Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 5 Oct 1911, p. 5

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EIDERDOWN can fbxreas--\}ay Special BLANKETS-.-Grey ,Wo:>l Blankets, larg: sizzs in BLANKETS -All Pure Wool, White,.with Blue 0 ll vnlnn af * Wa. _fass uj'e--eac1j:~ and %I 31.ANKE'!fS% _ANI_)_ QOMFORTERS -`Covered with ..__, - - vu-Atlllcllo Pt.LI.-,-Class (A) J. Hobson, D. Loth, R. Divine; (B) G. Wilmschafer, F. Ballantyne, F. McFad`ygen; (C) S. Gowan, A; Garvin, V. Snead. V Pt , II.-;61;ss (A) D. Gowan Fonda, J. Armsvtirong; (B) A. M Hey, Z." Salter, P. Campbell. . D` T l'--- " I St. Martin, G. Morris, D. i Myers. M Jr. III.--C. Montgomery, M. McKin- ley, M. Rainey. i `Sr. II,--MG. Myers, M. Hill, V. Hill. Jr. II._---Class (A) J. Johnson, R. Gibson, G. Wiseman; (B) F. Hors- Hield, I Lavery, O. Chown. ` `M any in wzsr WA RD SCHOOL. Honor Roll for September.` Jr. ,IV.-G. McKinley, H. Rainey, A. Hobley. ' -.-.. - f zdevery phrchaser absolute sa~tisfa ctioh.j J e/- 1"." . ' s ` '- -" A :RS-Very Special value alt`... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 . . $5.00 kets, large :11] h21_.v,r .v:ig'1ts, e3.c'a, $2.25`/and $3.00 `Blue on Pinkkborder, large" sizes. heavyweights. $3.90 and $4.39 **"* `P'53lf1 '15l5tY__Co1:set i_n_ White with ma nun-n-.-..l-.._ -41 _I v_--v - ctvi _-.5.'q|l;'eVs., 1l`.:i'no-le~u_ms,` -Oilcloths, Gowan,_ B. (R\ A 11-17:- ttached `izes _19` hi No. 6-1 was one hour auld a halfvlatieg on \\'ednesda_v owing to the engine` getting out of order between Orri1_li'a' and Ba.1'1'ie-. - The Toronto Telegram says:-While spending the summer vacation on a farm near Barrie, Miss Marion Wilder, of 71 Moscow avenue, was playing with a young child of the farmer on a horse-power, when the horse bolted suddenly, throwing the girl, who got her leg caught in the coupling. Miss ,Wilder instantly threw the- young child whom she had in her arms, to a safe place, but was unable to save her- l self. Miss Wilder is now in the Bar- rie Hospital, and is progressing well. Her name stands first among the scholarship "winners in Riverdale High school, Form II., e"p`ublished, on` F?iday last- Miss M Dra en 5 Wool Shirts and wers, special at. . . . 50,` Bbys Navy Blue Rceler with Velvet Collar and Brass e `Buttons, ages 7 to H years. Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.95 ~ Youths Overcoats $5.00. to`. $15.00. ' Boys II to I5. $5.00, $6.50 and $7.50. . Boys Overcoats with Vel- vct Cellars, size 26 to 33. Special for. . . . ; . . . .$3.95 - Boys College Overcoats. All nice "dark patterns. Boys 7 to 10 yrs. $4.50 and $5.50. ' Men s College Overcoats Made from very heavy weight Tweeds in all shades. Prices. - -$7.50 to $18.00 The J. D. \\'n'sd-om C0. had an;exah.i.b- it at the Elmval-e Fair. Mr. Br.unton' left rs-t day of the Fair to-` take; chmge. - 4 : OVERCOATS MEN'S AND BOYS tarion Wilder Loses Horse-power Machine. . 'l'V........L W` '- Summer months, patterns. Special $2.75 and $3.75. . ..'. .._.. $5.00 / retnre. Will Leg in .\`Ir. 1 . J. Lynch is- s-1i `art sprained ankle and has been coizeidl; to his privatse car for acofupvlne of 'da.y$."' II`! 'I` `l\ `I170, 1 , , (1 I\'o\\: tl1at td1et s_u`mme'r Lraic aiskf over, Manager Kniglnm of the Canada. Rail-I way News Co. has 1"'edu4ceId' -h`is> stla1f. ` Mr. V. Fis-l;e'-r, oui-' new t:i;ke agent,`- ente1.t.ained this brothetr, H. Finsher,' of (Jo]l`ing'wood, over Sunday. _ I Mr. and Mrs. Emie Wicev e7n`|'}e4r't.aAin-:1: ed the J`at.ter s' _ fa.t1e~1~,V J osephs Kreitz of North: Bay, over Suuvday.A . 1 1v 110 I Mr. J amevs McMil-lhvn. succeeds Frank Heard asl trreasurer of the Order ! cf Railway Con.duc1_:o1*es-. ~: ' I -- . -- -- ---. . . . l M-rs. Tlhos-. Donrax; h'a.$ returned: to: Town after a. w'eeIk sv viS'it- with; her husband in;`No.r.t'-h. Bgy. ;/ " it `runs -V . _ L- M.-s%"\v. J. Ianeat, who shas bn; visiting with `in .Rqc-heater, n-turned` on Monday. ` ~ T ` I r rn -Ix - - The new rtrain from Midnland came` in on time on Monday in charge- of (fond/uctor Geo. Mc:Ne-ill! and returned` in the afternoon on~t-ime in c b!a1'g'e of (`onduotor Al~bemt_ Hunt, who will be the regular conductor. The train left with very few passengers the rat day owing to the.w'reck ofja mighv| `twain n+ f`l..-.,..`l..-- L-I.---J Mrs. Knapp-, who bans` been viifiug in Toronto and IIam'i.l:t'on .re.t-mrned~jox41 Monday `evening. . 3. - V I ._,. r, us .. Mrs. Reid: has re1`:ur'ne `tvo_ Pafgy. Sound Aaf't-em an extendVed- visit wifthv Mrs. Walker. T `| . ivis. Marvin Brown her} daug`h.te=1', Mrs. \V. J. 'Pa.ttrson, Windsor. ' . . - V , ., -f-.rr~---- _v.--`a v\I_`-I-'\fVI-AIl_l\7,_I, Cong.ratuh.tions to ` Mr.; Joe, -IA u-1-1 A'_),.1'-B." on the amivalf of 'a,'dta:11gil,11:er..on~ M"on cl-Av -n we xvilavy, - `cow VI-linen` .> -7 `Mr. Herb ZJv(')wlll;;b0!1` mud fr-ieulds motored to Toronto on Sundayg Mr". Harry Sanders left on No;3.64 pi: Monday for a business trip t1o_-'1`,oI-onto ............4--m.A._--__ L- if - - '--` - 155i};hY ,, _ -._...e vv vavsuo Mr. Harry Gander -spent irveir:v$1.'1'zV1E-1 day with friends in Pehet-ang;\`* '1M.. u....1.. 1..L...4--- n "811 e: without the `Miss oia`%%13;ist:i-aim; '5` vacation in -T9r6nt9;_ :` _ " V A _ Mr.. Bert Cit;:j.tzig,:_`ig4.ML'.1_aid`-3 large fe!l`on on hami; % Mr. Gilllhooley` of "Ash, is one o'f `the ' latest brakemeu to` enlist ` Mixss L. Hooper spent: last 3,-gme.1; . with fzriemds in Col!lingwood' - ? . " 0 _` ` 'LT........ I1-'.__A.,,',. ' =.o`o``o'o"o..... ; % ma TWO uswmc mass m cmna Ana --v--B vv vuv VVICUIS U1. Va Il'91gll'l7 vat Chesley, fthemeby leaving here illt than; 'l`nnnn nnnnA.n`v.:n-n VVYVVTV ` .A8SS Tim M ...s.J, VAUUAKIUJ JVGIVIIJE HUI Toronto connection. this wa.rdA wilnl! uecoect ...` \/I.jlIl6U VVUIIUU uau IIUU IIIIBIUI" tune to let. `a 200 Tb. cu-sting falsl` on his righrb foot, injuring i3t: s0`b&d.l'y that he has been conned to tbeTh ou.s,e for the past few days. ` ' ;"m{`g IIV':'Il`I `Inna NEW msrnn or nn.maz`s AND i nun.nmes.. A circular has just been sent out from the G.'l`.R. oice a.nnouncvin~g the .re-tiremern`t of Mr. E. Brown as Master of Btridsgesmnd Buildings. He will be i succeeded ,by iMm. Wm._ Toolb. , Mr. Brown has held vthle position hem of Master -of Bridges and _ Buildings fprr the past twelve years, 'he. having mic- ceeded Mr. Mitchell. lBefore coming , to Altlaudaleo Mr. Bnjown engaged. as Bridge "Foreman between` Midland and Lindsay. tw'e'l've yuan: ago. Mr. --_-_.. w-u--u- There is now in operation onfthe! Grand Trunk, between.B1;idgeburg"and' Port Colborne a new classof motor car proving highly successful. It is exceptionally neat in design, and comfortabje in.` interior arrangement. {Two of these cars have"already been gturned out at the shops of the Com- 'pany at Montreal. They are known as `steam motor cars-, and have 9, capacity A {including the smoking,-compartment of l 58,people.. The cars are 71 feet_ in` length, the interior being nished in highly polished mahogany and .-nphol- ystered in leather. Oil` is used for fuel, Fund the cars are heated by steam. ` menticar service on trains of the .C.,1 ,_ ._- - -_v_- ----novo-`In an Vtblo The inauguration of the` compart- P. R., between Montreal and-Toronto, ' has been justied` by the results; In each compartment there are "two [bet-t-hs, and as*the travellersvhave ab- `solute privacy, the. accommodation `is soisought after as to:prove the neces- sity for such equipment. The Com- pany has therefore decided on rushing the completion of the balance of the can-s.they intend putting in service, so that the requirements of the pass'enger| as to comforts in etravellingecan, be, met.` ` '1'. `Or : Saturday ?Mr. Timqthy Wilspn l,,rece1ve:d: a` mess-.ageconvAey1ng the sad .. news of `the denatlr of -'11-islsecondjsoh, ' 'J`hom.a.sI,iin~ a hospim-I`in the -Canadian ';Soo_f1-om brain fevear. Mr. \V'il's n. im- `(xned'i`atAe'5' sent inst1'ucti'ons to have j t.he~ 'body- forwarded. ' It a.1-..-rived` on ;No. 46 +Wednesday morning by Gan- *'a.dian Expreass, the funeral `taking |.pl'ace from his 1_``er sJ 1~es'idle'1_1ce, l` St. on Wedfuesday `We haven full line` 5; wood ma *c_qa1 `Heating St_ove,_s fr`dn3'* They `have made theft own` reputation in thpusapds or CanAad-j T ia n h"or"ind prove'd~- by . their work 'that_ they are in~a `claSSbY' 4the'mAselv`eS, in Cock"- .ing and bakin%g- ? 1 On Monday night four refrigerator 1 . I [ em tnnnamzn J Ar WASHAGO. lea-rs wevrexde'railed= at 'Was~hago,; neces- clear the track to let No. 47 `pass It `took the"_al1ixiliary nearly all n-ight td clear the track apd then they left to reisume c1`ea.ring up the wreck of the ls'i~ta.ti_ng the aid of the auxiliary to I prevfousr day at Chesley is=idingA near I I Auroira. ` . 1 SOME ` PULL A1` ISIaIN(_}'.l.7ON'.' /- ` Islington, Sept. \30.--_Prob"abl5: the heaviest team load of freight ever ' take/n `through IsIingt`on was hauled through better yes-te-:'da;y by_- this Can- adia.n Pn'c`tic Railway. ,The load was [L-0mposed' mostly of -live` stock and the ,total weight amounted to 1,748 tons. ` M 1'.` Si'm'mons, who is employekl at} me `carnage Works -had the misfor- `fnnn -fn ]A` .n Onn Hz. ,..__L2-,._ n_I,I. - I ' cane, or LOG8_ on Am Auinznnzv On "Sunday was dlerailed eonsiklerable t~ main line." ,to proceedyj ' ~n 1 ornix`_:.g a car of logs neap Athexrley, auscing rouble,` as `it blocked the After some delay, the line- was cleared sufficient-1 y to allow No._ 6 f A -uvvsc, muu. BXPGCUS bus"ix_1ess:1by 12-`-ridayf. Mm. H. Owens 0; V is op_en-I iug up !, a -miilinory, store in the vacant `shop adjoining t.he< Stone Store, and expects, `to be '_ open for 'bus`in'ess:` bv Rriav ` c.1=.R, COMP-AR.l.`MEN'1` cA1_zs. .Do1;ej6yi. will" rvdgrezta fo Vleam~o' be)ihg.-..dga`i1gei*o*us15r ill f with; typhd_id' _,fe'v.eI'1:: friii '_8_t.'- Michael : H';osp ital," Toe -ro'ntm,, wh etre~.he `was taken `1-oip` New Liekaird. ` '.'I`he" Ddct'orJ had been -in_ oharge of the Hospital `near Iroquois ~Fa`Hs'amd~ contra.ctiad..:- the -disease _iInT that nlmm -'h....+....... -n....-.'-` ---A A NEW `MOTOR CAR. LATE THOMAS WILSON. a_-u_v|/Luna. U l'CDl`lJ|'\7'l_ll5U, 'W'ed.`uesday .af oe.` - ' I 311-. Be-rt Walker moved. This `LOW 1'65/id!llCe on Bay St. 1 a`st` Week. M 1'. \\'aIker s new nersidence is one of Me llezst buildings in -this Ward and indeed quite a creddtd) the street it Ls on. V. 37-4`o. ' crtkutu t`h`e 3;-i.duf:iln;:u; the said Council -will hear in person or by Counsel at Solicitor `any one whose land inlay. be prejndicially aifected thereby and ' who petitions to -be so heard, and notice'.`is hereby given -that n`t_the s.aid;~ time>and- place-, a~fter~such" `persons*ehall' have been heard, the said Council pwi`l'l proceed to pass said `by-law if it, is considered proper .so ` [ to dd. ? Dated at Baiwie this` 13th day ofl _Sepvt.em,ber }&,D., 1911. ` " ` A ' `Us ` up noun. '-_A._._...__ v; ` :. uvuucu uuauuuer III we Town Of Bar- : `tie and County ofvSimcoe`o n Tuesday 1 `the 17th day of October,` A.D., 191I'-at ` - the houreofv Two o clock in the after- 1 , noon at which meeting there will be - considered a by-law for stopping up and selling that part of the original road` allowance between Lot E and L , number eleven East of the Penetan 3 uishene Road in" the First Concession of the Township of Oro in the said County not used at the present time as a part` of the present` travelled road. allowance between the said lots, such" ' part to be stopped up and sold bein described as follows; Commencing t the `South West angle of said Let num- ber"; eleven-, thence North 'fty-eight degrees and nine minutes East along` the Northerly limit of the original road`allowa_nce' -between, said Lot E and said Let numbereleven, one shun-' dred `a_ndl'two- ;. chains and. fty-ve`. links mo're_.0r less` to the South `East. angle _ o"s_ai_d./Lot number eleven. - -thence` Southerly in the continuation of the Easterly boundary of said Lot; number eleven one chain to the North East angle of said Lot E, thence Westerly `in a straight line to the point of -c`om'men'cement. - Ayn... '....:.1 1.2...- -`-.- -- -- -- nnvwcoons M0 WUJGAALIQ I NO'1`ICE~-`is hereby `giveo that` a meeting of the County `Council of the ` `County of Simcoe will be held at the [Council Chamber in the Town of Bar frie i3x1 C_oun'ty_ o_f-Simcoe'o`n Tuesday. OUR LAKE, SHORE TOURIST8. Mr. Mania and family who have oc- -cupied Dun.b`l-ane alil -summer, returncdl Ito Toronto on_ Wednesday._ Mlai ,Mea.dows of Toronto, who\"spent . thex summer at hzisvcorttaget. {near Stna-th-I allau, left -on Faridayy Mr. M-iliistap, who has also` been sum-nuering near '].`', is leaving with, his family this week. `Mr. Manning of Toronto , left't=his week, but will: make a few {special trips" up to see the beautiful jresddemce he is building. Mr. ~Man- oning pu-rIchasedIf 50 acres next t'o Strathallan _and now has: a $15,000 i I ' Mrs. Vandergrift $tjoox1' in ourt ivim ` One -of the c-hi1d*r.enAby her-"six1;e, both} Silent witnes$e1s of the dr.ama. .. 1 `_`.'I`{hue.y come from Mexaford. v He is a'r on one of the ra'w`a_vs and has Aafwife and two Lcl1ildren,_ :said the Crown. V % _ I Both vve`re_ re1n`andie-cl. to fail` till Oct} 9th; V ' The new bowls presented by` Mr. Mel`;-e~1' and won by R. Dawson inft-`ha nals from C. Pouclmer, amriveid by eix-- ;~2-ass on Friday. This handsome prize v.:xs ]1'esen.ted to Mr. Dawson at the Y..\I.-`.A. on F1'1'd'ay even-`mg. -+lIaruge Idcense can be had" at- Il. \\ il1iam s Jewelry Store. _This are is noted for its great value `in Kings :15 \ve1l as all other lines Aof J0wel1'_v. - M , % 9t1'{" cams? mmsmncs 4a loaded revolvetr. . ` --_-_--_--v vg fvabv 111-VVLUU WULE. In -a handsome -hand*ba.g she carried ; '1 19-1.. ` , .- A V . | Lulu G'r`aci`e, a: well drresrsua-d young!` woman, `was ualllsro taken and charged. with being a vagu-ant, the; co`mplIain'1:[ setting forth that she 'ansd- the~ Jnaleg prisonerr were linking ' the-izr fates` to l the detriment of ,the la`.wfu1! `wife. ` T__ __ '|__,,1, I `Satu1fday .s Telegmln .says':--At lo clock.F-riday afternoon the wife of: James M. ;Va.ndem.g.x_'ift comq)I'a.ined, that -'hem',au`d had left hem`; at 5.05 a w.arrrant_ was made out by Deputy- Sta` McKinney; a.t5.1OV the man was, in the toils` . - j _, ..\..,. .,,..,......~.. I The two { pair of gold. _ cuff links donated! by-. this -local Bovw`l~ing Club, were won by Dr. `Evans and C; Pouch- %e:', who` defeated` Ed. Shear audr Hy `Riddell in the na-18.. - \ 1 \ I '/ BOWLBRS TAT NHWMARKBT. V ~0no$.uersd'aIy two rinksof local bow]- eirs j neyed Ago 'Necwmanrket and were beaten by 8 poinms. The` A`1'l'a'n`d'ale players were:-A"-C. Poucher, Dr. Evans, John Webb, A. Pazt-tzemson`, Ed. Shem-, Mr. Clark, Mr. Merrcea"`a.t_ul Hy. Rid- dnel. On _ Thursday _ lart two rinks_ , `from Newmarkest played! tnh`e~ locals and I were beaten by tyvo -points. - Mrs. V- anderg'rif.'t $t'oo=d' no -nf Hrin nl.~1.!I!.....- 1.-- I-~~ .....wu nu uuuu puulta. AIUBI WOPKi`ng1 all night `at Washago they returned` Tuesday` morning to Chesiey vand had` the wreck ge cleared` u~pby Tuae-snday`! night. ' _ . . - _ , O. .0113. ' P1 teIy bd baked the tmic` for game necessary auxiliary refrigerate night bank-for the time being, let No. 65 north bound pass. about 9 p.m.,.w'h'=en `they were su ed to Washago (to clear away ditch at that _V t j _1;fMqhdny tgftweiljhoon .-about. 2:30/ab _II T0rOnt;~`'freight% ` 7? Condutnr.L Rpbt. I`-ram, . at Chie's1!e&y" sidi_1_1g,; south of Aur- Four carsleft the rails. and com- ttain, in ` chargeutof came to grief hours.` The auxiliary was" i-mmed'iate`ly omdered from.` here. and it was found< to dump the `cars: over the i in order to The `until- mm6`- ; four in _ the After Working nun` um Ail crew `W0.1';ked` Z there ' 1- cars _wIuiczh were point. at Wanhnan .,.. .... Jnutsrvv, UVVJIIE |/U U110` WIVCCR M :1 freight tA1'ai~n at. Chlesley s'idi`ng near Aurora. It is undevrnstood _t'h'a.t a. Lmken brake beam the ac-bid-T (LT. V qua -u. .n'+a_u.L\_.211J`41;_p, Clerk of the County Council ' __ " of"t`he County qf 'Simc0'e . `%Dq;xie1%<;Mci>hi1;`_ - mi, .'win be-Mn T901949 succemoirasa -`Inspector {pt . 7Bgd\eG "on the. Nomxegn` Divrsi`on.. ' urfx-ogbjn-rIz;; "_8'I`O0K- .;_;; I .o.9_1_I_I;l_:js1-_.} fRlcE8~ 1 I ___. I I~`:.'i`CHE3," 3.7.1 I fl nIIh+1v n um T A1` V` &N .O:R'rH an NCE Owen Sound is negotiating for dbolt J andi nut factory to that town. 13-, _-.../. van an-v_uuIlJo ` I All}! these people report a very en-J joyablb summer and have in each; in? stance signied their iirtaention . of re- tuvrning to {their `familiar, tourist. `grounds next season. V I Mr. and" Mrs. Bowman, who have spent a very enjoyable -summer at. Love-1- s Creek,` left on Thursday forl 'I`or'onto. M-r. Campbeltl Reeves "and- family of 'I`oronto,'who have spend; the summer at The Gables, their sum- `i }mer cotltage, left, on Monday. : I `Juneau -AAA--`- -`~** ` house \\?eI*.lT undr` vsfay. He: expects to `have it. nished in the early spring. 1 He also contemplates bmlding a num- iber of smalvle-r cottages on land `next summer.f T - -| 1\Ii..~"`s `Minnie Lowe iretu.rne`dJA on! 'i`uo:.<-:1a_v evening` after -svpemdiugg K a ; week `.5 v-a.oat.ion .wit=l1 1fe1'aztives in We (gnee~u City. 4 V -' - Mr. Robt. 1*Iu11.t of the Barrie. "H1-mu-h of the Bank of Toronto, is re? iioving Mr. V. Lynch for two weeks, while the latter is away on- -his holi- d.':.\'.~:. I ` %_ >' lCo.rpetsV .% , Carpet :everYt!!i!i8Anee!8*Yi& *1 ver`a =f1r-% Good's in `every; conifable ma, color. and price. 1. . `Two. ThoudaiadDbllarq-fR9ly6M3deAClptliing at Sa crifice Prices. " _ ` `a md% Childregr s%:Underwear._ ` .``After 3 5 yjers"%:-c{h>;lT_' 3? Successful business career Hav decided to 4 offer our entire stock_'of> ` s s A ~~. g[ing Frumusiness [ uunavnnla `I1 Special value at. . . . . . .. at. This week welare sellin extra special 2 long laips and lowibust, 4 heavy hose supporters 30. Regular value $1.25. ; Special per pair SEE QJR'SPjECIAL CORSET wmnow :\'o. (53 did not a1'1'ie- -here `ti1 ,6.3.0` ]-.m. on Mionday, owing to t.-h.e'*wreck M1. -1 {"1-nin-hf +1In:1\ nt IVLL.nJ....._ ...:_'I::....

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