Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 23 Mar 1911, p. 2

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that your Savings cbet .p1ac- ed where they can bcquickly obtained for": any _Tr,_al' ne- cessity, or `to seize an op- portunity, .A but whcre`they will `be safe7 from Vybur own extravagance. ` ` Interest phld n Savings Accounts". mcpnronuan was rm: Joann. om.-4.. 7UV_IvU---_,-" I"II'II`vhU _ _(S__ucoesso;' tothe. late R.-L_. B_a.1-wick) _ Fire amjl l.lfeVlnsuran_c. nealistate J A9999! tor-no--` 1 ed outto the re on Thursday ~ last, and`,_under most unfavor- able climatici conditions, worked hero- ically jn ghting '9. dangerous`re,__` but _ subject for a -pvublic `enquiry. A There". the disgraceful condition i1'1 v\'}'1;i'i`c:he"the hose was.discoverec13', isv-Eft is no fault to be found with thegwork of the remen, on the contraty,they (a vvolonteer org_a.nization)`V are ' `high'Iy*commended "for "th'e'.'i-ntere[st 1 they thus manifest in .t~hewTOW'I -B, welfare, `but the` equjpghnt with vVhich .they -h'av"e : to wo`rk_ ;s1;bn1d i * be T` bf the} best. ' S'rmc'r Pmnsomu. `ATTENTIGN Burn :- %~`:'T?:,?`:.?.ro Horseshoems " _ _1ynw`umc_'rURE1'z or Buggies, Carriages. `Wagons A Sleighs an! Gutters. Elnnvnu i3.._- - _ no. 55 { nvruaui ST. IUNWIN, -MURPHY. & ESTEEJ, 1.41114: G.-..'._-______ -- ___ ccvwg Having spent} years Post Graduate work in British Hosgitals and havmg served as Clinical Assistant in Golden Square Ear. Throat 8; Nose Hospital, Londotr Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital ID/Ioorelds) ; for a. term as Resident Surgeon in Royal London 0 bthalmic Hospital; Bristol Eye Hos ital, Bristo :and- Birmingham Eye Hos nail. B rmingham zformer Member of British phthalmological Society. OFFICE-78 DUNLOP STREET. BARBIE. ` _ 'Phone 51. P. O. Box. 96. "-""-'. `(V G. G. SMITH & CO., PHONE 82. tablished 1869. Undertakers. A day and -night.` Morgue and cl E in connection. Barrie, Ontario .__._.:_._j/ ,,r_---- Olce of the late Dr. smith. Co ilier st Phone OI. 3'2-ly } L.R.C.P. 8c s. Edinburgh; M.F.P. an s. mango" ' V `-_-SURGEON-- ll `Eye. Ear. Nos_e 3* Throat, II at-N ' ii13.:&d_'_` . I :.)pti:nEisvtvu?1:iTtg1:money is thasub - ...._.....n....... ....... 1.. ........._. 1... .n._._'. ;...lf_ "STEWART, V -BgRRi fora- Nntarist Puc. 33 r.:~The 1 - H V k1na`'?: . '3'. inn; H.]T.' ARNALL._ OFFICE AND _ Residence corner of Toronto` and Elizabeth Streets. (Opposite Eliza- beth Street Metbodist Chu_rch),vTele- phone 167. j__.__. ___j ~- I ________.____________________ DR. MORTIMER LYON, 31 CARLTONI St., Toronto, late of Brooklyn (N. Y.), Eye and Ear I-Iospitjal, will be at OWE?) `Dori-in A------- "~` - :-~.;:::.:.: 1" f 3- ':;i LENN9x,_; ;i:5v,nu,9` BE.0.W..1Tsi $113- risi?a"1"s S 61i1toi` for 6B_t?1ini`ng pro- G; A. RADENHURST. BARRISTEt, A. Solicitor, Nota,ry.'Public, &c. Ofce, .1st, oor Bank of Toronto Building. `Money to loan at lowest rates. STRATHY &' ESTEN. BARRISTERS, Solicitors in High Court of Justice, Notaries Public. Conveyancers. Of- ces over the Bank of Toronto, Bar- `rie. Money to loan,at lowest cur- rent rates. G._H. Esten. .. .__..._. -.._.____ __._-__jjj ,_ _ - --- _IUIU`-WI` is "1iX?}4*i3V*`r :b <+m> ..A;`V %K3i*8.;B11i-%"7`*i`v`:` IIILA _.I- In OweI1 Spund they propose to add one hundred new names and then ye- -duce the price to $1.00, and The Sun thinks there will be little trotible ex- perienced in gettiiag that number o_f_ names. . . .v V CRESWICKE 85 ALEXANDER. BAR- .` -:a`nn ' S.'l:..:L.._-... - ....._.. __.____. DONALDROSS, L_L.B., BARRISTER, Solicitor, etc. Bank of Toronto Building, Bar'ie.' Money to loan. :I:::__________,o -------- _ `DR. A. . T. .LITT-LE, LATE or Churchill, Ont. Oice and residence, Jbhn St.,, near corner Elizabeth. Phone 213. DR. W. A. ROSS, PHYSICIAN, SUR- geon, etc., L.R.('.'.S.,`Edi'n., L.R.C.P.-, London. `Office -an\d residence, Dun- lop street, Barrie.,' Telephone 77. Q.` urn, ~M.Uru t1 65 ESTEN, ON- tario Land Surveyors, Engineers, `etc. Established 1852. Office, _~Medical-_~Bui lding, S. E. corner Rich- mond and, Bay.'vstr`eets,' Toronto. Telephone, M'afn,"`1336. Instructions left with Stratliy & Esten, Solici- gtors,~n_; Bank of` Toronto Building, Bg~rrie,_will be promptly attended to. A wvvnw nlvllubvvsu A-V5 vwyunusus HOV ` I hate, .Of...W_ills, guardianship and ad- Mmipistgation, and general Solicitors, o]`:ari`es,;:A.f!36ni?y2:`,i:r9. f7i"etc;I f omces, I-I,i;_1ds V blogk,-, N9. 6 Dunlpp street, ." at 41/2 and 5 per cent. Branch oices at Cree- more and Alliston. Haughton Len- wnox, K.C.. . Alex.~ Cowan, G; E. .T. ;Bro__wn, 4 LL.B.v . ' . Owi _t,i Barge. Stewart, LL. . ;~~D-M.`*' Stewar. * _.. 53 a$U4.`=1`irBARRISTER, SOLIQITOR, .::Pr.acutm;' 'i;;;Nntar.y,`.;.';:.C`onvm1'e sf; 1' 5t'.' Special -attention in drawing and "probating wills, obtaining letters of f'.a`dminis1:`fti6nT.f .j.1`a;nd' " ` g-uar Jia'nship, 01l.e.ctin,g.,. ,,1nt_s,,. ,,.-.,, .-Oic_8,.% , _- V... ., i , 0 'Dn'a'a'.`12l'aua'1::.v.`L``bih*.- f*Mhdtr +4. `huh I >,3_., ._;A. .HA3fI`s .-GRADUATE OF -Triniy.'- ;?;.Tnivei'si.ty-;'_ Toronto, Edin- borough and Glasgow and Post Grad- uate. of University College, London. Office` and residence: Cor. Dunlop and Mulc-aster -Sts. -. Office open ,.each Adav until 8 nm ID}-mm 101 .ea_ch )R. J. A. C- EVANS, PHYSICIAN,` Surgeon, etc., Coroner for Simcoe '=6ouuty."*"O}ce ` am} residence`: Wil- lia_z,I;,,)_stAx:egt, Arllandale.` _, ..Telephone 393;. '2 At"Str_o u;d`V_Ofjce: 2- to..4 p.m. .M_o1ida`y'ta' Friday. A .. ' 4 -.--~---------------------' _..,, 4-.-Jv auu. JJJZII .U.USI)llVal, W1 be 67 Owen St., Barrie, every Sat- urday. Diseases-Eye, Ear, _Nose and Throat. Consultation hours, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., and by appointment. _________________._ Tunas or svasanurrxpiv. , ' I $1.00` PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE, `tmmozn 2s'1wrn:s SUBSCRIBERS` " ` $1.50 lN ADVA_NCB_ g n : _.AL..A L -`.7`.".`1 %.$"'T":5-.;-3&S5~`W-'}"."Pm; . 9-.W.!": IV-*..`P9';i I,` '.-,;B , . 2'." ..," n -2` 4: . .. . V 1! .2. 19i to, ,9a;1,; Av _..." - - .....` A'._`__ .. _ __...:..__.-.. DR. ROBERT S. BROAD, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, etc. Specialty-Eye, Ear, -Nose and Throat. Office and resi- dence, cor. Elizabeth and Bradford St. (Dyment Gore). Phone 105. Box 456. . a.I.I..J\gvvJ.V\./.l.\J.l w quuzxaxvuuru. Dun- risters, Bblicitors of the Supreme Court `of Judicature of Ontario, -Proctovs. Notaries, Conveyancers, `etc, Money to loan. Office, Ross block, Barrie. A; E. H. Creswicke, K.C., `Arthur Alexander. :_:j--_- Dr. J. ARTHUR ROSS onosrra ROSS "s1-. JOHN B4RR'S OED STAND M. D.. C. M. ('l`or.) _Late of Toronto General Hospital. E}31.g -nn.|.Il\.(lDUU'l ' IJI.-B. Ufnce day until 8 pm. ~ Phone 124. UNnnn'i'AKr:n.s. -nun VA annals R'i#5ls insurance V CHEAPER" GAS. . b i . WEN SOUND is talking~'~$1.00 gas, V the present rate chai'g`e d| being $150. The oweu`so_u_nd Sun prints 3. table showing the rates charged in a number of towns. and cities in Ontario, the lowest of `these being Stratford with 75c. "gas, `and the highest" Cornwall `at $2.00. Barriel has a. rate of $175, subject to`a 15 `per cent. discount, which makesit $1.50`; net. Of course there is a ,wide range of quality in different p`1aces._~ In To- ronto there are numerous complaints regarding the poor quality of gas, one man even refusing to pay his bill un- til an, investigation had .been held. In Barrie the quality seems tovbei of I s .a very high` standard. SURVEYORS. . rm? 3/1omN.`T 3., 82. ES-I Undertakers. Open `M'm-man nn ..L.....,.1 `Next Saturday ` .,- =~-Morning: ` I I J 5. Giaagow |Hlr`asoIine .cFiAlGl-IUFIST, om. LICENSED AT_lJTCTIONEER; :- _--_ -__ .L..-TEI~....L`.DVA0I---- as prove 1; ' . tion otany pn.pe1Pjuth2`g0lh :'.'1CW%--; 7." 2: 2:2` - ow! It as-.;dlo.-~by .131-. the largest aubsc W _..... .. ._ . , _ "~'1'hg1~arI:e!-"1 2:ct` demonstrates the h.8.l'K8d ac . `measure i 315 A n-avnnrnu A o.-___..__ .0: - _-__-.,, ..' THOMPSQNC_il::-\vlV,A punntsim:-:12 FOR THE counfvvowu-'_s'u Quiz:-o-::' Most reasonable terms given on Stock Sales COYDENBED ADVERTIBEM ENTS, "Condensed advertisements on first gem one wants of all kinds. lost and f_orm pro for sale or to rent. speqic artlcles. etc.. J, mnst~be accompanied Wxth the cash. Cuts for advertisements must in case bemountcd on solid metal $362 _ IJIVIIO _ .!,3.,` ?AN8Au``l`Vi'rA-.:;,tDVzRT1sIxo, Lesa ,jes.i, [cton Sal , `W-" .`.. . E%:0|'3.0P* :1" 0entses`)_e`x?`nl`l`Il13!:L,%`h ` sulwn aertlon oents per me. ti R mxr notices. 10 cents nm. 1:..- Ill u-ulucruou uoenw per line. -' W 33511:; notices _10 _cents per line go insertion :~5 , nt;hj>_e,r,-1m.e for each 3u,,3e'`: insertion of t e same matter. Obituary E'{'l: 6c,ne:-,1i99. n , , Wu ` at .' _:couua:ncuL otsmy, A Yulbeziyen on application. ., Sat2p,r;(Iay at1o.o c1ock, and the c I .4 "1: ~Cdi'1'RAcT cmuvmzs. Advertisers will pleas b ' : notice of intention to cifan egra:1n'eTtigg `ht: muatbe handedinto the 0 cc not 1;ue'Ihh chAn8e~mus`be in THE ADVAVOW '"[: ' , A later than l2oclock noon on Monday - week, otherwise the advertiser's aI1nounc:3n! ggy not be made public` until the week mug? nnvnnznnlnn A I\VI'D'IVln urn r\`v-- `T V THE mm mm rim cgf "" """"5! a3I'~'I!E 'wM.cALL1z.?` lVn-ano\-gin`. --`.3 I3--:I `raw 3 o | """I `I carpenters \ and _Builde;-s. Manufacturm S. ' "and Dealers In all kinds of Rough and ~ Dreaned Lumber D o . LI" 1` 54 3:51? A -.s5:I':'-'3 cm"` -smngnes I u=:oorf.,;: `links and Water Trougns (Pine aw`: cypress) Pidning; Matching. Moulding. Iie-S1.w1ng7;;f `.~ I-Int I-limit I )!-vino Kiln I a 2 -::~ xsa.,. |%Ig'39n,'!.!Y [9 W14 _ .. .'.---7 ---- ---- vnnv on-Iwnnvl nu puunuo ` aaouuribera now in arrears for chre nxontlia I and over will be chanted 81-50 per anuum. I `BARBIE smawms cumwmv John ___Jenpett, Q:--n 1:... [$1. J_ohn & Groolxer MAKES YOUR SKIN LIKE VELVET- Monkmaxfs Glycedonia. Has a marvellous effect on rough skin. One or two applica- tions will remove the rougnncss. and by its occasional use the skin acquires the smoothness and softness of a. baby's. Glycedonia is not sticky, and gloves may be worn a. _fw moments after using :4 'D..:_- -4 - - -- -1 if. - -vvv nn5\.IA.|L\-I553 dllbl UDILIB it; *I3ric'e. 15c and 25c. Delight- ful after shaving. \ \ \ \\\ \ \\ \\ \ \\\ Drugg-ist. Brewed Entirely from the Finest Mal: and Hops. T All 8 Pith 48 '('3J0:_IHQ.llv_`_N. I94\ V,D|I`JD0`l_'Ag __ Published iron the 011100. 123 Dunlo Street, Barrie. in the County of slmcoe. t 9 Pro- vince of Ontario. Cunsdayevery V Thursday Mornlnmby - ~ DUNLOP STREET EAST BA R an E 3.--... Siilendia ALE and PORTER The Best and Brightest In cask and Bottle A%13 Horse Power , an-nu`:-uu.un ; __o. MbNKMA1;. Is. opeh for all orders in CASTI.\'GS. M LL REPAIRS. 8:2. ,,f -___--.v..-. Boilers. Engines and all kindsof farm and stationary machinery umde and repai,rVe(.l`onAshox_tcsc notice and moderate pncca. ' no - .- r . _ . V .. Al work done by expert machin- _ kt` and guaranteed rst class. L l'l'l. E Agrsiarr i'x'5?_.._' .. 'i,?3?';3$I>YAN.CEv v1 _._.4.__ '@hcgnrthcrn.gx{nauxc MANUFACTURE}; vulunlulg, mouxum 2. J Hot Blast Drying Kiln. Expert Machinists PHO'l'*l`E~-1'36 Re-Suwlng I %0._;:._ . :4__ '33.." ..,__-:' 35:7}; r-!.,55_ . I `:`,'i!.W?P 3!);-Coblt '-_-','.f5-lhjgl 1 A .' "lfli mffbronto &'Ndt`-thli-X35 lVI"71i?;m'1~.iB I55 Sigpm-. .North 12.45pm 61 67 8.30 D m..'1`orunto&Midland 7.43 8 m -62 `J . y--, Barrie. ~ and arti and Ellis :4-,h:: Tho` Sjonr })i('t ;Ere(l Fblas ]I0n he men iedit vvas hon E Of han F: . I `(-)`nt shu in f DU. 0' .. No. 56.... 4 who . (30111 IIl(r\` odu nm "the -xv S83 .SU1 was in the CV9 Riv rect isla J 11] mnc ()1) `$111) the 11:1} sec r-ire - pan cm`: be --vp. n 1 agiml 89] I ('33 wil (`KC tn iii th ]H1 sqt `In (`it ton sta 811C pet a1] 4-if M `am us! No. 54 77.E0a m Nn. fr, , ,, F 34!` nun =rs.::. `Aswan. aaai same 1-at V VV ."`98lUl`O O1'1` " uni. .'.3'g_ /`H-1. 1" ., `.`1.'.',`._.`i .'p...e-.~._~,., \"," .BARRIE r;AILv$XY di $t Collingwood- and Meabford.-`: T0 -""F ROM` 053. . :' rfd`; .:,-;;N9_.5I....7.7l 4s,...a.asp_;n , _ -- ;z...,1.u,pm 55.-u 7%.-'>`0pxn" 5 . j5r,_;.s,a .p;g V VDail,y H VWI-VI0sE,A1"AU'I.! l.`?x -HE FIRE DEPARTMENT turn-,; Thursday, March 23, 191}, "-UUII III .L.'.'6. pm ' Pentti-V - -v.u..--av an --nu-no-on-o `-1 cu oa- I Hamilton; :31 3}` Ari-.;-i. M .m w` No.b3a.`e10=la.-ni; "I _ ` I,` _ _` _(I _ 5{5Q.OI- o!'pom 7 <=3==V 22....7.s7@in 26;n. n m jgii -- "`..ey --W---`:V ` A . &?f:i;1lsed;1itzuti1 bx` no} nwiis %.i9i1tr ' played, on 3 mise1:ab1y;i1i,ht.ed ._ gink- that, was po_si,t,i_vely_. jpke;,:on`a1; ice. 5 sui:faVeo!* that` ywas ': Tats s11i _bable:~I:or. %h1$`>';`Tae fa ;`;uahtub, or `.dirts"` `War; tr out {a chhfhe`; i.T1':t;l:1hO`_";~;,O?1dL{b: w rxifngf - I. -THE q11owng*E.*printed;,\'Q1gt to sAhow;...1;dw;vj`~many_ `xu:sesiA--'noVne~ off .them { njfga,9agf_1,` `gs ,?`theL*c1 xgjggp1gns did` all _that.,. Vwas'A5tpectd;.: .Q \ thA.c _n_n-T,-Tl_1e%KhiA1V2g+? ston ;Whig~-special--aartist can putv;V.intc_># z:f5{ein1pg'sbntza1it)=u3 F 1 f j V :- f I -.t:.r~. {THE Glebe. sw3po1ft1ng editor says: `fWhen' the Porti Arithuvr `hockey team `g`r1".iVed `heme .Sui.1d33' .'nVi`gl1t _frbm ,Wi11" ftnipeg. aftwere defeating ; Prince Albert . in `the: Stanley-Cupsellmmation --games,` they v'}Vere met several` thou'sa'nd 'entht;eiati6_ citizen _ arid` a_ ba`I11d. From the M_ay6r_ -`they received T theglad` ,l1'and,4acco_mpai1ied by a substantial` proof .(of- appreciation `in? the forin_-of ' gin a,n'11`ounce'ment that the Cityoun-" e_ rhaid` yofel _t'._bWai'ds' tiie 1` ex- `[Se;1_es., of ~t11e; _i_i;1a.l. s tage_. of_f. 71:he. c9n-- l.tes't,r-the team s viei Vt-o s-O,ttaw.a`.f?2` . . `THE: regular.Civ1l Service examina- tions, preliminary Division of the. in Civil Service of 'C.anada,_='wil1- be `held under the direction of the Civil Ser- vice Commisisionxof Canada on, Tues- day, the. 9th .4 day _of_May anldfolloyw ring. days,.at` the following I places in Toronto, Hamilton, _Lon`don,;Sault Ste. Marie _and: Port Artliur. Applieatiion forms for tl1eVVaboV.e-mentioned ex'am~` ;inations and; all infor-mati`onH relating ,thereto"ma y be obtained from the sec- `wary of the" Civil :1 Service ,.`,Com"inis-` -si'on,4`O't`tara. information` from? in- ytendingr icandidaes, .must'_ be led `yon `or .before the"15th day or April: next. | THE assumption that the present! vyear will show a` remarkable railway development. in;Western Canada is es- tablished by a number of important announcements by various transporta- tion` companies during the past fort- night. These were supplemented last, ` week byithe statement that the Grandi Trunk Pacic, will" build 140 newl stations, and that the Canadian_Paci.c ; Ruilvyey will" open `fty new towns on |`_its new lines this summer. : THE following is the list of days on which agsimixst beidisplayed on pub- 1ilic; buildings throughout Canada,.name- !.ly: March 1, St., s Day; March 17, St. `Pa-trick s Day; April -23, St. George s Day; `May '24,'Victoria Day; May 26, Queen s birthday; _Jupe .3,`, _King s birthday; June 23, Prince of Wales birthday; June 24, _St. -Jean Baptiste Day; July 1, Dominion Day. `. :3. 1' ""* A ,, ;:~ .75 _a vacancy 3 ?~i1'I"'t1.1l3":`81'5TH.`-L1 1; . .= .'-:-'* $77 ." 7 - THE 'Montreal='Star contains a good` cartocn `o_n" .tlx` reciprocity`. question. It depicts four bulls of [the famous. iBovril type, named South Africa, Aus- tralia,` New Zealand. and ;-India, _ and they are looking. sorrowf1il1y at` *9. "si11allt',bot'tle of .p1fe's_erved_ 'co`ndensed lbeef (Canada) `with'.__th`e' stats and stripes sticking out `of the top. Alas! mytpooz` brother," says the chorus. ' *UNIQUE; o= but eminently. s.en`sib`lo end) `piracticgl, was Tthje` honeymoon of a Minnesota tcotiple . "1`h`ey; 'pzisse`d' `it at =the 7 State Agriceu11;uraV1e' Co 1lege., where the you-1igehusband,tool.- a short course in modern vfarmingemethods and the` bride in domestic` scijence.` `No great degree of prophetic T_s'1'i1l' is re-, quired to ,fottel_l happines 1r,1d`e1A1cV- eess for them -`in the coming. years.` ` ._ f` "H: : . 3 V . , V, . , -` J 5;; `- '~ ~ : hf - `Qm - ,":2::'.-`S > . . .7." ` ' I: `THERE "i$di';_gt'o .6 .. v ` kzity of hous3s., iTi16i:i1b V \Herz'aIc1-.1V_9{qiecVtVox'.` says "if is to be hoped .'..A.I..;.-.4. ..t.... ...1. ..,.._........ M4... .. ..,_.. 1 . I _ o no y `Ch;i1:1,es,e._ 'w,iI',l `mt . be? p' r__mi tted`7 1.brigg their v_cviy-ed hfdwlithdiit dpaynieigft d_f_ head Vtak} ` In the _'Se"nate"l' s't'V `week Sir Richerd 'Ca'1'{tv'v'.ri'g`ht ,sidh`e "'h aii t called the ettehtioil " bf ' ' `ne Govern- ment to the suggestionf that '_these women should 'be` adinittedi `free, -`but `it had been decided undesirable ftoiex tend the free list i-of .Chinese- .adm'is.sion at the present ti_me._ _|.1.i_1se.'_N.eW X<.?.1'_1.`..- . .. .*!}1,d:..`..'f :P3,19?9i'. .:..f_: . gieve ' the 6` congestion. _Sounds just ,`T_I1E Gra;1d_I,._.odge_ of_t_he___An_c_i'ent Order \ of. %Unitexd xi W9km9n..m9etinz .in. 'l3qrp`;1to,. `1__8S.t3 .we_ek ; pas,s[d jg _re 8:911iti911z l requesting the Pr9rinia1 ;L.8i}s1%t!u? to .a,ppo_i_n1; Lg_ commission tp ingu,i1_'e: i_1;`tp,; g;1d,j;23,ke _1;1_1e :gc.t`ioI_1;,n<`:(esSai'y `to place` ,_ ` all .. .,f,rate1j1__1al_ `p1jde}'s% working under :5 Proyin_c,ia.l, ._chart_er: pa: .2; s,:ife' nancial ,b_asis.: . , ._,; r :_- iffhli .1 1; f ?poz%1u1r;A; r.n9v;e2+9n%i.h.=;i>ari-oi cil. Eicient oicers are not looking` for positions .n`d `it is Wise to com P99aate'.:a. am '.g1!0; .;$ht.*~._wi.l!' nrdnluvlny A`. D: IOIIIIIIIII-`III I ` THE Legel vCommittee-of_t,he On- `, tario_ ALeg'is1a`ture last. week re,p,orted , .W.~D. M.c Pherson?s bil1,to amend the A c_Ierk`I};us t: 1i):1;il'NQ1f delifex vto,e;nexnbe1_'s of, the` Do`n}in'ion HQi1_ee.,f fig members ; of the Legislavttuvepto the- defeated can- 51{i3i; =:. i'!un `l`:aua.*;u. " " a.i3.. "- L;L-_,.J,L? . Voters- Lists Act. Under this the - didateswfor` both.~House's,-_ to` the Mayor. or 1`1_:es:u1" ' otfeaclzi .muniiisa1i?y, :-i._cjei'ti'edA i! 1y.' .tI1aiif ie,e9: l1is e joieez f{1,`];erJ;iliLa1a'01i1alne&_ihi.imperetive` 7--the` Council. - Insuranoe *rates~" are" high ~~ enough in Barrie,, ,but the-,`pqs,si._biliVty : -of `any increase in, them: ,vv;ou1!d,.l.)ringf payer. `Provision should' i-fog: Let the matter. be wet .looked_ ';u'1to_,' by the Fire and Police Committee of afstorm of protest. frem.every}rate 1 =eddi'n'g= ; at !1eas`t=5qo feetfief `newi-'- 116 e- g . .each_year.5 The '_q\1'a1it'y" ani I1ife .`of -- `even if ~-~-it ~ is-- never--uae'd>,-~ is K -; epom seoonnmys-~:.toi:! be,T`1uzit1!o*nt;stlre;z1ie st ; s ~ '~ ,thej:hee. -`pg)'.iBh'68' A afer several ;.yggre,_` 15.` LL _ __ . ,,1_,_ L. , , Jan ,,_.A ,..-...-yu Lu .. Lu1lUl auv U .-` ~__ vvIr'V on : 1e-;i5rt` 1B`o_*a ofcept-, "tlie" 'a` dz`w_itV ` g >f'_j a31:\iVV_Ot}f j'_ whbfj caginot . parsona;l1y,f`~"!:4[`1)'pf,a1f':5 ' 't1i .`i'3'5%i1rt: I (OPEN the public libraries on sun-E day,` Walter R. Nursey, Provincial" In- sp\egtO_1'._, .9f._,L__ibrar.i:es, advocates. In . h1`s'"a`iin`u1"-`report to" the Minister of Id_no_ation' VNur`sey `says:.A--.-f`Per- soirallff `the`pi'inc'iple " `of "St1ndafy " open- _ __ing_appeals toyine. _r'_Ij,l)e`s;un_e 1jb_ra_rian `cannot , ' c, bu'rse,'V be ,.'e:;ec ted to A work seven da'ys."b in`t1ie w'ek, nor is it de- -sirable, but where ,the _services of an attendai1it_ ._can :be. secured` for, an "hour or so, Why not give access -` to` the .readin.gror reference rooms? It is ` "noticeable that the one reasoxi"advanc- 'ed_'_)against' S11nday opening, and that ,in two instances only, is that lib-A rariairs should,` like ft11e`*majority of ~yrofkers; `have. Sundays ' free. e` .The question `of,-princi%p1,e;'7or _ex'ped- L i`ency"is,notA referred ,to. , Many 1ib- rarties in Ve1f1_;1_VQ1}1::-;_1L1_stye Sunday hours. rs9n9? 1.` ' an all-stat aggregatiTon'pi'cVked from the best teams iI1_T0l'0'_I_ltO and the mast, as well as Oshawa and Orillia. The Beetoim World says J. A. Slwan has completedsseven years as governor lofvthe House of Refuge, and `adds, i_that ,1'O0 inmates have died since; Mr. Swan took charge. No 'reectio'n #011 Josh. `Oh,j no._ ` A` If Jimmy Du ever see that "Fear- toon of himself on_t11e front page of a local weekly, he will, sure enuf, tIr.i.=::1c;V.:`ei:is:h=i}ss;`:`:g>1:% own The gentlemen of Coldwater gave _a -Hard "Times _Pnrty` recently. The ladies dressed in calico and `the gentlemen in overalls. Harem skirts .--.-_.._ ~34 H - - A Keep your underclothesljon for a little while yet, is `the admonition `of The Cookstown Advocate. T And we were of the epinion that it was time for the annual change. -_..--.... -. l'. .. " ` . [were debarred, of course. No" doubt it is. the regularity of the recurrence of those hostilities in; Mexico which has won for it the name `of a revolution. A . V7 . wu. . qnnv-vsuwu Ini ;t1.1v`aV ir'n;i',V17sd4_a.tIxr1I'v1: an fstimes. |rsnrmam&1mrzn1mmi1 8 Many Sons of Erin` celebrated last Friday-by putting out the green, but the `banks, as per `usual, celebrated by.-taking it in; I 4 e ` TxE7s"i"p}Eii E` ";i;7e" r33i&a 1King- damr, `.99.1==3*1!2 s._!3?it.i3h,.aa99191.ieS.o , .. PP` aio-";)ho*fa "tigf'(l'ooi-"` wid_e"`to "the`~"A'r-`= gentiqa-.2`i:Rapubiic,72a3 gzustriaeiingary, ' Russia: ~3B&.irT:N9P!@Y; Swan, Dem mark, Switzei-land, 'Ja`pa`zi,' `Bolivian Columbia} and. Ve'neVz uela,; , Canadians `: in} ge`ne;a1. thought _i Jthezfe I mus; j be i 891% miS*%1$- .h,T9: ,au1d hath be?` lieve that, without do-getting any "con- ce'ssions' whatever _froi1i' any country` except the United-States o*ur-,{3overn- ment wouldadmit farm; products from all `those. countries ,i_n'to, Canada. to compet_e,__-freely with Canadian farm products t.-The wording of the Reci- procity Agreement _was ,very plain; `there. seemedto .be.-no doubt about its meaning; and yet it was Suchan ex-' traor(1inaryra`rtangement,. so unfair to Canadian farmers, and so likely to lead to disputes with , the American customs .. oicials. that. many people be- lieved that ,. the Government would give- some explanation showing that. the agreement had been wrongly in- t`erp_'1'eted. _However, there is no longer any" such hope. Mr. _Robert L. Borden questioned Hon. Mr. `Fielding on this _point and Mr. Fielding ad- mittedthat the Recip_rocity~ Agree- meut meant ezgactly what it appeared` W_here is my Wand ring Boy To-I night, sung by the -Toronto police I in Ahoijor of Beattie esbi_tt'.. when `the .Recip-r*ocity~* cbmpaci iioi: -`an1y`=-i o L I 3;" ;5`fr;ee' ntran`c'e E qigfnded the 1 ..........- ._.....:I-...-_ - 1.1-- 41' ._:;.".._1 172.... I -cw t...-:6?-,1:. .4109-Jnj. . . .3... . . -. .... -.-'.. ~,\nb-- . ` A` ? `;, 1F9'J-'137`JA1`IP . - 1` ;;:.1smw; is ? {the .*,?,t.i3I;1eA 7 10.! '.1,'om g%qo:;`nfu1%4 513.0; ' biisidar ..%'tht'nin{:t 3ri :a'o'5 pit. - 9-**531i8:"tP'PV1%~bathiI1s~+~houa98:-+5$1!if ""0!i.v:).:Il.r m9.ha.$:mony:-. 611?` THE NORTHERN AD!.,;..=Al*?EE It doesn t V take a double-barreled magnifying" glass to discovei who the jioiiew this 'B'ti' i"ii" '7i'e'i 'i71i`e`'"t`d "` *'B'2'if`1-i ` Best 'Newspgpqr:f V4; editq: of; tine`; scissors and: b1ee- :n;eed4i look in a mirror to discover the v1`c- K ow - ~- ' g. i. ,. t_`iin.`r. '};:i3;1i'i1wgv' ;_f_;:Tthe_EE'i1"ef" vgs gsfaizd views of ttotheirs and ieriring` it iqi .-as front page editorial is-about the .b_iggest.`jokei that ever came over, and the. nerve ,o_f the'Lsaid"`.[3apei"s paragrapher "is on` a par with `his egotism. Come again! \ . V v-v-v1u-luv q .Ill`Vl IVUVIUO A handsomely mnotntedsvoakxy. , Incest ctr- gamma.` 3: `$3, pctgfgctnc 1o:{1rn1.,,, sou ! An exchange says: Mr. J. A.vSaw- lyer wishes` us to inform the party who stole the collar off hiA\ dog on Tues` day, if they had oome `to him he would either. have given . them the `money to buy.oneor borrowed it for !them. The one "who `took it will `con-` `fer a favor by retui-ningfthe_same. Such a master of sarcasm is simply wasting his time out of the. sacred connes `of Parliament. If the party who stole the dog collar does n'ot~no w `feel ashamed of themselves, it s `hard to nd langwidge strongenough gtoit the case. 9 T ' e auuu III-IV \J(IIJw\-sou-' ----~--.-"' I` 2- ~ i .:-the..E..B`e.c' ocitx-i`./Q9!!! .* .'-i1!`;1. !-Y p1-%'idd_' for"_?:ee"trad""`i1!arm pro-r ` _ ducts~;!97-2!! .Cahad?e.lial`-?`!%:'--I{!*?dyr `States there might reasonably `lie `dig--` ference of opinion .. as to whether it would- be advantageous to Canadian! !farmers or not. _-We think that evens ` isuchv an arrangenientfwould` have `been is. bad. bargains for. Canadian fafmeis `because the _surplus,o,f' farm products` in the United tat'es' `is enormously greater than the surplus of. Canadian farm products, "because. the farming season is `earlier iind longer: in 4 the United ` States," and ` ;be(3aus,ew ou'r farmers would always be at the "mercy of- the tari _ -legislation of the United States Congress, while they, `would have no `voice in thewelection of Con- gress, but still there would be room` for /argument as to whether our farmers would gain enough by admis- sion .of . their ' products to United States markets to compensate them for `losses in the home market; but from `the farmers point of view noth- ing can he said in "favor of allowing twelve foreign nations and the food- exporting `British Colonies to send their farm products .free1y into` Can- ada without giving our farmers any- thing to compensate them for this `unexpected competition` in the Can- adian home market. ' I - i Trina: Mki . , ..' HD5319". T W .- ._..3oI!vnn%41'I e. q..`,`n. :`r"`" n":11'|*koin 2'a.R8.'.'i":. . ::*::.":.:.'s.:' :..':3:'z1.'.&.`.;1i`k`a3 ;..'.*.".'2....`*='~.. [ant frog. , dent t.I., "Imn taken 1. 5 .;,m-;~,7:: .555` '.'"thatT_i Canada; : N;'QIl1d.'Zgt.`. nothin ..avvhatece1.'.,.i.n ...!,*3.t`11..F-".-'-?..:..?``.% ` .`%.X.; .c un...g*.+``., -1.,-..`=:% mmhna ntibissaz ar the nothing. ,gvvh_a,e.y,e1: 4J.,;_n ;_;Te.Eu.xI _ ~- `-'-Y`.% 53-5.-7-..; of-;.rth_e :twm-;rj freigi1_.. n3_;ggiggag qr;,g;%g1e;: t`hef': mi1eea_ _iS,'t:z_;'1_:_e:.s.,2`-` 21;; tpriv age _4 iBi*itisfh:f.9ijn'{:ti;'$f mat gs, * 25, - . I _sendi1;_g t1}_ei`r f_ar;;_1 prod117:ts"`. . ___I, -1. l i llIlV:_'. IJII-lI?V\lK,_-4 nI,gnqg_ug:.;. `,5? . 1,` sending then` fargz pro 111 `into the Canadian I market. [mother wduldn_ t jknjow `him from |IIam1et s ghost. Thje%Ban%k of Toronto WlTHAM_0_NEY1 MOST IMPORTANT Barrie uni! Allandnle Branches": c. n. LATIMER. - Manaer.. A SAVINGs nCCOfJ`Ib.I1f AT THE 3ANx._or 'ro_n.o`N'ro is therefore `an ideal place ~l-`(no anus: .........- :n-n_-, `---vv for your spare` doI1a;s._ A sm2_11l sum is. suicijent to _orpen' an account with Whose duty" it is to see that the! . hose` is sound, the couplings 'pin'_g.ood shape _;and that the best -hose; is ~al-W -ways in position to be used rst, "is unknown to the writer, but`c'ertain'ly~ `there is no `good reason `wliy*"hose! should be used which _wi_lI"notp'with- stand the water - pressure "without, so,` many breaks as occurred at thisvre. Considerable delay ensued in replac- ing the damaged lengths, and 4. the loss of pressure caused; `by their large": nuruber `of. small leaks would. lharyeg been a serious handicap '.h'ad.:the `re .: broken -tllrbuglithe proof, " 3 ` ' ' '

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