Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 24 Aug 1911, p. 1

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I95 `co-operation. I observe that The! Globe a.n:nounces.v5vith evident thank- fu-ln-oss .t*`ae- co-operatricn. of a Con-ser- ; va-tive heme and them with Liberals` m I ;support of reciprocity, Thtat conduct is Worthy of -every excellesn-t -name.. But when `a. Conservative of the unimr ;pea.c''e repuntet of Mr. Coiehrane has _the temerity to tell an echtor that eer- } t-ain signed work is good for the cause .A no epithet is apparently too opprvo- } ; briousi. ,st,;;,?%2w.;,.f..n;a%{i;;;,% pm wins 43.` tn:-' ..n.....l..-.. gun`; om1n!n. ' --~ I NEW snot STORE --Lovers of good Ohocolavt-e will en-` -joy Nevi.1eo_n s. Scid exclusively at: Bry- 1 son- s Confectionery, in package` and `bulk. _ . An .announceme~n-t has just been made i that wilvl cre-ate no little interest in 5 nmusicalv circles. It is not every one of us who is fortunate enough to be in a position to, attend such world-renowned functions `as the Coronation of a- King, 3 to hear the magniacent'music perform 5 ed as: such events`, but through the en- terprise of the choir of St. And":-e.w s Presbyterian Church, we are to have an ,opportuni-ty of hearing one of the or- I ganists who oi`ci=ated at King George s crowning. T=his_ world`-renowned musi- cian, Mr. Gatty Scllams, has -been en- gaged to give arecizal in St. Andrew s church on Monday, November 6th. As- sisting him will. be Mr. Wm. Short, L.R.A.M~., principal trumpeter, -to His Majesty, King George. The program will consist of the Ooronation music, as played by Mr. Senars andv Mr. Short, and the coronation vocal! music by the choir of St. Andrew s church. This will be a. rare musical` treat, and d`oubt- A less -the church will be lled to the 1 doors. J J" Anna: Ipsalmwi 9!! Mann ` Avo- Coronation Organist, Assisted By King's Trumpeter and Choir Will Give Tine Recital. b - Tl;'e Board of Works will consider a requedfl for: a cement sidewalk on the ` isou-t:`.x sme of `Park St. iAN 11u1>on-rAN'r MUSICAL T nvnnr ron BARBIE ' -On motion of A1-:1. Bidwell and` Young, the advisablityv of laying a! tile `culvert across Charlotte St. to} carry the water from the hilt at In~ ? [chiquin will be considered. ,. .. ,..'._..l 1 --oquu IUD Im 5 2 00 acres. of rstc T V` V ' :"""l`:l (Thomton)"-, 5!; ll 0 on If. uad ne ouuaf &1;:m1`9v0 acres. Lot` 3 con:f8.;f;;!' " mo........"-.22..1_t1eeas,;mn T E.vans--CAraig--That Cum-beTr1and St,` opposite Mr. Cowie s property be , put- [in a safe condit-iop at once`. 1 The of "having a bass- w.ood* oor laid in the. ree.-1 room of the jre ball will be considered by the Fire land Police Committee. . The Board of .Works- will con.sid'-er erecting suitable \buildings to house the town ma2hize1"3Q Crosings : on Bagrkeld St. at Grove St. a_nd at the corner of Bradford St. ; -wild bev lled in.` 'trac-tor, will receive-$700, being 75 per S. Peacock, cement sidewalk Vcon- cent. of cost of workdone to date. ` it. G. F. Smitlm may cut down two pop- % lar trees in front of hi: property on? [Mary St. _ ,_ _ ___ _4 1 B I Mn s The Parks Commission, per Secre- itary D. H. l\IacLa,r-en, asked that the commission` [be credited" with $500. This i was=asse.nted to on motion, late-1' in the evening. ` A4 .-A .'\4\ o . . :- BA RGAI N s En-gin:-e-1 Macdcme-11 recommended the a.ppo.intment ' of a permanent tau- gineer. V \. ` $1456.08 in- accounts` for wages, e~tc., ' was` orderei to be paid-. T I I\ I n -\-- __ _ .` A p'eit.ii`iVon fo} s=t1-e'e4; watering-yfrom residen.ts- of Dun-1-op St. from Poyntz to I iBerczy was received. " ' us -- - - - -` Mrs. M. A. Muoo-e~," Vfho on is the f-orme.;1: isoilation hospital property, asked for exemption of taxa".&on._, 4dee!d- will be reg1s.ter_2d. 3` `V Mr. W. A. Boys, K.C., advised the Council-`that he had received for the; Town a Quit" Claim Deed on the Spenc- e: Industrials Factory, and also a dris-1 cha-rge ofthe second mortgage. The? I I I Council was brok-any into -by a special AT-`h summer vacation of the Town [meeting called by Mayor %erof't for hast Thursday evening. Business hact 'ac-cumgIa.t}e ahd it was found necesr ` !'sary' to hold this session '10 keep the civic whee}s on the move. Several of _the members were away on vacation, `hut eight members assembled to olean I 011' the business slate. Among this- number was Mr. T. H. Davis, the` new- ly-elected; rcpresentapive of Ward II,f lvvho `was appointed: on all the commit- ; ,tees on which .Ald Black sat. The 5 5 ,are: Finance` and Assessment, \\'a&er, Sewer and Light` -and T1'ansp01`t'ati0n, Edi1`ea'tion and In-3i.genvt. ' \r .-v . ex .9 .-.. - . - . V I i ;'rowNcouNc1L E g SPECIAL mnalanm `Board of Works` wan consider? 1 ; Where Sidewalk Surplus Will we no not ADVERTISE` AT` oun STORE, BUT we no awe You noon vauua son svenv cant OPEN? .. . . . `mu: V91: ates TO 9 cannot. :5 95' lll-IE0 50 acres. N . lot 11, Con. 9 Innial. with brick house. frame m. 36:56. on stone foundation, and ood stables and implement house. also. `well and spring creek. Near school. `chum . `asst omce and railwag station. Ap- I ply to A. EY NOLDS. Vine P.[ ., Ont. 33-85p The first lnstalment of Taxes, {including all amounts of $l0.00 and under, is due and payable on - or before 22nd September. After that date percentage wlll be added. Do not leave off payment for the last 2 or 3 days and avoid the rush and delay. . No` days of grace allowed. 5 E. oovmsu. 34.;35 A - ~ I * Town Clerk. coat! -fxlvlj uudllll luulllli All_--,-l,hti.ns~sn 3 5 .`'.i-' / &0-Bdly comm;niox-.*' iTown of Barrie---Taxes 1911 I JOHN B. 1.A1>:iz, g Secretary of.Barrie Carriage C-0., Ltd`. . --_ p....~-uw._ -u.x.v-us uu out a'u~a1C'uUlu` jets of the Barrie Carriage Company, ,Limi-ted-, wili be held: in the head` office of the Company, in the Town of Barrie, on_ Saturday the-16th day of Septem- ber, 1911, for thevpurpose of consider- ing, and if ap-proved`-, conrming By- law No. 48, passed -by the Directors, autthorizing the Directors, from time `to time, to issue bonds, d-ebentures, or other securities of the Company. `I t\1'~r\v 1-. v\ . -`-. 5 THE BARRIE CARRIAGE 5 COMPANY, Limited | BARRlE, ONTARIO q .1 f I.` U ~12,a<-roe clay loam. 190 acres under cultiva- GD. lunncc b h d tu . Bath K3909` uemom fuIIndut`il3n. '::rl3m??ts pigegery and hen- Y?5'.. cattle shed outside. Oommodiousll`-V ed hr -kh 1 d 1 t hard and $133 vva1(;r.l Lsit.u(1:`tl;.ei :l!;;'nlg%rl1'o fhaengo ' ration chogadird. convenient to High an Pu'hllo_7 ~=auo`i'::`p:,`:;:*.*;:*:sv.3.2'7*.':. '.;'::.':.:.:::.? W- ,-V... uanv aawssnv Lvnxuvuu wuu 1610 N70` ter; `at 28 Nanton Ave., Bosedale, To- ronto, on Monday, 21st inst., com- mtinicate with Paul Jarvis, at above address, as Letter was lost. : of the steamboat men do not [1oo'kwith favor on: this proje~c."t, claim- I ink that the water in the Narrows near O11-illia is so low that there i4 di-Fe ~1ty in; passing. If the supply for a city 1i*e'.,'I' is taken from the lake, it yiili mean a _consequent lowering of t level. and it is p'Jss7bl'e that the !- barrows willj have to he Iz'a:?&ged'. | 9 -5 l_ report from the C'ty of Tomnto Hea'.Fth Dept. will soon be made public and as the Ontario Government {arty Qrellorted f-avorably on the qnali.hy of Ithg Water, it is expected His" 1' port will Iecom.-mend the waters of Lake Sirpcoe as- a. source of water S'u}:p`y _for" Toronto. ` ICE 0 T V ';T --28%;; we pint, 400 quart WAT `_` `E-A` an on hand. Deliv"a_'-Chnyrt of the Town `Finest Honide | -High-(`lass Fountain Service _Cand1_ 1 .. ' 3 , . y } Mr. Thomas made a record in con- ibingbus running of a gaso'ine launch, ; tlrtlenginen of his bo:1_t_ being in motion [f1'0_f_`\the time they left Barrie until ";the2.;g/erettlrn in- Ithe evening, with a stop of 15 minutes at Jackson s Point, a `speriodof a little over nine hours. -var-uuuuju viii I . 0 conne Proprietor. orr. crnr nunxnrr ' ' 40 Princess street wPg t.-Clasamceommodation. Rcmodelled " and Returnished Throughout. F L'1`haat. Toronto is seriouslly considering gt ki ng'a supply of water; Lake gmcoe received further con-t-mation ` vfhen another party of experts spent 9. xy last vfeek `takini samples and- qthering further infor ation as to levels and depth of -the lake. The paxtfwas composed of Dr. G. G. Na- Smith, Director of Laboi-amories, Dept. of Hen-l`th;` Dr. F. Adams, Bacteriologist, lliaboratorypf Dept. of Health, and Mr. Lowes, {representing Mr. T. Aird `:1 nriay of the Commission of Water }_ `pertvs, all _'of Toronto. Q "They left iBarrie in `Thomas launch ion; Wednesday morning, making a. gdirect course for the Holland River, Ffrbvm whence it-hey procee:Ied to Geor- .'gina Island, taking a number of samp- ! les on the way. `These samples were all gpacked in ice and` taken to Toronto fvia the Metropolitan Electric Line from Jackson s Point. ' Trinity Church Wnnx 'I n1vm`.t.1.\o Wazsr nu: Sun 5 AND STOP AT rule MA Rid-:1j_ _HO_T E L ---vw.y Wh,0:;*,;, :~f},.;".-,'*:;'* i *.}`.m.,;V 0! townshi? road. 50w:-on; col ; 7 on W09 % Hide or Pee St. (cor. Peel nnd;Jnnu Stu) : 2mr2r:::w::t 1:-tt%.`m"": 9?" gxpen rm... -Queen City Take 5 aore s.;...p|e..--so.: Men Do % Not Favor the Project. roxomo wms SIMCOE wmax }, A 4' man LOST. W`iIl`i1E* rrie resident who left let- AJ 54]. no 17-..`.-- A..- in WA omip1A _gANnY wonxs 4u-g ...__._..._ {ILO0 PEI3 ANNUM IN ADVANCE V Imus: con-In gun: can ener me/eting of the sharehold- H`-nn Den-..:.. (`.-..._1....... f1-..__.______, ET smut Snnadgg, Aug. 27th 5. nnuvvun II` HUVIIV CI THIII OINYI I'OR_ rum AND row}/ "mu. '1.%Nw; L C( '.'.1}ia.hI1n zI.Ii`I.f:;c-`;`.g.`", _ A "V .g, e s W at '21.` con. 9.Inn1I an. .98 W. -'..;"-7-'- sz Lot 1. con. 18- 1'1"" -- I-"' `E3! a Lot )3, Can. R. 1731!: 11) th of R9 100 aorc-s. N . Lot 2'. ; frame` 1301 um... ..- A_., mm ma same on mam Stnoud. I186?` + edas ...:......u umunns. Marked "Tender! _tor. D school. will be received b the unner- H_1Rn_ed. for buildings. school at man School; becymon No. 2. mo and Vespra. at Crown Hill. Utmn 5 o.m on Saturday, August 28th. Ac- remm cheque for 3200 must accompany hen- uler Plans and specications may be seen at A B. 5 Ta" Utce. McCarthy Block.-Bab ma 'I`(-ndo.1'snsh0u|d be addressed to JOWWPH I S:A_U)\VELL. Secretarv. Rnv In Ila--In .______.________________,____._.._.._....... $.'.),'-(m buys 100 acres, about 46- names ~f) cleared. well fenced and cultivat- ed. Young orchard of chance fruit trees. New :onvenicnt brick house. Fair-sized barn with. Mablcs underneath Two good wells; never- Twlint: Spring water. Two miles west of Bar- ne one mile from Fcrndale school West hi" Lot 22. Con 7. Vcspra. J. B. MINNIKINV Barns: P.U. - 83-86p ' - .,... .....c uuul rcrntuue scnool W883 03" Lot 22. Bfrricj 83-30,0 VEALED TENDERS. Marked "under: _tor. I.` Su-jhu9l,_ sg{i]l_ by under- (lumiienst-.d. Ad\'ertisements nder [this rhea-d' `aim: 3 times. 50 : payable strictly in advaaxpca. FIl3"l`Y-ACRE FARM FOR SALE on Sixth (`um-cssiun ot the Towushir of Iuuiilu-all 1:1:-.arttd and in good state of cu tlvation Good mnrw dwelling. ei ht rooms. and Hood fume barn. will be so) cheap and on easy mums. For further particulars apply to JA8.VWll.1LN. M lit-Ht: Ewart P.() `Z9-35]) (1[;r\L1\.'u | --- with the majority of - our, 230 "got" more Branches serving rurnli con}... ununities, we have naturally paid"! special attention to the bgnking re-" quirements of `Farmers, -Ranchers , Stockmen, Lumbermen and Mggchants. Our facilities for handling your busi-: ness or private banking, are "com- plete. F. T. SHORT, . . Manager} Total Assets (Over! V 3:}$15`.'&`:33o'iu'i` } - 7 Savings Bank Department it every Branch. ' ' Thea not. ning ~ The late th& ome- tilte- 9 um. I.X . No. as - -mom-sou cn:w.__. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. sxmmpus & co. Our workshops are ready T to do all Repairs `and Re-' modeling of Furs. ', A 20 Per Cent. FURS We are "showing all the new designs for the wlmier of 1911 and 1912. { Save money. ahd "get the best choice now. Rm`. 3a!*` ~---\ .II'llllU IIUUSU Ullfllu UaD1;'Jwu :1 uprmg creek Apply to A. I}. V [AL-T b'lX`CllJ or W. U. MOCULLOUGHL _Q!L!Uun on` THE` PRICE OF ALL ----. uu-ncuuauh w ruzn ll"! l |lD.|l.I!_ and numnes One mue from 0.1`. R. Apply Drawer`276, Bradford. rum rag .PAR1vi iron 3.41.3. In _ _ _ _ u n u I........ nnn r_,_ 1` Q 140! '5'. U011 .59. lniuk I0 _I rume house barn. stable? z-xnnrcreck Annlv m A. :2 u CANADA FUR'RlER"S` THIS MONTH :naIlu'u U0 CIUIAFWHUUII ` Secretary, Box 18. Barrie Brach. Con- rin r !'. Can .9. Innisl.` 3611 good louse hm-n. ntahlnz unml i----4 `$8.032.000 n,ooo 1. I-u`:.':'ugu|:'u`. +N'- 13? 77}: min `V 7 ' " 9 " .'.".'.`.'.!'. :.'.`.. F `III JU U 33.35p J ohvn _MoCarnen, a farmer `residing neyay Phelgnjston, was cut to pieces on- the` railroad track near Phelpston on Friday owning last. McC`a_.rnen and: his `br:other:._wer:e at `Copeland- s mill: at E,lmvale'Ad.nring ther atte-moon-,` and: it is sad. hvazt `both were undverL,t*hae inuence o`;liqwor.- Job-n McCarnen~atar-ted to wV'a,`-1-`k mud nothing more was heard of vluxn until the G.T.B. pay-car, owhic'h' -lenkt sEl~mvia!:e sh'm'.tly4 at-tor o6 p.m., `h-ad sinived a.t,I holpston., `where it waa_dis'- coveaeds tahhit -the train had paaafeds weft McCgrneav{s'_ body.'evr.Tfo;|_tin No. 26? left, .E1invala at`4.15 goii1gAsoutlr_,`_ glad aswnork trainyhad also-` V at tho poi-nzt w her- the 10045 was 1 It was; ~t'l1sea-atom, !z;1pocui;h)o;_tb-any y1nie'l;` body cu 1!; f ' min were to V * X 7 Ugullby UIVVH (SIN/\Ill.l17J_ vvvvyu, ` wur-_a D_r._- Mcclintom presiding." -ame.` vevkxdence an -taken, abwtw-'33:. diltn-.? t was _ound. ne`euar_y u,n_i1;.,t9f'Ila!`o:v 1 .. . 91. e V A 4 ` "'~.V4 81 Jot: _ _Lyigg 2~:;v' icm mass IXONRAILWAY % rnmsron w---u- u-Qwtsv t int i . _ Maor Curre- .s campaign in North Simone -opens vdth a meeting a.t'Crui'g- "nu: NOR'i'H smoon hum: the-might.` r Besides` who popu-lair Major several prownent parliamowtany spev;`kea's win` he presen`*t.\ Otlmr meet.- have `been announced ., as _ fol`lo_ws: at Elgar, Dalston-`, Minesing, -Mi'dhuret,7 Rugby, J-an-mtt. See page` to): dates. {cAMrA1c+_N cuss Mr. Lennox will also hold mlee-tings` at Lisle, Everett,` Rosemount,` Hocklae and Alla1}dal'e, the dates 5`f[which w , bq -annnuunced `short-ly. . pu-t:;_l'iic Vtment assist. Sduthf Sfincoe s_ fyopul-at representative on t'li{e-_p1a=tfor'm, and `an invitation is ex- tehd-ed tovtcanldtridattes contesting I t'he riding to spaak. - They will be a,cc6rd~ df time 01.14 the program if due notice is given. _ ' T , 3' :9 T t .x I f`.'r1xe L-i'her_a1_,s of.'So_1_zt'1; Svimchoe` win` a conve'n-tionv at Beton on -,Mon- `L `dxiiy ne>]xt, x'itt whieh it % is advoitised ' that ;a can '-date` will be.uo1ninated to q;o_ntest S0131} Simcoo for the Doniinion .f;?Iouse.' 4 cnrtently re porteVd, how- I ovcuf, th_a.'t:',. he Convention `mili reo1ve' it-self i11t9f jan "instruction -meeting for 1 the purpose of passing the word zilong to the gjghftxl to vote for Thomas. [E[`;3.lIlxlll.3l]',".`j".;8. tACon'.ser'vativo farmer, who v:w'il1'Iest'oe1{`1;2val.e(:tiorn on the reciproitiy tickezt, anti that the meeting wi11`V _ad- V johrn without Vplaci.n_g a straight `Liberah 4 .T It is amusing when one " o What Vsntraits the Great `:37 Liberal A1;a`ar`ty have oome. However, theetaunclx. yeo-men of South Simcoe wil1encver:ca.s=t `their ballots for "a nian `backed the Launier admi-nistrationl a par-ty machine. I Theyh ti[e"`to catch` a. few stray votes F !b5' this xhglmod, but there will be just ! as` u1any LLiIber.a1s, who are already dis- gixsted with such tactics, who will sfhte for Hzughton Le-nnox. I ._. Oampaignlopens; . .___4 `__-`_r. jHa?j'.}1ton Lo-n:nox wi]lop.e1V1 they `cihhaign in South Szimcoe at Beetonl 1 o.`;Won?d`a3t- evening,_ Se-pt. 4th._,P1%om- I I aft" V " Inna n . In` .u' -`r~?,. |At Bceton on septum: 5 ad I Throughout Riding , lam ANITOUNCES Tliet `Conventioe Will {Resolve Itself Into Instruction ` E Meeting, When Support Will _` F % Be Given te Reciprocity Coneernfive. .Tra:5 Jon Frillay --- Invqig` * V Resnned To-day$ -1.: ,,,.,.,,~;r 5,3: .`|t,v -in-4:` count? pr snucq: AND TI-It Tnoumnioni or cannon oun ORITEIMON. 7&- %ON'lf`ARiIO,%AUG.% 2.-,, [91 I _A:RRIE, CO UNTYyOF SAIMCOE. I am doing What I can 0 defeat ndcis ': `pgdc.i}.y. That can only be done b \7`the I Bledtianv oi '[Oonsorv'ati,vo; candid(at-es. .in.""no.v inaeeptiaonto Me` [TiID I. am com.1'IictingT' ' awe ~vBuimtq%ymwninua .,,., 3 your '5 ':i9f.;. 'in.p-debut gulto :n....~'y =; 3I'....~"` ' ea ;.;...:;n.`..'.;.*..} i c :..4r.'.... ISIS 'Uuvfl;.U|F|7DII In > u~u`Jvu&u' V unnugsunf I W. , 7` C or J M.` % :wo,rki.n.g; 9: the V s ' "a ` , I There ism -t tfhe sligh-test impropriety in Mr. Cochrmo s letter. There was ' nothing -secret about s it. You have `pmducgd it: .. in _facsimil`e.` The word ..priva.te. is not out it;Vthe word cont- du5nti:8" its. not on. it. Not; even. the i word `porsonaI-.- is on: it.` Ittz 17ecom`- ` Vmemdsr my signed work. to ediltora. That E is the w.h]o1-e.sum and euR1s~tance.w-hicha you _c:a:1l`;,`inaultting, N . in-f,amo_us. ' arid vs.t_u',pid1 . ?nsgud`uJ.?ent in ' a Min- or-m row-n.` . ` . O'QCCI?\lw'!" CU `Irv can ` |:;;;a*7;:;a=;fu.:,.;":: mg? : -....'. H u a."...A...1a..1. mr_-av` ms" '. ..;....u`;.:'- I ago. a You are dead Wrong. 1 have not bees ` employed by the Cause-rva.tiv`e party. ` Ne-i3t.l;er Mr. Gdchrano not-_ any member I of the` Coneaecrvative-.panty has any kind of Anegsponasibility for what I -have writ- ten or am going to write. The V` ` Tgnn Na- tional Specials, six of whieh had been sent out before Mr. Cochrane ever heard of tlnem, and twen-ty-six `f`sh~ort pithy articles of 350 a words each, signed. by a- pen _name_I have used for several years, A and about which. the ; fran-kest statements were made, were already in type, and were in fact w1ji.tten- 'momt:hs` `that he .secret1`y promotes a fake loy- You publish 9, leitter sent by` Max Cochmme to Coneerva:tive`editors com- mending. to `them certain czampaigun writings of mine. You make th'e,e`hargze city agitation such as:-he is ma-zpcinag, and you say be annwounnc-es'th1at Mr. Ilacwkes has been .-employs-:1-to wriste Lartie]es'- for the party, and to speak at one: me;t'iug.peu', day. _, . Mr. Coehrauo (ire xuzore than caplalble . of ttaldng care of himself, andiwivl-1 3 probably content himself with a quiet '1 chux.-kle._at your expense. But I am i: only "a political imfa.n.t, who has dared ' ` to speak to his fellow countrymen, and you `appear to desire that I shall! have. I * no chance- of `con6l.inued` e-xiste-nee; But will you in. your abu.nx1'avnt .chari.ty give me a.lcha-n,ce~ to plead -for a l'i-ttle breath. I I `l ; Frank Coc.hrah.e, whose conduct you de~ l To the Editor of The Globe: I. am h-onaoned -by` your attention to me on 1 Saturday, and parrdgcu-harly at Le-ingj coupled with an attack on the Hon.` scribeae infamous and d-as_t:ard- ly. Igufeed I am almost tempted` to . regard myself as in the same class as] Mr, Olitford Sifton, who, th-o~ugb. you, have twice assured him that he -is a political. corpse and~ hrad be-t'ter s-tay corpse, has the iemeriby to live a.nd~_ movee and have his being, and` to ad:- dress meetings in opposiition to `his o_Id : friends-. `The "apostle turned execuIt'.ionrA oer is n.ovt- a happy role. PRINT MY APPEAL TO THE BRITISH BORN-i An attack on me appeared in Sat- urd'ay s Globe, to which I yesterday i wrote a reply, publication . of which I I was asked for before `V the attack will have three days start. As no reference is_ made to `my reply in this'moming s Globe, I venture on theunusual course j of asking the V. hospitality of your 1 columns. Yours, | A _I.L --.. '7. :V_ A- That Give Your. Readers` {ll ` Change of Judging Who De-" " ' _ serves the Epithets You Use, Replies Mr. Arthur Hawkes. (Rep:-_inted fI9m- The Torourto Nays). To the Editor of The News. `.l_'o Rgcipzjgcfty. `Any comment on thesequotations from Sir Wilfrid's speech- es of a year .or tcW0 ago is quite `superoue-. What has brought about snob a. reqrarkable and sudden `clnan-ge on a matter of such vital con,sequen\ce t-o the future of this counmry? Will Sir Wilfrid lgind-ly explain-7 Will the Liberal newspapers, who are endeavdring to deceive the people of C'a~nada by saying that all great statesmen and poitictai leaders of this country h~a ve been in favor of rec.iprocity with U. 8., explain this state- .mean'}. of their `politic-al `chief who they so bl-intlly follow? . Ncenadapto-day-1 not in favor of, Reciprocity. There was a nun when Canadians. beginning wan myeeltfwould have given many'thin_e to obtain the American Jnarket, BU!` .`1'IIANK EEAVEI, DAYS ABE PASSED AND OV . . ~fNor was it long ago that Sir Wilfrid r1~eclaredv:-- There was atime when we were wanting Reciprocity. with the United States, but our; or forts and our otters were put aside and -negatived. _ We have said good-bye to that trade and we now put all our hopes upon the British trade. impka.`avioned' and). gingiqg {ones cry:--. g pr are all the pople `yet dead whAo them`) Sir Wilfrid in THEY EXPLAIN? Butt hnve ioundwthat the best and most eifectiie way to maintain friendship with our Mnerican neighbors is to be ab- solutely independent or them. A . -It.` is not~ n.u`any months ago ihat Wilfrid Lam-ie_r in one -0f_._-hi epepches said:-- ' . . . Arthur Hawkes; 1 9019153 I `My repair? trade has kept meso busy hat I cannot mcaafu-factuzne enough custom-madie shoes to supp} th wants of ,my cuszt-omers. I -have: -th7ee_re'foa-es, 3 put in -a. stock of up bes9t _ready-mad` ~i L ghee-s -th-art money can .buy, in sizes alf. sizes; several diifefent s-haapes` and "widths to fit any foot: Babies , girls , `boys , ladies , men s in the uent drndj also heavy 801598. Pqatitively no. shoes _stoc__ked that have patper inner soles and `i stienings.` I am not putting in stock i the 98c`. price:-cu_tting' -lines, not I ''ying' :3: ' space lled efglei of [sh ,' xesy In my` exp nee I have learned that-the people o!.`B:ar- .rie and _su-r1`*'o1mdfng country do not want Itq be A boga?:.zzedr _e -=--AbuJt havy iithem `good hoods, fnshinnablwgoods -~at_ u? ri glrbp1`ices,[ then _w-atehlwthem pay. the. iqshi_witn..;p1egaam 1 imam: ; f `_ Q`??? 3.. ..a '_ ' . .n. T 'bw9Ju7e;e?r; 5v:.;;ie`;;t3`w "7" ., ,V __/I . L`l`., ' -`SA L. . `W-rv 0 u I You appear -to .be grieved th-at the- campaign you are good enaoug to father on. me is a. purely political. Of course it is; It has been so proclaimed from the beginning. I How can you enter as campaign for the defeat -of a Govern-me-n~t~wit-hon-t. it be~ ing a pc-Iivtic-9,1 campaign`! You a.ppar- _ e-mtly confuse the words po1itica.]" ' and patty, so far as the d'egr~ad- ! -ation of a noble word proceeded. I Nf a Party Organization. _ The Canada-British Association is not a. party onganization. '1`-he British-born in Canada are -too n.umer'ous and` too important and too free to `be tied to the itails of either political party; and, so far as I may honestly be to (Gontinued_ on page 8). -

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