Thirteen Sunday Schools, from `outside places had representatives tin Town one day last week.epurchas- ing'- Christmas gifts. The unluclsy number is not lookediupon as an `ll omen by the merchants who proted thereby. No place like `Barrie to shop for prot; ` ~ ` ' . `The biggest turkey of the `season appears to be the one Mr. F. Wiser man purchased from Mrs. H. `Brown of HoI}y. It had not attained its second birthday, --"but tipped \ would meatr $6.51, ` a pretty good price_for- a tit1rkey.- ' a scales at 3: `pounds. . At ate. this .--That {be people of_ Ba_rrie are _satised wxgh Good Quality. In Foot- rwearuis ewdenced _b `the rush at * Moore s Shoe Store`; se days. Talk but, -Ban-1e s Big Store delivers the goods. % . . V Mr. Frederick Villiers, the-n.most entertaining` speaker heard` here in -years,,was [greeted by a poor house at the. Grand on Tuesda evening. ~U::_` L..1`I- an t):a-A-among .4: -..' `I --n I-1-I'D talk '\.III. .|. Ila-|uII\-D `II 35311, 'V3_lD' and Personal Recollections of His` -_La_te` Majesty =I_{ing Edw_ard VII was mterspersed With mag-mcent views. ` The ,"Mayor` introduced the; speaker, and those gresent -~.e'n_ioyed ag_ta_t'e_ fit1'3t- o ' ,7 ` V tmti{_ Graifd tin Tedzhajz vnihg. `Hi -s talk-on Piaturespof any Wars~ W":-sWha_t imam; could y9u_. dsireg ;A.2r1t11izent ~s%rV1s& ?az.!d 9 'Vaz_7x;e.ty~_`;{9i' ' 9.9; "1x19s. ,2; ~. ""I \ A'l I . .l. ll\J3u -LJ\J\JI\C[( . I`; '. I ' Mrs. Leslie Poucher V leaves this - }`:'t`1< lU_spcnd Christmas wxth her ushznnl In Saskatoon. Mr_ Ben Terry of Midlancf is gohitngr` $9 Shem! the Christmas holidays at 1S home here. ~ ' . thJ0hn Spearin had his faihe cut ` c br_(.*:xl-:1ng of a rod.on`an" 'et"1{;"u1e-,.\ and will be lard up for a4;ew,~d_ays.'<. SThe Y M. C. A. Men's Meeting for; unday next -has been,-w:thdra1.vnr ook for announcement %*T1_`- Carey Sho Co. are being h9mD1_1mcnted for introducing the W195` grade of. shoes and", rubbers ver cnm z. n.`_,_.. xv- -___.._:-'_,....'t...-. #ge%unaono: cam V --.Tne Chairman read the report or the Directors, which was as follows:-- _ `The Directors beg to submit a statement of the Assets and Liabilities 0! wthe Bank at. the dose of the nancial year ending November 30th last, alsk - the toiiowix/ijz statement of the result or the business for the past year:i=- Notes of the'Bank in cit-culatioi`1.. `Deposits not hearing intet-est.,k _Dep0s..its bearing interest... *1 and` more, they make good if good are unsatisfactory. ' I Mr... 1 `LI c....1- .1... 1:....: :.. n...._ LlIlDd|.l3ldLI.\}l `Hull/Irs. J. H. Seelys, who lived in Bar- rie some fteen years ago", died at her home 1:: Toronto on Wednesday, Dec. 14th. The late Mrs. Seels, who was in her 87th year, was well known `to the older resxdents. Mrs. George Monkma r Barrie, and Mrs. A. W. Brown, o1-onto, are daughgei-s,,and John Seels, of the Domi_mon Ex- press, Kingston and Edwm, of the G.T.R. offices, Toronto, sons. ;- 0 n 9 Us --- v--u joyous -V. --3 o'_ c \anInQnv\a.. Qas A-II VIVVLV GIIVI L` 0 nauuugauvy I Thechair was `taken by the President, the Hon. John Sharples, who ap- `pointed Mr. J; G. Billett to `act as secretary to the meeting. and requested Messrs. John Shaw and A. Elscott to 'act as scrutineers. --.`The Chairman read the report of the Directors, which follows:-- Vhg `lungnlvnrn luau n -ulna-.14 as -o..I>...........a. -1 `L- A....-n... -__1 1- I..Lnn.l.... Al `M31 8-" I-15-Lin teuet mk;eetIg or tsnarenoluera or tne Union Bank. .;_a.naa.was a,eBan o A: ' b, c ` D0.embe'r 17th.`191o. ~ 8 `M n 0 ec % 88 rd-' W\I'|AI-n urging o.-1-mun-.5. Jdh-u f-L..`aL-..._I-_ -11---... 1-nv.__ ogj, - -- as c--__ ".__Mess;s._'7<':; "ci'7'i.'a'$}}& J. D. Wisdom were in Toronto last week and secured for -the grocers, a `car of Naval Oranges, all sizes. They were fortunate enough to procure the famous Royal Crest Brand, one of the finest oranges` backed in Cali- fotnia. * There are `a `good _,color,, sweetfand iiticy. When buying your, Xmas -oranges insist on getting Royal Crest. - ~ - `- Javyvluuvl LIBII, 1.351;. There were present:--Him. J`ohn`Sharplo$a,`Meurs. Wm. Price, M.P., Wu). Shaw. Capt. Carter, Col. Turnbull, John Shaw, A. E. Scott, E. J. "Halo. 1. % G. L Blllett. G. H. Balfour, H. B. Shaw."N. Kn-ouac. T. C. Aylwin, H. Veaaey. Arch. Laurie. K. F. Gllmour. E."E. Code and F. Q3>.B1llmzsley. 'I'VhA'nI|aIn Il1Q_QI.I`D1|Ou 3. `kn Dnuldgnb LI... -'5'-.. 1".-..I__ nI.-._I-- ...I.;; g... n:v1den&"N8.'?2,"{{;rE&y,' iafpr iniai I Dividend No. 93, quarterly,1% per cent. . [Dividend No. 94, quarterly, 1% per cent. . Dividend No. _95, quarterly; 2 per cent.. '_1`ra,` Account.~.. . Transferred to Rest Account, Premium : VCMrs. W, Hill-1 and .3 "'Ru\.at Kfae _ ever sold in Barrie. NO n Ere kept busy. ` . ~...~,._ M uflph. are spending 'thf`,` Holiday with her p_a.1'-`e11'f9,`_i;g " Mrs. Gilks. . X; v--Best quality ;xm%_ Brysorfs at 25 cts._ pp: 5 iced, tastily de6rated.%_- f&:.-__` 3 and 4 tb. or _-lax`-g_e_r_~{I*% . `dz Order 'earlv.* `Belance r`a.t -feredit ottaccount, Novenaber 30th, i909... LVVVCIIIIICL UVI-ll, 8 Net rotsv for the year, `after deducting expenses of management. r interest due depositors, reserving for interest `and exchange. and _.making provision for bad and doubtful debts, and for rebate on " bills under discount, have amounted to (14 per cent. on`a.verage Capital paid-up.) COO IIIV'OIO IO. III O00 I00 IOI 00'! C00 I00 O00: `Contribution `to 0.'icers""'.Pnsion Fund Balance of Prots car_rled_ forward .._. . Balances due to other.Banks in Canaan... _Balances due to other Banks in Foreign Countries Total Liabilities to the publlc.. . Capital paid-up RestAAccount Reserved for Rebate of Interest on Bills Discounted Dividend No. 95 . . . . .. .. . . . . Dividends Unclaimed ... Balance of Prot and_Loss Account carried forward v Gold and Silver Coin Dominion Government Notes . . . IJUPUBIL VVl,|-ll JJVIIIIIIIUII \IVVUl-lllllclll. I-U!` DUUIJIII-y UL LVULC- _ not too can oI_n. `out 1-0 0-0 cu . 000-000 00.0` Cut on- Notes of and Cheques on other Banks... Balances due from other Banks in Canada... .. . . . . . .. Balances due from Agents in United States ... `Balances due from Agents in the United Kin w . ` A g'dom.. G0Vel`1'1ment. Municipal, Railway and other Debentures & Call and Shotjt Loans on Stocks and Bonds 4 Dep"osit with Dominion Government f<.)r security 0} Note. `Circu- n}`nn' ' ' ' ' Other Loans and Bills 'Discdunted Current... .' Overdue. Debts (estimated loss provided for). Real Estate otherthan _Banl_; Premises__, , Mortgages on Real Estate sold by the Bank , Bank Premises and Furniture . Other Assets ... ... . An `E-znjoyablg izvening. .An <;n_Eertai_nment -\;as' `given on ~ _I`\ies`day e!ven1n_g',_2oth ~inst. ,.in T1-in-4| xty.Par1shT'HaH:uncfr-auspices of the ..-Mmihers -Of' {the P.3;'1'.iSh;.,-`3,l)'ly com.;o1- let! by =52 e::a1r9.3;; 3!? 3 Il"W- LWU IIIIIIIIIUII `Gilli .I'\J|ll~u During-the year` the Capital of the Hank has been fully paid. up. and is n,0w_equa1to the total amount authorized, viz;-44,000,000. The Premium arising from the disposal or new Stock has Tcredlted to` the Rest Ac~ -coimt. .'I`he' customary Inspection: of the Head Office, and of all Branches and Agencleg ot the Bank `hav.e been made. -lsvwso odor A C-"1' 1-al Burln:gZthe- D} "-ye%ag'_ thirty-sgvn- r.<.n-- Agencies of {he Bank have been opehed., in the following `P1-ovinces:- > sc0t1a.. I00 :00 not :no' 0 ' Ina o o o o ..OTl'.`. gun can 00! an f\_L_-I_' 158...- lli V C IITWFII \IyCII.\J', III IIIIC `VII? WW `ll 4` 9 \I V llI\.a oj Nova ...Ono.-2 Ontario'..._ ... ,.. ......,. ...Five " `I o_-o -`o-'voo_--0 v-I.-,-0 one out go. --'5 --o ... ...On`3 . ,Saska.tchewan`... ... ... .... ... . . . . ..Six:teen Alberta T. ` so 9.1 010.0!` 09`: I00 ... ...` 310,100 -000 U10 ...Ni1!e Britisholuuibla. ... ...:t,._,_ ...Fi-ve One Suburban Agency in Sdskatch ewan. and one in Alber1a-both 02 which proved unproductive --have been closed. The total number -of Branches `is now. Two Hundred `and Four. - I\'....l-... an- -...-- .|.- n-..u..| ..a ski. ....u- t....:.. 1...... c..`n.. ....Iu ...` an; O- Before moving the adoption of the report. the President addressed tbi meeting, giving the shareholders further particular: as to the increase 0! cllhl. and the enlargement or the Bank's business generally. He was roilewed by the General Manager, who furnished additional details as to the hudneu of the Bulk. and its policy in various matters of Interest to the Shareholders. ` . 5 In .__-_ lm .-- -.4123` `doe Olin `It'll! `III... Elna-aslaul noun. Qt\l|l\I\l`Al. Hue `III M `SIICIKUIIUIIIUI1 .1: was then moved by. the Hon. J0hn Sharples, ahd seconded by, Mr. Wm .Pd_co. M.P..-'1"hax the nport of the Divectors now read. he adopted. and printed for distribution amongst the Shareholders.--Ca.rried. A-JI... bl..- aatnntlnn nl Mn: rannrf. ,l"nI 'l"uv-nhnll maa n nlosiglnov ndrgsx p['In`eu `Ur (HHIITIIIICUVIII CIIIVBIQDE 5039 lIlCIlUluCIO.`;\aGplllCUo After the adoption of the report. Col. Turnbull made a pleasing address. cong'ratulI.ting. the Shareholders on the report presented to" the Meeting. and tha.nlr.Ing,the President and Directors, the General Manager. and other orrlcem or the Bank for their effort! on its behalf. in -.._ .51.`. ........I kn {Van} (`Vac-l-nr -....p.-ulnil Inn" `(on \T':'v\ `Riv-nnnn-____'l`I-nn UlIlCUIl- OI uw Dun]: Lvr tucu cnvn I--'0 vu Ita ucuau. R W88 then m0Ved 5! Capt Carter. seconded by Mr. Nap. Kirouac:--That the number of the Directors of this Bank be increased by one, vlz., from ten to e1even--to be elected at this Meetlng.-Carried. ' A Moved by C01.-1`\lI'nbu1l. Seconded by Mr. T. C. Aylwin: That the Capital stock of the Bank shall be increased by the sum of Four Million Dollars. raising the Capltaglto Eight Million Dollars, and the Directors are hereby- `authorlzed and empowered to take the necessary steps to obtain from the `rreasury Board a Certificate approving the. present By-Law, as provided in section 33"of the Bank Act. ` up-_.-n 1.... an`: n 1:! ts...->0 nnnnn...a Io... ilk. Aral: 1' Tnnrlno "Fl-no! Oh. In Act. _ ' Move by M1`. A. E, Scott, seconded by Mr. Arch. Laurie: That the total remuneration or the Directors be increased from $12,000 to 813,000 per annum.-Carrled. __ , -- jl, , ..- ,, c u I Q 3,, :09 Jul. _ __ 14:1 A Inunnuu;;..` guy- . -yuan ~ .b' Mr. Geog. H. Thomson. seconded by Mr. Wm. Shaw: That. the Meeting now proceed to the election of Directorslor the ensuing year. and that the `ballot-boxtor the receipt of votes be kept open until 1 o clock. or until five minutes have elapsed without a vote being offered, during which time proceedingsnbe suspe'nded. -Carried. 1 VIII-u. um-..Hnnm-u qsnnnlnfn at the Mnafino rnnnrtp the following gmnflo- _ume proceeunngs" De suzspeuucu. `-\4uu1 ncu. ' The Serutineers appointed at the Meeting reported the following gentle- men" duly elected as Directors for the ensuing year, viz.: Hon. John Sharples. Messrs. Wllsm Price, .-M.P..' E, J. Hale, Wm. Shaw. Geo. H. Thomson. R. '1`. Riley, E. L. 'Dl`ewl`Y. F. E. Kenasfon, John Galt, W. R. Allan and M. ` Bun Eyresident is Mr.,`Arch,i V k -Handkerchiefsin.j7V,f!!14-`$31; "i=_1- -\. _ is To`dd,"' 'th"e Oys Xmas V in? At a. subsquent meeting or the -President, and Mr. Wm. Which. ha been apfalied 11$ tollqws: 1"`0.i"tY-.Slxth Annuai G'eAne1-Tal ileetlhg of sh`areho1dersA of the Unloil .l`!nnndn urn: halt] an oh- nan-in- um..- 4.. 'n....:...... _ c|-a..._.1-.. Quebec, December _17th', 1910. muuua`*imm`mme % 000 can can ooo>no 0;: can nns'o;$:` ii; '0? 1'z'uiei:Ze'st7'cn"1itii`i5is6iuia..' III '.'.'. d'I.'.`.'.'. '.'.'. III '.Z'. III '.'.'. '.'.'. '.'.'. '.'.'. '.'.'. '.I'. `cog o o o A I n o 0 o 1>r}o1j1'r__ AND_ Loss ACCOUNT. GENERAL s'rA'mz:M1_nN'r.___, .~ LIABILITIES. ,. ".5-:s~"59_9;217-;o4 no -00 II! as`: can no}! It. too , _ , , ASSETS. new dard the Hon. iohn Sharpie: Price, AM.P., Vice-.Presid%nt. iapocrypha of the Old_ Testament aqd, |tc Mxss _Moz-ton, their leader, a sul- rver napkm ring. Refreshments were Iafterwards served; ---A `Smoking Jacket is an ideal Xmas, gift for any one. Try Todd. the Clothier. ` to ---u -- _-.. _-_-__. `At the .last regular meeting of ;Branch_` No. 51, C. M. B. A., held jDcc. ` 19th, the following officers were elected for _the ensuing year: P1-.esident.. .; . . . . Ludlow~- xst Vice. Pres. J". Nottingham 2nd Vice.-Pres. .. .. .'...]as, Moran `Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . Sevigny K Fin.-Secretaty. . . . . . J as. Crossland I, Recording--Secretary . . . . P. Moran ,Marshall...,:... ` .. -,. . .T=Is. Maloy `__Gua`rd-.-.A .. Torrice` `1,Z.ri:-stes.D,, J .-~MDouza1_1.- J Motan. -*-:'1-Lad3 es who have~ nort yet availed th.e_mselv_es .9f`th_two dqllar Chris`- mas '})'9x` fbemg 9fferd- by the; Carey I; an % d "t[h,=I_t` tltis';:"s_. "JOHN SHARPLES`.h BALFOUR, . ...: 3,203,337.00 ...:14.7e2.232.1s 22.647.449.65 Q} 9'! Ann 01 Q` November 30th,` $916; A A1433 o` 1,U'li7vO'0UVo UV 3 5,249,037.04 \Y.n6.\ `(Viv-run 1 Gen'era1 Manager. `J11 VIA` . 151,831.60 2.080.814.19 237,427.97 422319.25 . 164.7643! Stocks 1.524.92a.12 5,147.a=.`:.z4 n3. ' President. I 340.758.655.17 `I 2.4oo,ooo.oo 134534.27` 80,000.00 2.151 .16 80486.43 347.455.827.03 314.925.269.13 . 30.!.1.=.915.99 41.Q74.78 25'.'.n4a .11 62,375.91 1,.614.swa 13 '7'! '79] DE $47,455.82? .03 37.409581 .84 7 3,339.29 71.947.0Q $840.10? . ,, -......._y uCt3UlIEVU_"`5.,. " "early. ` ' v V : S. O.T_E: `Juvcpilg T _.s :'e.n $840.10? .63 $56,054.68` . 66382.66 56,784.00 _ 451.620.Q 359.810. H. A CHRISTMAS GIFT , w()R I`H VVHILE A Evm wmax [IN THE mam bal- % Send TEE thej absent ones; % Keep them in At01iChWith the old? home town % % T .M6ore f ]snoe ~st.-.. ._ ...-K4 V -_ I&i'f`and Mrs. Jas'. Vair were in! - 11;Q\!"`Cft)' On `~Tuesd aY-- ' ` Mr. Brian of Toronto .Universi*t 5rv ' ' Mr. ,H:'1`rryl'.Gfa'sset; '. "'2\"1?'ii iEf Gilchg-ist ,.6f '1`or.on,to `eFityf"`i-h'ome for {he .holidavs.'1 . 10 I -Our competitors are helping toi nmake this business grow., When Quality and Price. are considered,` there is only one. sane conclusion.`. Shop at Moo're s Shoe Store. Frank .-Heard returned from 'Mont- . ~`g,al. on- Wednesday; His father,` Mr. if .; Heard, " left on the same day to W sit..Mr. Lewis I-Ieard,, Col. A `Children's Christmas service will bi. -' Burton Ave. Methodist lurch. On Sunday morning, and in, ,e'venin_g_ a` vChristm'as_ Choral -Ser-; ~Re,v:-=.Mr. Starr~ will preach at ~r.#.$'Vi$;: - 5.. i. . . r-Tliev`1: C';a'?!j5iJi"`,s.$li5. 90$ "'7is1.=i.11. the may .`.k_i:~lSb`ei-,7~: s5`e use .tli'e'y" `are be_st`a _.4`-nbbetsr. .-.;'sol`d' =~in, - Canada,?; : Which ~ accounts '-.f,o"r.: ,the ;gre'_a-t- ';_ rush; 515.98`.Zwi-n`tr=_1it:.tits:--`C31-y"h9e:i_Q:'S ;' `for, .the *bje`st'= 'g%igh1:__rsz,j;:_rnd'i,;0ui- f_p1rihfVes' ,. "are; teI1,;4to:**t; yven,ity *p'_er>--'ceI ~l*es:s t'hVa`n i0t!It,=: d.&i1ers1`.h i*a: e~-`to Ot ;sri::i2;ra;=ii2,is.::; 1..., u. s-.r.e.-`.2... L -~.`.-._~u..:-'-Mn.. T. Armst:-onig, of Hamilton, Es .holidaying*a:t "her home "on Bay- `eld ;St. f =Mrs. Thomas Hislop, of Arcola, `Saslc, is.vsiting her cousin,` P. C. John Lambte. T -`up 1 I In `P953. ; `-i "nix ' `ol Mfr. `Geore Willis -is it his home iu.Gr-av*ei)711`1 1_rst _ Mr_._ A-.'Co`lem`an is"no'W"`3" Hdtel. ~ ~ . " - I=~Ir-I-w'`e"'=. "".:. """`-" """.'"" -' '~""`I0`I`"2\1`:`'_:`i_ g` of =H!t1`r"e :`-"139. `i`s"`h'ome for the .ho1idavs. 1 Mr.` Wm.. able to be `around again, after a prolonged ill-1 i g_M1r.` Evie Montizambert of Trinity ,Ca_llege, is spending a few days in ,Town. . v -- W -- 1 '~M r..Chas..Coleman of Barrie :'~s ivisiting "at the -homeiof: Mr. TWm. 5A:-nold. . ` V3-I_;'s:_-J'.fi*`_1:a'1nk`]ackso;1 ..w.'as in To? rontb last weqk attendmg the Dun- `lcpp-Butt weddmg. A | `ID II II? 1 , , I Jay morning. No. 62 was_delayed scye'ral._hours-` and two sectxons of -thxs tram were necessary. ' -What is more sensib1e"for a. Xmas Gift than a Vpair of warm House Slippers? Moore. s have` the biggest variety `in Tqwxi.` _ u 9 .An-_`_;I_1_ _L-'-1 %"'i'4 i's`s' s'{.1" ;'[Ai1;;{aa1e . school! staff is takin a months hohdays im 'the United ' tates. Miss Nielly of' Bradford, taking her place. in her absence. ' ' . T " ThL"1Men"s rM'eetmg ., m; the UUJCIZ: $1 ,;F__la -Iona; 5: guy vvn.-.u._ ,,`. v. `r'*="'| 3.` C A. %f o`i-T` 1_aS`t "Sn-nid%ay'.* wa.s" `V t_ak en,' `Rev.; Mr, H1; qr, qf. Cqllxngwqo ; ' `.who , gave" `at sp Vcr 1diVd`_ ga`ddre'ss,* full .of"_ help `an,d;~: Vetiiqirbuta " e! .meti.`A. .?I?he` ` ;1`{$`c.h'l_," .c`1Vx.i`2'1r.`tet,te, . essr$,?Rig};.,"f. D11;`?{';i ` 49" et ,%and`;S112~t%nv V .r ---- ..- %Mr. J. W.5.j:`i"Vaters,.formerlv of APARAGRAPHS i% T. Dorah vi1l__ spend Christ- mas aft home. ; .- . , J. Ma's9'h _$ S.istr.,;'hf" _ ryoooopoougboooc IOOCOOOOOOOOOOQOOO: 1A;TQ'Wn, will gontet `file Reeveship .f iM1d13nd against. Mr. H. S. Ruby. I .11: traveller for the Per- trm` ' Freres,, Toronto, , camoo ._hom_eA Saturday for the _Christmas hohdays, __ .__ ....., --- ---v w--u --r----v-9 u|\Jll\lIO in .a group.phofo of fhe .`Gua;'dia.nM. of the Pwblnc Health published `'11 The Hamilton Spectator, appears the: picture of Dr. Victor A. Ross. Mr. .Gord:)-r-xv-\'A"e`lls, whovlhas been p in Winnipeg fox-_ the past few months, retiirned` home on Tuesday evening. 14He' is suffering with appendicitis and may` undergo an operation; `I! _ I , ' .77 11 - - ` % Mrs; Jas. `Hall, _ac'ompanied by her daughtex-,_Mrs. Fee,.of Wishart, Sask., is visitxng her brother,` Mr. W. C, Andrews, Collier St. fIt is Vtwenty-seven years since Mr. An- idrews and Mrs. /Hall have` seen each } other. . ,Mr. `A. Smith .was`. successfut 1r::pasmg the _rst-year Pharmgjcy Exammations, _.h1s name appearmg eighth on the list `of those taking x-st-clas`s'honors. . ` V Among those home for the `ho'lid1a\tlIy we `noticed the following :-Miss . Tytler of VHave;i-gill College, Miss G. Boyer of Glenmore Colleg, Miss E. `S. Longman of- .Toronto Norman, T Messre. Lorne "Tyre:-; Henry M.- and W`r_n'., Peck of Tormito University. Court Robin.Hood, No 34, I.O.F., held their election of officers on Thursday evening, 9 the following be-. ing electe_d:-- Chief 2 Ranger-`-Dr. Pallitig. Vice-Chief Range:--J.F. Cavanagn. I Past Chief -Ranger-F.- Chas. Low- % er. `Rec. Sec.---R."Litt1e V ,. ' Fin.-_Sec.--A. T. .Miscampble, ~' Treas.-H. Collms A . . Orator--A. P. Wilkes- _ . S`.W.+-M. -Reid." 2 ' ' n. `J. W.--Chas. Cheesman. ?-f `S. B.-S. C; Walke;-. T ~ I. B.-4-E. S.'McDona1d. ..The oicexts A M11 be. insfalleyd. :t the first "regular meeting in_ the -Nw `Year, Friday, January 27th, when a p.leasant.,socialeveni_ng and a large [turnout `of.-me-rnb_ers_ is expected.` _V `nev'e:-` lei "he: ' h.f'-'t.'h.?.".' ,.th'Y` b"- ""b131 :01 ; ~----gWe are: making `a special of %..Men s `and Boys Sweater Coats Fr - day and 2' Saturday this week.. See. `them. . Todd, the Clothier... A -Add 1"teasf>boriful of sda to a :a 1_- Ion .o'f wat'< when rmsmg` lavender }linens. V < ~ i ` ` - `When stoning nx_-ais\i_ns rub a little_ `butter -or -other .greae_ `over your_ kngers `before b_egin_ning, ' and` you wwalrabe able tostone them with Hftle trouble; `-A-1iItt'l,e butter should also -- rubIbe"pn[th`e_ blade pf th "knife, "...L'_. -um, J, LVJ-65911.3 .I_$FI__Ilu. 30 Kenora. ' - -5 Miss Bea_tricg"Ness to for a few` d'ay's. V ` Mrs. J. 'G0rifig /i"sr tonto. . . -A D Conductor_s '_:1,tld1'.bt"4;!.l':e's11,'l':_l`.:1_.,* __.;_.,._ .,___________. __ 1l..Av.`;_ -. 4.: I. O. F. Oiceg-s. uw-vvuu nI.r| Q 9159] I. `LIIIIB. T "---`Solid meat oygters and fresh sh daily at _Bothwe,ll s.j ` . t` E.--_'I`I`1St ';".ibaf:5 "B`i").rson5s." fH_mfe-made. - % ` The_ Collegiate closed yesterday and w1Il`re-open on January 4th_. _ -.-`Some great - bargains in child- ren's S1eighs"at- Dougalf Bros. ' I 'Ca.-._I_', 71-. n -a '. . I _--- - ..-v-auvu us aavolsull lllVicv - Stanley Horseld got a bad {all at Monday night s` `hockey practice, striking his head. with such force on theiice. as. to render him uncon- scious .for a short -time. . 15-13! N, '-Miss Ellen James, _sopfa.t_1o __p;in1_a'L [donna of,;.Maidar'nf Buttery. do., win ?"`bIe` at Dreamland every night next`: week, singing all the popular songs ;`o_f :the*day.-. - ` `g - - A W`~~~`. 9-U" v-$:',``1:'%*-;+'&`:- R. aire frecexvmg `then-. The Y. M. .C..A._ Auxili. busmess meeting on` "M0116 T1 -. 3 '--`-V-6rci,e:`:V1:,'y<)Vur Alm`orA1dbP,a'ste from! :Bryson: s._"`3o cts. per tb.' Ready tol use. _ . ~ He'ydon of Allistony was (it- dained to-the riesthood for Toronto Diocese at _ `on, _'Saturday last. '..He`ce1ebrated .h1s first mass at` Alliston `on Tuesday. . ,, __ ii6i1w117" Q;-indow disi.Iay* of Bovril. is ;the cynpsuye pf many eyes these days. ` -,_ __--..--- - --- --v-so-J. `-The post oiee staff , aretin the -midst of- the Christmas rush and the h6Iiday- mqil promjses to be bigger ;tha_:`n ever In the history of the Port i Oice. Extra help has beet} secured. :Io'h`n Sinclair of the Barr e, Tanning Company was on` Saturday `elected a `member `of othe'Transpo1`t'a-~ tion -Committee of the Tanners sec- tion of the Toronto Boardmf Trade. 7"- 1,! .1, `The Queen s -Hotel will be the scene of a pleasant` "gathering on Wednesday evening, Dec. 28th, when the employees of` the T Barrie Car- riage Co. ggvill hold their annual dinner. ' ston `& Warren's and take your pick.` -B=m-ht Wodd and Burnt Leathetgl all kinds `of it and_aIl reduced In price. Some snaps. Call at John- I `Nothing. nicer for `Christmas, ` --v-a - V. vonuu Java: 1.1 36513 -5 I GUC- ` ` % -'l:c;d;i.,-ythe Clothier for the best assortment of` Xmas . ies in fancy [ boxes. _ The biggest success last season, Paid -in Fu'll,. . by`-Eugene Walter, will be at the Grand Opera House on Tuesday,` January 24th, with thev origimiil- productibn. " Our readers . should not` miss this great treat. A A ,_ `WC-*1'~i>uy, Mistletoe, Scotch `Hea- gther, church and home decorations % for the 7 holidays at Bothwe1l s. - n - - . . . ..v_y ;;n`\.-wsnsns V --Have your pictures Xmas `at Dougal-1B`i'0's. `"75, _M_rs. Thos. Bater of vusmng her agnt, M'i's' ` Mr, Harry Roberts, whO..1'1aS' ibi,!1 ll] wit_l/u pneumonia, `is *-"a`I'_1),1,i-.v1e`_-tb.e-~ .-`by: around `again. " *`A `K 'r c - I L - '7 'I'.` "` % Gordon Meeking_ happened with Hm qnfortunate `accident while play i_mg.. In the Preston-Eaton game on Sa turday night. 'R'ahm of Preston accidentally_ struck him with his stick, breaking his nose; ' " ` -r rxnrn -r V- - - - ,Goin" shoppin without readin the ads~in The Advgmce is like goin sh- in without knowin where the best places are. - A , :omf_"1r;. '6v}}, a gold stick pin, initials H. F., valued as a keep- sake. Finder leave at Advance Of- ye. Reward. 7 db _ _I`o-night (Thursday) `Dreamland is showing a Cow Bo` and'Indian l Western entertainment. - Frontier Celebration. hree reels of lm are devoted to the one subject, making over one hour of excluswely } -An xcellent `line of Ladies" [Xmas -Gife~SIip"pers `in `Felt, with turned leather` sole, all colors at s' `Shoe Store, $1.10. - _ ._--~v u----v 7--pv- - Anyltenant `whose family haslnot resided_in town since December 3'r_d, will not havesa vote on Local Option or any otherquestion? This is the 1 it .now. stands, and it may not igc as generally. known as it should _ e. . . " - . , . --If you want a pain-`of those good `Hockey Boots that Moon-e"s Shoe Store is selling from $1.50 up, you l will `have to hurry, for they are cer- itainly going fast. T v---" cw--av` . Mr. Frank Wiseman hag: been dis- p`1aying.two black bears Jn his `but- cher shop on Elizabeth `St. One came from the northern wilds near Orillia and the other was" shot by Mr. Muir "near Grenfel on .the 13th of Vespraj. - . ' -_ . --r--u ; -The Carey `Shoe Co. this week ;have put on- a slaughter sale of :Trunks and `Suit Cases at prices i never heard ..of heretofore. rn1_, -2- n . """- ` . ...v....\. .9. c-no-VUIJLIILIS. ' The Kindergarten room of the Central School hid a pleasant. clos- ing entertaiment and -Christmas tree on Tuesday ~ afternoon. Chairman Robertson and Rev.Dr. and VMts. M_cLeod'wre present, "also a num- ber of parents and friends. -- } -Fancy fruits for the holidays: `Canadian and Spanish GIIPGS Nllval, Florida, Mexican and Tangerine `Or- anges, Pineapples, Bananas and Can- fornia Celery at Bothwelfsu , - ,...u usual]: .L 3 V: Vz`r::`9:V..bk-1 Mr. '.John Loolce; _g,nd` 593 the West. are vnsxtmg .. .w1th`.- v? h1s. father, Mr. T1105, Looker` \W._ , -r 1- 1-. 4 - ` "`V