Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 7 Sep 1911, p. 6

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~ Cimldwter Fair wi-l'lT be `harm on Oc~-4 t?._t_>`n__er 5th and` 6th, and "not the 2nd: _'n(_l%`. 3rd, -as previously gvnn-ounoed; ' [Beecroft Traaiaact a General Banking _Bu`aa'ness._\ . . . . N otes Discounted tat Vrersonable rates. . . . . Collec- tion cf Notes and Accounts given biracial attention. ' . . . :Drqo:Iaaued payable anywhere. fclaequea on outside banks cashed lowest)-ates, qfezchangc. . . . . "Sale Notes Caghed or bollected I _injoatfavoo'ab1e*terma. `EEC __O]-'1'. Manager .BANKERS. -Vaudevillerjapanese Fix-ewotk9- And Par-inn Ran-u pn- Oce VHou'r.s-10 to 4 ` Iautactms -' Greatest display ever shown in America! Goods man- u{actur_ed while you wait. ' T1110 Bx-`adford corruens-pondvent to the! Beeton World say-s:--The Secretary of .the Bradford Bowling Club -has had: -invitations to send rinks to West" Toronto and Ba_1my Beach, but the; xn-odzesty of the me'mbonswil1' not per- , mit of rth-etir acceptance this year. A . request -also came from Reztemb-oro for a game her-e at an early date, the` _ Peterboro men; coming by launch- and piagying at" Orillia. 'an-cl Barrie as Well, n This will be an `interestin-g game andvl it is rth~ou`ght -that the new club ` T_gronnd-s will-vbe in good condition for] ' it. . T T` l'1'z)v."i:1"g".:1.1Ja:::le'l'>.<|e't'w'a:een a Dreadnought and a. -Sqbmarine. Vlar Bemti egg gay:- CL-_`_.2_-. - L _ In CO. Hall. Toronto. A special 'meeting of Tecumsethl Council _was held at Tbrttelnlham on `Saturday e-v.e-ning,~ Aug. 26th, to con- sidcr Mr. Williani Varey s claim of $100 for damages suegtained through sickness of cgwsa alleged to have been l `caused by drinking impure stagnant ,to time culvert opposite lot 11, con. 5, , becotm-in-g choked and not carrying the water -to which they `had access owing water away. His claim also included veterinary bill and cost of The : caamwas settled by the Council agree-` "ing to .pay $60-$35. to Mr. Varey and $25 to Mr. Frasier, his solicitor, for ,his expenses in connection with the'.--Becton- World. a . '.7`.>l'orontpo Wholesalers and `a Narrow ..--_- -1. KAI`!-.5--Ag U VIIVV Vvllvbvlvusvnw on-In ovwnnvvv ` ` ` ' :E'.scap'o at Oolungwozdq ` Colli-ntgwood, Sept. 1-Samul Reno, ;an I alisan, plead-ed gui~1'l_'.y here to de- frau ' g creditors, and after mak- ing .reetitution- was ualalowotl _ to go `on bsuaspendd sentence. % " 1-- --__J,_-L_1I - '.._;`.`_2..-.... 1-.. ; Buuycluuuu Bcwovuuvn V . Reno has conducted a. Totfeineseu in this place for some time, and: in: June and J u-ly `last, purchased! about $5,400 _ worth of goods fuom Toronto whole- Jalers, for which his rnotose were ac- cepted. In -August, his landlord took ;-legal pwceedinge to: collect his rennt, _-`Jana. tug forced Reno ouot bupinees.. N. L . Ma!-.tin~, a;ssignee_ o'To1~onto; ad 59. `result of aoat: I{eno"w_ae _ broughat- hefe to`inye9ta'g~ate,F1md money` `;;"`-A1-(`Vn5.y\`.'a|.an.;nV -nnnnnn 7 ? i3{1'wn3'1Ssi2""eo3a, '23a 7 n$Th7_ ilig W315}-_oft-_`o tho. ` , ' .9 "W .?1.], ....;%% BY LAUNCH PROM Pmnnnouo. TEOUMSETH OOUNOII1 SETTLBS. $3. The Tu<].h.ope Motor Company of 3:-:;Dri]li'a.. are making notable a.dv:mces_ `:_"iu `the automobiles -they will tum out ` for 1912. They will turn out an im- % 1f`prove_d 30-36 h.p., flour-door, 4-cy1sin- .~ derv car, fully .equipped, for $1,625, and a four-door roadster , at $1,560. They will also -turn out a 6-cylinderl 48 ih.p;` ca-r, fully equipped, for $2,150. ` I` "-5-Orillia Ne.w.s-Letter. . I 2) . ' -_._.- _.. u -' wu-vv-uru- urn-sivrlintl _ . RESTQ 3 k$" CHEQUES A LA I.-. 'm__ hf S!!!.bMu%N6"?\)vALK:n.*,:c.\9..` Lt'.n., D. C.L`,~ naauoaut `-~ALEX4\NDER LAIRD. GENERAL MAN`AaanV * MAM: nnsmunox. BARRu_.=:__a_RAN%cH ; $;1o,.' $2o %$;_50_.. $1i)o_anc_n 5290. 11.3`. `cm-Irr. u.n.w. --v v.. V- u--_..v...--- `aw -v.y 9.- --.- r...'. of: tge face. of every cheque. The" ..._ _ section of the country than all other d7iseases put together, and until the few years_ it was_srupp0s'edu to be incurable`. For a great many years` doetors pron-ounc-ed it a local`. disease! and prescribed l-oca-1 remedrie-s, and `by; , connstantly failing to cure with local tre.atme-nt, proneounce`-d it incura.ble`.' Science has proven catarrh to be a C"0ll;SiZ.1tl1!tl0Il-81 disease and -tvherrle-fore: requires consti-tu-tional treatment; Ha1'l s- C-atarrh Cure, manufactured by` ;:F. "J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is, ':the only consti-tutional cure on .-thei ,-market. `It is taken internally :-ini ',doses from 10 drops `to a` teaspoonful. I ' It acts directly on_ the.- blood andl ' mucous -surfaces of the system`. They; offer one hundred` dollaxns for any case it fails to cure. Send for circu- lars and! testimonials. Addrew _ _= F. J. CHENEY CO., Toledo,.Oh-io. L. Sold "by Druggists, 75c. ` A. ` _ Take Hal-1 s .Faini'ly" Pills for corr- stipa-tioni. I \ 'Al`h:e-re is more? caltarrh in this i C~omplain.te -hhving beenlimadefof the: danger arising from the fact that` many gasoline launches do not dis-! play lights at night, Chief Reid haetl been instructed to enforce the law in .tlris regard`. The act provides that `every small. boat -or craft propelled. }by m.ach1in.ery_shall carry green. ax-..dl Wed side lights, on .the starboard and! point sides respectively,` so constructed; _as] to show an unbroken light over an iarcof the horizon of 10 points of the! `compass, and so x-ed-as -to gth-row the Might. from right` ahead to _two points. [aha-ft--t-he beam on the respective} ;sides, and of s-uch a, c_hara`c~ter as to} ibe visible for a mile, or a c-ombinued Hanntern. havinga similar eect. 'l_'here lmuet also be a. white light showing s'tra.igh-t ahead for an- arc of 20 pointsl {of the compass, visible for two In'i-lee,` {and placed above the two s-ideligh-ts`. `or combined lantern. For `their own protecrtion, as well as for the safety` [of others, and to relieve those in! `small boats from unnecessary appne-I hen-sion, every launpeh, should comply with -these regulations as to lights.` `Now that there are so many boats: _!a.bou.t there is no small amount of] danger on these dark evenings: It: may be noted that row boats are- also I required to have ~a'1an~tern available to display in time to prevent col- lision. I :" 3;A1'e-lburnae wi11fceleb1'ate fherir iv' oliigiay -an Laban Day, thus com=bin~i`n! V _Q:'h0li.(la-)r.S in one. ` moron` nous ` MUST HAVE THREE LIGHTS; Some Information} For Owncrs of E Launches.---Row, Boats Must V _ Alsoave Lights accord: ' % _ I" ing To The Law; ' The Oxjillia Packet gives an item of! much interest to motor boaxt owners on- Kempenfelc Bay, as folI-ows:-- | fV.........!..:._L... .1....--:..... I......'... .......:|.. ..: 4.1.... . | Nearly every girl .sec1`etl3? believes. `that she could win fame and fortune as an at-.tist s model. Sometimes a man fails to accom- plish `anything worth, W-hi-lo because he is `too busy criticizing some other fell!ow s work. ._ - I A - I A striking illustration of the versa- tility of modern man is furnished-`by the career of Mr. Ramsay Colles. Mr. (Jones began life has a carpenter's ap-t prentice.. and among the first things; he made when he became proficient was a coffin. This he fitted with shelves and drawers, and kept stand- ing in his room at Dublin as a cup- pboard. Then, in turn, he became man-` agere of a bank. a timber importer, managing director of a cycle company, than newspaper founder and proprie- ltor. Ultimately he became editor of a popular Igondonjournal. and devoted much of his time to writing books. and editing a series oflpoetical, works; ` In the Alpine regions or the Swiss cantons of` Vaud and _Valals cheese- lmakers will keep their products for years. They assert that cheese .!m- proves with age. At Les Ormontis. in the canton of Vaud. it is customary to make. special cheeses for ;ce 1ftatn family feasts. `They -are `tagged with-_ explanatory labels. (and eaten several` years _ later. at . other feasts, L or; even at funerals. v_ _Ot.tenM such cheeses are tbequeathed . 219111,. one. generation to '`anotherTas..ta.m11--f80l1Vhlrs._ ` At Les voujnontls.-_..1n`_, 4 a ` concealed shelte)f.; FROM ;AI-"(PEN`rEn TO EDITOR cnasz oven 1oo YEAR: `OLD A235 . '3--r: aVll.'l\lVll_l.llyIlIg anu (nehexal ,_3fQr9!gn_,countr1es IS printed on th` 4| liulvca LU Unaugvu vuwuu-uuuuy-... " Tradition is splendid, within lim-. rite. `fAs it. was in the beginning, is -:now, and evershall be is not an in-J E`,-tallible political principle, for this is .19. progressive world. mu--- 3.. -nnanr fnn nf fnllina infn `Due. Th'_e_irw_I'ovc of country. 3 Heavens! How -the? 3-boast; how` ithey wave` their'iiag`.=. H hey insist on. carrying it,--tla.untin_g-it, it you iike- in every foreign country; and they. jget touchy as a bear with a" sore head. lit you -show your flag on their. soil. They believe in their country; in its institutions. ` he flag is the symbol iof_ all their strength, ambition, glory. ;There is a reason.- ' . vnp.n1.I-.__ -0 `Anni- Inning nnmn ffnfn anu use uucu-uuxu. U; The American can teach us here. 0ur ag has own a thousand years, I-,1-Iis is 9..., product of the day before :yesterday. - We have a tremendous 'y,variety of alien blood and alien speech `in our midst. We impress too little ';upon them the magnificence of the| things the flag -has stood for and '.`atands for, and will stand for. .We are pt to forget that in patriotism. '.""l`hnan who come to us have to be 613- j Next bottn a1Cb.nadian. I` rather think fl mould T lilge Vtolbev born % in the Unitedstates. I't"is a; wonder- --$-...I .goo`nt1 4 zfrnere 18 a reason. - Millions -- of people have `come from X Fail the ends of the earth to the United `States. V They knowflittle or nothing . .0! the liberty and opportunity `oil which the States are full. They come gto better their conditions; to. place itheir` children where they can grow into prosperous citizens. The flag has been `made the. emblem -of` all their hopes. It flies from every "school- .;house. The sight of it engenders a! ood of patriotism in the native-born f_an_c_1` the alien-born. A._--._2--.. --.. `Anal. nu hnpn ;|.ry In wuxuub yauulyunnux auvuuu nu...` `with a. vehement fggme, it'is* Cana.da_. . !Look to it; - } Two. Their willingness to adapt Iithemsclves to changed circumstances. 2 II`.-nolltln-s In L11\`(\I'Il"l` lit!`- `pl. LU LUIQUI. I-ab nu yuulnvunwnuo }Those who come to us `born again. If ever there was a coun- ,3try in which patriotism should burn ;' .. ....1......... . ..5 0154-no -l+.ln~ gnndn 1)l'U5l.'UBBl V U W U: xu. : There is "danger, too, of falling intoi the habit of the fellow who said, "I_`hese are my sentiments; it you don't like em I'll change .em." The lwise man often changes his mind, the ` 1001 never; but the wise man does not l ` change merely to suit somebody else. \ "'11-- ACU|JnII'l\llQ\ `Q `VI ULIQLIEU LLIUIUIJ I-U nun. Iivvsuvuvug Unluue } _The American is pre-eminent in the fworld for his readiness to change his` method of. regarding questions of trade and of politics. He thought he| 'could freeze Canada to himself by~a 1 high tariff. It didn't work, so he tries I Reciprocity--which we asked for long, 1 ! long ago._' `I. `III; non A011 in If rm hnl 'tuNrY AND DISTRICT maws ' LUH5 * u5u._ \ _It we go back to it we show that `we don't adapt ourselves to changing :'conditions. `We have outgrown our [notions of commercial dependence on the American. We must not beca- ijoled into going back forty years for` our ideas. Sirvwiltrid Laurier leaps backwards over -1907, 1903, 1901 and 1897-years in which he emphatically repudiated reciprocity. He is like a venerable man who goes out to meet an old sweetheart and expects to find [her young and blooming as she was !. forty. years ago. TI...`-- g : nnnknnlrlo. l.U_l Ly. Juana (lava ? Three. Their unbounded faith In 3_ the future. " - 112.. 117.110-]: 1...... `I...-..I Inl.-u~unn1'In AC L In: Iusurc. sir Wilfrid has had hisfspells or! ithis splendid quality. `He once said. lThe Twentieth Century belongs to [Canada. In conformity with _this. he ;said, The best and most effective ;way to maintain friendship with our i American neighbors is to be absolute- ily independent of them." Last winter | President Taft said, Canada. is at the [parting of the ways." Canada is ex- pected to make reply, Thy way, not! .mine, 0 Taft. V . J l\_ I-L- mnnInnnn"n nuIna.t\;\ Gd!` "1- yuuuc, v a.uu.. '1 On the reciprocity question Sir Wil- 'trid s oite again, only four years ago 1 he (1 clared to the ` Imperial Confer- ence,` There was a time when -we ' wanted `Reciprocity with the United. States . , . We have said good-bye to that trade and we now put all our hopes upon the British trade." 1 H..- Oufunnn nus: On `In an fhn Iunnl IJUVUD uyyu Iouv J-savanna v-uuv The future was to he as the past i had bee_n-a development or com- merce. of social and national senti- ment, east and west, and not predomi- nantly north and south. We express ed our confidence in the future. Noth- ing was to draw us into the seductive embraces oi the United States. We began a new transcontinental railway that will cost three times as much as was intended as a proof of our dis- tinctiveness trom thegbig neighbor. -And then we be89n_ to` play his game. From turning our back upon him we i began to turn our back upon ourselves.` When you become afraid `of your Fu- [ ture. good-bye to your Future. .A..- ` `BAH JA`QQnIQ-LIng LA I..-` O never heard or a. man who choee Ahoeing as a holiday occupation. I! never likedoit when I was on the (am. ;But` you can't have a garden without plentiful use of this familiar compan- ion oi the backache. It : the hoe that puts potatoes and beets.- carrots gnu beam, and all the vegetable luxuries onthe table. ' . V If I.gL -c-an `L4 `ago; I: LL- __-AA_,, Q yujv .1711`: vgv vv ivunn an uv-ve 1 ' Four. `Their determination to Hoe [their own new. i i V LAAQJ A`. Q -en--n u-I.` `L--- YjYT`lW,.; 73:70 ` l- The-Americansewant her raw mater- .,1g1.. - Leteher. learn at themgnd make !h.0l .. most ot:;:e1f*ownA raw . It `.;. \ -. , UH. $llv tuwnvo I , What was the hoe in the national ;development of the United States? . It ennui ninnl-aoilnn A0 cuu._.'. 1.. .1--- `IlVVVlVyuavuv vs vuv vuavvu DBGLUII i It was protection of young indu- )m_..,e The _United~ States decided to `make the most of their own resources by helping industrial expansion with a cum. They became the -greatest manr `utucturing country in the viorld. They have done it by hoeinx their own row, nnnalq hnilr 1: Ida! nub A0 LI.-|_ 1_-,L -. "]`:he LBe'et~on World sa,ysv:-MVr. W. ` `G. Mcbel-Ian of the Scovtch Settlement} ` was i_n- B-ee-ton. last week. It is swig-I .nican.t tha-t of all" the `h-omvesteads of V. the origzin-a1 settlem of the southern} part -of West Gwillimbury acquit -ed ` by t:h-os-e brought to America by Lord-' Selkirk in 1811 for his Red River ;co1- --ony, and who afntpe-nwa.rd~` l.ocated. inl vtl1a.t .l`ownsheip, two onrly are held now : by of those first settEl~ers-. V Mr. M-cLen=n.a.n is one of thesse owning and 0c'(".11py'ing the pmperty selected` `by his` grandfather. L I ; nave none In In uoexugxnexr Canada took a lent out of their book. she could not have had her big '11,. 1 duetrlal cities. any other way, He]- qhome market wouldheve been 9. negn. glble quantity "1! she had been content merelyae getter of raw mate:-m ftor" aon_1ebody;elIe.A ... L - : . HVLX. Amngulnnan 1n`-:L> I. -'.. _.'_..__ Anvmca The Agrici1]:tural Fair will be day, Sept. 19th. Ii is expected that Hon. James Duff, Minister, will open the fair,` and "short addresses will be held in the Town Hall, Oro, on Tues-` `delivered. by Mr. Leighton` McCa.nthyA and M`ajor.Currie, M. , V The Allandeale Club cax9e over to the Barrie gjreem last Wednes'dayj when the fohlowing games were play-_ ed: ' A. Browrilee, 8k 29 I: A. Brownlee, 51: 18 I D`. Powell, sk .. .17 C W. R. King, sk 16 IE Barrie up 18 shots. D Alton Mccarthy Against Reci- - ` procity. ' . Vln an "address to the elgeotors of. North.` Simcoe, in 1890, the- late D A'1ton McCarthy said`: It is. absurd for any person conversant with the gures respectingbur trade returns to imagine that `any .great improv.-gfment in our lateriul well-j being can be expected: from `fuller trade inbercoutee, no _matter how free, with a country which, like -the United States, consists largely of agricultur- al produce'rs-.--agric'ul'turo - _being'*-rlike- wise the `great industry of Canad_a.' To Whom it m'ay Concer n. `Y'.A. Da.ted at ii;;pe;'{1.i'ao::.Ta.a- or May A-.D.L1.911. - V ~ 28 -t .. Bang Wont Tupponco. Frugal N onth Briton` (-his first _ ex- Iperience of a taxi): He re, man, stop! 11 zhae a weak I ca.n.n`a `stand that .hang t wee machine 0 yours mark'm' up thae tuppen~ces.e-+Punch. " '7'1`,`h-e Ori.l-Lia. Bui-liding and Realty 00., Limited, was gralnataed a_ charter A last "1`h:e.c.ompa.ny isr capitalized aat :`f;$40,000, and will commence at once the erection of 36 d-we:l1ing~ `houses, w-h.i`c.h~ will .roen:t from $10 to"$12 per OBO PAIR SEPT. 191511. BOWLING. NOTICE Vacation Time There is at common belief among merchants that there is little use advertising during the summer months. Gradually the more progressive merchants are awakening to the realization that it does not pay to stop advertising---the fact that some other merchant may be pnllingb the trade his way during your period of inacti- vity is becoming moreapparent every day T % tj THE ADVANCE offers you exceptional, service- our paper is `read in the best homes in Barrie and vicinity and our circulation is constantly on the increase. Let our solieitort talk it overtwith you. LET US HELP You ON THE ROAD` TO PROS- PERITY. H. Riddplvl, sk.-15 Dr.xEi*ane, ask. .9 C. Poucher, sk20 H. Riddell, sk 13- ,= Aug. 31-Th4eV farmers of this district -have commenced plowing for fall wheat. ` v __ __....- `u-vwvuvou She-Hav you deideci where to spend: your; vacation this year? ~._He--I. can - c make up my mind to spend two days at 9. $10- *_a-ciay; place .or_ ttyro, Weeks at a $10-w _ :%.sveekL%pme- % - u., ._;;-:::` '_'=".""."'.'-`.-.' `-----~-',`-\.'---'------_.' A b) '91? Cagadian .B>ank.of`_'_ .-Commerce `are the. most convenieht . m__wh1ch to.carry money when'travlling:. They are negotiable 4.!'YWher, self-tdenytifying, and the exact amount payable in the prin- iv-':f()I';D`iI Bt\IIl\"r:nls 3.. .._!..L..`i ._ LL- I--- -1` . . . . _ . . . . _ . -- "l`I.-'. _- `Master; Clarence Armstrong enter- Mi. ana :Mi_'s. surrey of Barrie visited H. Mayor on Sumiay. . Mm, Charles Robinson of Toronto is renewing old acquaintances. t.ined`a. number of friends on Wed- J n-esday aternbon`. ' ` . 1 Miss 11, % '13/1'aci:_ ':r-;ua has `been . visiting the Misses Erma and Camilla Webb. ` . : g;.{V . Miss J.j Webb is under the doctor's Mr';' R. Webb. Whose barn was,re- `ceny `struck wth- l'gh.tnng has been; safeg-uarduin,g against: the same by; the. instalment pf lighting rods. 1 `nth... 11' 111.4, -.0 on _{ while gre mote apt to` our. 1`ay'i;j _jougq thgnt. unsmnu Agni:-stun: nfafnnf 5'11-sour l\II nos-ab:-u AugIis.t\ 26th . TORONTO . September nu. CORONATION YEAR LEADS THEM ALL E'F=' :'.'3v'3'.'.'."I5'Is..Z ent! Special Prizes of 8500 each. Increased Prizes in all classes. ' Flil 0' [ll--Pictu1~ ing the glories of the Cor- onation ceremonies. 1.500 performn: in uniform. ---..-..- ...u.u.- on-ouuuu uuuuua IlIIu" IIII llilllll lllli Eloilteyof Musicians of the Royal Showing a battl ceremonies; Household, by special a Dreadnought permission of the King. Submarine. E0818 0!` OTHER ATTIACTIONS L.Y.R.A. Regatta-Athletic Sports--Boy Scouts Review---Vaudeville;--Japanese I welve_ Massed Military Bands-'I`mttln and Pacing Races. etc. MAc_NmcNr DlSPl.?AY"Sw0F _conoNAfn9y _I-`IREWORKS FA! nvll hut,-.'._.-n.... _._1.- - ___ _ Dr.- Gilchris-t was the recipient this week of a hamrlsome, oak cabinet, with colonial 'br-ass rtnimmings, lled`; with `sterling silver. The cabinet is a bea.u.t" -ul' one. with three drawers and a e_ck and contains 150 pieces of seilver. The cabinet "is a presenta- tion from -the Grand` Camp, Sons of Scoatland, on the re_.tireIne~nt of Dr. Geilchrilszt from tulle" Grand` Chieftain.-_ ship of th-e"ordem. A plate in-laaidv in the cabinet bears the following in- scription: Sons of Scotland Bene- volenrt Association presenrted -to` W. C. Gilchrist, M.D., on -his from the ofc-e of Grand CIhi\e f, Tor- ontto, June 28,1911.-Or'ilJia Neuws'~ Letter. 1 Canadian National Exhibition 310 mur ronrr. A Hard _qups1on. For .n tntomun write Manager J". 0. on. em THREE GREAT SPECIALS cufsimn ElI[I_ Tn;u--l \k--_:_:_ .. _ - t `"< `ft-`Gems from Euro- 11 galleries-masters rom best collections in Ca nada and United States . . ~ -- -gm-vp quuvg -yu_v, oynvv uuu u|I&\`.lI\J'V . 2 A26) V be obtained on appliation at t'he`Bank.", . , L ' . , n co_nnection`witl1 its Travellers Cheques The Canadian Bank of . Qgnmerce has issued abnoklet entitled Infoi-mation of Interest to those knit to travel, which will be sent free to anyone applying. for it. `r x

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