Mr. Jmues \\'ebvs*te1', who was Sup-I i2:rnI::nt. at this point previous to the hxfu W. R. 'l`ifTin, spent Who;-fo~rmer3 ;.;;;-s at` the xvoek he1'c- with `the 1jail~ tum] uiciulz`. A 9 f .\ .hil.lm1`.< .~:or\'ice was held on SuuI':._\' :-;I1:vrno0n in St. --Ge*0rge s (`hum-h lay Canon ;\Iu1'phy, it- being a ~1ln'(`i:|} lay wt nsiide tlu'ough.out the; An}_*Ti-:1n 4-m1111111ni.t_V for the c1L7i1dn_'e-n. -Nasturtiums--DWarf and ,ta.11. Many new and beautiful var1eti.os_;o1 these popular favorities. Mixed and separate colors, at Bothwe11 s,.'!P.hona" 100a. ' T '; 1 4 Mr. A=1'ber]1{E B idwe11. reuburned from} 9` Wesjtetrh `trip, Mi`. ~Bid`we11 Went as far 'Wes*b;as t1_165Rockies', and visited __1x;is"Lb1"9b l`1er;, Archie, in-V Jaw.` - W 2A. '_,Boys.. _.am3l,`A,l'eVx. '.B_1{(rw1iJ"ee attend.ed:'j the` a.nnua1'~ meret- ';1_._n;_ in i;a%gL%%:ro%2tme % 7 Ata1ri@.;};~VV0ux1nrs *Asonia~j ` You ~ - : Miss Mae Smih `of Torohto and` Miss-M . Holt of Ivy are the guests- of the _form:`er ,s -aunt, Mrs; C. H. .O_ar: rut.hems.V j .. ' .L- Devlin 3;. at`.T..j. unmbow can FORTERS--Very Specia-1 value at. . ........ . .. . 55,00 __'BLAN_KETS-`-(}rey_ \Vp3l Blankets, large" sizas ar1_1lh21vy.v:ig'ats, each, $2.25 and $3.00 BL-ANKETS -`-`All Pure Wool; . White with Blue on Pink border, large sizes. heavyweights. `Special _va1u at`. . . . . .` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._f . . . . .. . ._. . . . . . ..` . . . . . . . . . $3.90 and $439 7 ':\v:v'efa`i'e""s.e`lttiI1`eg_ on V extra special quality Corset in White with .long7hips5a nd 9 l)ust,4 `heavy hole` supporters attached, sizes 19oto 30. value $1.25. Special per - -' - - C 9 S1330UR{%SPEClAL CORSETWINDOW _Quiltvs-_-Cojvgred. wit -extra q~ua!ity Satin, _ nice QLANKETS I AND CQMFOEFER? V > u-w---vv v 3ooo%oooT0'O 0i%0A" %%_-Q1! Mr. Alex. Waikar .;.:_` ` a week-"end Tvi8ii_t.7- ` -' ".`.";'7.`;jj Mr. Jack Sanders_ of over Sunday with his Robt. Wilso 30339 "i9" Qt.i1?'*iP.'iV.1P;4 charge of a tra,1n- on Mr. Richard. Mcugh uhas JT%cc9pte a. position in `the car dept-:h`9'- :A__ ' &~ Mr, Sandy McDonald went `9ut.__bn_j,` his first trip as eonduwtfor on; .F!'1d'8_)'-_ Mr, Bert Green of. Over Sunday with friends 1n_ ltlhwW`_@rd. _ n......:.1.. -I-nod. a. mann':`| 'o-- v-v awnnal-l\l`-I-l\lIl\aIL\4'l S: JJCGELIC I ` A1l1the Toronto papers on Saturday contained the following item: Owing` to 't`he.death in Barzrieo of Major Mac- Laren; the -Mississaga Horse Ball, which was. to have taken` place at the `King Edowax-d=-on: Nov-. 3rd; has beeul `- ca1ce1led'. _" ' - T ` -an---, 4.n,gsvu-, AVA -DUIIAC ULIIIC. Q and Mrs. Wm. Dunn of Mid-I `burst "announce the engagement of Itheir `daughter Adel-aide ' Louise, to Mr. W. H.,W`alt of Vine, -tvhe marriage `to take place at their home early in November. _ _ _ V '"iE{F.`1"n;ar Mrs; ~ Robert Sproule,i Maplle Lochge, Chiurcbill, announce] the marriage of their daughter, Lilvyan Mae, to Mr. Fredierick Charles Haugh-- -Mary . Ma.g'd`a1ene"s Church, Toronto, ton`, `Wi1_'low Hall, Chnrchil-1, -at st.` on___Mond1.y, p0ct_ober' 9th", 1911. I J Mr. Harry Meeking -has aceepfae-:1` af Ip0S'iti0Il in the Dominion Carriage Works, Toronto, and left for the city; on Monday. He will likgly line up`: with" the Dominion s hockey team in the Manufacturea-?s League. T I - Tnrnfn -runvntmnna. Av. Q.-.L.....`l..-. . The jbridp was abt.-ired in a bea.u.t_,ifu1 ,si1k.drress" of old; rose and . was assisted {by her Sister, Miss Margaret, who wofe a _:b9!c*orm:ing idlress of blue? Floda .'I`lh' _;g-roon`_1 was .suppo~1-ted. -by:.; his I _'b_r(_therr,_` M;-; Albert 1:, .-Bmwe11,' of vBar;'ie,: I V `V `.;-3 ' A wedding of .much: in.terest to Bar-' rie people `was ,consrumma'ted_ `at; St. Thomas 'Cvh.urch, ',Mi1lbrook "on Satur-` day,wvhen .Mary5 Gertrude, T daughter. of Mr. and- Mrs. H. Kellisf o-f Milfl--_ obrook. as -"married to Mr. Henry Au--, rgustus ims, Manager of the Bank of Toronto, Barrie. The Rev, W. 'C. Al- .len, M~. A., *St. Thomas Church,-performed! the ceremony. Mr.` and Mrs.'ISims- wil take up residence; in ` Barrie ater a short =honeymoon,l thueyt V `being expected` here /. about ' November 1st. . .~ I `----.-D..r \-IL uu\_. oualuta ucl)i11 Lll.lCU[v. I ~ `Mrs. Rogerson, and Misses Lucy and_' iDaisy Roge-rson,_ started `on Tue_sd'ay} lfor Eng]'aml, where thew-will reside tin future. Miss Nellie Rogerson wil} visit her .s:is't-er, Mrs. Forsyth at Kil- llam, AJta., for some time. .._ __J. 11-, 11v A --._ mam; 'pf~etty"a31d: us{e:t k11l' gifts re- { , :h81IP7`.;'c0"uIr1e-`betoked `--this ` 7, 1:he5'r "2'rey}1l`d* by i M1`. T:h'os.'L. SmeT1'ie,. of Toronto, has recently taken charoe of the dress [goods d:epar.t.mens.`J of E?reo1'ge.V ickers [T store, and Mr. A1-fred Lister has`taken charge of the staples department. pnnnrcnus nu.-7| `Al'. ....... Ti. - ` I ! On-' Wednesday, Oct, 4, the residence! of Mr. -a'nd Mrs, Alfred Litt-1 119`! Hdcvhelega St. W_., Moose` Jaw, 'ask., was the scene 61 a. p1__'e1:ty autumn,,wh`en Miss Susie LI M. Coates '[Lvv=a uniied' in. marriage to Mr. Archie `Bidy'e1'l;~.formerly_ of Barrie, by the B_.ev..- A1. C.aRe-eves. ,_ ~ '- .ooOO0OOOO" ":.`.' ' Q . -...uun min! viihviilvr "X&tue cererxifiny 3 (Tainty lunch iwis s' erv'ed.' ` Mr. Mns. Bidswelfleft ,o;1'1'--`tihe a_,ftefi1`oon~Ttrain\ for Regina and Vob_hgr'-f_p,o_in1;s:" \c_a1 u-'ying with them an , gqhunrlance of good '.Dh'ey will-_i " `d St, xW., Moose ~ 3IDWELL-GOATI_I8. II/lurch I30!) {Y 5-`Mn. bright.` patterns. _ I Special . . . . . . $175 and $_3_-75 `pgcia-1 yalue at.V. ; ._ . . . . . . . . .= . . . , . . $5.00 :3; an1h2wy.v.:ig`nts, @nd $3.00 ' MEN'S AND BoYs%~ 1 ff 35 The undersigned` is offering for sale the North-half Lot sixteen. in the Eighth Conces- ? sion of the Township of Innisl. containing one ` hundred and ten acres. more or less. The Soil ;is an A-leclay loam and isin agood_ state of } cultivation. the tall xtillougging all having been _done by single plou . is Farm is situated on the Penetang oad, one mile south of tr%u%-and` two miles from Ci81gVal8 on the :0. O M Possession given at, any time Fur- . ther particulars on application to I) A I)l`I A If `I'\l\t\t1 I! _or less. ~ SEALED TENDERS` {will be received up f Saturday. the Fourtn,da_y of Novemter, by the undersigned for the purchase of the South half of Lot . umber Fourbeenin the Tenth Comes` sion of the Townshi of Flash: the County of Simcoe. containing: 96 Hundred acres more '- Taming AC Gal- `Illa! `-._"__'---`AAA - ` ` ` } Ope_n to rcce_ive a. limited number I . durgng the wugten season. For term: tltesxdence. Ehzabeth st.. Barrie. o1 igiandon 8; Flesher, or Phone 374'. I 1 - atlowest current rates.cither in small or in large '-amounts. on the security of good farm mort- ages. McCARTHY. BOYS 8: MURCHISON. I unlon Street. Barrie. noun` 1:. uu Lu a:-ges. McCA guts?/uuauuuu wmun mu-cy aays With interest 9. 0... ` ` '. _ : _T{zeC.]highestVor any tender not necessariIy>ac- as e . V .1 - _ * urther terms and `canditionswill be made known upop gpplicationtto the pndrpigned. ,L. ` ` nIin{l-nu`-c` `Int . ` `A!l`err`x3s> or ale 10% [o'n"t'mA oeptance of tender a:1_i`%ba.l,a.nce within thirty da.ya..with interest o .L . u 4243 `V Mcnuusm A quantity bf private `funds to loan at ` T PER can-r. on easy terms of payment. . '_ ,LENNo_x, ,'COW.AN 85 BROWN.` b olicitors. Barrie. 44-): BOTHWELL BLOCK VALUABLB FARM FOR SALE. L. A-- Boys . Navy Blu Rcefcrs with Velvet Collar and Brass Buttons, ages 7 to II years. Price . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.95 Men s Wool % Shirts and Drawers, special at. . . . 50, I M en's College Overcoats Made from very heavy weight Tweeds in all shades. Pricgs. . .$7.50 to $18.00 Boys College Overcoats. All `nice dark patterns. Boys 7 to 10 yrs. $4.50 `and~$5.50. V L Boys LII toLI5. $5.06, $6.50 and $7.50. Boys Overcoats with Vel- vet'.Ccllars, size _26 to 33. `Special for . . - - . - - . ;$3._95 O V E RALLS Youths Overcoafs $5.00 to $15.00. GENTS FURNISHINGS Mom-:v To LOAN and T DRY GOODS . L. F. ADDISON eacher _of Violin What s the Matter with J UP-To-DATE srocx _LOWES1` PRICES nu van uyysnwtlulvu UU UTXRCLAY BROS.. Barclay P. o. W. A. MCCONKEY. Barrie P. O. CHAS. MANEER Cralgvale P. O. S. R. BROWN. Thornton P. 0. 1060 MONEY ro n.oAN ALLANDALE .n 1 n .1 . BY nited of Pupils son. terms apply at or next. to >r Phmm 271 D n Dm- J I 3 & M U..UI1..l5U1V Solicitors. `sac. , -V Bzvu-Arie, Opt. U1` HCXB [0 P. O. Box 40-Iy My And it is the thrifty house? wifes who use Heini Pure Distilled Pickling ving: gar, that can answer_:ff---; "Nothi:ig. This \"1 . A j VV q`mt." alniiegfusr spstacigli Df` P`1Fed1'or PIck1ing'.A Thosgw-he lwnglld m:_1.king pIck1es;w,1ll .g*dp Om ,t0 ::1\f.e It a `trial, To;;b_,e aw? 3 she East End W "`00 Der ' ;a1.L `A169. bite `win. - L ~~. nnr (`E11 onJLU .. U . gar 40c per_ga1. J. . A full line of ars, Ring's,'et__c., a Un .\'m1tl:n_\' t-\'0ning' Rev. J. E. `St'a1`1`| pl`:-.':r|I=4l :: xx-1-y forceful sermon on- .\l;:n Plus I 1'u_\'<-1" whicl1 wasa;gr`_ea;tly :.Ma1'v'i:n`[0` by the c`ong.rIe`ga.tion.' Inf the nmrnin;_r Mr. SUa1`1' exchanged pup- pits with the Rev. M1`. Irwin, Brent-_ \mol. -' BUSINESS CHANGES HANDS; Phonne 389. VVVVV "AcRos TIIE >o9o9 906660-fj f S pices, . Sea1e r;'.':f n, a1\vaysA1n_St79c}{-`V.f %T 1b~1iV ' do Gifbdpav 1 Mr. Wm. Dunn`, who is `Van employee. V in the Ontario Dept. of Agriculture, `was. struck `and killed! wh:i.i`e- dzriving , over the railway orowng between {Thornton and_ Cookstoiin `on Monday night. Passenger train No." 56 in charge *-of Engineer Mr. A. ..MeLeod' and Conductor Joseph Quinlan, _dt! the unfortunate ma-n. ~ Dunn: _was about 70 years of age. `and: in this country for a number of- years, until a. few years ago when he moved to Toronto, where he since` been living with this family, who are" _a',1`l_ grown up. ; An `inquest is being held on '1`.hiureday at Gojoksstowjn, all who train crew have `been summoned to amend; ~ ' - . The C.P.R . Crhicago-Toror`14to Exp rss~ I crashed into two freight cans near the Vghundoas Street `bridge on Monday! afternoon, running about 35mil'es per , hour. There were over` eighitay .passe-n- ; 'ClV .S on the =.`i_rain, but fortunately none was hurt. Two trainmen` wexre sulzightly |}v_ b,ruis_ed,'-but were fabl to go to ` 'th'eir'h'o1n1es= in sI'thfee't{_ca'rs. The wreck. eri cans werewburned and; 1:-hie Fine was cleared` in a couple _of hours, T ` ' _Midl-and: " Tims--Work. `. ws com- -,.mence-d on the sewer construction on .` -street on We'dne_sday, under `the ` su-perv'Ls1on of -Eng'ineer[ _Gi:bson. `V The contmctor. `is D-. /Tuck, of ,- Barrie. ' - . V1`. Ilm'1'y Brawl], who was formerly: 111:uu:;:m- of the Can. RailWay`.NeWs }\'\1':x11t here, has resigned from} that vm111m11y ntr Palmerston -and is t:.kin;_r a much needed rest. A He in. m:<>\\ix1;_r old acquaintances around this \\':ml and` will be_ one of a `hunt-Q "mg }a1`:`_\' to leave next wee-k from` this \\'zm]. Mrs. Brown and` Reggie` are \'i:~'1iting in St. Thomas.` I A Mrvs. `Jennie 'G.on`me'r,`,._..of~~~',. Mel1rq'se_-,' 'M`nss., h"as' thle disrtinctione of being the on`l`y woman in fth-e country han.d1!in g' and trains. She has charge of`-91'! tlrei en.,<.i1i~n-es~ on the northern division of . the Boston ands Maine rail-road. and more tihan 400 engineers, git is said, make tab-eii-T reports directly ;-to her. . A . . V b I , On Frid`ay morning 1ast_Mom'isj Ir-"l win, who was v.bra.king- onithne G.T.R.,f was caught between -two: -oars at_ IGue1`p.1i Junc|t_iA-on and fataly. injured. iMany wi.]-1 reme-mfiber Irwin, `He h`a.ving 'run- through here for some time as Imesseugr for the. Canadian Express _`Co.,` and was a general favorite with I all who knewihim. He was the young- iest son of M-r. John" Irwin, former , of the, Gr.'l`.R. at Lind- WMQDUNN KILLED .BY_ kAMn.1'o In~nA1'\'l' M. {PASSENGER nuns INTQ FREIGHT. I I-Iunt/sville, Oct. 16`.-Two Toron-to lads, who gave their names- as Allan Hzu'p,er,, of .D.und_.a,s As grearb_`-yv_st,,j and J os'eph` Gill of VMal'IoJ' street; "_1`o- 'J.`hursd'av last, `it Via sgid, they boarded a. northlbound freight train and "went as far as'vSouth _.Riv_e'rs Thefts of pzqr.-. eh-andise .fr'om a freight later` ..f1'eP91'~*"@ "8116 .four 0ns'ta'b1bs .and'..G:e11 R? ' 3D'8;ciaI i``h9<`?9'. 500 f j the bogs .into.h:\.thoi`-.wmdaj,. n;_e.aV by-gqr-' 9 . rounds 1 them` fund? . a"jfpw_-. `hon lsion on Monday. morning. Mr. John- `ston, tihe new p-ropri_etorTi9 Mrs. Cal. `]?`1=etc-her"s~ father and is: well known to, N many people in {tibia Ward. 1 They were Beth: inevld `at I_iunv1:ai:d1.l'e,| T But managedjto Make Their Ea-_ ' cape.--captured by Datectiv` - ' -- nun , L- say. The Ca_ble"Drilling Co. have been V-e-ry ~suc.;ceessfu1` in their we].-l`sinking opera_-1_!io;_1s_of,1ggt..`;_iLasb week a. ow of 300 ga]l`ons a -.mi1'1ute' Wa's_Aob_tained ~o`1"xM'rZ".F1`e'd Foysfn,- Mineeing. _L A` |ne well was s-unk for Mr. W. L. i.Patte1'sAoVn, G11en}'ogie," recently. E I ` (1rIuQ__,, - 'badl`y` in;)xired~'in -9. s-booting. accident: jFx`.e"1l1A SaIi1swbury_,_.Twh-;) had `his :foot u weelvago, is '111vakiu'g a speedy j re-I covcary` air!" -the` R. V. H0srpit.a,1._' It is` now thought _th-a;tt1neI doctors -will; not; ha-ve to anuputat-e the injured! `foot-. I r\____ 11,"; - M1-. Herb *.];)1111.ton :has sold his` butcher business= to Mr. Chas. John-['1 stun of Rainy River, who took posses`-; ' + ""' .""' I } ----Our Expctrience `and Low Expenses enable us to give youthe best Shoes for the `least mohpy. Barrie ShoevMfg. Con` ; ' ' 4O'tf. MI-. 0; "13. -"VvS_7'l21'i`t4e 7 had % Quid .,:_li~is "fasi-V deuce on Ow_e n `St."to' Mr, J. G`im3bert, baker, employed` by Mr)` C. Brov'vn.i Mr; White after" ~11il~2u.saIe is consid er'- ing moving to the.West. ' % Bulbs for tall `planting--Hya_c1nt.hs. TDa1fod1lls,_. Tupila; _ Wm. Taylor, Duplop St. . I T t1 _. '--Avl1 A- .f<.>r -- `the feet for d`qem ihunting can - -be had at` Carey Shoe Co. , . N bx`. Brotihers `has -soolad.hisv mouse. on Owen St; to Mr." J. J..Max-ks-, and-_is erec-`t-in g `a new dwel-ling on -t.he~I`-Pierson property on .Col-liecr St., whaiczh he pur- chased Bast summer. ` - 4 f - r 1 this wet can 'be~'had from 99c..-pa,ir_1'1p,. so --`Boys= .Sc'hodI' am `said `to stand Tsizis. 1 1:05 at.` Garey Shoeo. L j {Ifhe County :0pu_x'1iI a.r e_,*in`]s1eai.on this Week; A full" ._'r_op`ort of pm-. ceedings will -be Published next week. '1}he We~1l'in'gton Ilotel hatabeei sold to _Mr. George Flasher o- Calling- 'wood. It is understood that M1-._ Flesh- er paid: $5,100 for the furnitur and good}-wili. ~ A {V W ' "" "" 3oo6ooog_ooo: :vyvvv7vvvvv,vv M _ . I NEWS AB0U'FT0WN;`r :.m.` % 'o0b;9o OJ o;V * `I '-`--< `; '1?-heme. '4 is ' vitality .\1r-. lluctnr Rusevear of iWa.ter- duwn, em-0x111nanied -by her youlig sob; i~ simmling some `time uvude'r"'f*the` ]-urmntztl muf. ---~.\l:11'1'i:1;_v'e Li(-cnse can be had . at: E. II. \\'i1!imu `s Jewe11'ySt0re. This} store is nr.>te its great value. -in hin;_v-s n.~;.\\'el1 as all other 1iuAes'~.oAf-. Je\\'cl1'_\'. A _ 5' 'l`l1.e \\'omen s 4A11xi1'ia1y` bf 7'99. Goo1'g~e's (,.`hu1'cl1 met at the reis'id'ence_ uf .\h-.~. '/.. Firman, Burtonl Avenue,Ton .. '.l`ue-lu_v znfternoon. A V q ` _ Mr. I'm-kor I-{art left with sveve/ra1_ othm- .~'1m)'t5 un ).[0nda.y for a "part-' 1-i.1;_ro hunt near Co1we.1?l,. vetttfgniiig with .2\'c1'al ne specix11en, ` T ' .\l1'. 'l`im0t11_v Wilson returned? ._on" .5':.I1n' v\'oni1)g with hirs; Wife-, who . . , 1 __ 7 _ 1 _`l__,```` , -L1__AJA,` :- WOMAN TRAIN jprsrgrcnng. WEST '.l.'ORON'1_'O~ BOYS - _ AB!` \.I.A'.I'.'E Momius IRWIN. `I64.-'4-Tx'Vvo _ Toron-tio? -~ -`- -- A1`nn `Mr. James Belfry "ha.sV just had mounted` ,_ an American bittaern` or stake driver, ` a. most uncommon bin} in this part of the-country. The bird was shot at Hcwibts Creek, near Strath'al{la.n, some weeks` `ago. It is somewhat like, a.l-though! sma!I1'_er than ,a crane, having .9, long 'bill, but the plumage: is much prettier. During the brooding season `the ..bittern ; makes V a -bumping sound resembling the driving of a,.take7;in' the mud`,-.:and- from this it; h"aa"`!been 5,knownQra`aenVI_1:h , Bt`k9 On Friday, Oct. A27-tsh.--Parties. in need of rst-class farm stock, imple- ments and; household" furniture,` would 1 do well` to look up the liarge bills an- nounseing the= extensive credit sale of `Mr, T. R. Parker, east half of 10.`. 20, loan. 9, Esasa. TEveryt-hing` will be; dis`- fposed of as Mr. Parker. has sold} his farm. Terms, $10 andvunde-r cash, and 12 mon:-tshs:cred'it over that. sum. Sale at one o clock sharp . _W. A. McCon- key, auctioneer. ` CONSERVATIVE __O0NVI-.`.N'._ l`ION I A meetingyof the Barrie Li-be1'a1-Con- serva.tive_As2socia.tion will be held in 'their rooms, McCarthy Black, on Tues-i day evening next, when. denlega-tesw will: be appointed` to attend ' the Centre! Simcoe Convention a.t'LEl'mva1e. The: "ilate of the -convention will be sent by; the executive to-d'a-y and .announced? at the meeting next Tuesday. - The Annual Meve'tjng_ of t1}e~.Qbu1xty'! of Silmcoe Beeke-eprs . A-ssrocitatioxii will sb.e`he:1d-in the Po1-i_~c_e_- Court Cham-" lher, Barriue, on 'Sat'urc1`a.y,'0cct0;ber 21st, 1 12:11, at 1,3o"p._m.4 Mr. Morley Pet.tit,| `Provincial Aptamist, will deliver. an! [ac1dres.s on Best way of H~and lin`f.| 'J;Ioney,and \Vax.: "-`; AM persons. in- terested are invited to attend`. _1\Ir. IA`. A.- Bell` of Oro Sta.t*ionV is President [and Mr. Denis No-lah of Newton Rob- {imvcn is= Secretary. ' ' V `Prof. Dorenwend- s representative of. '.l`o'mn:to,'b `to announce that he will be at the Q. e'en s Hotel. on Saturday, Oct. 28th, with a eomeplbte display of the newest London, Paris amt New York creations in Hair Goods.` Yoi1' are invited. to call and ihspecrt his gtmds. ' 41-43 . ........ M . l`m'ko1 se_vera1_ Apa!_|'.'-V C0lv ve.1?l,` vetmfning specimens`, ' __on" WIIIOA hm just returned fr0n1TEng]and. \\'i!mn went` to 'I`0I'on"vo V c0' reet he_r. n. LU llllu 1.: driver. T-'}1:ea;se i'1`o-u`pe.s~ar.e n/ot only 1')er'fect'i iunconstruction, but are lhh_'e ony S-an-i ita_ry and-. Patented= substitutes of! I one"s o_wn.1;ai_r. - .- ; 41-43. "V AUCTION % On '1`ued'a.y,' ' Obqbar 24th` at " 1.30 - pm., Mr. C. P. White, 137 Owen. St., Barrie, will sell by public auction all [his "h'oueh:o'ld' fumibure, etc. See _bil11s fo1_"parvtiou1~a.rsL Temns Lam` cash; A. Brownlee; Auctioneer. . , . ' .A On v`Frid;ii.yV, VOct. 20th, Mr. Bert" Brooks wi1fl'eael'1 by public auction a.t Jhis, reeidsence, Owen 812., `foot of Mor- 'gan s `Hi1!l,fa11 his Lhousehol %furni_ture,_ `etc.7;`-.Th`e housIe,an& llqt wi1_l_a1s\`o_be offer'_e&. -f_or_.saT1'es. Temns for chb.tte_la, cash,` . ,_.W'.* A.~, Mconkey, 'au V ` A NEW.RE_O0RD. , Mr, W..`A_ Boys.wtho1's`pDaying5 in the ]_P.residenis Handicap Acoptest-s at "the `T golf llinks, `~` - a `re-ma,`rl ;s;_dr9j~thj;'s week, -.Llbw9rIng-A the record` fr9;_ii`?43% t`_/o '4_1. .' F-111:1` iparticnlmrs ;of_ t-hep` .w1n`uens:$ ins,` the thandicap % BALD ` ' sihoultl 091.1, and Vinspectf t-he `fa.mou.s`l Sanitary Patienlb Toupes, as: shown by .I rof. Donenwe-n-dI s regprese`ntna.tive` of Toronto, at the 'Queen s Hotel on Sat- ' urday, Oct, 28th.. V , -n ' n llyx Vt: u-v----__v._- The n;em.b_ers~ of the bounty .Co1_m4-% `oil and b.Cd1_1jn'ty` oicialis. were`,y`esIerday enter8inj9i'ij'-1)yV..CVouhty 'C_}jonnci1;1*or A, E. ' ` .f`i:wIirg Vtok"V_ ;th;az_r;.~ 8n':'d0WB, $9 Iiasirg '.2ZE1x1;e1-lei1.f;_ I :;:mathe1-`> A _ WA`1'c;I IT GROW. WHAT? % ` _--Ni~ght_`8choo1 attsndance at the? Businesss Colle-ge. . Ah'ea`d`y 12 young! men and women impfo-ving their .time.' [and educa.ti_on._V Why not you? ' glgeautgi or? your gure -`until V-you` we-ar The Spirella Corset_'.A` They, do not rust.` break or take'`_ a permanent`! bend. Every Corset guaranteed for` one year. Drop `a card and Miss Doane will .be pleased to` se_e..- you either in your own homes or at her` residence, 16 Charlotte St. _ A 23-lyoi -;--You will nevei" 1`now . the % funj -mittee` _ of _the -Liwberaleconservative ' Assoleiation: of V Centre`-Simco Viviilg ,be.`| A mefihg of the` Excufire Com- h;e_1d aj: ;flhe* oicey: pf. the Fieisidjent,-4 Dr. Palltiug, Ton Thursday afternoon, Oct. 20_th, at 2 o c1-ock," four the purpose of (lycitiing the` date. on whi' hold the on"vention_ 'at Elmval-eh. l_II'1iVt`lU1U*'" - ' 1 Mr. Hel111ut';h `spent. over Sunduyif with his family at t=he1r summer hcme. S"tr:;th:1llan. . ` A V T T'- }\[r_ ()sm1' P0uc.h~er 1'e.turned_`0n` Sup"- _..A:..... n+'+m- crnnninvxv `H116 ;-weak ' I - _ v ' Ai1. `a; 1tdhidbi1e' . I i/nit:/ Bros; dvalivery ` _w:_1go_n; on: Dunlop- St. yesfte'r o.n`e* of the wheels` being taken o yhg `wagon `-"and the` axle broken. ;Fort_unately: the. horse _stood still. Skidding of the auto on the slip`- pery_' road is given` as the ca.use*`of the I .acciden`t.\ ` `_ I'.iyrk; ~ j._-Ieui fhumor is ` `tibia, hei- 'phhh08.!Ih6 1`6,a!`t'hing. Her! readings take` hold of her audieuczv` --G1ob.- " t:al'ent-ed `lady can be `he'ar in Colslier St. Methodist, Church on Thursday evening.` T . :4->fore.." I able` to give better service in 13119 Cor-. set line; :-A:p'hone ordbr or-pobtav card will bring _me to you with samples. Corsets have `A coil*in`e vl-ling, (whih means a woven wire). Home day, Saturday. `Mrs. Heard; 13 Ro:ss street, 7 f _:r1a3u;-Ams f [The ;. `.:g_,f ojunty A-Conn 4- ---... -' _ .-....||1 }....'I (I1 IM?OR'1'AN'.l` `T0 LADIES. BEEKEEPERS ANNUAL, AN A EXTENSIVE SALE. AN UNOOMMDN BIRD. Mfss- Rennie -Heznd.-efsfon _i;y"l;e;J:guest! of Mrs. Libtle,'Cha_r1otte St., i_tihi:s' w'eek_.| Mr. Steven Garside has`; .. I-ositjon with _t*11`~ "`d.`. Exvta-;;: , `-. _ ... nn-...... 1..-\+ lock monk Fru- . Miss Ggrturtide Hall 3'1, is the guest of Mrs-. Wilkinson, `Maple Ave. 9' L " ' an " x` Mr. J '. B.'4Ed'wards is`:act:ing manage} IV a-.' the Bank of __Toronto during the ab~ sence of Mr. V Mr. an Mrs. R. Bowman,,Creemo"re, have re-la ned*_ho-me-after -a'sh`onb visit witah 'fr_iends7here. ._ V D. . V Mr. R.;,A.; Stephens was successfully `operated `on- for 'appendIicitis on Tues- day at he R. V. Hospital . ' .4-an a nun .3 _. ._-[ . .. .. .....,.-....... ._ Thez Barrie Aquatic `Club will give a..dace in the Town Ham on T~h'ankAs- giing -'h_i'gh-t, Mo,nd'a.y," Oct. _.30th. T ` tn A. 4u:. ' ., A 3 Mr. C. `E}._JGot'1:s::c`ha?l1z!:4`(">ft1'1`e Bank at Commerce 's'ta' has been `transferred ?toVWinn'Lp\g., Orr is 4;: new junior ft-lerk. _ `T I 309 OOOOOOOOOOOOVOOOOOOOOO 02 i 3 VVVVVVVVVVVVVV 990000000 0 SOCIAL PARAGRAPHS 6 I E .Mr. J'_os_; Bau*1d`ry has returned from`! a trip to "t-he_.West. 5 Missy G]4ady.szI])Zouga]l is spending few dlays in Toronto. __ V o ` M;-'. 0. -H; '( }arruth:e.rz:z,-:e;1'ient the week-' end wibl; family here.` ` if Yx ww- IA Mrs. By1'6v `Guelph, where Fixer father is Gangehrously ill). ' , . ` _ I | Om. 1), Gibson left mm wek.%;`7';.f;:oi:~; (`a`lt -where he has P`!m`h399d'- 9? Pl' `E J '3 ` . . N ._v_. ruom. ` .. 11' , `I M-.. ....L...-nail ` I M1-..H'auAgh-ton Le-nnox, `attended Bradford" Fair yesterday. ` Mr. .T. `W. R. B1`ack1eft_:wtEi"day for `South Pofcljpine, W-her.0]he7 re: lievo. the . manager of ' the - Bank of; Toronto `fqr_ sierql weeks. * . 3] __ Mr. and` -Mrs. R. Power of '1`h`ornton, announce the .'eniga.gen;reVnt of thei`r fdaughter... A1;,n`ie; Mdmd` .to `_M1.'.- .Hew-V 31fx,a_n._"~1`h0lnP5.>7iI5 *hh9>!:,v_vedding` `.-tf'1?9ek.e_. baa-' 9 X........................! I ` 5 Mr`. and Mm.M. H. smith spent Sunday in Utopia." - - . .. - - V . V . | Miss Til'lie` Carr spent" [Sunday with, {her parenvhs at.Thdrnton;- - I V ~* *"'\"" -~ `-'--.aVf."`".I *"" i E Ex-Wardsen Rabi: _Murphy of Rose-V moun>h, was "in Town on Monday. - '|r__ 11', In -r can .-..'I {L--u.er1{. _- f_ .,_' - '- Mrs; .E;IJi`ttle `returned o Saturday fromMAinesii_1g, where slreivas spend- -ing _a. week. with ..her.. =;;friend`,~` Mrs. :Dib;bn. \ 5- 7 Mr. Alex. '1jou4c!hsette' returned on Sja.burday4 from E1, W'e4stern ,-t\_rip, -and `re- ports thingg in "a booming colidition in `the Weas. A ~ H w ' ' Mr. idon VWe1_1/r 1e_ft_di;':Winnipegj on Tuesday to _1}ssume_ formemposi-. t-ion. TH'e was aecompanie'd'_a_sr1_. ar. as} ..'.1`oromt: o by- his mpthgr. '- pom. . - ' .~ Mrs. J. Hedger rW'P*T after :1 wee`k s visit Wlitih. her swim-_' (,ir:u'enl1urst. ~ {I .. . m. -.........L n1nI" Quinliair.