AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that after said last mentioned :late the said adxninistratrix Will proceed to distribute the assets of the said `Estate among the parties entitled thereto hav- ing regard only to those claims of which she shall then have had notice. and that she w-ll not be answerable for the said assets. or any` part thereof to any person. or rsons of whose -claim notice shall not have en received at the date of such distribution. Dated at Barrie the 7th day 91 February. A.D. "1911. STEWART & STEWART. ' 6-9 13 0wen.St.. Barrie. Administratrix Solicitors l r-ruLLnnroN_. . .. :` r',,v ` vlr. Byron King said it we can get .:...the.~,bI.1yera. to -Vcoynq-%'we.- Lcun eset all a i 9* N we * Uni? In " thaz` ` 6 wvavvu Bl} ` UlUlUII|O MAUI- onrdelyon - Mr. J. J. Brown approved of the outside shelter.'. He had endeavored to get this erected by Council some years ago. when the coat 1, was es- timated at about $700 `or $800. AA` good market `was not only a great Dconvenience, ' but as "our ton `st busi- ness increases each. year,- ore, pro-. -duce is bought by those spending the snmmer.'h_ere. The advertising` of the market '~ -was endorsed _`by Mr- ,Brown",..i who amid he ..had'- reason` to`. ._know. j_;h'a t- the g1farmo;rs _4/read... the local _. pap9,1:s; very, __c,cru11x-2 to mar-L. pfc,6_fl}_;:8.fV9 quoted 1 they?" know '_it',f the, t1r`it% ETa _.z_i<.l* .wnt'f iii???` 7' - .1.` Mr. Geo. Leslie" thought some im-' provement was necessary in regard to the state of the road from VI Ward to Barrie, this being one c8'use_ of_ farmers not coming to our market. ' I 1:- -r -r. ~I-H` I _ I If The man who does not advertise I is a dead` one, said Mr. J. Frank ,lJackson in discussing the market` lsituation. He said Eaton s had tried [doing without, advertising, and a 'two weeks trial had convinced them` `that they lost considerable money` `during the npn-advertising period. He .:dvocate:l1 ifadvertising d Barrie 11lnar- `et, an it is expe ient to ave loutside buyers, he thought the wide- open privileges of a ,market should be allowed them, making the facts pub- ihc through the local press. In talk- ing to many people in Town on the question of markets, he had often` encountered the argument of the al- ltered condition of the railroad ifa(;:ilit}iJ;s, etc having .cut uspo con- . - ' to sit `cellos? aid worry? tlaiege gigmgo doubt Ithat we will never be in. any better [position ; but Mr. Jackson was j optim- jistic, saying he thought there was! lots of produce yet for Barrie mar- ket, and if we go after it right we`. can get it. Every man who comes - 5 to market here leaves money in the Town-and we should welcome them- every one. The question of a shelter for those with vehicles was d-i'scus_s- ed and this feature was strongly en- dorsed-. by Mr. Jackson. .w.. uvuaJuu1us way 15 sn0u1(1`De. I We also recommend that a strong "committee be appointed from this] Board to organize and plan for a} .poultry show tovbe held next Decem- gber. I All of which is respectfully sub- lmitted. ! We would also suggest the adivis-v ability of advertising in the. local` papers from time to time, the mark- ed advantages of Barrie market over Iall `other markets in Simcoe County. Our investigations led suggest a salaried market clerk who would take an interest in makingthe mar- ket everything that it should` be. H WA oldn -innnn-n....._ L`L_'L - A .. I J If it is desirable` to attract outsidei [buyers to this market they must be, ;treated with business-like courtesy and`! I consideration. ._ D Itive your Committee suggests that ,the' Board recommend the erection of.` 'shelters so that the outside purveyors, `may be under cover. Similar ac~; commodation is provided in otherl `large market towns and must add toi [the comfort of both buyer and sell- i 91'. . . upun D0 ICCCIVO 8 IIIIIIIIOO. num D81 '0! rupue u the winter season. -For terms app3l7y -at Resi enoe. 6 Collier st.. Barrie. or _Phone . P. O. Box 34 . -- - . ` 40-ly vxr -urvavo They visited the market on Satur- days in November and December and found a fairly good market and `plenty of produce oifered, such as! eggs, butter, fowl and garden pro-E ducts, etc. On the November visit we found an out-of-town buyer pres- ent and ascertained that` he was; `denied the privileges of the market; ,such as the use of Weighing scales,! land not allowed `to pack his purchases; for shinmnnf. inqizla Hm m....1...4. 1..-:1.1 I Two reports from special commit- tees were presented `at the meeting of" the Board -of Trade meeting on Monday evening, and the suggestions contained therein were of peculiarly tting applicability to Vilocal" condi- tions. The meeting was not largely attended; no doubt, owing to the erce storm, but the discussion was` full of interest to anyone,concerned Iin the Town s welfare--and that should include every citizen of Bar-5 rie. The suggestions offered by the` committee on markets are sworthy of earnest consideration by the Town Council to whomthe recommendations were referred. 1 The follovring is the_ report "of the special committee on markets, co_r_n-A posed of Messrs. Jackson, Sutcliife, and B. King. To the President and Members ! Barrie Board of Trade. I Your Committee appointed to in-` ].vestigate the conditions and suggest! remedies re the Barrie market begl to report: 1 rn - .. - ._ Boanl 0f Trade Discuss Method 0f Building Up ` I Market . uuu uzzuvvou. bu pawn H15 purcnasesa shipment inside the market build-I Either in the ' Opera, House or on} gicollieri 8_t`. *?` Finder will, be rewarded`; nu: ~:atT`:9.Zh 1 Adv-ance 0ic,e~ or ~ A resolution by Messrs. T. ,W. Len- nox and` Wm.'~ Freek expressed sin- we -appreciation to the speakers, .1;Vhi,1e_the ladies were very heartily thainked by Mr. Hambly mad Deputy- ;-Beve .Craig.- _ _ . ` ` gsen to receive a limited numiser of Pupil V thn. wintnr nAAnnn_ . .`ll`nr tnnrm nnnlv at U The singing of the doxology and tho benediction-by the putter brought. this dlightfu}, Iinppirin ` and sac-. cei3a.tg1l_,banqhe_t.. to --a c ose. - _ x.` Mr. Walter Sarjeant then led in the discussion, emphasized the church s obligation to the great work and moved 9. resolution endorsing the movement. It was abiy seconded by Mr. W.. C. Hunter, who by personal knowledge instanced the need of many more -s missionaries win the! West. Messrs .Jno. Armstrong and "A. J. \ Sarjehnt spoke of the resolution which was carried very heartily. n.. . ' _... _: _. Avsolo from fir. Chas. King de-1 lighted the audience, T-..._ -_L.l Then Mr. W. G. Watson of Toronto gave a strong address on the mission- ary question. He said in part. Too long the men had silently stood by while the good women of the church [had gone forth - collecting and doing most of the missionary work of the church. But now the men were realizing this_ work was especially a man s `job. It was a wonderful what a change had come over the laymen` as a consequence. It had become [the absorbing topic`in church work. It had been the means of developing `the men and leading `them out in ag- -gressive personal work for Christ. It was very noticeable the reflex in- uence upon the spiritual life of the church. The churches (were being brought closer together. Rev. Dr. Booth very strongly sym- pathized with the Laymen s Move- [ment and while the claims on the [foreign eld were very strong we should seek `to compass the work in Canada, where 'so many people are coming. `I nu up .... .. .___ , ,' Rev. E. W. Crockett of Stroud said there was need for more Christian `enthusiasm in our churches. More information` was needed that our people might be enthused the more. . \ _~---_..-`.. --v as urged a" more agressive type of `Christianity in adhering to the prin- `ciples of Christ and_in establishing |His Kingdom. - Itev. Thos. HLegate of Minesing _ ,_,__.a -....-- -.vv-.1 uuu. yucu. uiuucy to carry out the purpose of God. ` Mr. Ralph Johnston then favored vthe company with an excellent solo. Rev. Dr. McLeod expressed his deep sympathy with the movement which; had brought them together. He] said that while they were concerned: `with the evangelization of the world and the spread of Christ s kingdomv the men of the church should not for- get their duty to their home church land its pastor. ` _-.... u-. uuv uuuauu, xcaxxazug Luau llp`| on them was laid the great respon- :sibility of leading in the great world- ,movements of the church , were com~ tingeforward and many of them were offering their lives and their mon ey [to out ` On Thursday evening of last week {the ladies of Collier St. Methodist Church gave a complimentary/`ban quet to the men of the congregation in the interests of the Layxnen s Mis- gsionary Movement, the ladies sustain- ;ing their reputation in the sumptuous :repast they so cheerfully provided. [About 109 "men were present. After ifull justice" had been done to the iinner man, Dr. Richardson, the chair- ,man of the MissionaryVCommitte.e of Ithe Church, took the chair and brief-I ly spoke of the_ importance of the lgreat movement that had brought, `them together. In these days the[ men` of the church, realizing that up-I I `VH9 (rt-n-3+ rnonnn I FPWO iGUOD HOUSYCMAIHS WANTED at 0nc0-~Apply to Superintendent R. V. Hospital, BuI3'ie. 7 ! Wonderful What '< Change Has ! "Come Over Laymen Through i . Missionary Movement, I Says W. G. Watson Mr. Jackson jokingly said that the` Reciprocity treaty might be discuss- ed, as itihad a direct bearing on.a11 markets, but apparently no one wasi willing to mix-up on the tariif ques- tion. - The question of. advertising Bar- `rie, in circular form, `recommended by the. Transportation Committee, will be looked after by the same ener- getic committee headed by Mr. Geo. 5-Vickers. ' - LAYMENS MIS- % SIONARY BANQUET I A `Mr. TyrerMth:>"1;'ght the repeal ef the by-law re limited hours should be made known. ' - Mr. W(.W6tton`thought we might utilize space under stairs for buyers, charging a nominal fee,_ and if they come we will soon get plenty of pro- duce to supply them. . ` , , _ _ _v=__-. `Mr. Vickers had written to a number of farmers, many stating that they. were not accorded fair treat- ment. He would recommend that a market clerk be engaged and that the whole ground floor of the market be utilized for market purposes, with scales open [to all. {salaried market clerk, similar to Galt,' would. pay; more `attention to boom- ingthe market and seeing that buyer and seller were both `used right. `|l __ 17' I - `The Board adjourned at 10.15 p.m. noel-.r. IIIIUIUH on U18 SCOUT] Bases. c`CARTI-IY. I unlop Street Barrie. REV. E. R. .- , .1 . Q . 5* . m`.'.... * ..\~- jI3.'_ _u in II .-:1-' '1-sue`. $2 ): ., X) .9,.\.:' I frr .. f . ,:..r; TRINITY PARISH HALL I Monday. IIIIUKIIJ I V II" 20-MAGNIl:lCENT Jvoxcr-:s.~20 In Clan; lpuac (`Lg-nnl-5 Ilwnnl (`nun and ZVTVIIIIJIVII I\al.aI1 J V I.I.!\-I..4\J""-`I {In the Most charming Vocal conc rt ' Ever Offered to a *:arrlr- Audlenc". _ ' "r-'nii':is: 3. 55. ii: and 7{ f ' Plan opens at Wall; Bros kvednearlmv. l-`ab ; or cannmr, wuss ,Madame Hughes - Thomas II`-`J.-pad.`-o Roy&J }WVe 1 ch Ladies Choir HARRIS--In loving memory of Car- . rie Harris, who died Feb. 4th, 1908. She has gone to higher regions, Safe from every pain and care. We shall meet again in Heaven, And never more be parted there. -Mother. A8.30-I-Ioly Communion. . 11.o0-Mox-ning Prayer and Sermon. 3.00-Sunda.y School Bible 01: 7.00-Evensong and Sermon. GRAHAM-0n Sunday morning, Feb- ruary 12, 1911, at her residence, 200 Wright avenue, Charlotte Ellen, widow of the late Major W. J. Gra- ham, (formerly of Barrie), and third daughter of the late George Copeland of Penetanguishene. Interment at Penetang on Tuesday, February 14th. HARDIE - At Strathallen, Pains- wick, on Monday, Feb. 13th, Eliza- beth Edmonstpne, beloved wife of Alexander Hardie, aged 68 years. IN MEMORIAM. {$1.00 PER `iuuuuul IN Aovmcz amen: coma -runuricuno (J 51"` The lecturer, in opening, disclaifed any oratorial powers, but in spite of this, his Whole lecture was brimful of interest and" sparkled from time to `time with sallies of wit and humor, while the descriptions of some scenes were couched in language of tender- unessl and paths, which added mater- lially to the e ect, the exquisite views lof forest and: prairie, rugged moun- tain scenery `and peaceful plains, produced on the audience the vital necessity for the preservation of our ,forest lands was emphasised both by word and picture as the various scenes were thrown in rapid succession on `the screen, and from` whatever stand- point the subject was viewed, whe- ther the physical, political, economic, ,or commercial, the lecturer ably de- lmonstrated the wisdom of the steps [taken to restore in some measure the `woodlands of our country. l The meeting was presided over by Mr. Donald Ross, who in a few well- lchosen -remarks spoke of the necessity Ifelt on all sides that a halt should be called in the Wholesale cutting down of Canada s forest wealth, and the methods adopted by making re- paration for .;past wanton waste in depleting the timber lands of the Dominion, by re-forestation. The help which might be given by the local townspeople in beautifying Bar- rie by improved methods in treating parks, boulevards and private lawns and gardens was also dwelt, upon and non-members of the Barrie Society were urged to join the same and as- sist by their inuence and support the eorts being made to make Barrie still more Worthy of its proud title, i ` `Beautiful Barrie. Before Mr. Knechtel began his lec- ture, and again between the rst and second part, into which be divided it, a series of views of real beauty spots Were, shown, including lawns and gardens, etc.,,which had been award- ed prizes during recent years. 7. 1 , o -. - .. _ )3-.I3'1u'J.r;0D V V T A , H .:=.'r) m',! The _rst of a_ 80119:} of lhv-we K-wt.1;-.s 9 \- VI `:_ . . >. . _ . it - ` 3` !I';\iI, I-A I` Iv 51': __Trinity Parish Hall was lled to overowing on Friday last by an in- terested audience, anxious apparently to hear, and, having heard, apply the `lessons learnt therefrom, the lecture given `under the auspices of the Bar- rie Horticultural and Town Improve- ment Society by Mr. Knechtel of the Dominion Forestry Department (In- spector of Canada s Forest Preserv- es) on Forest Scenes in Canada. Mr. KnechteI-(ives Interest-F ing Lecture and Shows ne Views, iCON SERVE .19 History of ll"1:)l" -J01 191351;} `L-5.; A `_ M::> I pt-'/"F Lu , ..4,.:,;g" -.. A . ..,.~ `;"""'H W :"-". ~ `,1 5, \` _ - 2 I?31E".,3"7"f'g . |RAND ovum Housm: ' SATURDAY. FEB. 25 Tl-IE Famous -an -(`---- condiactnr ._`--g-n-c-g -q F ORESTS Ba rrle Branch- W. D. MORTON. Managr um, unupul` mu unu ulnenalmz Acts that all gersons and others having claims against the Estate of the said Andrew R. Standen who died on or about the 31st dsfv of January. A. D.. 1911. are re uired on or be are the 9th.da,v of March. A. '., 1911. to send by post prepaid. or to deliver to Messrs Stewart 85 Stewart` of the Town of Barrie in the County or bimcoe. Solicitors. for the Administratrix of the said Estate their christian and sur-names. addresses and descriptions. a statement or their claims pro erly verified and ofthe security (it enyl hel by them. A \Vru Invvvxrnrvru-. on . cu.` ..A_....._._ _. The Savings Department of thus Bank provides a safe place for your savings to accumulate, and grow with the Interest which is added half- yearly. ' V v....-,. 1 $1.00 or ppward is enough for the,` first deposxt. Money may be with-` drawn whenever you need it. T Wmm TRAVELLING Wmsr 3: Sun: AND STOP yr mu 0'64)-I:nll. Proprietor. A , ` . O ' : . _ E19.`.'.: c .`::` s'`.'.-. '. Win-Inez Fu-stpclnss Aocomm tlon. y-Ramodelled and Raturnlslg Thuughout; v_ '.s:'a::1::e*:..%:.2.'::} $6-60-00 Totaussets over 4-6,000,000` who saves every week," or month, or year, a certain amount, `n6 matter how small. Few ever get rich with out doing so. FY`! I` 'I'\ . . - - I' : O `O o~: 4! uooumouuou I nomnloononuo oo oInoo-IIIo-ouutIIIo \ No Man Remains Pool-I M A R K E"? i-i6_T EL 1 LI-.._.II __--L- A.- _Notice is hereby glvenpursuant to R.S0. 1594. Chapcer129u.nd amending Acts that all Dersnn and lhl-`DIR hnvinu nluinnn nan Inn! OR- 1O0KW{VAN'l`ED--At once. Apply td Mrs. Culham, OwenFt. 6. Trinity Church L. F. Aoolsou i 1 Teacher of; Violin} -MONEY _VN1*3W_ADVERTISEMIENTST. T VOL. Lx. No. 1 WH5LE THOMPJON ORIW. Punuoun. . _ ' 9 _ sunmw. ranaumv tom smxmmsxma J. Frank Jackson Maker of Portraits The undersigned have the South-h'alf or Lot e number Seventeen. in the Seventh Concession of lnni:s't1l. for sale. upon reasonable terms. P():~sseHs1on ean be gxven at any time and _the . Vcntlurdct-s11'e~1t0 complete sale before sprmaz. , V Further terms and pavticulars will be made ' known u{.v0n application to McCAR'l`HY. ` BOYS 3.: AURC HSON. Vendor's Solicit_os. 3 EVERYTHING IN PHOTOG R A P H Y Mom-:v TO LOAN` an `nun... -_._.-_L -1 ._.-... Rev: E. R. J nmes. vim.` VV|Il;U(';Hwl:a- _N_E-W-A on m"-.~sm A 3 L 2: I8 FOUND IN OUR STUDIO : : : at cA1iuu'1A. TO BE SOLD ron SAL`:-3. Clasca T2, Dill 7-7 NOTICE TO cm:nrroRsi The marriage -- of. Miss Mfgaretgg Julia Kelly, dau hter of _Mr.' and 3 39 Mrs. B. Kelly, 99 l Phelpston, to Fran- |.Lo'd` leis` P. Loftua, of Apto, was aolemniz-`I,-ne ed in the ` Church of the Holy Family, xlweel _Parkd'9.lo;, on ednesday,- ~- February! ' 8th, by, Rev. `-`Fath'ar~, CVo;yl`,` ,P.P.,1,,'1`lne: bride. was. attandgd ` -bv - ' her .sister,` Miss. Mur.v#Kel1.v, P Wm`? Joseph Loftun, , 391'` -815. i'GaIarinq;- taupprted . `V ,.th. ;. . . .. L u x After considerable discussion the name was nally settled as The Bar-` rie General Hospital, gand was de- lcided to start` in a small way and in- crease `the accommodation as the ne- cossity and funds warranted; ! Last ?Friday evening a meeting lwas held .in the Town Council cham- ber to consider thefquestion of es- tablishing a hospital in Barrie. On motion of "H. H. Strathy, Esq., Q.C., His Worship ~Mayorj Pepler was elected chairman and Mr. Thomas `Boys, of -the P. O. Inspector s Dept., lwas elected secretary. Among those present were the following: Lady Kortwright, Mrs. Dalkin, Mrs. 8., Dyment, Miss B. Mason, Miss E. Lee,` Miss Dyment, Miss Ross, Mrs. (Dr.)` Bosanko, Miss Richardson, Mrs. Ger-i mah, Mrs. H. H. Strathy, -Mrs. For- syth, Mrs. Pepler, Mrs. McLeod, Mrs. Ault, Mrs. Holmes, Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. and Miss Crawford, Mrs. Morris, Mrs. '(Judge) Ardagh,. Mrs. (Dr.`) `Ardagh, Miss Ardagh, Mrs. Cliordl ` 'I`I1nrmv\ann "-a . ....J \l'-_ 'lI'-'l 7_- --I--V, -I-blue J.LvJIlA\JIU, -Lllvls Ill-ll-LUIBW-Ill, Mrs. Ardagh,. (Dr.) Cliord Thompson, Mrs." and Miss McKee, Mrs. L. Keating, Rev. -Dr. Fraser? Rev. D. D. McLeod, Rev. J.'F. Ger-i man, Rev. W. Walker, - His .Honor! Judge Boys, Mr. H. H. Strathy, Q.C.,` Mr. Esten, Drs. W.. A. Ross, Morton and Pulling, Col. O'Brien, M. Pg?` Messrs. Henry. Bird,-_ J. J. Brown Thos. Boys, H. N. Courtlandt. Smith, John Forsyth, `Louis -Keating, IE. J. Dalkin, Geo. Reedy, J. Fyfe, H. ;. D. Stewart, Morris,` and a number. of_ others. ` A .. 'Comlm1sed Advertisements under this head 250.; 3 times, 500.: payable strictly in advance ...uuu_7 .a.u: n. uuoyxoax J.U1 ua1'1`1t:. Going back over the fyles of The Advance, we nd a, letter from Mrs.; (Caj)t.) Andros drawing attention to` a public meeting called by Mayor- Pepler, to discuss the question of a cottage a Hospital. Apparently little interest was aroused at` this time, but on the 8th of November the rst real move was made and the move- ment set on foot, which culminated in the tting up in 1891 of the build- ing afterwardsiused `as an Isolation Hospital. `The account of the meet- ing as given "in The, Advance of March 14th,` 1889, is most interesting and is-herereproduced in part: ll1'_..L II'_SJ_,,_ A L It is mosthtnteresting to recall the rst meeting held to endeavor tol raise the necessary interest and `money for a hospital for Barrie. I nn:nn Rain`; Aurnun 4.1.- 0.3:... ..n mu.-- ` The Royal Victoria" has e.'lwaysq` been conducted on a par with. the; best in the Province and the many` improvements just installed and the added accommodation will place Bar-I rie in the front rank as regards hos-' Jpital facilities. V I I ..u..u.;u.\:.;v.s;x.u vv J..LV u, will UKDULIU. B118 `usefulness of the Hospital and facili- tate" the carrying on of the good Work `done by the institution, ' while the` improvements to the older portion of T the building will add materially to the comforts" of both patients and nurses. The accommodation hasbeen increased from 32 to 55 beds, and the nurses and servants sleeping apartments have been greatly improv- ed and enlarged. If occasion re- quired, the accommodation could be` I increased to" 60 with slight incon- venience. . '. j - The new Win\g, which wi11'be known! as the HENRY HATTON STRATHYI MEMORIAL WING, will extend the [ nI1uo{ n1nnun n-9 `Inn TJU-e.-.-.!L..`I .....1 .l!__!1! About `$17,000 Shes been expended,- $12,500 of this amount. being donated by Mrs. Strathy and M17. Gerard Strathy. While the Town gave $1,000, the County $1,000, and anam- ber `of other subs`criptions'have been received, `there still remains a con- siderable amount to be made up, which will no doubt be subscribed soon, leaving the hospital free of debt. ` \ Of the many ' public institutions in. Barrie certainly not one is more de-` _serving of the praise bestowed !'upon it than the Royal Victoria Hospital, and it is with considerable pleasure and pride `that ' the Board a announce lthe opening` of the new memorial wing erected as a monument to the memory of the late Henry Strathy, Esq. It has been arranged to have the dedication ceremonies on Friday, March 3rd-the 8th anniversary (al-` most to a day)` of the opening of the presentrospital, on Maroh 5th, 1903. A'L-_,A_ Auiuvnnn I I `Dedication Ceremonies of New] H.H. Strathy Wing on 1 A % % Fday, March 3rd. f I Inospmu. . I OPENING (-Contitiued o__n ` pag _ three)._ Ivuirlvi-I l\I I-CHI` I We have 9. large amount of money toloan I t lowest current ratemeither in small or in large mounts. on the security of cod fermVmort- ages. MGCARTHY. BOYS MURCHISON. unlon Street Barrie. " Tl-ll. INTERESTS OF BARBIE. THE COUNTY OF IIMCOE AND.'I'l-IE O`.|NlON OF CANADA OUR CRITERION. BARRIE. (VZOUNTYOF ISIMJCWOE. ONTARI(L),%FEB. 16,-"I911. Iamilton this week stirring them up, pad in Brantford; Simcoe, etc. . To-` jfonto will come up letrog t6 the Black [and Orange, probably 100 - `in' 1311. `suppose you` will I hardly remember. ' t_ha`t`.Il was" in Barrie in 414868 at your bin e .10 ml, ii-3'11}!/'.'? den;onstration.l 9:1, ~;.'l_: zjthe a__op_eniu_' V.-of `-:y;ogr-. -l Wee` ` 1'01-onto, January 31, 1911 _ Dear Mr. Grose.-V-I was delighted to! notice in the Sentinel that you had -`been elected District Master of the !Barrie_.-District, and at the `head of the 5Reception Committee. for the `Graiid [Lod`ge `meeting. I think it win he -a, mine meeting. `I was up in London laat {week and. they are `sending ~abput',20 gdelegates A;:fr`om there. . Will be `in ;_Hemilton_ this ;.w'eek' stirring them t'I'1,"i mud in 'Bm'ntrmea_' ~na. ...... .. M. _ I The Provincial Grand Black Chap-` ter, with Lt.-Col. Belcher of South- fampton, Grand -Master, in the chair, ywill meet on Tuesday, `the 7th, this, `being the first of a- four or ve-day session. of the two branches of the Or- i ange Order of_ Ontario. West.` The committee of L. O. L., No. 452,! [appointed to make arrangements for` {the entertainment of the 500 delegat- es to the Grand Lodge meeting to be` held` on Wednesday, March 8th, are; getting` their program arranged. One feature will be a complimentary con- lcert in the Opera House, arranged for, Wednesday, March '8th, at which a} gnumber of the best speakers of the! `f Order will be present, and it is hoped; {that the Committee will be able tol `arrange for the services of the Citi-I `zens Band, whomade such a decided .hit at their concert on `Monday night. An attractive program ' is being ar- : ranged.- The 4 following letter, from Grand Organizerv Birmingham gxplains it- Ise1f. -V Grand Lodge Program Being ranged-;-`-Prov. Black Chap- ` ter {Coming Too. At auction. Saturday, Feb`y 12th. at Barrie` Hotel. Lot. 5, Concession 13, Innisl. known as the Hoskinson farm. For particulars apply to 's1)oI\ALI) R055, Vendor's Solicitor. 55:11-I rip. IORANGEMENS ----- ..-c 1401.: vL:\/\c1vu though not mentioned on the program, |was_ introduced by Mayor Bee.croft,_ (f`_..A._'... ~ T I Lillle Miss Bailey from Orillia, al- , ~ ---~ v~~---5 -r. y-V51-H-` Mr. J-. H. Addison, euphonium soloist! inf the XIII Regt. Band, Hamilton, delighted the audience with one of Liberati s polkas. - His teclmicque,` tone and phrasing were alike praised! `by all musicians present, the different] cedenzas being performed with the; greatest ease by this accomplished` performer. - I ~ ~ ` I Mrs. Laidman and Mr. J. H. Mor- gan, with Mrs. M. P. Duff a accom- panist, `added new laurels to their: already enviable reputatiqn, nearly every `number eliciting an encore. D T2111- 'If',, ' 'I'\ " E From the opening strains of-'_ Carl tLavelle s grand patriotic. march till` the last notes of the `National An- e'Monday evening was most thoroughly enjoyed by the audience present. Bandmaster Addison. arranged his program` along popular lines. select- ing? rnusic for his band which they! `could well handle, -thus evidencingl more thorough `musicianship than; many of our-leaders, who force their bands to attempt music away above their ability, often resulting in little [less than . a burlesque performance! The assisting artists can not be prais- eil too highly "for their artistic con-J `tributions to the -evening s_ program.` I 1\,r.. T. 1'_'r A.:.1:_-.. _,,,1 - * - - them, the Citizens Band Concert on I o vusuv lronto. ClTlZEN S BAND DELIGHT HEARERS Z vvuuvuuvu JJGVVDULI. .u.| vvuuac .u1uu.I Mr. Sherwood Elmslpy, of Toron-1 to, assisted his brother `as groomsman- AN-or . i-Mn no-parnn-nw u u4\n4\v-.51 A-n uAv1`1`1`on;f?lJ1.e'large potty of guests who came up from Toronto to attend the wedding, -was Mrs. Elmsley, mother of the `groom. . . . `M :-. mm] Mun 1:V1.......1..-- 1.2:. ._ u.~.. AIIVUJIUI VI. IILIU 5IUUlllu ` Mr.- and. Mrs._,,Elmsley left` on the 12.45 train on a short visit to New York, and on their return they will ' reside in Maitland apartments, To- I rnnfn ---- 1 In the Matter of the Estate of Andrew ` R. Standen, late of the Township of Vespra, in the County of Sim- coe, Farmer, Deceased. Musicians and Asisting Artists 1 Give Fine Concert in Opera House Monday. . The bride was given away by Cap- tain Lawson, and wore a handsome gown of white broadcloth,` with merabout furs. - She was attended by Miss Myriam Elmsley, of Toronto, wearing white lavenderv cloth, and Miss Constance Lawson in white mull._! 11`. G1. __.__- - :1 1:1. ,1, vv, u-_av-uvuu. ucw usvvucx an SLUVIIIDLLIGI-la. After the ceremony- a reception was held at Inchiquim, the home of the bride. . ' V ' A marriage of considerable interest took `place, in St. Mary s Church, Tuesday .`mornin'g, the contracting parties being Miss Rosalie Fullerton, daughter of Mrs. (Captain) Lawson, and grand-daughter of the late Ar- thurj Garph Fullerton, of Thryberg Hall,` Rotherham, "Yorkshire, Eng- land, and. Gabriel Joseph Elmsley, son of the late R. Elmsley, of To- ronto. ` _ _ V ~ I 0-: - ._...`I ._ jvvy (Continued on page eight.) Tordnto, annarj 31, 1911 15--- . `r > H common; L`,- rip`