Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 19 Oct 1911, p. 5

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Mrs.` J. A, M_cNeill Bereaved. -oj:11-UABY, _. - !-1:_1ije_ - -3{1_8 1 _ vvnua UV _Springe_1-s . . Calves .. Sheep,ewes .. Lambs... Hogan, 5 fed f.o.b. I vcnwvu .n_I.A\A\4Iu `VIII AUDIO: Hides, No. 2 Calf skins, green, per In," Sheep skins .. ..; . . . . .. Tallow, per -.I'b. . . . . . . . . Wool, picks . . . . . . . . . . . `Horse hides, best grade. Horse Hair, Wop], washed . . . . . . . . --.._.-..`L-J Export cattle,_ chbice medium . . . . alt: wheat, .bus'he1. I ( ...,.,.,... L Pnces Ruling-` in A1:he.Ba.rr1e and To- T ronto Markets Durimz the Week. Torohto, Oct. 17, 191]. C Quotations on Tuesday we:-a:-'_ Mr. T. `Hastigs of Tofont; ;vas the guest of his si.ste,r,V .Mrs. G. Kiasick, recently. ' ' ` ` _ um _..._ ._ - THE LATEST MARKETS AlA:tfa.ctio_r1-.--Crov_\rl,ed Houses Everywhere. your `seats eefly.- % Now on sale at Walls Bros e V ` * ' Telephone 194. ' wONDERFULI:l.ECTRICAL El-'FECTS--SPECIAL scan- % T 4 RY+-ELEQANT COSTUMES. Pl.lCES : soc, 75, $1.00; a few 1.50, Gallery Beecroft "ace ii: Genraz "Banking _f Bu ainees.- .; g, Notes Discbu-(med . ag. nraanabzenael ; oozzec; V itinQf Notesand Accounts given `apqqial 4 at(entz'm._ . . . .' ohqutgide bacs cashed `?f"3.. 99?7`7' .:z. 3:? r `,_N6tg`a._C'ashed `or Collected any/wnhere. V LIVE STOCK MARKETS: RV9'-'*~~ Mrs.TvA. M]c1Lea.n anddaughter, _.Tean,, returned on Sa'trurd*a.y from -a. week s visit with friends at `Bra.eebrid*ge. 1'11. 111, _ ,. 151 n crv ' .*`BANKERS. vvu-uuvu coo-can unwashed . . . . TORONTO bf Mrfss AD'ELLA;\.IlCK1_ZRSON -Viantd .an_ ;Exe_]_lcr]t Cpmpggy Presenting H15 New Play, Alr a:.i".:'A/.o;1`d,erful Story, Uramatized by " . z , _...'Eugene Presb;ey. - -% SATURDAY, : OCTOBER :Barrie, Oct. 18, 1911. 85 `s o | O 9 I I Mr. C'h'a:s. Bl-uecmagnr V`?-\- ;oo-dsvtv" Elk and Miss Cevby B1uem'an_ of Barrie spent. a day at home rsb of _the week. Saiiford Dodge 5 W95; ` 900 85 48 4 70 so 13 00 15 no 14 oo "35 27 14 12 13 i ?5 11 oo A-A `E; 36% 900 775. 7 50 _1o 00 .\-A 6 00 5 65 4 50 5 so 5 25 4 25 4 35 3 50 1foo 1; Even; Extraordinary 30 M '% Mr. B. "T. JVca1d{vi17.m; 'J1a{'t-1}}; farm and is going in a. short. time to Acton itro reside. Mr. Calidtwevll will be missed; by his many friends: here and` especially by the Methodist "Sabbath school, of which he has been smperil}-A t-endent for about `seven years.-' A T the close of Sundiay School last Smi- day, h-e was made the neci-pient ofan `address, a be'a11'txiu1' ma.nt1eTcl`o'ck- andt some silverware from the Church, Lee- gue and Sa.b!ba~th School. ` Mr. Calldr well, feelingly expressed `his thanks in a few well chosen remarks. 2.1- 66 3 17 03 15 00 115 9 50 +3 50 9 oo 12 oo 10. 50 `ssl 86' ` 50 fun- 90, -oo; l\o\ T `*i_usglaln'11'i"l)8a`-`{:|.I$)ints }Iutta_\\'a mm , NH-__pp1nta .in Qlfbelg-3: : 1.~|\.( H1 I :`}s00tiiI, and .Maine_ . her 11th *l_.,9,t__h to Noyem _ ._93-.I_+k03. Penetamr, Lakcyof B839 ` A `?i\'PI'. Lkemr A "`v ~~_.., _ jto November I [In H of B853 LMKGS. Lake ' River akcellgil immc DAY . _ ` `nu .5 . . 1 mam: .3: '.:::;::a::.?.?s:;:a:% &Tnd ,Dc,ti-cit. ich. ` ` 0 ; and am: 0 tober27. 28. 299; , ' Rilrn I. m l November um - The MiT.sseeTi3V1'eFw:;`;i;' were the guests of their srlster,'Mre. A.,K. Addri-son, recently. _ . },;z=,`;';"vU_r;s--..-~` i Hunters . nxeuutorsjot me Estate _of the Late W` W Kenned -have,appl1ca_txon for pern1'1a'sion to trans er the tavern license for the :ll'l'lC, Geo. Flasher, ot.lh_e Tovyn of Collingu-00.1 mtg that said a.ppllcanon.vnll be (3OTISldCl`C(1M.[[hz meeting of the Board of- License Cmm ' ` lliiaul - iknownas the Wellington Hotel. of Bw'm!s3' to be held in`the.In_spector's Oicc in .ofBD.rrie. on FRIDAY, OCTOBER '.'.'th. 1911` `at. the`h_our of 2 pm, All persons iutcrcstcl [will govern themselves accordingly. : - - , THOS. DUFF. ` License lnspv;-tor. emu `October 18th.` 101 1 .4 hr.` Town` PURSUANT. to section 38 of (Tliap. tere 129 R. S. 0, 1897 and a.1nomln1emg thereto, no` hereby given that an creditors and persons, l)a\`il1j_:<'1:1in1;~ against the estate` of John Robert `Bailey, late of the City of Zion, in ahe eCounty_o'f Lake, State of I]lii10i.~','I'..\f_ A.,. fovrmerlyiof the Town of Bmrio, in `the Couby`1o1:d SiH1130,bP1'(:\'i;]\"0 of On- tario`, W o (i on ora on :t io t\\'vnt_\'- [first day of April, 1902, at the said City of Zion, are required on _U!' imrm-.; Sa.turd'ay the 4th day of .\'m-m`..m-_ 1911 to send by post prepzliui ur nth:-r~ wise deliver to W. A. Boys, I{.~q., Bur- lrie,viAdmivnistraito`r, or the 1111110`!-`~i_'_:'nv`I` vtheir `full names amt a1li-e-- with {full pa_rticul3ars> of tih!i.1' t:1::in1< pi'n1o.1'- ily veried. ' iv. AND FURTHER. TAKI-I .\'m'+: that "afvte1' the said date the .\hnini~- tratorwillvdistribute the 0.`~t.'m~ mt th- said deceased, having 1'9_::`::r:l -v..}_v zr, those c1 aims of wlxic-'h` he ~hn!I rlm [have `notice. - `IN the Matter of the Estate of Wil- liam H..Mu1ho11and, late of the R.S.0., 1897, Chzgp. 129, and zmlending eactslahat a.]xl* personsrand others haying claims against the `said \\'i1li;un H. Mlholland Wlrodied on or about the 27th of_S epten1ber, 1911, are required to send bjrpost prepaid, or to deliver to' Samuel Brolley, Strand 1 . 0., one of the Executors of me said \\'i11i`am H. Muilhaolland? on or before the 6th and smnames, descriptions-, full} parti- culars_ of their claims, statennents` of their accounts, andvof the security (if of Simcoe, Farmer, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given p11r.~uantt<'- tdayof November 1911, their ("hrisan Vany) haeld by them. A.7AND-FURTHER talfe uotive th3t after said: last mentioned d:_1.t.e. the Bxecutols _wi'l~1 proceed to _x11st1`1b11V.tE "the assets of the. eS t'8-ti 0` *9 531 ; William `H. _-Mu1:11`o111and among tg pa11fie'e`enti1tle~d: thiereto, havnpg F9513 .on1'5* to hose claims of W1.1U" thfly sha11~hiave~h.ada gotiee and fhult ,said;Exel'.ut'ors W111 not be lmb ef to' aseotzsv, or any P3-rt T 91;]im agy pe]I3on.o|' persons of who.o' 0 notice pdhallr mot l1a\7`-,bf.`<.`m }`9Ci"9d at the date of such. d1str1bot1on. I , Township of Innisl in the County , I r\.:_ B1rri (')ctob~er 18th.` 1911. I . Dated aft Barrie, this mu .1 `October, 191]. V --'.n - , ___ -v--v-\a `Public Notice is hereby given Executor:-of the Elate of the Last. K9nnPV.hu1vn mndn unnlh-...o:-.. 1- ' 42-44 _Iy|_I L l|C'l.l' \A1Q~uAJuu.;..\.... Dated at"Ba;;1ri.eA.the 4th day of 0` i` fobep, V1911, , .-;......`.o . nu. n n'v11VV \P,T Mr. Wm. H155 has-' ietuIfi'fe71"frmJ_ a trip to the West. ' LICENSE DISTRICT M CENTRE SIMCOE I D!-`IL. 1 _;z. ADMINI8 l'RATOR S NOTICE _ cnzmrons. NOTICE To CREDITORS ilccarthr, Boys & Murchison, Solicitors for A l..L `STEWART & STEWART, Exelcutors Solicitors. 13 Owen Sh Barrie. . _ Return ` G Rev. and spent few days in Toronto wast week. _ _ '81)? giver. that _0 Lute William l1ca_t1on pern ' 9, 1911 ' Edenvale lfast wee!: ;.; __`- urn 1- u 1' - -. 7 ".' ." 7- ".1," Miss: '].5Lel1`e Russseaw `wi;Q&:$ihas' in. .:j'*- ~ -Elts-i-e Ayres is. slowly_ convaiescing. It 'is._11.o ed"tl1fatx-*sh9'muy soon by per-_ T ;i6_t.?1aa'-`5""- V We are sorry t-0 '.he~'ar *t _11.a-1; Mr. J. Sneath, our p0smnaster,i9 in the hos; pital in -Barrie. a speedy recovery. Mi-ssI__B. Sneath. of Barrie is;g to the post ofswe at present. ' ' `Ir -51- .n - - .- We "hope: to hear of . Ocm. `16.---A` few from this vi` at- tended anniversary .services3 at, Edgar, on.-Sunday. ;~ :1/ _' l .r..=-.:.~.1\I.u. and` Mrs. Donald. C0utt4S'- and little girl of Shanty Bay-visite~d` at "Mr.< s on Sunday. V ` TI)`- ..-.- N.....__ L. .1,,__ LI! .1, 'ur-, 1' The Arch(1ea.co11.\\"a1\'cv1lc-n of Toronto will occupy [ohe pulpit of St. 'Paul s -Church next -Sunday afternoon at 3` o clock. '*).i.\ - K. Cockburiz spe1it`a few d'a{y with Barrrie frijendns ~1ast_ week. V . Mr. Martin, a. -worker I inion Al1`iance, from Toror t/his circuit 1'as~t -S.11nd@y.T y I 1 `Irv ~. IVI A Mise,.Annie Jeersgn iof VBur1v1ha1n-i is, spending a couple of months, at ".Pop1 ar Farm. Mr. J, M'itc.helI spenitx _a. fevir .ho1irs: in Town on_ Saturday. qr w-up -- -` .. ...' . . - I|\tO\-I_ _ ava.vuu'uJ \a V Iv Lvlla 11) ULLLIU, to jspen-d a` week With; Mr. and Mr_s. O. S_. .Rowe. , T , .. .4` ;Lo'vvel-1' spenrt' tI1e~Twee:kV-end; With Mrs. Fe-rguson. I " _1.`_ i,,,_ Fred Rowe was -in T9r6`11:iio "3n_ Monday acting as groomsman at_. his brQt:1mer s4.weddAi_y;_g. `_ J _ 1' . ()dt 17.--Mfs. E. Rogers of NeWJ L-ayvwcs G. ' vv I\-l"\.l>L_'l-.l>.5o if NV` `L " TU. _ Mrs? J. ' `Clo\"1'li.I`e` `spent Sunday V "in Gruenfe-1. _ , ., Mr. H. L . `Rowe. Sf Torbntlo arrivedl here_ Monday` `evening with his bride, fn -Q1'\nn.r-L n" 1-nnn'Yy 11v:`-I1 I/fa. nu}! X/fun/' <\`rr """ ' .3, . *~ e .a.nnual._' I{ary'estj `Home _ nd: '1`-hiiankegiviixg services wi1*1 be held . on Stmdtay, Oct. 29th. Servivce- at,11 and 5' -o'clock. Rev. E, R. J. Biggs of Bar- riq wi'1-1 be the spgcia1' prewcther. AA th_hnk-0- e-ring will b_ei taken. -.B v------.. v-- -~ --6 Mr. Ste-v4enso__n, a "V1'e17) 1es;"ej>ntative .01, the Do_minion_A_J1iance-, `g"ave",~_-an egg, cement address; in t!11'6`_' 'e'-t-hodist; Chu-r.e11_1 q1:iiSunday aftefnioon. +4 L ! V St. J ames` 9Chun'c'h, .a. c`h.i1d~re`n su'-se-r- VV L` .&&EEo _ A `V Oct.-. 17.--Next Sunday _efi7g31.iin.g`"i"ri I -'viee.will| be held 'at 7 o clock. "A Jpial cdlfbection will be". taken. - l ,u_ ` _,_ 1 .17 ',_ _1_ , Y`l'_..-; 4...}; , ; j IQUW nxvuucu. J-.U vvuu vuLJ- crvvvxivinwov` _:_1n& he wears! a; Broad `smile ever sin~cu_e; :_~.}_H:r; and Mrs. Spronl an ;.r.oj1j`1nce the. mhrriage of their eldest *h;1iI!8hter.h1Li1sah Mae fto. Mr; Fred- [;eI'_ieak` Charles Hjaughtdir, which `tool; `place at the Chu_1-ch -of, St-. Mary Magd'a_ lene, Toron`-tb, on Monday, Oct. ~19tbf,. 1911. 7l:&.wI.1`1cs gpnt "a few gays` inst weekwitah her parents, in Barrie.._ `ll i-l, |u'u noon. Vvua.I V- 1 ..... ...., ._ _._...`.._.._ A show-er came to Ivan on-Mo1i' which` assisted him in furnishing-"his'J new kitchen. It` was very acceptable. __:1 L- __._._.... ..' L.......! *..........'I... n-..-.-_ amnmn Oct; 1*7.-We are glad to report *tah_at' Azlqster _C_eci1' Grouse is improving. ' is_s `Connie `Do_use` 'of i R t Sunday undbr the. panfental root. and Mrs-. George` Wallace gspfnt a few days last week with their daugh- ter, Mrs. E. C. Beaitrty. - A___ J._._.. cnown MIDHURST. . M1NE8I_.'N'G. . c oI.wnL1.. bf the Dom- Toronvho, spoke on Q4` Qvrrutilniv 7 -~' - - on`: u \a VVLEV IV Cllllo JEIIU H Franklin -F'eii51ie'l_]`,"nni?' t'11e: brides- b. TBe'P`you'1i:g co`u15]s left on the 3.40 train for" Pete1~b,orough., where they intend` srpegndig a. short honeynroon. `l'f`2...... 'I`\'.__-._!'I`I:':_' III 11; ` `g`;') <;Z1;-i"`3:V;a;__.i_:!_11}}porte(1"'lJy his brother, 7R sister of `` :t`h__e`_ bride. /.B,;{L,,D1",'_,;IJ!.ng:e1dt oiciat-` `_ `\7;';1:e."el`oS}e;i` ']`astf'l`.1'1urs`-A day .+a,nd*_1?.`rid-ayV on acocfount bf `t_,I1e,-15>. te_aehe_r_s' aT1:teuding.y Tgqhgrs _{3q1'1;;_{ `T': .tfi;`Z"- ~. ` _`Q h M; " fi~ie'.ixa:`.` 5_.o&LiMr-:_- % Haniiing". ___-_____,, _--....._-. .4....,. , Miss F1-ossie A Burn'h'an1_5 of, Peter- borough was; tlhe gue@t.;ofT, E. H._ 'La.ng1;`,1 at_ St. Pau1 s-RVectory,.'vt'h;is W`eek.f~g ` ' ` Watnicja will ':be, p1_eaa3d.' ` ` 1e_ar_u_ t.1_1'a_t'_ he;.;g;;og1gan=t;:%;__-.t%~ r A e The grave fears of the many `friends of Mrs. Thomas Higgins were realized `on Tuesday when she` peacefully pasei ed to rest. . Mnsa. Higgins Was` 'a `daugh- ter- ofj\t='he late, Mr. and Mis-. Wiliaiml Hinds and Wa-sin her 57.f/h year. ' Six` b1'otI1ierrss and three siistersi-surviv-e. A Of"! . her own family, Ibesides her hus'bamd,l that survive `are: yfour . sons, John,:- Lewis in the. UnitedjSta`teVs, Thoma.s.; and Wilfred at ho-n'1e,'and' four daugh-E ters, of whom are Miss `An7a.s tutia -at Toronto and Miss Verayat home. By her death. the'co_mm;un`ity in w.h_icli` she! resided `loses : one of its most kindly and amiable n1em`b'-ersu `The `funeral which was very largely` attended, took place on Thursday to the R. 0. Church "-at Mount` `St. Louis, -`tche Rev._ Daniels of Waubausvhevne cele-brating the Mass. `The . pallbearers we-re: hlesetrs. J. Morran, E. Morran,` M. annon, P. Shannon, M2 Haes and`J. . anrin. _Mr.- a1'1d,Mr's.vNaJand, Mr. and Mrs. 0 Rei1ty of Toronto and` Mr. and Mrs. McEach;ern of Braceibridge,` all relatives of. deceased, attended the 'f1u1_e~ra1.._ . ` Children is services were observed" last Sunday throughout -thwe paruisah, Vdhe re c.tor pre=aohing_ on The C'hi'ld'hood- of Jves:us:. ` Next Sunday, Dr. Lahgfeilki-t~ `win , iop T.'he Joy of the Lord _is -`your StrengtI11_," and: in the evening at the Miscsioxi .service,- The Love of n....1 n ` - -h . ` ' u- uwvav uuuVJullUUUa ----- '- *'r7*,`""5____; _ _ _ ~ V M. iss_;Dveril1*.df\Col1in.gwo'od: was y"i`sgit`in.g. Mgs. Sam gliliwkmore for avfew _d\aysVi'a1s`t'wek.-`. - ' V 4. -' "f J. F1e_n 1`i,ng arid ,T 1:119,` Misses Flem-in'g' auiod i`tof` Sand'y""'Cove' 'f1:om Toro;_1t=o Tlast Sa.tufd'ay,*for..th_e: day. : I mr:...... 'I.11 ..Q...!..v n--_._L - -'"T::."1>"1`?" ~-~.~- (lav Sc:h:-"3101 `-3, 11:al::mcI- 1.0_ 3311-, Sun- Litany, , " mnlng Prayevr, Oct. 16th,-1\Zlr.` a..udM}$, A. Ronaild, Jr., and Wm. F. Ronald` and party. motored =from*Toronto. They reported having 9. very enjoyable trip. 1 `Ir Punswxcx ,A quiet wedldngv wast solbmnized at St. Paul s 'Ghurc-h last Saturday, Oct.l 14th, at 2" o'clock, the V contracting` pamtes being Mr. Henberti James Fen- nell `and Miss Gertrude Lilliiaxi Webb, daughter" of "Mr. George `Webb-. The` nsnnnru .- 1nnu- nI|1\i\Ab`1ub'.|1-Qua '.1.:.. 1....-:.L'... St. VPeter s~, Chuurchilll-2 p.m., Sun- day School, 3 p.m;-', Evensonga/nd ser- .`_mon. V ` ` . I ' _Week4nigh1i.ser.viee, Thursday; 7.30. `St. Paul s .Miss.i0n,` 10th Con.-'-6.30 p.m., Si1_ndayS,cthool, 7.30 p.m., Even- songs and! sre__1:m'oi1. -V _ _ The W, A,.!of~ St. Paul's will-meet: on \Ved I1e`sd`ay, Oct-. 25, at the resi- _dence _of Mrs. L01;-t Smith, 11th Con. 1 I11 I11 v \. Reeves C_aId_well' and Ball were it; this vi-`l_1' last-` week` and gave inrsrtruc- tions to County Road Commissioer,I D. H.'Mi.nty, to,, de and grave] ai portion of the Pe efzang Road, south of the r.svt-side'1in`e:. V ' ` Mr. T. Hill shipped three car-loads 1 of `potatoes, a.ggre'ga.ting 1500 bags, laistv week. ' - 5 T ~ I % PARISH or. Tmmsrm. - 191:1: Sunday after Trinity, October 22. QL] 'l')..--`| 9.. `I)..........!-'l- 1n -... 0-- ! I I .n. auuu-a ,1; ! S:aturd'ay. - --W" "37 ' . _, . .. . ' 1' Mrs. W. White isvvisiiting fri~e'nds[ ml `Ban,-ie. . ~ ' ` ' , "Miss `Susie visrite Eady last week. " . ,\ , d? (friends at ! . ' V ` xi R Mr. .J.._Mitc"heill, Vfbigutgilieeve of! Med0nte,~'on return `frqm the ,_Asj.sizes{ I.-`as` j1ii-or at Barrie, -s'pe'n't:;'a nigih argdvi ia~d`a'y 'wi_t_h -fTri_eVn_'ds }_in' vil`' -_ V ` I `ll - --_J"1l'_`__. 15 1:- .._._ .._-.-.\ --u --.-.1aL'ao.ruu~L1 !ne;i$* a tyyo r1_1o9hs~ ,_ _vjjt , vfi-ie`nds"ih* `thi '"'W`e*t,` *ili1`i`ii"i'<'I1i +1FA' 17 ' R135. Mr. Kenpedy of Toronto, rep-- resentative; of the Dominion Alliance, preached in the, M'eth-odist-,CG1urc=h' on Sunday morning, and"`M1`.= Martin-of ~,'J.j?;ronto, also a represenathtive of the ff- 1;M1e` body, gave `a,n_..add-ress .,in this ;esbyteri=an~ ChJurc`l1 in the afternoon. g1.1z_genbleV1'neon gave very interesting 61 instructive addresses 60. the 1'arg'e.` re g94tiions= . which f` `J1 e'ard= t`hb{e'-m_.i% S ` i L z . %Ji;Ii`s- ."Downe3." zhat .-r9tu;ined:\.,r9!no,; L-1 ,'-up" - V 'Og:t.i<,sA.-1\zfrf=$;:'\z&\;I.~1;a:'1_T'1'1'iIt'- and }u`gn: ! r of Ev%rett~_". are the ' itaiztandx Mrs, Hi-u-. l,._;M'~rns\. R-. stkial and '1` 7l18 d~a"11`,Tg-l`1'te'i-A,'7' Mrs. -ucvnun. -.....';:... .. fl`? -Dnnrnamnn .. . ,>..`-...-uu an. l\lv\I'\J-l`I'LI-L auu uuu5'uuc1", $Il.'3o Towns, of Powassen, were visiting [relatives in this l'oca1ist;y-last week. l 11- 1- -nro. 4 -n Q\ - M; `VvR.fI\i;;h$ii;;}er} our-Iv n +1:-rn mnn+l.g.7 ' ' .....'..'J. .;.:,n. . team to us Reid .Rose 1`eV_aL for some tim e but fro}; `fforce of habit hdye just Kept on using % `another tea " ' Breakthe Habit , and` b1iy Rad% Rose? next tin`1e_. f. ` M % You gvem-% . [ .|_ _LI.-L. 'I_.-.;..* _;. *+...%..; f Recommend `It - `s3, my f..;.:;.;. .17 - -.-4:.:.~:e* } name - vu- ham 9- _ M_id{hurs~t_ sypnt. fa.Srj9%n&ayL_ elle Runssewl.-} We wish you evverysucves` in your] new. eld of labor and sincerely trust both you and your es~t.imab1 e partner in `RH-`n. `Inna?!-1-\n Jnnru n.nnun.R' `A an-......-.- {J "iir&a37be.33I1g"sI13r"` "t$}' on `the work in which you are en- lgagedi; ,,_. . . ; ' -, (Signed) 4 C. McKENZIE ,.President V 9 _ E. SHEAR, Secretary. Jas. 'Ma.rin, J. E. Morrison, W. M`ac~ Kay, Committee. . . - ;1W,-r_:-'l-\l'1'Vcos.VEa-ton {of _Oi'i'1:lia was in; .`_0i`lS 'v'i_I:1:_1.ge_ `last yyeekl n nu, ,, ;_ A___A_;_I you an vv;ssu6 IV vvuo :.,.s..., .. ..-.~, 9.'l`.1'1""t" ""116 "" "t'ook"d}a1itg` of` tli" prerserucbe; of Mr. J", K._ Mil-lis, .wh_o_ was- r.e`cIegntly' promoted -from the: inspector- ate of the local .school!sv_.ivto Inspector` of the Continuation Classes, to express, yin the T following adodresls -their grati-J cation on this promotion. The ad-I dress Vwas read` by his -successor, In-; spector Garvin, and the pres~en~ta.tion lof a.,go1 canle made by M12. iMorrow. The address read: ' ` I w 1.: *1 During the yeans we have been 219-}? soc-iateid in `ed-uK::a.tional work you have` _v gbeen er `ready 'a.ndj"wil`li-ng to ren-,' Ed-er IS`. every possible assistance-._ You' have been a` faith"1_ uI worker `and! ex-. `cel1.en\`:._ organizer, T endeavoring, . as!` far I--as/was in your power, to make con-' .(1itions`srui.ted. to the best interests ofblxe pupils, in order `that they! might reeive ithe beast ;po'sai.b1e% ele-3 men an-,.*d11cation. I A i I (, In conclusion we wou1d~ ask you tol accept this caI,1e_ as a -s1xig:h.t recogni-I tion"of. 'you1`4uncne.fLsing efforts, and` as` you leanupon it in after years may! it "eve;-serve to remind you of the aid} and support you were to the teachers of the North Sim-coe Inspectorate. *EANEDSCml % 3 I A lNSPECTOR& MILLS; | Dear`Mr..'MiL:-We teacheufsg of North Sim-c_oe~, desire, on -this oc-f ' t -V t 1 .te ~ '~ ,;c):::1(1)::`.ion0 t`Z%2 oZmo3f.T 3'f 1`i.s,*. c`.`t75 4 or-of -Continuation` _Cvlasses, a position! you are so well qquali-ed: -to `ll: We qre plreased that your untiring ~ zeal iand energy -have =be'evn _so ttingly re~ : .`$`lid"fJ. ,`i; if? a;1L ast ei2?Zc:`; oiZ i `iselves, how_-'ve?r, with ,t`1`1egfact thiatl kw-hat is. our loss: is your gain. .. . - 3'3 .5"_*(Cay;1j,tin1`1ed from page 1). 1 `Hid a'&H'r`s Ideals in Education. I ` The next a1inu`a.1 `convention will be` ghe'IJd in 9o1'li;1'gvfq9d. - ' I .n..""'..x... -. -_~-r '~ -" ?~' 4-, ..MR.*`sA1~rronI': Down. ' 31:; Gilb,o_rt_1? Miss LilyMo:-a;;1:'3f._.fi5}i}.f';ii? `in`g-*a- few days wiith 'her`:cm1sin," Mary Orchard`. ` ` ` Mr. J'a.cksbn` of"the:Te1ppe.1'an ,A1Lii1i1ce,vs`.poke in favor of the "tempe-r- `antic `cause in the Lethodist_ Church 09. Sxind-`ay'T last, _7. -u-. . \ I te-`r, Mrs}.`~ WL `Miss Lizzie Pate*rson_-ins home again: She wpent sieveral Weeks ..wifeh;- her nun Things are looking up in, our vi1`1.age.Vl Preparations are now `being made for] n ska0bing' ;i:;gk~for this wintexf. A ._.. O_n9Snnday, next Oct. 32ml `ll? `be; held .` the. regular % * of. the` Mthodiqt services` to be` con? ducted by _Rev. .J.v W. Fox, B.AL, of_`_ Bee'ton,_9.tT 10.30 a.m;, 3_p.m. and 7.30` _ _. rm... ............1. +.1......1,. nnrmeinnr wl A1.ah prg__gcshIed' llasth Sunday to an xapprccih-; the . and V _.att.911tive co1ig_1r_ega__tiox;, j. 4;` -n 1. 5. _ nevwn,. llyy >l`\J`oQV Cilclllo, u_ guns. ..:v ' p;n1, The _ annu\a1;-t:hank- oenng w11_1` be ttaken. .Gvren'f\o-31` ` Angus Lserviceq in the Method*i.sb_ -Ghugph are with} J'...-----";. #4: (\..J- V Ill >uuaw dull-Vvllirtnuvv \I'I -, -C . for Oct. 2211 ` '-:1\-lIi:s._0f.;]`31_-/i(e ;i_ `oi7Barrie` a visitor} at -'1`he- W`oods" week." 1 r. '_Ma.r*E`i.n of Toronto spenti oS_un.d:ay* with ,Mr. `and: Mrs. W. Mc-A; Millan._` 3 _' I `!"""j." " bct. 17.- -.Mra:." WiAlmot. of A`l1'andale: wasip our village" Past week. . "3, Mrs.` "I`h(_>s_'. Brooks of "~:A1~1isttaon is! visiting zhgm-'-mother, Mrs-. '1`hos~.vH_art. _ -*3 _.'L }i;n&mM;s .d 7Z.71iJgJE, %.+;TfL";;s;e?% fueilds in Aveningj last. Week; ' 1 E43] riff, I ll - .' -v uni}.-- K uf.g spent SeVefal_'W6Qk$ wih friends `Inn ` /.\ ; TMisas._J. Cameron ishome again, Iiav-"V N.;Rm-m A*DvAN%cE 1_ vive. viz., John Metrcalt or mroucr, auu gfyvilliam Mebcalf ~ of Redwpod _(ne-ar n lhournbury). There were four chiliren ;. by the s)econd"m`arr_i-age, one of whom isurvives{. Mrs. Hug.ga1'-t,_ of Toronto. All weu'e`presen't at the time of..dea_t:h and during `her last illness`. Deceased was a.1ife=long member of. the Meabho- ` dist Clmr`b`h a`nd. took a. deep interest in I % al-1 churches. She was a.very hospit- _ able and* kindi--h.ea.1'.tedt-woman and was Ehighly esnteeam-ed? .by all' who knevwher. The fu.necra.1' on. Saturday to Stroud cemetery-was largely at/caended~ by rela- ltives and` friends.` Rev. J. R. Lamb, 1 a.ssieted by the `Rev- Dr. Langfeldt, !oiciated at 12_he~ grave, the Rev. _Mr. (Lamb taking as his text pant! of the sixth, verse of the 64th chapter of _}saiaR: And we all do fade as a ";;p:;i;a.; 4 l41-tf THE ADVANCE _OFFICE.i Some choice bliilding lots on Bud-' ford Street. Excellent locality. -A `John of the Mlalte. `Jacob. ,'Z;1\:[.A Hall`, o..A1landa`le-,_wa s~ ki`11 ed- in a railway `accident by a derail-' Fment at Batavia, Montana, in the early [par-b of 1`asA; week. Deceased; was born ` at Hamilton and` ranxas-c_on1uctor out of Toronto for_. 15 years.`- In 1897. he went toMedig.-.ine .H-git. `and: has since worked. ,_as 'cond:uc:tso1-ion 'CaWnadian and Ame/ric'an lines, being employedi on, the Great No rthern_alt` the time_ oflhis idea.t;h. _ He wa`8 ? ;11arried-:"'a:boj11"t 20` years "ago to` Cassie" Knigiw` of I Sh.eJb_prne, 'Ont.,' who survives,` v;{i tih one son" and. xie daughters. g 1.`l1ey"re- ide `at Kalispee, ' Mo_n1;._,, ,hnft._ a_t' the time of u! accident. Mrs. 'H!fi11'.`wzi.sL on .a visit `to Seattle. '1`.h1e suryiving: gela- ltives are. his. mother, ;one bif6ther, Jacob H.` -of Cochvrane; 'a.n four _sisw 50f R`aI;a.Way, Mrs. =`E. Brlmttoti of Hamiltonand' J. `AL McN_'i1.1.' of A_1l'an_da.1`e . In.terment took -_-p]`a'c&e _a't ! hers-, Miss ~..Dorovthy, Mrs. `George. Lutz ' |\\`hite.Fish, Montana, on` M`0'ndy. _ of -- Death of,-a"P$pn_e'erA'at~ Strand.`-` . There passed a.wa.y., git." Stroud on `Friday _morning,:_-October 13-th`; an _old- I-resident- in -the `person of `Mrs. Tmelia }.Wi-lkinsovn, in her 92nd year. Decased came - from Isomersetshlire, England, E with her parents; Joseph. and Elizabeth : -Hunt, and` settled at "Shanty Bay eiguhty-one years ago. Whilestill in her ._teenos she went to Markham, where `she was rmarriedli to Wi'1'l`iam Metcalf, then removing to Oak Ridiges. '1lhere jehe lived} untilthe death of her.hrns~ band in 1844, when she -returned! to {Markham-. In 1848 she became. the .wife- of Robert Wilkinson -and came {to lo`vt -18, con. 12, '1`~p. of ~Innis'l. Mr. _ [\ViI-kinson died in` 1885, and` since then `Mrs-. Wilkinson has made .her home with her son`-, Mr. John Metcal-.f, rst lat '1"he- Pines, Big Bay Point, and I. later at Stroude. She? had a.Jamily of {nine children. Five of these were by ltahe first marr-iage, two of whom sur-. vive. vi2., John Metcalf of Stroud; and. A1! T)..\.'\.1 I 1-. nnvp 1.. . `7 `. "' 1; _ n _ .,gy .. . . I , ,, I . '__ '.:,_'-` ~ 7 ,`._,._ ~ `e T. ".~ ` ; V ~ ,, A V _ V _` * ` _, .." . _-___ M dine death in; "1`..r6i_1t6_~_ n Friday} Oct.`-'.13 th, of Ada: 7Pens toi1e,. `dea1"ly.beI6ved.' wife of ;George Nunn `and ezldestbv daughter_ of :Mr. and Mrs . [Frank Penstone; of Bqphia St., Barrie: Deuceasetf `had been-"in pour health for `several yea:-st and the end: came afgber' lconsidesrable guering. She mar- ried} to Mr. Geo. Nunn, who at that time worked in B`arrLs` as 9. tinsmith and plumber. 7 Besides: =her lmshand there-are threqboys and one g`1rB left {to mourn, the -eld-esitt being 18 years ,_.:! LL. ..............4- mindw 'l`.h.n curvivinll '50 H.l0'|ll'Il,'I.Illa6`. -uxu-varu -ucnua .a.u _,v_ and the young`est'e:ig'-ht. '1`-heosurvivigg memlbe-rsV of_ Mrs. N`u'nnv s` family are: oliisses Louise and Helen Penstone and I, Mr. Herb, Penstone of` Toronto, and `-M_cr. `Wm. Pensbone of Morris, Man._, and her father and mother of Sophia 'Torox'ito`on Monday. S~t., B'an`ie. 'Inter.mentJo took place in. PROPERTY FOR SALE V `Oct. 17.4-Miss Susie Wyns is v iss'it,-.. ing `her sister, Mrs. -T." McFar1ane, :41) $t_'ayner.` ' * ' - L '

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