. M.D.. _c. M. ('l`or.) ' Late of Toronto General Hospital. Ollloe _of the" late Dr. smith. Collier st PIIOIIC Cl. 32-Yy ' , MA .:1'JFAcTiJ`R'1::;z V515` Buggies, Carriages. Wagons I Sleighs, god Cuttgrs, Q... 5--.. 1\`____'_' I Hm.` J. A. 0. EVANS, PHYSICIAN,` I Surgeon, etA.., Coroner for Simcoe County. Office and residence: Wil- \ liam street, Allandale. Telephone 3 30 a. At Stroud Oice: 2 to 4 p.m.l ; Monday to Friday. } IDR. H. T; ARNALL. OFFICE AND! 1'I__2J__.-- -___-_ -R -__-_.A_- LEWIS. ;`.f5,..'f ;., , .&`,.f`. 4`,`;,,L L Jiorseshoeing Io. -;;_!*Y_E*!5.U!_ sfli iaF: c5iT1:} u`b1s'it`i1'Tr`iFi:7f:" I1"`iiix3{i"n`2;"13Z;":i Eye H ml, in ham zformer Member of British hthalmol cal Society. OFFICE--78 Dunno? STREET. BARBIE.` Phone. 51. P. 0. Box. 96. `Andrew ` in connection. Barrie, Ontario. G. G. SMITH & co; PHONE 82. ES- tablishbd 1869. Undertakers. Open day andnight. Morgue and chapel A SWAP 01' LEADERS: ; ` INDFUL of the advice against . `swapping, -horses while ing a stream, the -mennbersfot the Liberal party -in; `Ontario.-Vpagsed-A` long enough, on the -brin_k of` the chilly} waters` of the provincia1'_::e1ecti:on.;:tql change leaders as a. '.pi'elim.-inary yt` `taking the pnp_1asa_nb'but ,inervit`zibl'e% plungegfroimnn which they jvi_1,1 -i co'I;1e.fu1$ 'spu_tteri.rgg - and .dishey 1lgdg :`pnf,1'_~- ,i;hfe njglxt pf V Deccn;-be-r `11__tl1`;-,*.i"-A`.f5 you Fire and Life Insurance Real Estate Agency C L Money to Loan |JAs. ARNOLD A number` of good farm`: and Town Pro- mrllos tor sale on any terms. 'Ba_nk or Toronto Buildings, Barrie IU.I'J$_ UV L\Jl\l'J.~ JJJJLLKDLV AJJJLU J. 1_-istors, Solicitors of the Supreme Court of Judicature of Ontario,` Proctore, Notaries, Conveyancers, etc. . Money to loan. Onice, Ross .block, Bertie. A. E. H. Creswicke, K.G., b_ _Arthur__le_xa1ider. LOLA J-LJJJ LJLLJ JJ \.IL' u(:`.hu1::l..1il1: but. Office and residence, John 'St., near corner Elizabeth. Phone 213. } Vblvo AA: 4: ALAJLI 454.014: `.1-L J. .L\.I.lJ ALL` 1/ Residence corner of Toronto and Elizabeth Streets. (Opposite Fliza-` 'be_th Street Methodist Church), Tele- phone 167. LUVJ-AIL-JAIL RIO A.rA.Iv\IAL.lJ, & .55. .l.lJ4l.\lLLL.L" I ggurgebn, etc. ,Speci*a1ty-Eye, Ear, Nosennd Throat. Oice and resi- dence, cor. Elizabeth and Bradford .Sts. -(Dyinent Gore). Phone 105. .Box 456. Dr. J. ARTHUR ROSS (Successor to the laite R. Bgrck) 31.00 PER ANNUM m A1$ANc1:. UNITED STA:l'E SUBSCRIBERS $:`~5o *IN ADVANCE` o|35osn7E""n'6-s s'r. :,omv man-s om) swamp UNDBRTAKER8. Eerysmus. V 'm.I: Aouxcm he lu-seat circulntion or an Town- y .:idvortise'rs will please bear in m . . - connltncux. msuv. Rateewill begiven on application. cozn'n4c'r came are. t 3 c umube in THE ADVAN Lyo:Z.'` ` later than 12 o'clock noon _on `Monday in W week, otherwise the adveruqer 3 announcemen-, \ guy not be made public untxl the week {on ' 3 . _ n 3 cololwalm ADVERTISEMENTS. Goniensed advertisements on first page so wants of all kinds. logt and found, propzgi for sale or to ten speqxc articles, cm etc` must be uocomnan ed mm the cash. ~ nu` uueorw apeqic articles: Cut for advrtiscmcntg must case be mounkcd on sohd met: inn am PLANING Mufii Limited Limltea lfanufacturers of and Dealers in ' Rmurh and 'l'Irpuao.1 I ...._x momrson Acicnw. Ptrimxsnnn. uunuuwlurers oz and Dealers all kind; Rough and Dressed Lumber ` Doors.Sash. Blinds. Interior Finish, Etc Columns, Tanks and Water Troughs` Planing, Matching. Mouldimz. RC-S1,wlng -- Hot Blast Drying Kiln. Laying and P%ll.v.sIg:%ll:?trdvn.'ood Floor; l"nn}nnn9nn. ......`l n..:I;:._,, rs .- -..-..v....b uuu -.-uuuur.'. r.:1llH\3i(,`S giv t 0?}-`1ca-BAv IELD ST.. amnu-:.~ ` CRAIGHURST, om. ;LlCENSED AUCTIONEER ' FOR THE counrrv or slmcoa.` Most reasonable terms given o;1a.1 Stock Sales ADVERTISING The New Fny_n_qry| }I\.ICY'l'l'\l'\!\D 'rr\ 1-14- 1 NEXT DOOR TO THE TANNERY Is 0 en for all orders in (`AS } I.\'GS, J11 L REPA1P.S,&c. u opculnlly Contracting and Building Estimates given JFI-`lCE-BAYFlI7:l.n ST nuan... -__ SI. J_ohn& smoked J9!~!L:1snJnett .. -0.00! m Brewed Entirely from the Fines! Malt and Hops. MAKES YOUR SKIN LIKE VELVET- Monkmatfs Glycedonia. Has a marvellous effect on. rough skin. One or two applica- txons will remove the rougnncss. and by its occasional use the skin acquires the smoothness and softness of a baby's. Glycqdonia. is not sticky, and gloves may be worn a few moments after using it. Price 15c and 25c. Delight- ful after shaving. |;..5. N. |'_-""'-'(} `A lnsvfhnce of 3" km` L Anocy ~"~uv ` 9 Dru;t:;t-.v .- :u- --_ - - the best ;in Education al'vn_\'s pu_v.< Interest. For years we have :Z1`}`i cmmm-rcm *..."" hundreds a foothold in the N world. Many mnbitious NOD19 --Aunt.` uullluuv -_ _ (Aiiliatcd with Dominion A C>o1'rospom1cm-e School.) > A_.:-it. SPOTTON. u. 0. BEST- Pr:-1101911" Presulent. iif. 111 r-4 V .`" '.'.d}< 8wm%w1-!Av% BARBIE BHEWING CIJMPANY DUNLOP smear EAST BEAAB R I E v _ _ . - --,..... Boilers. Engines and all kinds of farm and stationary machinery made and repaire(_i on shoxtcst notxcc and moderate pnccs. ` _ A! work done by C.\'pm`Y machin. 1st and guaranteed first class GEO. MONKMAl'\`I&..___ Splendid ALE and PORTE The Best and Brightest ' In Cask and Bottle MANUFACTURERS. STUDY Expert Machinists lA.\a vvvvv -7 Fall Term 589*- "unm W,1pm lng for our Mail Courses. and Night ("lusst-s. Investment ('9 Presiden .- PHONE 136 ATWI-I01VlE PORTER Ito -1-Hliuvvuunauu v C! . " A.iucl`udin2 must in ever metal has 63 Barrie. D3) ia. 651 The utt ot ' so euterprvs vant, h bers wa husiasx Jam 0 tical - tecture ~u.o| p mcobnlt Seshl .. mu. ui ~ 10.40 a mTo1-onto 8:. North any I 15 p m 1` 86! p zn.._North Bay........_,n.|Qp m f 8.30 p\m..'l`orunto az llldhm} `M30 m j ....Gru'enhurst 0.II'a'm The 21 (Thursd-a being t eti-ring: and the `M13 ho {.'trevt.u, lowed transfo lawns oh shrubs gethor omuch .. ~,-, otnl ( th0`in 'hutis Auonvv `in c1't`z)s ed to 'sevnnd Joshiox Qnce e Ihe for `in; th Vfavor [my Durir }I0rticu -'I\.'0ciet_\' [.-rehens - ).],..l Thursday November 9, 1911; i:estI1e*tq ETHUR {HUGS zmningl Li. Pre V Ooilingwood and A Hf Kairrivalrand acpareu:os" _ in L Barrie arc is tollows: 'l_`mi.\xs on Snnsomniox. Hamilton. No. 5t..'..`M7 1 m _48...._l.I p In 56....I.S p In 24....1.Ip'm 22`....7.4'In.m' m....lIpm ' ;l3m1`rl1; pox-om T. be ',I~l55d.7oi-`i'feil' on of-ii i Ethe .- objections` I \ .`the`ii' ' l`*l*jl sis. it -:li`:iii;5`iil* v . o " 5` ?`? .'`?` ``.`'5' :i `'-`'1-`` .`.'i. 'ol'9`? '3.j35i'. i`-.`I.'*:3-i'l' u For herein`y`nature cy@ei1yl.o-foodr-o ,i:'* . 5 ' ` It 7 is-' inf .'_i`.oronto' that; ho was one. of tool i`iooooo..roo_id oppon- ' tents of V the pintroduotion` lot . streetcars ._in_ -that- Vcity',p and 1-the average -citizen. be apt; to __ `con- `cluder'1that'"a .man..yno would .se e _k to leny a city of a quarter -of o. 'niill7jion. inhabitants. so . . necessary and'!indis- pensable` a convenience" ,-as -Sunday. cars -must be singularry [decient?- in the progressive spigity and the` broad outlook -demanded by. modern. condi- tions." `Mr. Rowell is one of those ex-V tremists in `regard to `temperance and Sabbath observance who have helped `_ to make-the city of Toronto ridiculous in the eyes of the rest of North Ameri- cavby picayune persecution of innocent citizens whose chief offence - was that they_ refused to -ignore the sense-_ less blue laws that` certain Pharasaic_al ` persons sought to force upon mm; It is a certainty that he will be found proposing in the Legislature the re? peal of the three-fths clause in the local option legislation, although five years of experienc h-aeve demonstrated beyond a doubt the sanity of the pro- vision, and its `value in securing stability and proper enforcement for local option when once it is passed in a municipality. In a. word, Mr. Rowell will be found allying hiniself~ with the force of` oppressive and. restrictive legislation, as opposed -to the moclerizte and sensible course which the Whitney Govt. has follow.- cd in all matters `aifecting the personal liberty of the people. Mr. Bo_well s long .` professional connection. "with powerful corporate inuence will also cause him to_ be looked up-on-jaslance,`l and he may be expected to follow the` lead of his predecessor in endeavoring `to obstruct the benecial forward y of the Govt. in furnishing electric. power to the province at cost,` thereby breaking the hold` of the` monopolists who were ready to gouge the last cent out of C the consumers - of power. IIis- services as an apolo- gist in the past for all the corrupt and vernal acts of the Ross and Laurier administrations would seem to be a very inetfective guarantee that he will prove to be a; considre- able force in. purifying "his party} On the whole, his appointment is one` upon `which Conservatives are to bel congratulated quite as much if not more than his- own followers. o It -is certain that for a time his energies must be devoted largely to casting the beam out of the eye of the once great Liberal party, before -he can devote himself withj any degree of success. to the more difcult task of locating any stray motes which may'te-mpor- arily aect the political vision of the Conservative Cabinet and its support- ers in the Legislature and throughout the province. If Mr. Rowell. is to! prove the Moses of the Liberalparty, he must prepare 4 himself for rnanyi more years of wanderingin the op-4 position deserts before he can hope tolgaze upon the Promised Landof office- ~ ` ` ` A just mahhgers were :30 anxious $19 oust. I . Q1-..-_"I'_'!..' ..._._ 1'.` -aumanl-1-. 'N'o ;1ew name will "be addee; {o the Sui)` Alcnption List until the mgney is paid. - J--|..._.._'L__- _.____ 1,- ____-_.._ 4... 4l_____ -,_ , ,4": '-`-Q-'Iv--_v - --- --v -~---- {he ! That extrexixely -f"funnyf" fellow,` Champ q(,flarAk, -has been reiterating his` annexation bluster} Next thing he knows he will be getting a puck in. the -_eye_ from The Star s* Buffalo `bolegna, and tbh`env ;he l1- be good. The new Minister. of Finance,` Hon. tined to become the" {centre of tfxe Empire, and-` the ,::I"St. thing we know Co1_lingwo od`wi11 be offering to vote with the reigning. power; to- secu1fe- the` 3 'W. 'l`. _Wh_ite,_ thinks Canada is des- Pax'-liament buildings T "What is thematter.'witl1 Barrie, asks` a. man w'hd rad_ last we ek_ s artlic1_e. under the headihg of `Civic `Problems?- Nothing, nothing, ; only the -fact that we ?all_ are prone_ to" let vthipgs civic take thgirv own : cpurse instkgad of tak- ing. a hzin(1- in: th. game -.-`every "man J-ack >-of` jus. _Ev_ryfthing 7- co"n`1'esj tb . those who _l1v14xs/til_ whilrev ,~2jb_}x'e-'y` .'wsliit.5 i A **'iSW'% twk12%"att~1e{V1van-4% Am 1.. _.1.. -A.'l '3 N o'rn AND .C'OMM1`.N'.l'.. lorliilonsoronnzn PAPERS{ _---..v-v-- ._--- ------ --v --uuovl ow gr:-nun: < Subscribers now in ariears for three moat}; - and over will be chartzed 81.50 per annum. ' uuvuyu L4I>UJrII6IJ - V Thewaveivaga wage paid in the manu~ factzuring industries in Canada in 1906 was $7.25 per week for, all classes of workman. In" the same year the aver- age wage of the British unskil-Ind `laborer was $5.65 per week. These! gures 'look' low, but they are- said to be otcial gures; / A i Hdmilton Secthtor. II`- ~`b.......1II H... van .D.I1-lI.lllI`IU_u Dpwvuayvso _ > . ` Mr. `Rowen, thewnew. Liberal Leader,` has the advantage of being able ._to start on his; building task fro`m] the foundation up. He `willnot have even the` ruins of a party `past to bother him. for with the passing of A. G." Mackay the past is truly. dead. I lcmmmx vs. nu:-nan '-wvens." Next to getting a.-counci1 of good} repres-entat-ive business men lected, we should all see that the reforms that -we -would advocate are brought before` that body and-every reasonable eort `put forth to secure their fullment. Would it not come within the prov- ince of the Board of Trade to call as [citizens meeting to arrange a.Vtic~ket! `and formulate a platform -for the com- ing civic e1 ections?- . .'1`.here- are good men `in Town who would stand for election if they were guranteed the support of such! an -association of busi- Iness men and citizens. _~ . V - `I If a slick-looking individual came, into `Barrie to sell next-to-worthless] _1_nining stock, the. probability Lis that, as in days gozie by, he would be able `to unload coniderabl_e__of it on the 'same people [who woulll be too poor to iivlfveetl a. few dollars in a local (manu- facturing confern to be" operated by` `and forthe citizens of this Town. -"1_`was ever thusv. The green elds are not outnumbered by the get-rich-quick pe-ople who many times find` they are of the same buy as the fat-off elds. Ieuelph Hi-am : "V1.4 nconnnnon V Thomas 5-arr `D D uuuxus Ll-Ill . 3 In J. 059 I . T`he`.Mayor`of.- `Hamilton "has seen his ` rst football game, and he calls it a? brutal exhibition which should" be stop- ped` by the `pelice. How does the man expectiour-boys to get a. colllege e ' tic-n`! ~ Next thing 'he l1~ be objecting to the `half-ki-lling -of freshmen at a col- lege hazing. Some people do not seem f to appreciate the value of the higher: education. . ` A Drsonnnrrnn PROP!-IET._ T 1-IE GLOBE presents the distress- ing spectacle of a phophet without honor in several countries, and most particularity in its own.'Having profited nothing `by its lamentable failure to forecast the results of the Dominion election, it has been turn- ing its attention to predicting a d-ire fate` for the Conservative forces in the forthcoming provincial campaign. In order to lend artistic verisiniilitude - to an otherwise `bald and unconvinc- ing narrative, as a leading chara.cter in The Mikado puts it, the Globe for the past two or three weeks has been endeavoring to -bolster up its prognostications by pointing out that `wide-spread disaifection existed in the ranks of the Conservatives, and it proceeded to give concrete cases where the sitting members were facing -open revolt among their erstwhile support- ers. Hon. Dr. Reanme, it is claimed, was to be repudiated in_ North Essex, - Hon. Mr. Ma.-theson was likely to be dropped by his Lanark constituents. `Evan Fraser was to be forced to re- tire in Welland, C'harles Calder faced open rebellion in South Ontario, Alex. `McGowan was unpopular in East York,` and so through the roster -of Sir James Whitney s: colleagues and suppoxiters in the Legislature. Had the G1obe. pos-_ sessed the true prophetic `re, .there would have been scarce a single. sur- vivor of the ninety Conservative mem- bers of the present Ontario House to face t-he Speaker at the next session. Unfortunately for the Globe, though fortunately for the Province of -On- tario, the mantle of prophecy had seem- ingly shrunk considerably from its _immersion in the deluge of September. 2], and now proves a `very bad t, for nominations have been held inall con- stituencies just mentioned, and ? in every case the sitting memlbersa have been re-nominated, practically all with- out opposition or-a senilblance. of criti- cism. If the accuracy `of the Globe s advance estimates .of the resnl-tiof, I `the e-lections is to` be gauged by _the reliability of its prenomina-" great Refo.rm-party. Q - ~ , 'tion ` vaporings, then sporting Lib- erals will do well to pause before they place any wagers upon the.` strength `ofthe tips handed o u tby't-held sad1 ~y-demoralizedl organ . of the once trial` at Cornwall on Saturday, made a very pertinent remark in regard` to the street corner loiterer, when he classi- ed him as the rotten apple in the barrel. There is nothing more des`- picable than this excrescence,-ands none more worthy of the admonition of the police to move on-and- keep mov- mg. - 'V Orillia has voted to retain the sys- tem of electing` the aldermen from `the Town atlarge in preference to! lhaving a certain number from eachl ward, There are many things to be said in favpr of this system, not the least of which is` that it takes a. pretty good man to win when the whole town has a say in his election. There is less chance 'of seetiohalisxn and petty strife under this systeme than under the ward system. thecre i a lurking -_suspicion that the unfortunate patient`- would have" to_ 'foot the "bill eventually. It` s `so easy` !to add it onto the _bill,, don t you. know. * ' ! Hamilton Sppltatbr. 1 .. . very ourishing condition of the Bar- rie Horticultuijal Society `as disclosed! at their `annual meeting the other I i It is most gratifying to note the . night. No man can estimate the` worth and extent of, the great `edu- , cative campaign b_ei'ng' carried, on by the members. of this Society in . the. cultivation` of the higherc/`ideals. A of civic: life and beauty, and the. So; _ `ciety deserves 1 the "commex 1d'at.ion- . of eve1_'y` citizen of ~Banfie."-V- -M7a'y'th'e` ` >L V ` V '. I - v` ` . HARD 1'0 PLEASE EVERYBODY. NOT vIp'r mt" or NjMANNY OF THE BEST CITIZENS or THE TOWN N . AND` COUNTY HAVE % BECQME REGULAR PATRONS or nus BANK, ARE YQU AMONG THE NNUMBER2 N * l)9p6sits of I On .D6llar sun I`! ma` ~,noi'rr:N APP V N(3RTHERN ADVANCE A "ms-r."; 5 Dollar nd-ipwapds ,rciied 'and _made at reasonable " ` i _ It was` pointed out last week that inot the least` of "our many blessings was the presence in our midst of` one of the finest andbest `equipped hos- pitals in the Dominion of Canada,` This institution is a. greatcredit to the Town and should be supported inl a most liberal manner.` Of course We `will always have those people who will kick about the hospital as Well as about most every thing else in Town, {but it is a safe guess that` some of ithose same people would become the 'most thankful if necessity demanded their. removal to this institution for. the performance of a critical oper- ation. There is another feature which` is seemingly overlooked by many. The poorest person, no matter whether a? citizen of this Towneor a stranger within our gates, `was never denied the privileges of the hospita with ms m'anifol`d advantages.- ` I _ wcvyc-oo E1. f .- Th? I'." - i G..G. SMITH eh hk W kmg' when I sat 1869. Open vM d9Wn t-Write! t'day3 _ My bra"; '33 near: my rhymes Came in pa , i T1" knew just what to soy. And so I stamed. But a.- friend -------- SUB 038' -:-_----- | (Whom I. was glad to see) = UNWIN, MURPHY -8; ESTEN, ON- Dropped casualty to spend . tario. Land Surveyors, Engineers, An hour o_r twain withu m;o_ 1 `etc. Established 1852. Ofce, ' ' 7 Medical Building, S. E. corner Rich- I rattledwi-th the papers and .. `.mond and Bay streets, Toronto. ` Looked often at the clock; " - . _ Telephone, Main, 1336. Instructions I grasped my pencil` in my hand, V left with Strathy & Eaten, Solici- ` I listened for 9. knock. x g H - tors,` Bank of Toronto Building, I hinted s, I had work to -do," -- Barrie, willbe promptly attended to. And uh and nwn T. wgllm ~ _ rattled with and at listened knock. \ I hintedl work to do, ` And up and -down I walked, And eltill, he talker} and talked t.-.`|'l- ...J and I . . u M . n nu uv uuanvu uuu uwuuru ll talked, `And talked and talked and talked._ lo, w here -S the bright idea I -had ' When I first started out Those ,ve1s'es-wereybhey gay or sad, And what were tnheyabout Gone, gone alas! I only'know` .,That `in Itihat fellow stalked; And talked" and talked; and` ta1'ked~ and _ talked ` ` " ' And talked` and talked .and talked, % A --Td Robin;mVV{M~-';31;\;e1a1;amP1in Dealer. I - No. 8I.;.ri`|.27um " l3..,. tpm " 7.50pm- I _good woifk go on and the inuence of; the Society continue to extend. { SCOTT S BOOKSTORE BUY YOUR READING MATTER All theTLatest Books T . Beecm Transact afGe1_fa eral Banking Business. " at reroonable rates. Collec- Notes, and Acooium gipeu payable anywhefe. Ulaequuon outside Vbanltc, cached atlowatratu-qfezclaauge. Sale Nam Cached or Oollgcted iuotfqvbrablc terms. `r. aezcnorr, Uimager BA NKERS. mhciurthgrngdnvautzl Oce Hqura-10.65 4-' 3. co; cg swim may 13zu2ms- .1.-tars,` 8_olicitoj1js, Notangs Public, and jConveya,nce:s. = Money to, loan in _ Lany sums 7at%=5 per cantroice, 13 Owbn St., Bhrffe; . H. D. Stewart, LL,'D.,. D. M`. Stewart. _ , W. A}fLT,' tBARRI_STER, SOLICITOR, Proctor, `Notary, Conveyancer, etc. H. . Special attention in drawing and probating wills, obtaining letters of administration and guardianship, cotleeting accounts, etc. Oicea, Boss Block,` Barrie. Money to lo LENNOX, COWAN 8: BROWN, BAR- - ristori, Solicitors for` obtaining pro- bate of wills, guardianship and "ad- ministration, and gonoral Solicitors, V` Notaries, Convoyancors, etc. Oices, - Hinds? block, No. 6 Dunlap street, ` Barrio; Money to loan at 4% and 5 per gent. Brunei: oices at Cree- Inorc` and Alliston. Hunghton Len- nox, K.C., Alex. Cowan, G. E. J. Brown, LL.B. 1 .1-l\.lLI 11.11} &U\.I\JIv, 44.51.11 -a.r4:..I.v:.v:.vu .1. AJLU, Solicitor/ Baiik of Toronto I` `Building, Ban-i'e. __ Money to loan. a----- G. A. BADENHURS1`, BABRISTEN, Solicitor, Notary Public, kc . Of6(e, olat oor Bank of Toronto Building. I Money to loan at lowest rates. A CREBWICKE. ' E ALEXANDER, BAB- 4 _2-L-_- 3-`: `:`A-- J `kn quaunnnxnn STBATHY & ESTEN, BARRISTERS, Solicitors in High. Court of Justice, Notaries_ Public, Conveyancers; Of- ces over the Bank of` Toronto, Bar- rie. Money to loan at lowest cur- rent rates. . G. H. Eaten. ' `](iNALD `Ross, L173. .B./XRRISTER, Qn`:n:Irnn 1C nlvn 12.... II` 'l`nrnnA E L. F. Aoojsou 9* VDR. A. T. LITTLE, LATE OF` DR. W. A. ROSS, PHYSICIAN, SUR- geon, etc., L.R.C.S., Edin., L.R.C.P., London. Oice and residence, Dun- ` A lop street, Barrie. Telephone 77. I L.R.C.P. 8:. s. Edinburgh; M.F.P. 8:. s. Ghusgow I --SURGEON-- _ Eye. Ear. Nose 5 Th_roat. Having spent 4 years Post Graduate work in British Hospitals and having served as Clinical Assistant in Golden Square Ear, Throat 8c`Nose Hospital, Londoxr Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital (Mooreids) ; for a term as Resident Surgeon in Royal London hthaimic Hospital; Bristol Eye Hospital. Bristo :and Birmingham EYB Hmnmm R nninn-Imam - fnrmnr Mnmhnr nf _ . S'rmc1' Pmnsoxsu. A'I'l`l `.NI'I\Il'||!' D A 'I\ - !1)R. ROBERT s. BROAD, PHYSICIAN, 1 l a............ -4... u..-..:...u.. `nu... 1n....'. `DR. MORTIMER LYON, 31 CARLTON ` St., Toronto, late of Brooklyn (N.I Y.), Eye and Ear Hospital, will be` at GI Owen St., Barrie, every Sat-, urday. T Diseases-_-Eye, Ear, ' Nose i and Throat. Consultation hours, 11 a.m..to 5 p.m., and by appointment. An ,8 Page 48 Oc.l1_41n1`11"1ii'owspa.por`,` Published (mm the (mice. 123 Dunlap Street. Barrie. in the County of Simcoe, the Pro- ` T vmce-at Ontario. Ga.nada.e_very Thursday Mornimz. by