Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 15 Dec 1910, p. 6

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Au-1.91, L a_y.Iu1 allll 1 Barrie ; v1s1ted fr1en Sabbath. V - __,.- _-__-.-.. .- .,... .,...,,. Miss E Bell is visiting friends for a few days at North Bay. The young people are practising for theirannual Xmas tree. Mr, Gauley of Cookstown spent a few days, the guest of J. Dobson. Mrs. Jim Ross is away attending the funeral of her sister, Mrs. Mar- tin. historic continuity. of God's revela- tion of Himself ` to man, and its limitations and conditions con- sequent on {he state in which man was at` different periods of history. ; `?{ :"l;3e1l of Avening ;have moved to ou_r-burg. ~ `All. 11` 11,1: - ? UTOPIA. * Mrs. Jim Miller is visiting at Ivy. Mr. Herman Baker is visiting friends at Brentwood. rs; Taylor an !noIooIn uo:n:bAp` ..:. %` `bably been tending. tdgtry Red iRoTske Tea to`: some tim j I but from_forc\eVof A ha_\[e.% just.,KT]:3t.!o1=14u`si_ng_.- ,anoth__er tea. Break the Hgit } Fand: _buy4 Red Rose next time. Your. Grocer Will . ~Recommend It .833 ---v vv ----wv--vg Sons of Temiperance are hw- ing a tay-pull hursday evening in the hall.` V * ' THORNTON. KIVIR SOLD IN lU,LK STROEJB: THE 'f'NOR'i`HE I{N.i A15 VANCE hav pi'o- Brown of here `last J';>ws..':';$h Packard has had a bad attack of tonsi1itis,'--but is on (the. mend now. ' - _---. , _ .- -- `The o'1cers wer_e_insta_l led by-Bro, .Dr._ Banting, ..Pro_\'i.' Grand I.ectu'r_e. -. ` B1-_o., `W. J. Carr. 450; _Ivy, was also present. 'Ater= a bountiful _-1Vu_n,ch., -had been -partaken of, songs-. and-_~ spec`1'- vmakin,g.;/was. the, ~ch_if -at_t`sl;gt1iQn,w`,an>; :1ti`.~ `Vafft. ;mid-night';u;.1av}_;enJV, tllge "'11p}}_en f V}e1ia1:iifd* ' 11 7X: the annual meeting of the bre- sbe`tt; Chap., Bro. Blackstocky VVVaite. thren of L. O. L. No. `I5, Thornton, last Wednesday evening, 7th inst, t following ,.were elected ofcers ~fo`r the ensuing year: W. `M., Bro. James A. Jamieson; D.` M., Br6. W.H. Co.`- R_ec.-S'ecty.. Bro. I, D. 'S`tewart; Fin. Sec..` Bro. Bert Fisher; Treas.. .Bro. A. E. .Ayerst; Lect., Bro. A. Toney; D. Lect., B`:-o.MJ. F. Aye :-st; C_om., B!'OS., Alei. , arshall, L ohn We `t, Lance Beelby,-"J. `Cor 'ett'. Chgg-i Cunnin_gfnam;' -_Inside Tyler, Bro. `J. Coleman; Outside Ty`1e[x'..V Bro. ;Fred 9. The annual Conservative meeting of the Essa Branch will be held in Ivy on Friday afternoon and even- ing. , In the '.afternoon the chief business will be the election of A_ of- cers andin the evening the Hon. . T. Duff and` I-Iaughton Lennox. I.P., assisted by W. A. `Boys, will address the meeting. tMr, Boys has the advantage of the average ooli.- [tician`, as he is not only one of the best speakers in Simcoe,'but also one of Bari-ie s_ leading vocalists. No. doubt this will be one of`-the-beat fonservative meetings ever held in 1 `7y- A ' i ' 7 A _ _u 4 I Wm. Moatt, Bar-1 tie, are v1s1t1ng_ friends here. 1 an The `Scarlet -Chapterwill be open- ;ed in A1landa1e on Wednesday. by LMr. Camp. N. J; Cart is taking ai load of brethren from here. 1 1` The At-Home under the auspices of .the Band here last Frlday even- ing, was a decided" success. The Banting Orchestra provided ".he niusic. Pieased to reporfour old friend, Mr. John Nixon as more than hold- ing his own. He fell on Thanksgiv-? hngeand has been conned entirely; `to his room ever since. '.Calves . . . . .. :[Sheep, 'ewes.... .; ?Buc_ks and culls .. VLam~b's, cwt. .. .. Hogs, fed and watered f.o.b. '"izvf'ii:}}'m},' "c'a.}'im es. Rey.-. nolds returned last week after spend- ing a few monghs in the lumber camps at Sundrxdge. . `I7- . l"_.,, J. _ ,!,, . _, ' `mt Canners.. .. .. A. Milkers, choice Quotations 9n Tuesday were :_-- Export cattle, choice..$ 5 75 $ 6 25 - " _medium .. 5 so _ 5 65 bulls ....'45o soo Butcher cattle, choice. 5:5 6 10' A medium .. .. .. 480 525 `.` common _45o 475! I 3Bu.tcher cows-, choice. 3 25 5 30 ' H `loose ;Eggs, per doz .. Butte:-', per `Chickens, dressed .. Fowl .,' Ducks, (spring) .. Turkeys-.. V Geese.... D1-y" onions, basket . . Cabbage, (doz.) Potatoes, bag.. .. -New beets, "beck Cauliower, each .. Celery. (dozen) Apples (barrel) .. lPumpkins, each " Hides, No. 2.... Green Hides, No. I . . . . - " Hides; No. 2 Calf skins, green, per Tb, Sheep skins. . .. Tallow, per Tb.) . . . . . . Wool, picks Horse hides, best grade. . Hm`-se Hair . . . . . . . . Wool, washed . . . . . . Pricas Ruling":-in-fhe and 'r9:.~ onto Marke? During the A Barrie,- Dec. ' 14th, 1910 W'heat.. .. .. .`.T... .$ _`8I _ 33 OatS..` ;..- .a 31 _ 33 W'heat.. .. Pea-s. .~ . . . Barley,. '. Flgur '. . Beef, hind. Mutton .. `Hogs, live, I Wheat, fall, Abl1Sh; `G /\ . O D O I LIVE STOCK MARKETS. "unwashed ` . . Quite -a number attended Mr. rFred Poo1e s wood bee on Tuesday `last. It ended up with a dance and a very pleasant time was spent. Al- though they cut wood all day. and danced all night, they went home feeling none the worse for the good time they had spent. _~ ' Toronto, Dec; 425. 18.. 12. 13th, A1910. 3 35 86` down vi 3 25. "'m;;"' 1?io.{;"J"'}}Ang% of _1jo- ronto, is sglavfndxng a few days wxth her stster, rs. E. Knapp. v II? .1` -I` '\ 14 oo .10 610` 475' 530 425 425. 12 IO 23.. IOM I2 13 Next Sunday morning` at 11 a.m.,| the Rev. T. Legate will deliver a lecture on local option in the Meth- odist Church. ` ` ' .. 1: w-- ..,....n ggv-u. gyuucni-J_y Ill \JuClpll. : `The family. of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. ` Her_uy,who have been quaranfined fgr 3 a _s1_i'g_I1,%~.i type"~- Diph_the'r1a,M will o `-3; .-`;'-`s_ 411...`,-.4" ' * , Messr_s.. W. W. B_ethy, D. W. Scy- lthes, . . A..L.e`nnox, Harry Dunning _and.: . G. Scyt-hes attended the Fat% [Stpck Show held" rccently in Guelph. , :'I`I..4'v..~.i.:L- ;cw1r._ ` . aux; ms at IIIJCUZV agam. " .M fs=g:.s;f" J'aames:"_Vi:C.:fQs1y,`_.: a_.nd_;- Kingis _.-.B.1t1.|sn,,8Iore This year's I picture books are the prettiest ever shown. - ' ` Never before have we bed such an assortment of J nvenile Books,_ in addition to those of Henty, Alger and Elsie series, fer the older boys and girls. "They range in price:' from . . . . T Vush in gnnrmn-Ina` nml Ilmn wll llnnir L.--:-_ -_ 7 -~----%. Notwithstanding the busy season, we have a China Sale on. We-have a line of China that is sold to but one dealer in every town. and it cannot be duplicated either in shape. decoration or price. It is impossible to enumerate the china or the price, but come and see thegoods, marked at low-price gures. We have the finest lot of Holiday Stationery in fancy boxes.$3 north of Toronto. Prices.p'er box from 25c to . . J v . --- ---v iv v`... c;c`i;l"a1.1((Vl` ncertn in tin An- 'ten M`ill school house, Tuesday, `Dec. an? 31 'vv'`** ""` "`'...;":.`;.*.`.:.:',2::;. We have if varied line of goods which m Xmas presents for children dndadu|ts. h Brass and Copperware, Cig Sets ffom $ .8f._00 - $;veeiieys. . 33.00 to $5.00 ;.Pock et Knives.-V . . .'... . 10c to 82.00 3Sa.fety Razors . . . . ..$1.00 to $5-0 V ` _ A snow Shoes. ., .:.$8_i'O_0`.tp `$3.59 % %.;;1`:1i'b1A>oveg_r5 new auggespihxia gra_uitg4b1e% ggfgs for Xmas. " V `T Our gtock Ia ex_ tensive. Hand Sleigh: from. . . ,25c* to 75c Baby Cutters. . . . _. . ; .81. 75 to 9.00 \_ _ _as by buying now you get the best before th rush begins. We have ' forvthelittle ones: 1%-'oys, `Games, Dlls, Doll Carriages, To and_Novelties. / , g Hall Sets, `I31.-. For the adult, we have the latest fiction. `I-`.A.AH0AR :*;:::::; '"iuiI=[s"Edi?n 'a1'& 'r.";2brg Muir visited friends in Wyevale last week. JVUG Ebony Brushes, aka '7 ` Soldier Syits for the Boys. See them. '50 iunnop street. BAIEIRIE.` nooxs II l-IDIIBU , Ebonyv Mirrors, .11: n1o' 1 FOR. THE GROWN-UPS 00-00 IIIIIUIC J ewe! Cases. `CHRISTMAS POST CARDS and CALENDARS -__ J ---v- -- "Mr. T. Muir:-1etug'ned last week to his home in Batavna, N.Y. 0-O0`OO , V -0 00-00 - - Purses, Wallets, Birthday Books . . . . . . .5c to $1.50 We have the newest and best Local- view Calendars in great variety` at 10c, l5c, 20c and 25. :7_GilleS`pie,.v_who have Spent the last season onwthe boats in the G? 9i`": .?d Upper Lakes.` ha rem" `.. ojdo on jooojooogoogo joojqojoojo :0 vvual auu. ' Cu' Boxes Glove and Handkerchief Boxes P_, A. Coughlin loaded a car Of stock yesterday. ' , ` 'I` `I ' % _-i\ /fists Violet and Mr. _Jas. McLaugh- lin spent Sunday evenmg at Fergus- ...onvale. ; " Mr. Jas. McL`aughli:i" of" Midland spent a few days last week with his brother, E. McLaughlin, Swixng Sets Writing Desks Music Folios Work Baskets Work Boxes Collar and I`l_,l!' I ! Mamcure Dressing ' F , DEC Yv pl` ./V,,-11,, 15v 5 , Cases ' Sets Toy and Gift Books , Bibles, H ymn L make early will do :-v----v--v -v vr----5: The young people of the- S. S. are .practis1ng for their Xmas entertain- gnent on Wednesday evening, 28th mst. ` - 3 3, girl, young in our h8Vi VA- {nu-her. ` excellent 0-0 ID01100- O-OOa Books, 59 I910. -v----- --v. -.-v.. -------u-`-- nonvo- ' The '1:wo}ti1 League `visited the Allandale Preslbyterian C. E. on Monday niglgt and spent a very pleasant venmg. fl`! I n ,u 1-: an `No fro *doi S1011 low `I boy Ttnu 9* . V151 lo; `tax cxc ter exc vit lls his 01 .:to sat p0 ~ `G-ewov. \;:;t'11v(i'<;rburgh and child- ren retut-n'ed home last week after a pleasant. vlsit wxth Allandale friends. ': `Mr. S`t-1;1:e.t;;1' "Coul- son s Hill, visited at Mr. VV. I. An- derson s last wek. A T "i\;Irs'.' -ii/"ebT)w:-:1`x1. Miss Lottie VVebb` of Allandale, spent: Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brown. ' . - Note-Cortespondents in speaking -of the movements of visitors will` please state the places from which they come} 'M'r.s.,Wileyiisvisiting at her son's, Mr. -Wm. Wiley, Barrie I A-II . `III an IF` '- -Do `your Christmas buying in Barr5.e Bo your Eiist --_-_, - vtr v~-. mas buying in Bar`rTe j Believe You ' Mr V Bert Willqughtby, our genial _ tesiier, has mshed1e'_scason by a1 1-ec_o'rd abreaker of ovrj en ht)? days " cue Qf `the best seas " .9g th omm BUSINESS COLLEGE Gregg Shortha_n%d`V ENTER, ANY _ DAY. INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION; could select a; more-valuable or eenalblo Christmas present for your son or duuchter than a six months course in a reliable business school. ~ . and ee.ry modern vbuainjzps 9.`- puanoe make our oounae A -' . _TRA_CTIVE. ANTEN MILLS. `A. H. SPOTTON, SHANTY BAY. _`;"9-T HOLLY; _..__ v_- _ v--vv.-J g--vu. ~ ' A your'1-wd;ughter came to the. home` of M Mr. T. Duckwqrth on ?`Saturday mornmg last, ` % ` _l . EDGAR. PRESIIIENT _--- ---r-------_ Rqv; R. G. Maconachie is, taking a 'sp,ec1al -course` of _lessons-. with an ,aquf1L-,%c1a`ss; onzthe Bible! and , ;:PfaY;1[ ~B,9.bk_.~_ .- :-`;1"his 'cau:,Sejwi.l1 -,compr`ie.; ml-S % V % .1315? ` ` 1 t- Mr.` %Foytori, Sr.,_. is = qtiit;e-bet`t_`er,V }but 1113 .sot_1,` F1-.e51,`1s suermjz w1thA isgripus mdtsposntuon. 2 * ' w A " 3 C` I .II The first debate in the Minesing Literary Society was held in` the Workmen s Hall, the evening of Dec. 5.5 The debaters were: Geo. G. Johnston; Miss E.~Kerfoot, Ernest Stokes and Mrs. Maconachie. -The subjectof the debate was, Resolv- ed, that the loveof fame is a more potent factor in human affairsthan the love of money. The subject was handled creditably by both sides; especially when we consider that it is at number` of years since any oneof the debaters took part in a public" function of -the kind. ;T-h-e affirmative won, as reported by the judges. Your correspondent understands "that" the Society `contemplates some ambitious.- yvork thisvyinter. ;Of_ course Mines- ing..r_ecogn1z_es that It possesses` a quantity of _ local; talent awaiting ` de-' velopmenm ' `Iv up .n-., 3 1. ,4` .c\ '.1,_;-_,n,__.'...aev:- L" -.v ---v-.. ' ,J."sgande:;, R_athmul1en',"Sa;sk}-V, is vnsntmg m...Mmes'1ng. . A '1'- En_.__.'.I .1`. 1 _ - . ` _ ,__-_ " V 3-1: . . I ,., ' , , .' `Mr. and M-r_s._ John _Lenno_x, Papas`- ; wick,` are vxsntmg .fx-tends -an Mme- %V CC A, .1` I G.5 Johnston ,/has -beer`: senously i1_1dSpOSed. .` _. ' "[7! T! 0.3:, -.14" -1' " 4{{a} ;'v 's'iTa'&;',"ii".- been ` J;ry- _senous!y ill, but is now..: we hone , 1 :mp_rovxng_., ~ . ' ' "|'l',. ,_..u 11-- -I-_.'.,, 1- #_'-..'-__v -___._.,. John Thornton of Stayner, ivisited f1-i e Ads_her'e l_ast wek. ` 'Dhe funeral of ,_the late Jno._Perry took.p'lace _to the Union Cemetery here on Wednesday! last. . \ _ V T,_,,__, _, __ _.,,, . Mr. A. Jary, ` manager for the Canada Grain Co.. last week shipped a car-load of wheatto Mexico and a car to Liverpool. ' It A VI Mr. A. Quinlan received last week `at this station a consngnment` of_47 lhead of fine cattle from the prairies. Yunnan:-a A: nn"nLA_ an wuuau. \J_I. llllb \,llI-I-LC .lI.\J_lII LIIU plaunua. _on Monday. `Mr. James Johnson of Dalston re- ceived` here a ne thoroughbred bull 'I'II ,- n A .f!. - At the regular monthly meeting of L. O. .L., ,No. 985, held We-dnes- day evening, the following brethern were chosen as oiiicer-bearers for the ensuing year: W. M., Bro. James Mc'Cracken;, I.lP.M., Bro. Geo. W. Binnie, D.M., Bro. John `Key; Chap., Bro. John Jennett; Treas., Bro. Geo. Snider; Rec.-'Sec.', Bro. Wm. VanNorman; Fin.-Sec.', Bro. Geo. Healy; D. of C.,.Bro. Wm. Sheield; Lect., Bro. Arthur Jary; Committee, Wm. Binnie, Bert Cast- on; Roy McCracken, Ernest Caston, Herbert Jennett. The 2nd degree was `conferred on seven members. Bro.tGeo. Gray, District Master, of Elmvale and Bro. Easton Brock, -Dep,-County Master, of Hiillsdale, were.present and exemplied the work. Other visiting brethren were, Bros. John Thornton of Stayner, and ,John Kell `of Wyelbridge. An R. A. I-degree meeting will be _held on Tuesday evening, the 20th. Mr. A 7....-. ............-.. z-.. `u... ` T ffgtprzirxlations are the Sunday School: %Methodist Church. `--v- .. ---. -.--v. vvgn`. Mr. and Mrs. -J. M. Baldwin in tend going to Toronto this week .to spend a few" weeks with friends and Lrelatives. V D. Mftouus and H. Baldwin have started Movere threshing. They ex- pect a full winter's work. . __-_, --- _`1;I'r. C.-A-I'~.Iunter of Ba_rrie preach- ed in_ the Methodist church. `Sunday 3 mornmg. ' -I-\ `I 5 ,. -_.. _-- W\'iVilli'am White, Vivian Wlhite and Geo. Baldwinghad a very narrow es- cape on- Friday last. ' They were killing pigs in the f0rmer s shed in "connection with his` barn, and had just stepped out when the entire shed collapsed. The weight of snow `on the roof is the only thing that people can `see for the cause of the. wreck. The rink is in full.- swing again eJohn'La`vender, the manager, `has things in `ne shape, a very large crowd attendingVSafurday night; We `expect a hockey team will be ch-o_sen `soon. ' B'ees"a;n"cl' pan-ties_ qre all the.go n_ow and by the practnsmg that js going on one may look for somethmg good at the Chnstmas concerts. - Rev. C. B. Jeffrey c.onducVt<.:d sef- vice in the Congregational Church, Sunday night. C 111 IN -r-r . p -- o - I Zion Presbyterian S-a_bbat'h Schopl "intend having their annual Christ- mas tree. entertainment on Wednes- day, Dec. 21st. ' `Miss Jennie Thompson of ~.Ban-ie. 1s spendmg a few weeks under the _parental 1-_oof. . .4. "h A] very heavy fali of snow which came last Thursday addsgreatly to the -sle_i'ghing. 1 % Q90 0 --_4 . >.JI.l UUU. ll I-Cl-I3. _ We a_'re sorry to `hear pf _t`het `con-=' t1nu_ed xllness of M1ss-.L1zz1e Bates; 'I\A _. _.._1_`I\.l'.... `:7 r- 15.2. nA',~ The_regular monthly meeting of the Women s Institute will be held on Tuesday, Dec`. 20th, at the home of Mrs. Robt. Ross, 1. `Mr. Robert McFaglden_of Thornton\red to LMr. John Gau1ey s `farm and Mr. Gauley has moved to anoter farm `in the vicinity. ' IO! VUU--\n ocvnv Jvo-v saw--. The ' farmers are ceftain ly niaking % .t:`S:lj9_`f_ thg::s_leighing that wg have.` `IvIuIuI_\-u u.|.u\.a5 UL I-Y1-I53-..L4llC DGLCD. Mr. and'Mrs, W. G. Moir. LMr.-7andv| Mrs. M. Watson visited Vigd ,friends_ last week - T . ' . 4 ---up .vr--. ..._ away`. :1- f_']36t: tT'f'6r`get that the pupils` of the day. school"and_,the older" folks are .havmg a concert on /I`hu:isAday.-night, Dec. 22nd. V --_..-- ,._- W -rp-vii '"MEsr}T'3"nde:sSQ' and Ar: Hubbert are making the `chips '11 cutting wood inVanNor,maI1's bus 4 these` days. . " Mr- Robert ..CaVrrt'1ther's "has ret1irn`- % ed from the West. .Miss Allen of Knok is the `guest of Miss, Susie Schell. * Miss " Moi; has`_ `reimneq from _a - fortnig1t s v1sit' wxth Barrle and Stroud frxends. ' --v~ vu p--_p- 39-at----B, 5-clay vvv scurvy- Qniffe 3::-Hriumber from neair Baxtr ;tocik _in the ball at".Ivy1a`st Wednes- day n,ig`h.tV and report a. good time. `l'\.....7. :-._..-.. 4.1.-` .I.'- _--_:c; -3 LL- ~ " Chtting feed is the me; of- th " ~day around here just now. x ' ' V " `LU \vIl"Jl\u'lIlll\-ll_. IJLIF I LU -est -x"iou-s4`~:`of. -ut'1d_e1'.stAg`x1 VV .4? ' uu me`? he I SUNNIDALE CORNERSQ. CRAIGHURST. V -?37iaAit1*ER. MINESING. _ DALSTON. _-vvvv gun; It! Surveyors A have been mhking/a` sur- vey of Raikes `Crossing for. a. eub-. way. A The delegates were in -'IToro'n-*' to Monday last; We hope to heart: favorable. report. ` being `made` fof concert in the. Another 'linl<"" that joined the. dist- ant past .with the present has ,been` severed by death in the removal of Samuel. Wright, of Ivy, "who de- parted this hfe las_t_Sabbath morn- ms at,2.3o., Three dau hters are left to moumfhis ,death:. ` rs. Wm. Soeers; I_vy; M'rs.` ohnston and Mrs. -B`rady,,-lbothof. arkdale. In -denominational leaning `the deceased was La Presbyterian and in politics` he. was :3, life-long: Co.nsAerv\a,,ti-ve.; The, `remains: were _interred_ _ in -the Prese- .by_t.e'rianiu' cemetery, _-Iv.y,_ ;on:_. .:.'Fu sday. ` 13th? ii1s.;:-the .Rev,.: G, -~;I." Cnaw. oi-_`_; ~ 1 7 "'|`m:;_". .."-3 -.-`...y.... ' -.- ri-M -vvv--way. -_ 4 ] M`ess;'sV.V `W,e-Uh .and Thom-pson. are ' `busy cutting`. and v.11auIin;.:_? Jogs_. :+the( ol'd.;`_1Fletch `giqtjto p`rogr1r_} 1%? The upils attending the_Bradford High_ c'hool from this section all remained here on Friday night for| the concert. All report a grand time. , - . . .t . The parlor social under the aus- ices of the Ifresbytenan Church, eld at the resxdence `of Mr. John- _Robertson, on Monday night, was a decided_.success. The proceeds were about $25. t `\_, - Mr.` Fred Peacock, one`, of our en-| terpi-ising: young f-armersf, is hauling gt-'avel for the foundation of a new -barn to `be II2 ft. x 36 it. ~ Sorry to hear that at present Mrs. F. W. Mathers_is` laid up with an at- { tack of congestlon of the lungs. ,We. {hope for her speedy recovery. IF I ' Mrs. R. A. `Sutherland is4at present under `the doctor's care. We hope for a speedy.T recovery, Q Q I 1 O * '1\/1"r.:`L7Jui'smci1ies`E ' has _nishe:l thres'h1ng "for the -season and 1s again running his chopping mill. if I` I I I `_ Mr. Berti McConkey, Who has been `sailing on fhe Great Lakes the past season, returned home on Sat ` ufday` last. `I. .I I`. - I I1 --- v-v-J --~-v All things being favorable: es- -pecially ;he wea-ther, Mr. Robertson on Saturday evening. intends opening the Mammoth Rinkn The Misses ;Coustab'le of Bar -ie are visiting ftfends in `Stroud for a few days. Mss Sarah Self of Bradford, is v`iting at, the home of Mr. and Mrs. VV*m. Kneeshaw. V Miss Katie-Ross of eiToronto `s -visiting her mother. W. Goiiiter had a bee hauling gravel on Tuesday. j T Mr. William Canipbell is home from Toronto for the winter; `Mr. _JosephvGrahain_ has gone to visit his son, Joseph, in Gravenhurst. `AA _ _ _ _ __ A a yr Webb of the R. V. `Hospifal, Barrie, visited friends in Stroud en Monday. ` - - - - v cut- 5 Mr. Herb Aves` of Tho`:-nton spent Sunday` with Mr.__' Russell -Webb. ~'"lV)`<`_)1wI"'tV_;()-1";et_'-ti'1"V2.-}`{mas tree in the Methodxst Church on the 121st Dec. Quite a number from here attend- ed the Bachelors Ball at Ivy, on Wednesdgty last, all reporting an en- joy-able time. V .' 1i\"\fz(:TwV('>}'-the Brentwoodl fboys 2--t`-` tended Robt. `Harris shooting match last` week and Jack Campbell was th: only lucky one. He got a big fat goose. The. yourjg men pf ouf burg ` _are busy cleamng their sskating rmk. ` Hurrah for a jolly old time this win- .-ter. ._ - returned from a visit. and hunt at Manitoulin Isle, hale and hearty. . I ---v-- v-.- ---w- wJ- Mrs. Carruthers has returned! _from waiting on her daughtex-,.Mrs. ;Cleary, at Ivy, who has `been slek. 9| 4ll.llDL'\.lIIt Mrs. _Iobert Leggott of New L)- wefl, vxsnted Mrs. Wm. Turley one -day last week. 1 see our old friend, Haro`d Bell. home again after two` months at __A'lliston_. H--- Jvuuruu, can \-aIOv\ynallIu|lD|.o WK/I'e's-s;;s. A. and H. Graham pur,- chased a ne horse from Mr. J01!!! Smith, Hawkestone.

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