M 1008. _ .~ . _ D("IUt'fi\`0 Scott was detailetd. ;` week tn go to the Markham Fair and! luok after the G.T.R."S' intlerests_tihe_re.- A Mr. .l<-1'=r_\' Flesh, a `former ib-rakes Jmm nut of here, is now conductor` 0;. {ho ('..\'.R., running out of '1`o?r`o-nto. ;\fr. '|'inmt~h_\' "Wilson l ea.veS"togd'ay to nwof hi~' wife, who expects wtojlzind .\l from Engilall-d on Frid'a.y_ >\ Mr. sun] Mrs`. Sluzrie retturneizl from their hmw_\`1110un on \`Ve-dI1e'sI:l`_a.y n'i:g`h't znnl are now 1'e.~'.iLLing on Buton Barrie ~Sat-n'rvd ay Morning. I -...... , - . -. fPb1itiin-.-A-T ti'tai:t_'or is "h()j::`1'I;w09zSfj;~_A.,>141;1'--L:`1);a.rty `and go *river `I L V * Guelph He-rald. . Yo1_ng" Hopeful---F"a-bh-evr_ -what is -a I {t~.?a`i1:'15.iL ~i9, P1i* '3: T isi fa} m;in`f" 31in`;-Q;1_1;y.and.:omes_ JO'U BNALI8M As LEARN`! AT - fulwvh-r-In 9 `-cgnye'gt,___ my 1 AND THEN` soM1:.L LAMENTATIONS. A nan mourn. .\Ir. ;\1'-hie Jay was 011t.`0r tlhel fl1'~f tin!` nu S:rt111'da_V after:-b'eing c'on=` ne-[V tn the 1101159 for a 111'0nil',hWit_h5 hi']|L`I1(HI'iTi\7. , M ,7 ` . _\Ii~< nmnie .lI::.mIin accompanied` by lmr nmtlnr 10t111'n.c:1 from Torontoonj Mun-l:;`\ :'.ftev1'n00n, after spending Fmul::_\ in the cit) . p ' .\h-. an-I .\1.~.-. .\1'be-rt Flee-tham mi 1.`M:tiw< in (1:11-ex]`on East on Fni- ::`\' anal in:-i.lontt1]-ly took in )tIhe- fall fair :4`; that plzu-9. V -_\1:n'ri:a;;v Licellse Pan be had at ' ? I1. \\'iHi:nn'.~s Jewelry Store. This . 1 u.... :L.. ....n.~.4- un1nn {tn FORECASTING. the Dierenc; Man; 12 is J A Prince once said` to Rabbi Gama- lie_I:._YOur God is a thief; he sur- pnirsed- Ad;am in his sleep, and stole 1 rib from him. I The RJa`bbi .s daugihter ovenheard It2hi.s_\ speech, and w`hispeined' `a Word or two in .her fathe1_"s- ear, asking penmists-ion to answer this singular opinion her- self. He "gave his consent. The girl? stepped forward, and feign- ing terror and dismay threw her arms aloft in supp1~ica.tion, and `cried out, `.`My liege, my liege, jus'tice--re- 1111111121` upeu w recewe a nmuea numner or rupus during the winter season. For terms apply at Residence. Elizabeth st.. Barrie. or next In igiandon 81. Flasher, or Phone 374. P. 0. Box 4l'|.lv ,A wicked` thef-t. "-`has `taken-"p1'ace, she replied`, A =ro\bber -has crept secretly into our "house, carried away a silver goblet and` left a golidlen one in its Behold,- then, "ssia'e,-ltlhae kinda of a thief that t1ievCre"a.tor was; 1118 sfole a rib from Adam, and: gave him a beau- tiful: Wife instead." `L. F. ADDISON '1`each_er% of Violin __. --\. venge! ~t-ru is nutod for }.'in;_'< us -well as J\\`cll`_\'. "`VVhat< has -h'app,ened3'? asked the. Prince. - What an upright thief! .excJ'aim- ed the Prince. Woud that such rob- beries were of more frequent occur- lrence! Open to receive a limited number of Pupils during than. `winter sumnnn, For nu-mg nhhlv at A.q1ia.ntity.of private tnnda tlo .loa'qat PER CENT. r ' on easy terms of paym ent. LENNOX, `comm & BROWN. ' $olicito:_s. Barrie. 44-)y 30THWEl-l BLOCK -Wel said avowed the Prince. %McD0llAlL O V E RALLS MEN'S AND BOYS Men s College Overcoats Made from very heavy weight Tweeds in all shades. Prices. - -$7.50 to $18.00 to 15`. vi ing Hlltn u .,`___ `Mrs. Robt. Jack `let V , day from -h:e1~ tirip to` `]lo3r;:lg;.j:"n3-1 Mr. A. G. Yarker - . 1.; Mr. Hehnuth at ()so.a.r PQu,Q\he A A J. . "8 1``185tiv;si (g>rvg,::wT?9.`. ';\IrsL Bur1`ey of Georgellb v _," t-he .beginni'ng of the Qem Pant. ~ . ' f ,' `With f1ie111~:. "`-- ncqm. _ ' I mnnn {HA ' Men s extra heavyteece lined Shirts and Drawers.. Price, ea_ch . . . . . . . . . .50c, Boys Colleg Overcodts . All nice ~dark patterns; Boys .7 to 10 yrs. $4.50 and $5.50. Boys II to I 5; $5.00, $6.50 and $7.50. Boys Overcoats with Vel- vet Collars, size 26 to 33. Special for . . . . . . . . . .$3,95 . Boys Navy Blue Rcelers with Velvet Collar and Brass Buttons, ages 7 to 11 years. PI'lCC . . . . .."..`., Men s Wool Shirts and Drawe_rs, special at. .- . . 50`. THE ; CREATION OF WOMEN. Youths Overcoa-`ts $5.00 to $15.00. FURNISHINGS i MONEY TO LOAN am} DRY GOODS- UP-'l`O-,DA l`E STOCK Lawns? muons 5.`-1-~*"F-4"':.. BUY YOUR READING /% MA`TTER% TTT.\VIT'<-V:`1,v1:`!.\' nighct NO. 1660V1e~ft the" `:1;_'u'u1 at the Essa. street crowing ::z-ti; tho sznnue plzace `as 1t. dud on . 1.... II. .....n R-.n1`kv -nn`r\`onA>r` 1] 1emr~;. On Fridav 3 fta'ennoon 1-, - . 25 left ~hef:&v1g&1&l::%l D V V V V V V V v V V ACROSS? THE BAY `.4 AAAAAA rm. Doran 'arvrive& from Nbt_J1.. Monday to spend` a. wee1;'wi`t;h" l. ....n ENGINE IN LAKE. 0CTQBER~5.Ei2;,_ I 1 `av UL Luzvuo s, at Bothwe UK U:-1 i1"s: Phone A `ii; all 5 Iuuvnvo - reat`va1ue other lines _\Im-'11 was expressed! 011} ml 51.1.-s for Mr. I . J. Lynch here, on. Jux.1'niu._;' of the dI(`at']l of his mest son 1.1: Snndzly morningf T H21 .\Im1v1:`ty night the` I`:1i=ls`:1;:':1i!1 crowing 9; 33.3 _.. snownn 3A1-H ran 11,030. L 0.n.`Sab1_1rda{y,`;wIhen ; ;he- engine of No. 64 backed to its train", Engineer Lawrence nsoticetl a ahobo -climb on the" back of Ilihe tend-er._ Before this un- invited` passenger had been bheremany seconds theldlrivler ' turned the engine hm on in such a manner. `gap "to nearly" dfewn the ` unfortunate traveller, who, needless to say, soon dropped off L `the engine, ]ill- the shower abate-dc. A l l '1`x1w't;m`ari'ia"ge -to'ok .p1'a.'c`e ysterday afternoon ,at 2.30 o7c1oc'k? df .MrIVR. .`J. McByfdb~ and Miss" Beatrice V N688, |daug'hte't of` Mn`. A'l'Le-x. Nessn, Sr}, Essa street, in the `presence-`of a few in-" tim-ate: friends ami relatives. _'1`he' bride, who was una.tte~nd0d:,V was mar-I girl in her tu"ave'l`ling dresssg, itxbeiug .21, s .1 of gwey. -She married Ibridval roses` and wure a Purge bjlaxzkv hat trimmed with w'i1:lbw pliu es. Then newly-wed-3 (led couple `left 0 the 5.30 pm. twain: ,for Portland, Maine, on `their hioney-1 gmoon_. ' _ ` ' ~ 4 ` ` The .1`ast.rac-we of t1he- season of the ~'J.`oronto_Federation.` of Hominy Pigeon Fanciers was new from the: station The-re on Saturdray. Promptdy `at one`_| o'clock the pigeons were `liberated: and mad-e a record for young _bir-ds.. The ight was `made .;from ` -here-- Itfo ' their respective .`1'oft=s in Toronto as `fol- E l0W$:'.-- ' 3 I Ovvper - ; - Ho: Mage'e as I{0b Day" ' R-ice" s Stanly . . . . . . . . . C'ar-zl'we-1`l' s Hammett ._ . Savey"s Competitor A4]-isson s Banf .. . . . . -` H3. LVegg s Frost T . . . .. | Ca.strucci s' Sailor '. . . . . (ed. 11f tail. A.spreading.% :_Af1t`r w ing the balance of. hig'h't- thes`team1 crane got .th~e'.engi-n eA Vpiaced ALacTkL o n the t1!a._(;k,; not: V,,u_1uch ' tvhye ,woafse for` its tumble in_ 9110. `w'a:l:e_vr. _ V ` I Thje "above_ gives the ,rst [mm race out of 250 birttls. :Th'e-Arailvnvays of hhe.An1erican-"Con.-g tinent vie `with. each ot=h'e.;` in pnodiuc- ing their pu.-b-l`ication.s in artistic and [attractive style and the-? Grand Trunk `have received, t'hIe-. palm _from~ con- lnoissexlreg for being lithe Leaders: in this J |direc.tion. _Witlr tiheirusual taste o`.1e-yV [have just its-sued a. very handsome brochure, s'l.ig`htl-y diiferent to the! ordinary nun of railway bo_ok~1ets, inas- gm-uch. asl tohere isnlnot any descriptive matter in the pub1ica.t`ion, but it is a book of views ItJ1a.t tell their story I Iwzthout words-.- The name ofthis uni-3 que piece of advertising is simply Vistas with We G:ra.nd' Trunk trade mark. on one nctoriner of the_cover..-"I"h`e `cover _itL=ze11f is a reproduction` in colors` from aspainting of bTh e `International Limited. the. nesrt and fastest train in Canada. Inside tble book are found_ maps of the Grand 'l`run_k'-_ Ra-illway, system and the Grand Tr-unk.Pa;cic Railway and a eserieeof sixty-one pic-_ tunes of: Canadian scenes. These pic- tures are reproduced in the finest of half `tone process from d*i'r'I?ect:_ photo- gra.ph.i_c negatives _and printed on -high c-Ease coated paper. The booklet is a credit to_ the Company. . _ ` Qn __Sa.tu1`day 11 about .2 0`c'l(`Ick-n0_. 13.60;`5.n dhajing of e~n'g'i;neer.. Jesse Jamns`, lent: the ra;ili*while pass.- inrg oveix-'t1he .thr `t'hrow switch`-at the Essa -Street :.ossing,=\_ Lt." was necessary to get a. huge `aninev befor the derailed engine could be placed on the ra.il`s again. It. was mecessary to; lay new nails before". t.raic`_ conld= 'be_ rezsumed; ' The latest report receiv by the Gnan-d Tumnk Sy-stem _froin ti evi-r reopre-' eent'al'.tivec3V_ at the F_esti.va1- of. Empire, Crystal Palace, London, England, giv_-` es particu`lars_regarding` the iintetresvt that is `being ahiown-' in the .be_antifnl_ exh`ibit- _.Vt.1h-at the Grand hunk and Grand`.Trtun'k Pacic ino.ta:_l.1ed in their handsome building erected expressly for this "event, ` -V ` - `A ---`--> -`Anson `copies. - IUI; vuw vvvuv. b 'Dbee number of people wubo7 '-have visited the pavilion. up to September 2nd, '11-as been 258,756,iand' fallen num- ber. of pieces" of literature d'etscripti.ve- of the company s lines, that} have been distributed, amount -mo over A 150,000 _e,='_. .':-..;....... Ac +..hn. exhibit is H1 l`.\iH'll\ llll' Billllk, IILKICC (10 IV V5181 V5. .:zt?zz'-!:1_\'. It was nally 1-epl.ao;e d~ ::.!`1m' ulmnt an h0un sa work.` V (m 'l`1msda_v motrning a. home `wag .~tm.k 1; the train near Gowan and Hal its 10;; broken. It; w'11'l'- likely }'.u\'`- to be shot. It is .su.pposed- No. F2. Hm passllger train to _Toronto 2-;t1'u<-Ix it. . , .\Ir. Jurdine of Hami1't`on,' up 0011-! 4i1l(-tux` on the Hamilton and Meafolrd .]:x,~.~UlI;,:`( l` main, is very sick at hunw. Mr. Kenneth McLem1an, of. This \\':ml, is looking after Mr..Ja`r-~ Kinds run 11nt`i'1 `Such time the hm.-1 is ab]'c to resszumework. - ancehu U-'0-vu- I AI-IIG1-I" cuss ADVERTISING. AA DB LUXE BOOKLET. - 4' YOUNG 31315 RAGE._ McBRDIB-I-N388. V. % Hours Min. Sc.: kof the: exhibit -A-I.- .n......... ...z.,_ .\Ir<-. H. Johnson came here on Man- {In_\' 14; park and Ship 1161' houTseho1'd[ ;tTett.~' to Brookin, W`hefPe'Mlf. J0h11- mn has been `appointed agent on the _$'..'\'.R.. Mr. Joh~nvs0n, ilti wil1"vbe fe-V" nmn1br31'c~l, was ticket agent have up UH thic sp1'in.g, when` he resigned. A : Hi" 43. 46 .46 ' 47 47 51` seven 4` 4 for a; moment with Ontario, . he `said. :`I have devoted. a` great deal-of time i ` Pirairie,iProvince- `-arel"_`not in" it I` to. .studying -Manitoba, Alberta - and` Sas-katchewan, and am greatly im- .pl`es.s their possibilitiens, but I ! E `son -with the impression I have receiv- the acre; the famner _c_an spend the they "-amount to very" little in eompari-. ed of the possibilities of. the nort-hvern " ~pa.rt of V this Province-. One great ad~'l -vantage that particularly `struck me ' lies in -the fact that while a. farmer in the West can work and` make money only_ during the-' spring,` summer and autumn, he can be earning a good liv- in the year ro_un_d- in. the Northern Ontario agricultural belt; .All, through the area, `you know, there is an- aver- age crop of ten` cords of pulpwood to winte-re in cutting this and taking it to the- railway, and he will get $3 a cord for it, and at the -same time be helping his summer `crops. by clearing the land for the spring jilanting. I . `Another tliirig which made 1 great .m1p'ressi011 on me was that in the Wes't `they are_ simply .{ninidg_the soil foi' the ~'sake - of wheat` alone; they are Zlfllagi` 01; Wheat, and are . eizhaustineg 1911' eeptie ground to net as much [Of `it 83V-they can raise? Now it is i gene1fal~ or `inixed far-:ni_n,9; that spells] igtuhgrcosg-3.ty, `and 1\.jorth1'n O:1t'a.r1o t .. ._ y j par enfceence for . gm1xed__farm1ng. "I conslder that this iarea can "grow the `finest tubers inthe world. without de.p1eti`ng the fertility grown in Northern Ontario this sea- son. Among the" other great resources . I nray mention the limitless Water! powers in which the country abounds and the vast forests of spruce of the finest sort. which in i,tse1f'i s bound to lend to the erection of , huge pulp mills all over the .dist-riot. '- T f I I A fft .iTh ro Iigh the. fDVon:1inion,T ` %.Di\s`tj|`Iguishel' English Expert` I A Gi(s:Plm to N. Ontario. _ M1-.-Wi11a'am Bloomeld-, of London; "who `i's-`the- head of one} of `the largest | ngncial firms in Ehg1and,' has made a ` [.most.ex}1austive trip over_the whole1 I dominion. Mr.,Blqome1d- is well _ ac-' Lquhinted with Cahada, but the Alast ;tour hsas/served tdconvince him to his t'3.omplete"'ss..tisfac>tion that Nort\h-em" j"01'1tario is the iijest taming region "in the `world. ' _ , } .`D1ufing my visit" to the West it seemed to me many of the people were `inclined to be tooeself-satis-ed with their own country. They are inclined ! to look upon their,p1`ovince-;as the only- great farming region in America,` and to ignore everywherehelse. It certain- ly opened their. eyes? 'a 'bit..When `I started in to quote barefactsa to them, `pointing out, for ,example,. that the , Govefnment. returns show the totali eld: crops of Ontario` last season to have exceeded in value thoseiof Man.- itoba, Alberta and Saskatchewan, com- bined, by . more than $47,000,000. ' bmcomposed of a Mayor, Reeve, De- Ortllia s Civic Legislators Will Be- v ceive M_ore.D1gnmed Title. - One of the resxu-1ms'of Ori1!ia"s growth in population is that the town must r'econstid.en the question of tihb forrma-E tion `of its Town! councam. me raw, provides that where townshave a pop~_ ulabion of over 6,000, We Council. shall pulkiy-Reeve, amt - three Al'd'ernne'n for each ward. The Gotgncil may. how- ever, if it sees` t, sobmivb a by-law to the ratepayers providsihg` that tlbetre Shall -be only. one aide-rman, `elected by ;n. ...1.}...`l.. a.....m m- nuinfh Hh`m1n nf .-\}m1lt `.3 0 (5]|0(3k the u11xi1'1aI'y Was called} to where an engine had' been pl'00!P339d into the lake. 'l`he- axccidtelnt -W35 9}{3".j The newjterritory ,in the Canadian -Rocky Mountains that is. being open- ed. up by the Grand 'TrunkPacie Railway has already become the Mec- ca fon a number of Alpine Climbers andthoee .'who'1ove to get away from the turmoil of thelbusy eityand ex- plore mountain fastnesses that` are practically unknown; ' Some of the travellers who ha,ve<.gone into this -Yellow `Head Passe territory are now returning; -and. one gentleman writes to the.Grand Trunk_ Pacic Headquart- ` ersas ~fo1l'owsp:--Lalse vMa1.igne is` a beautiful lake between 16 and 18 miles, long. . I have - visited 'all_. the other : .transco_ntinenta1 lines both! -in `- Canada _ and _'t1ye'._ United `States-, and }there . is A,r_i;o..-.1ake" or `district. along any oi`! these ~ ~ ineslthate can-Veonipare-[with the ke g-1u _a1jign e. country; I .Sor_ne~. of ;the_ in un- _ fthihis=tax91W1:.tha 51hk'e3.tlaIeVin them a hfh99d2;:* ofsz 909,`e`?ifetie.aaad eovmrl ; w1"I.:.`" Now an IIAT1 Ullll-y` UIIW lIJ\LV`Lllluu-, IJA\./\JU'\/\n Iv. the wHou1e.town, for eiwh thousand of po 'a;tfgon. Under the. former arrange ant OriFl lia us:.. Counac:i'l' woulkly be. com"- posed of -teem members--a Mayor, Reeve, Deputy-Ree-ve and` twelve aslxl ermen. As~it is felt that this would make a. `otmbersome body`(it is hard `enough, oen to "get nine men" whio are-L wi1lingytoAserve_) \the Council `is silh- mibting a. by-l`aw to the ratepayers `for main-taining the Council` at the same" nttmbex; as at byllaw be` voted' on on Tuesday, October 3181:. 0ri1ia s *ppu'a!t9ion as shown by the ting} ce~mms._1_-ec_1.1ma in 6.835. ' |_AI;1P1N;a- c1.mn1'.ns nz CANADIAN ` V nocxms. X Uqquusfum A . , V I .. V ,Lg'_l;e "Mli,gne. ` Lia`, f1;e9,c}1e_; from He;_iI_`y., _H0use3 .3 * f9pv_ ._ a,-mifsggf` V bf wihush we $e;s>ni:`1>iviaiona1J:p}9i:xt,V ' we E` .': GXILED THE AN<>RTH`ERN A`D\rANcI~i GLAND n LOCAL om-1o_1~'r comrnsr. % Local Option wi`-1&1` be su?bnui t.ted* to {vote._ in the` foloxving _`muuicipali`ties |in' Januaqfyiz I ruo.n iu -. Inn A... .-- - 'rownr;~-4Ay1mer,' Be:rl'in, Fore-st, God- ` erich, -Lilst-0W 1, `Mitc`he1], Ridgeiown, Sjmcoe, Uxb_,rid'ger.` A ' I , 7 av.-..-1 Jun .. _ . .... - ` . .. Mr. Th-0.s'-. Dor: Bav on his,` fznnily `her-e. Mr. Fred Haw . ..nn(>n ` v-11mafges-ba1;1on.1a., `Cannington, . Ca- yuga, Gl1arl.rton,. Chsesrtervile; Hlagers vilile, Hepwotrth, Lucknow, Mi-1vvevr'ton,_ Mimico, Newqbur-y, Port Dover, T'hed- fovd, W'atford, Wroxeter. - I uIAIf:!5I\.4,v -IJII-I\/ll, .l.J(I|l.lVVL'\Il\ \J`l' 'yuga N.; Dumn, -East.-hope N., `East- hope, Elzevinr, Ekfrid, Emo, Etobicoke-,. |Finc'h, G1':_1m0rg'an, G'reenock,' 'Kinf]0S8, Lavalvlte, M'cKifl1'op, Me-d'o'r,a Aand iWood, Middll`etbn, Morn=ingt'on, Morris, Ori1- lia, Pelee Island, " Percy, Pinevwvood, Tyen.denaga., W'a1=lace,'-Wood\hou.se. ' A- 1 Cities -:-'.Be~1levi1-le,'C'l1:a.tah'am, Fort` iwil-li'a.m, 1?o_rt A`:-bhur. 4 ` I ' 'rwnships-'A1nwmk, Blandf angtiet, Br`oc`k, Bu,r]:eig'h; M " I1 -can I I 7I`IlI'l'I qrd, Bos- Barrwmck 0% J . 'l$nml1..nnA KT ism nuiunuasi Eczema, Psoriasis, "and: other skin troubles. are caused. "by` - m-yriads of gems at-_ "work in t(he: skin; Un'lIese 1'/hese germs `are .p rom'ptd`y deIsIt4royed= they rapidly multiply, gnawing tlheir. wayideep into the sensitive tissue. 'l\his is what causes `that awful itch, and what. seemed` 8: mental .. rash; may g1'ow.wome a.nd~i~deve1o'p into a `Feath- _some andttbrtmring skin disease with its years amd- _ye_ams' of misery. 1`Inu'. 74-. $51.3. .n-....- nL>a..Q.....u..| ' `I'\-.~J....... .` Vve/have/had` ex'p eriences- with many remedies for skin. _|t*.roublse but have nevem'--.-never seen such nemarkable cures` as.those from D.D.D; Pr'ecscrrip- tionv._ Inst;a_nt relief from `the very first application. . ._ . A_ ! 114.` ...... l.:...... ...1.:.. J.......L1.'- ...c .;..--1 Ecze~ma'.' I -I J 1 I 2 Z lH"' J `Ii. Don b take an any: changes! `UV: ,, . Destroy I the germs at the -'beginning,:of the trouble with that soothing ing wash, the D.`D.D. Pr amt cleans- esc.r'rption for` "i% 5{{`T.?S"s1kin X mug, of kind`, we certainvy advise you to 'D,+-Labor -a`!tio1fies,'Dept. B.V., 49 borne`St3, T'0f'OI1tJ0. ' "m and- invei1:ig.a.ter Cther merits of` nr-." 1_..';.~...v";.I._;. `rx -nrn ~___-11. .1__1,_ .- "Sui? 1Z3w5E.i:LZ "i$.1>.D.T wn-1. 'h`e-lsp" you._ H. G, Robertson, Druggistz *Ba-rrje-. . _ I --:. 'Hlll1I_\ -H--`-' - ` 5 ""M:_ IW1 I{awke~r,.C.P_.I.I. yarcl\n}as- W. at Toronto, was In tIh1s'_'War& V-491.1 bnSiJ.`,,,.,:,. on Wec1ne'?,dayb. ' x -_ 3\'0_ 63 was` dvelayedr nea-r'1'y a.n h_Qu-1'; on Sat111.1:1}'; Owing`-`I to an 9.33"-"' mg. '1-3310.11 11631" Bradfond. v ` Mn ',_ ]{;g11t.]ey, "a. former brake-_ mg mming out of here, has re'turnIe_d to {H'('~0]st 3- position {IS brakemn-. .' _Nasturtiums- W311 and $3119. Many new and bean iful varieties or u] r favorities. Mixed and` mfe_-. :p....1am-.~ at Bothw`el1's. Played, With Matches and set fire to `e - , . Herself. at Pene1;ang._ ' '. Penet;an.g'_.I_I'era1d.,-.- Little Florence Mary A. Foin`nier,`; the fou;r-yea:-o'ld `daughter of! eMr_."'aiud: Mrs. Jahn `Fain-' L nier" `cf elghe ` .So`u'th_ Wand, . Penetan'g, jdid` 1011 ~',>l`(ues<,A1`,ayH`eve`x1 -ing of lat`7We_Bk, ;u !?t61" ;su_eiri'ng; th.`ree )dgya agony '* ` xiii ` etu,rda);v.aftetrndone GI-IIID _BURN2E'.]-3 T6` .DEA'1'H. wool extr quality Satin, nice bright; patterns. K :[:Special at.".. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32,75 and ;3_75 _?(.)fi{_'I':E.RS"-.-Very `val:1e at. . . . .* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5.00 \BLANK_E'['5+ -Grey Wool Blatxkets, large sizes ian1`he1vyw:ig'ats, each, $2.25 and $3.00 BLA_NKETS`- All Pur3TWool, _Wliite' with Blue on Pink border, large sizes..heavywc_:ights.. 6 0 0 u can} 0 0 o_ o_ o o o o`o 0 0 0'0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 o o o o o o o c o o o o o n 0 o 0 p This week we are iselrliniigw-ain Exha- special quality Corset in White with long hips and low ;bupst,e'4 heavy hose supporters attached, sizes 19' to 30. .?Regula_r value $1.25, VA Speoial per peir -` ,, . . . C at sen ova SPECIAL CORSET wmnow Devlin :41` DEVL1N& MURCIHSON snow WORSE! %BLANKETS AND: coM1=cT':Tis" `H535 !1VlJ\aavu-. _ separate colors, V-awt D("fUt'f 3 V0 ~ ._ 4|, any darop 1`\'I\` ;0THER % PAPERS 0PlNl0NS.I Any- doubts` as to the desirability of} fair weathernfor fairs may be sen`. at rest_by consulting ,1-esigi-ents of Oak- Aville and vicinity, whose -atfair was postponed` from 9. week ago ti.1'l yes- Itlerday on_ account of rain. - ` I Montreal jGa.zet.te. .`*'1`.h`e. cabineltl in Sweden has tendered its resignation, because in the elec- tions` held last Wednesday, it was re- dbukeds -by. the votens. Lindman was the name `of. the Swedish Lauriem. month for` governments `to seek judg- menlb-on their. conduct. September does not seem .to be a. good` P On the occavsion of Sir Wil-frid Laur-i vier {s ~resign:istIion the Globe broke`down completely and` the. Star sobbed= on _t-he neck of its Bualo bologna. ` _| By tixevoluntary retirement of Ja.s_-. Conmee.,"Parlia1nent loses one of its star--and shall we say notorious-- nxembens. The electoral broom has K certainly done spmxe sweeping. E "`_'I`-he -"Adva.nsce says: Saturday Marrning has swallowed itseluf again, and, .afbe1r waiting to see which side of` the fence the cat jumped on, has: landed. with; the cam. Just another. {pipe dweam "of The Advance m-an.! f,.Sa.tu.rd'ay;.Morning is still: in the "s~ame_spot asvgit was before the elec-_ ti_on-'-_-i:nd'epende~n t `of any, political tpalfty. If he ~.n'1eans.the editor,` `we y79\_11 -inform: him thattl we _-ave alvmy-s`been Jon the ground End E _Ti(1"} _ `n01: ha've` `to jump clean over the ,;e'nv:-L-eh in 1')he:-hope of -getting a Goy- emzi-aen> job. at Ottawa-". '_ e _! Tqronto Telegram. 4-. . . Hamilton Spectator.