Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 1 Dec 1910, p. 7

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INNISFIL coUNcn.. \ -_ -4 .-------v. JI .TUDHOP`E', clgrk R; J, HILL, Tp. Clerk. [THE Fnt;ffs;o_1 1-an LICENS; ? ~ .`_ ED TRAFFIC." `is Vflsaid at": azlcertain intitu-V ; txon ,fo'r_,imbec1les, one_o the tests l for entrance. Isa tub with-a number 1 of holes in it, and the "candidate tis ` asked -to ll the tub with water. `If * he tries .to'do so without rst stop- ping the' leaks he-_is admitted as an eligible inmate of the institution. ' For many years. an incessant stream of dollars has been pouredi into the support of prisoners andi hospitals and almshouses andinsanej asyl-ums, until at last` we are getting, sense enough "to get at the cause of3 a great deal of this preventable ex- penditure, and we have found the liquor traffic.` ' To stop the liquor trade is to cut 1 off not`-on-ly the nancial demand-of these institutions, -but also to drive 1 poverty from many_ homes to supply , efcient artisans and reliable pro- fessionalmen for the business and? various industries of our country: thus safeguarding by'mean`s even more essential than armies and 1121- vies, the future welfare of Canada |and_ the Empire; .o ' ' V i l x l One who has already devoted -half a century of his life to the ser- vices of his fellowmen said recently: Some of us have been all our lives trying to wipe away the tears of others, and now as we are getting older `we are longing to get at the foun- tain of tears and that _is why I take my iriterestin politics, because I want more and me're"co,get at the springs from which`. the tears- of men o.w. Tears that have been shed are too often needless; tears of women caused through intoxica- ting liquor, tears of women and children for fathers that have been done to death not simply by the evil of the human heart but by the conditions under which they have been forced to live. How much misery man has caused his fellow. men the world over. I want to `live to improve these conditions If 1`lYv!-_LI-_,, `I __-2L!, LI-f, I,---_I live these if I can. Whether I with thishand `can do anything matters compar:;- ltively little, but I believe that God `Almighty, is going to stanch the springs from which the tears of men and women and children ow. He shall wipe away all tears from their Ieyes. One of the surest guarantees of` success for Local Option in -Barrie] is our acknowledged dependence up-` on prayer in co-operation with our effort against the liquor evil. \/Vel have not made the mistake of under-i estimating the strength of the enemy 1 who is behind all human sorrow and suffering. i _--{ : one- a It has been suggested that the _opponents of Local Option might ialso make their cause a" matter of tprayer. This is of course an absurd; proposition. But any business that` can t be supported by prayer is not the Lord s business. .And now therefore the axe is laid at the root ofythe tree; For every tree that; bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down and cast into the re. .~-AdVt. . ' .London, Nov. I8.-_King George and his advisers have wisely decided 1 -that cornation day shall not be coin- cident with Empire Day, and Jnne '22 has been chosen for the crowning of the King and his Consort, Until the cornatxon of -King Edward VII. in 1902, more than seventy years ! 25. ton less to farmers from yard. Oice `Phone, 86. Yard Phone, 118. Nut .. .. Stovecpaly... .. ... Egg Coal . . . . . . . . .. Pea Begi.t\1ning Dec. I follows : '1`/HE CORONATION `DAY. THE TEST as 4 A STOVE " What is most required in a cook stove by every careful` housekeeper i\s`_`gr`eatA"baking heat in the oven, with" r_na`ll fuefconsumption. This nequitfement_is provided for in the HAPPY THOUGHT RANGE u mat?` ;_ also jby Pyramidal Oven Plates. This is an exclusive feature of the i-H'a_ppy Thought that makes it far more valuable than an iotdinary stove. Yet it is only ONE of the several exclusive "advantagesrthat have made it invaluable to "thousands of homes `inCanada. You are coijdially invited to call and have -the 1 _-OTHERS iexiplained to you. . _ / prices win he T/z'e_`_'_;,f`z'2/e .Poz'nts fidrdware Store MISS DOROTHY LAWSON. `She is the third daughter of Thomas W. Lawson, the Boston nancier, T and is to be married December 15th to Henry McCall, son of United `States Congressman Samuel W. 1 _ . . ->-Have your furmture repaxred and recovered neatly and cheaply -t i Dougall Bros. 46-48 `had passed since a King was crown- ed in Britain. Now, after only the short interval of eight years, another King will be crowned, and the Crown of `Egbert, of Alfred and of Edgar, which has descended after` eleven centuries to the grandson of Queen Victoria, will be placed upon King George s brow. L FRANCISCO J. MADERO. Chief of ghting 1-evolutionists Mexico. McCall, of. Winchester. iouth and` srrie Dear Sir.-Owing to certain illness-i. es in my family during this year caused by certain deadly poisons be- ing placed in, around, or about `a certain house on VVellington street in the Town of'Barrie by your san- itary inspector, and owing to the re- ftisztl or neglect of your medical health oicer, to clean, or-put in a sanitary condition, contrary to his word given the former occupant of-' the house, and who moved away} (about June, 1909) vowing-to the un- sanitary conditions of said premises` on Wellington Street, andfgto v'vhom your medical health officer advised `that it was dangerous totat.t._eJr,npt to clean and put in a-V`sanitary'.y`eoiiditiont while said premises weriwoecupied-Q` but that he would see that said`;-pre-., mises were put in a sanitaryi{c`c>ndi--.~ tion as soon as they got outtIf:2i.`s- he had no idea that such a plac `ould- cxist withi a town, and 't'1r'f"`it` `as at menace to the public health,__ and. should, and would be at-tendedtiito "at the earliest possible mp:nen_t,;_ *'-;:- AA 011,. ..n&.....s ft` GL4 nnan `non `\AI1" OPEN LETTER TO THE CHAIR- MAN OF THE BOARD OF _- HEALTH, BARRIE. j HIV Cell HCDL PUBBIUIC ll|t"I\i_5u/. -f As the nature of the ca_se_.ha`s_been'-2. formerly discussed with 'y6"t'g '1id`some length, on a previous oegastqn when` I. was present at a meetin'gmk9f,:yo1r board, and at which meetiifiii :"9`i1,df-1 ` cided to take no action 1;vT.V<:,,,Arnat't_':_-{.1 ter. My object in ;'.\'lirfijii',i'g",;' you-' now is to request that,_;.'c; .'L;Z'caSe be tried in the division .,T'c(:ji1f.;:." thcij` expenses` in connection 'thet`e'v_vt h are; not so great. I purpose sum __ for. $250.00 and if you decld to 'gt the case in the division court fbt` that amount kindly let me have.a certyi-. fled copy of the motion authorising Otherwise I will entet=~:it~. the County Court. I would `be Willing T0 submit it to arbitration, appoint-_ mg one arbitrator, the board another, and they to appoint another (out-of- town man) and abide by the decision, I LITI1 uvniinxnr in An nsuv}'1`I:.t1tv"'\f `C I An ould farm 3 The publication of correspondence does not necessarily` imply that the views of the correspondent are thereby endorsed by the man- agcmcnt of The Advance. '- xv auluc Luuc Stone Lwuws ;_ Was aft(:rw:1r'dS `learned, 5 there by the sanitary inspector) , : rx res? _Wz1s it nearly nished him; h w L, Whlle 111 :1 weakened state,dcve'lope 53F1?t_ fever owing to ,th.c-hnsanifaf " `ndlt1on of the pretnises. -<"1'_,he.~{1'Sjt {as that the child la at 'dath s:d0_ 4. 0' early three weeis, and 1309` 3` ;:_ :_nt1y beexyanythin like,hI;s' 4: self. In vtevsf pf t _e jact .V !_e1fSan1tary cond1t1on_"de_f7 .m '."_d to above were_,, ' 5. ed1c_a1 health oFcer,'a:`1d4th3 % -V V. onused to attengl `_t.b._._ "'U lllllllf ullu LIIU uC\.II\JIIgl l_am willing to do anything'that l_S fmr in the matter, but 's'uit.y0ut'- selves. I will be there with the goods when the time comes. ' x - Yours tr1i'l.{,, ,` V v A. B. COUTTS; PS.-l would have liked very much 1. have this matter settled be-l fore the end of the year, but.owing' to certain witnesses being in tl`l e`WCS"5, Could llnl without bringing ' them` Ilown, lmt they will be here beforel mas, and we ll have it out (any WIN! 0. ...o L- LA-..,I\ ':nc `Tnoq..o-nus : | "" 1 CHILI \\Cll IIGVC IL Ubllv \||J . M) 1) wit the board) in January. N-B,-\'\'c may add for the _beh`" `d the hv>u.~:c referred to" above..h%iI'1 ]i1nuz1r_\' of this year, audeeverythingc. `*I{Deurc,l all 0. K. (everything`bei11g~ Ole solid) but" it had never ;beI1`?" touched since the former \c>'cc1ll')'a*l"l~ l?l`Z `gioved out. One of Mr. 'Coutts *.1itt'le' _0YS, three yearseof age, was "playif|, `0lll1d the back part -of" the`--'~}l.OU|$9,. and got some blue stone h(whIj1" h;'iif;` Was nfrm-.......-,1..- .1...._.....1 ' sh -u'vo'u' ----_ Of Your readers that Mr. Coutts hre;_1,tIe|A u1\, VV \I\Ic-rg --gp - w----u.-_- Kn emiment New York physician," who, in.z.m address to the League for Po1_1t1ca1 Ed_ucation, declared that Arxstocracy IS a myth, and the only distinction is that of `dollars. DR, woons HUTCHINSON ,L -u--__ v..._1_ -1.;-..:-:- OUR LETTER BOX. DEC." vlv i the _ 'n ot west ected torey even , and 1, 19:6. _ M_1;s. " C. Pbucherl .'visifin'g: In` Toronto. ' - _' ' ` V. _` .-_-Pict`ures framed at Dougall Bros`. A dahce was held in the `Orange Hall on. Tuesday evening. _ -'\-_`SVcV>.me hadomg bIf.a-ss b.eds .Tat bargain `prices !at. Dougall. .B'roJs;146-43 x - .. . V . . -_ . ` % Mr_-. Jna. '% Millsm ha `s<$ 1d his `livery busipess. '.Ryno1ds and-Gr_a- sely arg the new proprietors- ~ S; Ha1l s '\barbr hop_l1aS been7 removed to`the Leslie Block." The change was made Tthisfweek. ` . The divisional bfces of the G. '1; R. _are' preparing for winter , and have issued" the usual. instructions for working,ow ploughs to the dif- ferent stations \under._supervision of .this -c,1.ivijsio1i'. ' .-En`g'i ne:fn`ei1. are .v'p'a'ifti`<:t1'lJ;r'l`jr' snvat. .ed to attend'vth_'eng'i11e instruction class; "formed. by Fc}.g_1_1s_on ` at A the Y. M; C.-"A." and "1`h1irsday evening the. class" holds a metin g "and , much useful - 'mform'ation is"im'part'ed; % A '% % 1 ~-one Sunday afternoon at the Y. M. `C. A. men s `mee'ftin'g Canon Mun-phy_ gave a" very helpful _addres_s~ to the large audience assembled. `Messrs. Riach and Bennett sang a duetwhich` was `we11'received.: `The attendance was the biggest yet and the pop- ularity of these afternoon meetings for men seems increasing. All men are invited. ` ' ' KIG1-ITLEY-McMILLAN. A quiet wedding waxce'lebrated 1t the home of Mrs. Jas. McMillan, Cumberland street, on. Wednesday if `afternoon, at 1.30, when her daugh- ter, Miss Sadie, was `married to Mr. Edward Kightley, 'a`popul`ar railway- man of North Bay, and formerly of . `-the `Sixth Ward. The ceremony was ' performed by Rev.`A. V. Brown, of ' ;ft"lie""A__llJ1,a`nda1ei Presbyterian church. r"."'i`.he b rid`e"s' attendant. was. Miss Lily *'Dea'g'an, and the 7groom was :;.;_j1\?Iany` "handsome resents ' attested 2:; theztpopularity of the young. couple. ' 2_;_' dainty -ff wedding breakfast was j.iserv'ed, after which `Mr. and Mrs. _ Kightley left on the 3.45 tram for 5"the`1'1'~n'e'w_ home in North Bay.` `supported. by Mr. '~Robt: McMillan.` [lg- on A splendid new--pool `table haslbeen installed in the Y. `M. C. -A. for use of the membersiof the Association. The members are I greatly pleased that they vwill befable to enjoy a quiet hour at this interesting game during. the long evenings ofthe com-' "ing winter. For some time the management have felt` the need of some game that would `provide amusement and entertainment for the large number of men` who fre- quent the building day and night, especially at this season of the year. After setting aside a proposed plan ` for bowling alleys on, account ofithe heavy `expense, they have followed the example of many other Y.M.C. l A. s in `Canada and the U.S., where these tables have been found to greatly ._ assist-_ in ,the - Association's work._ . . * 5 . Pu:-lsuant to.i `the, -Powers `of Sale; contained , in` `a `certain mortgage which will be produced "at time of sale, there, will I be. oerecl; for sale, by Rublic Auction at the Queen's -rv . 2-- LL- 'I`.-.....; -9-.` `Do-nu-;n'. ' t\ucllUIl 'd,|, LIIU wuyyu 9 D uHote1, in the Town of Barrie, on- i Saturday, the 17th da ` of December, j 191o,.at 2 pm. _A1l t at part-of Lot Number six, in the Tenth Conces- sion of the Township "of Tay, lying West of the given road -running~be- tween `Coldwater and Sturgeon Bay- Upon `the premises there is saidvto {be a com.forta.ble dwel1in house and |` suitable out_building.s.e he "property !yv}}`l be offered subject to .a"rese'rved Dr. F. Hamlin is home .f_or. visit; % 46-48 ACROSS THEBAY ;'M'(')R'1`GAGE -SALE bp` VALU- A ABLE" "FARM'_`P0PERV'l`Y.v . III *1`? Mclllihlll Fukulsumcsf DRY GOODS JP~"l`0-DATE` s'roK.~ W I-0 I|!l.38T~`; rnxcsag `bcets---" ` " By`.-lw_ % "tocroseg D_r._1jty .Mi}l.Ro'aa. Th Council met` puflsuanf to ad- io_tn-nxnent. All the members L present. The _Reve' in the_cha>ir. ` ;Th ininutes of iast: meeting Twe`_x-e. `read -and ori_ motion of -Campbell and McA1-thur, wr conrmed, _ S Mrs. Carney wrote asking_"Co un`ci1l to supply her with"rewoMod, as she was in need. On motion of Camp- \bell and McArthur, the Reeve to } take such action as he thinks proper.` Certicate was_\read from J. R.` Cott r,"C1erk_of the Peace,` Barrie,` Nshowing that. selectors `fof jurors, iOro, for 1910 had duly `perfoi-med` their duties as such selectors. I ;i The" `Clerk reported that on . 18th i [O`ctober"1ast -he had written` Donald 'Ross, solicitor` for Mrs. `Minnie ' Grey, John Elliott, Simon _A. Elliott` and Patrick Shanahan separately as jfollows:--Re Drury s mill roa.d, Oro. The Council-' of Oro having decid-i ed. to {close that portion of said road i recently advertisedin the Barrie Ad- yance. I am instructed. to notify you and you are hereby notied that you with the other names inserted, may purchase or lease` said portion of road either jointly or any three, two or one of you`, on very" reasonable terms. Kindly consider this pro- position"and.let me have your reply within ten days from the date of this notice. V A ' 1 ' "Within the time specied in above `notice, `Simon A. and John Elliott jointly replied, stating` among other 1 things, that they" would either pur-i chase or lease; Patrick Shanahani repliedrthat he would do either, buti wouldw`-ather purchase. These two] letters were read by the Clerk. ` T On motionof MscArthur and Camp- +be11, By-law No. 399 to stop .up a 1 portion of the highway heretofore . established by Bylaw No. 44 through Lot number 14 in the 3rd Concession of the Township of_ Oro and other wise known as Drury s mill road, was intrroduceq and read a first time. ,--._..-,, -r r-._-I_L--.... -...a c.....:n.. HILTUUUCCU auu ICE 3 urns. Luuc. . On motnon. of Cockburn and Smnth, the by-law was read a second time 1 `III",-' vcnw -I; on -- uvvuhr qvv-\Q vv wvvv--`.. W----' I On motion of.C.ampbell and MC` Arthur, ordered that By-law 1Io.t399 now read a second time be laud oven until Dec.` 15 next, when it shall be `read a third time and finally passed. D-- 'I__- `KT- " -...a... A.L....-.1.-.-a ILGU G Luuu Lllllw auu I|lIauL_y yuaovuo By-law No. 400," xing the ` place for the nomination of candidates for the oice of, Reeve, `Deputy-Reeve] and Councillors for I911. Appoint- ;ing Deputy-Returning Officer and `P011 `Clerk, etc., in case of an elec- tion, was introduced and" passed. Division No. I, A. Patterson, D. R.u 0., -J. `Hart, P.'C..; No. 2,vJno. Gean-I -es and W. . Harrison; No. 3., E.- D. Thomas, . `Slessor; No. 4. H. P. Merrick, W. J. Burt; No. 5, Hy Lilgter. G. R. `Anderson; 6.. P. Mc- 'Phie,' J. Johnston; 7, A. A, Buie and i F`. A. Bell. ~ I R. F. Caldwell appeared and claimv ed that the Council had a portion of his lot being E-V2 17,'Con. 3,` com- mencing at the south west corner-'of said lot 22 feet wide and running to nothing at the south east corner of sand lot, 17-30 of an acre for which he `asked payment of $34.00. `Aftei, cheating Mr. _iCaldwell s contention, on motion of .McArthur and Smith, the Reeve was appointed to arrange with G. W. Caldwell as.. to his purs chasing portion _ of cross-road said to be :0C(;ilpld'by_hlm or have him reniovehis fence to proper place and report. ` :- 'C\ It I In 1 I Deputy Reeve. Campbell reported that bridges on cross-road I5 and 16, `Con. 2 and line between_-Con. 2 and :,3, Lot 16, Con. 2 as ea`:-ly as p ssible next- sprmg. On.` motron of . cArthur and `Smith, report, `adopted. V ' ' V . A. 1 Reeve reported `having sold to G `X DnnI\4\`Dn :I\nn Ca AA to-an .. At request of W. J. Burton, on m _of McArthur.an_d'Smith, the time for `him to remove` timber on `line, Con. II and 12, opposite Lot 10 was extended to 1st May, 1912. - ligand in - I\CCVC ICPUILCU IICVIIIK ugu U W. Brooks for $2.00 hmlock on ridge` zrc-ad, opposite his lot. I `I7 I - On motion of Campbell and Smith, ;that 4of,fe';f, 9f Chas.-._Sul1ivan to place; -A catmcm Eiveh; rwo,n.amg.A. v-w- :_--7-.-'- -- --.-opn- an.` Timely Suggestions \ Fo`rGift Buyers % Eanrly Buyersalvgmys get the choice. Others tak what's left.` `This week we suggest ' ` L- `Table4Knives_agd Forks per dozen pairs $1.50 to_ $7.00 `Bread Knives, all patterns; each . . .' . . . ._ . . . . . . . . tqj 60 Pearl`VHan<'iled `Tea ~.Knive's and Forks it}. Oal< Case, satin lined, per set... . _.. .. . ...,$8.5o Carvlipg Sets, the largest and best `assortment ever opened in ~ Barrie, jp/er setu`... . .. ; . ;...'..$1..25 t6 $8.! lRaLzloe1l'.s_ls7_ lt9%2.oo.s Safety R,azorns.1.50t_o 6:50 Trouble to show .-,,o ~ avg tigindoivluntil aftef -. It 5 ANORTHERN ADVANCE '-,.._-1;,-_._ ,- ' ' seyc onL'VjVtl`i;{4Aiirindo until aftgr Xmas. (rm: mnhev- . trgg CUTLERY` you mgney. A"-an ' mot;o_n and` Mc- Arthur, accounts to the_ amount pf $243.30 were ordered pand. T l\".. ._-_L!- 9 It A .1 '1 4n -.1 =16 v.?1Oa4i @.>f-_}s_t9ii 75,b:i' adut__h sidegor new budge lme, `Con. I2 and 13. at so cts. {yer load` `be accepted, and! [that the `Clerk notify him. ` on gnotiqn. of McA1-that and Smith, Councxl adjourned to _meet.o1kI5 Dec. `next as required by`Statute, ! 1-~ rn1-vv\-r-rr\'1\-n- Inc 6 Many Acounts Passed-Nominntions J on Dec. 26 at Orange Hgll, - .~Churchil1. . `bers present. '.l`he= fteexh meeting ofthe Innis- l Concil was he'Id`at Churchill on Monday, Nov. 21st, 1910.` All memf \ \ A - . u n . W6 be` 1.3.3;-law '\xing the place for the nomination offcandidates for the of- iices of Reeve; DeVp.-ReeveV` and -Council-lors for the.ye_ar 1911, was duly passed, theplace and date be- 'Monday, Dec. 26th,_ 1910. Another I .ing the Orange Hall, Churg:hill,-on`[t By-law was passed granting permis- `sion to theistroud Telephone Co. to plant polesand stringwires on cer- tain highways of the Township for the purpose of a telephone `system. . The following accounts were or- dered to be paid:-Arthur Freeman, 49 yds. of gravel, $4.90. West Gwill- imbury to pay half. James ,Fagan 10% days work on Big Bay Point drain, $18.38. Timothy Connell, re- pairing bridge on 2nd side-road be- tween 7th and 8th Line, 128 ft. cedar and work, $7.00., W. J. Latimer, 24 rods wire fencebonus, $3.60. Wm. Hopkins, repairing culvert on 10th Con., work and cedar supplied, $5.00. Howard Allan, 74 yards gravel,$7.4o. R. Sloan, plowshares, $1.25. G. 'C. Allan, $400.00 on contracts of bridges and culverts, 1910. Mr. Ardagh, O. L. S., $8.50 for seririces 7 re Big Bay Point drain. H. L. Al- ; brecht, $I.94,- goods supplied Wm. fMains, indigent. C. Wilson, `$2.00 for use of rooms for Counctl. F 1 1 One of the principal drawbacks of Awii-eless telegraphy is the fact that no very eicientcall syste 1 has been invented which will serve to call an operator` who is not in direct attend ance upon the instruments. Accord- ing, to press despatches, when the Wellman. airship sighted the steam- ship Trent, it was impossible to call the vessel by means of ; wire- less telegraphy. because the` operator was not at his post. Instead of that, light signals had to be used, and it was not until the Trent had been notied by means of signal lamps that the A erica" was equip- ped with_ wirelesg. apparatus, that wireless communication could be es- tablished. Had there been a fog at the time`, wireless calls `for help, on the part of the crippled airship would have received no response. " On motion, the petition "re opening original road allowance of Penetang road between the 12th and 13th lines was left over for further considera- tion. Add a little lemon juice to rice "when boiling, for it makes the rice {vhite `and keeps the grains well -separated. _ - I Colunncil atijourned to _meet at Craigvale on Thursday, Dec. 15th, -1910. - -_, - v-rvv - or` run . _COl(_1 Doucu Qutauy uu. papcn uuu. It :5 of .. the right consistency, when it will be found to'be equal to strong` glue or cement. . ` I l 9 . --Don ,t mis_s the big sale of Cloth-l ing at Todd s, commencing Friday. `C4,. at-1:1. ~ I tug at. I See advt: A -`very. good subst_1tute fo_r glue "can be r_nade by rubbmg a plea: of _cold- boxled potato on paper until :_ -1 cl... -:...l-u- nnnehalvnnntr nthpn . c on-_ 1 the 1 the a the

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