Th e B ank of Toronto |m`a:nss'r is run on ALL _8AVllI08. ACCOUNTS INCORPORATED ms ASSETS. $50.000.000 will settle the question- What shall Igive P ` A Visit to - --u--- u-.._--u . ( 3oing Nord1.' % Going `South. m....|.. mu-nin ll \ \ `tin V,risj`Ats,` '\_Sg)lre1_t.or,9, - Notaries Public, `and.:_Con_'(Y3Y5- -~M0ney to loan in"_an'Y -`31.m at 5 per cent. Ojice, -..I3, Owen ._St., Barrie. H. D. Stew- art, _L:L.D., D. M. Stewart. " `and p":-obating wills, obtaining `let- W, AULT, ABARRISTER, `SOLICI- tor, :.PrVo<;Vto; ..Nc-tary, Conveyance:-, ~-etc. ~S eciai oat-tention in `drawing -ters of administration and guard- ianship, collecting accounts, etc. Oices; Ross block, Bafrie. Money to loan. - . n t VLENNOX, COWAN" & BROWN, ` -Barristers, Solicitors for obtaining probate of . wills, guardianship and administration, and general Solici- `-tors, Notaries; Conveyancers, etc. Oices, Hinds block, No. 6 Dun- lop`s'treet, Barrie. Money to loan at 4% and 5 per cent. Branch of- zces, at Creemore and Alliston. Haughton Lennox, K.C., Alex. Cowan, G..E.` J. B'rown,_LL.B. CjRE'SW5ICKE' & . ALEXANDER, ` "Barristers, So1icitors of the Sn- preme Court of Judicature of On- tario, Proctors, Notaries, Convey- ancers, etc. Money to loan. `Of- ce, Ross block, Barrie. A. E. H. Creswicke, K.C., Arthur Alexander. ' .__.___ .__.- . __.- ,TRATHY & ES -EN, BARRIS- `Ana c4\`:n:L4-nan :-u (`tuna-L l\` H. T. ARNALL, '_M.D., c':.M. 6;`- G... :. D.-.a.I.......n!.. I.I....1. An.....:..u.. DR. A. T. LITTLE, LATE O.F Churchill, Ont. Ofce and resi- dence, John St., near corner Eliza- beth. Phone 213. ` iL;'1~r.%:.;` mod. and ...,.., = ' w from Barrie` are as follows: ' % _Main L'i:ie._; nu ,_. .DONALD ROSS, LL.B., BARRIS- `Act Abn D.._l- A` 'I`a_A_ Havingpentt years Post Graduate work in British tel and having serv d Clini el Aseista.nt?1mGol81en Square Bar, Ttlgnrggt ac Ngse Hospital, London Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital moon-neids) ; for a term as Resident Surgeon in Royal London hthelmic;' Bristol Eye Hosfrital, Bristo ;and Birmingham E H ital.B h ;trm M be t n { ua:?3 pn:uu..`3`n".c21'le,oc?ety?3% "` . `f\`ll`I`I lV,I! -m nu... .. u_...__._ n . -s-vn __ . Mnuucrvnmn or Buggne, % Carriages, % Wagons % 5 ;leighs and Cutters. Slrmcr Pnnsozun. AI'I'lN'l\!t'\'u' D A II'\ :- !W- A:_!__E_WlS-I Ill. 0.. c. M. ('ror.) Late of `To:-ont6 General Hospital. Olllce (of the late Dr. smith. comer st, ` Phone II. 32-Iy L.R_.C.P. 8; S. Eilinburgh; M.F.P. & S. Glasgow --SURGEON-- S!` `P3330? o Alfggwxox Pfxtxhro ` 11073331303138 Q. am: DR. ROBERT S. BROAD, PHYSI- n:nn Q uuuuu an A6- C......:..1;.- E`-.- DR. 1. A. C. EVANS, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, etc., Coroner for Simcoe County. Oice and residence: William street, Allandale, Tele- phone 30 a. At Stroud Oice: 2 to 4 p.m. Monday to Friday. It has also pleased 'Liberalispeal<- hers and the Liberal presstof this country to declare that the `Conser- vative party is in alliance with the Nationalists, and if you work that out to its logical conclusion then there canot be any difference of opinion whatever on this naval ques- tion of Canada, because we are in alliance with the government party. on it, and we are also.__`in alliance with the Nationalist party, and there, is absolutely no. dierence of opin- DR. V. A. HART, `G-.'RADUAT'E O.F L 'l` .... 5- . : 'l`.-n:+-. `l T...: .... .: .. 1-`.1 .. t ne-n-:.. `r......t c.____-___.,_- anvnun sf |DR. M-ORTIMIER LYON 31 CARL- , `An Co. Tnrnabn `ad-n A: 'D..A4.I-I--... G. G. `SMITH & co., PHONE 82. Established 1869. ` Undertakers. V Open dayvand night. Morgue and chapel in[ connection. Barrie, On- tano. E. A,. RADENHURST, BARRIS- .ter, Solicitor, Notary- Public, &c. Ofce, `Ist oor Bank of Toronto Building; .. Money to loan at low- 'est rates. . F.%A:A_ MALCOMSON HAS M0VVE-D To Arum` ..- 1"` L, We are not in alliance with the Nati-onalists and we have been de- nounced by them even more.-strong-. 1y than we have been denouncedfby the Hon. gentlemen on-the other side of the House. ` Jpl.\LJ.LL L \K I-Vhib 113, LIlL\L\LLJ- iters, Solicitors in High Court of Justice , Notaries Public, Convey- ance:-_s. Oices over the Bank of Toronto, Barrie. Monc tovloan at lowest current rates. . H. Esten. I\JLVJ LJJLJ 1\\Jh)hJ JJ.I..loIJn, L flL\L\LhJ_ ter, Solicitor, ct c. Bank of Toron- to Buildin`g,5Barrie. Money to loan. nv\aInu\.rA1 -j Eye. Eanulvose 8 Throat. . sL.|.\LVrL.I.4A4, . K11." "c;,' in Bothwfell ;`l;>i3::k: iandale. On the premises at night. >12`; W. A. ROSS, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, etc., L.R.C.S., Edin., L. R.C.P., London. Office and resi- dence, Dunlop street, Barrie. Tele- phone 77. ' In. V. :1. nn.1\,L, pvnnuunxn ur Trinity University, Toronto, Edin- borough and Glasgow and Post -Graduate of University College, London. Oice and residence: Cor. Dunlop and Mulcaster Sts. Ofce open each day until 8 pm; ,mlt\9'IQ `IIIA rJ\o .I.\\J4lJIJL\J- `J. JJl\\Il_lJ.l, Ll..I.z4lsJ.l` cian, Surgeon, etc. Specialty-Eye, Ear, Nos_e and Throat. Office and residence, cor. Elizabeth and Brad- ford Sts. (Dyment Gore). Phone 105. Box'456. nu. uycu \I3hone 124. in win, Avtunrnx 6; l`.b".l'hlN, Ontario Land Surveyor-_s, Engine- ers, etc.` Established 1852. Office, Medical Buildin , S. V E. corner Richmond and %ay streets, To- ronto. Telephone, Main, 1336. Instructions `left with Strathy & Esten, Solicitors, Bank of To- ronto Building Barrie, will be prorqptly attended to. . r;,\. u;\/J.\.L:.uL1.2.I.\ 1.41. \JL1, J1. \al'll.\L4` ton St., Toronto, late of Brooklyn (N. Y.) Eye and Ear Hospital, will be at 67 Owen St., Barrie, every Saturday. D`iseases-Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Consultation ho_urs, II a.m. to 5 p.m., and by ap- pomtment. . The impression is evidently. gain- ing ground amongst the Lbreefders of "pure bred- sheep in `Canada that the only prospect ofsecu: -ingH for them-_ ffselves .3, .-steady` annual market -' __or" "t"-heir surplng-`stock lies in tlge-.dii'-eci. ` T.-.o;i:he;?enoui'ggeh1ent.` '_-w aseae:rus, on _-_._ up-up-nu--nvavanuud IJUUIUIIJ o " `OFFICE-78 Dunno? s-mm-, BARRIE. `Phone 5;. P; 0. Box, 96.. Dr; J. ARTHUR ROSS opposmp ROSS %s1'. JQHN lfmunfs om) STAND UNDERTAKERS. PHYSICIAN S'.: s,_URvEYoRs. ext Szitutday. i"li4+"?.*3`. . t`-A` We are not in alliance with the government in this question. Our policy differs from theirs, but if any proposals which the` government bring down to Parliament are in ac- cordance with the policy which we have ainnounced and for which {we stand this year as last, then we will support those proposals. recei ts. V Th tter fact d .3 `[4 its nntm ---- ' recei ts. - ~ -u mug: \_'our`y Tgest subscription ; latte f t ital-`patrons. rIf %u h:.'3<(a)!z]a.?1t;az:es~th`% quahty 0` i';"aa also by far the`1a . _ _ dw cmsm it ith th h 3 `O do }'ttruv3 tb pa?- ?13e1rct ````` ` "19 P90Ile Advertisements are chinr 8 d - sp_noe-12 lines nonpax-eil mesu accordmg t inch. ' -su uentinsertlon 5 con R ~ UIU TRANSIENT ADVERTISING. Legal Notices. Auction Sales, Amuse etc.-E`lrst insertion 10 cents per t-s per line. ing notices. 10 `cents per line for first insertion ; 5 cents per hne for each ' subsenuent insertion of the same matter. Obltuarv Poetrw be per line. uI.uc1'l.r1U_Il OI per jmust be handed into the ofhce hat rtisementa Saturday at 10 o cl k change must be in 9PcH IEaI4e])b;?. \9? ~11? for such later than 12 o'clock noon on 3,} (f m.e not Wkp otherwise the n.vm-t.';.....v- -9 ay 111 am A _, .;uI'UU not ,1 Monday an! .....n 1` "?a33g?tigcr'5 3 nun: a therwie wakp 0 ulI{l(`6I1Ill8I1t . til the wee 0 OW- ade publlc un may 3` be m 1118- will A wuuuuauu ucvprusements on first page so want: of all klnds. logt and found. pm, for sale orto ren speqlc articles, em must be accompan ed vnth the cash. Cuts for advertisements} must in (:1 casebe mounted on solnd metal b; We will retract no" part of our policy because` Nationalist of Liberal` agrees or disagrees with it. TIIE am PlAN ' BARRlE' J.n. none:-ns| out lwM_cALuE f`.nI-nnnfnrn nn lluzl.-I- VI` I . I "" ""`"ul5 Carpenters and B'uilders. M and Dealers in all kinds or anmcture ` R0U8h and D;_':.saed Lumber 3 tunes 1` I $5 | Stalrs c':'n:':." Illnds Shingles I Floor ngs Tanks and Water Trougns (Pine and Cypress *"m ":;*:?i:*1:;t.3`..`;`:;;'12`:an.*-Saw*ne~ hive noticed timt a good gt_t_end church are". ;.`fx1somni;,V ' ` - ` CRAIGHURST, om. LICENASEIA) AUCTIONEER FOR THE courrrv or sumclo? Most reasonable terms given on all Ca......l- C-I-.. 4vA\II-lb I \..1nu an Stock Salzs ` - ,-_ ...-vo COMMERCIAL DISLAY. Rates will begiven on application. randy-.-. . -4-- CONDENSED ADVERT 18 EM E`\"I`S Condensed advertise us ofall kinda. uI.`3.i"?.3"..`1{SEP8 |I,'!9J`!! E9 l1'1!ir -We wiil stand by it as-_w_e land it down last year and we will` not be swerved fromjit by any statement, whether of, Na:tion'a.1is`t or` _Liberu1,: that we are in alliance with some other party in Canada." 1 NEXT noon TO THE TANNER Y| ISL J_olIn _& Orookerl John__Jen1\gtt, MAKES YOUR SKIN LIKE VELVET- Monkman's Glycedonia. Has a marvellous effect on rough gskin. One or two applica- tions wi-ll remov the rougnness. and by'its occasional use the .skin acquires the smoothness and softness of a. baby s. Glycedonia is not sticky, and gloves may be worn a few moments after using it. Price 15c and 25c. Delight- -ful after shaving. GEO. MON KMAN. Druggit. Barr `Brewed Entirely from the Finest Malt and Hops. DUNLOP STREET EAST aZA{3`aZI_E dust:-y:` ' `THE SHEEP IN-DUSTRAY`. _ ` The Department o-f.Agricu1 ture has `Ehe following to say of the s`heepHivn- . _` - BARBIE snewmc GUMPANY Is 0 n for all orde ' CASTIX MIIBE REPAIRS, gzscfn G8` Boilers. Engines and all kinds of farm and stationary machinery made and repairegl on sholtest notice and moderate prices. AI - Al work done by expert machin- int and guaranteed first class. Barrie. Splendid ALE and PORTER The Best and Brightest In cask and Bottle MANUFACTURERS. Mania RAILWAY Gibm. s:.oo pniimfxiifi" XB"{rANcE. UNITED STATES SUBSCRIBERSV 81.50 IN ADVANCE C'No new name will be added to the Sub- Ionptlon but until the money is paid. a..|.--..n.'._. ..-._. 3.. -__--... A-.. 4.1.--- __;-..;.L- Gas Engine 'Appiy THI7: ADVANCE. ' '._BARnn: uuwnmg, Moulding, ' Hot Blast Drying Kiln. 3 Horse Power In First-class Order Expert Machinists `P(H(ONTE 136 28---10.A1ls.n-1" 2793,05` m must every bases ,-_..- ALTO rstpageauoh 'ound. msh. W096 xcles. etc. 11, I-" Barrie. Daily including `Sunday. Thursday, Dec} 29, 1910.. Tnnus or Sunsonu-now. NO ALLIANCE. Hamilton; Penetung. No. 53.. 10.8 a m " o s 170 vnnruuvgn no-wt I-ouvbn V Glow-aw. aw yuvouou Subeorlbers now 3:: arrears for three nionthe and over will be charted 81.50 penannum. 22....'I.4'lam ` .nu.u N 0. 1| IR 1? marketc - za 1;Jf"',`33'I.5fn*t3"' gae; but L 1actie:1iy~u;;e .(ee1- - " am; or ejond;1ce..min' _a e`3ntinj_1ouS3r.}'d'; mafnd for Qanadiayn `}._s,lieep ;g.;ir1'fV` ,1;t'heT United :stas his steadily_'de`c1ifed. The recent sheep sa1eoa.t-the Iiiter-T nartional were none" too satisfacory for "Cnadia.n breeders, V and" iti[_ was eviderrt that` the outlook -for a steady or increased trade was not particul- arly encouraging. "1~iZ&ithsanding the proximity of. the United States, `the safest/outlet. for the `Canadian product is still to be found in the British and, possibly at an earl- date, in the European markets. he English wool market is the centre of. distribution for the product of the great wool producing countries of the world, including Australia, New`Zealand and the Ar- gentine. If the sheep. industry in this country can ever be developed to rea- sonable proportions, it is not to be expected that any more natural or reliable market can be found for'sur- plus Can-adian wools. In addition to maymake possible_ the necessary grading and sorting of the product, such that it may be placed upon the British `market in attractive condi- tion, the prices. realized may be found much more remunerative than those at present. obtained. ii"-It is clear" also that the great and ;natural outlet for our. surplus meat `products, including those of mutton.- %and lamb. is to be found across the sea; `where the producing power of the land is unable -to yield suicient for the necessities of the crowded populations. of long inhabited coun- tries. 'Great Britain had hitherto ab- sorbed all the surplus of the world s meat supply, but it seems probable that she is shortly to have competit- ors in the market for foreign `meats. There is a movement in `Austria and Germany which will eventually re`- sult in the opening up of these coun- tries to a chilled and frozen. meat trade. A steady "market is without doubt thus assuredifor all the mut- ton that `Canada can produce, TL. 1_..-.'_1-.._ -_n _..___- 1.--: _l-__._ _" :"ft ;'i,;;a;;'fi;e`;.;a?'.no;;,ti naturai ' `that Canada should be_ able to obtain . at --rm, and adifantagebusi fo`ot_hold" in the n_1ark_ets.o_f the Unitedsstates. for her sheep and iv`ooI,- "biitlit i-s now. quite .clear that, until the trade poli- cies of the two- countries` ' become more rmly established, the `Canadian. sheep industry, when depending` so largely on the,.UnitedS'tates for its export market, rests upon a very. un- stable foundation. Fortunately, how- ever, other and "very __enco.ui-aging -cuxtletsareavailable. Itmair be not- ed -at this point that the home mar- ket is not ,\unworthy of considera- tion. This year not more than ve carloads of _lambs were.` shipped to East `Buffalo from Ontario, V while .in 1907 almost 1,000 carloads went to that city. The TO_l_'OnItO and Mont- real markets have absorbed practical- ly the whole output during the past season and a-t.pr_ices- equivalent, . to_ that paid for similar grades in Chi- cago_and Buffalo, a fact in itself n- dicating the strong and growing de- mand for mutton on the Canadian market. .V.. g..-. c---.....,. . V. ~----. The breeders of pure bred sheep, therefore, if our argument holds, would do well -to direct their best en,erg1'es- to the development of the sheep industry in our own country. As a matter of`fact, a strong lOC&l ;demand is the safest market inethe l long run. .A material increase In the sheep population of the country. would create` a thoroughly healthy .home market for -breeding sheep and one much to be desired. The. opvport_unr- ties in this direction may well be vs_'orthy_ of somewhat -careful con- sideration. r A ' It is fortunate that, at this time, the Federal Government is interest- ing itself in the sheep industry of the Dominion and is making a thorough investigation, with a view to the adoption later of a policy which may lead to its "general encouragement `and development. There is reason to believe that sheep raising in Can- ada may become at no distant ,_date a decidedly._ protable industry, and the Minister of Agriculture has un- dertaken 'a measure which we may expect to be productive of, much good result. We learn that the ;members of the investigating com- imissiqn, having completed -their re- `searchesin the United Kingdom, are lto spend `the nex't few months in lstudying conditions in the `Dominion land are now engaged in interviewing ia number of the prominent sheep breeders of Ontario. We. are hope- : ful vthatjthey may meetpwi-th the full `co-operation` of . sheep raisers and farmers gene!-a'lly in the prosecution- 'of their work; All 8 P739 I8 0o_Iunn'17uwIpupor Published iron: the once. 123 Dunlg Street. Barrie. in the County of Simooe. a Pro- vinoe of Ontario. Canada. every A Thursday Morning. by rnompson cnnw. PUBLISHER a}`)ut`ning;, bili __When-_. Water gncrea_s. g_` i ;a:1_1gs_.=j ' 1 1.,` _ Wlfv 'yo1A1{ use Lqan 1311.. .619. vga,~st`qv'E,' keep abox of sand a-t`_-Rand A,1fli';.'.C_aS` 1 af,` `acci_de'n~t.f: '&fnd.;.J w` 91111? A on. Iron DOMESTIC WHEELS Always sew `lace with ne thread and never with _silk, for the silk ` stitches are ,very_ t_1oticeable.V This is true; no matter how coat-se,"the>laAce; `JlllVVl`I(C\.l. GI`? GUUCU BU CVCIJ two cupfuls of starch, ,a_nd it will give `a beautiful ,lutre,_ %ti:>.tlie"7`starch-" ed c'|othes._ ` - ~ ii 2_1 _'te-a'.-sw1)'4.:>;>-n`f't-_1_vl. `;,f';;it`;`s;;17'o;,;'2;f `pulvenzed 'sogp.-are adled t`q ;'eve_x_'y I-Inna` A-c\`ua`a. A` 5!-nan`-| n`Ql`- 10- -rv`1 A Christmas 'rree.I (Birmingham `Age-I-Ier`a ld.), The Orillia Packet quotinglan, Oro farmer says: Orillia is recog- nized as a'much betvter market town than `it used to be. And still farm-` ers show their Wultry at Christmas ;Fairs in the `Couchiching Town but bring to Barrie market to sell it. Colllngwood ind Meaford. _ TO FROM 0. 53....1I.l'l It In No. 5I....'I._7;n ll! 48...: . l3....1oI!m I `V. 55000` - o.~..`."D`m '. Tim; does th _ ,8.zq("i.`-train 7get in} " `But you know that, is a crazy. qtilsti-vn_`to: ask at this` season bf the year. * - i A Wohdef the `romantic man who -sirghed for the old-fashioed winter is satisedwith Jack Frost s endeav-[ . ors_ now. ` It is. just possible that the `absence of fema-le `candidates for the Board }of. Education, may beaccounted for in-*the diFcu1ty__ of making .a_ good run in a hoIbb} skint. we nu uure um ln(:~Be0\ll'l[,Y_ (1: any) 119111 by tnem. And further take notice that after said last mentioned date.-thesaid executors will proceed to. distgibuteixe assets of the estate among tlgg parties eixtitl A thereto. `havm _re rd on . those*claims"otA which they a all ve notice. and thatthey will: not be answerable fo: the -saida.a3ets"or any `part thereof to any Eamon. or ..peraona ot-whose-claim.1.h`a:hall,,not`- ave had noticoefthe =dat9`.'ot.suo"1rt _. . A ._ . ..tibnti.o" - ',I)a`tnd`~M'. Arvin than :!AHa`_=.Ino_n-0 -m.....`I.\..- 1 Tl`x1*eaAre: a _l0t of New Year s solutibns A whieh `will "depend" their fl-lment on -the result of 'local option vote; } Stair. pads cannot always be af- V-forded. When economy is necessary `lay several thickness of newspaper evenly over the edge of the steps to spare the -tread. `~ ` Under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained in a. certain Mortg e, wnich will be produced at the time of sale. 3 ere will be of! - ered by Public Auction on baturday the 31st day of December. 1910, at the Barrie Hotel in the Town of Barrie, at the hour of one o'clock, the tollowinggarope viz: Lot number fty sev- en_A on the nth si e of Collier street inethe Town of Barrie according to registered plan number 2. _` This rope` . isoonveniently situated oppos- ite the ntra School. and has on it two dwell- _i'ng housesand a. stable and other out buildings. [ ERMS:-Ten per cent at the time of sale `and the balance within 80 days thereafter. Furtherparticulars band conditions will be made known at time of sale and in the meantime may beiearned. on application to. '-' ` DONALD ROSS. . i ` Solicitor tor Mar ees. De_ted9th December, 1910. v 2 In theatter of the Estate of Michael St:-Itch. late of the Town of Barrie. In the counts of slmcoe. I-lotel-keeper. deceased. T NOTICE is hereby given in pursance of the R. S. 0.- 1897. Chapter 129 and amending Acts, that all persons and others havin claims atlsinst the estate of the said Michae Stritch, w 0 died on or about the lat duty; of. December, 1 10. are required on or before t _ e_1st of Janus- . 1911. to send h post we d or to deliver to ours, Lennox, owan-85 town.` (of the said Town of Barrie. - Solicitors for the executors of theestate ptthe said deceased. their Christian and -"surnames." eddresses; and descriptions. statment of their elaims p per-1'3 verified. and the nature of the-security: ( , any) held by them. And further take notice thm...ntm- n.n,i- 1. or VALIJABLB PROPERTY ii Tl-IET TOWN or Mann: A n.ouco.anne nape o:.suc'h diatrlbution_.v ! V Wed at B8I'1i*h9`14=1H1ax9fD9mBer- Eh} guithcrugdvuutcl NOTICE TO cnznxrons w; L. REEVE Excr-:x.sxo nLWA'rcH embod- - ies all the notable im- provements iin watch making --seven jewels, cut expansion balance, isochronous hair-spring, stem -wind and set. Made and adjusted by American: -in an up-to-date American factory. Gold-lled andnickel cases- $4.. 0 to $11.00; - . T _ unto: the EXCELSIOR WATCPL `ALSO L Dec. 31, Jan. 1,2 CHR I STM As NEW YEAR'S %%RATES% Single Fare [far e_ 4 For Information See VII. J. FLETCHER. Agent. BARRIE _. V- _ ______, T`--- _--_-.____ or R. LTEl;o;npson, D. P. Toronto `N '.|1'Ill1 ~ - `LI; 17. "IMO p m..0obo.l$ `Spools! .~.-*_.1l a in 01 10.40 a m'1`oronto 8: Nurth Bay I 1| :1 m ? O5 850pm..Nort.h Bay........ Tluipin '67 8.80 p-m..'1`orunto& Midland `MI a m Gravenhurst '9.Ia'mL Reu Limit Jan. 3` 'l`l-IE LEADING Jawsnan ` BARBIE MQRTGAGE SALE 7 :sox.cow.m `$51330-WN. 'Jt`.`v'n 4`u`: I-nu-a 'A._L,-Uv_v4_.-u34_5; utcUW.N V Solicitors far 43 xi;;auto:q.V ` Fate and one-Third Udnuuru 4 Return Limit No. as .. Noam N0. nos 50 re}. the Brownlee, the Auctioneer, arrie, handles [credit sales of ' tum` stock and implemghth promptly and satis-V factdrily ' for [$5.90 and TI.I wards.- Date: can bg-"a_r"r'an ed: for int THE ADVANCE ~OFlfI_CE. * :_j_v`$2indtxi<;hg1>jf)i:&3;l-ifiii,'iii`.:,dh:~.o:- I;'_vm `t_tl_ef c;an::b.<: .kept- as when ` * ifn Astg. .-.c.p;1a`d by Kooodooooyooooooooo090095:I scon"s BOOKSTOREI WHY . / Than: MARK: .. [- Dumas constants &c. Anyone loading 1 gkotch` and doscrlzuon may Ql1l0k` Ilchl Oil! ODIIIIOII W OCIIOFIII ::::.-::.:.="- .,..-.-.-......w-~ IGIISIIOO QOIC ' GI f0i ti. ' Pahnu taken t. to in mm & noun wnhou:'$_._gmt.n I have had the good or bad for- tune, according to the point of view that may present itself to any one, to be denounced beyond measure by -Nationalist -speakers on every plat- form where they.ihave spoken in the Province of -Que'bec.- I do not com- plain of that-; I have taken my -stand on that question, and as- a public man I am open to criticism and open to denunciation at the instance o any man who does not happen to agree with me. I share the honor of being so denounced with about eighty,_Con- servatives memlb-ersu of Parliament, and also with a number of gentlemen on the other side of -the House, v-v-vv---V y -u-uvu A Mndnomal mun:-uodwukl .' cannon otgn IoIant1no.1onrn nl. NOT Books for X mas ? J Mone or Farmer V.%. ., . .V A /ter you /zczzz workgd /zar_a for your money, and yourcrops /am escapeda/Z` rz's.s, you s/zou/a make the proceeds "of your crop `safe \ I zma ,so!zd'. f I ytouf a}*J faimz}zgV'fo:r tke money you make` an? of: 22, `Men you want to keep t/mt money in a safe place; T /tat '23` w/tat _jyo_u: will do you deposit your o money in-. ' I nu: BANK or T0R0NT01 WlIll0Il_0l|IfIO. IIIUIO .` f'"ci'7"ti_'tiIic m1n,_ IIil'|d\IIm 1 Illlldalnhul t-nnlvio `I .- Barrie and Allandale Branches c. It. LATIMER. 9' Manager IBERAL` Politicians. and `the Liberal press are makingfdese perate efforts to assert that an alliance` exists between the Conserva- tives and the Nationalists. It i ac- cordingly is worth while to set `down exactly what Mr. R. L. Borden said on the subject in his great speech of November 24: