is therefore . an ideal place `for your spare dollars. A small sum is suicieblipt `to open an account with Scotts Bookstore Transact a General Banking Business. . . . . Notes Discounted at rersonable rates. . .. . Collec- tion Qf Notes and Accounts given. special attention. - . . L . . . . .3 Drafts Issued payable anywhere. . Cheques on outside banks cashed at lowest rates of exchange. . . ' Sale Notes Cashed or Collected- on most favorable terms... N 'r. `a:E:cnoi=1',Manage- Interest paid on Savings Accounts. BANKERS. INCORPORATED 1853 -ma nxrrzanamn. Oce IIour8'--10 to UNANIMOU8. ' l'No_ x'iew name will be addeei :0 1eSub- Ionption List until the money is paid. ..I..-.....lI....... ......... .I_ ........-._.. 1-- 4.I.___- ..___.LL- a co. .~s-_...;_...._-- .._.... s1f;2wART` & SVTEWAART, BAVR-" 4...--A.n...'n -C.}.12-:4...... RYA6nu:nn D..I.12n L.R.C.P. 8: S.'Edinburgh; M.F.P. 8.}. s. Giasgow ---SURGEON-- . Eye. Ear, Nose 6 Throat`. \V, A A-ULT, BARRISTER, `SOLICI- tor,_ Proctor, Notary , Conveyance:-, . etc. `Special attention*in drawing and probating wills, obtaining let- ters of administration and guard- T ianship, collecting accounts, etc. Offices, Ross 'bl_`ock, Barrie. Money` to loan. ( :1. LENN_OX,' c WAN & BROWN , 'D.........L....-. C.\1...I4..\._.-y In- .-J-.L..I.....-.'.. iCR.ESW-ICKE & ALEXANDE l)..'.....'..L...... C..'lZ-2A...._.. -1 LL- C-- STRATHY "&`E_S_TEN, BARRIS: 1 `LII.-..I. I`.-.....4. Ail I-noun CAILJLA.-A 4 THOMPSON CREW,. PUIiBLISI-IER DR. A. T. LITTLE, LATE OF Churchill, Ont. Office and resi-' dence, John St., near corner Eliza- Tbeth. `Phone 213. DONALD ROSS, 1L.B., BARRIS-' `gin C.-.11.-.24.-...` ALA D-...`. A` fr`.-K...-`A. DR. W. A. ROSS, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, etc., L.R.C.S., Edin., L. R.C.P., London. Office and "resi- dence, Dunlop street, Barrie. Tele- phone 77. M. D.. c. M. ( l`or.) Lateot Toronto General Hospital. once of the me Dr. Smith. comer St ' Phone 01. 3'2-ly Having spent 4 years Post Graduate work in ! Britinh Hospitals and having served as Clinical Assistant in Golden Square Ear. Throat & Nose Hospital. London` Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital (Moorelds) ; for a term as Resident Surgeon in Royal London 0 hthalmic Hospital; Bristol Eye Hospital, Bristo : and Birmingham Eye Hos ital. Birmingham : former Member of British phthalmological Society. 0FFICE--78 DUNLOP STREET. BARRI8. `Phone 5;. , . P. 0. Box. 96. _ ` lDR. ROBERT s. BROAD, PHYSI- cian, Surgeon, etc. 'Specialty-Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Office and` residence, cor. Elizabeth and Brad-` for . Sts. (Dyment Gore). Phone [ 105. Box 456. - - JW- A;-!_.E.WlS DR. Monffz LYON` 3: CARL- 1 Ca... CA '!`.-....-...a.... 1-4.. I`: `D....-1-I--.. A A ~ MA VUFACTURER OF * Buggies, Carriages.` Wagons Sleigh: and Cutters. n_?_;_.__~u\,.: ----r----- -.--y -..-u-. vcvsv coo-anus, ow VUUIVOI Subscribers now in arrears tor three months T and over will be charged 31 50 per annum. ' .3 I S"rnw'r Pnizsoxun. l#IV\1'|I`\ll'|\1 nAII\ I } . _ _ 1 %:`rf::;;m orseshoemz; DR. H. T. ARNALL. PEFICE AN]? 'I'1--S.I--_-, --_..__ Surgeon, etc., Coroner for Simcoe County. Office and residence: AVVilliam street, Allandale. Tele-. I phone 30 a. At Stroud OFce: 2 __to_4 pm.` Monday to Friday._ DR. V. A. HART, `GRADUATE OF Trinity University, Toronto, Edin- borough and Glasgow and Post Graduate of` University -College, London. Oice and residence: Cor. Duniop and Mulcaster Sts. Oice open each day until 8 p.m. "Dianna 161 DR. J. A. c. EVANS, PHYSICIAN,` I UNW`IN, MURPHY & 1E.STEN,l Ontario Land Surveyors, Engine- ers, etc. Established 1852. Oice, Medical Buildin% S. E. corner -Richmond and ay streets, To- ronto. Telephone, Main, 1336. Instructions left with Strathy & .Esten, Solicitors, Bank of To- nonto Building, Barrie, will be - promptly attended to. jun. 55 BAYFIELD sf G. ,G. SMITH & CO., PHONE 82. Established 1869. Undertakers. Open day and night. Mgrgue and chapel in connection. Barrie, On- t8!`lO. .|..|.j.v!:u;.3.1.`__ xx. .JA..|.avvu1.}\4., _J..u,u.\- fisterfs,` Sblicitors, Notaries Public, and Cohnveyancers. Money to loan in an'y`sums at 5 per cent. -Oice, I3TOwea St.`. Barrie. H. D. Stew- . art, LL.D., D. M.- Stewart. ILJAVAN `H143, \r\.l VV {LAY kl. lJJ.\\/ V7 AV, Barristers, Solicitors for obtaining probate of7wiI1s,` guardianship and administration, and general Solici- tors, Notaries, Conveyancers, etc. Oices, Hinds block, .No. 6 Dim- lop street, Barrie. Money to loan at 4%and 5 per cent. Branch of- cesi at Creemorc and Alliston. Haughton Lennox, K;~C., Alex. eCowain, G. E. J. Brown, LL.B. E `r. A. RADENHURST, BARRIS- ter, Solicitor, Notary Public, &c. _Ofc_e, Ist_oor Bank of Toronto Building. `Money to loan at low- est rates.. $1.00 PEi:"`}:`iv"15iI31Vw5Wfi;i`2{3\'rANcE.' UNITED S'1\`/\'IfES SUBSCRIBERS I $1.50 IN ADVANCE ! uL\4IV' I-\I-l.`LL'J \l- LJ_4.L4JLAlAV.IJ.L.1L\, ` `Barristers, Solicitors of the Su- preme Court of Judicature of On- tario, Proctors. Notaries, Convey- _anceirs, etc. Money to loan. Of- cc, Ross block, Barrie. A. E. H. Creswicke,A,K.C., Arthur Alex)ander.[ .I.J.\&L.l.J.L .I. LI: L- 4hl_L JHLV JJJ lL\J.\.l.uJ" : ters,_ Solicitors in High Court of Justice. eNotaries Public, Convey- ancers. Ofces over- the Bank of `Toronto, Barrie. `Money to loan at lowest current "rates. G. H. Est.en.: J\J.u4|.1.41J L\\JuJ>J .L41.4..|J., 1JI11\l.\.l.u.J' ter, Splicitor,` etzz. Bank of Toron- to Buxlding, Barrie. Money to loan. A. F; A. mnuiomsou j HA5t3. ."31 r.I.\. 1.1-. *s r1.L\;1rxL;u. \JL' .L`1.\.,1_`4 any Residence corner of Toronto and Elizabeth Streets. (Opposite Eliz- abeth Street Methodist Church). Telephone 167. r ;\.. ;v1.\JL\ & .l.LvJ. .I4L\ JJLKJLI, OI. \JI'LL\14" ton St.. Toronto, late of Brooklyn (N. Y.) ` Eye and Ear Hospital, will be at 67 Owen St., Barrie, every Saturday. Diseases--Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Consultationi hours, II a.m. to 5 p.m., and by ap- pointment. | \Jlll\o\o \JlJ\pIL `Phone 12,4. Dr. J. ARTHUR ROSS when interviwd Torontt; World at the King Edward Hotel last week, said: ` ~oPa osur: Ross s'r. JOl_IN'BARR'S OLD STAND -.-avas-gag % UNDERTAKERS. PHYSICIANS. SURVEYORS. LEGAL. xt t d X uh. Mom at IS THE BEGINNING OF THE END OF CANADA. They believe that reciprocity means in the end that Canada will join the union. f1*`fE'Bi*UARY: 23, The Northern Aswan: Ont. ,Barri_e. - I _T H'I`Q` ADVANCE 18 proven to 1,, . largest circulation or any paper in t11clC:u"` T`in11a' "a1s` 5 1 `V th 1 my rewitggt , o y at e nrgtzst subsmptm T ` latter fact demonstratgs the Qllallt vita patrons. ' If you have any 8.dY()I`tiSiI12;10y(?' 'p1aceit with the paper that reaches the mo 1 not -afraid to pay the price. ` F0 Advertisements are qharged uccrmiing gpage---12 lines nonparexl measure xnul;u`-0;: l Alvafili |I'\1YE`l')"l1I`CII\Vru gangs-vwa gnaw o 5-ca v 52..-A Au.-4` xi. Legs! Notices. Auction Sales, .~\mus<:mem etc.--F`1rst insertion 1: cents Yer lim.-, em: subsuent insertion 5 cents per inc. Re ing notices, ,l0 cents per line 113, Mt insertion; 5 cents per line for each s11!s.~;.>(,.uen insertion of the same matter. Ubitu.-u-v roe"; J 50 per line. lVI\Il`III.`I)t`1' If 1'\T| 3T 11' i vv My; `luv: , 1 _ COMMERCIAL DlSLAY. Rates will beigiven on application. CONTRACT CHANG ES. ~ Advertisers will please bear in Iniml that notice "of intention to change a mustbe handed into the oice not luwp that Saturday at 10 o'clock, and the copy .1,p3ch change must be in THE ADVAI\'(,`E mlice nm later than 12 o clock noon on Monday in an . weck, otherwise the advertJscr s anlloum-emenyt gay not be made public untxl the week follow, COSDENBED ADVERTISEMENTS. Coniensed `at? vertisements on first Imgre such as wants of all kinds, lost and found, prnpen for `sale or to rent-. specic artich-.~s. -;..__ etc must be accompanied with the coral). : Cuts for advertisements_ must in cvcryl case bemounted on sold metal bases | CRAIGHUARST, ONT. {4 LICENSED AUCTIONEERE I FOR THE courrrv or suwcoz. Most reasonable terms given on all-{ Stock Sales _ Yes, I certainly think it will. .1: have no doubt the time will come! when Great Britain w_ou`1d joyfnlly see all her North American posses- sions become part or the republic, answered Mr. Clark. That is the way things are tending now. ADVERTISING % RATE? ISL John & Grookerl J ohn & J ennett, MAKES YOUR sxm LIKE VELVET-- Monkmatfs Glycedoni-a. % Has a marvellous effect on rough skin. One or two applica- tions will remove the roughness. and by its. occasional use the skin acquires the smoothness and softness of a baby's. Glycedonia is not sticky, and gloves may be worn a. few moments after using it. Price Isc and 25c. Delight- ful after shaving. Druggist. Bfewed Entirely from the Finest Malt and Hops. DUNLOP STREET EAST BA R R I E when Champ Clark said in con- gress yesterday, said Mr. Goatt, that reciprocity would bring an nexation as its inevitable result, he only voiced what is the common be- lief of the American people. Why ITI TC! 1317131? trn1\1-rlnnu nu; 1- -rr -r-av Ulvuviv-vb BARBIE * BREWING BUMPANY Is 0 ennfor all orders in MIBL REPAIRS, &c. Boilers. Engines and all kinds of farm and stationary machinery made and repaired on shoztest notice and moderate prices; Al work done by expert machin- ist and guaranteed rst class. MONKMAN. Splendid ALE and PORTER The Best and Brightest In Cask and Bottle MANUFACTURERS. Engine TRANSIENT ADVERTISING. I A. A Do you t1;i'nk that will tend Ttqjl peace with Great Britain? con- tinued Mr. Norris. TV ' `V | _ 14;,;p1y_...1!_11`1;3 ;1jvAN CE. `III: Id: ----cw u -- CI H II-I . Ifirst-class (;;der Expert Machinists .3 Eloise Payer . ...01_4`-- "Pi!-l_O_N_E _ 1' 3-6- . -~_--.-- V- 1 Post says: Canada estab-` lished postal savings banks forty years ago and now has ' about! a hundred: and sixty. thousand de- positors in such banks, with forty-I ve million dollars to their credit. `I Two years ago, as a further encour- agement. to thrift, the Dominion Gov- ernment began writing annuities. ` A Canadian aged twenty/', say, may pay `in twenty-ve cents `a week at any post olce and be assdred organ an- nual income of eighty-ve dollars `at the age of Vfty-ve or of a hundred and ".th i rty_ dollars fat the" age at of V f ;rHe__,may epay" in .lten" dollars; `af year} .p`ra4V,',__,1r.: receiye annuity. _ `or; i j hundred adollarsp net`; the ,.a ge_.: 1 ` -- -., ` Barrie. I A ansxve-!'.< lers in t `O11 111?!- ;;u tOI`1'l1[Ifi) Iomv thl `into Hw- -it was < j'Cured iham s" V, Sir Mix the mute` then wiri as]>9<-t. Unit(,`Al "1 cates of Wonlvl %X1:.`:";\x Tht` \'..T 1' against 1 ``U"' ""07 -" IS EVEN` STR*E1?:'I`"'1fALK IN NEW, YORK. . V | \\' hm: the I't`'i[ be(`lI Iilu .VI'1'() Wax I-HI W})(`. e* :11 it. -\'II'll K count The -`that thwx `fpe1'.\'nn.< -beilI}_[` ?_\' W011!!! in- 7_eDtS (If. `;jth(`ll Stitch -be nnlj: T V j V ()Ix[H)rt .8.(1\'()<':1ft` platfm-m, nu - `aid mm EU} I talked with solid New Yorkl business men who know the condi- tion thoroughly, and the consensus of opinion among them is that `THIS -rm on-r-I--In '\'r1r\l'I"v'|1-1-1-vim Au` .-no--_ -.--..| fshov In the speech/of Champ Clark, `to which Mr. Goifatt alludes, he express- ed the hope that he would see the day when the American flag wotfld wave over the North American con- 3 tinent clear up to the North Pole. The Canadians spoke the same lan- guage and were the same people. If the Treaty of 1854 had not been ab- rogated, the two nations would` have been a good deal nearer together now than they are. Do you think this `will end in bringing Canada into the union? asked Mr. Norris of `Nebraska. ' Yes, I have no`: answered Mr. Clark. THE BEGINNING or war: END. BARRIE RAILWAY Guinn. J.` 11.00 p m.A.Uobalt Special . .. *5._10 a tn 10.40 a xu'1`oronto 8: North Bay 5 15 p m .8 50 p m..NurLl1 Bay.. .... .. 12 45 p m 8.20 p m..'1'oronto 8: Midland 7.42 a._ m f`_ ..... .v.'Lusna `IQ: n tn. Cpllingwood and Meaford. ` TO b FROM A 53.....10.27a.m No. 5l....7.!7.o;m 43.... 8.85pm 42....1.05pm 55.... 7.50pm 5 56.-...6.85pm , -23....10.l5am- '27.... 7.501) m Daily including Sunday. / Thursday, February 23,(y1$)/1I.- FUITIES AND OLD-AGE PEN- SIONS. ` ' ' |HE SATURDAY EVENING; 13-..; ........... (:n-__-:I- --L-I. 5:95 pm 'l`mms or Sunscnuvrxou. U13 A nunoouqn cnu - g-- C. GOFFATT, ex-mayor of: , Orillia, who had just re- turned from New" York, - 7, ,`I I, III` In D -Lvbvoovv an argon-cu-mos. g`... - .... Gravenhurst 9.35dm- Penetang. _ '; No. I ! ll 61 II 85 ,1 07 I - Hamilton. `doubt about it, No. 53;. 10.25 a. m 55cI'l'7lw Going Sot[th.. . Thin N o. 4-.` *K`nn\'m .7.47a.m ipm is xpen. `_ How` nia 1 1y'. y'oun_ are self-siippo_1_'ting" at _: all cpuld, -. `not spare" twenty-vVe. cegits; a week? _ nothing onto of the plan--n'nIess get: `ting `many=,peop'le` of, small .mean:sf in-_ to.-.~the habits of putting by a little *'nn;"every yveek or- month -or _ quarter `may -be counted 11 national gain. We don t seem to count it so on this side of the border, but Canada is more interested in British affairs than V we. "are; and consequently, no doubt, was `more impressed by the spectacle of the British Government `appropriating many millions of pounds to pension aged and indigent citizens. , ' . ` ` The Cnnndian_T;7 ` coin; North. -'l|..-.l .. ` our '01` POLITICS. I { T IS MOST. REFRESHING to ob- tain the views of `a representative ' . person. or\journal one the great issues of the day, when such issues! are considered strictly og their; merits' and apart from political bias. journal published at. Montreal, is` de- voting special_ attention to all` ques- tions of `national importance, partic- ularly the _ `Reciprocity Compact. In Our Point of View,- they discuss: editorially from week. to week this, the most important question before the Canadian people since Confedera- tion. The discussion . is well worth `reading by every thinking Canadian. I The Canadian`...Centurygidia weeklyj ":1`h-eW;..a'r,e puhlishing exrery ~ week special articles on public questions _ by prominent Canadians; In recent _issues they have had articles by'Prin- cipal Peterson of McGill University, Dr, Andrew rMacphail, Prof. Leacock, Hon. George E. Foster,'Jean Blewett rand other well _known writers. In the `issue of `February 11th, there is an larticle entitled H-ow Reciprocity; Killed our Shipping, written by`; George D. Griin in his eighty-sixthl year}. Ashe hadwide business con- nections in Canada during the Reciproc- ity period his. review -of the condi- tions that prevailed during the early `years of the Treaty period before the` `Civil War began" in the United -States` | is interesting. ` g Creemore Star-A-Hoi'ae .:huyers have . practically quit business here until A`the proposed ieciprggity -4trea`ty,: is settled with theg -United VSt'a,tes.i 111'. V the event of theyduty` being `tuki1j . ` pmnctm 3'? Mel SHARING otia HERITAGE. N DEFENDING the reciprocity pact, the. Toronto -Globe says: The opponents of better trade rela- tions with the United States seem to [think it is quite right to import goods` ]from the United States to the value! of $223,000,000, as we did last year, ~but it would be disloyaltynto the Em- pire to increase our exports to that] country, as we assuredly would underl lthe proposed arrangement, although our exports at present are but little over half the volume of our imports. If this reasoning were sound," would lit not be more advisable to maintain the tariif on this $223,000,000 worth of American goods coming into Can- ada, which would result in the build- 'ing of` many more factories in _our cities 0 and towns. A stable home, market would be developed, more pro-i table than any foreign market, and! Canadian railroads would carry` Can-i adian raw materials to Canadian `fac-i tories and Canadian food to Canadian` workmen. Sir `Wilfrid Laurier has said that the twentieth century he- longs to Canada. Why should we share this heritage with Uncle _Sam who has robbed us of the ower of , our artizans for the past fty years?! I 5 Mr. Isaac Laurin has instituted a $50,000 suit `against the city of "u Montreal for alleged patent infringe- ment. Mr. Laurin claims that the water department has `adopted. an ef- fective device invented by him Afor draining hydrants out so as to prevent _freezing. V For_ this he geceivedpi no recompense. The city v oiciats, Messrs; Janin and Les_age', claim that this identical pattern. of hydrant has been in use for the last-thirty,` years.-iv. The London, Ont.,_ Board of Water" Commissioners have decided to im- pose a penalty of $9,200 .on the Can-' adian Westinghouse Company for non- fulfilment of a contract for the in- stallation of certain electrical `mach-` linery and apparatuswhi'ch was delay- `ed from October 28th until the mid- |dle of last month; Galt s hospital board have request- led their Council to submit a by-law- to authorize $30,000 to be. spent in erecting additions, etc., to their hos-| pital. Also at _BerlineWaterloo steps. _are being` taken to erect a new wing, with Orillia planning to do likewise. Barrie has set the pace for all these `Towns, .with her . recently enlarged |and improved Royal Victoria Hospital. NOTE AND COMMBNE &1MPERT1NENTl Train ldrrivals and departures` at arid from Barrie are as follows: \ Main Line. %' ` % 1 ! `T`Let[ Lgurier nish his wo1rk--he annexatidn. negotiations have just `started , ' ' ` .1. 4. .1. I 'Co.1li;1gw"ood s._-blind Lpiggers are to` consu'lt~_a;1 optician this `week-th`-e `police magistrate. ' ? ' '_ A `I ` - Toronfo N ew s-.-To-day (Thursday,[ '].`b' 16), we have the real original. man on the water-wagon. Dry jo1;e,. ismjitv . V ' - -4: la 0 And no>_ vlt ?O;ri1lia- ehasl smallpox to contend with. Some` people are never happy w_itho_ut trouble. ' ' Q I One-Act Dr.ama-Scene: ,Du1'1lo`p St. ICharact`er: -Busines_s "man moving to- `wards Post Oiceiwpith letter in his hand. ` H9 `.11_o15i;es-a hole in. the Walll labelled Letter Drop._ So he just let v er drop. ' ' .n. .A. .n. The Twentieth Century is Can- |ada, s, says Sir -.Wilfrid' Laurier. `Then why make Tana :-rangement with. United~States to ` sell our heritage for a mess of Yankee pottage.- - Willie (whose, fqther is Tbnilding . a; <;onservatory)_-'-..-` `Papa, it` I plant this pip. =w.ou1d%an%%%9?3nz_e tree grow. up .ar{9w%%'its~%2 \.LPapa~?f%0t Wwv lket. About the most sensible thing the Boardtof Trade has tackled in a long time. is the overhauling of the mat! A good `housecleaning will do no harm, and it may result in a let of good to both buyer and_sel1er. A Dominion patent was secured four years ago under the name of Tar- litlzic for apavement which has since |bee_n laid in Collingwood, Chatham and Guelph, and has proven in each case- highly satisfactory. - Tarlithic has been used extensively in' England for years. It is composed of a con- crete t foundation, and a wearing sur- face three inches ~ thick `of broken` stone, cement, and\ certain gas tars, spread on the foundation in layers and rolled after each layer is spread with an 8-ton roller. The surtacing materials are heated` before being placed on the roadway; then ` allowed to `cool, allowing all the gases to es- cape before being compacted. The nished pavement presents an o excel- lent aPI3Qarance and `has the advant-_ ages of economy, .durability,p noiseless-"V nessf "and . sanitation. v .Paving by & Construction .0h"at_h`8m;` Ont-.` e `The `ryFi1diris e<>Inpanyie of and _i.;Io`hzi'7- 0onn,1- `of-; [josi'i" =Windsor.y ont., are , ba:`:in.d*,y; V I A man living in the vicinity of. Owen and Dunlop Sts. was awakened the _other night by the shrill blast! from a trumpet. He aroused his wife and told her to prepare for the end of the world thinking it was the Angel Gabriel. s_ trumpet--but on in- lvestigation. he discovered that it was gonly Barnum s bugle.` I ` . N00 -or A8. In rnn _, d No so many` years ago all advertis- ing was considered` more or less shy; `anyway, the .man_ who advertised rlacked commercial dignity.-- Later, the `concern which advertised now` and then was doing` all that it thought "necessary, and all that was expected of it. Now the non-advertised is in a hopeless minority, and A be who has advertised and stops is considered as `having gone out "of _business. ` Truly a wonderful change, and a,sit- uation which the advertiser who thinks of - stopping for a time to save the expense would do well to study carefully._-- Advertising & Sel1- i mg. v . `T Yankee Doodle Dandy,_. sung by the celebratogl trio, Bill 'J."'af_t, Bill Patterson and Bill F ie1ding,"with ac-I ;companiment on the; bass drum by` `;Wi1fy Laurier,_ will no doubt be re- (produced on a11 American phonographs in the near future. l ` ` That theCity of`.Toronto engage! a competent engineer to report on` the feasibility of getting water from [Lake Simcoe_-was_ a. recommendation |vendorsed at a meeting of the Toronto` District Labor Council last week. And they called a man crazy who advanc- ed this` proposition a few years ago.`! I Eckhart; Hay and Atkinson werei Ithexonly speakers favoring reciprocity, [at the Toronto Boardof Trade meet-i 'ing last week. Eckhart is a dead one.-an' undertaker; Hay is another `name -for [dried green grass, while! [Atkinson is on the Star, and con- `quently up in the air, anyway.. . . . T : `there will always be a market for the top:-notchers, but the second `class fellows will not be in it. 1 THE NORTHERN ADVANCE iJA_!Y!-EL- A.B,N.9__!_-P III we -or N0. 5600!! TUCCT UC.-CCm (Successor to the late R. L. Barwick) Plre and Life Insurance. Real Esta t'e Agency. Moneu to Loan. mu number of good Farms and Town Pro- ggrties For Saloon eas terms. BANK OF` nnnnrrn nInI.nIu A nnnnnae ALI`: uuuuu by Juan _y0u1';I`8BVKe(1 sue -jcoyly. (`I give. it _up,", _?._.: .lie_;~A.mum'tu1:'e_s_1,, 1` 9!V4in_g "-tergg ' 11' `J gm; 3:: at ` ` V - erties Sa.le'o terms. OI` ORONTO BUILDIN _S, BARBIE. 45-ly | 550' L8 lluiullul UI. avuu Jiclvllllu Qllu. LUVVII I LU --- -u cu vu-w CIVIC -'-"V-"""` Q 51; 'Baye1d St-.-, 13.-rie'," Gm`. i oooooooooououocooooooobo` % l J I am so gle.d,Asaid the conceited ass, `.`I am not as other men. ' ` ` That probably`m_a`kes it unanimous, R observed one who ipossessed reasoning powers. { . A . V -. x ; ' \ f` What : he diprnce Vbeitween is haunted _ liouiae. and ;a h=aMndVsome,f.% man o;bou.t..; to :kiisT`;y9u!i meg; .:he*>:`eax1y,_ zuohouuuoouuuouo: "1's{Ei1TuE1W1=6iz"s"AL"I:' `MOST IMPORTANT 3; El . Horizontal Gasoline Engine. 3 FTP, Val-tinnl f.`.ncnHnn Wnninn m.!*s.:`:e!*!%z*%*vW ug sun. .LLvuauuuu \Jaauu|II: nugiuc. 8 H.P. Vertical Gasoline Engine. 1 3 H.P. Marine Gasoline Engine. 1 H.P. Horizonal Gasoline Engine. ` Hc`>`riz`en`al Steam Engine, 12x 16"] H. M. WoHnde}5M;cmist` no I).n.R..`I.1 Q4. 1).. '_ :.a.vuavuu1u uuuuxu uusluc, .10 A 10 Cylinder. * 12 H. P. Portable Steam Engine. 8" x 2" x 3" Duplex Steam Pump. _ Shafting, Han _rs,' Belting, Cnrcular Saws, bbitlletal. ' Saw Arbors Made to 0'1-der. First Class Repairing. : -- n;- .__.. _- -1 - Barrie and Allandale Branches C. R. LATIMER. - Manager. w1L1: BE. WELL SUPPLIED AT The B ank of Toronto ..vthat you; Savings` be placl edwhre they `can be quickly obtained for any __ real Pe- cessity,- or `to seize an bp- .poi'tunity, but where they Lwill be safe from your own extravagance. YOURV READING NEEDS A SAVINGS n ccoUN=r AT THE BANK or TORONTO T.BeecrofI An 8 P739 48 Uolumnugownpapor, Published trom thdolce. 123 Dunlo Street. Barrio. in the County of Slmcoe. 1. e Pro- vince of Ontario. Canada, every Thursday Moraine, by