Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 25 Jan 1912, p. 3

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The Broader Outlook. I Mrs. 'l`. Cavonn, Bradford St.,.WrotAe The offer of free sites` for public liltliugs or fzw.-torries. The following her ("0Imll1llll(`llJl0Il, which was ad- Usstctll to .VIuyor Cowau: V ,l'erl1-ups vou are not aware that lm';1"e mu-tl of land fronting on In- Mil Ht., Wzml V'., is owned by Mr. J. I:i-lmy, of Ednlonton, who has cred, us a p1'0s-Ont, a free site for y puhliu huilling or factory erect- on his lzlml. lt is` bounded on the Till by lluuke1"s Creek and` goes 1-l< tn the (~01'p01'.'1lti011 limitAs.. He 11 ltlun:ll .(` the site for the building, (1 if they want any more land for .m`\':1.ti(m or extension, `he. will give -1'uusm1:1l.:l_\'. lie would give the Land for a New School, a , ::ml t`ho_\' ( ()lll(l not get $1 heal-th-. 1 or more central location, witsh lots rmml for })l:tyg'r011n(ls. Being con: H" H)` lm-:ntol., it will be all built up" f er :1 while when our citizens. take V In-mulor outlook and- find out ` re the l 0n'e- is situated. Some ` k that `Barrie means just a `l\' or two around the station. We e the plans of the Richey property. '5 ' Lu _, rn la n nnnn/I nni-nunl nab aun- m, 35,003,692 year ...s 81 oo ... 415 so 2.. 20 oo :o. 23 00 446 oo .22 oo 50 oo '-'1/..`.(-gn f\A .$ 36 25; T 1298 45 118 00 50 O0 175 00 41 5o[ 65 00. 296 65 275 00 275 00 $3540 945 ! $57,067,664 $45,609,222 E?- ; $41,126,664 lCurre-nt Bank Balance Savings Bank Balance {6 per cent. dividend Currenit Balance ; A_ccounts Passed f1912. Jan.1T-'--Balan'ce on hand !_ % bilobs Czim quickly stops coudha. cm-es colds. heals the `.`l.u-out and lands s . . 25 rank. 1..l..lIBllf21.l.lCC, I Oct. 3-F. A. Le-tt, 1 Phoenix .. 1'. 13 A `r A: g June LEI. 17-F. A. Lett, Insurance Phoenix .. .. .. .. Nov 28-12. J. Fletcher, refund re pla-tfrom 15. Amenca .. ?Sept.25-A. F_`. A. Ma1c0_ms.o-n, i Insurance, Union 1Oct. Insurance 'DLn......'.. AKES YOUR SKIN KE VELVET- % pnkmank Glycedonia. ` Us 1111. Apr. 3-0. H. gore .. .. W. Scott, minute book F. Mart, Secretary s salary . . . . . . . . . . F. Mart, postage . . .; Prov. Treasurer, ling fee .'. .. . . . . . . .. I V J. H. Bennett insce I I 1 I . fee . . 2. . . . . . . . . . Feb.T1--Dividends 4 per cent. .' on $8060 . . . . . . . . . .- { Mch. 4--Deposited tin Saving . Bank Dept. .. E R_.F` A T... 1'....--_-_ naan Irzxf 8 III `I mlckly heal: he and Int.-is 25 tent: $5,608,050 Total Balance $4,608,050 1911. Jan. 25-T._ _,-..V ...v` scuu PC! 11. U. Jam1eson,' balance 1n V full to date . . . . . .. 187 78 Dec. 31---To rent 9 mos. to date A. Hamlin .. .. .. 375 03" To rent Agriculture Society 100 00 `\ vJ.J.o Jan. 17-To Balance .. Mch.'31-T--To rent get: 1 ___.2 _, Only Two Applicants, and o n'j 10 to 4--Five More By-Law; nmis-e. Readings and are" Pu%se`J%-`-=Sp#eci % I A ing` was` Brief.` 1` lf e The `members of the.Boa.rd of`IDirect- tors of the Agricultural Joint Stock Go. met Jan. 18th,lwhen the Treasur- ser sstatement for the year was pre- sented showing "a balance on hand of $602.09: Current bank accounts to (the amount of $81.25 were ordered to -be paid and -3. dividend of 6 per cent. on the capital stock $8060.00, $483.60 lwas declared leaving a balance to `current account of $37.24 and a re- 1911. 1=1-n-:} Jo1N'r s'roc1< co --T. Crew, printing. . .$ 2 50 J. J. Neelands, repairs 9 20 T. Donnell, fencing. . 32 50 . g-A.l\JA\.l .l.1Ul.ll(7 o u n o I. Lyon, Insurance B. America .. TT 'I"-,-, 1 _-. -...---vaA\,oIr o o s n u a . H. Lyon, Insurance B. America ` 13 ` 1-1 fee. vn.A.n-lull, Lcuulug. E Bennett, auditor D zf 'K}1g,' 'a1i{11t} lt of $37.24 in the savings dept. of President was requested be above in his annual presented to the share annual meeting to be inst. CIIKCI COIUSQ BOO!` cents. p} ii. '13. ' Ju...1..___. , $1449 52 ...$786 71 T! .$292_25 .$ 37 24 . 255 01 $520 84 . 483 60 .$602 09 81 25 $347 3 $1449/33 602 09 250 00 322 40 25 00 20 90 47 00 47 00 23 90 THURSDAY, JAN(IA`1%1i;`+:.f$,` 22 50 `I50 465 478 200 200 200 60 Go-mmunicavtions. rje .1 .~. E .11ppo:teis_ of bot~h"t-eams were` on. hand in 1ar`ge numbers and were eager ' to voice their_ appreciation of their E `favorites goodiwork onthe ice. A , few penalties were huanded out, but. ' the game was clean and the best of feeling `prevailed. AL. Vair and Ness starred for St. Andrew's and Dickey in goal proved to be a. veritable gold - ' mine for the Scotchmen. _Mat~the_ws, ' Spearin and Gilchristwere theichoice of the Sixth Ward-ere. The -line-up wa_s;-`- ` ~ V St; Andrew : - . -Y.M-.0.A. 7. Dickey. .. .,' ;..,Goa1_ _;;. .-Firman .. Jereys .. ..Point_.`:' ` .; ;._.?$pearin' Ness T ;. .'T . ., .".Coyte'1_'f; .7. Matthew; W Longman ..Cent_ref._ 1',Bay1ise` , : Riggs . . ,.'_.:_*. ,.`.`.;4R.o'_v$eri.=.i `.4. L T i Bong` . . - `aj?$LQft';WinK `Vair . ; -;__.-`,3: {Right ' f ."'=here [was Aid. Bidwell was uni myth at the special meeting of. the _('j39un'fQil' I ll on Friday evening, when `Mi'."Aie'x._ Brownlee was sre-appointed` assess` `or `for the current `year. Another b_y- law reading session wasthne outeorpe of the meeting. No ` less thvan ve more of these wordy d_ocumentsV'_b eing presented and passed`. Some -of the mmbers retired to the smoking" room, one went home, and the `rest of them pinched t~hemselves to .keep awake, vv'l~zile the dreary reading of by-laws describing the kind ofVplu1n,b`ing' you; must do and limiting who shall `do it .:for you, with the innumerable Where-. as it is expedient, *And Whereas, . -etc. at the beginning` of almost every: { +para.grupl1, made ` one; think`. some | raid-erman had been burning the mid- night oil in the preparnt-iongof these -cizsssirts. 1he snggestrionwas made that each alderman take turns in reading a. page-, but the Clerk st-Gold rnz:n.fully~ at his post, and refused to at anyone help him out, not even Hist iworsllip Mayor 'Cownn. Aid. [Wesley- `:15 the Good Saanaritan and silent- IV, ufnin fn. +111`). 11vnnlu'mAn-an n----1 - `Both- counter, proved t when '11 eig`h'hh g Came Back strong. The Y.M.C.A. boys came back strong on their second wind, and made things decidedly interesting for their opponents, and` in fact, 'had'the best of the play in the second- h.alf.| They added one to their` score, soon after the face-o- , and` kept contin-- ually on the aggressive. Dicvkey sav- e-d St. Andrew's from a bad beating by-his excellent work -in the nets and showed considerable claw in `his effec- tive- blocking of elusive shots. St. Andrew s got,an'oth'erA andv the score stood 7-'-4. ="Then the Y.M.C.'A. for- wards fairly besieged the Scotc'hmen s goal and rained shoti.after s|hotin,' three of them getting by the watch- ful 'Dickey. This left. the score a` t-ie .7-7, and it was decided to play ten minutes overtime to return a winner. , teams -fought hard,e a *counter, and Ness of ;St. 'Andrew a j to be the saviour of his team, he" tallied the ~Scotohmen s;` goal. a ": many a. day. St. -Andrew's won--t'hat is to say, .-St. Andrew s scored , 8 `d goals while the Y.M.C.A.` boys only "1 tallied -7, but the .game was anybody 's ' and the- play -proved that both teams *1 have plenty of 0.H.A. maztterial. Ten 3' minutes overtime had to be-_ played to " decide the tie, the score standing '7 "' all at. the conclusion of the hour s A play. V - . " St. Andrew s started the game with " a rush, and ._before. tlue Aastonis'hed- 0 Sixth Warders knew what was hap- k pening, \hr qugged the puck "into i the nets,less than a xninute after the`< face-off. `Another one the Scotch-c I 3 men rang, in, and still another, `be- i _ fore ve minutes of` play had passed. I ; Then the Y.M. C.A. boys woke up tolf j the fact that this vvas no f`goose- 6 egg trust, and the real fun started. f Back and forr ew these Sunday C ` School boys with even greater speed C ' than they make` going _' to` Sunday V School in `July, and it almost made 11 ' one cross-eyed to -follow the puck. ll l Five minutes of this and Matthews, 9 fronniniddce, placed a pretty one-fair on St. Andrew s nets, which proved to be a counter. This was the Sixth VVardcr s rst chance to eheer, and, believe me, they were equal` to the opportunity. ' St. vAndrew s notched up another, and the score stood 4--1- in their favor. "Then Gilchrist made a full-length rush, but got tangled up and fe-ll, when La.w ren_ce,secured and sent in the Y.M.C.`A. s second` counter. Two more were rung ,up. for the `Scotcliman, before the -Y.M.C.A., got in another, and the first half closed with the score standing 6+-3 in favor of St. Andrew s. ' as 11: The second game; of the Church League proved to be a 'hum-dinge-r and-tih:e` spectator -s Were treated to `an exhibition of as fast, clean hockey as thveyih-ave `seen on the rink there in St. -AndreW s is tn nnv -m A-A----~ ' ` Fast Game in Churcl:gLeague-T: Minutes Overtime to Return Winner--Score was 84-7. >'facAtiofn, and somone answered ii: the _` airmwt-ive. V j _ ' A'`division' res_ulted- in the followiuf lline-up:--L~. . _ / --5 - l'vvuv-lPV\J,- ll-IIIU U]. another column. . Fo;'l3row['n.lee V For Hnnt/er McLean V` _ Davis ' ' Marks _ , Bunker Fraser . _ S'arj,eant T Lowe Wisdom Grey V ` ` Clarke ' .\ Rue-k Wesley Bennett Mayor-10. ` A number of, by-laws were . then passed, some of which are noted in 12- Division Brownle Won By lung D---!__ _ - I/BIL` ....,..e, ,....,........_,. re is :1 grand nat-ural -park just `k of it ,.too, where :hundre-dvs go in . `summer :1eros.s from ` G-len Almond _ \':tix'vill-e Conservatories. Exc-use if I `have intruded, but theAsug- ion may be useful. he letter was referred to the pro-~ - eomn1'i.t.tee. - _Recommended A. P. Hunter. he Finance Committee" presented report, stating that they had but applications for -the position of svsor, one from A. F. Hunter and from Alex. Brownlee. They re- nended Mr. A. F. Hunter. _ airman Sarjeant moved, seconded _ Id. Wisdom, that the report be ted as read. Al-d. Sarjeanteaid his: motion .t;haItJo the oil should consider well whom appointed for this important rof Barrie for a long time. and` Y`|D. `run-urn. Iadnn `A `An 95.`n:;un\uu:-ulukivv `~ ion. Mr. Hunter has been a citi- r . .,.Point .`;``..~ .." .. ..Cove1" - . . . . ..Centre' ....Rovor .. .;..Left `Wing ` .` *Rig-ht Wing-_ . . - u-UQICIOOI . . . . . .Spearin . . Matthews . . . .Bayliss . Gildhrisb . . .Lawrence V .`- Brunton BU"!-IIIU JVOILD (agave Peraona11y_Mr; Samara is 9. typical Canadian business- man of the big, solidftype. A He 413 a large, strong,` quiet, :+h_andsome,' substantial `looking `man. .119 looks` like a. '.ba.nk presi-d-ent, a>ndn avls9f1ike% 'th'e pre,sident of `the B #1" '1`? do-T-e5Y_r_Y?~ iell` of him`-. `aoor; / I . . Mr. -Somers `became e president of` the Sterling Bank, a position he now. -holds. ' He is also presizienti of the Janada Grain Company, and is one of- the `big men on theBo=ard: of Trade, of which he has a1ways bee'n= a prom.) nent member since coming to,the city` some years ago. ' " V 11 `IE. rQ-_...-..;.. 31-. Au` ' |al\.L\.I.I\J` VKI ITOUI '8'.-`Dig uuuu. lu u ll.vl.u_cv 1; a small toad in a big pond`-. His -life| had: not been bonunded.~ by Beeton or- by Simcoe County either. He had grain interests and other "1n.te_rests outside, knew prominent men, and knew" his way around a good, bigv pasgt of the -country, and the country next ,J4--_ . Ungv 'd'O0l". fen I .._. uu |u\uL`b(hUUl [Mullah lUl' (llS4p0S' of ;,ru.1'1:m;,re, and would sell one to nrrio. l`he Committee will look to 1:110 mutte1'. Uvnantlvvnyqv.-u `Mr. Somers is such a man. He was` born in Barrie, and became. a private banker in the village of Beeton, where he served as reeve for some y-ears.VHe wash a. abroadwgauged man, though hisi town was sma.l1~-less. than a thous-and people." And he came to Toronto in theprime of -life with a tidy fortune, big-enough to satisfy most men. When he .came_ here he wasn t transformed from ya--big toad in a little puddle to ._ ........11" 4.-.: L. n 1-n nnhr]: 1'-`g, -lifgj `to . ed president of the Toronto Bo*a.rd of ._--__, -_W. _ _ 1 ` Mr. G. T. Somers, who was elect-I Trade, is an outstanding examplesof the ' men who come to Toronto from vil1- | ages and small towns and make good here in big things. Most of these com-ems boys or very young men, but not all; and it might be surprising to print a list of some of the menwho have 7 earned. a competence in some small Ontario town,` and then, with their provincialtraining, made a for- tune in this city of grieat and skilled competition. ' _ 'rvvua vvww -- A The Toron'to Star 'Week1y.te11s his `story thus I a II`. N;_;--__; _.L- _....- 4.1AnJ- Persona]-lyv he is {popular wit]; his associates, and never forgets the old lhomie, which he visits frequently. He is strictly a.-self-made product, but he 'took the precaution to~do the making well enough ito avoid getting pom-., lpous over it. nL___ .11-r--1_1__ .|.-`n... Ll..- 'Somers next! move was to Toronto, whre his abil-it.y was soon recognizedt by the foremost business zmen. He became` president` of the - Sterling Bank, -pre-sident of the Canada Grain; Co-, iandf'head of- several. other most successful in's=titutions, and lasts` week was elected President of the Toronto Board of Trade. That old hustling,` bustling, rust.ling- habit shast stuckj to `him and whatever he goes into he` makes a, success.` e vuucc L-m.~.-new-spaper ozuslness, that T school from which many of our bright- est public men Ih-ave graduated and. acquired th-e-- Beeton Wo1'-Id. He'- ledited this paper, and in spare mom- ents mastered the intricacies of set-g `ting vtype, washing rollers and- writing obituaries. for the departed residents of the neiginborhood. A privatebank was started` in Beeton-, and of this]! he made a" big success, as in fact he] has of every Vbusiness venture he has ngaged in.- - - vI...u.-u uuuuua->3-_ vu-UTU. Dilrveylng world and all its. ways` from ztghe alti- . tude of his sixteenth year, he decided to make his own living and to I waste my time about getting a start. He chose *t`hve.'newspaper business, that c,Wo1'-Id. He` mastered diep`a,rted_ residents_ \I\" LI..- _-!_.'I,I,, I ......,...-. au: um ure, :2. weu-porponrtion-; ed rustl`ing, bustling hustlfer, with well-dened ideas of .`what he wanted L and clear-cut notionson how to ob- % tain his object. He wrote, staged,` produced and acted the three-get drama of. his -c'a.reevr as it is set forth- at the `beginning of. this_skete h`, and he did it without the aid of a prompt- er, utting .in_ his spare moments ehif mg his own scenes; and fhandl`i.n.g his own pzjopsv. ' ~ He was born at Kempenfeldt Hill, . which was: originally intended to beg; the centre of the Town of Barrie, and ` _rec-eived his early .trainin.g; in the 1 public schools, here. Surveying the]` I-IvAu1.3 an 3 -1" Amt 1.--The dhero ` pen-felldrt Hijl, A..A. T? V -and bathes, chrums in Deep and Shallow. -plays` . on. ...- VIIL uuuu nu-xua1'1u~nu uuu "S1.l8!1U' 32 stole to the waslx.'room and pro- met] a glassful of a.qu'a_ -p-ura {to re4 we the <-lerk_ after his s.tren.uous abors. = 1 do o lh%1's[mt 1c%/1 o when we buy gooclsnlaroad, we get I/zegoiocls and the _/ore1'gi2ergels the money; when we buy goods made` at home, we get both the goods and the money. V ALIALI6 Lu butt I the ham .m. .. .- 1 L : I . A girl s= idea of` a bore` is man who has good sense. ` . ;- Be_ s-urevyou are rightb--thenV don t [lose your head. _ - `A | _! ' Tommy-If "he-aveTn is `a. place` of perfegt peace where` do-`all -the police~ men go when they `die?-Pl1iIa.delphia 1 Record. I ' Tommy'-Say;__Pop; , Tommy s Pop-3-Well, , now? * ` T 2 '-..---- -uuauu' I01` wee-mg United Fruit Company of New York, which has.- a steamship service be- tween that city and the tropics.! When he was in Toronto some time; ago to visit Mr. G. T. Somers he told -some of his friends here Can-- ada -had developed into such a great railroad country, end such a ne place` to live in, he wished he were back here again. V !road. He worked Iof general freight came traic u Agent, and la manager _ Fruit Comnanv of-' `Mo p to -the position for zn im~ino~x'a.to1' plant for dispos- _rg|,1'hn;rn_ nn vnnnhl I i-kzml of Toronto manufac- OCIII nun `IVA mm. G. ,1-. somans. -Abraham Lifncoln. A Poser. BrVa_ncvI2es%[aVt Barrie: - v ` TOTAL ASSETS LOANS AND INVESTMENTS DEPOSITS CAPITAL RESERVE FUND ` . I _ he of.Toro nto,' fwiAth fty-six yea`:-s . Lowe and.. Wesley wer e - spAotL `for an amendment `to insert the of Alex. Brownlee in place -of Hunter. - Record for the THE % -: _What is it! is a. ypun g Head ` Office . for year ending 30th November, 1911 BEING THE JFIFTY-SIXTH YEAR OF BUSINESS J. uvy 111 110. Hue---Train a s~ef'vant in the Way she should go. ` _ She-Yes; and the rst _thing you know she does`. V I !have the dates Vconict. A spring seued fair will be. held on Sat-u,rda.y, March 2nd, and a. stallion show on Thursday, April 11th. Barley was chosen for this year s eld crop icompetition. The dates `for the an- nual fall exhibition will be arranged by the otcers-, after consultation with otherrfair `associations, so as not to s. 2 _ $3540 95` The oicers of 1911 were re-elected as fol-Iowsi Pres., Dan l Quinlan; 1st Vice-Pres. and Treasurer, S. Dyment; 2nd Viee-Pres., E.A. Little; Secretary, R. J.` Fletcher. f - ' Four new directors were elected, ,the retiring members of the Board be- ling Mess'rs'. J. Edwards, Geo. Craw- ford, J. Beelby and F. Sneat-11. Those `elected W-ere: Wm. Orok, P. Love, C. `M. Hickling, Jas._ Coutts, Dr. Mor- ren, Geo. Raikes, H. G. Boag, E. A. Cu', L. Kennedy, Geo. Vickers, J. H`. Bennett, John Wiggins, Dr. Wallwin and R. A. Sutherland. gh skin. One or two a_pVp'lica-r_ s will remove the rot1gh nlI5_=;. by its occasional` use_:-tt'hfe_;,,'L acquires 3 the "smoothness 'Balance on hand- '0: on ao.o..oonu$ S` 'al'subscriptions .. "' Dividend Joint Stock Go. Co. Dividend Joint Stock Go. 00' Gov. grant Fall Fair . . . . . . .. `Gov. grant Seed` Fair ' . . . . . . . 22 Gov.` Grant Stallion Fair Gov. Grant Field Crop Comp."-`o"`7` 30 00 Gate` receipts .. ..... 1088 40 .. Concert .. ;. lj . . . . . . . . . . . . .. `I11 10 -Town.`G:rant .. ._. . . . . . .. 125 O0 "lRefund Joint Stock Go. 25 ~00 Privileges .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 151 50 Grand stand. .. .. .. . . . . . . .. 16 70 Stalls, pens and coops . . . . .. 85 50 Entry fees, Stallion Show .. 25 00 Entry -fees speeding class .. 26 50 ;'lAdvertisem-E3nt.`s .. .. . . . . .. 28 90' Attendants tickets .. .. .. 315 [Extra entries .. .. . . . . . . .. 7 603 I 3 ' TBa1an`ce from last Members vip T. , Hnnnnhfl ' g..I..,....... The annual meeting of the Barrie` -Agrieultural `Society was held in` the Police Court Chambers on Wednes- day.` afternoon. The following report 'of the standing of the society for Ithe _past year was reach- INCORPORATED 1355 Surplus? of $778.07 to Start Year : Operation: With` - Seed Fair on April 11th. _Inrease for Year. Rusk wanted to know if Mr.-, ` lee harl not. always give'n_'sati_sf_ Incregse for Year. $4,140,994 lncrase for Year. Increase for Year, `$858,050 _ Incl-easc for [Year $808,050 , Field Crop Fletcher, secitary no- u Disbursemnts. DES ... ' a n o a..nJd` Stallion nts . . . tickleis 1'. 36. 755.887 .- ..-u...u 4.u; u LUBE vlulV< uuu V one knows him to be thhoroughly ble and accurate, said' the Fin- Chairnmn. Mr. Hunter has the at his disposal, and--he believed ou]d_be in the best interests, of Town `to give 'him .the appoint-

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