"I30 J'I Elu ' I .. ` Bhropahi:-e_ Dawns--`-Aged ram, Crawford; shearling r , G` R W 10rd; -1-am lamb. 1 `and 2, G. Ora lord. A. Ayer; aged -o_wo.'= 3. ~ 3 and 8. G. crju1ord:J: ; Cnvlortr erg glpmb ,, G. PRIZE WINNERS? __ ' ` ` _l '1`am`wor ths--Boar A. W. Pdrtt alga, `ff-?fgg`u}:}1'tfo:;af;VIw. Ritchie; sow, A . w. Partridge. evidence N. Stanley T_ Yorkshix-es--v oar, J. -H. Oergwpll, Kismk; mm or gem J. A. cerswelr-` boar, J. A". Cerswell,=~ R_ H_ Cram R_ Rom `J. I-1.001-swell';v: sow, J. A. Ce:-swell ; man or gelding for J. H. Ce:-swell; saw of 1911, J. A.- ` T. G_ scythe`! F. w_ Ce:-swell, J. H.'Cersjvell.` J T A Simpson; matchpd pa-1' Pair Bacon Hogs-J. A. Cerswell, J. Bruce & Son; 1031 of `J3 15- C91'3Wn- J an any otner C0101`, cocx, W`. _J. Scott. ,; E. 512. Roeghen, 3. menu, W... J; 9,. Scott. Bantam), B. B.-. ru d'anun'a, g cock, 8. G. Buchanan, `G. Whiting`: ,0, ban. 8. G. Bhchannn,:G_, Whiting. Any G , other -color, game, cock, 1 and 3, G. H. Whiting; hen, F. Rayner. G. Whiting. ,n_ Cochin, cock. -0. H. Wfnon,` E."8._ Blngham; hon. O." Wilson, E. `HIP? G 1'13. African; "cock. 0. I-1;.iG-_1i_Vtlnon.A. j_.:_G._;~ 3- Whiting:--G hen, G. Whiting, '-'-5.8,. 2 "` G3in8h.m- Smith? = <-'9- 0-: - ' 3- inc. `E. 8._Blnghn.m; When. 8.` 9. 2 3 Bu.ch_annn.: G.d Whiting. ..Pylo,_ gum, 3 cock, F. Rayner,-G; Wh_1t_.in::_}ho_n. F. 3 Raynqr; English -(_:;npo,feoek'.. . whiting; _ G; Crying- : poet ,J.*:;Wilton._,_8. G. ,4 '1 1 1 ! `UIIIQUIUGB. {$061, 31. LI." DUI, |H. L. Dunning. Plymouth Rocks, `barred, `cock, 1 and 2. C.,_,,O. Hinds; he'n, O. C.` H'inds,'E. & R..Roo. Ply- mouth Rocks, white. -cock.` ` H. L. Dunning, - A. Malcomaon; hen, B." lol- kin. H. -L. Dunning. Bud. hen, A. B. Wice. Poland,.W. 0.. Ba; cock. I-I.`-0."? Wilson; hen,` H. C. Wilson. Any oth-__ or color. `hen, H .-O. Wilson. W Rhoda *- Islond Reds. cock, Ed. Ou. '.l`.4 Leach. av, Son; h6n,~C. Robert`son.. B. ; `Lawrence. Wyandottes; white.-A cock, .2 E. & R. Roe,-, W. (3. Hunter; ban, 1 Bx-allay & Webb, Slnjth. Bull, 1 cock, W. G. -Hunter; rolloy_1.'"&V hon-, W. C. .Huntte1?, _ -Bro_lI_o:i;.& .Wbh. Anyothor color, gock, W. "J`..'- 8:013. 1.... n DIIAC tn:-..'.';n In tt -v-. .v- n. vvuaon; nen, C. H. Wilo '""" "`-"W. uucserel, 19`. at R. Roe, V; n. Igught, cock, 0. H. Wilson, ii-RWIlon.; pu1le.t,, 0. H. Wilson, 1, 03%.! en. 0., H. Wilson. R. Lendlay. Wilma _' Spam. cockerel. G. `h 'son' 2:1 : pa(:`rtrggeWicl::n CA" H' cockeregf guaxi G3 wlhinml?-` %nnm:c c- `- ' .' ` - ny-o ' ,- - - mine: 7. gorccochnns. cock. C. 1-1. Wilson: fsllnllg L` Dtmmng. C. H. Wilson. I . . H. Wilson. Dorkinga, silvgr C V ROCKS. barred, cockerel, C, 8'9? cock. Brolley J: Webb, 0, H ' H`."d'- 3- *'='R~ Roe: pullet. 1 and 7_- *'11?gn_: hell. 0. H. Wilson. Broiler hg` 0' E`d9- Plymouth Rocks, I. :2 eF. Games, B. B. Red, cock, 1 ma .on_- ml. 1 and 2. A. M-alcom- .1 D, .. ._ Rayner; hen, 11-_..R,yn.,._ H_ L_ Pl . pu bet, 1 and 2, A. Malcomgom n Runnxng. Games, Indian,` cock, E, g I 3?; Rocks, bun, cocke:-e1,_ B1-01- *. ; - R08. .F. Parr; lyan, F. Pa:-p_. A. If ! ebb: Dllllet. Brolley & Webb, . gthor colo_r, cock, G, whiting; hen. 'o;anA1a,..W.A C. B., _pullet, C. H, wn- . Beo.l Whzting. Langshana, cock, wmimnuynther color, pullet, C. H. T L; `V `* Webb: hen-,B.rolley. &_Webb. *1 a d '_.,_ Island Reds. cockerel. , Bcghorns, S. C. wh-lte, cock 3, G_ Bantu ; 0- Rb1't30}1: Dullet. C. - cilcwann. C. W. Nash; hen, 1 mm 3_ whit n. J. `D. Harms. Wyandotteg -_, . . ash. R. C., cock, 0, H, wn_ - 9. cockerel. A. B. ~Wice, 131-011,, ._;on: ban. 0. -H. Wilson. _Loghom, g` wag? P;`v'=- B1`1l"v 8: "Webb. A. Lltzgllla. hen, H_, R, gmqth` -R. C` untgfngottifs, bu. cockerel. . When 7 c we 'cOCk, C. H: `Bron 9 & p|1l- I i 11.. neon, Legho , bum r,_,.-cochreelyn ueeb. Any other ,1. ; gvogb era: Webb;_fhen, one, ., I) `met 0 H.150 y I: Webb 1 and 2; 4 . oudm, cock, 0. H. Wilson, ,3, - - -., i1sn.Bro11ey & Webb. ` E. 5: R. Roe; hen, C. H. Wilson, 1:, R_nIt:""?3o 3- B-. 304 sung, cockerel, 1 ,& `R. Roe. Hambu:-gs, - mack. cock. L; adl8.d}'aY. F. Raynor; pullet, R. ` 3. Whiting, C. H. `Wilson ; hen . G_ n.i__n.!.- -Rlaynor. Any. othe; color x biting. O. H. Wilson. I-Iamburgs, C hi -99. - Fv Raynor. Bantams, i any other color, cock.,E._ & R. Roe; d_8. cockerel. F. Raynor, C. 0. non. H. Wilson," E, 4; ;1;_ not Higas. pallet, O. H. Wilson. 0. G. I Spanish cock, E. e R. Roe. G. Whit- 1 - '. B**m- African. cockcrel, lggofcfgc Gyzlhitinx. E. 4. R. ,n;`.'g 3533- =3-4'1gfe!:.8bht:iIl=:tpnHet. 1 5 un. L- 'n`??.'3.=.:..{'lx'.`.'..;I. .'.T".'2'{"`;..}3;'.`_`r E. 3`. ninghaan:-.u11.+uf n ?'3....: !s Cochins, partridge, coc , 0.. Wil- `grey, Webb,.0. H. 2_ c_- Hind _ _____,_ u. vvuuun. nsmburgs, black, cooker- ` '19]. G. -Whiting, -G. H. Wilson; pullet. In Ag1`3"9k- 3- 1-0-`"`": 0. H. W1lson.A_VGeo. whiting. . -Any mi L""vv';f' _ Brahm-" 531* other color, cockerel, E. 8: R. Boo, - . - - - hen 0- 0. H. Wllson,; pullet, Ion. Lught, B.Lead E_ & R_ R A .. s i 1:, x 1, `*3 ? ```` 1-3- Whiting; .31... f"%v'i.m.'i? Leltlfxorcas _ . cockerel, L and 2. H. L. Dunning; 800- hem 0- Wi18n- An! -other pallet, H. color Cochi-ns. 0. ' . hen. O. - gf g",`,`, ,`f,f,`f :5 barred Wilson; Q` 2 .'..B'..Rg .__fk' .1._".1 Ion: nullet `II _I-----AA -- 1nn.rI9 R. . 8. Rocks,` ` white, cockerel, A can. C. M. Srigley. ` Grades-Cow giving milln orig call, is. Dyment, A. J. Tuck, Jae. Marim- heifer, S. Dyment. _hcifer call, 0. M. Srlgley; fatow op 'ros, J. Kerswell;,g1m- lros, J. H. Cerswell, J. ewe lamb, -Weir Bros, `.1. J. H. Cerswell; pen, .7 sheen T4 8-17 A---V-* I ""_ '1 Pblan biting, mm A h`' k- .Wilso1 ~lley. 1 and cock. Bone, gen, white . & w9i ~ .L8"'?"- B. Wi .v Sllth; R. W; C; H . WHOOII; I M, `.'.!}9!.3= 3ii.f. .' V," IN war; GRAND 015231; HOUSE, FRIDAY ocir. 9 v van, `ICU, Allen; pen -u-ag.w_uv_uv. nuns}, extracted. 10 ,Ibl., . H~.y_Wilnon,_ L. 'r. Leach 4; Son; colloption-La!;.-_ ho;_:by.,.named. L.` '1`. `V131 !-`:V~ -0. Hewitt; 1r1.d;9a;v % D. 0. T vulasj . W3`, . 7 , -7 . --v-:~~--- ----ar-v --- --V.-"I *`.`M9_`- F53 UIIIIPDEH: `33116 pager, 19 me.,_ lira. W. O. Hewitt; 01' pianocover. Mrs. J. Lawrence; mutt maple molugee, J. W. 0roh_atd,_-toilet set, Mrp. J. Lawrence, Mrs. N. -llwellu 113013313: .10 ibe. honey in HcEachern: ' . tlbl mutt`, crochet. one L_ ednh.-C. -H. Wileon. L. '1`. beach &r set. Mrs. Perkins, . .Ia;.e._43e1'.. &- 893510. H. Wilson; woik _ b V _ Mrs N. llemnchern Sn`:-clover-.h1!9!.,'e!.tta_cted, 10` 1130.. "-M -`.1118. Miss. M. E; Ross Mrs J . , . _ . A hit j e Hon. H Q.*1'-l..:W_filIon:_7!`|i1` hand-made. Mrs. gJ',."`.f'g'l_l?b0lI?. extracted`.-V10 Work bum A ` < . 5" `H V; H. '.... "D4:-g. _`...-..gg_:' H; E` . bis. 1ancy'..M I `J3. 10,111.`, `N. I H -,--.u,/ an so an Ltvv, guuuus, 1.71.1 Dir .13. syn. Roe. Pigeons, Tumblers, R; Leudlgy, A.` Malcomsou. Fantails, A; `Md1`co'mso'n,* F.`Raynor; Homers, Hunter, R. Leadlay Any` other vu- my. Rae Huntqr. E; Harris. V Rab- `bit_`a, J, VD. ' = - L suuuua, pruuza, 111816. 1311 blrdl, ; `Q B; .Roe- Ducks, Pekin, male, 1911 b,irls,/ E. & R. Roe; female, 1911 bir .E_ Rnn, F-Danna flin-u|.I-_. `I1 vuvqusuu, VDCISBFCI, 1". E81301 , Hinds; pullet, A :1-Ilnds. African, - and 2,_ E. :8. -Binghhm. pullet, 1 1 and'2, Bantams, Sea-bright, cockerel, ; Bingh93n';~p'u1lct, E._ s. Bingham Bhntsms. Pyle, gami, cockerel, G. %] Whitinsi Dull-ct ; G.` Whiting. English. -capia, cockerel. _G." Wh1tln8: pm-. } lets, G. Whiting. Orplngtons,` cbck-l ercl, G. Whiting, C. H. Wilson; pul.-1': . lot, . C: - Wilson, H. L. l , 1 z. Turkeys, Bronze, male. 1911 1; ds, E; 1 ` DA`- `nal... D4-`-1- ---~`* ` g . . ..-v-u nuuuuv JUICIIU 8808, ' 2, Robertson; - Robertson, D. white, Wxce, ' Webb; pullet, Brolley Wice. Wyandottes, Hunter, Brolley Webb; lett, Burolleyl av. Webb. `Any col- oxf,-cockerel, Brolley I: pullet, C. H.` iwllson, Bro1ley -Bantams, B. ' game, R. Leadlay, F. Raynor; L,e_adla_y.'-'14`. -Raynor. Any other ` gaiileg cockerel, 1 Oochina, cockerel, : Iiihdns nnllao n u nut... 1-- m. H. Wilson. Dorkiugs, Silver Grey, '1 cockerel, C. H. Wilson; pullet, Brol-f ley & W-ebb, C._H. Wilson. Games m_ ,_B. 3. Red, cockerel, F..Rayner, _H. an L. Dunning;-,pul1et, 1. and 2, F. Ray- ner. Gamea, Indian, cockerel, F. Parr J ` , R. Lead'la.y .; pallet, F. Part, B. Lead- lay. Any other color, cockerel, G. t` y. Whiting; pnllet, G. Whiting. Lang- 9` :- shuns, cockerel. Brolley 6: Webb ; 1" . pullet, . Brolley & W-ebb. Leghorns, " 3 8. 0., cockerel, S. G. Buchanan, R. ,. Leadlay; pnllet, C. W. Nash, Brolley 1 ,_ &. Webb. W ' ghorna, white, .cocke'rel, B` ` G. H. Wilson, E. &'B. Roe; pullet, '1 o. H. Wilson, E. & R. Roe. Leg- H ' horns. brown, eockerel G. Whiting, C. '7`: H. Wilson: nullat. r: w.m+:..- n iv an ........., uumu, eocxerel G. Whiting, _Wilson; pullet, G. Whiting, G. H. _Wi1son-. " .'Leghorns,' brown. R. C. cockerel, C. H. Wilson. H. L. Dun. ping; pullet, C. H. Wilson, H. L. Dun- C. H. Wilson; pu-llet, R. _ H. Wilson. Hamburga, black, cockc`r- . ning. Leghorns, bud, cockerel, Broi- ley & Webb; -punec, Brolley ob Webb. I Houdans, cockerel, Bx-alley & Wcbb, s .81. G- L7 `I181.--.-.5 ---" Leadlny, C. . um nu; 011115. Iii. '""" "" ' warren; photo `T3319: .011. mbT0id9l`Y. ~Mrs. G_. 8. Duncan; 19111,11.,1. Photo !rame,,la.ce, Mrs.` N. W. -Malay; 30 Lawrlce; quilt down. Mrs. W. C. or: Hewitt; quilt outline, A. D. an N. V. 0m_npbe11.- Mrs. N. w. Malay; quilt. 3.` Rat `* ."'-r M .T-. M11h- Mm Per- kznsnquilt. patcbed_.-jsnk, Miss Jean 10.... :.`r..'=";;`.`:: .':";`.' W... M n , . x .. ., oss, ,rs. . 1%-lb. rolls, Mrs. D011: quilt. place, Mrs. T. jMc'Culloc; 3. J. Qampbeu, 1'88 mat, worsted, Mrsucheaney, Mrs 0 lbs.. butter in -'1`. McC'ulloch- rag` mat. hooked, M;-3. tjuidge, Mrs. D. T. McOu_lloch, mpbell, Mn. ,1); mg carp`ets,- Mrs. .12. Mcouoa1z.o;'M:-sf Partridge; ~10. M01ItE0lDl': `oribbomwork, Mrs. J. .. II. M ` "l'` W 'G...:'AI. its " , .._.-v v-,-' UVIIUD S. brattaeuon; sofa. cushion silk, 'Mr R. P}. -Marshall, Miss Jean Marsha.-I1; sofa; cushion, .,any other kind. Miss. M. E. Campbell, `amiss Malkln; tea coney, emfhroidory,.-Mrs. Howard Felt, A. D. -an N. Campbell; than 'coIey, lace- F. Robertson; table runner In colors`, Miss Jqan" tenerimfnliaa M. ~,9,me.,' . * LADIES -WQl3K `Hg: Applique, Miss Jean Marshall, Mrs. J. Lawrence; Battenburg, Mrs. J. nad_ Campbell, Miss " Malkin; bedroom_ furnishings, Mrs. W. J. Mullen; toil. mg, et and stand covers,-p Mrs. J. Law- ebb; rence; child's dress, Mrs. `Perkins; mm crochet. work, Mrs. Perkins, Mrs. G. R: 8.-Duncan; crochet worln, wool, 2nd, M me Mrs. J .. Lawrence; coverlet, worsted, 3-L Berlin, Mrs. N. W. Maley; couch cov- beg} H. Myers; centre piece, colored, Miss Jean Marshall, Mrs." J. Lawrence; ' calendar, fancy, Mrs. J. Lawrence; darning on stocking, Miss M E. ,m,_ Campbell, F. Brooks; Dining table, ,,m_ centre, lace, .Mrs. J.. Lawrence; din- ,.o1_ ing table centre, embroidery, Mrs. ,m,_ (J. Lawrence, Miss M. E. Campbell; 1,`, ,drawn work on linen, Miss M. E. _' Campbell, Mrs. J. Lawrence; em- m._ broidery on bolting cloth, Mrs. J. V M: Lawrence, Mrs. D. McCuaig; embroid- _ny' ery on silln, Mrs. J. Lawrence,; em- 3 De broidery on cloth, Miss M. E. Ross, ` m Mrs. J. Lawrence; embroidery on lin- G: en,, silk, Mrs. J, Lawrence, Miss Jean :53 Marshall; embroidery on linen, cot- lg. ton, Miss M. E. Campbell, Miss Jean mi Marshall; -embroidery on pillow case, one pair, Mrs. N. W`. Maley, Mrs. M Howard Felt; fancy work` collection, .3. Mrs. Lawrence; ve o'clock tea- table I b pair, Miss Jean Marshall, Mrs. G..S. B 1: Duncan` handkerchief, lace, Mis M. 1) I E. Ross, Mrs. J. Lawrence hand bag, 1) 1' embroidered. in colors, Mrs. J. Law- , rence; handkerchief case, hand-made, M ,8` Mrs. J. Lawrence, Miss Jean Marsh- M _y all; hemstitching, Mrs. N. McEach},rn, in _ Miss Malkin; knitting wool, Mrs. `T. F. 1' McCulloch, Miss "M. E. Campbell; 3. L_' knitting cotton, Mrs. G. 8. Duncan, ta, ;_ Mrs. J. Lawrence;,lamp shades, paper on {, Miss . Turner, Mrs. P. Love; Lady ; ,9, ' apron, plain, Mrs. N. McEachern; ' ' lady : apron, fancy, Mrs. J. Law- rence, Mrs. '1'. McCulloch'; lady's 1 ,2 wrapper, `Mrs. J. `Quinlan; lunch 03 jcloth,,Miss M. E. Campbell, Mrs. `_ ' N. W. Maley; lace centrepiece, white, , An Mrs. J , Lawrence; dauadry bag, w'ork- N_ ed, Mrs. Howard Felt; netting, Mrs. 1`-:3; ' Perkins, Mrs.. P`. M. Ross; outline 1), work, Mrs. J. Lawrence; pillow N_ Jshams, h-and-made, Miss. M; E. Camp- J_ Vabfll, Mrs. B. `W. Smith; point lacs. ,1_ Mrs. J. Campbell; guest towels, one 0 7&5 II , UWQ 4.` Ant.` l`. McCu11och, Miss 6th. yunu W la, i; V- lace, ;n..T Mrs, J `I ............... Bella McCuai'g. Campbell, Early R and N. Cam Campbell; Campbell, use Gem, W. pbell; Vermont Goldfcoin. W: A. . and, N. Campbell; ROOTS. a. nsvju an .175. Miss Waddell; Animals, Oil, Miss Waddell, Miss M. 8. Duncan; Inani- ' mate Objects, Oil, Miss M. 8. Duncan, Miss M. F. M. Bailey, (Toronto); Landscape, Water Colors, Miss May Shaw, (Barrie), Miss M. S. Duncan; Marine Water Colors, Miss E. Fraser, 1 (Kingston), Miss` M. 8. Duncan: Inani- mate,Objects, Water Colors, Miss E. Fraser, Miss F. M. Bailey; Figure -Painting, Water Colors, Miss E. Fras- ` er, Miss F. M. Bailey; Animals, Water i Colors, Miss E. Fraser, Mrs. P. M. ( Bailey; A Pen and Ink Sketch, Miss ` J _ _._:A ~nnd 3, A. Ayer;_&agod Ie_w~o`,.,A.'-V A101` 13-7"? V _ _ V ,3 O!-ICE, - - Mlal.`i:Ihall;' quilt, - 1 ;'. "?""""" r DAIRY PR , si '.Mrs. R. M, UOt5W01d--Aged ram, J. S8ldd9l'80n, ml. .butter `in x lab` tons . quilt pjgcgl F. Sanderson; shear-ling ram, H. & 7;. '3' B. "'3'. T Mcaunocm _.M,,_' campbgu, worsted N. Allen, J. Sanderson, -F. Sander- 899t.,_,.sBa:(x; B_a,ch`_-nl ,`..-G D ,.Mco`tmig_; 20 Mccuuoch; 1-, son; ram lamb, J. Sanderson, H. k"' ' `ha: yymng Am-`oe'k ism. Wid. ,_Partridge. N. Allan, ` F. Sanderson; aged ewe. 8' B-V -_ -1 d ncou;,g*'w,_ E_.3m,m,; 1o.n,._ butt rag.m_9,t, sawed . Wlaised in 1, 2 and. 3, H. 0!. net J. mm`. D., 43: G. Allen; gimmer. 1. 2 and 3. 1-1. Whitillv 'k'-" E, w;..;I,_ tn, n~cw"'i .33., gm, in rim an N. Allen; ewe lamb, J. Sanderson. Gochi-.`? - I H'w,,,,*,,'g,,.;"n15.`n`buter tux-tn rolls,` Mu. Ir. H0. Miss 3 "5 3' H 3` N A"' db.`-1' cf: ,6"? wm;.,l~plmridze.. , urn. -carfullra`: `Leicesters--A ed 1' 1 and 2 .?i!at.Or!" 7` chbeie. 3-. 3- .P`tT'33 .995.` -`a N A"11en Vgei mnnxzoa: hoa'rlin' whiting." x8ellz`1'-i`hl; '~G`~1 fa -7 W'nl1i"c".. Edwina; vtarmera . thbele. A-' "M`?"'h`.u- 3 Tram . H &'N Allen Weir Baron g 9 "'l"'``'lI'6'I'.;SA:G:'1`D;`~} ;N;``'OPh5no` "973 ;""E"Vg'-"Er.`l`l"3 ' ' ' - `.' T "L . '.. 1 " .` huh. `|.ll . 7 W .-. :ndN, l?l?'N. rlnlzen; :*?:'eye?'1, 3 mtchm .0: T 233 '1`"af`z";u``.`:?..f%`:`;..?; 1' mu g;-is ;=m;n,= dt-,1 =nnd.3, H. & N. Allen. -- _. `j|,'. pol. O. ' . . , j . , WP BIOS; Au , 1 `-`-- -" 5.3 ' w C3` ` ' wgjr B1-03; ram nab. ..!.1.: _ :: .,.~ 1' -~ .-1 N ,` Vair Bros..; ': ' wili also tJ 0ublcs;.' and has aggr '.'-.,.` '*:';:n -T ,_, ._____ __! white cotton 4 underwear, Mrs. B. W. Smith Miss M pierced brass, C. E. Wm Patterson; collection pierced J. 'l'uc_;_ collection of childrn `I. The ange to you and then when you have examined the other stoves in the market-we will be ready to do business with you. ' A dulynseinc More than a quarter of a Million `fagpy Thoughts are i: ` ~ fgAw\c;_-- ~ vlsouthdowna--_Aed ram,._ ` : 'Gotswold-Aged Sanderson, San-derson, ran'1.'H. N. Allen, `F. `Sandor- lamb, H._ N.,Allan, ewe, lamb in 1911, H." _1, and, ,_I_I.A Sand`e'taon'.j_ and H. & N. Allen. ' " "Leicester-a-Aged rain; 1. and sand 3, H. & N. Ano; l1 ."Tfi?3l` and 3. H. & N. men; we 1 ,2 Annuals, Oil, Inani- >i1, I. :er M_ Q nllnnnna .,._T_--_' 13 L`adi`:"sv who for aay ?3"*%'*sit the Hotel; 3, Miss .- Migs `D..l-_ . Geo. Keaat; single turnout, R. J. .'t Mathewson, R. J. Mcconkey, E. J. C Byrne; single turnout, owned by 1 iarmer, R. A. Sutherland, T. Blain; I pony, under 14 hands to saddle, Joe. I Robinson, J. L. Robinson; lady dr_iv- ,C er. Miss -Nellie Cave, Mrs. B. _W.*_'8 Smith, A. B. Coutts; best foal" ..by It Right Forward, J. Kelly, N. Wico. L Jas. Black; running race, Mrs. 'B. W. (1! -Smith, H. M. Dyunent, Mrs. B- W. on Smith; spring colt, H. Gallagher. ' W CATTLE E Durham-3-year-old bull, 8. Dr G meat; 2~year-old, C. M. Hickling; w -yearling C. M. Hickling. 8. Dy-_ _u ;ment; bull call, 8. Dyment; cow glv- 1 -lng mills, or in calf; S. Dymont; 2- 81 year-o'ld heifer, S. Dyment; yearling. in 18. -Dyment; heifer, call. 8`. Dylnont. Holsteins-2-year-old -bull, C. M." H srigley; heifer -can. 0. M- Srlgley.-. J :3 A__-L_-_-. - D lulglllvy ' Natural Wavy Switches, Brands, rum and Transfonuations _will also examine anti diagtiasc free of charm: all Ins.----._I==--I- The approaching visit of Mr Frank Pember of the Pember Hair Store and Beauty Culture Institute of Toronto, should prove of ' interest and advantage to every woman who reads this announcement. Professor Pember will display an assortment of ? white, W.*J. Sc ' , . _ Robertson, J03. Caldwell; Early Yelx 1ovVCoro, W. E. Brown, W. J. Scott; "White Corn, W. J. Scott; Red Clover _ Seed, 0. M. Hickling, J09. Caldwell; _['rimothy, W. M. Campbell. - EGolde'n Russet, W. M. 'Campbeil, W. J: [Scott; Red Pound, Geo. Ottaway, `Jnn, nmumn. n----n--- -- ~ rd . Simpson, W. J. Scott; White Globe, W. - ,M. Campbell; Grey St-one, W. J. Scott, 'W. M. Campbell; Carrots, White Field _W. J. Scott, Jas. McLaughlin; Re GRAIN. . ' `I3 .6 J\llJI DCII LU UCHID, and high-priced fuel, Agricultural-2-year-old. R. ~Be1l,AR. % A. Sutherland. N. Wice; yearling, Lott Webb, F. W. Peacock, Angus McKay; foal, 1911, John Kelly, J. _McArthur vb Son, G. Simpson; brood mate with ' toal. Geo. Ottaway, J. Kelly, J. Me-` Arthur & Son; matched pair, '1`. W. 3 Jermey, A. H. Graham. (Continued/V on v. 0. DCUFE; K M FRUIT. van 0 0 T J V) - v_..-ruunn, II. J. ted well: Pewaukee, Mrs. J. Quin- [. Campbell; Northern Spies` ach 8: Son, Geo. Ottaway; lush, John How, T. Connel-1; L`. Robertson, Geo. Ottaway; ._L:..-.' - 3 nu` II\v CIIHI Kllag _all hair: mighty pqor pl. ..... .___, page 6). . A. D. and N. Cam pbell; .Early Crown kling, .W. M. Camp- 'unior, W. M. Cam r other variety, Jr I. Campbell; Col W `IA (~1____I I. Ont. 'I`horoughbreds--M Dyment, J. Dyment; Dyment, J. Dyment;` yment. J. Dyment. D yearling, Jas. 3. ley, J. Wi ~G. Scythes, J. with foal or evid G. Scythes, S. Ki ing any age, T. G. Scythes; cart purposes, geacock, Geo. Sim y Lord Mon I1; McArthur & S R. Roe; yearlin ggins: foal 1911, R - ~ , Wiggins; brood mare ' W` Bitch` ence, Stanley, J. ssock; geld-. ' H. Craik, J H are gelding, " . H. Craik, J. yearling, by do._, v -u in In-IJSNI are with foal, S`. yearling , S. 2-year-old, _S. Berksh _ right; sow, ._Plo_wri ling; saw `of 1911 on, 2 and i g entire, N. Stan- . Roe, '1`. York H. Scythe: O'5w.`n" I . t n f 1 Deon n%:?"i`(iJ8l;.ao J. `H. Cerswel L. Kennaciy _'l`. G.- lo tague, A_.VJ-` `Geo. Plo Ger-swiell POULTRY mas V . y ix-as-'--Boar of 1911. G. Plow- ght, G. M. `Hick- Iwright; . Ritchie. .hi'e; A. -' I av I l l C _l LJUIJ gcythes.