"Mr. J. G. Emms of Dalston, who has purchased the bush lot of Mr, Wm. Drury, has men andteams at work cuAttiny"and hauling logs. .Mr. Ge0rge,Rinehart`1_eft for te % could 9431801: 9. more vifluable or senaible Christmas present for your son or dauzhter than a six months` course in a. reliable business schgol. A ` babny been in- lending to try? Red . Rose Tea for. some time ;but from fqrce of A have just Kept on sing ' [ another tea; ` the Habit and buy Red Rose next time. T ` you have pro- Ygur _ _._ jutvnrn V7 ll Recommend- It NIGER SOLD IN IIJLK I-IUD`-Ia. use _v-~.z -- -- 4- - Mr. `William McCuaig and sister ; Miss May left for T_oronto on Tues- day. ` LTHE`f-N;ORTHERFN ADVANCE nix` until paint dip plume in- to,remain in es. `After al- io_t the desired Barrie _ [ urmg _._women from the worst formsof` female nus--. inagnmaigign,` -ul99rapion; V ;. dis. -1 1 placemenjgs, ._ bAro;_t1Lt11mor's, 1rregqlaA.rt.~,A` tie'8.;`pei'1_od1c TP?:iI13.}.f .-_b`aclachje,? K-_ -A~1e2r;v0us 'prI&W9H " . sincerelg bless the ~_ day the Imade up my mind to take a _ your medicine for 1 .. . " female weakness, and I am exceedingly grateful to you for your kind letters, as Icertainl proted y them. I give you perm ssion to iblish this anyvtime you vain.- rs. ` ALBERT Icmrrr, Be eville, Ontario, Canada. . -_ V ; Womeneverywhereshouldremember that there is no other remedy known ` to medicine that will cure female weak- ness and so successfully carry women .through the Change. of Life as B y E; i ; Fl Pinkham sVegetable Comgounj made T` -- ` y` from native `cots and her 'l1.`rn-`on -----a i-~ ` . Belleville, Ont.-I._ was so wak 1 and worn out from a female weakness ' 1 that I concluded -to try Lydia E. Pink- _ A . ham s Vegetable " Compound. Itook` several bottles of it, and I gained stren b so rapidly . that` t seemed to " make` anew woman of me.` I can do as good a day's work >a s I over.` did. I ForWomen-Ly`dia E. `Pink-% ham _sVegetable Compound `THE ? BEST REMEDY f-'-1\-/I`-1's.-":I..'mI'\"IcCuaig attended` "the. funeral of her brother atf.Brechin last week. - . . 1 . 30 `Calves . . . . .. .. 3 4 3 ` Lambs, cwt, . . . . . . . . Hpgs, fed and watered ...-v..u-a u, -\.uvu.c . . 0 . . 4 5 ligh 4 2 Canners.... .. I Milkers, choice .;. .. 60 com. and med;... Sheep,` ewes . . . . . . Bucks and culls .4. f.0.b. Quotations on Tuesday_were:-`- Export cattle, choice..$ 5 75 $6410 medium . .A5'5o bulls . . . . . .. .. 4 75 V Butcher cattle, choice. 5 75 medium 5 00' " common 4 so Butcher cows, choice. 4 25 4 com. and med. .3 oo.-. ` bulls . . . . . . 3 50.. Short-keep (feeders) .. 5 25 1Steers, (feeding) .. 5 oo Stgckers, -choice 4 50 II.-...LA. 565 525. 600 525 475 475- 425 425 549 525- 500' loose . . . . . . .. , Eggs, per doz .. Butter, per 11). (C Chickens, dressed .. Fow_l .. Ducks, (sprin Turkeys.... C Geese. . C. . Dry_ onions, hasket. . Cabbage, (doz.) Potatoes, bag..` .. New beets, peck .. Cauliower, each .. Celery. (dozen) Apples 7(ba'rre`l) .. Pumpkins, each " Hides, No, 2.... Green. Hides, N o. I . . . . V Hides, No. 2 .. ;. Calf skins, green, per tb. Sheep skins.; .. .~... Tallow, per 16. . . . . . . Wool, picks . . . .. .. V Horse hides, best grade. . _Horse Hair Wool, washed .. .. .. , `unwashed .. - vl vsngv Wheat, fall, bush: M go9se.. . f'\-; ' '5}; Lamb, per _Mutton`. .. Hogs, live, 1." n Mgheatu .. .. O8tS ..` Peas.... .. . Barleya. .. Flour .. .1.-. ,B3e, hind qr. Prices Ruling the Bgrrie Tor onto Matkets Dusting the Week. ma mast uv; STOCl_( MARKETS. Miss Gfac Cdckburn is . home from Elmvalfe: Toronto: Dec. 7th, 1910. -11 L_--l_ n_. eders) ;g) Ice e .> J 5 as I ever. sincere! ` . T vnnn --- ` -v-vv\AI.U D W01 Barrie, Dec. 7th, .1910. 18,. 12.. 450` 325 550 685 650 236 250 Q.-An ._._-~ -.-J I\'l|\lC' -Mrs. Peter Wiggins .of Barrie is the guest of Mrs. H. Crawford. `Anniversary services will be held in St. Andrew s Church next Sunday. i Rev, Mr. Murray of Edgar will oc- cupy the pulpit. A fowl and meat supper will be given the following Tuesday evening, Mrs. Coutts- Bain of Toronto: will provide ,.hc' program. Every body welcome. BUY IN BARRIE; Mr. Alex. Crawford of Fort Fran- .cis paid a ying visit to'this burg._ 5 25 4 75- 4 35 4 25 1.0 : _50 10 13l " I2 10 23 Mr, Thos. He_nson of Barri ; pnt Sunday with friends here. I2` IOi W8: ,, ,,_.-.-__-: Two Strange Goincidences. A structure known as Stoodley Pike, which stands ninety yards high and is 1 situated uearebden bridge. England. has a.remurkah:e hismry. it was built in 1814 to couuuemuraxtertbe peace of Ghent. Singular to relate. however it fell on the very day that the Rus- sian amhassmlor left Eiigland prior to .ihe Crimeam war. Rebuilt by pul;li sulnwriptlun. it witlistoud storm and rain for half ll <-eutury. but 01] the same` dzly that the Britireh gmw-rnmenl issued its ultimatum to the Buers it was struvk by lightnin,<.v and haul, l:mmged 'l`he.~xe unique mim-idem-v linve strahgely [lPl'[llt`.\'!'\.l lumii peupi` -SIraud .\iu;.:aiziue. - V.-mytliing but depleted, the steamer , ~ . - ~ -u `ratio!!- A Showing that the halibut of the not- I thern- coast of British Columbia axe King Fisher arrived recently in Van-` c-ouver with a catch of two hundred thousand pounds, taken in two days shing. a wor1d s record. . ~ \.1U1C uuug oust 1" The audience spran to and, waving hats, ye led. .-md made for the door.. T the first and last. oppozsitic matter. - . __ -.. u. nun lILl\4 .IAAC|.`.`._l\l\lD we oppos.*t.ion.- A21 Indian chief pro-s o".1..~r.~-*1` some specimens of work done -~t. the school,_ and several speakers ` `c.`.'{>jorf`.=.-fl the worls as it was being -lone. The climax was reached whenl .-a gentleman rose and said: I move the whole thing bust! The chairman` put the motion. -It is moved and seconded that "we wffole thing bust! TBA nix:-Hanna -...-..._.. A- -I - - .v 1" .-\n"ar"vusin<.f story is .elated in "(`anr.di".n Savaqe Fol`-~r of the man- rrer in. which an adjournment was, `..'.'.('>n hy a mass meetirg. A `mission: l -:ry.~,vhr.- had started a school amon-2 `he Indians met with opposition, and the moetirg had been called in sup- port of the rival scheme. " I There, were severai speakers. whol rlnrzouncwl the school in existence! Ye rnj-lfed vigorously, showing the `-ffici-'~roy' of the school. and denounc- `rg in tvrn the`.m..-Lhods adopted by om)os.`tion.. Au Indim. "mac n... ysvnutxcu Iauc uuul U]. 14. On the last stroke of that hour he stopped 111 the middle of a sentence? and fell to the oor. For twenty-six emortal hours the had stood on the floor and. addressed the House and had nearly killed himself in doing it. The excitement had kept him up till the end. but when the desired result was r.cl`ic- ved his faculties-tzave way, sad it was several davs before he re- .r:ov.rd. But the bill was blocked, ..-and the settlers kept their homes. "Bro;~ Thc'n'n{as Duff, of Toi-onVto, `-Grand Lodge Ofcer, was present and installed the officers. ` ' wan yoxuaxuucu UU uxuus. The Speaker insisted on keeping 150' the question before the House and objected to him repeating himself. ; Through the watches of the night De Cosmos toiled on and successfully evaded all traps of order. He went manfully on with his speech as the ; dawn broke, kept up a slow pace as the breakfast hour arrived and was! still speaking as the clock slowly ap- proached the hour of 12 t'\`_ LL- `I__A. -;_-1__ _:.:1 . 1 - l .A\a V 01 Ll1J.l4Cl.C\-In 1 ` The situation` was becoming serious. 4 He certainly held the oor and seem-I ed likely to keep it. All sorts of plans were tried to get him to stop, but `eloquence poured from him as water 3 from a mountain spring.- He was `not `allowed to halt for food, though he was permitted _to drink. Thu Qu-\An`yA- w\4nu.a`4\;J __ 1-_-_.'_.- LA I It was" 10 o clock in the morningi svhen he rose to make a few remarks ` n regard to themeasure before the Iouse. _" Eleven o c1ock came,noon, 1 -> c1ock, and still De Cosmos `talked. Tvfembersin a spirit of jest omitted _to~adjourn for lunch in order to see now long he would keep going. The Wfternoon waned, the sun went down md lamps were lit, but De Cosmos .f.ever faltered. _ _-:L__-A_'_,, , 1 _ 2 {A _ 4` _- ptable. f:`f,$ilvet Tableware, W5 W e Skates; and Snowshoes. pp Sweepers. 99}1`.h.t_ 1 Pm .3? 866 how} much 376 ha .-No..;`rouble to_ show goo s. lit `to ilieath . s _ :-Tw'entyg-_Six Hours; _ Mr. De`Cos;'nos, ja`mem'b`er of the m-gislature of British Columbia,` cer-. z.i ly deserved the medal forrlung' gmer, `and he won it seemingly in 8 -god cause and at grave risk to him- V-lf. The chamber was considering -. bill_that would drive many settlers FOIII their homes, and. there was a .u:iic:.-nt `majority to pass it.- The .:;d oithe session was only a day and we hours distant. At noon on the norrow the House must clos its busi- 1388. DeiCosz1:os was des erate. /He lust stop the bill, and there was only ie. way `to do it. He `would have to pealyright on till the end of the '-issionp and prevent a division being aken. ` 1n 9,! I ,. _._----v u!:A uni DU lllltflr I , waving ye?I.3dBusted!" Thus ended opposition in that ter. I Record Halibut Catch. H -.-w They Brok - HARD- % < WARE -n.u..L ...aJ. FIE -.--_ ~--vv-- ---- -v--v"---5 - -W.`M., .George D. Bantin_ , 3' D-M-9 Rev. W. F. Carpenter; Rg, John` R. Davis; Chap,, Wm. 'Banting;; Treasuren, W. A.VMiller; F. S., R- Kirkpatric; D, C., .Walte1-"Smith; Sbc.,- T. W. R. Arnold. Commit- tee--Jose.ph Donally, John Coac- worth, George` Davis, I F. Lennox. David Gauly. Ibo: :- Up. i I ...__.., -_-l an.LL their feet c:n._..1.- .1 .-` I We dvirould ask Eur ct<})1rarteS1B0bT::i$rt; to kin y remem _er .` poetry must be pad for. Whllc w? insert notices of dgathsll cfagees lge charge. poem must m 3 dvertisin paid for at the regular 3 rates. 40-tf Date}! Oct. 3, 1910. W. L. REEVE uvu vvu Icu u] at Luuul. PARCEL 2 Lot m1n)b_-r tun, on the 31 side otsaid Essa Road, plan 169, .~fa\' except the east 22 feet then?-Jf. Ther said to be erected on said Lmuls a goon! and-a-half storey brick-.-IaI dm.-Iling hn lcontaining ve rooms. This pu.I.._-my is I most centrally located. ! For terms and particulars aH>1_\' to ~` STEWART & .~"l`H\\'A RT, lI\Al` un vuv 1.-unuuaoc UI um: l()lllH\ 1n`g{ I)1'()l,;3r PARCEL l-L0t 11111nbe1' 111119, 0, south side of the Essa Road, 111 the Tm ta.r_1'ie, plan 169, save and e.\'c._-1.: [119 22 feet thereof. 'l'l1e1-e is .~ai/l'1.. he ._-1 on said lands, a good 0119-31111-a-l1z1It' s brick-clad dwelling l1o11se, 1,-mm,-;i,,j,,g rooms. This property 1. 1n..s1 1_'e11t1 2ll conveniently situated. DAIQPWI L`) I ,.a- -..._.l 1.1 I Offers will be recelved by the 1 I for the purchase of the follmving 1 PARHFI. I I -. 1 Valuable Residential Property the Town of Barrie IEXCELSIOR VVATCH embod- 168 all the notable im- provements in watch making --seVen jewels, cut expansion balance, isochronous hair-springz, stem V wind and set. Made and adjusted by Americans in an up-to~da2e American factory. Gold-lled and nickel cases- $4.5o to $11.00. Ask us for the EXCELSIOR VVATCH. 40-tf {Dated Oct. 3, 1920. -auunol L lUpUl'Ly. This property is well situated and.` make a good market garden or chicken Good two-storey brick-vex leer dwelling h andcenlent stable and barn axe said 1 null are well wat l Offers will be received by the under . `for the purchase of part of 'the West hm Lot 23-, in the 5th Concession of \'g.5I,,.aa taining about ten acres, and hell)" 0, North Side of Wellington Streetb if Town of Barrie, commonly lillowxl 31 Bunker Propertv. S vvvu ul uauw, C01 :` Property." Thi nrnnnrhy L. .... _ 0-1--0--- Creditors of the estate of J late of the 'l:ownship of Inni.fif :me?hBWman, of Simcoe. Farmer who died on 0,. abJl1n:y fifth day of June. A D_. 1910, are re _ the send particulars ofthexr claims to thtgulredto signed on or pcrore the 26m (in ~ M ~ 19m, after _which date the executors winbef. ceed to `dust:-ib_ute the assets or the No. amonithe partnes en t_1t-ed thereto, ana wfltate be Ma le for the sand assets to any ` whose clalm shall not have pe"11 the time of distribution. been reehed at And further take notice that the estate of said deceased are payable to Lniersxgned on or before said date. H LENNUX. cow: & BP.0wN Barnc, Ontario, Solicitors for Execmm Dhted at Barrie. this 5th day of X 0\'em her. 191 `I. Uuy. , Those_ who dont ...just.._know what to give will nd such things as these al- ways acceptable. L. 0. L., No. 450, held their an- nual meeting on Friday, Dec. 2,. I9IO, and elected thefollowing oicez-s:- 117.1`; fa`, rt; 15 --'-- ` :l"lr17 i of your Christmas in- terest with something for every member of thefamily and a cheer- gful- welcome, whether or not you are ready to. buy. TL .--- -__1-- ,1,-m + WE CLAIM THE LEADING JEWELER BARRIE aid ]`*nd3: Wllich ar; :s'eu1T\:atLO 39 ere _ I and particulars, a,pp1y to STEWART & S'1`E\\'ART ".... 1 1 -. Transact a Gemrdl Banlcirig Business. . . . . Notes Discountgzd at rersonable rates. . . . . C'olZec- A ' iion Q/' Notes dud Accounts given apeaial att.e1m'on_. . . . . ;D.rafq lewd Pa?/able anyw7.ire- j`_C'[c_e5'q2les~ on quta_ide_ banks qzahed _l_ouLaegt%ratea qf eanizhangeg .. . f Oa&_hed` cit;-C"olle`Act:ed` 9,. Miss Eva_ J. Partridge V 1i_as been visiting friends in Mxnesmg wand Edenvale. 0&0 0110 0110 OjO -OOO0-OOZIO0C O-OOnO OXIOOT FOR SALE FOR SALE / [7 / / / / / 1 / / / // / ' ' "`I Ven1or'.s Solicitors, 13 Oman St., Barrie .u; ur IJLL'J" 1151', Vendor's Solicitors, 1 - vlwu no.1; number Tune, on the inad, 'I`0.n of wegg i .\.'iiII f.. I. ....-_. 1 ` 'Note-Cot`re_spondents ixt speaking of ' the movements of visitors will please state the places from which they come. - ` " ton, south 169, .~:-ave and 2100f. There is his a good one- dwelling house, : pie}-my also xxxnlersigtxed Z properties ; Hun n.. .1 [Beecroft 7---c -- --u-vw-u-wt - :a5r.~Io. newmme yvm 1% added to the Sub- ilc:-Iptiou hint until the money _io paid. % a..:.'.......n..-.. ..-....1_ __.--__v`:-_ .L___ M __.g __ buv. npuuu luau Ilubu one xuunuy _us IIBIII. ' 7 subscribers now "in arrecu-s'for three months` and over will be charred 8! 50 per annmn. v v I"TTTTT" C61i1Ei5bNn CE i --,;.`-...- v-` _ Vi-Published (1-gm the onion. 183 D V Street. name. in the County of simooo. _ Pro- vmooot Ontario. Canada. every ' Thursday Mo:-ulna. by \ IIu- VI GU DUUllr_l.`IULj Q ' sfmo PER Aimuu m ADVANCE. "l I-IOMPSON ciu-wwv, 15iJi3;.1sHERJ 5 he `a".*I*!!?;'!%;J*! =*uvl .BANKERS. T gt-nqd. MrTs J ,'Birnie' of Ves" , _ - .. _. . 4 _ p1-3, ; V1:1etk<?.Cl Mr. F. TB1rn1e one day 135: `An vs 91,30 48 column Nowgpn po- .` UNITED suwrms snscaxnnns` $1.60 IN ADVANCE} g;;(:),IV7:li:iV:.I:IQur}:--10"tb 4. BIG` BAY POINT.` CROWN HILL. Thursday, Dec. 98, vI'9IO,.` ORO STATION.` 4. co. `Punus or sunsoiztrrtox. I91 A Qfuouunp but A :1- ..---u--`, -1 .W1\I#r and Mrs. F. `.Guesi of Pains- wick were Sunday visitors at Mr. R. Webb s. . . VEDGAR. - . a.a|qO{9|>;.y 1,1 Mr Stlhdy .,wjit_h_ ~Mf!'5.._'. J. 1, `Miss O; - '1(Zc..'-"'* 11- .:.s Orga`n,i_zaAti`o`n _1\/IeH`tin.g Vana Election ' V O_fV VOice_t_'_.s--P>ersona_l 1 ] .1`... .. n.a(.I,&l\.| auu al.I.CllLlC(l to him at once. .After all Mr,'Train is recov- ermg mcely. Do your Christmas buying in \ Quite a number gathered` at the home of Mr, Jno. Desjardine last, Saturday and spent a pleasant even-V `ing in cards "and other enjoymentsr Refreshments were served.` At a rea- sonable ,h0ur all departed, and a reported a jollygoodvtim. Mrs. Charlie Beaudre a_ndh.1Z..!. [daughter Raphael of Marquette, are lpvisiting M1"s.\'Wil'li'e'McBride.*A J ` -.1m--vr--:, =.~--"~ = -" e .Lu1. pnarue Mc-L.artAny, Jl'., bought a very valuable road horse at Mr. _I'ohnst9ne sale. We" wish him Sgc- `cess wxth 1t . -1("Ha__ng on t6. the ;reu_1`s _i Charlie.) 3... 'ji\;I`:"s-.`wJas.` .O Conne1 fi`-om Comhifl w_a_ i__;1 our vi1lage over S}15ndgy,-. - People. are sorry} to hear of Mr.` Gerald Train being conned to the house, he having met with an a;- cident while engaged in hauling mater for the City Dairy building in so way*"the gfendingr pole gave way and strikinga Mr. Train on the forehead. F ortunately, Dr. West was. right atvhand and attended to him at once. "After all M.-`'r....:.. :. ---- -V-.-u-J a Mr. M. Andrews visited Mr. and Mrs. F. Birme of Cr`aigva1e, _on Sunday; V V ' 1,1 .1: _..'._ up uwlu Ill IXIILCU. IVLIIIS on Dec. 20th. Everybody welcome. ;Doors open` at 7 p.m.. `The best `ever. T v ' j ' iis."1 .a}lI' ed on Mrs. Brooks last Sunday., `Mr. Phonse Loftus called on Jas. McLaughlm Sunday. A Among the number that attended the box social at Edenvale were Miss -M. Muir and Mr. E: Wilson, , BUY IN.BARRIE. ie and Mrs. Coffee call- I ...... uuuua._y wuu IFICHCIS 1n W-yevale. Quite a number from around. here attended. the box social in Ferguson- vale, All report a good time. 'Mr._P."A. Coughlin loaded a car lbad of stock here last week. _Mr. P. Coughlin made a busiuess tru) to Toronto` last Week. ' [ Mr. Wm. Cole has returped to his [home here after .spendmg a few years in .Alberta. Mrs m2;;'g:`"g k and sum :33. :,ie:%::n saw: nI1;fDn 1`II11`!1`\n-5.. 1..-. Mr. TJas. McLaughlin has return`- ed after spendingva few months in Roland, Man. - - -t\I.J- LAV 1Jl1.L\L\l.En Mr, Moore s horse ran away while comingdown Firi1ay s AHilI and was. stopped at Boy_ce s Corners. All at-; tempts to hold the. horse -by Mujl Cook failed. No damage resulted. ] a. \,uuI..CIl. auu tea petore unrxstmas. On Wednesday, Nov. 30th. at the Presbyterian Church, an interesting` debate on Local`O1)tio`n for Barrie was the featureof the evening. Both sides were well prepared. The Bar- racks of the liquor trade was bom- barded till the eonqueringrlocal Op- tionists won the battle. ' ' BUY IN BARRIE. I'Ill _. `ll - ' ' The Presbyterian church will 110151 a concert and tea before Chris on Wcadir NTt\uo nALL _A_tm`?b. Potiltnry buyers are busy gathering} up fowl and eggs. ` A V, _ .. ., v... \..u_, v vv w\.|\, Mr. and Mrs. Neilly of Craig; vale visited the latter s father, Mr, Geo. Webb, on Sunday. > 4 - v--vu nv; g; Lwvv VVUCIXD e The weather man has. again sup.- pliedenough -snow~for gp_od sleigh-- m'aI_Id wasting is being enjoyed, on the h1ll_s. V T - ' -v--u:-o& Oi G 0 Miss Lhie Shepherd has gdne "to Toronto -for a 'few weeks. VI`! - a _ '/'BUYIN.BARVRIE. % Mrs. Maconachie has just return- ed after spending ajfew days with *her sister :11 Guelph. , I -, u-nu. Women's -Institute -`telnet at .Mrs. Legate s 0n`Thurs`clay. We 1121- i derstand that the members had 4' protable discussion V on household problems and a pleasant social time. We understand that there are al- ready preparations being made for Xmas. conce`rt_s, and other pleasant happenings during the annual holi- day time. . `D`l .`r\r -rivr 1-. A nus-.- gnocxnv AT srgzoung 112$- N VMinesinVg Literary Society pleasant ooenmg meeting on -dav. Nov. 27th. ~ III I 3- yuan cu` uu_ guuuayp RIIICTHOOII, UCC. iI8_th., _ The Ladies Aid of St. James . - Churc_h,are' arranging `for `a concert` anhd,.;me`atp`f supper to "be given,-in the ` hall; onf -"Dec. 15th.? A good pro-3 ~ gramme` is to be given. (I/)u-r._nearties't congratulations are e;2'tend_ed_' { to the nial proprietor, of The Advance, r. Crew, -with best wishes for along` life` of hap- i" l` `A. 'Ro.Vna1LdVis spending th__e iend in Torontio. ' T""` News of $o_:i4ties*A-Ma"ixinVg` Preara-L tions for Christmas. _. `.'-gv-: < Mr. "B'1ak of M'i$dhurtV ;wags"` a `Sun1ay`guest pf Q friends ` hefe. '3 712,, "_1{ I'rT ;1;1vclW1\. i1-*.s: ..S.i.las Sniith of Pains- wxck visited Mr. and Mrs. M, An-. drews one day last week. T { can Q- . jt$}:1C1r7E'i}aahs of vic`tor ia'- Col-i leg`e1*J;l.'l preach ' in` the Methodist; !Ch"urc`h'-`on `Sunday afternoon, Dec. 1 18th. - - |dit3r_, lVa}s_tL..;-)y,g_:._:l<, where. he has{ so.Eured_% |a..posxt;9u,.T.,_ ' . uauu auu attended to him at After Mr.` Train icelv L::,:w* my ,, ' \R7n7.'.n-- BRENTWOOD. ANTEN` MILLS. Mrmssma :._.... MIDI-IURST. had a j Mon- Mr. and Mrs. W. Young of Craig- vale visited their daughter, Mrs. R. Webb, recently. 7 11' ,, c It we 8 Some meh ` dud fahlt with `I out acting as. though they had discov- cred songenhlns ti: be nroud or. H . ' A` Pessimistic. . v '_`Whnet_a pessimist Brown is! What's the matter, now?` _ "He even hewalls the fact that he _can`t Hveto collect_ his life insurance. ---Detroit Free` Press. Rather Outspoken. , ' Young' Sportsman--ls It worth my ` time to h In this neighborhood? Na- ` tfve- Well. the Tishin ain't `worth nuthln` to speak of: but. then. I don ! lruow what-yourtlxne might be worth :-Comic Cuts. , Pandemonium. - "'l`*.\ey an going tn luck Jones up for the good or the community." . What's he done?" , He-`s talking of setting Brownlng aj poems to Richard Strauss music."- Clevelaud Leader. i _.__-c--u To dye plumes, laees, ribbons, and _silk, you'w_il1 be able to buy at your druggist s or any art store the tube -_paint in any color. Squeeze the con- tents of the tube into-a small quan- ITF n 9ar\':o-an no-J` A~A -- ., -. ..,.. suuc uuu-pa Small tity of gasoline and` mix isall disolved. Then" to contents and allow dye bath a few minutes. After low plume to dry, if not shade, `keep dippinfgandallowing to dry until the right shade is obtaine 1. If you want black plumes glossy black, use ivory black` , Follow direc-_ itions carefully and you will be able 5 [to dye any_above named articles, though for larger pieces use more paint and gasoline, _ I We Dcm ti Believe You _. \I`-$7 M.P.; President, Dr. "_Sl-nlson; Vice-Presxdent, Dee `Barclay. Man- ~agers, Dee Barclay," Dr.` Simpson and Charles McConkey; Captain, Charlie MMonkey; `Secretary, James Math- ers; Treasurer, Russell Webb. Miss L. P_atters is spending a week with friends In Barrie. Mi_ss -Ray Brandon has gone tr Orilha to spend the wmter. BUY IN BARRIE. The boys have been workingat the] rink this week and if the weather keeps `favorable we hope to have a skate before `long, q F vv \.u a~u.cuuCu ana 1s-looked for. cers elected:-- Do your Christmas buying in Bsrrie- Hon. President, ` M.P.; President, Vice-Presxdenr a tavorable seas an These. were the of- jvv .'Fl1e Band is practising very hard, two night,a week. Good success, `boys. - T y a _ . The weather is very cold and Mr. Robertson is a busy man work-* ing both night and day. He hopes'4 to have skating on Saturday. y BUY IN BARRIE. . I The Stroud hockey boys gathered together In the Orange Hall last__ Saturday to select their officers for `the coming` year. vThe meeting was well attended and favorable seas) is.looke'd m- 'l`1...... .......- LL- P Do your Christmas buying in ron.to_ visiting `her son, Cameron, who IS very ill. ' The PFe'sbyte1-ians of Stroud in- tendholding a parlor social at Mr. \and'1\] I)rs. John Robertson's, on Mon- `day, ec. 12.. " 1_nx~:"1:_ER wt D'AY. ..jI_1_\*n1v1'pUA.1 INsTiiUc_T_i mf`. TO DYE PLUMES ANDELACE. Gregg fShortl\ and and ' lillnn ,_ andeve!;y modern business a. `pumice make our course A Tugcrxvm. ~ V `Mr. R. Pattersbn Was down to the _c:ty,last `Satui day. *' `If- 117311` 11- IV