$32407 64 ``7 33 l\l\Y I\1 18900 200000 3032 20 ~18ooo 7`? 50, .4312 so 180. ' 1 mg a Vi.~it by the Grand` ` Joseph Puwley, of Toronto. vuunyuv IV 1; vv v--- v_ Allistnn Lodge I. O. O. F.,_ had 8 big night on Friday, the occasron be- ` Master, Mr. The _at- tendzmcc was very large, vis tmg brethren from Barrie, Collingwood. and Cooksr.mvn lodges being._present._ Adegree tczmr from the 'Co1l1nP.'W0_0d Lodge put on the second and third degrees, nine candidates being-ad- Vanced. Followingethe meeting `an up 1-3 - ! r excellent banquet was served by M!`- J. E. Paddison, the toast list calling forth addresses by the -Grand Mas- ter, Past D. D. G. M. Robert- son of Barrie. and others. About Seventy-ve sat down to the ban- Quet.-.-\11i.~'t0n Herald. 601' 51 nnnnrifl 7000 JV vv 1 5o| Refuge Ma'yor s I,-` V Honorarium, say. . | 1 VJ Byaforeiadjournment, Reeve G-a'rde_n 1 expressed his regrets that other bus1- : iness interests would prevent his at- tendance as a -` member at future meetings of the.-Council, `-but hoped, that he would be able to come aoraini as avisitor. The kind and courteou treatment he had received from the present and former Mayors and` Councillors only served to deepen, his regrets at leaving the pleasant associationsewhich had `been his lot in Barrie. He congratulated the Mayor and the Chairmen of the dif g ferent committees bn the -splendid} nancial conditions, as shown by thef statement just read by Clerk Donnell --the money had been most wisely. fspent--and he hoped, in saying good-, bye, that this .excellent nancial condition would be maintained by in-` coming Councils. . , `I A --.~.._I L:.. .\n..nr\v-In` \.\.'u_.1u| wuu nnnnn vs V The Mayor expressed his personal regrets at losing Reeve Garden from the Council, and added a further. word of praise. for the Comimtt..r.' ` Chairmen. ll Ald Beardsley said that as citizensi and members of Council they would} all feel the lossof Reeve Garden, a ~man who `has brought laurels to the Town that no other manhas done,; citing the return of the Wardenshipl to `Barrie after a lapse of only two! years. Few men take such active, interest in municipal affairs as the; retiring Reeve, and the Town can ill afford to lose such men, thought the Finance Chairman. I present aI'lCl IOI'IIlcr J.v1a_yu1 :9 auu- _ Councillors served deepen.Litt1e 1one1y shepherd lad, 1- ".eg`fet5 leavmg th`? p1".a5an' -Wherefore dost thou weep? assoc1a.t1_onsawh1ch his lot Sir, my father Seeks a star; in Barrie. congratulated the. I must watch the sheep}! Mayor the di_f uV`r~er lone] is the plain ferent_ committees splendid} Veiry mg}? the Star nanmal 9dmn5 Show H: Pray thee didst thou ineet a lamb? statement Just Donnell! one ha th wandered far, WlSly| ` ' `spent-and that fmanciall Nay, I met no wandering lamb, Little shepherd lad; condition would maintained in-i 15 it but the lonely plain ,, coming Councils. ! That doth make thee sad? The SIT, my father and the Test Heard 3 he_3Ve111Y SOUTIC1; further1 heard I10thm1Z S3`/e the Sheep Bleatmg all around! I Wondrous things they heard and saw that citizens I :O:t1hlt]:e sgiihtngvmsggll); wouldl . - - all 21' ,, White on yonder hm` man laurels done,: 'when he went away wardenship; Fain I, too, had sought the star, two* But he bade me St-`/ `This high thing is not for thee, Who art but a lad. Reeve, can` That, in truth, god sir, is why I at heart am sad. the . Nay, thou little shepherd lad Dep__Reeve Lime thought it was (Sweet the stranger smiled), perhaps unfortunate to Say all these When father nds t,1"1 star `nice things in the presence of thel He Wm nd"3 Chlldi man whoghad attained the highest -Isabel Ecclestone Mackay, in The position in the County municipal Canadian Magazine for December. Light was on my father s face I Surplus. . for the Home . , OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO VThe.n we have a. large variety 01 Table Cutlery in < Silver`-plated Knives. Forks, Tea, Dessert . ` . and Table Spoons. Do not fail- to see our large display of Nickle-p1at- ed Ware. We -have just received a `large shipment from Rochester. They are the nicest lot of goods we have ever had. . Carving Setst a n Carpet Sweepers Nothing will make life pleasanter in the home than a set of Asbestos Irons. It makes ironing a pleasure. . not a_ drudgery as with the old style Irons. .'Sofntt1i_ng'_ for the Boys and Gi'r1"s.--We have Just opened up 400 pairs of SKATES (an import_ -o,rder).at `prices that will please all SKATE purchasers . - - -_: -__-`_ _g-no-u Oijrstock_ofSLEIGH BELLS AND CHIMES, "'"`- .. is well assorted, ' / fWe 11a v.e`a.stoc`k of SNOW-SHOES that will delight every " . ' i _. oneinter`ested_ein Snow-Shoeing Keen Kutter,> or Gillette Safety RaLo__r_ FOR NOVEMBER: % I Jr. I\'.--Iidna Church, Fred [Le Feuvre, Rwy Beardsall. C__ `rv A .._1..--.- Never before have we had as great a variety of goods suitable for Christmas Gifts as this year. `So many of our lady customers will say: _ What haveyou got that will make a nice -_LI-..___ 09! IICI IIIIVD "3 O Uunbvv vv--o --..-..' .. __ ` present for a Gentleman ?" If you will nllow us to make av suggestion, We would say: No article of perso naluse gains such a hold on a man s affections as a . 251- 5"9'service, and felt that, perhaps, the . mo. 00 Town `Council was losing one of the " {most popular members it has ever $31389` 90, had. He spoke of the good work }d0I'l in keeping the assessment down 1017 74} to the .present gure saying the low "ii County -rate was obtained only. after `considerable manipulating on the ve Garden part of the Warden and County re- .A.L..._. `L...-C .~..-a:anfc|f;\7PQ ya; I. \Il- ya. . ..- ,, presentativ`s.' 1?. Coupcil adjourned at 8.35 making a SCSSIOII of less `than an hour. THE CHRISTMAS QUEST. zw.-, .\., L. ....... u 5r. 1II.~-Idna Bertram, Aqdrew Bertram, Andrew Ruthven (l1ter".- ture), V 4 Jr. 111.` juhnny Beardsall, Victor V Church. (;,'1'ass 1l.--Iiwart Emms, Andrew Rth\ n (arithmetic), ' Wallace . . 1 y.V .H13` `Sr. 11. -_j Brrdlertclsaeeauf . M;1fo.d Church, Wrlhc BU Bertram. ` REPORT OF s. s. No. :5: 0R0. Sr. Pt. II. -- Ierey ABrt1'3m Goldie Hcalcy, Jack -Church. % V" Jr. I.--Li11ie Weeks. ' .TPrimcr ~_ Pearl Beardsal1,_A1berf4 hompson_ . 11 `A` . Albert Thompson` Hnor Ro11--Edna 'Bertram,:Go1dieT auaey Ewart Emms, Pe 1'1 Beards- H096 Church, _Bir i__e Hea1_ey, N. PALMER, Tachet; A `S`1<'1water' Merchant Tottenham-Sentinel -- There 3s (may in poultry nowadays. Mrs}! John Kain sent a load Of poultry. to ` the market -on Tuesday for which ;` she received $217. In all, Mrs. Kain % has marketed poultry to the value Pf 1 5318` this fall. . . ` ' As G-Zeianed In/ro m A 0.uAr "E.7&/za-nge_s by local applications, as'tliey cannot` rr:acliTtrl1ic diseased portion of the- ear. ere isonly one way to cure y deafness, and that `is by _constitu- tbional remedies. Deafness is caused y an inamed condition of the mu- cous lining of the Eustachian Tube. 5 When this tube is inflamed you have _i a rumbling sound or imperfect hear- . 3 mg, and when it is entirely closed, ydeafness is the result, and. unless 3' the inammation can be ._taken out f and this tube ijestored to xts normal condition, hearing will be destroyed| "forever; nine cases "out of ten are` caused by Catarrli, which is nothing n but an inamed condition of the ;f mucous surfaces. - i 11? ___21I -3--- f\..gn 1J|os\r`o-or`. nl\1_ iwoman in town who -ireicenfly spent $500 in Toronto stores. Now the `merchants of Coldwater pay a tax to do business, Eaton s pay -no tax, but undoubtedly they get `more cash business from here than stores in town. This .is, not even justice :0" the merch-a.nts.=3---Oo1.dwa.ter Planet. iDEAFNESS CANNOT B1; CURED ` mucous surzacca. We will give One Hutrdredb Dol- lars for any case `of Deafness (caus- ed_ by catarrh) that cannot be cured `by Ha11~ s Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. , .* F. J; CHENEY & CO., Toldeo, 0.` Sold by Druggists; 75c. ; `_Tak'e Ha1l _sM Family Pills for con-I ,L.-.. -I-Gl\\2 &.l ; stipation. `Moving Machinery for the Power '\I-..A. lwate}. Work on the big power plant, which i is being installed to furnish lightand A power for the towns of Midland and Penetanguis- hene and probably `Vic- toria Harbor, Coldwater and Wau-. baushene, is progressing favorably. Mr. R. W. Huffman, of Orillia, ' took in `a gang of -men on Nov. 18th. I to move the machinery from the cars to the power plant, _a _distance of,` is an expert at moving heavy oh- i iects and he had no easy Job in .mav- ' ing ve carloads of heavy machinery `from the cars` to the'riv.e_r._ ab0u.t a quarter of a mile and loading onto scows, oating over seven miles down stream to the power house and un- loading` on the shore; There were two generator wheels weighing about twenty tons each, and three trans- :..-.......- cnunn rnng `each- eight or nine miles. Mr. Hfuffman` each, and mree trunn- formerse seven tons `each. _ The country around the B12: `Chute is very, rough and _barren. The mail 15 taken in three fumes a week from [Port Severn, ' . - /grated should be ' if a piece of ' hole. = and forth through If a window. frosty weather, wipe it off with a rag moistened . with methylated `spirits, which will not freeze, as water would do. rst ' scrubbed well with a vegetable brush. . Darning large can be done more-quickly_and easily. net is basted. over the The threads ;are `darned `back the meshes of . A a `smootl1,'even piece of work. A` i Tea stains on ed f by rinsing __th_e_m linen can be remov- In` cold water,; --4---_ A.`...Anurv requires cleaning` in` Lemons of which the rind is to be 1 `holes in `stockings- p1ece or Wuux. _ _ -stams lmen can remov-| by rinsing them in cold water,- then pouring -boiling water through \the stained. pot-tiofn `stretched over a howl. If thg: stains have dried, soak` in diluted glycer-ine.. _ .- . . -To clean a. soiled ; place on a painted door or wainscot, rub the? spot lightlywi-t`-h a-little,-whiting o_n` a piece';otVc1ean. ahnql rag.._ .It;1s less injurious to th_e pamt fthan-`soap `and waterlorvashmg.-`s'od8. T . T ` Can't 1 I Gracious, Tom1hy, . -said the start- led visitor, I never saw a la`-dVet _so many ~ spankings ago you o do. - Why, It seems` to obega - cont-muons. perform- !ance down `in the ~woodshedf, __Oh', 1- can sta1'1d= it, . Tommyo with `a- ` wirikx .;,-J; o`,,`._-You; _~,stan1,'1A_ "_it? _, ; Whoa ::`1:1Y3_`<'1_ ;7;spank$` jmei nxa; .. :5 s i'n1;J` =.*sW? 6 snavksoo ms THINGS USEF_`UL To Know WORK AT'BIGl QHUTE. At Coldxeater the t'hermomet_er yegisterctl .26 below _last_ week. No] 5-on(]l` they call t-hls v111age Co1d-` At a meeting of the.Orillia Curling Club the skips for the season were selected. For the Barrie-Orillia cup, the skips selected were:--Messrs, B. lF. Stewart, F. Toogood, F, McPher- son, ~Geo. Rapley, A. B. Perry-, G. E. Madden, T. W. Robbins, and A. H. McLean. T'h.e proposal to divide .the "Club into two sections was abandoned: for the time being, in view of the fact that there are two rinks fewerthan` last year. ' ' Orillia Board of Trade favors the Lewis Daylight Saving Bill. The President suggested that if .Parl'a- ;ment did not` pass the legislation 'th s 'session, 'O'ri1li'a should` adopt the measure next summer, to g_ive citi- ,7.ensAa_n extra hour of daylight to |spend in the park or on the lake. 1 Rev. Father Trgylingg who just- ly popular with hxs panshxoners, was the recipient of several p_resenat1pnu .... 4.1.... rn1\ne:l'\fI n mhee INC I'CClplCHl'. OI 5CVCl'd,1 l)1bbl1LaL1uAnu on the _occasion of h1s`s11ve_r Jub11ee `celebratxon on Thursday last. ' ' I Ofillia Taxes a Record. `The. amount of taxes collected this year up till December 10, the . last day of the 5 per cent. discount, I was `$57,741. On `Saturday. t'he amount paid- in was $15,271; which is.the largest` amount , ever taken in by Town Treasurer Grant in one day.. The total amount raised by taxes this year is $65,000, while in 1907 it was $40,000. Part of the increase, $1,800, is- due to the Mt.'S1avenaad- dition, the actual amount paid ,bv` that ward being $1,889 this year. Expenditure in all departments 15 on `Lian Inna-nnen l.'44\p\.|A\.LL\-us \v u the increase. {Qri1lia;Boe_1t House Question sealed. Midlnml r:1_tepayers will vote on a by-1aW_10 W158 $20,500 for the erec- `qn 01 Ll new school. Aftermany days! At a conifer-`E lence between Messrs. J. B. Tudhope . and- A. B. Thompson, representing the boathouse owners, and the Town `Council on Monday. afternoon it was. decided to lease `individual water lots .to boatmen Ten'yeai- leases will be made but the leesees will have to erect boathouses according to plans, and specications supplied by the town. Should the corporation wish to'ac_quire the entire `lakefront at any. time it can"do so by g'ving notice to -the boathouse owners and! taking the houses over at a valua- tion. Something more elaborate might \possibly have.been arranged `had the town ample funds to carry on the imp`;-ovements, but things have reached the stage when there is no money for frills. ` . Spiles will be driven for the boat- houses -by t`he lC.P.'R., this being .by way. of` c-onmpensation to the boat- . house men_:_for the loss of the old I sites; The houses will be erected ` ' ` ---- Tnnlnuvmnnik ' 'II"f`l sites.` -1118 IIOIJISCS wxu uc \.;\....... `between Tecumseth'and* Neywash at `the north end and between -Colborne -.and'E1g1ri streets at` the'south end. . who Will VThey_B?` `Candidates for municipal ofces in j Orillia, says `The News-Letter, were never so shy in coming forward as this year. he only man who has lannounced himself as Mr. "Duncan I McNabb,_who will contest the iReeve- h - ' all com_ers. i Alderman `Frost, who has beenmentioned as a probable candidate for the mayor- ality, _ `has not ..made ~ up`. his niind. `Reeve Sanderson and Coun. Hatley will retire at the end of the present 3y.ear as will Mayor>Goiatt, so that `it looks as if next year s body will be a comparative .u`ntr1ed one.` The be a comparatively untried one. The time are not such. .as_to.1nvite can-. .didates.~~~Ca.oable men were never` ,more-wanted. and. it_;`is hoped public v spirit. will. be -aroused sufciently by ' :a;iw;ek fr;om,Mondy night to see'a e 4.4.`. .-:-~...-..-..1 men in` the running." 3 ORILLIKHAPPENINGS 8. Ween n_wu um. _number of `good Q .' _ LIV} lmvvwu... ` Young Jackson '_-`-V-`1\/_Ir. - Johnson, your daughter has_prom1sed to marry me Her R\7e- `It'll - The local press throughout the ounty report little interest In_ m1_1111- -:4` .x1.t,.+inn.~ n+ Ant-4: nf n11h11P:\f1OI1_ $1000 sumus FOR YEAR 1910 lnnual Statement of Town : Finan- `cial Affairs Will Show About l This Amount. I at The Statutory meeting of Council `on Thursday evening was attended by Mayor Beecroft, Reeve Garden, 2nd Deputy-Reeve Little, and Alder- men Bidwell, Y0ung,_ Beardsley, Craig, Powell, AT-hompson} Clark, Sprott, Garden and Grey. s The small hand of the clock was ten minutes short of the numerals `VIII when His Worship called the mem- bers -to order, all business being dis- pensed with down to the order of re~ ceiving reports. " 7` ,j.1.__9_ \r\rlVIIl6 gvrv---. Chairman of Finance` Beards1ey s report, having to do with the money ;chest, `received the premiere presen~ tation. The chairman said it was a matter of congratulation that c the Town had been `able to live within its income, and even to show a sur- plus in the neighborhood of $1,000. The usual number of statements will be printed" and distributed, thus giv; ing the:ratepa'yeris`ani opportunity to `see where the money has gone. A g I av vv ..`..\. .--- _,, _ M `The following is a summary. of the receipts and a Balance sheet of the assets and liabilities:-4 1910 ` Receipts. ;J_an. I---_B'alance in Bank $18,613 E3 AI'\P!l Receipt Jan. I---B'alance B , Taxes, Arrears . . 1910 Dog . . . . . . Poll... SCWCI Rates. " `A A ',__ no. `Con. David Black has been` v,-ronntutcd to the position of Chief, Police of Collingwood, which -has `wen Vuczmt for some time-. `The L Council ;H.~o decided to license nea-; -nut and fruit vendors, the`fee being xed at $1. `Percenta-`g"e" Fees.. .. Licenses.. .. Rents..l.. . . . . .. Board of Education Provincial Railway Tax Barrie Tanning Co. Miscellaneous .. lWate_x-works Dept . .. lPa1-ks, rent from shows.... Interest on Debentures sold Premium on; Deb. _ sold I ltuuuux van -1 var; --_ ._ ` ($83,000) .. . . . . Detlgentures. sold, '-Can; Prod. '\l\I. I Public 117 `I"I \.a\J- I.ndigent.. .. ' Cqnada Prod. -...-Ln`.-\4;-\{r svvnw --:_-:__,, , Exclusive of sewers and cement walks and waterworks and electric light departments, December 15th, I910. I910. Assets. Unpafd Taxes, 1910 .. -..$ 6139 6. Arrears for 1909 and prevxous * years . . . . . . . . . . . .. 504 35 IO 66 Sewer rates_-. . _ .. _._. . 1, yeE .. .. rates-.. .. i Rents of Market `Stalls "I`-__--- T7411. 1.\cun.a U1 ..-......-. .......--.., .,.__,_ Town Hall-.. .. Barrie Carriage rCo., re loan 1909-10.. .. . . . . . . . . .. Interest on Overdue. Pay- ments .. .. ` I Spencer Indust.r.ia1.s. and Interest. .` .. .. ..,. Spencer Indnstrnals Insur- ance Premnums . . . . . . . . _Spence__r Industrials gldterest, . OI0 II CI 4! I O I O IO`OU Electric Light Debentures ,_ 1 `I'..A.......-u. .I.'4l\\-l-A In :4-b--v ._ - _` and Interest .. Cash on -Hand.,'`.. :Salaries.. .. . Public Schools.. Collegiate Institute;. Law -Costsg. .. . Debenture not prese Debenture Coupons v -__L-A 0l]I11_V TL`pUlL ll|.L.lC .lllI.\.l\.D|. Au nu... ipal e1cctions at date of publication. '0 doubt the eleventh hour wiil ing forth the usual crop of nomina- }..IJCucuu.u\. vvur---._ _- ,_ sen-ted.. . . . . .. .. Street `Lighting, etc. . . . Accounts Ifayableu Manufactor1es,,. Water and-4 Light, 1910, -and arrears, E6 " - :nlO"O0IC|l ` lV.I.`a.llI.l`llbLul\-LJ \------r V-._ 0 I . u u .3 o I 0 I County. Levy, 1910. .' . . ::.C.?Y. .. I%"`Y- I HPW; clltoc ans: 0 u-.- Ignada and 'Ga.s., 1st msta1mex_1_t on debentures '-"_ _,. I - ay 0 I O I I I Manufacturers ` A _ 12;}---1 TOWN GENERAL ACCOUNT 'w'o'r1s'.'.' '.'.'.'.".'.' L; `S. -Agr. Joint Stoc s'.'. '2." 'o 'E'c1}c'a{io{ .' ' ' ' zial R_ai1vway Tannmg aneous vorks Dept.... f_ro_m "on agrears. . "rio ' ps:3ci' Coupons not pre- Liabilities-_ E11n\`;t`:e I.zmce--Municipa1 matters! still l1j_'1t;."(` the attention of the pub-;: lic. In [-105 there will _be a -keen; contest for the reeveship between; ;\1essr. Train and Tudhope. For, the dt-put_\'-rceveship the way seems= still O1)CH for Mr. Jos. Graham s re-!` turn by zzcclamation. For councillors - the names of Messrs. J05. Drysdale} and Alfrt- Archer are men-tioned`.,In` Elmvalc it is understood that Mr. Chas. Hrmrlt-n has declared his inten-I tion of entering -the contest for the` I trusteeship if nominated. nnciouoou exemptibnsy. La--run n v o a 0 ' 'an & V$I4.933 st. use h10,U1o 4074 955 61935 I5 418 00' 31 00 122 02 _ 326-17 Oddfellows Hav a Big Night,