II\ II \l,lql \\'ye\'alo in \' ia Made Ye Old F irme, has been the Piagxo of _all great functions" and "occasions __,-_ __ -..:--..-. W-Wldron lived alone" near Washago, about"-1:2 -;niIes.. 1-`gm O1-il-lia. So far `as, can be `gathered. theife must, -have ~='a>,ql 181".e1,- 801116 ~ tinie between "&a5i-:morn_ig1gi~.ai1_d vS8i211!iay.' It is V A -' ` p ` seen en-_ .[IvlC-;'},1; ';3'o:n kicked 7m0st unmerci- fully, sevena1`rib.s being proken. The Minjnr.ed'--man- was still Jxvmg" and wag - ,'|1"r'.'.1.-|..-._ 1:._-3a. '_1- .e :;emvd~ .t_of the oi_:i1_1ig Hbspitalf. `round by Neighbors Lying on the: . . r Floor in Pool of Blood. Orillia, Sept. 25.-e-On Saturday night John Waldron, of..thei Township of -Rania, County of Ontario, was found lying in}! _pool"of `blood in his house, {with `his fhco fem-fuJ~1y\battered and other bodiIy"` injuxfies, the result of a brutal assault. ' . -' lnmnnmo oivrxozn 1% f Tnnu-rA1.1.r ASSAULTED (This is -in line wit/h_the elitire con- . tmction of the Gram} Trunk Pacic` _ ailway, which is being bunt use per.- mangnt road from the start. ' T l _..__...e .....:....u 1]] nusucu nupcrb: I saw a splendid piece of eroadbedm It is a ne road" all the way from this point to Mile 102. ;A better piece of road cannot -be -found among many of the ` roads. of older Ontario. On our returntrip; we ran over 35 miles an `houriover some. portions of the line, and the going was remarkably steady for a. new road. Wihen the Govern- ment accepted the road, there was an I order. limiting. the speed of trains to` }2" miles an hour, but after having seen the ro'a`d, we are going to make I an order permitting the speed of -`train; to. be.- increased to 35 miles an hour; / `I VG-CV -vu-yawuv ua. many l:Uu.lp.|`lIllCl1DS as to the physical conditions of the new roacibed. Juge Mabee said` in an Interview with; a reporter of `the, Evening" Empire in Prince Rupert: I SEW Q I )1Anl:t` nznno A` -A-I-1"-`U: I ..--' ......,,---..-.-.. ....., A . I Mr. and Mrs, Richard Robinson1 were in Severn on Thursday, attend. ing the funeral of a relative. .\ I1` `I DUI - l'__ .` uuxu, vwueu rrmce rtuperv, and made a trip over the hundred miles of the Grand Trunk Pacic east of Prince `Rupert, which is now in operation. General` Superintendent Mehan was; the recipient of many compliments as to thn nhvninol an-u'HHm.... -1 L.L- ..-_. cation to Mr. A. E. Du, Union Sta-A tion, Toronto, Ont. Last. month; the Riiway Commis-` sion headed by Judge Mabee, Chan'- 1 man, visited Prince Rupert; and made , D. trin nvnr Hm `In.-..1.m.: _.:1-- -A` Mr` - : HEINTZMAN & co. PIANOS 1-`on: BARRHS. ANDDISTRICT. % me steamer, I\3mpress`_Of India : n which King" the Duke and Duchess of CornWalI and York--at in 1901. took passage from Victoria to Vancouver, Iehandsome Heintzman *& Co. Piano used exclu- P. Q. Box 178. iano,_ was on exhibition ] L. l-'. ADDISIONA |Teaohe`r of Violih open taovreoeive a limited number or pm. during thewinter season. For terms app] at Residence. Elizabeth st.. Barrie. or nex to lgiandon Flasher, or `Phone 374. P. 0. Box . lj 9 .. In the October Canadian Magazine Dr. J. D. Logan observes that Bliss !Carman, Archibald Lampman," William `Wilfred Campbell, ,F.rederick George [Scott and Margaret Marshall Saunders [were all born just fty years ago, in `1861. In any consideration of Can- adian literature this is an important fact. _ Dr. Log_an s article, i The Literary Group of 61, _ is good ma- terial ,for the reviewer. ' `The. hou`s_e too had been ried. Mc- Auley had not been seen since and there. is~__. strofng suspicion that he |kAnows something of what happened. M1`\Ir.<. \\'a1tgr Kelcegv bf 7ClAevel.a!p1ld;,\ Ohio, is visitmg for a few .days-wit'h"3 M1`. and .VIrs., Wm. Baylisvs. A - `, i U 7`, ---6 van `any 11 Waldron had acted` on Thursday as [returning oicer in `his subdivision in lNorth Ontario and al1'tha.t was left ,of the ballots, ballotbox and papers was the seal which `had been broken of, the box. thinking omething must have wrong with Waldron, as he did- appear "during the day, broke in found him lying on the oor. "T, ..'l.`I..-._ 9 - `I ` ` Mcll0llAl|, FURNISHINGS and `DRY 60005 or--ro-nus srocx ,\ . _L_o_wzs_1- rnlcw L guy BORN IN '31. Phone 259$. Mrs. Meredith was silnlinonned-"ti '}`m'ont0 on Sunday, qwmg` `to t'.;4 dvath of her daugbterwm-l'aw. _....,u uuvc 5'-IUU n, not; moo I---`- - ' goen I and .`Ji.~`s Mae Brown `returned Qco flue ms; on_S'atur'day night, after a '/few} 4{::_\'.s" vxslt With. her parents.* ` i 11 `II? `IL, 77,! . - _ On '1`h111'sda.y so heavy it necessitated 'a"aj:eGoiId'<'eii*;`. gine to take it out. ' ' -. xv 11 ,,1.,__ .9 TL, us an .. '.- D .\1h-.'}`i ~;her of Bra i ,...~.~:n' to our late `ticket agent E, (Eh:-;~'to1', who resigned. _ '. j V V . -. .- -uu. . _ M 1'. W . .-u- Roy Stone $v[as in AT9ron,5.0!i`5 business the beginning offthe W6_0k_-,,_ - J` .?,"'fB""_"..' ' - .,_._._ - vvvv-v _.,q`ppp_`v James: S'irV1cl_sai__r -,.a nd ',-I'b5f r1ti o returned, to town `on SAa,t1_1rd:ay V ZM1's. A. Hughes '15 expects to li,V(3 in Connecti-cut;TIOhjo" 1.r_. 1r.s11na Q.l.....1...!.. -_. 2| u` a ` (.'nmlu<:t0r \'andergi'ift 11as' bee':) Vc-I'_\' ill at his home in Meaford and Anm-t Riddell ha;-. been in chafge of" his run. [ . Operator Dixoii -_0fj.;gj;'1`z_ v been transferred _jt_ Q7 ~)j.` Our genial post? .m.6r`,,_ ..1SI4..Hii1d .: has had the Post 0ie ii;ra-Jahingle A 1 J'.-...L.... .I.. !_-'_.! \ ` `.-L) .___-u`.-4;.`., ._"`-,v.`.>; ' uoouwu ' n `A-maa ii-'-n " V. 0000 O .... -....w.,4 - a`Vr.( ... - '- ' ; -vi.:--v:.'.'.Jld,,"'_``m'.~..-, 1' ..-I ;\,`;`}j_s~ `\-. n- V ,`j-., :V``` w! i4A` ; .;~`-gu_ ; 53. m. 8.13`! `V ` tural Ladies long sleeved Vests, White of I13 ! and.......... Color heavy weight, special, each 25(\:e 7 J A` ` ` lde` Ladies long sleeved Vests anlndA.D1::;V:;'5v 3" . length, white or natural co ors, weight, each . . . . I` [ . Staneld s Unshrinkable Undel'W3_" for Ladies, white only at each" " Our Dress Goods, Silks Aand Trim- I '_HANDSOME > ALL OVERCOATS and mings are Worthyof Special Notice . SUITS for MEN at $10.00 and $15.00 _, DEVLIN t`(|Hll!{ln." 163035" Mr. Allen. Bruuton lias 'accepted;.a. yukitiull in the Patterson Drug'.Stora-. Mr. l"r:mk lvIem'd' left on Wednesday for u trip to Winnipeg. The new (i.'l'.R. branch to Midlaild uh. \\' ...... ..1.\ :.. . - ---Lwr "A I .. .. --A-- `II ua uu'\'I| LU Liostllllblll hooonung very `busy I is 'l1auling`a11 its] Ladies una..w.g, .26 : `1 ! A pathetic-sight was- ithose `on the-depot plat; day morning. A lady of t Vage, who was -bt4ai-ng ital [3128 ! ..4.:n.--;.:-_` - `LIL Mit I on -You BANJO, _ . Cons-iderable interebf _' 17vas"ar0u`ed ,over the Big Banjo Raffle conducted- {by one of our ~]eading spor tsimen.' !After anvexciting draw in the Y.M. 'C.A. on Monday night it was won by Mr. A. E, Patterson. On Friday morning (the morning afterthe election)\.the book store win- dow` presented a -striking appearance. There .._was `a *11'uge_. Union e_Jaecl._{. hung up and `below -hung "the : Stnrse. andUj Stripes all torn `and out into ribbons '_ intermingled with crepe. The day}; previons -t-he- twoags were strung -5` {side by side on an equal basis but the _ 'f`Parting of the Ways `was too much 1 for Uncle Sam s' ag which fell below H to -mourn the loss of another Am_ericau- I` conquest. . , I _v- -vuuvvu III! Lauuu` Frozu/;t~l1e prev:-lent-outlt`>ok it is pos~ _ eible that the G.T."R .". will start passen-. ` get service over` their new "branch; If:-om Wyevale to. Midland, at -once.` `Orders were given last Week tozx up fa coachuhere to be used as a_ tempo:--i a1'y*.oicei-and `waiting-yroom. at Wye- bridge,` so it is likely that this will be used to_ accommodate the travelling public at that point until such! time as they can` erect a more suitable sta- tion. T ,,- -__- ....r...., 1.uuvv_&Ulul U}! MOD` `day of -102 years of was -bei-ng1taken~ to an in- Estitution` in" Toronto by rel-'atives, was, Itransferred from the Meaford to the Toronto train. " She was almost wholly.` [blind and her reason had failed her. I Mr. .l:u-k Jacobs, W-l1o has been` 1-;}.endin;_-` several -Weeks` `with. his`- famy hora returned to the Nvest on M 0nL1_\'. 1., 9 A bowling tourpament, invwhi<':'h_ 16 `of the local 'cIir.b si membe;`s'contesteds I` on-....Monday afternoon`, *res:u1-tedjin a _win for Mr. .R. Dawson. Atotho last " game oply Mr. E.VPoucIher `and Mr. {Dawson remained`, the. latter by 1 I Ipoint capturing a; h`an;da_ome set of `bowls as a prize. 1 " . - I ` __L` :- ,,-_.,-. ....,-yv--;ala,a~vv' U630 " so_xne'f misuhder's`tandin.g'\ in _ the; Waggon" `brea.king`jdown at V this point as ` the occupant` of.tho" house` does not kep` cows or homes. . _- V` I ' '--If ;yoi;`..w'iunt a, ,good position or: a better one, attend Barrie Business ` 'Colle-g"'e. `Night School re-opens Dist. 12'" '-\ o , A s On Saturday afternoon a , 1`arn'1_e1-I while driving into; this Ward upset `a load'of hay in fronffof the Methodist ' pg;9n'age. - "'1`hehreq1us.t.'haveL been some. misunderstanding ,in .the_ Waggon" atvtihis the occuQant`of,the_' house keep- '1'-nuns nun L---`~ ...,., x-nun. yawn moved `her ]V hold; "qects. .to % Pairkdalo` on * Monday f1,\T,ti'L"'(_i4{--.i'1`uesday,' ( H 1* -`e-Mar_ri:g`_`.,, '(?en:_se_sj.',can be had, at left. for ~.t;heir` new . E. 11;; 'Willin1;1,3j if,Ig._1vblry __Store. ,'1`hi_a I store is noted '1o1f_`:i`ti'`gra$t. value " in , 'ITiings as well as Tall:;thqr lines not! ,\ rs. . - ,r :5" "`Qu.' - 1 x ' "_` \_ 47 elevatortin. Midland._ ` . "Mn. Thos. Paton moved her. ho1ise'- hOldv..-Ueectn. -tn Du -1;.1.*.I..` -'_ 'It-~ - on -You leticvsight wzis iritnessed by ; `"dPt Platform on `Mon- `.1 Iino A lull... -3 -Inn .__-,, _---_-.. av./aulqnvvw, US "eafom they in. new her. present outlook `I1-B G.T.R_v' fnff nnno-an "to . .-.- -'.` .' . . . . .\ V. . . Tc:-c ` Boys". VOvrc'ogts--Co_n_eg% sfle, coco 64.500 Ladies? pxaipj am Hose. ' .\n-.` 1-1.1. Kitchy and family. of North Bay are spending their vaca- tion with Mr. and Mrs. J88`. McMill- he??? +--+- ""' "`{ * "W" ` Bay ,_D. B.'Sut with knickerbocker pants, she? to 32 {Mm $3-50 and$3-90 ., . _ i T Q 0 'o:'o'o_o`o o 0 I 0 o c o 0 0 0 av 0'; `up C 7n':. -~ 'p-..'.. ' .-.-' g ` eMen`s extrawheavy Winter TOvereoats,.made> from heavy weight tweed, dark browri 7 . I 'color,`co1lege"style, worth_- 310100, for. . ,` ` - Men's College Qvercoatsi -\vith_` convvertible collars, all fneat, dark shades. good ,lini,ng_ andperfect ttingf, Special at ea`ch . I * 0.0 o_ 0`: ' o 0 0 are `n o ` = Boys Fall `Suit':4{o,1f:Bf\Jy Va-re`-a_l; ` Ian:-A . .1vin`s , nst Sorc%vVI+`r;iriZ'.s1;i;_ts, sizes ";1't,?o[ tanl1 s I`J'1'1;ler\;r<;a-113:.)-2: g;n- ment ,is, guaranted._ Good Aheavy weight, at each $1.00. $1.25. and. , I _ Wool Shirts ad Dniw,ers-Un- shrinkable. `Special vyja`lue a_t each sac and A. Pwure wool Blankets, allsize-s.` Some have blue borders and some sink. Positively all pure woql. See them. ur prices are veryclose. Ca.-_.-I .1)- 1?`, I ,,c ..._-.,...... ...u\...ayvnuuu aucu 8.3 , j0 you married life, "`We"are-Von` our honeymoon, Don t V my -wife I l`look~-cute, `etc. Many were the peo-I uuwsno (O V ,,____.e. ..._u--- cl-atbdiirbu | I _The merry guests at a. local wedding: last `week got very busy with. the _ bride s"tru'nk at the depot,_ and (when `the carriages arrived withothe wel- ding party a'%G.T.R. baggage truck} was pulled` through the crowd` decorat- I ed with babies- shoes, _a dozen` in- all, with suitable names for all the child- ren inscribed: on thesole of each` shoe in large lettens. The `trunk was-also decorated with printers ink and labels! bearing various: inscriptions such as O vim may-rim! Kc. H unr-?-_l ..V I (jondllbtor Quinn of the Penetang passe11;:e1' train, moved l1i.S| Wifev and f2m1il_v from 'I`oror.to to Penetang Orr Friday. ` V Two trains running as extras be-. tween Midlandoand Orillia met `head- out one mile` east. of Midland at 5 a.m. . Saturday morning. P..- Armstrong of` Allandale, car c1eane,1`a,\ was badly shaken up and was sent`to the Mid-I . land Hospital. The train` crew jump- ed and escaped serious iujury.. The trains were in charge gt Conductors `Hoover and Fair. Errors in orders is` {given . as the `cause. Mr. Armstrong . wasghurst so badly he vyas_ unable to] [be brough_t1.-hoTne_.but It is thought, [he will be -home during the latter part I [of this Week. . ` .._---_- .-oavwo '_lUI.ll_1 ;' `On Friday evening Mr. ' `are As-uccumbed at thegho: !rdm:Ehter`, Mrs. Jas. McLe ' nu ' fur-gnu ."I'I_----- ' ,...... uvcl, mu-s. J88. Mcheary, after `a" (lip ring illness covering a period of several. months.` ~,The funeral took place `on Monday afternoon" to the Union cemetery, the Rev. A. V. Brown, o'iei'ating at the `house and at thei 'b_er of the Presbyterian church for a grave, Mr. Stewart lrad been a" mem- number of years. He is- eurvived by Mrs:. Stewart,_ Mrs. J as, MeLeary, and ve sons, all of whom were home for the "funeral; They are: ' George and Abe. of Toronto; James and William; of .Bm-rip, nna La... -4: `D-man-~= nruui-on? co1.1.rs1bN mm: ` % _or MIDLAND. ' oI_Il of. ` Wedheii ia.'y ght" a1i'itIi*ya:d-3 men. in.H.ami1ton yar.t__l',,_cdnsis-ting of j ' about 25 men, want Gift Du s'trike,`.ow- Hing; to a union ~.yard=master being dis - missed - and \'a non-union Ipan _ being placed `in charge; Freight traffic was : badly demoralized til1_Thursday after- {noon, when the company Ibrought men` from Toronto` and London` to` ll the strikers-_ places. V A couple of Allandale crews had to makeup their own trains in Hamilton; during Wednesday night as there were n\oiyardmen `on duty. A I 1.?-*.v.. .m0x1II!ns'Joo;:t 4 .o c'dock for` 9, fire ;,'tt I`~1 `where a Vcoa_l f'car"had taken re, i_t~ is thought by rgmbustion; One end of the? car and1 `jcoueidggab1...coa1. wag burnt. - A '1-4"` : -'i1hamaged.Vto any great xteut. * ?some time; `T-her.A i:i3`~ ,-.4=se-L-M . 7.-Th ..99%i`!_i "c'a;l`led- Aoutidzi 'sun- ; I"33Y._'10rmng;about4 o 5lock for` re 1 F*`."I3.: .n`anL:4.. ' _.L __.. \ M1`-. Uelville Hoover hlasa alc;ept& a position with the Canadian Express (10. running from here to Penetangg, \ :L_,, I\,.,',,\ ,1` AI T` - `W:-.nmNc+ GUESTS `rungs. 7IVL_ --. - UL Barrie J. U1'UUl 9 and ` . V. _ ~~-~~ . I `.day_ Thos. Stew- umbed theghom'e "of big McLeary, a covering period` III`I R131 L ` ` .1'nos.% is-rz%w}An-r. V wuvv, uuusca nuu VV1] John of Brad-ford". um. ~Most people return to their homes in, tlie early part Of" September, but this is one .:of _' theA_'n'1joeVt;_ delightful, t1.r.ths_r -:;i.n ; this ..*`ter `teary, evthceee W116 can,i;__..` A, V . . ., ,. " THE GRAND mun: PACIFIC. The popnkarity of the Algonquin} National Park, Ontario; _ has been] pronouncedgtlyis year, and" it -has beeh ` `necessary. .to "use at" least 25 large` tnts as an auxiliary 'to,`the_' accommo- ,dation of thejHigh`1laAnd`__:In-n. -atv_A,I- g`3hqnin _Naticnal] Pa3fk_ `Stat'g9n.\ T_ . I "l';;..L _._.',.1", .'-._-V` _\,_ ,_ .._.-_----- wvaau. It is reported on good authority that I a barren strip of land on the outskirts of Essa street was last `week sold- at: agood gure. It,is said a_ Jafrge com-Q pany intends remodelling it for use as a burying` groundfor the late lament- edGrits.. ,- ' e 4 v-av \Il\l- IIJIUII IJUUUV, W` on business on Monday. 1\lx'.`ChippingE.on is 1'/h e br'a.k e.j man on the. I enetang Pa`ssve-nge-r train, be having` succeeded Mr. Spearin; Victoria Jlarboxy Era--Mr. `.50.... Campbell has secured a position `as : rem_an on the G.'I`.R. at Allandale.` - vv v-wu-n\p, WV. ,' Mrs.` Ha1verson- and; children, who the past month, returned to :her have `-been visiting with `hen fathenand mother, Mr. and Mrs.- Jon. Pullen for in Duluth on S_aturday.i '11 - -r1--1..--__ 1 ~-- 'ww-V--V ..-J- . ~M.1'- H1'm99,V the new proprietor of the old Allen house, was in Toronto rm hruiinnna nn llnnanu - - ._--..-~-- ` \.Mr. Albert Sloan of Midland Egre- living baggageman bu the Pen ang run in" the absence o Mr. ry Hamilton, who is spending his vaca- tion in Portlmid, Maine. - h i l - `ll ... -r1-'-1__-__.. , 3 V Mr; Richard Robinson has accepted a. position with the 'C..P.R.o at _West Toronto, working in the yards; He ezgpects to -leave here in a few days. \ Mr. and: Mrs. Andrew Paton of . Penetang spent over Sunday ~ with the 1 ormer s` mother. ~ " g M13 Sid Penny is laid up with a` Very bad foot, caused by 9, large growth. V - ` _ - ' Mr. Wm. Erly has been on the! sick list for the past few ~ days, he having contracted a. severe cold`. `Mr. Sid with a \V81'.V bad font- n`n|'u:a1.`Irnr .. In--n ple who stopped, and took a look and then passed` on sympathizing with the newly wedded; couple, while the jokers pulled the trunk attached to which were dragging milk cans" and various other articles to,draw the-_c'rowd s attention. {ple $topped- Iopk than nnuan. Am a........nA-I-3--'~-r Lngmng fn3?n_nn sou). 7):: Tuesday" 111ornihg Trai;1TNb,: 54 , from Uoaford, struck and instantly: killed :1 hmjse near`Thornbury, . ; ; iv 1 -u-- - _ I Local Warerooms, Barrie Music Store. IS THE sou: AGENT FOR Piano Sty_l_e `.`Ducliss `of _York,"the Queen s Pia ' - at Barri Fair. The7record through its long` his- tory of At years shows that the The Rev. Canon and Mrs. _Murphyi left on \\'e mor-ning _t`o`TspeVn,d-. :2 muple of days at Clu1rc.hil`1I.' _' i