O. E. `Wee offers at the Grand Opera . - House on` `Tuesday, Nov; 141:}: '.l`lie ,-, ,'Town M9_.rshvall,, . V_v by Len B. _Parker._ * _ It_ in/La depiglodly constmetett , ` A 72* .. .,.V.;.:%...%. lKee, Collingwood; Mr, Fred and M `Ethel Crawford, Oro Station; Mr. and `Miss Mary Walt, Vine; Mrs. A. B. 'Coutt-9, Cund`le s; Miss Lenore Gall- 'aghe r, Barrie; Messrs. Thomas and Samuel McKee and ;\Ir. Lorne ul- grove, 7th line Vespra. . Money and a ring, reads a head- ing.-` Generally associated. If bui-glary is an epi`demic. WW don t `the police catch it? be Eai etflgda is swig; 111 ; ( . I an afd edl 3,5 1:` `wommgkf #1 B`; ipcgigsgugw fofb smg ` nil is ogi 11,011 3197 i, Q It 3996} P . be " uP' `;i%sbAY,NovI:MB1m 9, All White, [All Cardinal, All Sky, All Grey. combinations : ---You will never know the full beauty of your gure until you wear The Spirella Corset. They do not rust. break or take a permanent bend. Every Corset guaranteed for one year. Drop a card and Miss Deane will be pleased to see you either in your own homes or at her residence. 16 Charlotte St. 25-ly Mrs. Alex. McNeil! happened with -a painful accident _last Wednesday morning which has since conned her- to bed. While going down a back. stairs she slipped, falling heavilyback against the steps and injuring her back. She has suered ..considerabl'e pain and it will be a few `days yet be- fore she. is able to leave her bed. -A good example for the people who send out of town for goods. A customer in our store last Saturday showed us` two pairs oboye boots bought at one of the large depart.- mental stores `in Toronto at (1.75 a pair. The `Carey Shoe 00. showed this party as` good if not better shoe at $1.29. They sent them back for a refund. Thieis a common oeenrrence for. The Carey Shoe Co. to see ctuoual prices paid eleewhere tor -shoes. Quilt Patches _T `Done up in 5 Lb. ffarcels $1.00 ` Hemmea Pillow] A: Ready to Use 13, 20 and 25: Mail T Orders Send Your Here V Mr, A. E; H. AC-reawieke ; K.c., is ii: Toronto acting as Crown Prosecutor fat. the Assizes. On the` "dokot~- are: four murder trials. 1911.5 J! I All Be. codkszo 1M)ac - -ated nen 'obunn HERD o Wonderful was the general ver- dict of all who saw that great picture at Dreamland on Tuesday night. For Saturday Mr.`Beatutie has arranged for a` return of those Kings of Comedy, Mutt _and Jeff, and if you are not prepared to laugh, don t go to Dream: land Saturday. , ' 1} _Finest VOL. lm` gm ' No. whe WY` Cana pure arra the C when may ICE VVA T -New and elegant designs `in Car- pet Squares, Oriental_- andu`MedaLlionI Patterns. See them at Dougall Bros." 45-47 --'l`he Annual Tea and Concert of` Elizabeth St. Methodist Chi1rch' will be held on-Monday, Nov. 27th. Fur- ther particulars later. ` our stock` _. Men s. 1`ant17 Boys" vvercoats. ' All styles and prices. Sarjeant & King. ? --Sm- jeAant &4 King T are sole agents for M, Joss & Lowen~stern 9 celebrated V Austrian Collans. They t right and wear` well. ' `Come on ad hear, Comb on and hes Alexander's Ragtime Band! ` Come on and skate, Come on andskatf; To the best band in the hind! ` _ 1l'-._.....J.L 'DA1`.\n 'D{n'Ip n '1 WI? UCBU Ullhl Ill wav duuuo At the Mammot Roller R-ink on _'1`hm-sdnay ni_gh_ts.. Come to-night. ` The members" of. "the Chess" Club are` requested` to meet in the Board Room of the Public Library 'on Tuesday evening, Nov. 14th for re-organization. All lovers of the game, as well `as checker players, are invited to be present. -nd in Canada. - -A_ large stock marked at smaller prots in all kinds of good, solid wet weather goods, than `what the Carey Shoe Co. are selling will be hard to J V T'l"hVe`renV1ains of the ma mes Annie Stegglexs who `died in Winnipeg some time ago, were brought to Barrie on Monday and re-interred in the -Un-ion Cemetery. ~ T ` ..__. ` VW`__ --u-cu-our uwyuu -.-......._V.f__V ._._ ...._ _ J Vw ~ L .-~ ---~ __' ; ?~`:oo_ouoooo ooo:' -e-Sa.rjeant &~ King are sole agents for Fownes well known English Gloves for men. They are priced: from $1.00 to` $3.75 per pair. ` ' At a meeting `of `the citizens` of Lindsay held last` Wednesday night, `Mr. fwilliam McCom o was erpointed. Industrial Coinmiseioner. Lindsay is entering upon a campaign for indus- tries. It is understood that a, salary- ` of $1,500 will be paid: and the ,people' think if will` -be money well pent.= - % % . 5' 3.','_ vEr'eI1ne ;`a`;f' $roy.5 i;c., "b}' "iivf I-INDSAY WANTS INDUSTRIES 13!.` Hanna Toye; of amsaale, Mr. _ A___L3__.. - ' LL- _!L2_L-.. -3 , 1331.1.` '61; "mag. `ll `Ingli- `Ema. town uansnan `wards settled in Cannan, where he several. -1-argegfarms `near Germ-an.. -D A Carmen Physician, formerly of Barrie, Found Dead Beside His Broken V Machine. V Many people in `Barrie will` read with regret ofthe death of Dr.` Wm`: M. Pirt of Carmen, Manitoba, on Tuesday, "October _31st. The Doctor wasv outewith his automobile and was returning to his home in German when something went wrong with his car, and the dead body of the Doctor wasfound on the roadside beside his wrecked` car, about two milescfroan his home. Nothing is `known as to how the accident occurred. Dr. Pirt lived i`n.Barrie from 1890 to 1898 and` work- ed `with Dr. W. A. Rose as assistant. During that time he graduated from Trinity Medical Schools and` after- soon;secured`a' large practice. .He was also.extensive1'y engaged in farming. at the time of `his death, owning November sittings of the Court of "Appeal commenced.` in Toronto to- day. Among the cases to be heard will be the appeal in the Michael Fraser case, which will probably be about third in the list.` The appeal against the verdict, awarding Roy". Stone $6000 against the, O.P.R. for the loss of his` arm will also be heard. DOWNEY--M0O1)TY -'- At Waverley,- LLK5 VIZ II: V, `J, Il JLILIIPEIIIIY JILL I eld Downey to `Miss M. Mody. FERGUSON--FURLONG --V In Elm- vale, by Rev._E. F. Salmon, on Wed nesday, Nov. 1st.,, Mr. Edward Nol- son Ferguson to Miss Rose; Ann Fur- long, bath ofvFVlos. _ A ~ ` ` . L'OGAN--B_U'1'LER--At the -Elizabeth 81:. Parsonage, on Saturday evening, Nov. 4th, by the Rev. Dr. Booth, I Bose Butler and V Geio. `7,Lo_go.n,' bdth .g: WOOD48-V--JORDAN-At F the pawn- age, Collier St. on November. 8th, Rev. I. G. -Bowldi, Andrew Lyntou \N'n.nn. .1-A` Dnvl 17451`); "l.`.-)'2;.'.. I'.;n.L DR. PIE!` KILLED_ IN AUTO -ACCIDENT. ' W.;.;a;-"-u3` 'pZi`"<?:of;"5.?Jr3sf i?3' of Ivy .'1`owns,hip_. V . - I Sheets % ' Hemmea Rgady` for _U_se, $1`.oo mum (mar: `AGAIN. Extra Sifecial. ' Ber1vin._Councifl have set aside 9. large -appropriation of money for the pur pose of advertising the Town, with a view to getting more industries there. The example might befollowed with prot by Barrie, starting first to ad- vertise the charms of Beautiful Bar- rie and KempenfelcIt.Bay. Black % ' Offerings Everywhelre the call is for those fashion} able Double-Faced Coats. and we have ah assortment that eclipses any sown here-V abouts. They come _ in Greys,` Brown; Heather Mixtures and Black and White. I We have a great numberof sty} s,` no. two of a size alike. They re beautiful; you should see our coatsbif you`\vant one; all man-tailored. . 850 Yds. of Lace Here is a bargain ladies will be quick . to takc advantage of. We have just,re- Kceived from Germany 860 yards of Pure Linen Torchon Lace and -Insertion, from 1 inch to 3% inches wide ;` good for, any number of uses, and worth from ' ICC to zoc r yard......`.........;..... A peciallargain` Offering `Lovely ` V 7 ' Sateenj % ff _COV'e_l'.il/lg! 15 .20. and 251: Here fpr Prices: $12.50, $13.50, $14.50 A s16.oo,s13.oo andszl-%.oo Cheag "-Haro11d; Delaney, Allandal-e; R.` '.Bel],h New Lowell; Lina Moatt, Candles; Olga .Brown1'ee, Barrie, en- tolled at the, Business College. this week. NOW_ is the time to begin a course. _ Don t wait till the first of the year`. _ ' Great interest is being shown in our selection of L beautiful Dress Skirts These we `shew en the ground floor in the rear of the store, and you can rest while the. goods are shown toyou. Our leaders and popular price Skirts are $5.00: and $7.00. Tweeds, Panamas, Serges, Cheviots and Lovely Vonles. ' ` On` Wednesday, Nov. let, a very pretty wedding took place at the Mouse, West Hill, when the Rov."H. D_. Cameron united in` bonds of holy matrimony Mr. Norris Webb of To- -ronto e(for1ner1'y_.of Allandale), and Miss. Blanche Fraser of Toronto. The bride -gbwas charnhngly gownedjn V a handsome Vte,,i_lork-ma`d`e suit. L A-fter`re,- 'freshinents.-fther cof1p1e left on` to frggeaaa Mr. M. H. Huck, Owen Sound, an-I nounces the. `engagement of his eldest daughter, Miss Madeline Maud, to the Rev. D. J. Lane, B.A., of Cookstown, Ont. The iuarriage mu ` take Apllace quietly at the end of the month. The engagement [is announced of Miss 'Aruud`e1 Tyrwhitt, daughter of the late 'l`y1-whdi:trt and Mre. Tyrwhitt, of Ad'n14iral Road, Toronto, to Mr. El-liott Graxssett Btrathy. The Imar_ri age will -t-ake` place in St. Izuk_e?s lCh11rch'on".P\__1esday, Nov. 21st.- . ] ` Mr. Jas. Maxwell` and Mr. Thos. Lockhart of Brentwood weroin Town yesterday morning on their way tothe Conservative Convention at EI'mvaIe.~ I Toronto News. says: Mrs. `Calder-I wood,` of Brae Breest, `Barrie, willl spend ten` days-. in town, arriving on `November 7th, to -be j the guest or] [Mm Percy Beatty. , ` "cw on A .. _ I Miss L. "Victoria Rainey spent the Thanksgiving holiday with Mrs. Capt. R. _I_-rwin ~ of Kingston. `-l &{iss~ Mabe-1.` Rihey WV)f. Peter- borotigh spent -the lholiday with her mother, Mrs. J._Rainey, Eccles St. U I Dr. I'iichar Iwasa` conned "(to `his! home "for several days last . week through. illness. j We are -glad to see him about `again. ` - goooooooubuoooooooooooz } ` socm PARAGRAPHS oj [ iuuuoouuoooo wow | "' ""_ ""'-'. ' ~ " ( "' I ":_`OOOO9000OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO3 Mis'De1emer.e Mckee of the- Roose- veldt Hospital,`New York, is holiday- ing at her home, `Maple; Ave. K Miss? Rutherford of ' Toronfo was the guest of _-her niece, Mrs. F. B. Redditt, Mary St., for a few days. I a Mr. and Mrs, `Phi-lpot of Orillfia [were the guests of Barrie_ reilatives | over. Sunday.` vvvu ' '(1 il1ustr{io;: are twjc/a pplar li'nes;: GEC 4 3 ' Large `repeat orders of Feathers, Wings and . Trimm"ings- make more beautiful our showing of Fashionable Headwear for Women, and besides these we have on sale a set of New York Manufacturers `Samples at a discount of 50%. eVThis . means a saving to you on the [very latest Fancies for trimming requisites. ' - f a Q` on I I" '!_-L 9- H` W` \_;elTvetW Felt Sl1ape:anc'i Beavers, all examples Of, what is nessest at prices made possible only by _ procuring direct from the ma ers. -V-'1.o rduce our stock of Fallpand Winter -Suitings and Overcozitiugs,-f we will give"20 per cent. omonan orders taken during the next 30 days. B; D. O Nei, A Tailor. - ' J ' 3. . This is made of extra. line Panama, silk stitched and a beautiful Skirt? Black and Navy. . | `Beautiful Millinery hf. 'l'ime\_t`o any Your New 1-`.11 Ha: Now Ladies Skirts "'13 $010` I On Wednesday, Nov. _1gt, a very pretty wedding took plce at the home of Mr. and Mm Wm. Dunn, Midhurst, when their on1ydaugh ter,` Adelaide Louis-e (Adley), was, united in marriage to Mr. Wm. 11, Walt of Vine. '1'he_Ibrid`e. looked very -pretty a1.;sho entered--the. sitting room on her: .abhar. s_ arm, dressed in white silk witlz; trimmings of princess (lace: and dgimp; " She ganid a'.._ s_l;`e_a_f1'f,of `W-,1iit.e-Feb Pthehtuma... ti_=.s1=with d him Anti V . . . . took place at the .home of Mr. and Mrs, R. `C. Cunningham, Thornton, on Wednesday, Nov. 1st, when their only daughter, Olive Gertrude, was united in marriage to. Mr. Russel. E. Coulter, by the Rev. G. I. Craw. Promptly at 3 o clock to the strains of Lohen-I A very quiet and prettyweddingu grin s wedding march played by her cousin, Mrs. Cunningham, the bride entered the parlor leaning on the arm of her father and looked" very becom- ing in a Oonnaught blue marquieette pailette, silk dress trimmed: with -hand` embroidered binding to match, and carrying a shower` =bouquet of bridal [roses and lily of the valley. After the ceremony was performed, at diainty. luncheon was served in the dining- lroom, the decorations being ,pink and white carnations and! imniden `hair fern. Mr. and Mrs. Conlter left on- the evening trainfor a` trip to Toronto and other` points south, the bride travelling in a suit. of smoked brown Frenclr worsted with hat to match and` a set of.,mih_k furs . Many.ns_eful ` gifts were presented to the bride. their return, .Mr. and Mrs. Coulteri will reside in '_1 h_ornt on. _`_ Iliev. Archdeacon Cod-y, at St. Paul s Church, Toronto,_Nov. _1st, of Adelaide May, daughter of Mr.` and. Rob- ert Armstrong, to Rev. 1 Col- lclough, B.5., incumbent of.` parish of Lloydtown. The bride-'i'_ , attired` in her travelling suit of navy blue serge, .with hast} to match. After a short honeymoon the newly-wedded {pair will reside at the rectory, Llloyd-t. town. Mr. H. 3'1`. Armstrong, brother of the bride, presided at the organ. coU1.'rmv.--cUNxmanAM. wAI_.'1'--_nuN'_N: ' --Stnneld: s Underwear in`combin.- ation suits for_ men at` L. Sarjeant 8: King s. 5 ---Pictures framed. at Dougail Bros. . 45-47 The Liberals of Centre Sixncoe` will meet in convention at Elmvale on Monday. Several names have been mentioned as possible choice of the convention, among the number being: Messrs. E. C. Dmry, Jas. Martin, D. Brss, H. E`.-Jo1'y< and John Bell, (New Lowell) . . - `-4. This is bnly one of our popylar ~Voxle Skirts, very we}! made and perfect . I. . . . ttmg. },.Pr1cew1s. . . . B uoof_`ouqJ5}'o.ao_oocuon I ence of a number of relatives and friends, and after the ceremony the` bride and groom led the way to the dining room where a sumptuous re-l past awaited them and about twenty- `ve guests ; / The presents; of the bride were many and) beautiful`, show- ing how much the young couple are esteemed by their friends. . The - groom s gift to the ower girl was 3 gold locket set with pearls, and to the_ organist, Miss Lenore Gallagher, a. gold brooch. Mr. and Mrs. Walt left Thursday morning for Toronto and other cities, the bride travelling `in grey "lady cloth suit with white felt -hat and set of mink furs, the gift of the grooni. On their return they will reside on the second line of Vespra. Among the guestsfrom a dis tance were: Mrs. .E. VMcKee and Miss Gladys Smith, Toronto; Mr. .A.- Mc- WITH A`i`WAY%noWN or DAVID HARUM '.l.`h"'is popular roll brim Cap has replaced the Tam and "the Toque. It. is all the rage, easy to care for and looks "smartw when one gets the correct color combination. These are the colors, we have two qaljties: Aviation Caps 3150 sum- Is made in. the following color-3:), % Cardinal with Tan Band cardinal - White Band 1-.. I .0. E. WEE. Offers A-Men s and boys Sweaters in great variety at Sarjeant 8:-`King s. q:n\iI-|I\.nU|`- Ry V:r.tu A-A b:l\`t\ l'IfIll.'I" V` An gdyl at New England, THE PASTORAI: COMEDY-DRAMA For. Ladies and Misses ngrom; Act: by Lem B. Parker and Dressmarkgg. `* 'WTbe' is at its height and we're prepared with a large selection of beauti. ..ful' patterns -for afternoon and evening wear ;, shades of Green, Blue, Cream, Champagne and Tan, which is very pop- .ular..= Prices are 75c, 85c, goc, 1 . . . . m,m_andocoOoOauoouaoooooo Do? not. put" off choosing until the last moment; remember, it takes time and there ; always a lot of orders that require attentidn. Act NOW. Come and talk it overjivith Miss Hunt, -who VVl"\he]p you in your selection. I TUESDAY, NOV. 14th. "Z3.'sa{-32552 &"'K?E'Z? o1e"g%s {Austrian Collars. They t -right and wear well. ` . '