r -vv_ -- ----.. --'-. i7o.u(r rinks contested, and the "re- sults virere as follows:-- _ Angus Warnica .J. Robertson Dr. Simpson A. Ness , Chas. McConkey` S. Meredith W. Patterson, D. Lennox, aln `T chi- an mus. .L\uuc1Lauu, LVL. LVICLIICTS, sk:ip..;.4I skip, .. .. .26 The -two rinks gaining the highest number of poa'nts'were the winners, resulting in Patterson's 1-ink get-| Manager $1-tie Branch I-\uI DUI! skip.. 61 Horse Comforts For..the balance of the Winter season we will give 10% diseount on Horse Blankets, Babes anci Bells. This is the season of the `year when your horses and cattle `neqnirei a tonic to tone up the system. Nothing will- do this quite as well `as Dr. Hess ;Stoek'Food.t i ~ ` a VA .VfAre you I-i-lens 'Layifn`g? * If `not, there > .a .reason. 1 The i giieatestii egg -pfodue on*the%%mati`ets`i s t_P.i;.g.n.a. Ala JJLIIIXUA, . skip . . . Peacok U F `D. Boyce 1( McConkey. . Mathcrs, Q`P:a-A L T$l(T), -$20, $50, $100 and $200.` lad may be obtained on application at the Bank. ' ' I- .........a.:.... salad. :4... 'I`........Il....'.J' (`L .... A- TL- I"... ; ;.1:i~i=IV{UPcRY 9, ting the first and D. Lennox s the; secopd pr-izes. Curling is arousing. consxderable interest here this win-; ter; ' Mrs. Dunsmore and Mrs. Hill of Crown ~`Hill attended the public 2` meeting of the Women s Institute on` Tuesday. ` Q ; -.. _.- _. .. .!.. Mr. and Mrs. E1rner Robin left; for Wey-burn. on Tuesday c\'ening.`g Miss Edna. `Hughes, sister of .\'Irs.i= Robins, accompanied them for 83% extended visit in: the West. ` j &J\UII\L&u V IQIU II. Ell`! ' V `$93! Miss Margaret Warnica is spend". [ing the week-end at the -home of Ding. Auuulsn Aqua-Inc-an Ipllc VVUI.-l\-'CIlLl an. `Raw. Mr. Amos, Aurora. Barrie, Ont. , ' i}"oSSeE:3$'{'$Rh's?FalU&i2?"Eh2{5e"}Z Canadian Bank of Commerce has issued a booklet entitled ` `Information _of.lnterest to those about to travel", which "will be sent free toanyon applying` for Ottawa 9, "If happi L "Kno you < my r make T1 stoop the ( how and kw fav. THE %B13gT REMEDY J ark CT(`Z ,D_D0: \I},l1I\.\ alvmc -0u_s;h Spca ed J_ to SL1 /.x' thczlt V.'C(`1< M; HQ} *1 Th t h ( SUHF the ed C ForWomen-L-Lydia E. Pink- ham s Vegetable Compound "but for DH: :\Tt Belleville, Ont.-I was so weak? and worn out from a female weakness that I concluded to try Lydia. E. Pink- V ham s Vegetable Compound. I took . several bottles of it, and I gained stren h so rapidly - that t seemed to ` make anew woman ' of me. Icon do as 5 4. good a day's work ` as I; ever did.__ I = _ sincere]: blesetheo ' r_l1ey,thg Imade up my mind -to take nnnr !nnlI`n{!'In n` ` my mum jw uuw your medicine for V - . emale weakness, and I am exceedingly grateful to you for our kind letters, as I oertalnlysproted, ` y them. I give you perm sien:;.tof'. xbllah this an ~tir_ne y_,_0\1~.W1h."`-.'7 re. Annnm . xoxmw. .Belle_vllle,e_ Ontario, Canada. Il!'_._. ._ -____._~.__|...~..- ...I. --.I_1 _.-...-...!__.. \'ooUIUn-V Vvuoouvwuvvu Womeneverywhere shouldremember that there is no other remedy known to medicine that will cure female weak- * neeu.nd- so) Ilcceesfully carry women ;Pinmem'sVege`table Congo `*dh9*.* `. through the no or Lites: I 9 . \ ```'`d2 1.; . ' 1'. L"- ` Af':i:ra3"e;;; 1;:';.;"b...:"" ..4 my = .-.w9mon the worst gamma! toexnale L{ il}.8ll)ltI1IBt1%I1l.t-_u10r_8-$103. A;-anaa `gnu. -ng naeemonu, nprom tumors 1rregul'ar1- ` .'Q`.`!:; 99, odic Mus. who *'!9??9?`'.A.ffP`?993?"393f -~ ' sun EDMUND WALKER. c.v.o,. L|_.j..D...-.D.C.I.., Pnwoeur ALEXANDER 'LA|RD.i GEQQRAL Mamgqsg BARRIE 3%n*ANcH.. H. J. Gl%lASE'l`T_. Manager. Honor Roll for January. Sr. IV.-Lydia Dobson, Hazel Dobson, Lizzie `Cameron, Hbward Carson,` Jean Hickling, Leola Mac- donald, - Cassie -Cameron, ' Victor il)3rlett, George Munro, (Dora. Cha_p- - `E . - -no on. in. an ' -up Fir. VIV.--Fanny, Stone, Geo. `Mac- donald,` Jessie Kirkup. = --- '\'-.. . 0. A. C. Renews Its Offer Of As"? sistancc in Drainage~-$2,250 _`Fro'in 52 Acres. donald,` Jessie Kiirkup. `Sr. .III.--~ rl` Cagso, '\"Mabe1 Ston.e,`,May i`ch_olson'. . " '1'?! `II in 1 I Jr. 'III.--Ma'ry Bowman, .Eve1y.n `B1-ett,' MaggieBrett, Wgmlter Wall- win, Andrew Wallwin, Frankie Chappel, Agnes Munro, Charlie; Degear. T L f ` Sr. II.--Alice Bowman. T Sr. I.--Redvers Dobson, Harold Macdonald, Weie Dobson. 1-`Au-no-`As-up-u ll Sr.` IV.-Lena Moffat, Grieta. Daly, cuu`nLEIs;` * School Report for January. Della Ferris, Willie 'Sprott. -vi! - _. '1 .l JVr. Ernie Wright,` .E Rita Mc- Keyer; _ _Sr.; -II.-I.-Willie Donald. Jr. `III.'--Jean McKever, Leonard Horton. ` * % `T IV'I.-.-George * McInd1ess,T Freida I `Ferris , Gordon- Atkinson, ' Mabeli > .' '3 . ' | Brown. `- ` Jr. II.;-Gladvs `Armstrong, _ L-aura % Forbes, Christine` Horton, Norman ` Wright, Lizzie Tuck,' Charlie McInd- less`, .Richat'.d Afmstr-ong, Gordon Brown. ' V i,Pt. iI.-Harry Wright. 1 _ Sr. I.-Kenneth Cameron, Clarice ?Ferr.is, Theo. Brown, Norman. At- `kinson, Alice Atkinson. 1'4.-v In v-- W1}? Ti.-:c'6}a"is3}_Jv}{," Willie. Mc- Kever, Clara McKeown. . I T Honor `Conduct Roll---Greta Daly, Lina Moat, Laura: Forbes, Gladys }Armstrong, iClara. McKIeown-. Rob- *bie Cameron, Della "Ferris. Richard. Armstrong, .Wi-1-lie-Sprott, Theo. Brown. V ' ' Vsbilqfpzsmv *lokly atop: coughs. cures colds, heels. 9 throat an nun - -D - 25 cents BOGGY LANDS MADE TO PAY. E MR. JUSTICE T-EVETZEL ` W \7l1_O will preside at the Spring Ass ] s1zesV(Jury) to open on April 10th. l ' p I .A O Tgy doublmg your own Joy by h-alvmg anothgr -s sorrow, -: s. S. No. 5., VESPRA. :3; g;s1;;Em. E. A. HENRY, Teacher. 235 "An 0 iver Typewritr-the stand- ard visible writer-the most highly perfected typewriter on the market -.--yours.-for 17 cents a day! - ` f _ `In July 1909, `the Department of] Physics at the O. A. `C. prepared a.` plan of drain-s for` a 52 acre block ofland that had never grown -a crop-i-t"wastoo wet. The drains. `were laid that autumn. In Igio that 52 acres yielded Vp-otatoes_ and corn: to the value of $2,250. The farm lies within five gniles of thecity of London Why had thi-s land lain useless for generations. Perhaps the `previous ow-ners thought it could. not be {drain-ed---as a matter of fact it was a` diicult pro-blern, for this land was very at and the out- let; poor. Perhaps they did not be- lieve drainage: would pay-this one cron should convince them. -Or perhaos they believed. in drainage but did no-t know just how to" un- dertake such extensive drainage operat1on.s. ' ` run. A . 0 A I 1. ,1 rs |<|_ ~PlLa`s1`.-. ` rgd the "h e`aLd"1in .6ve'ri. `again. Then its tremendous sxgxu- lcanqe will dawn upon you; ` ' The typewriter whose `conquest of the commercial world is a matter of business history.--_.y'ours for .17 cent: In day! ` .I_. 0'- -_,,!4-_.I It v-v-.1 The` tyoewriter that is ..equipped `with scores of such convemences as The Balance Shift--The Ruling Device-T--The= Double Release -'- The Locomotive Base--The Auto- matic 'Spacer-The Automatic Tab- ulator _'-Thc Disappearing Indica- tor-'I-`he Adjustable" Paper Fin- ` V ' ers" - 'I-`he _cien'tic- Con- ` densed Key- board--a1l [ .W'e ann_ouncd this new` sales p1an% recently, Just to feel the pulse of the people. Simply a small cash pay- `ment-then 17 cents a'day. That is -.th_e plan in a nutshell. `.---- can on ----------. W:1`he `result has been such a deluge -of-applicatidns for machines that we are simply asto.un`ded_. ` J nu, 1 GIG l1.l.lplx BBLUUIIUCU. . The dernand comes from people; of all classes, all ages, all occupations. FBI- _ ___ A A Quarter of a Million People% T are Making Money With l --v -----v-, .w__. v-av... - - - v v wu-pr ------ up The majority of inquiries has come from people of known nancial standingfwho were attracted by the novelty of the proposition. An im- pressive demonstration of the im- |mense popularity of the Oliver Type lwriter. - uwrnting is at hand. A [stfartling conrmation of our be-! I 1 . 1 pier that the Era of Universal Type` The Oliver Typewriter is a_money- jmaker, right from the word go !" ;So easy to run. that beginners soon `get in the expert class. Earn` as Iyou learn. Let. the machme pay the` I7 cents a day--and all above that is yours. I-I1: A 4 v.r'lh"'em(3h'tario Agricultural `College is endeavoring to .help` those 111 doubt about drainage. Any. farmer in Ontario wis-hing assista'.n:ce-- in h.is drainage problems - may have the sameeby making application to the Department of Physics. O.A.C.. Guelph. As soon as possible at er receipt of the app`licatio'n.a d`r in- age adviser is sent to make a sur- vepv of the land, after which he makes a complete map showing the lh(`.Zltl"'1 of the drains, the grade. size of tile,` etc. When. completed the wan is sent to the-owner, so that he has an accurate guide, to follow in putting in his dra.in.s.- As in previous years, the only outlay to the farmer is the necessary t_ravel-- ling expenses of one man. in con- nection with the survey. The rail- ways give a rate of` a. cent a mile for thi-s work. so that the travelling expenses are light. AP. 9 I 1 1'. T/ze Standard I/zsz/e `Wfzter L. Inlilll LIIU KJLIVKQI: -LAID lJl.alDlIl\3 VVUIIU `is calling for Olive: operators. There are not enough to supply the demand. Their salaries are considerably above those of many classes of workers. ` Wherevef you are, there's work to be done and money to be made by ;. using` the Oliver. The business world `-1- nail}-.. I-.. {WI} . . A _ A _ . ....L.-....-. TL--- ` " AN E oLIvER TYPEWRITER IN EVERY H.OME 1" That is our battle cry to-day. We have made the Oliver supreme in usefulness and absolutely. indispens- able in_business. Now comes the conquest of -the home." V--- '-v w .._v -._.._v. `Tia; sini;;'lieity'and strength of the ,01iver fit it for family use. It is be- coming a_n_important factor in the home training of young people. An educator as well as a money maker. ` Ourlnew "selling plan puts the Oli- ver on the threshold of every home I in America. Will you close the door {of your home or oiee on this re- markable Oliver opportunity? I 9, p .u n . -. II ,!._ D The Ollver Typewriter %empany. A `u: ouivan 1~vra:wnrrsnA nunc. CHICAGO. n._.uNoIsV an L. Ir; o (Too late for `last week.) Miss Helen `Forest of Toronto lpent the -week-end with friends ere. T _-_ _-_..-_v 7----. vrrvu vwunnnva - Write for further details of our easy offer and a free copy. of the new Oliver catalog. Address ` After one `survey in each localitv a drainage dem.onst'r'ation- is held right in. the eld surveyed, to which all the neighbors are invited. At th-is meeting simple methods are demonstrated of making a drain- age survey, nding the "fall of a ditch, determining the grade, dig- ging to grade, etc. - ' Those wishing ~ to ' make applica-% , tion for a survey should write the Department of Physics, ~O.'.A.C., Guelph, whereupon regular applica- tion forms will be sen . V Mss Louise _De'sj:u-dine of Jersey City, was_ vxsxtmg her father s [home last week. ' T O Mr. "TI"-I'enr7y 'Desourd.ie `is home from A1_-l_%and:_=t1.__ _ vouu --onu--uncut-av `Mr. Frank 'Desourdi .had- the mishap to fall on: his barn bridge last week and had two ribs_ brqken. -___ ---.. -.---so vIv\l lawn? l:I|\ll\\tIIO a number of ladies from 2Bret'It.Wood a.ttend:ed* the annual Eon 17 CENTS A DAY OLIVER BRENTWOOD. Typewfiir I NGRTHERN Amman ;;Y6urs for I Cant: Aa Day! cAI>I'rAL.-$1o.ooo.oo"i'>"`%`" & % A TRAVELLERS I-IEQUES j I 30 to 14 meeting of the Women's Institute at New Lowell. Town Hall, Friday afternoon. ` Miss Powell was in at- tendance and gave a very interest- ing lecture both ,.afternoon and evening. ' `II A 1 1-q_'-_o Mr. Andrew Foisie retu_rne`d home last week from Nestervxlle, where he spent a. part of the winter. 1 , P A71;-Egia. r.11_1irr1 l;e1V-of fa-iei{ds of '"'i<'i{>'.'3t Mr. and Mrs. D Arcy. Gauley W-- Black (formerly of Brentwood) gathered 1 33" -Webb at the home of the groom . parents I`- Mathefs last Tuesday. to ex-tendvthelr good eM- Rb1'tS0n. wishes -to the happy couplethroug-h 5159--4- their_ married life, A very pleasant rinl evemng was spent. . poi: ......--1a.:.... 1.. `III MRS. JEAN JOY ADDRESSES WOMEN |Strutl `Branch. of Women : Institute Have Successful Meeting- Other " News `From-Stro ud. The public meeting. of the lstro-Ind branch of `the Women s Institute` was held at.Mrs. Angus, Wan-nica s on Tuesday,*Jm. 31st, and although the'day was cold and stormy-, fty` ladies, came out -to hear the address of Mrs. Jean-Joy` of Toronto.` Mrs. `Joy comp-limented` the Institute on the eAn1:huseiam" and`. interest dis- played ~a evidenced -by,-50 many ladxes be;:`g;;:)g:e%ex.:_t. ' " e.-T -. e If,;_ `Q. .4143? ;vation of vOur-/Natural _Re`s_qu'rces-.J """"' -'T'"7-".'.'"`T'-" ' ` . Mrs. Joy -s" subject was Conser- In her `address s1iev.gave__/rnan prac- j tical. hints *-and isugg`es1:-tons 1- or the betterment of}th,,e' .hom_,e. ' ` ~ ' ` in ; '3;;;:",2;:`c;.'e;;`f3332;`? 'g,ewy to `the enjqyment; `of _ the me:-t1ng` -giving % *a` sqlo m her: usgal p_le\asing st-yle; 1 - 1.. LL` 4."_-._4-'.--. ` -- ; 2" ` " ':': v..`,;,':_i`..':_.t_` 7 1 * - _ ,'.~ `p: ` '. .\ ' . -I `- - 2 .\ ' . \ . ` ` ' - V ,\ r. ` > H, K I ` _, ` ,` _' - _` ' ` we (3.-. ' V 3 - ' . OF COMERCE l -- -ur-V --- IOWA Q31`?! `IIVFVCIUB "5 `Vi In the evening 3- joint meeting ,of the Farn"Lers - Institute was held in. the .Ota.nge Hal-1, where a large audience assembled to hear the addresses of Messrs. Lachlan-, of Collingwood, and `Mr. 'Si~leox, of E_}_- g'_n, a'l-soxM1'-s. 'J'5y".'. -Mum: wasefur-. nished -15!`M!.".3d.Q .Mf5r-L Jacks duzhF?.=;wh" tr d?1Pd"; 4t1y;t` iii . .5 The Na i91_3a_L_l__1y\fg. Co. Mulcaster Street Theewlimmess Range iLWAYS realizing the ever increasing demand fora per- ` feet Kitchen Range, and in order to maintain our record for producing thebest in Canada, we have installed the most up-to-edate machinery ingour factory at Ottawa that money can buy. We have been fortunate in procuring the most ex- pert judges of range material on the Continent. -and every piece is closely inspected by them before it is made 013.. This is a great safeguard to our_ customers. as well as to the repu- tation of The b New Empress. We have 30 second-hand Stoveswe will sell at your own price to clear. Your credit is ` good onanything we sell. Is Again on the Top J. A. MARKS. Managr.` Trophy. Two prizes were contest-1 ed for:_ 1st prize, 4 sets of cuff links; 2nd pnze, sets of gems ties. T`- ' by The Canadian Bank of Commerce are thedmostil eonvenient* form in which to carry money when travelling; They` are negotiable! everywhere, self-identifying, and the exact amount payablein the prin- cipal foreign countries is printed on. the `face of every cheque". The. cheques are issued in denominations of ' - ` n:aA no-an mica QAAA n air`;-in '