!BUY AT FIRST COST} :51 Ill-N V Iii`; Minesing . . , . IA-11-gus .. . Dalston . . Hillsdale . . . . 9 Hawkestonne . . CoIdw_a.te_1' . . . . . Victoria Harbor Warminster . . Severn Bridge .. "Rama Mission .. . 221` 23 i The Methodist congregations will] vote sometime this, month. Collier; St. jMet.hodist Church will give outf the ballots possibly next Sunday," land, have them returned not later! [than March 3151:. i |' How THE TOTAL VOTE STANDS. I | To date two hundred and seven-{ teen Presbyterian churches have: voted, casting 19,293 ballots of which;' 13,546 were in favor of union -and; ! . ! -L`! Collier St., Barrie . . . . . . `Central Methodist, Barrie. . :Burton Ave., Allandale. . 'Ori1lia .. .. .. .. ... |Mid1an-d.. .. . . Pene.tan.guishe.ne . . .!53'1.In:va_1e .. .. .. ` -.._ _ l The result of the vote in St. An-l l!drew s Presbyterian Church, Bar-i irie, was given out last. "Sunday by: ;Rev. Dr. Mo:-Leod, the result beingl [3 to 1 against. Union. The congre`-l gation, both m_em'ber_s and adherents, lvoted 196 against and 67 for; the` ielders voted 6A`for and` 6 against,` ,The Presbyterian ballot. asked for{ |an expression of opinion on the mer- i `its of the Basis of Union. and the; vote showed an overwhelming ma- } jority against. The gures werezg lfor the Basis 3_6, against 144. The: `elders were more strongly opposed to the Basis and voted 9 to 3 against = it. I;.it.tI.e "interest was taken, ap-_l patently, in the question of federalj union, less t.han a dozen voicing an opinion. Of the 263 persons voting` 'in St. Andrew s Church only 27i were not members of the Church. y Baum: DISTRICT Msrnooxsrs 9 TO 1i { - IN FAVOR. I I The vote in the Barrie District; Quarterly Boards of the Methodist Churches shows a decided favorable `opinion, the gures `being 221 for! [Union and only 23 against, over 9} `to 1 in favor. The following are" !the ]g'ures:- guvtfr elgut to one 1n Ia.vor.., _. v One peg,-uliar thing: about` thei basis, over Which there has been as "hot `campaign and `federal union 1 suggested, is that the" voters on a! whole are not taking much excep-} t.ion to the basis`. Where a. majority} gvote. has been cast for union on they present proposed basis, it is main-4;` itaiued on the mere ~que.stion of! ,union under a di erenL o_r cha11g`ed,l lbasis. Those in favor of union are} gapparent-ly voting regardless of theg `proposed basis. _ ~ - [ ivvcsI\/\J' gnaw vvL\.- .n.u|. uuc auxaxga-u1'u..uU.u` is so small that it only countsas an even break. Tho Methodist minis-i ters and official boards arestrongly, in favor of union, `voting 'to_datei over eight to one in favor, _. l r\ -- - - `V I That church union between the` Methodist, Presbyterian and Con,-' `gregational denominations in Can- ada Will not be *e!fe=cted~ as the re-` sult of the presen.-t voting, is" prac- tically evident -by the latest gures.` [The Pres-byterians in many casesfarel voting straight ~a.g'ainst the project] with large 1najor_ities, while in ot-heri cases the vote for the amalgamaltionl IL: an o11r\n1] 4-Lne 34- .....`l_- _---...J--`- I 4 I The Majority Wi Hardly Be Great: ` Enough to Warrant the Union. UNLlKEl.Y TO CARRY} .. -----v- - 7-- u-----v I gm-1 y forty acres of clay loam. overlooking ' thr; [own of Stayner. Good house and out.- bmlchmza. bank barn with stone foundation". XI1'cm'(:hard und3 ood wells of water This` I!r07N:I'I_v will be sol cheap. Apply to Box 126. I biuvnt-.r. Om. 9.12 `out Methodist Official Board of Barrie District Votes 5 Nine to One in Favor. i g [ST.ANDREW S vonas THREE-TO-TONE AG ST `UNION E -For Againsti .. .22 3 l\ .' '14 ..3O ..17 ..1O ;of.Can.ad.a., with response by R. W.{ `Bro. Alex; Cowan and song by R. .* zW. Bro. -Monkman; Canada, .wit.It'J response by W. Bro. Dana-1-d~ Ross; Georgian District No. 9, with re--I spouse by R. W. Bro. Geo. Menzies.` D.D.G.M.. and recitation by W.` Bro. F. T. Short; Visiting T Bne-L! ithren, with response by W. Bro.` J as. Lum-bets and song by Bro. E. Welhez Junior Warden s Toast and A_1'1Id Sync. Bro. Geo. Brown` acted` as `accompanist. ` The evening [was voted by all present to be thei mostenjoyable of its kind ever held Many ~f\'iisitin8"b1'11 e11 I The annual visit of the D.D.G.M.,1 .R.W. Bro. Geo. Menzies, 'to the Bar-! lmie Masonic lodges was an exceei - iingy interesting and pleasant. af-. `fair, both Kerr -and Corint-hianil I lodges uniting to welcome him. Over l ;'125 of the Brethren - lled the lodge} `rooms and the Work of Tiliursndayl levening was -a, distinct cnedit to the5 oicers. of both the lodges. Kerr; lodge oicers, under R. A.` Stephens, exemplied the workingl [of the First. Degree Ianzd Corinthian; ioicers, under W.M. F. R. Redditt, `took the Second Degree. The Dis-, itrict Deputy highly commended the-E iofcers on tlieir prociency saying; `the oor Work showed. a. very c~om- ` mendable at-tenti-on. to detail. 5 Afer `Zthe lodg `closed, the mem- bers and their visitors, to the num-:' iber of 125, repaired to the Trinity`; `Parish. VHa.11~, where a tempting re-1 pa4st: was served-, through the kigd-' n.ess of the members of the Y.L mud the Vicar of Trinity.` Em 1r_1-'4-.. _____:.1r,.iI. n_-| Hutu. ule V11. -21.1` 01 Lr1uu._y. _V_V:-.DlU'.I 'Geo B McLean presid"e(1' the !fo11(;win.g toast list. was The! `King and `the Craft, song by Bro. IR . Johnston; The Grand Lodsze ,_ J- 99 _..!L`I_ _.__..-___- I_A_ 1) `IT jmsons amen g ; msnucr narum `Knights of Square and Compass` , V Have, Plasant Time (in Occa- A A sion bf `Annual Inspection. I Mr. Michael Coughlin of Anton` }Mil1s happened with a. serious acci- gdent on Monday morning, while, [ski-dding logs in, front of his house. `The horses were hitched to .21 large !log which rolled the opposite. direc- {tion to what. Mr. Coughvlin expects! led, crushing him u-ndermeath, and} ibadly injuring his"l-egs and breaking; several ribs in` his chest. The lungs} were pierced: ` in several places by. ithe broken ribs and Mr. Ooughlin= `lies in a d-ange;rous- condition at his `home. 9 Dr. Murphy of Phelpston i _i.was called and attended the injured; jman, and on Tuesday Dr. Ross was! gcalled in consultation. Mrs. Cough-3 glin and her daughter witnessetl the) `accident from the window of their .home, and -assisted, the injured man ! linto `the housle-. Mr. Coughlin. jover 60 years of. age, and fears are ientertained for his recovery. I E Leo .and`Bert.TZ(:/`o111;>,'i1_Iir`1:.Agtuclents` [at -the B.C.I., who board with Mrs.: 1Smith on Louisa; St, are sons. I \ {Broke Several Ribs Which Pierced; Lungs-- Serious Accident at Anten Mills on Monday. E {HEAVY LOG 1 ; ROLLED oven ; A MR. COUGH_LlN;` --So many men of experience have become to regard a tip from Ia friend as a mild sort of a hoax| zand pass when -the good thing! is offered . Not. so in this case. It s I a. straight, tip for a few of our` friends to get in on the ground oor. |.Lis/cen. _ n . 5| 'VIcK13iRs BIG CLOTHING AND`! FURNISHING SALE. Is on and there s some big buy- I 1 , I lmg chances too. [ Snx Hulls from Imported`stoclhranging from 3 to 20 months` reds and roans- thick and block nninmls of th'e xihtvsort. I31-ices reasonable : .;"T I'1s'tu ALBER1` PURVF. Craigvale. Ont. 14011:: distnmn nhnnp nnnnm-Hon. V 7.19 . ,,,_.- ---.. . V--V ..uvu..u.- IIL up LOGO!) IIVC " {or more-to ,one before umon can be} {seriously consldered. i 1 V . THE HANDICAP. I Dr. `Carmen, superintendent of` the Methodist Church, and Dr. P. MacKay, moderator of the Pres-I byterian General Assembly, state that the vote. must. be at least. vei nv `rrurvnn In. A... L..-'_- cast ballots on the question aggre- _TWo :31I_1'(iVi-?orty-six Metho- dist. quarterly oicial boards have gating 6,155 votes, 5,945 were in favor .of_ the union-_ while -only 660, w_ere against. T-his proportion is 8.32. to 1 for union. % 2.35 members and` adherents to tare in favor of union. A TIP. Finazle Chaimnan Rvichardson {recommended payment of accounts ltotalling $352.60, and acknowledged E (Continued on page 5). MUCH ILI.I\'ESS. ` Dr. Palling reported that much sickness among the staff had dis- larranged the plans of the manage- lment and some difficulty had been ;experienced in arranging for quali- led substitute teachers. Miss Skin- luer of Bradford will take the {primary class in the (lentral School `until a permanent teacher can ,be secured. All the schools are now supplied with teachers. E.-EIEJE-'_'l L `GOOD L nnn A n _ BREAD I , To make good Bread :1. . ` baker must use good our. We" use the best our H] m E I The Mayor coiigratulafedv (Cimiri-T man G. G. Smith on having such a distinguished body of colleagues and thought it was a compliment to `the -members that the ratepayers re- .turned many of the same members iyear after year. _-`xpwy to ;\l.BER'1` PURVI`. Cl`: Lon;- distumo phone connection. ___,___________________ Eu Chairmaryx Smith promised the 'consideration of the Board .to the lmatter. 2 !_ Mayor Cowan acldressecl the Board kin reference to the proposed (_'mnp .bf`tl1e-Cedets next. July. The `,Mayor`stated that he. had interview- fed Mr..Haught0n Lennox, M.P., in "'!`eferenoe- to holding the camp here giiiticlj- M'1'j,~ Lennox has applied ito the -Minister of Militia to con- :sider the claims of Barrie. There lwould be little doubt thet Major iCurrie would press Co1l1ngwood s `claims, but this being the County lTown, and the most central loca- tion, the `Mayor thought Barrie lshould have the preference. It `would be-a very desirable thing to have 200 or 300 boys in camp hero ifor nearly a .week, and it would be in the best intemxts of the Town if lthe Council `and Board of Educa- ition would join hands in the matter sand Work to have the camp held lhere. The boys will be furnished [with a summer uniform of knioki `er-boc-kers, shirts and caps, am `there should` be no reason. why the lBarrie Cadets should not. take part-. g AH the members were present .at !the Board meeting. and the busi- jzness of the evening was despatcthed [quickly and with little `discussion. , - - Trustee King .s oer to pay for 9. iyear s tuition in the Collegiate I11- stitutc of the pupil who makes the highest number of mark: at the en- trance examinvation in J uno. The !Boa.1'd thanked Mr. King and some Barrie pupil st.anr_ls the cham,-0 of winning a free yem"s tuition in the ; Collegiate. A motion was introduced to ac- cept thc options on the Thompson .property subject to the ratepayers fapproval, and the architect. Mr. 3Whitton of Hamilton, will meet the {Board on Friday to discuss the plans which he is now preparing. `T1. .1 ` Barrie may yet be the rendezvous iof the Cadets of the County of Simcoe for their rst annual camp 'in J uly. and the Board of Ed3uca~ tion will now use their inuence to have Mr. Haughton Lennox, M.P., induce the Minister of Militia to i select Barrie as the camping grounds. A - ` Will Endeavor to Have Camp 2' ' Barrie-Penny Banks and New . Salary Schedule Discussed. 4 I I %Board of Educ. Decides to *1 Take Thompson Property Q For New School. ICADETS MAY coma I ACCEPTED f {$1.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE QUNOLI COMIC THIII clans: Options Obtained For COLLEG. SITE :17: an r-IIIIUIH ll` HIIVHI` IINOLI YHIII BIN?` WANT THE CADETS. L ICE cnmm ALWAYS ON SALE. .THn rmnsr courncnon uu,.uv.u.u.u. an vo-Au vvugg I~J\S'U uuc J.l:L1.1l` agar zoout it-. Barrie Branch-- A. F. T. SHORT, - - Manager]; E-::IIaEu:u:-'-_'-:: @ J. FRAN % IEJACKSBNJJ You can` dc_> it afely, as we -give.` special attentlon to deposits, VWith4[ drawals or other banking business! handled in this way. See the Man-Al _.-_ .iL.._.A. En. OLYMPIA When roads are bad, and a trip to: town means 9. hard day s work, -save your hovsres and yourself by bank- ing with us by mail. ' ' Let the Mail-Carrier { Travel for You ; SHORTHORN BULLS FOR % SALE NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ' voL.i.xI. No. 1: THM'.N CHI! Kins-$ 2.00 -Fitwell Simmons Secial V1.50 - -nnnnvn D &Ih 211-ti _ Furm for sale, 100 acres. 40 cleared, 60 bush. Parr. of cleared land in clovelupart in Fall crop. Dart Fall plowed and well fenced. Good young orchard. There is a. new convenient brick house yvimll a well of never-tailing spring watenpump` In pantry with sink.,etc. Good barn withs.ta.bIe lllldlfr. (lrivino nhnrl ann xvnll A-'|nIII , 0) milnn SIMMONS & C0. Its 3 showing well worth your while to see, and our salcsn1en will be glad to give you every attention, even if purchasing is the thought far- Ihestv from your m_ind Cur Hat _$ V Stock Presents the newest styles) of the leading xnanutacturers of A mericu and~=Europe lfu u u`\t\uv3nnn- xnnll xnnunfl. PORTRAITS BARRIE, - - ONT. FARM FOR _ S_AL_E 1-`ARM {on `SALE HOT DRINKS Men s Hats Makgr of "` l"`HIu_y wuu 3ll|Ko,UlU- U00 DICE WI|4lI`U$l~U' under. cu-ivix_1g shed, good well. About 2 mile: west. of Burma and 1 mile Northwest; of Fem- dale S.-hool. Apply to 9? Bradford St.. Bar:-le._ '9-12 or ANAl`):A+ P`OR_ SALE Puuuuocu . CA NDY wonxs; want: N6. 4os a} UILIIIOII . DDIFTIU ' 9 :12 UK IHU 9-12 - run 1:: --v-C '2 Hrrmd .\Im'es. 4 and 6 years old (one heavy. !'h`zLlU.:hlJ one in foal to Lord Montague. other In Bhmch Surprise; also one 3 year old Lord .\Ium.u.;;uc Colt. Apply to R LENNUX. Lot ,~. (`un. 9. Innisl. l'hornton P0. 1142 U9 U1" 7-19 of i the iresidents ate a;1a-rm.- ; some -of which can not now be ed over the story that a number of other dogs .were' bitten by the diseas- ed collie on the Way to Thornton, tmoed. One case was a.- small slpwniel tied to a wagon which drove through Th:ornton.' The residents are keeping `their eyes `open when- ever a. dog appears. ` 7 TWENTY AT HOSPITAL. Mr. Joseph Sproule retu-med from iTo'ro1nto on. Satumdjay evening, -acdompa.-nied~ by his `bvotahevr, -`Mr. James Sproule, who i_ had" been with 'him fair the two weks he was tak- ing the Pasteur treatnnenti V TMT. Ja,mges,'Sprou1_e was in Town yes`ter-._ day and` said.` brother never` felt any ill effets, soreness frog; thug `.wou:nd ihicted by the -._. L--5:4 : l .l.'l\Jlll. uucz gVV\lu-lllthll ; ---- .yu..n... .,_, ....v, .d1og s teeth on his hand. There were twenty patiemaa taking the Pass- teur tre-atrment at. the Westerm Hos`- pital,, Toronto, at `the same time Mr. Spr-oule' was there. Included in this number were the doctor .-and the lawyer from Fort Wi l1.iam! .who __-.__ L_Ln ...._.\g-.1-o - Imvv ' n I 1m-.h M.. B. Pendue of the Dom- i11.i0lL Ve'teri11ar,$-; Inspectors Dept.` was in Town. on: Monday. and visited the Brett. home-, ordering their own -dog" killed. He a_fte met: the. Vespr-a. Cou11cil,_i'n session. at.tMid- hurst -and advised is/`tringvenrt_ -by-1a.WBe. As` will be seen by reference to the minutes. of i the Council meeting` on a-nother page, the regulations ` calli for all dogs to-- be ch.ain:eId' up, whe- t ther on the _ premises or 911 the high- I way, or otherwise securely locked} up. o.......; n. 'nr..; v i I The rabies scare was ' rervirvedi lsomewhat at Thornton `during the `past week by the neiwsrthat a. num-I ber of sheep which h-adi been , wor- , tried several weeks ago by the collie} suffering` from `rabies, had contract.- led the disease and had to` be dis- paztochevd`. The sheep were the pump- erty of Mr. Jerry Rarm!a,v and] mine of them-T were dens-troyed by. Dr. B`a.n.ti.`n.g' 4 of Cbokstovvn last week. A sgow which _W.as bitten by the smne diog, is still un:de1j quaran- LI..- ULLU 1'a.vv.ycL .l.xv4zs: .n. V; u vv am;-u...\..,... ," ...., were . . th severely bitten. by .' a rabies _ lnzfected dog. T .J, , This -dog` is said to have strayed; from. Barrie, and it was seen on" Bayeld St. on Monday morning. I.-utter on in. the day it followed. Mr. J Coutts cutter and Vszniaptpe-d, at the house several times`, but. it. was !not thevn thought the dog had the gdis-eas`e. The same day it killed _a [11umher'of fowl on. the farm of Mr. ` M. `Robinson on` the Mill Road. -On 'l`uesd.a.y `the dog was seen_ at. differ- ient places in the neighborhood, showing signs of having rabiersn. It] l-attacked` Victor `B'1"ett, jumxpi-ng up: and grappitig` his nose, the wmmdi ,be"i.n~g nearly the-` "full. .l<>ng'tl1 of the_' !nos;~e. 1\Ie_.~dica1 -aid was` siough'tw,_.a-ml ] the`; boy 1-emaixied at. home sewegral . "days; when he saw the. dog on ' the I farmt again,` and px'ocu-rin.g a -rie `he. sh;ot.. it. 7 Reeve Hickling. was I `icon-sulted and; on his advice the` head .was sent to Toronto` on.F51-iday. On Satwrd-a.y afternoon, the Prov. |Health. Dept. ,s_necn.t back w,ord% that [the -dog had` been suffering with' rabies, and on._tM0nday of this` weekl the boy was sent to Toronto for` ' I tneatment. . xaay. uvvvcn V 1(:LUI' Drew, S01}. OI JMI . J as. Brett of the 7th line, Veapra, (near the C.P.R. crossing at Mid.-. hurst) was severely bitten by El. stray fox terriex", and the boy, who is but'16 years of age, is now in To- ro-nto taking`. the: Pasteur tlveatment. The head of the dog Was: sent to the Provillcial Hea.l`th -departxm-ent and word was received 011- Saturday that. the a,11.in`1a?1 had` been -sruering. from 1'a.bie.s. jThe 1-a4bie_s scare of a few weeksi `ago is being kept alive. by furbheri gdevelopmehts, which are to say the least, alarming. { 011 Tuesday of last. .week Vic-tor Brett, `son 3f Mr. LTML D....u.. .,..c L-L; nu 1 <-:j--j7 `-`UN,'1`Y Take notice that the Court of SIM01` Assize and Niel Prlue Oyerand T COE 'I_`erminer and General `halve w.uW1'P: hvery for the County of-Simone ,1.` be held at the Court Houee."Berrle. one esday. the 26th day ofMa1-oh. at the hour Of one o'clock p.m. - ~ . .. w. M. HARVEY.` _ 4_ Sherlcounty Simone; h rggfs omce. Barrie. March. 9:n.,1o11;j_ ;n-12` iAt Thotuton, Where People Sfillf Fear Outbreak From Stray Dogs` Which We're Attached. . [NINE sums? co MAD! Victor Brett, of Midhurst,NowLI : Taking Pasteur Treatment \ A at Hospital in Toronto; I ---Come to_ the Formal. Millineryl at` ;M`oore & Armsrtr`0ng s,| `I An L1- ' . [FOX TERRIER HAD RABlESi WHICH BIT BOY SLIEEI9. Go Mm. THC INTIRICTS OF IIHHII, THE COUNTY OF SIHCOE AND THE DOHINION CF CINIDI OUR CRITERION. ` --Whea-e to get the Wickers ,O1oth.ing' Bdx-ke11 Crofton, the imted' Ah'0Il'S0. buyers, will be -at the Simcoel Hotel on Saturday." They can L.._..J.`l,- .11 1.1.... L... . . _ . __ 1...--- 4...` uulbtcug I _ .5. Jl\JJ 1;:1:iaie Ji" horses you. have .._.'.IJ " |M::Moore- & Amwtwng invite you] to the rst view of the Spring Mill- inery. Wednesday, March 20th. - -Mi11iLnetry~ Openings at. Moore &` vAr1Iz`1st.ro,ng s on Wednesday, March 20t . % T X 'Churchil1 curlers sexit two ri~nk:-3 up for a friendly game with Barrie `last FL-tidiay evening. . i It now transpires that the power. `developed at the Big Chute. can be ......`|.. .J....L`I...1 -_.'l. A.L- ,.--.......`I.... A.L-..- I Manufactuirersr `S- [0IC1.{ of men -.5` .'Pants and Overalls and boy s Knick- Iers bought at. 66 2-3 cents on the dollar. Lutck hiappened our Way: 1ast,We~ek and We. closed with a` punt. lmxanufaoturing company for their .entire sutock; about 1500 pairs in all. `Every pair is on. saletthis week at. our store. Great bargwains await you. Pants were never sold in Bar- rie as cheap as this _stock .will be isold. A HUNTER BROS., Barrie.i I ---W`he1'~e to get the 'b.rgaihs-- Vickei's Clothing Sale, , I | Well, it may be a. little prema- ture to make any statement yet, said the Mayor, -but Mr. Ikaacock ithinkg he will -be able to offer from .400 -horse- power up -at little` more [than half what was formerly quot- lat] 97 - ` \ J 4 `U u.` ID ID]! nuuan LU lial` 1-UH 4Dl'lI(l'i ford 81. near Allandale. Terms reason- able. All modern conveniences. Apply The Advance Oice. 9-tf 5u..|\.w .....w.. ......,, ..,.,,w.. V\I ....-.... . Mr. Leacock was in consultation: [with Manage-r Hare of the Electric: lLight Plant, and we may look for] `ome sta.te:men.t. from Mayor Cowanl - - _1.`__ J___. I 1 I -VVl1ere. to_ the Ba.rgai_11s- lViclgers C`-1o`thi__ng Sale. ' ....,.-..,.,M. .... .,.... .6 \JLl|Al-t- \.iOld.l' ll\.; easily doubled, and-' the surplus thus] obtained could be sold to Ehnva1e.g ~Barrie and Collingwood. It is said] that the company may be able t.o oer suicient `to su.pp1y_ these places at gures aivhioh may appeal to them. `If- `I -__-_I_ __-- 2_ --...,.--1L..A.!..._-- LO0K! READ! MOVE Since the rst of the year Mayori Cowan has been_ quietly making in-,_, quiries iii refemnee to hydro power[ for Barrie, wand indications point to something denite being pvesenutedi `in the near future. Assistant 'En-ll igineer C. J. Leacock of the Hyd-row uElectric Power Commission, was up] Efrem `Toronto on Tuesday and Wed- nesday, and was in close. conference .with- Mayor Cowan: in reference to! ith,_:*a**=er-.. e 1 Wl1;a.t 1V)13oAposit.ionVis to be pie-! lsentled ? was asked the Mayor yes- lterday. _ u _ I $\JI.lJ"r' QUSG-|l\--IAII/lll|,Q E in - a few days. Mayor Cowazi Confers With En-I i J gineer Leacock of Hydro Com- ' .mission--Figures in a I Few Days. )HYDROPOWER 4 ! MAY YET 313 ~ , OBTAINED? BARRIE; COUNTY OF SIMCOE. ONTARIO, MAR. '14, [912 5: upurl y \\'lll Siavllcr. Ont. -Where to gei`: the` b-arg ikers Clothing Sale. ains--Vic- FOURTH SUNDAY IN LENT-MAR. 17 8.30-Ho!y _G6mmv1nibn. 10'.15--Bib1e class. ` l1.0--Matin-s. Litany and Sermon. 3 0-Sunday School.` 4.15~ -Men's Service. 7.0 p.m.-`1Evensong and Sermon ' M Il|__-..L `I5 `I I!l..... `fl--- . ~ v ~~- ""~' 3" V l . Mr. Bow-les morning subject Will} Jesus Christ. and the Holy ,Spirit. ' ,__ ._---_-... v-.--v--av: v n\Iv'\roa I ` Divine) . f. . . . u.11=aooom:panie-ii Soprano So1o"--If ivith all your. Heart . . . . . . .. . . . Mendelssohn. `Duet, Soprano and. ba.ritone.--Rockl of Ages (L.M.) . . . . . .Got csch-alk Male Quartet-te.--Ne.are'r My God y to'Thee O. Excell Baritone solo. and! chorus with so- prano obligate Spirit Immortal from _.`. . . . . . .; . . . . . . . _ Atilla. H The choir will be assisstedby Mr. Chas. King, baritone, who is leaving on Monday for Moose aw. A service of _ Praise will be "given by the choir on. Sunday evening next, commencing at 7.00 o clock, (when in -adi-tiorfi to the regular ser- vice, an address on Church Hym- nology will be given by the pastor. The following numbers will be sguxngz `Chorus-'-AGo;i` so Ioved the W4`):-1-d- 3 (from; S~acrQd Cantata ``V_ic13ory ` SONG -SERVICE. AT, COLLIER `ST. N:[E'1`.HODIb-ST CHURCH, Trinit3_r_(_Ihurch u-av.-5 -v-- -`.-.--v-- gov-.-lg);-nest R. J. Blggaicu. Get your Canadian "Home from` the Canadian Pacic. Buy directi from the Company and keep the` Speculatol- s prot in you own poc- ket. Choice lands. for sale on the ten instalment plan. Convenient to rai1roa;ds, schools and churches. Un- disputable title Excursions every; two -.weeks during the spring. and summer. ' Special inducements to excursion parties. For prices, terms and all -other `information apply to ' V E. :J.V REID, . , -`*Dist'rict Sales` Agent, op 0iP;_R.: :Lands,*'Ever;ett, om; *: nan 1;n.\'rsm:n HOUSE 'I`O REN'l`-0n Brad-I S1 . Allandgle. reason-} uhh. All .....A.._.. ..-.....-_.-.--A-- A--I-- II-A