L'.R.G._P. & S. Edlnnbm-sh; ll.l'.P. 85 S. Glasgow ' ---SURGEON`--f j . _ V . - ~ _ '* 1 L M. D. C. M. (`l'or.) _. . V Lntdof Toronto General Hospital. once of nae me Dr. Smith. Comer 8! o o . none-cs. 32-ly_ |DR. ROBERT S. BROAD, PHYSICIAN, { Surgeon, etc. Sp'ecialty--Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Oce and resi- dence, cor. Elizabeth and Bradford Sts. " (Dymont Gore). Phone 105. --`nm um" ~ . m D. 55.-"1' DR. MORTIMER LYON,.31 CARLTON St., Toronto, late of Brooklyn (N. L Y.), Eye and Ear Hospital; will be 5 out 67 Owen St., Barrie, every; Sat- _nrday. Diseases;-Eye, Ear, Nose `and Throat. Consultation hours, 11 am. to 5 p.m., and by appointment. medical. Building, 8. E.c_ornor stteetn, Toronto. Telephone, Main, 1336. Instructions tfhy Tl; Eaten-3oliei- ton,` Bank o ox-onto ' ding Barrio, -will `promptly attended to: `DR. W. A. .8088, PHYSICIAN, SUR- geon, etc., L.R.C.S., Edin., L.R.C.P., London. Gce and residence, Dun- lop street, Barrie. ` Telephone `Z7. }mL 11. T. ARNALLZ` OFFICE AN13 / `Aug.-.- i Publilind vey p_1_:ce'r1I`;`{`f-? "T" *`J'o;aeyV to 1o.a'n*' in .any sums 31:15 peg cont`. Qce, 13 . Owen 8t .}~~:Ba _ntio.'" h_ TI`). Stewart, i;.i'IIaIiD,;"Dg:`ilI{`Bfbwhrt- J % an-, mama- DR. `A. -'1'. ML LITTLE, T1V.A71'2. or l!`III " M51: nu] -4-`n34 --.44. mwm, mam`? tax-io Lu: etc... Eictabl iahed 1852. 081 Building, E. comer ESTEN, d Surveyors, ON- Engineers once} Rich- !noNALn1zoss, LL.B; BARRISTER, Q.-.I:..:&..- `(Ln `Dan.-. -A` 'l`n-n_L.; . ..i'AUL'1`,... BALBRISTEB, BOLICITOR, - _ Proctor, _ Notary, Conveyancer, . etc. _ Bpeoiol, attention in t drawing and ~ ~*probating wills, obtaining ` letters of _ V.,a_dminis_tr_ation-~.: '3 and--- ~~. guardianship, 1`-V`. ,.c9li,o;_:ti_;n,g aecou1gta,"eto.,? _0_ices, ; ";,B1ock, Hap-io.,; _-Money, to loan.` 7. . . ; % -'='u,u'pm`.*.u L up -lug: guron v.37 L `lljl m..'l`I U. A I-DOVOAtI'ODIl>G H q 4. .-_.-" c riItor`s,.,.,.8olici.tors,-~for' obtaining pro- { ofgvillag giiardianship and` ad- ;;an(1L.8eneral Solicitors, % ;:j.Not[ati6I, Conveyancers, etc. Oices, Hinds `block, No. 6,Dnn1op street, Barrio. Money to loan at 4% and .5 per cent. Branch oicen at Cree- morrnnd Alliston. Haughton Len- nox, _K.C-., Alex: j Cowan, G. E. J. cowi`Sf7 %"'nnowif,. cnXfz; GRESWIGKE` la `ALEXANDER, BAR- 11'il.t91'8,8olicitora of the Supreme Court, of Judicature of. Qntario, ` Proetors, Notaries, Conveyancers, T-"etc. , Money to loan. Office, Ross _,block, Barrie. A. E. H. Creswicke, 1 K.C., Arthur `Alexander; . s1'nA'ri?Y 7 ESTEN, BARRISTERS, DR. J. A. c. EVANS; pnysiir . 2 Q11:-urnnn 4:4 nth-Annb -B..- G........... & 79. A. nAnENH.tms"r,. 'BARRls'1`E:c, n-1:-:a.-.. 17-5-... b..t.I:- L- nm... tabnahea"1's6"9. day and` night. in connection. vvo, LLLVLVII 6`: _ Undertaken. ---v u uuuuvn -- Eye. Ear, Nose 'l'h,roat.% uvuvv DUI uvl U1. 1. UIUIIDU 8110. ii-Ii.;s.beth Streets. (Opposite Flim- tbeth Street Methodist Church), Tele- phone 167; ovc ago 50 Jlllbillldl VJEELWJU ALVU *Residence corner of Toronto and a`--_L_ I_... _ -91 , H110 14.5. L .I. 1.11.3, Lin. J 1.3 US '.('..'.hu1"`e`i|ill,` Oce am} residence, John St., near corner` Elizabeth. Phone 213. ` mhcfgortherngavauscj Ia.-o Ira, 410 `.10 .\'5_V CLAIKI, J. .I..l..I.lsJJ.\JL1J-V, Surgeon, et..,` Coroner for Simcoe County. Oice,and residence: Wil- vliam. street, Allandale. Telephone 30 a. At Strand Omce: 2 to 4 p.m. Monday to Friday. ' Vdnlddlu-I-`.5 J. T JJKJLJJAV LLLULILKJLJJLU -' '-'2 olieitots in _High Cou1:t'ot J ustiee, Notaries Public; Conveynncers. Of- ces over the Bank of Toronto, Bar- erie._ Money to loan at lowest cur- rent rates. G. H. Esten. QJVIIUJIIVL, VIID JJCIIIIL UL J. VI VIII Building,`Bar}ie. Money to loan. Dr. J. ARTHUR ROSS 70 ll: -.lUELI1'JAVv3L-lJAUNI1-"- a.r:L&U.|.u;.IuJ.A.a;v Solicitor, Notary Public, &c. Oke: lat odr Bank of Toronto Building. Money to 1o'an`at.: lawant rates; FUNALD BOSS , LI:.I_3L, BARRISTER, Solicitor, etc- Bank `of Toronto (1 "ONIV ro Cdnu I A Inn-uh. -___,_-I - 8'0. .103`! 3 In II An QCQ`_._. .`:W\' 5! Inovvn. OIl\A u-v---~ t;1; Town of Barrie in `,7 .,_v .._.. '5`: I 7 `tr 3 v~ ,` ,'~':A.D., 1911. , , `Solicitors /01 Ontario this 7th 557 `T..GEo1wE DAVIDSON,` 1 j . & Mu~rch1'0lng Bteambo t A A1ha x.inl.'c.?>.n.`"' Cinadinn rth _ ,1 V Star,Do;?r:ion Oncosquaro, Ban-an l'1orebyAgiven 1h-at David: an`:-ans:-.h.-.i.a..... -0 4.1.- m-..... -3 `nor. _lg'I'l'1snran`ce of all kinds [JOHN JENNEFI` --ttolhagrrio-gist: ." I CRAIGHURST, om: LICENSED AUCTIONEER FORVTHE COUNTY OF SIMCOE. Most reasonable terms given on all. Gm.-1. ca... 15 ` % ot'any;f.i 3',i,`11,2"p":,,;he.. ' :1 - IL L-.. -I_a_ I___ n .- `if otsny'pape}'ni'i1.L' J emonstratcs the q` - . J! you ave any ads-ems ` _ __;t_h6;D0l' that rencha. 91.. no.l.1 avid In; mu mums Mufii; Llmlted ~~"'i:;f:.T`:: :;a*"s,:.::::2:u;:b:9 or Bllnds.lnterlor H I cqnumns. `ranks and Water '"':~it -'3 ..E}.,;_ mm M*.*:::-3;`.-;;.,.*;,<;`;:.<:;" an [quaint and P0.IlIslI;lel%`I:'&`;dVVOOd I -`loop; Fnntvnnolna -..A n..n..:..__ vs, -- emo tra, 7 a`~3v~`r`t~`%`=: :: a'~ .. M _v; the ` xi; - Igih1;emn1eas Aiucti 13"ce$' `,`"`.*;emen_o. .~:".:.::,';.n":.:::*.t:?;::::.3';.:3.*:5r for uleorto rent. anecic nrtinlm. u wanuotau kinds lost (1 r "` "'5" "Wk for sole or to ten Zs'xJeci(`:":3.rti(alcf:;d'eIg)Ep"t nnutgbe acoomuu. with the cash. " - Cuts for adve'tisements,must In eve, case bemouazed on solid metal base ; u oycvuulu M Contracting and Building Estimates given OFFICE--BAYl"lELD 81%. BARBIE. ONT 1" "7 >'-"`_-- - IIUIIIIIIII ll| Llmlted ``:`.. .'i.`;`:. `:`...'.*%.!. .:?;3.:=':*..Lm ""'@ CGUIIUUUU UUIIUOU (Amillnted with Dominion Correspondence School.) `I. II. srorrorg u. a. aas'r. nt. Prlnci pal. : llrillia Business College with Dominion f1'3P..!!.9!! 9 9'! M I by enrollingtor our Mail Courses. Day and Night Classes. j uexrooorifro THE -rnnmznlvl `vuutrlvg us out uvlllllay vi; aunour. MIG l'|'0- , ` '1`.}:,u:-Ida! gin:-ulna. b;v_ .__ _ wnourson annw. runnxsnna. vw 7v.- v j oonnnmcur. DIBLAY. Rgtggvgl boglven on application. 4 5;, CHANGES. "A'alsha-R mg -.m ..n....- L- - "ill Educationaliwvaye pa s the best Interest. For years we ave given hnndredo a foothold in the commercial : world. Many ambitious people Irewed Bmlrelu from the Finest - ' Mal! and ops, -DUNLOP smear EAST BA R R I E Investmeni BARBIE BREWING % BUMPANY Sendld ALE and PORT!-ZR The Best and Brightest In Cask and Bottle 129.8 Is 0 n for all orders in MI. REPAIRS, &c. . w '---. "H ` _- : . -I _.?" 1; Mg ' VA f-Ill`! 3 gu !`orontu In Nortly-g_3AAy..l ll.-p V U. ` ' 3151..-...f.'.'a' or m..'l`orunto & manna :,1.g,.'g m i-i":q't , ` I-vo'o`vc ~ 990 '5 mar" A ` liollers. E moderate prices. ,,, __._- __._--, `aqua aglnes and all kinds of tnrmand qta onary machinery made and repaired on 3110: test notice and Al work done by expert machin- ist and guaranteed first class. STU-DY `AT Tii31;1'r Term Sept. inn MANUFACTURERS. !- MALCUMSO"? Expert Machinists Birrie, Ont. 'P'H(O'N'` ;3-6- " .23..) 4:. iii ` l'l:_... `MI 1: m tie, Ont. all kinds 0! bet UNITED 8'l`A'l`E SI;B8CRIBER8 $:.5o m Auwwc: -dra `bili bei Ev mla ope hub u:h4 pic -chi `ul .4, rnmnn or run runpic. ~v I -'q_vn,w.v 5 ' itfcudihz 'IOIlIo`8-hp Thursday, N6vember`23, 1911. _'_l`nnus or Bvnscnumou. % - -v--- w .uI`p7xi A "-- q:....1.IIpn; - 7.80pm ,V ' )*.*`oos..T.,l.I-pini Ban-to * vw- w--u-upupp uv you .. sci ` Nye 55.. "MI 9 In. 1?? 9.*----.'-3991 2!....7.'lqin 36 /..`..`.V"]llll In E ni9- El-mvaled Lance-_-T1\1eV _'Hy_ Eloctric. 119) Commission _has fbeen`" gtb` strikp 31 8 a rate for supplyiifg fenergy; ~t,o j;1ia ml term at `Lonaoi,:r%i Aw L northern `townsgr-- s1ij551id ;`iifith ' T` % "0133-th %3voarxi.;-."*i`57SV11._EW!W ;5!f Barripare .,_lani.oiii:' ;to` power rm: ;-.2 iis. thatehe was Ionesome at Cobonrg, Vthe pictizife o.t_t.he~.cqntyf'jai1;_ v- ----J --uvnvo ~ All? . UIVIIIJIUI end one day` she .7bought;'av.poet-c_e'r1 showing one of - the. .pi1blie- t_>p ild-ngeo up there __and sen-Lit tooher beau, wi-Ait-. ing on 'it:+.I.wieh; we her'e ,+ But she did not "noti_ee~!,'that_ ilzfgvvtae `A. ' A. young` Torente-. lady has `been ependiengfhe summer in Cobourgf Be`- fore she went there she lied a most devoted admirer. New Vh-qhae trane- V ferredv. his eectionsgend refueed ._t$ `speak to .he'rA any . mdr1e.- ,The 1 treubleg 4.. LI_-L _ .___v--vvv-n VJ Illl in behalf of 'i`tioIt1es`Hammell,. me 'Re_c'ip1-ocity candidate o in South Simone, were within 53 cent; o_b`ein_g.$300.00, to sayenothing of the election depoeit of $200, whichhe also lost.` And now` the question arises, who-ther..'he got 53 .-cents worth of fun out of the game. . ; I According to a-1`)I:blisl.1eVd stat'_en1e'nt, "the election expenses incurred'- by and {um LALAIJ -3 VIII. -...-- - "9 " Thekorillia. Packet "says that never before in the -history of that com- munity" have butter, eggs I and milk brought such high prices at this time of year. We always maintained the farmers were much better 01! without reciprocity, and ' a. comparison with the market reports of_ American paper: would` verify this. i ' T ` ` ._._%,1 IBERALS in this, Province_re- " member Sir Oliiyr 'M6wa;t"1'vith% . . . joy, ._and. eoxisider l11s7'7;A*d1i1inii- `tration with than}:sgi'y_i'n`g.v 6'-'l,`hey_ may b ixitrested in a. few :;ma;t;:1;am4:=%a pmphlet publidhed by. -,I;iber91 Lin `1894 onathegevg 01% vthgl.-gay; j. " ',or 1.:;1afe`ction,. and 5 `ehit`1di.-; -`.,!;'1`Tlii!v ~ -~: *7 When you `hear of a man who is knocked by his competitors, you will generally nd him a` safe men to place condence in. . The Liberal press of Centre Sim`coe_ are tryin to -Astir up trouble to knife A. 13. Thompson, but. their eorts are onlyvmaking votes. for him. - Never. in the history of Ontario has the Liberal party gone to the country in such a state of panic as in the present as campaign. ' Eveh in the plolitical game it [is mucl;_ easier ti; `tell the truth than to keep a lie `whitew,u_shed.` It looks very much like a sre;--thing for the Conservatives in the .four Simcoes. ` A soft answer turneth. away. a poli- tical canvasser. E Are they satisfactory! Bishop Fal-I Elan says Nag, Mr. Oliver and some Liberal papers say"No, forgetful of Sir Oliver Mowat and heedless of the fact that the`. problem "before'-.the` Province at the moment is 3- Liberal` legacy. lMr. Rowell, lxowever, says notl1ing.-The Toronto News. l Then `comes this paragraph: `From} what has been .aVccomplishedJ in the past four years, the whole benet or which has not been `reaped; we may conclude that the continuance of these measures. and the use 01 such others V as may "yet be necessary, will give to the people 01 these counties, schools which as` to eiciency in English will be quite 'satisf`actory. _ i It. appeafsx` also that-bin". 1890 ` com- plaints `were made about the bi-l'in_-'_ gual schools any}-a `frag -`p_-` pointed by, Liberal .. to investigate the.nz.`_. It '.eonsiated; 0! `Mr, J _._.J'.-'A1`ill'ey._ VIn`ijs 15estorj A ietlflfodel Scho_ol's,y Bev.'_'I). D. anibnev. A . Raynor; ",f.'1`i1e!i'yy;t;=i'epo;1ft` {included a 7~recomm'e`n`diti6ny`; that." Va -bielingual set ot `read_ers,`F rewh and English, be authorized, to: tl1_e.].'?rench schools, and this was a_cted'_ upon by the soma- ment. _ In 1893, by -thisesauie . commis- sion, thl-rty: of. t_he- sehoolsfwere classi- eds as very satisfactory, fteen as schools in which` fair progress was be- ing made, and eleven ,.were `classied as inferior in. knowledge of English. :!.i1o<.!.e1 .ec.h<[_>o1 ; .f.o.r_...* the` tmininig` "oi ; .,g"o;n'et inn;4;E1{nt'9!n Qntg`;'lGT;ol;_J with that we .mimgV Kuiuoai "bi? gxqnt of _$00 `front the Government _.mn,v,b..._.p;eaerib9d,: iby';t1i_,f5 ;o?_`7 , Ex'n n'iiners,,?"' is `.x_;i1IIi3e6'.` itm F French fnchers was 6pend' awlanta- n T` [and a bi ninbnnt frqxnjthe County 1\;_cl;I1ncil.L I 5' ` ' , ___ ,.. -ya.`gy!1avv ' gill i!,biiest`. ',4Ldminitttiou,V - 1`8721`s4;`{"%` NOTE ` AND O0MM'N".I.'. ._--., v--wvv -v VVIII IIIIVVI on the Gonservative eloctoratevwill be to x,hake.`ithe`.'vote;1uore pronounced` in. 33 :b fafor of A. B._ Thompson, `gt whom` '8- 39' vnotgone of -t1:1o_I}iberal orggn can 3303* po__iut a jn`ggr' ozf turnjtoj` any_act_ion 5 t1'8ll!`j wlii-oh would reoot `on his public orf l9.`1 50` private life. .'1?l1"e`1-o;'were, seve'ia17;-Gritf trouble I mm wzhioh pw e"rej notegl _mikihg" Iobburg, -prophocioo before the" 51a'st""`elo'cti'o!i and} ; 0t-c_r51 `th;pub1ic' now- knows 1101}?--vmuc 1`ait1_ic uildi-ngau tofgpit in. their *moouin'gles` t_wadd_le:j u, ,ing;;p,__o __,p,1_'_eson_t\ oampaign. ' . .1 'v - : 1 .:)Y - `~ `fur N; . t `<- I ,. r- A .,'~. ~c AMTRONS bI*1`HisiBAm. < `A 13% you Amend It is not violating a, secret to say. that_ thiere--is trouble among the Con- srvatives of Centre Simcoe," `says one % of the` rabid `Grit jounms `or the neighborhood. 2 ;.Perhaps ' this 5 item was hintendgdto o`w te seeds of discord, but~"j1 {pt the only effect it will ho;ye`' ....- u. - n.-..--_-,- The Collingwood Bulletin, whose` l comment on current events may usual- ` ly be termed. choleric, or as the poet puts it, In noble minds some dregs remain, not yet purged of, of spleen and sour disdain, has actually come out of its shell, and came nearly, yea; within an ace, of paying a compliment: to a Barrie _institution._ The Bulletini says the Barrie Horticultural. `Society was taken holdof, not to give place to this and that one, but `with! the! object of making it useful,` and con - cludea with the statement that what has been done .in Barrie `might be done in ICo1lin_gwood. l '.l`hanks._ Such V eondescension on the part of. our. con- i temporary in the vshipbnildera Town is7 highly valued in Barrive. , HE ARREST and prosecution of. two Toronto insurance agents who are accused or represent- ing fraudulentor shaky United States companies from whom losses could not he collected by patrons should res occur, is a matter of interest to "the people of the whole Province of On- tario. 4Not the least noteworthy part of the affair is the fact that the yprosecutions were brought about by the eorts of Toronto Saturday `Night, which in a series of articles on _ake insurance boldly named the men who are now under arrest. During the . past twoyears Saturday Night has beenunrelenting in its exposures of the grafters who have been preying on the people of _Canada through the medium of mining, oil, industrial or insurance ventures which were either illegal or unsound. It. was ' Saturday ' Night which drove George Munro, .the fake promoter, and P. H. Patriaro ehe, the bucket shop operator, from Canada, while it has been instru- mental in sending other offenders to prison. In following this course, Bat- urday_Night has been doing the worl: ` which properly should. have been per formed by the Toronto daily papers, but the latter were too `busy acting as advertising mediums for the get- rich-quick artists and `bunco steerers I to think about the interests of the 1 public. The weekly press of an `Can t side should be proud to have such` a 0 journal as Saturday j`N'ightnnrn'bere8 1 r t v in their ranks`. Not. only have the '_ daily papers neglected their plaig duty and allowed a weekly paper to do the A work which they `should have done, i but they have shown "a despicable spirt. of petty spite in refusing even the. slightest tribute of credit, for _what has been aceompllshed, -for in almost every case where . Saturday. -Night's eorts have resulted in `police action, the daily press in their reports have referred vaguely to `.`artiel'ee in 8. local paper, or criticisnw" weelrly journal, instead,~ o1_ giving Saturday '.,N_i8ht.`.the` credit to `Which it 3 -is .abunda'ntly entitled. Theyrdifference IF Wween -that `policy, 7! sjsthrdsyimguci ~,, j- and the course `pursued by : the daily ",3-G , advertisements` andrw -Vnof-_ queer * ' tions; i59.,`fi3 muse. th~.-.Wid;6:"'*l }d!er-. me which ezim` heiress zsidins -nae papers, which -accepted `the -grafteref %l`.P :1: abetting a Ielonyi, and in "*??*8 n'i""`!v-W. i#i*ice- . f the vRowel1'caravan were touring the country last summer in behalf of the Fielding-Taft pace, the crowds who listened to their fervent oratory will look - for some reference to the same subject in the .. present campaign. To many it will `hardly seem credible that` men who were so passionate for the pact a few short weeks`_ago should be able to restrain themselves from say- ing something in its memory now. So` far Mr. `Itowell has ravoided ` the sub-` ject, Handywe wonder if all his spell- binders will do likewise;. I yuan U J-`G110 JLIIIIVV} ' ' 4 Most people have been reading and discussing the new platform of the new leader of the Liberal party in the Province of .Onta_rio during the past week. The trouble is that it is large- ly a rehearsal of the Whitney bill of fate, but clothed in -a glierent garb. Instead of striking out on two or three lines that would instantly command , public attention and` hold it, the whole tone of Mr. Rowell s ad- dress `to the eletors is timid, hesit- ating and uncertain` and full of glittering generalities which may mean much. or little. Burk sW Arrow.` '|t_-A. _.__.;u_ u n ~ - - v -- -I---col ulna `VI UAVUIIU .l.lIllI' bership in 9, club. A9 9. rule it dis- qualiea him. - He in -too nxany-sided, has too large a" bump of . o.pprobative- mess, is `tender of pleasing people by neglecting his duty than of doing his_ duty no matter who gets hit or takes` "oenee. cvvunivui .\IJ.Ulllvllc . ~ A woman ~iit jTorontoj was Q;-reste d {or `trying te sell "a sgngallf-bar of gold, whiclkahe said` had. come from Por- cupine. '_lfhis seems -to be a. case of undue supicin, because theie has . been gold brought out of `Porcupine. 9 V. VI: VII J 91985 GUCCI - Let us drop` `this era of good fellow- ship in our municipalpolitics. Being a good fellow does not qualify a man for_ public office. "I know of no place it does qualify him for except` mem- him. too of.approb-ative- :'1`oront'o Telegrai T.A" can Ac`-g LL:- -v-y--Javvu suuv vuuwuvc . I ./' '-Earl Grey is ``to be presented with the freedom or London ' and- four ex- Gavernors got, Canada are to assist in the -ancient ceremony of jollyingv the most accomplished jollier Canada has. had since Dnerin, that darling broth of a. boy, who as 41- -jollier was a per- fect master of the art. rmmunmous `Gm~1nnAI.r1-ms . --nu . """.1::`:L";;;'I;i. [ ; `."o'dI- I 1`l7:1.l..:.`I T ___. van vuvuvu-. & nS,ir."'Wi'lI_:id 'fnrir~ E-i1d"}.'a 116 =G10b.e ,Oc.e_. .dIiring' .. his.` _stay..- To.-. ro'n[to,"" hich ` prvs Sir ii : w%%`fvrziv*Ir%% `ihnr-%?"Aif ;:L . I I Otffwa hitizey. Botfcaygeon Irladependentlv -'li`.'nu-I awn :. A... I..- 4... -.-.A.w ~ .,..v.- . ._,.,__, _`,__ " Jonmrmq. The 0rillia- Packet pays a neat I. compliment to `the. excellent work be- E ing done by Barrie Horticultural and h Town Improvement Society, as fol-A lows: Barrie has one institution that may well excite` the envy of Orillia, and ,__that is the county town '3 suc- cessful._ H'_orticultural- ' and Town `Im-S Y provement Society. A` .In six `fwyearsh it has grown `from a membership `of 32 ; to one of 269. The Society has had 3 3 I two Presidents in that time, Mr. J. H. Bennett and. Mr. George Vickers. At the annual meeting` last week Mr. ,g Vickers retired, and was succeeded- , by Mr. J._. A._ MacLaren. The Society ' has done much towards justifying the y _- fnanie which the citizens of `the county ` town ` like to rollviround .. their tongues . `-Beautifnl_ Barrie. ",.A`t-`one time 1' fthere was a `Hortieu1tu'i'al' Society _in' '4Orillia which did} a great dealffor _ i1ru`it-`growing --in this -=distr!ct . _ But` 91*` late ' years it has,,.been`{hihernatingf. " jjnhere. is mam for some lpufblic:-"_piri_ted`f . gsicizgns `to 1reYi~V the?`-'_abi%x?ie:I;IIs1f~feet, on V _a~`campaign* . f.for_. h`ea`utitying l ...'::`.:i: .':.:':u::.:".:.;':.:L..':9;::*`%.at *8** nlu-n-llunm ....... I- _._.-__- 1-- 4.u__-.' __-__ ;l Eco-day m the Liberals wife would `like to have seen Mr. Thompson ,. out or the tight, said deceased their names and aaciiim. to- ther with fullgtrtlculars of their claims and the nature of t securities. if any. held by em. . . . - - `ND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that after said last. mentioned date said Administrator will proceed to distribute the assets of the said ceased among the parties entitled thereto havin rdonly to the claims of which they shall en ave notice. and that said Admin- istrator will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any n or persons of whose claims notice aha! not have been re- ceived by them at the time of such distribution. Dated 10th November. 1911 - A _ -__- ___.-_- --wvmvn I IN the estate of I-Iezek Gray. late of the - Township of Vespra, borer. deceased. NOTICE is here given pursuant to 8.8 0.. 1897. Oh: to: 139. t tall creditors and others bavin c aims against the estate of the said Hotel: 11 Gray. who died on or about the nth day of August. 1911. are uired on or before the 2nd do. of December. 911. to send to the undex-sum . Solicitor fnr n...A.-|...a..:.......... ..o uuuenngnea. deceased aoncuor tor the -Administrator. or on` names ad lculnrn of limb nlnh-nu ....a I19 -`-3-an ova-no DID I'UliIllI`CI-I U" Ur D"Il"l' 1'- FES 3: Decembe nude:-sign . Solicitor for the -Administrator. deceased. their nnmon ma .na........ ..; r DONALD ROSS. 4848 V Solicitor for the Administrator v . NOTICE TO cannons SCOTT S BOOKSTORE the Laest Books BUY YOUR nmnrnc MATTER * ---v w--- ----. uuuuvuu voov auvuv] Id VCIUO B-urbscribers now in arrears for three month and overwill be chanted 01.50 per snuum. on outside bank: cached Sale Notes; Caahd Collected `on maatfatorablenna. '-. . . . `b . A%%?"!?f 3!" am` .8ANKERS. om; H`om-Lzo co 4) An sj mg. as qomfmi :.w.p.p.:. % Pm:-nod lromtho onion. :2: Dnnlo Street. =-Barrio. in the County of Simone. 9 Pros _v1noe"g_t'.`0ntoric. Ocnsdudvery `lpuniuun