Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 15 Dec 1910, p. 11

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IlCIII\r\v Oh; go! bAef0re I strangle vou." `came the anguished reply. Can t you see that I am happy--that I don t care a d--n for you or any thmg. Yes, I m happy smce Carter `didn t actually round on me, `what- ever he might have meant to do. You go and do the best you can for yourself, and don t mind me. '1`. .-.....L A._-._l.--I....A. _I....._..!,, .L__.- `going up to see if -1..- ....Z.-I X7.-...7.l Q7`) "(fa B 'a()'x;Vtinued. said Phyllis: trust myself is up than it's safe for better call we REPAll5i WEAK MEN `IWHAILII `We are showing Asbestos Sad Iro_ns}of all sizes and shapes in our window and know that the display will interest you. If on will give us an opportunity, we shallbe delighted to tel you all about these celebrated Asbestos Sad Irons. ONE SECRET OF OUR SUCCESS. Everycase submitted to us receives the personal A attention or our Medical Staff, who consider the symptoms. complications and chroniclty mid then decide as to the disease and curability. Speciilc remedies are then prescribed fur the case and are compounded by our'own chemist in our own Laboratory. such zi;n;'rupria.te treatment cannot fail to cure, as specic medicines are selected to cure the r Hnptoms that trouble -you. We have no cure-all medicines like most specialists use who _. mm the same medicines to all patients alike and cure none. We have treated patients. in mugmout Canada for over twenty years and can refer to any bank as to our responsibility. We Guarantee Cures or No Pay. We Trent all Diseases of Men and Women. V Q` CONSULTATION `FREE & If Unable to Call.` Write for a Question List for Home Treatment; '*~- - --2- -- nj:1 I 1 . DOT. NV`! CIIU \lI IGVVVIIJ wit -v-- --7, V ----_- ssed` All letters from Canada must be addre 0 to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- W ment` in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to n see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patients in our Windsor oces which are . for Correspondence and V. Lzv.bora.tory for Canadian business only. Address e11.1e_tj_:_ers es follows; DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY. Windsor. _ e - - __ _| rI2__.-_I.I 1 IIGICIOII I-III I'D! HOWE lrvuuuwuu Call. Write for Q E33s,KEN_NE Y8: KENNEDY l'\-l..v.36' \\\r ! `i tg F b I; h `N. `Q K N; \ Q ` _ "over SAVINGS _, % ACLOULNTS SOLICITED Totgl Assets 99,91 'l'l\ioI I1l `I I1: -_ urn-- ---... ._ _...___ . Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St.. Detroit. Mich. .. __. . A - A11 1..++.}-a 1-hm Canada be addres Capital and V Reurvg, . $8.soo.0O0 Should Avoid Dangef(ifImf>qritis`inA-I?1ifi`}f f1'T?l.A*` Oven to the Hm- % % ~ j 2 Insist on Your _Ba`k er :,:~.;`7 A. R. Hambly THE HARDWARE MAN % % begs to draw your attention to his` display 91' >0 V0-V : o 0 0 '1 Reserve Futyd . . `. -. -.. _ 5,500,000 90 _. - S C T Head Office, I-Ibalifavx, _ Genetal Manager : Ofce, To_ronto.- General "Baa'1king Businese A 1`ransaeted*- The Books Aand Statements of this. Bank are annually submittegl to a .strictly independent audnt. _. Barrie Branch`- Branch? - _ 'Five,`Poit1.ts S. MOADAM, Manama . . Incoirporated i832. A8 B3108 sAIlImms vIf-IVlI uv_a~ will; sung LIIC V _ .u;.v , ~ D010 my ofrthe, headland -beachrhad -been latein waking on the morning- -after `her-_ arriyfal, I a_nd_ at first had .beh_av_ed with rude Insolence, never V _say1ng a word but incessantly try- mg to stare `P yllisv out of co|_mt,en- ance. By degrees as the long day wore on the insolence changed to 3 mor fllfflv Rfllflnir ant` nality J- ulllly Urcaz I ` . Another thing that the captive's alert senses notrced wasethe con- stant and stealthy watchfulness which her voluntary co-prisoners" had `for each other. They spoke together ;but, seldom,'and thenvohly on trivial matters of the `1n1mediate..moment, 1 suchgas the state of the weather and the stock .of food -and water; `but Phyllis `observed that 'Ravensc_ar`s every. movement was of the` great- est. Interest to Michael Standish, wh1_le_"'the latter could_not change his Pqsttton, _or so _mug:h as light his pipe, W`,th11t m_l!l`l'1.flg a swift glance of vexled anxiety from his patron. ` AI-snnf Gun t\ n`(\nlp in H... ..4-.....-..\..-n vv_vu: vu sup ula`U.lClCe cnangea $0 a `more furtxve scrutiny, and nally Ella copied, or unconsciously fell .into, _Ravensear s reluctance" to meet -Phyll1s s eyes. - A`ou:-:61`-.. LL}..- A.L_L- L`- - -' I- vvucu euuucty .lrUlIl.IllS patron. - About ve o'clock in the afternoon the two men held a. brief conversa- tion in whispers, as the result of which they both` went towards the .foot `of the rope ladder which` had been dangling. from the trap-door all day. Phyllis, hotinglevery move- ment mia` detached sort of way as though` nothing` concerned; herself, conceived the idea that each wanted ' to mount the ladder first. If that was so, Ravenscar conceded the point with a slight shrug, denotin"g that it wasimmaterial, while Stand- ish,~nQt to be outdone. in politeness, stood aside for" Ravenscar to pre- cede him. It, ended in Ravenscar go- ing up rst, though `Standish follow- ed so _quickly that his horny sts closed on the rungs the moment they were vacated by the other s feet. `ITII-. `l'\11:OII1-D nnn|:r|c4- 6-`Q- n;-nu1nr } Pl Q1153 VVIIII KIIU LICP_\IVUl- Phyllis felt that it would be- un- wise 30 decline the overture. Why. -should they not trust. each other? They are in the same boat, . both of them, I suppose. she` replied. in as natui-al,a voice `as she could com- `mand. L _- ' V 'IVI H I , | I I . a I I VVVIU VG.\al\?LI U tut: ULIICI D IIZCI-o ' . Ella, lolling against the circular wall, gave a short laugh when the two had disappeared. `Seems as if they `didn't `trust each other, she said, shooting a tentative glance at Phyllis, as though doubtful how her advance would be accepted. "Some- .cne had to go up, but it looks as 1f each was afeard t other might. play pranks with the trap-door. .. D`11v":(~ `n`I- I-'41:` :I- twang`:-` kn can-\_. _ xuauu. The shermari s daughter laughed again, not quite so harshly now. You have hit, it at once, she -said. Bothein the same boat and no room for the two of em:-that s the matter. what s Look here, miss, I bore you ill-will when I came into this black hole last` night, because I though you were my man's fancy, I but a woman s instinct has altered that. l l L I've been watching the two of you all day, "and I allow I was mis- taken. I d help you if I could, but Ica_n t see how." There's two of em to beat, and both of em playing against one another as well as against you. `Against me, too, if not both or the precious pair. \7':-\.. .-.'.}I1 I....... L.` II--4\`n:. :f ..A.. \ lII\u PI \v%I\l|` IICIII . You wm have to explain if you` want me` to understand, said Phyl1's cautiously. I only know that _`I was shut up here because myevidence 'wlm(1l1d,}1ave cleared Mr. Richard W'en- s a e. `- . h'I`L_,- -,, ,,, I _,,, ,,_3,..I Rfzzld he]:-. stii1 mm % Tm.- .b1a an!-in AC `IA I.-...II....-.1 L-_,-1_ 1.-.: {II}. ' "Then you can make your mind easy about him, for he was cleared without it, rejoined Ella curtly, withl a jealous pang for the look of J joy her. news called up in the prisouei- s| wan face. "There's no time'to tell` you more, she went on in a gentler tone, glancing up at the trap-doo'r.v You will learn allabout` it quictc enough if you ever get out of this alive. -.It` is more important for you to know what you V have to face. Al ship is coming to-take us three abroad-Mr. Ravenscar, father and me. They have gone up to see if it is i_n sight now. You are to be left behind, to die down here-suddenly, I think, by some means they have contrived thev will--well. wipe out all traces. That, at least, is what -the say to eachfother, and to me. fhntr 114- rt\C nuecnnnf final- Ill Lllbll, VV Ibnuuuuuao I guessed it at rst, but I know it now-after the way; they went up that ladder, said Ella bluntly. Rav- enscar, or Carter, for I call him-by_ his christian name-her voice broke nun- u.I-..-..u --.....4. L- 1.... L........n.., -the eachfother, and to me." 66 . ut you suspect that they both have different plans-that they are not dealing fairly with one another in their wickedness. - I ..L Y I,v._7-_-_ EL ` than they. I115 cunauau uauu: --uc| Vvlyc ._;.u.\., a little-doesn t want to be hamper- ed with `the -girl who has lost _her soul for him,` when he s got to run about the world with a `price on his head. And father's no more to him. than a worn-out tool. He means us to go along,with you, miss, when the time comes. I don t blame him-- he s played for a big stake and lost. There s -just a chance. though I don t set much store by it now, that I might/have shared it with him if he d won; You see I m no` better _ 'She laughed` harshly, and went on again. in a lower tone: '1'hen there s. father to be reckoned with, the craftiest of the two', .I m thinking. Maybe he s soiled your ears already with his hopes, but whether or no, I m not going tomention them. Any- how he s set on saving your life, andon takingyou ` away in th's "brig that's owned by, one of the biggest devils that ever sailed the sea.- `He-means to kill Cartererst, for-the 'ake of the" money he _s got Ethe sign `a1-ight~.`.'They re just. wait- Pon him, `I know the; black hearts of, Athem,_~-fand `you'll see` that I ve read: ing for each 'other' ,_n9w,..hoping for. .. a chance fajnd -..dece1_vxng_ ,._thmse lves.. ` >3.`-~,`." '.`F= .`. """-?" W18 e W5? Eddy s Bree- up... ~ The growing excitement of the shes-m,a_-n s daughter. had .on Phyllis the curious effe-ctgof enabling her _to cqn-t,r_o'l-hcrself--even to view dis-" passionately `V the `situation as it was presented tho?-hei-I` by this rough pro- duct. of the sea, shore. ,The personal-. ity . qf. Ella. Stan'd'1sh could in,.no` cir- x{ `stances; ba`_V' .a; t,t`rac_ted --{h'er,- ;;_but_ `L % hsrSti*ihale~fwzusatitzns 4-read .(C_x}tinud fr9 1n pagg 8.): ,:relye .on y_()ur aid. .capble. of .surIy. yottvl.-are wrong `about your father? She "Said kintlliy; jou must try and believe that you. 1115 own esh and blood, would_..- be safe if he Game 05 ._best In _this (ion- ict whih you `expect between them. I am selsh enough to hope -so, because than I should be ab1e`to With far less caution than` they had observed on their ascent the..two men descended the ladder`, and it at transpired that if there . was-..`in truth a mutual distrust between them they had lost or laid itpasideein the face` of a common `disaster. They. were so_ moved by it that they spoke of. it quite openly to Ella and among themselves without any restraint- A` -thick sea fog was rolling up {tomb the westward, which already made it impossible to distinguish objects `half a mileo, and which in a very few minutes -would develop the reet "itself. Unless it lifted: there would `be no chance of the brig being sight- ed from the ruin, or indeed of put- ting" in near enough to such a;dan-- \ gerous spot for them to cornmuniate i with her if her whereabouts could be ascertained. "I don't believe ttgen-e s. a pin to` choose between them," responded Ella, then added quickly, "flush! they are coming down. "V `e T `IY'.I D 'v"i`-11'eyV -friendly enoqgh,"` Phyllis took occasion. to _ whisper `when the pair were conferring 1;_o- gether at the other side of the cir- cular vault. _.. L ,_-_I_- ,_, ,__2_L_I__ II -._-- i tively. auu au\;u.\.1 , Phyllis did see, andnoddcd affirma- Under E1la"s tuition .she was beginning of the two rogues, and she. could appreciate their need to keep upxthe pretence of a community of interests as long as escape was hanging in the balance. She found herself watching theiu efforts to- that end with a horrible fascination fell very little short of amusement, and so absorbed her that she was mercifully enabled to forget her own` danger. Always. sympathetic, shel was more concerned with Ellas pitiful fears of thetwo men upon whom she` had every claim for pro- tection than with the two dreadful alternatives threatening herself. ~ T` e-`an nrnuyn n LI-at-mcrvlnt On ""I'1| `n5- to understand the duplicity ` which . wi5or'1"`tmr`1'1akie any mistake, came: Ella s prompt reply. It ain t Ltheifr game to come to the scratch before the time. Neither of them `will want to shut the trap-door down ori t other uqless he can go straight off to the brig. It would meanthat, he d `be cutting himself off from grub and shelter, see? plnullie Air! :99 anA'nnrL-Ind 9931-rn2.. QIIu\IlIQLlV\v |vIlI\.nQL\aIIIII5 IICI \}II. ,' If she gave a thought to the lat- ter'it was to pray for Ravenscar_ s overthrow, for she could not be-. lieve that` Michael `Standish would bc_ so vile as to compass his daughter's! death. And while Ella lived she was condent that the worst of the .two horrors confronting her would never be` realised. `-With the spirit of evil in the shape of Ravenscar ex- orcised Ella would become a con- trolling force, strong enough to hold in check the passions of her lawless sire. So at least Phyllis tried to comfort herself. a 'l'I-<- O- ; I- 9.- ,C ' 9 3 Q V O 'of`the.1in ; In eddying swirls at "open trap-door, gradually creeping LUIIIIUI L IILI Dbllu The fog was not long in making itself unpleasantly felt in the interior wreathed and coiled `through the downwards till the damp chill of the` salt-Jaden Amist enshrouded the four occupants of the cavern-like chamei her. Yet on Ella suqgesting `that. the trap-door should be closed Michael Standish curtly bade her hold: her tongue. It was necessary, nc explained, that `they should, be able to hear if anything happened out- side--a proposition to which Raven- scar added` Aa~ prompt assent. nu@QaIlll`:IiO\ noon g.-Anna-:51..- -`A, DLGI CUUCU `G PIUIIIIJI 6339!! In 'The precaution was presently re- vealed as a sound one. The gloom of the fog wasbeginning to he rein- forced by the natural darkness of night, and Standish was rummaging in the store of provisions with " view to serving out the evening meal, when. .a distant shout, faint but distinct, penetrated to the depths. The sherman straightened. him- self and cocked his head on one side to listen. In something under; a minute "the shout was repeated: 0311..-}! -L---I `[7].--- AL. I. ` I -_gl IIIIIILILV bllb DII\Jlll VVII-D -I \o_uI.\-\l- | A Reef ahoy! Where Ylixe 11+! are YOU? ' o ' ."aVn`- n I-`an; can , u`L-'1;`hat s t.he brig hailing us, said /lad? fbr2. e.eI _ } - E6'0lI0ltllZ6'l ` V :I'hr s bakei` the "Dominion. A special divided oven ue guarantees that. A 5P9131 .3 ?-`*3 theamqst heat ~.for.theffue1~c0nSumed. Special ash-door guard guarantees .cleanlu}ess. ..ANi:k_el .IV|l`I_dv-'-8'a`.ves. work of scouring. .. And - ~H0AR Tis Rangemas ` A1.`r_.ap vvv --v v v-- -- -- v -- - ` sures 20%bfyaurV` `Waaxiisan. A Awe i:vant~.\_to; demqqstggtelthesen gxclusive Gurney featufes to you-their thg give. Then we leave it to you to ta u$eL a__x1y'-othet; range in ybur kitchen? - ..- 5 - "-` >` -.-" .' ._.' _ _ -~ .. .. .... . r. ` . ,.- fl _ _... n&uv`nQ fl!!!` \ICtr -: J --- -- ` % Yoi1'.l1 ` am lin f"Gumy. oxrogd Stoves on our oor--38.11 styles_and ,allprices- -Ma;deffor;-gwery purpose all kmds of fuel. `Come xn any time. _=_-n__. _I__-..__." _';~ ..-..-.. LL.....`.. $ \l_I VII luv 196`! loan `IU-V-_ nt $av&IJ\l .9 :9; g1ad tc;:_se9w them. .-yvvnl "Gr . Witch 1 Mihael Standish uttered his -`pronouncement; that the hail came from -the expected `brig, Raven- scar was lounging against the wall of the min in close proximity to" the foot of the rope-ladder. He had` -been very silent all day, apparently content to recognize the right of Standish to commandin his own` lair. `With the coming of the brig, how- ever, he sprang into instant activity a --nayemore, he sprang at the highest t rung of the ladder within reach of` 1 his long arms and began to shin up \ it with the utmost speed. \ mt:..t....| \....... ..:o.... 1.:.... 1:1-- .. ....; *%st:maish; $`l5`i -5kin' a Qnence -tht could be feI_t. I`L`I should know hers skipper"s4vo1ce among a hundred. IL: "Itu I-ll_ lultuavae yD\i\Io ~` Michael was after him like a cat, turning to ing over his shoulder `to the frightened girls the ominous sentence: I wanted him up .yon- der. I'll see to you when I ve done wig: _h`ix`n.' ` _ L1- ._II A--_._L_,, ,I2__-L VVIIII llllllo Quickly as the tall secretary climb- `ed, thegiant sherman s agility en- abled him to make up the start gained by the other, and he hurled himself through the aperture before Ravenscar had gained a foothold `on the stone floor.which was the roof of Phyllis s rison room. The im- pact _of Mic ael s huge body sent Ravenscar spinning on to his back just-as he was turning with the evid- ent intention of slamming down the trap-door. The moment of time thus -gained enabled Michael to glance over the parapet of fractured mas- onry. The fog had lifted a little and he caught a glimpse of the brig, her . square ails all backed, looking like a ghost ship in the misty twili ht some fty yardsfrom the reef. he ,.next instant his lean brown ngers hadclosed on I_{avenscar s throat. .`9~ _.-A. *..__A ____.. _- L- 1.... LL. i_.pOt, were you, you swine? PUUI IIDIICIIIIGII up III -IIID UVVII \.l.GIJ_`l `But Mr. Carter Ravenscar was as elusive in these strenuous doings as he had been in-politer villamles re- quiring Only the use of a subtle brain. `Moreover he was fortied with the knowledge that in his side pocket lurked a weapon which, if he could only get at it, would counter- Vail the brute force of his opponent and ,turn the tables in his favour. Standish was also handicapped by l the knowledge that in Mr. Raven- scar s pocket there was something else that he was interested in-not the shining little Derringer that his 0 adversary was thinking of, but` a fat wad of notes and gold. It was necessary that he should possess himself of the plunder before he ad- . ministered the coup de grace in me manner that appealed to his sense of retribution. I I l 1'3- 1.r:__-,1 c-L-...1:_1. 1__.1 -.-... u1.\`1 LlUCu U1! 1)aV\v-I'I3\r`5I D |lll\lILo ' So you were gmng to box the poor sherman up in his own crabs .pot, Dub Hr (`nu-ns Dounncnoo-* rune 0): `IL [\}lI.IIJ|,|Bl\JIlo For Michael Standish had cor- rectly..divined `his former confeder- ate s intention to shut him into the ruin and let him share the fate oil the two women, originally devised'. for Phyllis alone. He had determin-I ed to repay Ravenscar in kind, first relieving him of the sinews of war provided for his ight; and being. as callous and cruel-hearted a ruiani as was ever furnished with a hand; some face and a melodious voice, he` 1 I meant to include his daughter in the catastrophe. I-In .s4\n1a` -n`- l'\fI `I1-E (\I kl! There are two principal parts, the HOUD and" the CORE The hood covers the top and sides of the core, or iron proper; By a clever device an` air. space or heat reservoir is made to surround the core so as to preventvthe escape of heat at all points except the ironingeurfaoe. - ' - "i?Z$"1:1' rely on his cunning, hel had been telling himself all day, so to manoeuvre that Phyllis came up; the ladder first, in the belief that Ella was to accompapy her on her degarttire from the rum. ' L-;.:.I- _.__L2_I. ..........1 .....e splendid physique, only used Ilcpdll-UIC IIUIII LIIC llallllu So the battle which ensued was not .so one-sided as it might have been. In spite` of the advantage of? Standish s initial assault, Ravensca'r| wriggled and twisted and writhed,| literally deserving the description ofi squirmy which_ Yvonne was so= fond of applying _to him. The stronger man, in his eagerness `o. feel the spoil he hankered for, and` a"little too condent in his own, one hand. for combative purposes, em-i ploying the other in deft passes over` his antagonist s clothing. The re- ?sult was that Ravenscar wrenched I himself free just as Michael's left hand was withdrawn from his pocket holding the coveted prize. Dayan:-menu-i.n n a-:ni-`AL gopinqgp Illlullllg Ullc UVCLCu 1J.l'll.C. Ravenscar s nghtv hand, released from 'trymg to remove M1chael s clutch "from his throat, went like _XXV_III. Next oor - Sarleanttkinu hglI-t7 r`ii"' 'i 7_to`f7liisi A'6ther7v:v-`~"i>iE , uicuc came\ e revolver, but . not so 131 W '5`. that he could re it before; had given him a push that sent reeling towards the open trap-door`? If he had thought more; ofA.thy yawning peril than of punishing Eula. enemy hemi ht have saved himself` - As It was t e revolver cracked as, he staggered and fell-down, down" - into the depths, a cry of rage and --hate heralding the horrid thud with which he struck the stone floor at the bottom. a (`It was so dark now down in the base of the ruin that till Ella ha seized.the lantern and run with it to... the -huddled heap, neither she not " Phyllis knew which of the two me `f 11106 non anAI.I1tr I-`inf :9` van HA1 {IIJLIIS IKIICW WIIIUII U1 LIIC [WU ma` 1t was. 011 seeing that it was treacherous lover, Ella deliberately set down the lantern, felt theuncons scious scoundre1 s heart, and, 7*'seat' herself on the oor, took his ha A in her lap. Presently she looked 12% C apeeringat her companion thro the~gloom. III ? 1 . 1 I 01 C Q - He's not dead, she said simply; If I was you I should clear out 13$ this and get down on to the reef. Even up above would be better than this. -Come daylight you'd ma be be seen there, but I wouldn't you to be down here if this chug comes to. I-IAMLY CLIII, I\rIIlVIlI|IUIo "Unless he's dead or gone off to. the brig," corrected Ella, speakin in a dull tone eloquent of a bro en `heart. "I expect Carter's shotsettled him, or he'd have shown up before this. Hold on a minute and listen! But intense silence reigned above` m`1`Give me that biscuit tin, said In EVIIIIB lay D\I JV ll you, she said. You % out if Carter comes to. uCl__ -|!__-L-_I ,, LL- But your father? timidly. "I dare not away from you. He still, remember. `TT..I...... LA . 4...! -_ IIIIIIJD U1 IICI PCI DULULUI. It was really a minute, but an ago. i seemed to have elapsed when Ella s ` shapely ankles appeared on the top` [rungs of the ladder. She came down slowly as if very tired. Never a. word did she utter till she reached the ground, kicked the tin aside and mechanically resumed her seat on the floor, taking Ravenscar s head on her lap a ain. Then she said in the same life ess, monotonous tone: .`I.a`:\`-tan- n an Anna` an 4. A A A n a Ola` 121157` LIIIGO Phyllis, wondering greatly,- but imbued with a strange sense of trust, obeyed. Ella carefully laid" Ravenscar s head on the tin and rose, (Dr! ,' . -9 `.1 1' n Kll-ll. ll \4l-I L\v.l LUIIIU-3 `V `She climbed up the rope ladder. during her absence Phyllis watching- the contorted face on the biscuit tin, with a gaze she strove `to avert but could not. There was no movement. 1n the pallid features or in the limp limbs of her persecptor. .TL cnvnn -130111.. A guano-uuun LHL `on -...A J\ltIlL7_\rlI, clllkl \L\Jn| I. JIIILILL Ill- : To such turbulent despair thetQ~ lwas no use in offering olive branches [and Phyllis took the other at her .word. She mounted the ladder. and ion coming to the trap-door let her leyes grow accustomed to the fog ,_laden atmosphere before she cut her- :self adrift from all chance of retreat. -But it was as Ella had said. After a little while she was able to make out the dimshape of Standish s great body on its back. and she was glad that it lay where she would not have to pass it closely on her way to the row of iron spikes that ran downto the reef. .IIIC IIIDILOD, lIl\ lI\JLLlII\JLID L\JlI\;. Father s as dead as a door-naxl. Leastways, he s lying in a great pool of blood some ways from the trap- door, and he didn t move or hear what I Said. I d go up if I was you. You'd stand a better chance out on. the reef. CITY , ,1! 1' `la .,1 , O "Very well, I will take your ad- vice, said Phyllis. I wish I could help you, though. At least, she add- ed as she saw the scowl of resent- ment gathering on the wild girl's brow. I will say how good you were to me-if ever I get the chance. tlf\I- I I ,l'- `I _. I II The core is solid and after being thoroughly heated and covered by the asbestos-lined hood, will retain heat two or three times as long as an ordinary iron, while the handle re- mains at a comfortable temperature. ' ` ` "

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