Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 21 Sep 1911, p. 2

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I .':. STIBATHY la ESTEN, BARRISTEBS, `Solicitors in High -Court of Justice, Notaries Public, Oonveyancers. Of- ees over the -Bank of Toronto, Bar- rie.- Money to. loan at lowest cur- , rent rates. G. H. Eaten. EDONALD ROSS, LL.B. BARRISTER; `n.-I: -:4.-.. ..`.L.. 12.... A! Wnrnntn . . DE. A. '1`. LITTLE, LATE 0}?` Churchill, Ont. Oice and residence, John St., near corner Elizabeth. `Phone 23. _ _ Inn. 11. T. AIgNALL. ` OFFICE AND! V Residence corner of Toronto and Elizabeth Streets. (Opposite F1iza- . beth Street Methodist Church), Tele- _'L-.._ 1Q DR. ROBERT S. BROAD, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, etc. Specia1ty-Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Oice and resi- do_n_ce,_ cor. Elizabeth and Bradford Sts. (Dyment Gore). Phone 105. DA`. ARR VDR. MORTIMER LYON, 31 CARLTON ' GA .'I".u...-.I-1. 14-55;: I\` DClIt\"`I7'| /-KT DR. J. A. C. EVANS, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, 6t\.,'. Coroner for, Simcoe County. Oice and residence: Wil- liam street,` Allandale. Telephone 30 a. At Stroud Oice: 2 to'4 p.m. ` Monday to Friday. , DR. V. A. HART, GRADUATE OF m..:..:.|... 'rT_:.........:..' m.......:.J... 'l:V.1:.. |W- A-1-EW `S- ~ Late of Torohto Genezx-al Hospital. " Once of the late Dr. smith. colller st ' Phone II. 32-ly r _0li of the extraordinary blessings of the pact, it is claimed. is that , both the farmer and the consumer will benet, the farmer by getting higher prices and the latter -by get- ting cheaper goods. Neither the far- i mer. nor the consurnerwill believe in ` `such a patent contradiction, ,on the con- trary they cannot but be forced to the opposite conclusion. The farmer will I not get higher prices, "because when ;; sends his `products to the larger "inarkets" he will have toipay more {or freight and in addition the prices . will be low owing to the increased 1' `supply levelling and the industrial `depression lowering the priceson the other side. The `consumer will not get this good-s any cheaper because the American products will gain /control . of the markets` and regulate prices `to - "suit their pockets and not his, and` the American Beef Trust will prove a- _ much harder..taskmaster than the home 1 farmer. ` ` L.R.C.P. 8; S. Edinburgh; ll.F.P. & S. Glasgow --SUB.GEON-- Eye. Epr. Nose 6 Throat. no t 4 years Post Graduate work in British itsls and having served as Clinical Assistant in Golden Sqnore Bar. Throat at Rose Hospital. Londotr Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital (Hoortlolds) ; for a term as Resident Surgeon in Royal London tholmlc Hospital; Bristol Eye Hos ital, Brlsto and Birmingham Bye H tel. Bmi hem :tormer Member of British oi col Society. OFFICE-78 Dtmnor srnnnr, BARBIE. 'Phone 51. P. 0. Box. 96. G. G. SMITH & C0., PHONE 82. ES- tablished 1869. Undertaken. Open e day and night. - Morgue and chapel in connection. Baxrie, Ontario. "UL, JL~\Jo, Ana Brown LL.B. mhnu vv Ly rlstors, Court of Judicature Proctora, Notaries, C `S_.o`Viic'i?;o;-3. ofmiio? [Supreme of Ontario, onveyancers, Omce, Boss etc. Money to loan. block, Barrie. "7 1` A..L1...- `1,.-,._a-, A. E. H. Cregwicke, Barrie. A. 19. 11. K.C., grthur Alexander. IJeM__-.AJ3NoLD IJ-_...&..|-cl '.'.Jo2Ss.7: Fug 1'u2'nT i..'aI:'wEn Fire nd Life Insurance. Real Estate ` -~ . ldencu. Moneuotoohoan. HA number 40! good -Fm-'m`a and Town Pro- s~For Saloon ess .terms.- I NR 011 _ N`l`_0 Innwm nmu 45-Ky , KJLVIKLJIJ IWQD, .IJLlu.lJo, JJCLI-UJULKIJ-cl-Just, Solxcitor, etc. Bank of .Toronto Building, Barrie. Money to loan. T UUII, Ulio, JJ-Liovbu-, Azuauof aaua.-nu... 0 ondon. Gice and residence, Dun- lop street, Barrie. Telephone 77. -vrayuuvu IJIUU Iolnvna voav ooovu-4; ow .r-o-- ` ,BnhIoriben' now in arrests for three month. and over will be chimed I1 50 per annunp Andrewl VII W `IV gione 167. _. ., _ nu iurA2orUnmi'6r ::Buu_i%s,? Cam-iagcs, jwagcng I o .I.l.\ILll.l.LL!.l.l'J1I! .IJ.L\lAV, ul. vxxauu St., `Toronto, late of Brooklyn (N. Y.), Eye and. Ear Hospital, will be _at 67 Owen_ vSt., Barrie, every Sat-T urday. Diseases-Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Consultation hourg, 11 am. to p.m., and by appointment. Illa V a 10 LLIL-I-U-I , \.l-I-IJLIJJ \J `I--I-Ll \Ja. Trinity University", Toronto, Edin-` borough and Glasgow and Post Grad- uate of University College, London. Oice, and residence: Cor. Dunlop and Mulcaster` Sta. Oice open each day until-;8 p.m. Phone 124. ."w."A. `BOSS-PHYSI_CIAN: Sm goon, etc., L.1z.'c.s., Ed1n.,-L.R.C.P., A-ngnn ` Onn Oa` mn- Ida` IVVL&" Oil-IJLUL-IL-L I-3hJJ-J-IL` _ \ILV` tario Land` Surveyors, En gineers, . etc.` Established 1852. Oice, Medical Building, B. E. corner Rich- Tmond and Bay streets, Toronto. . Telephone, Main, 1336. Instructions left with Strathy & Eaten, Solici- tors`, Bank `of Toronto Bnding, Barrie, willhe promptly attengledn to. AA quVanmyVof.'priv,a.t_,e funds to loan at 1 % I 1\El_lcBN1`. oh my terms of payment. ' =,.';.I.aENI90X._ cowm Ga BROWN. ~ ,1 Asolioitpzfs. Binie. ` ' (Vt-)1 Dr. J. ARTHUR ROSS Mon r::v"ro LOAN _., ~~ \ Uxnnnraxzns. 2'" > --v . , BABBISTER, SOLICITOR, r, Notary, Conveyancer,` etc. V `.!"3'3!33-_______- w, mmpny a; ES'1`EN,__ ox- ` 1' .n-".3" gciunonuonna 1:`- nvunnnun M. n., c. M. (`I`or.) > as proven to h r, fig? it any paper in theB?'r)c11:: t; c 0 41-13.`: . 7' It the largest Subscription ~ _ Jgmr tact {demonstrates the eiuahty at Ifyoujhave any advertis hg to do. hoo it with thegpaper that reaches the pea; 19 `got to P0 {the price. I 3% Adv .no1na_ Ann nhnrnrul nnnm-Mn- 4.- In we prwu. :;*.A.dV e tn Jre charged according to IhpI:r12;:llnoIfnonpore measure make one .01: T `emit ?".'_ ADVIBTIBIM, Ideal 8o{ega.'Anctlon Sales, Amuscmetm. etc.-;-first on 1-. cents r lin , ' iiuartlonoenu per lne. 6 each I! |n9`nnt.i1nn. in events In-.r Iirm fm- an nu: APISBAL ro.'.1-a:anous1:w1rVz ,III Iwnl. nuutuon 0 uulua per uue . nodqu. no cents per nine for or 3 I eeutnper line for each subseo net? Vlnaetttonretathe bane matter. Obitunrv-Poem 5`cne;- ling; 1* ` ' '-" ` . ` `OOIIHIIICIAL DISLAY- EIIIUX KIIIGI 111! I110 011100 not 1316!` UNI ;- Sotnrdoyjtlo o'clock sad the co for such; chap umubein. mi: ADVANC once not. but shun: o'clock noon on Monday in an, week, otherwise the advertiser : announcemen, not be made public until the week follow W -'72` Iii-te-: AA Tnotio of intention to chug:-, o co must be handed into the ntmdnv at In n clm-k- And thn nnnv f {couunncznn msuv. begivenon application. _;7; _ co1n'uc'r cantata. erthers will please bear in mind the.`- advertisement; not later an 51;. AF unk ` OOUDINSID ADVIRTXSEIIXTB. Coljonaed advertisements on am page sue, I! ynntlotnll kinds. lost and found, proper-1; 19!? (ale or to run speqmc articles. etc., etc must be sworn vnth the cash. Cuts for advertisements must in every case b; mounzcd on solid metal bases {ms nu t3;5_rgI_v_ct; mu co. .....~ % ~ """........"" '7. `.'.;"`.:r. E. units an: elager "'l`f-g'ug't:C$' Blgkgl-.- `II_b.I.!_- lI_-.IA2.... `In- D, _, u `U ZWU T `UI I 32 V U Mbnnfacturera of, and Dealer: in all kinds of - Rough and Dressed Lumber `---_'_`p_-n. ~1'n_._n_ u__4-_n-__-.- ,n,. _ .`7`F`?`?' "`:`;`f. {";`i | plyxpg, Mtggniglggt ggcgn .m`1:e-s;.x.7in7,7 LIZIIIQ land Poalltsllllll l'l'ltI" dW0Od Floors. Contracting and Building Estimates given 0l?Fl0E'--BAYPIBLD s'r., name, or: Unable, to }induce the Canadian {workmen to believe. in the glorious blessings that the adoption of" Reci-. procity are to bring in its train the. Liberal press has now brought all its batteries to __ bear on the housewife,_ apparently hopingthat wife persua- sion wiil succeed Where laboured ar- guments have failed. It is indeeii a pathetic sighttto see the busy editors enter "the unfamiliar kitchen and study the s'hoppin,iz accounts ,. of our poor` Workingman for the professed purpose of` trying to ease the burden that op- presses so eheavily their new-found protegee, the `housewife. One would almost imagine them to be henpecked and worried in their `own homes by the outcry of their housewives against the high prices, so fervently doithey protest in favor of the reduction of the tari on such articles "of every day use as yams and oysters,` to say noth- ing of` the peanuts and the sardines. To give them their due, however, they do come down to earth occassionally and deal with the colder f`1_'eality,of potatoes, eggs and mutton, and at. the risk of being accused of 1'_lmni|_;g_a,'w9y from the yams` and thg pgignuts ug _._8.8S With them on the broader is- % -CRAIG! -IURST, our. ILICENSED AUCTIONEER ron TH: couwrv or suvncoa. Most reasonable terms given on a% Stock Sales UJ19. 9?! E 9 WI ii:x'r noon TO THE TANN :n'vl St. John & cmokeri Expert Machinists John J ennett, MAKES` YOUR SKIN LIKE VELVET- Monl_unan s Glyedgnia. _IA-Izaso a marvellous effect on rough skin. One or two applica- tions" will remove the`I and by its occasional use the skin acquires the smoothness and softness of a baby s.- Glycedonia is not sticky, and gloves may be worn {few moments after using it. Price 15c and 25c. Delight- ful. after shaving. '. 3' , j` ,3 ` ' always pays the host -_-,,,;- (.-,,'For years we have given ` " __8 8 foothold in the connncrcial `,_W;Qd- Many ambitious people ' Tl'lGolIIlP Vince of nomads,` umw:'v?;"u' ` Thursday 'I'torn1n. by_ V - nzourson onzw. ruu.'1snnn% Is 0/ nfor all orders in CASTINGS, M &C. .mode,x-ate prices. (-_.~ -, ---. lghigines and all kinds of farm and stat onary machinery made and repaired on shortest. notice and .(Al"`\Vt(>Vx-;Zdo1;;:. b expert m -I ' - in and gnaranteedyrst class. nn .` .1` our Mail Courses. .:Nizht Classes. BARBIE BREWING OBMPANY numop smear cast an n 31: .l ,\_Ve Ehtlrelu from the Finest ` Malt and Hops. .... Du-maidpnt. is? Business College :;4nau-.-.: ...:n. nnmhuinn `The home producer of potatoes and, 'e'gg`s~ will _-be squeezed out by the `American dumping -and thisrblow to _ his livilhood will not tend to increase the general prosperity of--the iciountryp `Surely the consumer" willlhotlbeuyet` `by the depression" that will ensue in V the potato wand" egg industries? '1`2ne_= tat:-id `has forced.` Americen manufac- turers to build factories in our-couu-'_ fry a nd"the `gures .suPli1ied by_i;u._ _1}tonetery Times show that ' '9',` short, -_ `time ago; there ,were.'. 168`-"AnIe`r_ic"en _ a companies ._ of an * averagie.-vcapita_l";of_ ' e:i`ssoo;ooo we a total sore `1oo,ooo,op r'{.g`;rying on their `business. in 90:5 GEO. MbNKMAI:{._ .....n..l.. Investment Splendid ALE; and PORTER The Best and Brightest in Cans]: and Bottle NUFAc'rERs. s' rumr VAT H 1 "Barrie, Ont. I'-*' K3U"T- - ' ' 5 `(A31 listed with Dominio 3 Correspondence School-) 1' '&`:::-I II 15 i.!:&l'0r Com d_ Night Classes. I?'i_1'.iI*p u'.;uou1c mu m -_5:~lC.l0n mTo1-`qnl:,o& Noxfth Bay I.1_I p m~ _ 1:1 -l..i..oa`.'.`.'..'.......`.duo.- 'ouao0_I myclpotnon P -L; v ;n..Tonmto& Midland MI 5 m fI___-_'I.;._.4 ` --n - __ 'p'u'o'u':' ids '- ` 1 Barrie. D35 iii; 2s;...nmuI{ `anon .3 TC? ----mow-wuuw-nu-cvoucuwc-In "I_ 1 cu- . ..~`- ' Gnvenlihrut tlam hp in. . . .1'o1-onmo an Huntsville _l p In Tordnto an liiuitcville 8 I p m I.` um._.'l'oront.o 8: North Bay. .I.1I pm `!\_*:I_- _'__-|--_I2.. , 1-,,#;_,, Thursday, September 21, 1911.~ ` V Tiny: or Sbnscnmuox. ` FROMW , No. 6....'M'! um " l8....1.Ipm . _ "*4 2..';.m'am' 26... Ipm , using `American eggswvhenthe where- withal V to pu_1,'chae the1_n_ is`an`a.tched1 -awayffx-om him1 V '- 1 A ` ; tense e,a;t;n.n":: .;ena1r:yfthif-.1 $516 the vote far`: .Amii1i-h8&.an' American potati_iO5_.' {l_ie_ will. say.` `;`_'No, T I _want_' Canadian; produee and,` adinn_..pros_perity'. 2 II:-shall vote: for` my". cdi1ntry e good and n`ot'or the _hungry pookete `of the American "rmm." It who a sad day for Esau-'when_;l_1e sold his birthright tor a mess.f of potage. It will be a- sadder day for the work- men of Canada it he ever batters hie present p1_-osperity tor. the `uncertain benets of American egks ant] pot- atoee, not to mention the yams and peanuts. ` h A _A A ; . 31: is `the daf ,o..fyonrA V shlgition, -Mr." Farmer, Vote/' against Rdciproc- ity. ` ' ` L " * I ` --a--Y-n-Q Do you want the respect of the _U._ 8.1 Vote jgainst Reciprogity. - - } A voe `for Haxfugnell iks-.` `a. vote to) Laurier nd Reciprocity; ' Where w,o`uld `your home" min-ket_be` if you had the competition of 13 other nivstionia. against you! Sir Wilfrid (is. foildof "quoting Con- servative '.stxitesmeu who ,have passed "away, which reminds; oize (if the quota- tion `that the worthy autlion of the. past died but my works still 1iv,_. while the author of to-day. lives but Ibis yvorks die. ' . , There are, four insape men in V the'| County `jail. We dippgbdoubtless, in? trying to. ;_guVr_'e out how.-the pro- ducer `under regiprocity. could. get -more while the c0nsu1`r_1er pays less. I V The following signicant State.ment in Judge for Yourself, 9, publica- tion issued in 1911 by the Association of Minnesota` manufacturers: Reci- procity will stop the leak of our manu-, facturers moving` to` Canada. SiatTis- tics show {shat more than seven 'hun-' d-red and ftyAAmerican Amanu_factur- ers have opened u in Canada `in the last -ten years and fully as many more ~ will be apt to fo']`1ow if we fail . in this our present `opportunity to stop} the leak now by agreeing to',tbe reci-1} procity..' A V _ ..-. Here s a problem for the school boy "And a poser for the man _' Let the up-to-date Accountant _ Solve the riddle` if he .can. . ~"']`he Farmer sells formore o .Aud the buyer buys for less Itsthe kind ofpuzzling riddle V 7 Noone but the Globe oan guess; '. V. The Old Wpod Sav A V` ` Esau Wood sawed wood. Esau Wood 1 `would saw_ wood. - ~ All t;e"`vq'<`><; Wood` saw Esau` Wood would saw. . V . i `One ;i.;;"W;);>V wood` -saw would saw no wood. .~ ` ` * Esau saw` at wood`-saw _sa.w_ wood as no other wood-saw Wood saw would. In fact, alll of the. wood-saw-3' Wood ever saw saw wood, .Wo`od- never saw a woodvsaw ;t.ha.t9 would saw wood` as the wood-saw Wood saw saw` wood { would saw wood. ` | Oh, Wood '8 Woodshed wood with -the wood-saw .Wood saw would L-shed? when -Wood` would saw` wood. % -~~--- ----- 1____. -L.: ...-...`I. I wuuu. N No man may ever know Ehorw much wood the wood-saw Wood saw would Jaw if`the wood-saw Woodsaw saw would saw all t`he'w_ood Would would war: nmnm. pa;;1:e e . or` one of the] window; 9!-fthe 022.3. once in _8eettle. I `A inc e reeds: W111`? Increase cen- `Lends mo re: cent." The name `oz Iggy: Williams, gen- `nection this - It ap- pears that-the photograph referred to" was am used by the Calgary Albert- @__-.A.I_-.... It has been passed on to other Lib- eral papers witfi the object or con- veying the impression that the '0. P. R. agent in Seattle believed an in- crease of term v.e.1ues in csnsde would follow the ratication of the Beoiproeity agreement. If the minus" organ? 1; The newspapers a publishing` this photograph have discreetly suppressed the .letter_ which Mr-. Williams, the O.P.B. agent in Seattle addressed -to the Calgary Albertan as soon as the matter was brought to his attention. Here is the letter: Editor Morning Albertan, Calgary: , _Dear Sir,-Your reproduction of the sign in "the c.r.n. land since in Seattle . is misleading in the `extreme. This sign was not authorizedby the C,P._B., _nor by me, nor any one in authority in the oiiice, but was put up by a clerk during my absence and im-V mediately removed on my return.. `As a large iandholder and grain-grower in ' Alberta, I believe Canada is better without Reciprocity,` and thus ireeix uutrammelled by foreign trickery, and wish, as `ea subscriber to your paper, that you be fair and give this the] same publicity you gave the reproduc- tion and the misleading statements. ' Yours for justice, j LOUIS WILLIAMS. -7- 3 -gyv-uq-vovviyuuvlnv ovvuvu topic.- ` *.`;1)_ ai1y including` Sunday. l Seattle, Sept. 2, 1911. ` % 3 Practically ? all _ of the -Lv .beral papers have refused to publish this letter. . Hattie} M Allanlm mm ' ANSWER TESE`QUE$TIONS 1 T0-DAY. A % % Qttawh hr` Washingtonfa. The Union` Jack or the Stars A and. Stripes ? ' _ Canadian Railroads or Jim I-IVill s Linus! Imperialism or 'Laurieris1_n! on: `Canada! or ,Hi1 Columbia! ROI -" ` 8.21; lip In H-f Fiscal ltiilependence or Com- (me-rcial Union? Winnipeg 'or._v Minneapolis! Prosperity or Depressidn?_ 'Bfifish Cnnection or U. S. An_g` negation? - - Qrtu . Total over $52,,200i,000% ' Special emphasis is being laid by the Department of Education on the regulations forbidding teachers, trus- tees, or inspectors from acting as agents for_book concerns or school supply houses. In the new edition of. {the reg-ulation_sa'nd course of study, just issued prominence is given. to the 1 fo1lowing:-` . - (A A . L....uuLn4 J-nunknp Cnnnnni-no (III I 731.00` Jumuu fnt UNITED STATES `7 sunscn1_31ms CI .50 . IN` ADVANCE . H80 new name whl be added to the Sub- Icnpon but until the money in paid. . n..|....;tI.-...' ..-... 1.. --4.-._ 04. Glenn` annntla lxuuuvvnus vi Atrustee, teacher, inspector, or oicer of the Department of Educa- tion; who -is concerned or interested `in the sole of books or supplies, and anyone employing him or paying him to actas agent or otherwise, are liable to the penalties imposed' by the De- partment of Education Act. `Una on-co gunk nnnI>'v-no-rnnl-inn ll` O-Ian BASEBALL] runuluvuu VL aJ\l'Il\aIlva\lll aavlle For any such contravention of the law, e teacher is liable to a. fine of $50, a_' trustee $100, an inspector $500, and any other person` oicially `connected withrafthe Department` $100. |0ffical League Balls ;12s| Scotts Bookstore T.Beecroft - 1'ransact a `General Bani-ing Business. . . . . Notes Discounted at rersonable rates. . . . . Collec- tion` of -Notes and Accounts give}: special attention. Drq/`ts Issued pang/abvle anywhere. Cheques on outside banks cashed at 'lowest rates of exchange. . . . . Sale Notes Cashed or Collected`. `on mostfdvorable terms. `r. BEECROI-'1', aianager 5palding s and Reach s BANKERS. W!'.%2r#'r%`3v*?*!1*' Supplies Oce I4?.ours-`10 to-4 G. CO. `tiei-s;`18inliit Piibliq, `and `Conveyi`ne e`rs;~, Honey '_t_o loan in any. `inns at -5 per cent. Oice}, 13 V `Owen .St., Barrie-.4 H. DJ Stewart", `LL,])., 1). ; M. Stewart. V1160. __ .1 ..____,, ` 5-g:oet:, Notary, etc. ~. r Spociali attention ; in. drawing and jprobating wills, obtaining letters of i administration and` guardianship, eollofcting .;-faccounts,` `tote. Oces; ` Boss `Block, Barrio. Money to loan, ENNOX, COWAN 8: BROWN, BAR- .risters, Solicitors for obtaining pro- ~ batg of wills, guardianship and ad- ministration, and general Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers, etc. Oces,` Hind, block, No. 6 Dunlap street, Barrio. Money to loan at 4% and 5 per cent. Branch oiees at Cree- more and Alliston. Haughton Len-_ nox, K.C., - lex. Comm, G. E. J: ____-` V - 7 ORESWIGKE 1*. ALEXANDER, BAR- xjstmjs, S__olic_itgra of the Supreme '~-`-~-- -1 (`Saul-1:931-n Gr: A.- RADENHURST, BARRISTEH,` 'Soii<':itor, Notary Public,` to. - ome, lat oor Bank at Toronto Building.` Money to loan at lowest rates. 4.-.-.-..qoc\CQ`& Qggj-g A 8?uo 48 ool ituvnspu; Publhhod iron the oloo. T138 Dunlo Stream: Danie. in the County of Slmcoo. 0 Pro- than: M nmu-la. Gnnndn. avg:-1

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