Asters, ;1_-o s`e-W. Patterson, ` J. NH. 1-Benzxl-tt-.`A _' . _x Asters, *_white-MissA ,M.E. Campbell, P. Love,` .- , ` .v Stoc net. . ks-v I):`C;."C.ampbell, H. Ben-' Gladi-oli, 10 spikes, 10 varieties--J ` H. Benrnett, P. Love. ' . I Gnladioli, ` 15 spikes, 5 varietiesa--' J. H. Bennett. . . ' Single Petunias--D. C}; (fampbell, .Mrs. J." Corbett. V T Glgadidli, .10 s; )ikes,[ variety?-P. Love, Geo. Vickers. V T Mignon1hfe4-Mm.- Cavena, D. C. }Camp.b_el`l. " v _ A . A-u - ~ A- `Cut Flowers; Calli-opsis A nm' J. Fletcher, Mrs. H. Robinspn. ~ Hydrangea s1'uu.b-`-R. Bidweill,` Mrs . F. E. Shaw. , ,,-_-_. 30. V. \/ulll ` Coll-zaction of F1ow;.rs `to Grow. "7"- -L(3`r._ Vickers. l 1.2 Spikes G;'a nium on color--T-Miss% Shuley Smith, D. C. Campbell. l`n`IY.nnL.... -2. (z`n1-_, 7 -_- "(IQn|QtIIJ\'O _ Collection of `An:nuals=-:\Irs. How- 1 croft, L. Campbell. - I B-as_ke`t of Cut Fl.owers--W. Patter- son, J. H. Bennett, Miss F. Lang. Collection of Dahvlais--Mrs. H. Rob- inson, G. Walton. ` Collection of Pansies-~Pl . Love. Bouquet of Native F-lowers--Rolleett Carson-, Dot Harris`, Helen Lead'l'ay. Col*lec.tionW_ of Veltbena-Mrs., ` Geo. Vi-ckers. T ' ` ' Vase of `Cut Fl.owers-J. `H. Bennett, ' P. Love._ . I V V! cation. VUALUC IA , I Lawn '0rn`ament-D.,hC. Oalpbell Geo. Vickerrs. \ ' Hydrangea - R- Bidwe-ll, R. J. Fletcher, Geo.. Vicker-s. - `Hand VBouq1Iete-Miss M. E. Camp- bell, Geo., J. H. Bennett. `[3... ..-- -L Double` 1?eriniias-n. c. Campbe1`l`, IT'S. G1-In, Sn-1: no Co11ecti /m. ,of >G1'ad3;oli-J. H. _Ben- 3 nett, D. C. Campbell, Mrs. H._R-obin- son. - - ' Specials. . Cblleetion of Sweet Peas--D. C. 'Campbe`l`l, Geo. Vickers,v Mrs. D. T. Rees. - V Til`C folloving were the prize nets:---` . ` A , ,___ ._- ..-....~w.; uu uuc uislglvy prize list. ' A . Messrs. `D. J; `Guthrie and 'J_as. Bag- ness of Toronto judged the exhibits, and were well _pleased-with -both the quality" and variety. - The diiferent classes of '-asters were well-lled, the displays being both numerous and of very ne quality. Other .clnsses which showed marked increases were: Single and Double Petu-nias, Wild Flower Bouquets, Gladioli, Bouquets of Cut Flowers, Decorative Baskets, Collections of Pansies. The show- taken altogether was away above the average, and was a great credit to the officers and members oflthe so- The annual ower show of. the Barrie Hoi'ticu1tura-I and " Town Im- provement Society `was the best everi held- _by this society" which is doing such a good work to promote the aesthetic beauty of the Town of Bar- rie. Energetic- oicers had worked hard to bring out the ne showing of beautiful owers, and were rewarded by having an excellent display. of s.'lmm..L -11 LL- A- Anna! Display bf Bafrie So. ciety Brought Forth a Pro- fusion of Beautiful Flowerz. W an 113.1) `w u:x(JHANGE~-Shore lot on Luke Simcce. for gasoline launch. Agni! ~ {(1 @035 vunce _0fI1ce. 83- D [FLOWER snow BEST EVER --vr -v-V va- v.a1l th classes on the lengthy nab . DOUINION OF` CANADF CUE } Mother Used _ \ Wln` ""7: [9iI `y--- - V - u v u u `nun 4-UIULIIIU UU "nu in" as candidates in the constituen- lcies of North York, Centre York, [North Dxxtano, and North Simcoe. I The Laurier party is hard up forlocal ; candidates in- these constituencies. { ` Local Liberals will not swallow reci-1 fprocity of "the Field-ing-Taft brand.` {So the hired men of the corporations have to be `called _in to tell the far- `mers what todo. ` ' . BEANS AND HAS" BEENS. ' The "Globe , is fond of .. discussing 1 -beans, also has beans, as exempli- ed in the bunch of discredited cor- poration liawyers, poiitical has oheens'svent out from Toronto to fill \ in" .09 4-u-nu...-12.I..L.... 2.4 Percy Pelch appeared in the Police Court yesterday morning ,on the -charge of -perjury, shit! to have been "committed at the first trial in con- nection with the escape from jail. He ] elected to be -tried by a jury `and his ` case will be heard one week hence. I JUAIJOIIUIIUCIJ Cumin `i`aiuI?I'\". Mom ke r. Rererencesrcqulred. -`\Dhl.V MISS ARDAG . Dunlop St. . 36-tt [iv Axnn-u. -- The following ciipping from atpaper at Marion, 1nd,, a town of 20,000i people, was sent by Mr. Frank! Browne, formerly of Barrie, to show: 'the prices prevailing in that town on ` Sept.` 2nd, 1911, as compared with what. the Canadian farmer rereires at: home. Under reciprocity these are the prices which the Canadian` farmer may expect to get: ~ Eggs, per dozen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 15c Butter, per lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..J1c \Ducks .; . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . .. 7a Spring chickens . . . . . .; . . . . . . . . ..]2c Fowls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9c `Geese .; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..4 . . . . . .. 5c Old tom-s,'per lb, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9c 0ld= hen- turkeys, per ID. . . . . ..12c I ,No_. 1 young turkeys . . . . . . . . . . ..]4c Cull turkeys . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . .10c , No. _1 capons, 7 Ibs. -or over . . . . 13c " Capons poorand under 7 pounds._. .10c ii ` _ A,'e9mcfnomv T .4apy:L*cnnq,v5nmn _ !!an'T*Y- RECIPROCITYI We -_-_.,....... um a.ua_;uuu_y LU ZUUU: a popular -belief that Mr. will have his wcrk cut out his deposit . .. .. ~-._.u;uu \Jl(IlI6c~ `At Hockley the same night, Mr, Hammell "had called a meeting, ati which himself and Mr. E. C, Drury made addresses. Mr. D.-ury was very] indifferently received by the audience, ' nearly all whom appeared to be against reciprocity. Mr. Alex. Fer- guson and Mr. John Best spoke in the interests of Mr. Lennox and both re- ceived round after round of applause. In the opinion of many who were present, the meeting which was called _in the interests of the reciprocity candidate, turned out to be really very g lmuch in favor of Mr. Lennox and 3 anti-reciprocity. l Many predict. that Mr. Lennox will increasehis majority to 2000, and it is nnnnlar -Rahal-' 41...; mt. Tr " HOW DO YOU -11...... mat you on] hear 0000 about B:-yson s C: as and Pastry. Pur- ity and Quality count with us an}! we` know itrloosVwith you.. A_ lt'or'e you buy, see window ilisplay` a t l.""'J' Mr. McDermott,-treasurer of Tecum- seth Township, spoke in the interests of Mr. Hammeli, but the main theme of- his discourse was the defence of himself in reference to what his own friends were sayingvabout him. He -received a veryindifferent hearing Ex-Warden Robert Murphy, a far- mer, spoke strongly against the pact, `as alsovdid Mr. Harry Grose, past master of The'Dominion Grange. - `D .-\n1.1..-- ALA ' ' Beeton, Sept. 5th.-.--Right in the home town or Mr. Hammell, the reci- procity candidate for `South Simcoe, `Mr. Haughton Lennox scored a triumph for the Conservative cause last Monday night. 'Some of the most prominent men of the County `were ` associated on the platform with Mr. 5 Lennox, and the meeting was punc- tuated by_ frequent songs from the audience. What s the matter with Borden, He's all right being a favorite with the crowd. Mr. Lennox spoke convincingly and characterized. his opponent, Mr. Ham- mell, as a Conservative who `had stray- ed frovmt-he fold--simply a man who is being used as the instrument of the Liberal party. ` in--n ~ -oon AND BAD ;-1s SAID or on PERJURY cHAna_1 :. ntlmsiutic Meetings of Anti-Re tiprocify Farmers Tlnrongllout per (10 I1 1 . Ib ..] 'c'n'12:ie'n's '.'.'.'.'.'..'.IIIIiIIIZ1 .'.'.'.'.'.'.`.'.'...'IIICIII4IIIIIII ms, `per . . n- . . . . .1 . . .1 Jrkeys . ..1 zapons, ..'.1 pounds._..1 CRITERION. avv J11! PRICES? 'sonu. ss}.:.}&f' 55$ '1{I}:' f{"z{`mn to save` .__v--_..-5, uvv Mr. r. very. Li appeared be} ll- A1-.. av-DJ ' * W'AxI`b1I)~A young lady with some know- `! _ ledge 95 bookk9eping-one havimz ex-. Auv .110 . tc .]2c . 9c . :12c f `Co_mI nunion. "I"-.1-):tatiIisA' a.ndSe!-mvon School. .. , . .`_monx `F "I1-'* n`.`a"&R;iJ df want; apples for the evaporator, arid can handle all kinds. Hlghestx _cash-,prlce paid. Keep the large sizes by`t-heznselves (all apples large enough to peel.) Bring apples either in bags orgarrels, If you have not sold your apples yet , see _. qossunc I . ~..-3'4 AI, 1 `T2 4 . P_.0'conn;lI. Propneto . `-'_c`>r. 0111 u R ' ,_`Prln'cesK8EtTreet 135399` >4`. I;-Class Accommodation.` Remodelled "1573" and Returuished-Throughout. V..--.-.-.` -I\JlI-& n cuuui. The ` Lot 22. Cdn. ll, Lnnisl. N0 acres: e N W} Lot 1. Con. 13. Innisl. 50 acres; _ W 111.0: 21. Con. 9. Innisl. 50 acres; part of} as Lot 17 Con. 13, Innisl. DJ acres: that _b of W L U3, Con. 5, Vospra. lying north of towpslxiu-oad. 50 acres: part nf Lot 1. West: . f Pee tSt. (got. Pecltnnt James ]S1s..) ovovta `rage roper y. `or at icu are appy to . ? ` Rosaf Block. Efarrie. - 33-45 x -'.c `fiIii E-RiAM._.a ' k ave 1 t. me am V WATER Icm-A f3va';:s ofxma. q .-,4!t.:V - _Deliv_erud to any part of the Town , " _ , Hogno-Made High-(`lass Can_dy _ ' Fountain Se;-7v}co R i"' `H3 T E L D I'I'l"1nnn-II n.....__.-_ r'a1r-bigger '~ year---Sept. 25,26 amt Blake or Kempenfeldt Day,-a gold brooch, design. Finder please lleavenat `this Office and receive re- I :\.\1n;u--vV8.lLI`4 `V Kitclxen Help. -gz_L;1;:r;~'s HO'l`t:21.. V , - `"1" 1' "" "``7 '-""5 ri3t:` one note in honor of the Chieftain riglxeard, and doubtless Sir Wilfrid ""'jthe chill of the receptain and to appear. It seemed signi- of the fate which awaits the :21! party on September 21st. idea of what these men were talking about. One young man wore a smalt __ and;stripes ag on the lapel of ,7 oat and afterwards removed it to front of his hat, apparently proud `of his own audacity. Not a Liberal on the platform requested him to re- ."move the American ag and" he board~ ged; _ther_tra?in still displaying the em- blem ,of2--~.ur neighbors to the South. :jrh'9_arep:;1so anxious to annex our p I theirs. a..~.;a.*3;.a.. .1- L- * r?) to press while the demon- ratidn C01`liDgWO0d('iS in prog- ess we a e unable to give any de- ,scription (if the picnic. A very large: It-rowd was? expected, but threatening weather pievented many from attend- `ing. The-;'Barrie Band were engaged (for; the d y at.Col1ingwood. Taavnnnmo Wusr as San: AND swor A1` -ma: \ '11.`;-A :.-__.__ . fbrget Barrie Fair-b H:'!|*'-"$1713.:-. 4-l-.3 -......_ .-._ ..- v I, U \\IhJhlIJI the Evaporator, __Maplo Ave}. ;Allilinda-lelgplatform received the late :._.1?_1'*`e;1,;r,1ierr_`:_ 3: Canada, Sir Wilfrid Laur- ;i'er ."' wh his special coach rolled: in ,yAefsterday`-`pmorning en route to Col- ?lin'gyvood'. `gl 5 I a leizeerl` V ;=?" -`_N5ot a nfote from the band! frostyit all seemed-for ?_tl1e'g'reatf`leader of the once-great Ejitperal `party to appear with his igti-nue of, Cabinet speakers and not rmipive one -solitary little cheer from tg:-"crowd of Liberals on the plat On board the special was the land Pipers Band and another ` `p V stood on the depot platform, but TIt\`n `vs txn-..._ .. Al I`! Not may -~Noi a Cheer At Allandale Yes- _Morning- Big Crowd to Collingwdod. % ; ` \VAN'l`F3D~-'-HOUSOm8id. At once. Gdod ~__ wages. II. BOAG. Barrie Hotel- 36-36p "" `W -""""".'_'."""_"""" T"-""' `TV A\"I`h`rx I17,- run we EVAPOBATOII ;.W35f;ndeed 2` - frosty recep` `I 1756 immense crowd. tidal Q +I\#vv| _- - - 2 1 Sundqf, Sept. 10th D TOWN PROPERTIES ron SALE.'_ 0.`) I`u_'._ 4 CANPY. wonxsk -bigger OR .....`L -_. _--...... -uumnv sauuvlo. 0U'I!V|l v~...._. ._-, -______.. . ," . . ` `VAN'l`ED--Waitresses. Chumbermaids and I _ ',U!`g_gx_>5nMI_{ga_1p. Highest wages. Annly. I _____,, vII`Ib ---~ - ......-______. -_..... ` -1 W".-L[i~E1)_1'o EXCI-IANGE-Shore M nm'L`1`l\'Lb`llllCC6, go}; Annly. `B A < ~ ' E"%5:. 'f3Ee?3::33u?3m"31f:5` ` Cu 8 . ` tom lot 14. 1 mm 0 .- 'tEau.'n \ the 27:11 Au .. gnay Eggs: oyars old; `a , ':`_ _ (7. Q ? `as v '9 0 1'49 .d0rpthe owner. W. J. V ,, ,_. _...... \VAN'l`El)--Boy about 16 ` shoe_b_usinesa; Apply nw-io:..._ . - W7 A N '1` ED~~'I`0 RENT- wit `h)nn_o c_onv_gc nnvh... 1-`. T. SHORT. - - Mangggr $1.00 or- upward is enough 1'er'the first deposit. -Money. may be with- drawn whenever you need it. \ A Barrie Branch; ` The Saving Department of ~t'his* Bank provides a safe place foriouf savings to accumulate,` and grow. with the Interest which is ;added hgilf yearly. . ` T who saves everyweek, 'or month,_or_ year, a certain amount,`no Amattex. 315! small. Few ever get rich" without `do-T ing so. V ' at 'cAAnAj V = . -* 'u=:s:::::,:?..::.:.':: .1 ss.o32.o0 `Total Assets (Dyer) Io Man lMI;iIainsLPooff V.- i... V`? [AN |`B_1D-- xperlenced general. " Two in > fzululy. kent. Rafnmnnmmnul....a av.-VUUU cleared. well fenced ed. Young` orchard of choice fru convenient brick house. Fair-sis stables underneath. Two. good tanking spring water. Two miles! tic. one mile from Ferndale sohoo 130t'_z2,_`Con. 7. Vespra. J. B- NEW ADVERTISEMTEETS. T VUL. LX. NO. 30. THOMPSON cg SIMMONS & co. rm name "rut w1.t.?'nb a bat is an Insurance policy for correct uylq_ The "in. Wall always per; form: its whole duty and makes a friend of tho man who wear: It. . THE NEW rnu. STYLE! NOW IN STOCK A.\`Tl:`I)-- T0 RENT--A 7 or 8 room house with modern conveniences and good lo- Tx1._i_ pply at this otce. 86- .. _.._....___._. _ V v-....\... mAY5' 5; s1'o1. n;N}: | 10! 14, in Inn. (V-.. .-a nu... __ Fl T- WELL.- cm.--g. CATTLE srmvnn. from Im 01 n-.. u /1__'o :9: FALL ,-_ _-_.v-v--- wvvv cleared. and cultivate .'0 h d t h tritu-eea. New ibrligkafnogae? (3.23-aigm he--n I-1- buys 100 acres. about 45 :5!-u` .:-n young may with know-` of bookkeepin --one having ex-V Aotce work Dre an-red. Rnfnrnnn-I Hats and Furs uuunuwepln --0116 cc to erred state so. at-y. Ap IIIVIIIR OX V Reference! ply to P. 0. sun y uuuuu 1!) JUIIIIB, I40 learn nese. Apply in own hand reference. Moore's Shoe RAJ`! ' , - . uuumnermulus and an/iughest W88`93- APR? '1 |_N CREW! 74.` 7553931.. on dr- -Vllll nld Ihnuun "Anni years, to learn 7 in nun-i hand want .'uo. Puluuuun. r_M1m~I. 8336p j xv: unnyw, uuu-u V .:y... I '17 em'*.%.' < fO!'d: :lt ` Cha.rtorss, the` young `man ,, W-ho, collided "a; ($15936 car at the comer of 0011039 nd 'M;a,rg`ueretta streets, Toronto, Past ;W_qd=;ed*ay, died_ about 1.3V0~_Ssaturd.ay, if; at the Western` Hospistal`. He; ; stxised fa fractured _ 9ku11,_ `abhor V" when -01.17 . M8 ` bi9Y` 1"? V` .h.0j$rjIcks- T -behind; L one car _and; raixng `V `A `'1 A. 1.9 ?Y'9!'8`.I'0.j~ _:h1sf. Htrason; J6 Hickoongtreot; was; on sanwerrand 10.1-"f Ixisfdxtnt Q -hn: time 3...; gm;-z-4.3. :1 _,:_z--1-`..__V 3'. ~ 'nu._-: _;.-...'.~`..`.. ...;.e.;.'..'.,~ L V Ii \lV&I&l5&`? VV 9930 J `Ivy?"fast ball team met their-rt diafed?-this season at .001-lingwood on Labor`-'~Day, the score being 5-4 in favor -the Shipbuilders. Sib Rowe was infthe box for Ivy, and. Burn-* sides_:_ti1ifirled foxj Acollingwood. Nine in'ni~ng`4-_`f`were: played: and it was only in the.v}las~t one,"when utwo Ivyemenv -botlh` w'dnt-ea.ter a y ball and missed it, tha.t"t-119 Co]-lingwood boys obtained lead. Ivy complained of _some ,;ndec_isions by the umpire. Both ` at "lierewere in -goodw.fofrm and at t3gnes Taat ball was ~ha~nd`ed~'out to the egactqtw, The to:-lowing war `the, E136 -?=Iihup: T. Banting c., C`. -Lennoxr f1s.3rc sb., -M. Boyd-~o1st` 12., s; 2gi):F;'i,Banting\r.f., H. Bantin-g 3-.s.,i T 8 ;"ALL-' A I Dauuxg. o. ' } W'h'iV1l-ea viisiti-n'og at Mr. Johnston '5 farm `on the 9th `Con. of Innisl, on I:`1fid'ay_: wfast, Miss Marion Wilder, 16 yima-rs told`, of Toronto, became en - taugtled in d;he` machinery of a horse ppwer,`and' had. her leg rbadly crushed`. Dr. Wag!!!-win was summoned and. had M-1'ss;i;i1der `immediately re-m-oved- to the Rg`fV. `Hospital , where it was found neces '_.:y_ A to amputate -the injured 1ig`nb"'*_~e same evening. The patient 1s'n soing "as well as wean be ex- `pecti`...'-?5Mss .W:ilde.n -had been visit- ax;nV_'g f;.'8om-e days at Mr. Johnston '5 am} 711536.31 i-ntenoded retu-rn.ivng to Tqronto `kn (`nit i_.1,1&;I Imebifbnn Torr BY H0381} rowan - '1YvI 01 daringipiec-eh of .roh'bory was com- I Ipitted inofbroad daylight on Monday, .$:%-elves entered` the stable of --Kearns and stole a ne. bay horse -and a set of ?harness. The thieves` then `hielped themselves to .a top Buggy from Mr. E. A. Si.bba]d"s stdbvle. next door. The dating char- of`-th=e robbery is unprecedented ['5::i'sgtory of Ba~r.rie.v Detectives ._ef`ir'rhned-iately put our track of the robbers but so far no trace of `them `or _the missing property has come ~to Ii ht, _'1;`.h,e `horse was va1I1~ed -at about _$` Q%Tm;d"xhe buggy and harness would bi`_1i`g'hthe`o total sum up to a` good gure. V ' v - wv-OI 35155; j that 331}; E1 nut nanced deny, that 1 `or any other men outeide the i_:.x2ga:.rniers organization had any)- . whatever, directly or `in- otly,-. to `do with the nancing . the fgrmers deputation to Ot- ,' oney, V I explained, was raised -,.g,e`! fthe `farmers themselves, and by _l "no one else. Mr. Wrightaccepted this explanation; acknowledged [ I hill '16 Cflla Iinnn-A- ., ...... vaysuvlvllg IGKIIOWIOIIEGG. ` tha_t;,.yhe; had no ground whatever assertion except an un~ "'*'c'o'n'l!r'me d newspaper report which he had seen in England, and said that he would not again use the Astatenient. I did not add the ' -t.-5word ` `illegally. These "facts w be -attested to by every- one who attended the meetings P183?` 'thA cam: 11.. 15.11;.-- Ar oornxawoon.` -..u wuv awvvuuvu. F116 meetings Play `the game, Mr. Editor. Diifer` from me, and abuse me as much gs you like in your editorial V` ` Band I _will not complain the love of fairness let yo u_i_-` news columns be at least truthful. . '"`""*":s W nu; FARMER? $%HONl-ZS wml A c. school ` W889 Lot 22, C I " ' . NIKIN Bnfrig R 8.11. 4. es:1:a. J. B MIN 83-86 v . Q~ IFl\C '30 `GU50 >-IVV 3! S. Rowe p.,. Geo. iriom.nmsm _ - % T van rnyon;nmmms% E. O. DBU3Y.- THI INTIRIITQ OF . PATRONAGE V i};{nny`i;'*as 9. farmer anxanvocate of the; runners ' ha" 19" aujnporung `Leighton % iilcgtrthy, whoa : roc;o1_-d in Plite = 1_n6nt`a_l~IoI;n that In just! % 4 #3! ~:n= VBARRIE, C3ATOUN%TY`j0F SIMCOE.,hO.N1`ARIO, SEPT. 7'iToctou 7mAVSt`fiu:'c'o:"couney' ask Mr. why he is giving his undivided jupporttour. Leighton liglccu-thy, o. _!`oront`o lawyer, who" ' to` work for-_and. w1th.jt!_Io= btigoat "1nuresta" in -` `` nggganlgj ` jI.'-L-;.A_-. V` 97-! - FT wjwwy `Canada-A-thp ; mom&'"'?n'.r..s which Mr; Drum. spend: so ..much_. of hip` ~ A -1 2', ,,_, , -. uprmg. nu-ee good hard Vvltel` 956116. good large house. ood frame barn X120. good frame born 70. with cod atone foundation stable. good hog pen 1 15- 0 implement house 38:40. good no Stable lbgtrgc enough for 13 head. farm well need. GHACEY. Barrie. half mile 1' 11 U I `I: . G. or urt er par culars egg 1% amthon. mi uvvou IUD VII IIV UUIIIII` ,0: products on` the `American market you will be in the hands of the `American trusts; who can make trade in unnatural channels, can squeeze .both - producer and consumer; can either flood the .~ market "or starve it to control the prlcee--in short the producer will he in the- ..11Inde ct gldantic cor-a gporatlone more powerful than the ` U, 8. Government ; ho'mthey` hajjre` -openly denedxor ~ ars. ' to-day they want our forests. our `fisheries, our minerals and the hundred and one natural resources which have made Canada the cynosureof the eyes of the world. Further, he did not tell you that during this period two great wars occurred which aected the prices "of" food-stuffs and horses in al- most every country. The. Crimean _War brought prosperity .to the farmer in `Canada; wheat sold at $2.50 a bushel and all food stus were high. The American War `followed in 1862-86 and war prices prevailed again to the great ad.- vantage of the iefarnier. `He did not tell you that these same war prices would have prevailed -had that reciprocity treaty -not been in force, V for in fact _'those prices prevailed in almost every food- prodncing "country at the same period. And he did not tell you ~ that the Americans, v when they saw that `Canada was deriving some advantage from the Treaty, abrogated it with the avowed in-` tention `of starving us into annex- ation. Nor did he tell`- you that if this pact of 1911` proved to be of; advantage to" Canada that `our tricky American cousins would iose1no`t_imein having it .AinI 1-. Jul ....a. a. .n ._.i.. he... '-.. on-uv ouv reason! on AIGVII-I5 IV CIIIIIIIIUWIO -And he did at` tell you that as innn. an an Iugnu ..-lI.I.... _.-..._ ............ Asv um nun explain that the" secret of the success of this treaty so far as Canada was con- cerned was the fact that Canada at that time consisted of only two provinces which were purely `agricultural, and that the Ameri- cans had. not at that time ex- hausted their natural resources, as in a great measure, they "have. to- day. `He did not tell _you that 5.. .1--`. LL- - about it. vs-vuaav LBLIIIVLS uru in` the Canadian West. He did not refer to the times before our country` became commercially "strong when Canada's sons and daughters crossed the line into` U . 8. by the thousand to_ seek em- ployment in American workshops and factories, because there was no work for them in Canada. Was he honest in this? He knew you? Mr. Drury extolled the Reci- procity Treaty of 1854-66 and has stated ` that Canada then enjoyed a period of prosperity unexampled in. her history and that after its abrogation it was looked back to `with longing eyes by- all Can- adians. He did not explain that Sacra : hf Q}... -1 nnnn an. -1! LI, a now enjoying * Why did he not . tell` Does `He? 'Nt" Ten Only Half a % Truth When the Whole Truth Wohld Hnmis Cause ? .. ......w u. uuu mun aepopmation in Ontario, was largely due to the system of protection adopted by. the late Conservative Government and sustained for the past fteen years by the Laurier Administra- tion. . He dishonestly refrained tromfstating the chief cause,-- that the Canadian West had draine ed our terms `of the young men - and many `of the older men too. ~I-Ie_ did not refer to the prosperity which these sons of Ontario farmers are now enjoying inthe Canadian `Want us an --A In his speech at Barrie the other -night Mr. Drury tried to impress upon his audience that the cause of the rural depopulstion in FAB Inuubniuu Jun l-- k`-- f_ -- --v tvuvli T UJIV farmers: taend, the exponentot a. bigger i nisrket and 9. higher price for all that theyfsrmer has to sell. His `story-.Aloo_ks pisisible, in feet; to hear him deliver one of his `one who really does not know the man isndv his ambition would be favorably impressed with Mr. Drury and his csrei'uny- studied 890901103. gut did` you, fellow elector, ever take smoment .\ to analyse the statements of Mr. Drury? . Let us consider a few of his recent utterances and then judge for yourself whether Mr. Drury is really honest with his brother farmers. ~ - ' :1-nnotrenoua: o no country there is appearing one Mr.~ B. C. Drury, a. man who poses as the I1\ I EU--A Y` ledge bo rserience in otce ` required. also at: Box 23_. Liarrie. UKHRII. 17"` COUNTY OF SIMCOI _AND THE > .`Bennett, A. S.`S_t.FJohn. . . % `_ *Sweet __Pe as---M:rs. Ca_vena.` T L Asters, 3 va.ritiea,- 3 of each--J. H. _- P1110"; Pere`nn`iLa'l;j 6:'v'a1:_ii.:i,e>s," one-h -.--Mrs`. Oavgvxiiza,_Ge9L5.;T\-_Yickerg-.-L%. ` V -uxqq. ` ---` .9 Dahliaie} Miss `Elsqg _(Q1:o 8_|:atin).' Sidgief -.5-.VMfrs.T Gavenag Zi:nnias-P. Love, W-. Pafterson.. ; ` Marigolds--D. C. Caxixpbelfl, Geo 3 Walton. * T A V jPan_sies--P. Love, Mrs.` Gavena. 1 Salpiglossis--R. J. Fletcher, ` J .' Bennett. _ ` ' V . Asters`, pink-W: A Patterson, .J. H. `Bemneatt, -' . | Asters, purple`-A. S. St. >Jol1nV,.Miss `M. E. Campbell`, / - up. __ _._ ._ I Astefs, M. El Camp- ibell, P. Lov:e.~ ` - V Asters. '.!'n`a uve-g_-_P. "]`..ov'e, ' _(`.':'1mpb'elJl. ?' f, a . A` U ". . ' As-t1's,L 2'_sh'a H; Bennett; W. 1 `Patterson? ' 7 " . V 1 vu-vq ` j BUR bALE~-()akly Park Ferm--132 acres V good clay loam. on East-helf`Lot 22.00:! 4. esvra ; 40 acres seeded down. 18 acres infall Wheat. Young orchard, planted tour yours; ne\'c1'~faili ng spring. three good hard water Wells. '5'. .)( I 20, at 1 .n .. 5- , , I _ 70. with mud