?ah Han Thursday. April 18 Trin___}'A___l`}urch WORK A apex: it 3 p.m.- Stalls bearing fancy and uspful articles, `Candy. China, Homemade Daiuties. and. the popular "Fish Pond. ___'l'eu( I`tc">om witih moslt attractive viands. L T 05'!` -On |`hursduy last. Yorkshire Terrier "J l_(:wax'(l M830!` B`1'5

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