Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 1 Dec 1910, p. 9

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killed. yesterday by a shock in thej M. `C. R . xjoundhouse, near Windsor. 1 TCJJZTZJT T I VI gnlcltly stops couha. cures colds. heals I e throat and lands. - - - 25 cents. ,_`f`Queejn is a._ne pure wool Cashmere Hose with foot and elastic top, sofg, warm and durable. You'll the word Queen embrondered on every pair. Real Vi value. Price .. .. XXX. _.An extra heavy British made worsted Hr->6, kmt', `spliced `eel and toe, 4espec1ally suited for boys that :1- of iron wear. I5c . This Store leads in Dress ;Goods and Dressmaking_ new/ide is repre_sehted..hf and we _show all the variety, B aids, Nets, Trgmmmgs, Buttons and All-overs, we l{a~- them all; vSome beaut1ful` effectsfor evening wear are on ml.` They are Marquvisettes, Voiles, `Silks and Mercerized effects in Shell Pink, `Cream; `Grey, Rose, Reseda, Mauve,_Tuscan and Black 3, -White. Samples on application. The pnces run from ( .... 3561.95 to oofoll up oO`IIvO0VO`-O cocoon gnpoa auoo o n o o . . on - - - V---_--og `We give you big value and an assortment not equalled I tgflthe c.our_1_try. , " V QUEEN""~l-IOSE E `Only I of a say su uuvcxy ; CL VVEHSES UI Va.1'lOl1S SIYICS '1 ye, sizes 34,_36 and 38. `S01; $4-00..A$5-O0 3,11 `$5.50. Specxal to cleax-.`~.. .. .. Sizes 5% 6 6% 7 7!; 8 9 Prices 40c 40c 40c 45c 48c 50c 50c This Store: f oi' Stockings In all sizes injBAlack and Blue Wor.m-ds. 3111 Cheviots and an the patterns and strip<`5 in 13:-" Worsteds and Tweeds. Regular $I8;Do to $20.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Sa1e $15-50 _` $16.50 to $17.75 .. .. .. .. ......Sa1e $14-0 ' . -$15.00 to $16.00 . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Sale $12-5 - $12.50 to $14.50.... .. .. .. ....Sa1e $11-0 $171-O0 to $12.25. . . . . . . . .. ..Sale $.8.95 V .. .. .. ....Sale$7~95 $33313 `. g.`?:'..::. ......Sale$5-0 Boys _t;7vo and three-piece and with bloomers, in all cc 5. _'V _tW= Suits with knickex` "with all` colors and p:1tt<`rn.<. _O/V ER*C0x\TS` in all sizes and styles. PEAJACKETS with high storm cnilm-.<. `0!1 ithe dollar of? all of them. 1f;iE?nA`sbN' V I uIll' S NEEDS XXX HOSE >4 . ~` . . ` I . -' ' ` L,-, ` V" . , . u. v ' ' . - . * .. W <,_{. H, . - r -. Dress Goods `Tourist Frilling, an .frent makes, for M.n s Su ltS Brownlce, the Auctioneer, handles credit sales of fan and implements promptly an factorily for $5.00 and 1: Dates can be arranged for a ADVANCE OFFICE. IOc 5 and satis. upwards. 0; rrrr ..__1 P Beginning to-day we show some very attractiveia `VI-Iats at'_very` pleasing prices. At the left as you_ enter our show`-room you'll see a table of correct Headwear; thejarices, have. been cut to clear them in 3 days, any number of shades, `Beautiful Hats3' worth from $5.00 to $7.00. On Sale.-. . . .. - .. I Also some lower priced Hats at equa lly bargain prices.` 00 to oecuaooo _ _,_-\t_3 HI and .`T`?T T.65..1.25 50c th a seamless 1 l].knOw it by Vxckers' Ann .Sa1e . Sale .Salc . Sale 1 . Sale 1 .Sale .Sale Se, strong need Hose :uoneer, Barrie, farm stock ___41, ` in thi D a-t Barrie, [vanamy Conden 250.; 3 Li `Eliza et j 33 SF :_` Owner { Ind pay` If it s- Ribbons, this store serves you `best, Our making or these lovely Persian and Dresden effects In Rzbbons from 2 to 7~ inches wide in 50. and~75c. qualities at 43c.. ends on Dec 6. Come and see or` write for samples. On sale in Millinery show-room. The prace ' .. . as oo_ O -0-: an oIgoo'laIo0 ll. CH . hound. ~ and pa ario. -uuvv c ' IMOIIIV1 Dlllbnn _ We h Itlowei lrnnuno Il Barii View B And wi ces nec ness a basin on the ities an ` 0! W8. Thea 1 mxel ._ the won : and Ten e j for the 2s'.`. f.g Reside (IL verge! |u:A_m ` J , e T . V _ >. V H `. -W're Cuttiiag the Pri-gce vto, Clegr , A ,. \ - `- , Every C_oat_is offered at a quick,.p1`icef--fit s`a saving to. you and we re going to have a record week for Coat` Selling. e This is the way we ve marked then}-down : ' V V ` ' '"$I`8,00. Coats-' fer. . . . . . . . Q ;$I5.00 y l$lV4_.`O0 Coats for.. . . . . .5. ._ ,`.$lI.5O . - 0- o In 0' o 0 o q o o for. o u a o I e 2 `c 0 t c V 15.00 Coat; fer. . . . . . 12.65 e ' J I ` Etc._., Etc. e I 51?} NF/I gm; 10 LOVCIY `Net _VVaistsT of various styles -in V I of 2 sfvlp sun`: on 95 oar` -.9 Ct-HA .'vNehjze"1-ewes P;;h:|A,];",,_. ,,g .ehis` storeeehd end the ahundahce `of? well chosen geede such pleasingfprices tellh t; ' M ` V * h st_ory.of-our efforts to make thishelpful store more helpful. Ah V ` Ladies mNet Waigts Redinced Bargains in Combs %AMillihery%"gaxt\ Less . Ribbon Qargains 'n;;;a;;'s;`,.;;";h;"';;;g 711;; 0:` November, 1919. g , : _5TEWART &__ 1'EWART. I I.-46-v49 7 Executrxcgsf '-Solic_ito r_s~..' \.. ....J., oUp\| wJ`:. nnnnnn no I , And efurthehr7(talte.?notice\`; that after I the said` '1gst_` -_mention'ed,"`date. the ' sa_id` executrices v19irill.proceed'oto dis- trxbute the assets of the estate among the,_parties entitled thereto, `haying regard on1y- to-`those 'c1aims".oH which thejrV:shall have notice, 3 and that they `will not -he answerable for I the said assets or anypart thereof to - any ;.person,'_` or ., `persons of whose .claim .they..shal`l"not ha_ve had notice {at th,e._tdate of such distribution. " ` uauaaap tutu "VDIpI|u\r UL ILIAC aazu JUIIIII IM. A. Smith-.'whodied Qn or about1 |the_ 3rdvday of October, 1910, are :-e-I qurred on on. b_e_fore the 416th day of: Dgcembcr, I9I0,_tO send by post, prc- ` '_pa1d, or_to.del;v_er to_Mcssrs. ,S.te w- art Stexyqrt of thqsaid `Town; of `Battle, \sol_1c1tors it): the e'xe.cutr1.ces Of $116. 'es t2.1t`e,of;L't_l1.e said John M. A. , Smith, then ~Chr41stn_an and. sur-names, .address_e`s_ and v.dc:sc rip`ti_o_ns, state.`-` ment of yheir claims properly; veri- 1 ;_ed,;jand_-the natute_ `of-{.t'hve sacuritgg (xi: :ny.)` l_1__e1d.j by, tl3\.e;n.`T V A. V ` , NOTICE `is hereby given in pur-I suance of the R. S. 0,1897, Chapter` 129 and amend_ingacts, that all per-, `sons and~ others ha"ving ` claimsi against theuestate of" [the said John J `Cling anon --.. nkuulv I IN the matter ` of the estate oil `John M. A. Smith, late of the Townl of Barrie in the County 'of Simcoe,` Gentleman, deceased. ' . V _i `II To keep `cookery books clean -have fa piece of glass" cut the `size of your cookery book -(when opon). -Place {thison the. `open: book.,-when you '0ld` pota;f0 e`s are gfetly ifnproved by beingsoaked overnight or ._for gseveraly hours __b_ef_oreV being 'pe1ed. Change`-the wat'erf7ohc,e or twice` dur- : ing the time_. 5`-Il.;__ U153 -` . _, ` , _ ` _ :-jj\ \. ?0_n :}e`a.sily.Z _said' : Thpmas. I 1"-?vH9W?m31`Y;"iV~`.kft5 did our fast? b_:9wl`;-_.1_-,_,te__ . ;, f ~i ! ._,3:_. uAl1f` t! `L of} 9em ,F. aswefd 5 '.l_`ho`mas.` V ' ' . `i-if-GbOdness!' A All clean; '~bov\'r1`ed? 6n`lr'_'.1 __- s _I!`1,,o.- '. o ! If'y'ouT`hav_e _a `garden , do'"not 5throw away `isoap suds, as they `make .v`aI.u'ab1e manure for bushes and, "p`1a'mts.' This must! not touch. , .th<= -1,=avs 0f-any.91??`?5- ."` '<`\J\J\J\.;`l-`van; rx ` V twee] ` . ll.` \..lCu UUw I gal], but . 2en% ov:led(;d;1 t c1ean.l;;:V1 em 3-d t"`0f}ier `wo Id. 0ur"k-`md` three [feet `high; .-~ V 11 13 .80 11in!" vvcza a\.\..uaLcu`- wvuli _ Y ` ` !_ :Weel, Th`o'mas,_]an "ow have you ionej on? ~ >- uh,... " ..'-z. .21.. 92 -~.'9`1--"l`1_'__-- _ _ A"ce[1_jtai._r1.~l'o`caI3;criqkt clubfhas a fzgst bowler, who is a -terror to all hxs -opponents.~ One `Saturday the ,1o'c_a,1 clu__b'p1ayed a team. some miles distant, and on returning home .in_ the; eveningga member of the party was accosted`:-with: .nm....|.~ rm.~.`..._-_ v ,..s .- c cent. This is one of the strongest points of recommendation for this style of power production. Another strong point is that-any `man `of aver- age intelligence ' can operate" this producer successfully. ` are M-:nUc'noNs . IN _LAnu-Es COATS `NOTICE TO CREDIEPORS. HoU"s%E1i1c3Ln HINTS. __,----uni? ' FREE 1`hem All.` yva us Sold White "and Paris regularly 4at2'98 cuuuc. would mac De OIIG "III III! ellilnonthepeopleof '_Province?i jjj THE HOSPITAL IS A Pl/ROVIN. ; CIAL CHARITY. The Iickchild from the most remote comer of has Eh`? spine laim afowtlhe chilclcglving wnlun t t use ` Sued. ':m"c>'u: .ua.a._::'.'%'l''i."'. `cause. Could there be that has slrongq Ih l\AAn'n |L:- D-.--'4 -- '1 ; Users of self-feeder stoves will `be- iamiliar with the fact that when. fresh coal" is fed on 'a hot re}: a peculiar bluish-green ame soon` av -V` .p;ears. This is exactly the __same. has as used in. these engines with the gcception that the gas is not allow-; til `tp burn until after the explosicn.` The whole process ofgas genera-' ` 'si1t_ 3le.sln _.t'l_1_e" extreme," and the; *1; awency of tl_1et_gals eng`ih5`.;u_sfV T producer gas, thus Arepla`ci ngl is due to _the _fact that? by? " uel in gasegus sform ._'ah _eigj F _`m so to 4o'per c_e'j`11t.?V ;q{l`-T` the `t0_t_a_l= heat lurz`"c"bn luv \ .Ulll{Il]. _ / Since its organization. the Hospital has treated in its cot: and beds |6.837 children; |2.370 of these - were unable to pay and aunt ton noun. wag hated g, Bars of yellow soap should e `divided into square pieces for use, -`as soon 21;, bought, by. means of a` piece of string, attached to two mecca of rewood for handles. This avoids the waste caused by a knife. cont: smn; mom . appeals to Fathers and o half of 'su e:ing children. `I Thillnstution did more work in l9l0 than ever _- before. Total In-Patients \ L224. 0! Rhett. 783 we! from the city and I from _ the then of onmioonbe. 9 I ` . Renovate curtain rings. and hooks, when theyjare discolored, by -boiling for a -few minutes in_ a quarter of a pint-_ of vinegar to half-a pint of wafer. Afterwards rinse in cold |wat_er andrub clean with a duster. are cooking from it, and you'wi11I be dglighted with` the result. | TIIE nosrmt ron slcxcunwneu V TIIE swzmst or All _1u mamas." _ 15 Pairs of Canadian-made .g'o6'd weight, Pink and Blue t `low-priced Blanket.. .. ` Now 'is the Best time to buy your. stock of Christmas Hand- kerchiefs, Qur assortment is at its best. We import these and save you 156. on every dollar "spent" Come and see qur, Hhandker-_ ping `s_avith_ the` carbonof the coal)` to . The prOCluc_er is a `large ta-ink lays` ing- what is, technically tefimed al container within it. Througihl this container a `constant, sup-I ply of Water ows, wh`i_ch_g,isi heated by the hot gasses from` the tire within the'produ_cer,~ thus gen: erating a small quantity of steam." Air is drawn in. by the engine pist- ons, through, the water container, where it becomes surcharged--ywithg steam. This air and steam'in.i-ts; course passes up through the "coal" bed, the oxygen, of the air co'mbin-I `form carbon-Amono-oxide. This iwth the hydrogen forms methane, which A "7is,a well-known constituent of. illua: minating gasses, commonly called, ` in the coal is `converted by heat into marsh gas. The sulphur contained I sulphnrous oxide, which is -the. same I `gasthat will be .,noticed on_;l_ightin' an old-fashioned" sulphur iimatchil, After generation, the engine pistons d1`a_W the gas through the scrubber fla hollow cylinder lled with coarse coke) through which a stream of. cold wateris constantly owing, and ,; this has the effect of washing -out all . `sulphurous fumes and tarry matter ' and cooling and purifying the gas. ` `This. gas, which is now a combina- tion of carbon-mono-`oxide. ~and - methane, on being compressed ' is.` mixed with a fresh supply of ',air, :, [forming an explosive compound.;_ z This compound_is.`'red automatically" 3 at the exact time of the piston stroke. 1 . by means "of an electric battery ' or". _j_the'_power stroke ofthe engine, ,. . .8; small magneto. aThis explosion. is, --1 `Special. 25' do;-zen Swiss Embroidered Handkerchiefs in white and some _are embroidered in Pink and Blue and Black. These Handkerc_h1efs are ne quality and sell 'for 20. regularly. 15 OurSpec1al.. .. .. .. 0 -aite. shown in Blacfonly, beautiful lustrrma nish, every ladyl should: have Que.` $2.75 to .. ;.| We have opened up from England some lovely Eng`1ish-made Moire...Petticoats, the c`loths.are all .gua;-ant_eed for wear. The) Will You Help It In It; llour of leed.... ""!"*v,A ' hon wot`. i E `"w.u"!ou Lovely Moire` Pettieats Some Cheap Blankets I'J'macy" N Whe'nq seen by "an Advance__A;-_epr_e- sen_tati-ve, Mr. Thompson explafnmed 1 the method of producing the igas `us- ed for fuel in the engines, and the `accompanying i1lustrationsNvv_ill give_ "th'e"reader some idea of the gnethoqs employed in generating thisjgas. __ I Handkerchiefs 1-made Union Bfankets, ,_well combed-and borders. V Very special for a? John A. F letcher, a veteran mail carrier of Kenora, was found dead in ms lonely cabin, yesterday. 1` -FourjCanadia1'1 boats hav_e` granted an extension of their, ance for late fall traic. Don't Miss It. yo O -All sxzes -m Black, Enghsh them to save". it. Greys and Fancy Stripes. $25.00.. ..' ..... .. Regular $18.00 to $21.50. . .. Regular $15.00 to $17.50.. Regularv$I-2.50 to $14.00.. .. Regular $10.50 to $12.00 .. . Regular $8.00 to $10.00.. .. . If-you need a" coat, save 3 money, if you`_d0n t, tell some All sizes in Oxford G re'ys an high_ storm collars. Regular$6,.5o to $7.50.... $5.25to $6.25-.... .. .. $4.50 to $5.00 .. .. $3.5oto $4.25.. .. .. . } - H Canada Producer and Gas En- gine Company At Home ` s1')e.c.ii.i1. ---v as \-D auauvnnn -' for 20;. ' W ?Yf`f? .T`3 .'5.0ll auu rancy atnpes. Regulax $12.50 . . . . . . . . . A ~. .. `I CC I99!` 2| ' nnn . n . . A _ V - - - -- ' OIIII o c u u O no n o o u o on 1 con; Mews Peaiackgts :,`MEFg'1ish AMeltons', Oxford. 3 Regular $22.50 to . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sale $17.50 $21.50 . . . . . . . Sale $15.00 $17.50 . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Sale $13.50 _ $14.00 . . . . .Sale $10.00 .. ....Sale $8.50 $10.00.. ......$ale $6.95 at, yourself_ thxs extra `t, `somebody else and help -THE" METHOD OF GENERATING PRODUCER GAS. R ` _ been j theu-_1nsur- ThLast week of H:-r Ioc Frills in a neat box, f.orOOI -COOIOIOIO`O300l0O THE sronn or QUALITY (Contihued from another page.)

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