Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 1 Dec 1910, p. 5

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Melton Prior, the war correspond- i cut and artist, who saw mo're,.,tha'n twenty-four campaigns and rievolu-e tions, tllL`(.l recently, Few men have seen more activity. on the field of war than Melton Prior, wlm Cztnzttliztns will remem- ber, trztvelletl through this countryj with King George, the_n the Prince, of Wales, in `I901. Born in Lon- don, the son of the late William Henry Prior, :1 tlraughtsman and - latitlsitztpt: painter, he was educated at Bottlonge and London. AS war artist .'lll(l correspondent of the Lon- don `lllttstmtctl News, he rep1`eSe,n't-A ed this imhliczttitm in more `than l\\'t`lll_\'-ltllll` c:itnp.'tigns and revolu- tions. Ills tirst ztppearance on the l)-'llll(`llL'ltl wzts Ill 1873, in the Ashan- tee wax". llicn from 1115 eloquent brush ;mtl pen owed descriptions of the t';trli.~t Rlslllg I874, Herzegovin- tan, bertiztii, Turkish, Kaftir, Basuto, Zulu illlti Boer wars; Egypt1an_cam- pzugn. i.\'t\ 2. Soudan and Nile expedi- tion; llurnicse war, Venezuelan, Braz- tliztn (tllll Argentine insnrrecttons; Jtttitewii l\ :ti(l; Matabele war; Ailfridl war: \'ni-thwest Frontier, Indtag; Crt-tun lll.\Lll'l'CtlOl1, and the `Siege ot Latl_\':m1tlt in 1900. ' . Frutn 187; to 1886, Mr, Prior only f(`lll(l1llt'tl t)llC year Without seeing scrim-_ In 1875 he went to Athens with the Prince of Wales, and later trztvcllml with the King of Denn'1a'rk s 'expe through Ireland. He rac- 0m_tt1>:ttti~l the .\'l:1t'quiS and Mar- clnont-_~. of Lorne to Canada on Direct Only Canaeian Through Route Car Line `DAILY slsnvlcl-; MR. E. J. GRAVES; travelby the M 3'5 WAS. INSPECTE*l)%BY MANY VISITORS 0N MONDAY Al-`IERNOON % ` _ We ail ~lil<`:e:'._t`_oV- see',t.1ie1 (resnltx of V cm; v vork-j-t1_1e ethi'ng's: e we have ac- 1 -eomp1ished~-the. achivehients of our` own" power of=doing,}_nething' really worth while. 'We"`a'1`l fee'l a com- mendable p'ride ."`in=.the{ things. we" have made, `if. such things have been a_ -success, have pro\_?ed themselves worthy of condencea.n _and,' being so, have brought reward, Lin>good`jmeasure;"and so The Can- ada Producer and Gas Engine Co. ,`are proud of `the Weber gas, gasoline .and producer "gas: engines manufac- tured by `them. ` 4 on me invitatibn51iof`i.he '-Com. [>.an`y $ 10i lcer.sv_ the Town Council, the Water and -Light Commission- as and a number of others interest- 'ed, including 1 press 2 representatives, -were,-`on `Monday afternoon given an opportunity of inspecting the works, looking over the plant while in_operation and listening. to some explanations of the successful .opera~ tion of" this 'comparativ'ely.v new s'y_stem of power` production.` The e_n'tire works were thrown open to the visitors and every. facility given for explaining in detail the process- es of manufacture, workirigs arfd operation of the Gas Producer power plants in process of construction." AGREAT WAR CORRESPOANDL. ENT. L Mr. Dyment, Mr. Thompsonand Mr. Grayes were exceeding'ly"cour_t- eous to the visitors, and had erected an no h.p. engine on the testing oor for the purposes of demonstra- tion, The engine` is similar to some sent out this summer and ~~~although sold at` IIo.h.p., is guaranteed to pull I2! h.p., the actual. test ;u_nd'er brake, bingVI4O h.p.'_ It is ,a 3-0) .- linder Producer Engine of Lthe ver- tiele type,"-and" its smooth-running. qualities n were the" source of ''e comment from A many who watched W_rhe`"test. To demonstrate r_the-oa__ Theiabove photo illustrates a new advancement in the Gas Engine Line. The engine W.l.S built for the Harvard Light 8: Power-`Co., Harvard, III., and is the fourth Producer Gas Engine supplied to them by the Weber Co. for increase of power purposes. No better recommend for Weber` Engines _c,lIli.1)8 given- Photo Shows Enginenearly assenlbleii, and bolted down ready for testing. WEBERJ4 -CYLINDER -ENGlNE---The Latest and` Greatest Success. Especi'a11y`Sui tcd for Hesvy Duty in1d Electric Power Plants. of .s}:_a`nting, the "engine was brought to a .,s.t_ands`tilI -_and; then ,_stai;ted Tagain, th`}bperatibx1j%`being l ver'y `simple ahd fquirig duly a few` ~min1it's `time. In the, equipment `of the faetory ;everything has beendesigned spee-3 ially for the manufacture of gas `pro- 'ducer,e-egas-ahd gasoline engines, gnd evee.ryv_toVoleahdemachine `is of 'the latest and r`n`ost"u_p-to-date type for the_f151'1!`p(") se,` thus ensuring perfec- tion in the - manufacture -of `each part used in the completed engine. Considerable interest centred around the operation of an immense horizontal boring mill, which bores the cylinders of gas engines accura e to micronicter guage. it was maie especially for this rm, and does ac- curate work up to a 42~inch cylinder, `a feat which seems well-nigh im- possible. The intricateemechanisms andgacctirate working of manyeothei UHLCI Llaul. wag, u~.......h .,.-_, on fire, But spoke rather withiirm, but conservative optimism` of the ul timzrtife success of this high grade 'po_w`er,d which bids'fair_ to "replace the. steagri en gine.; .It wi1l'~take a couple _>;of years for._:us, to get a good foot-_ i"'phold`.;-_,`with the itra.d'e,T:.said Mr. Dy- ` tnentf `fbutv I` 1`iave[.every `condence in thetsuccessi of the undertaking. Mr. Thompson explainedithe pro `gr-ess the yrm had beenmaking in `the marketig of; their product. At t P}1ni11ville_,, in the heart~of; the Hydr0.-9 :-cal-Il"`I` - Q ' ' neSS'. J, Gra\:c's, the '%workg4%[;igg{ Mr. 13- _ . V erintemlcnl, IS a mau~ t`110.1TQl ):[ }"l_-1 cmveysulll with the gas .eng*it_1jg7},g?A:1)`:11V`{s 170,- u number of yeafsl-ljgwga` :;i_q11i11g ofces 'OfAfhe`WiS:f~. = uchine C0. of II- Vi't`tsl)Tt11"g.g.'T of which time 'he5?`;_:W:a3.: placed in t`1'~'.C of What"LwaQssVAthj.n.v the lzugest gas engine plant the mated Stzltcs, situatcdvat Ig}.q,'_I_nd About ten years ago`. the V_f;be . .pe0p1c of Kansas City se<;u:;_`e(l"a.,l`v1i"_; services and placed him _a~ `1)bo;;s_i, -_:._V tion of comp1cte`.control" bver I t_1e _ design` and construction of r tl1_5ci1-. 3`-._e1'i. in the dc inghousc M during part machines wer<: a source of dlivgyht 2md wond'er to the.visitors.- - After a `thorough ~inspectio1_1 of the plant had been made,` Mr. Dyment addressed theidelegation, expressing his pleasure at being able to show that, the company was . delivering the goods. He did not attempt to impress his hearers with the idea that the product of The Canada_Pro- dticeri VPl'a`n't* was. setting the world _-,:'.1. 2...... IIDI . --- Elect;-ic 8,111 the nean `UL 141: .l..I._yu1v 20!1e, th_e,,v. had insta'lle_d -a_ am; nngiiige. plant this summer for the Monarch 'Knit,ting,wCo. This , j_s'__considered one of rhe.n.est.p1antsV' in5;C`anad`a to-day. .It' is operated from natural gas fuel, _but is so designed that in. case of` "failure in supply of natural gas, it ~can be converted to operation by producer gas,'- The producer engine will worklon gasoli`ne,i_town gas or `producer gas, thus ensuring` a com tinuous supply of fuel throughout all exigencies;_ . Mr.` Dyment. and Mr. Thompson `had a few bouquets to `hand out to Mr. E. J. Graves, who has been with the company since last summer. Much of the credit-for the success- [111 working out ofethe details of plans,_ etc., are due to Mr. Graves, who is an expert in his line. At the present time theoT. Eziton rm of Toronto are negotiating for the purchase of the entire output of gas and gasoline engines manufactur- ed by the company. One hundred- of 1 these smaller pattern engines, ranging froni 3 h_p. up," are turned out in an orclr, the different parts all _ being under construction simultaneously by pairs. different departments ` of the- works. The parts are all standardized, en- surinfz` perfect 'tting in case' of re- An erecfing staff, with competent engineers, is kept employed setting` up plants-on the road, and the rm-r" shave severaly young men studving . the mechanical details.preparat_0ry to joining the selling force. ' I"1'.__L:..---.I . _ . _ .._:.L-.. _....;..\ To clean yotlr lace collars put. some paper under the` lace. Sprinkle boric acid thickly over, wrap up carefully, and lay aside for -a few.{~'_- days. Then shake or, brushout the` powder and the soiled marks shoulcf have disappeared. V ` people 0 ago. the `VV-_eb_e1_-..:3g f Cityisecu;red`l._his`f. him `iii.-`;"a j)o, s_i,i-`~.-,_l co1111)lcte`,c0l1tl101'xibver c_l_1<=: A__ theii-1 ginsi - . . - it 1\l1r, Graves came tnv Barrie abom the 1st of May and his -expert 'ef1-, gi1leCri11g` knowledge has been," of inestimable value to the ..c:_an'g;1a~ Producer and Gas Engine Co, He_ now has complete charge of all the, men cm1)l<)ye(l, and directs his fore,-T cs with intelligent skill. 3 ......... ..,, .... -- (Continued on another page). Cyril and~'"is-s'i';--;s're1-, at the -county ground - w atchingv the play. (WI-u Piitlz` r`tl`v'\u-', AqLnln:rv1n,` (`:1-\_ ' Kr 61 \JI.IIl\L Vlpblllls Ipllc PIC]: ":63, Cyril, dg'r! uexclaimed Cis- sie, I have just`tho_u'g__htbof a lovely riddle. . . `~ H ,= IIIIF II I . ' '.RII I 0 1 Well, iivhat is-it? -{was his reply. as he fondly stroked his upper lip. _ _Why,is the cricket match like I ll your moustache? '- Cyril pondered a $it and nally gave ti. -t up. ' The answer was a fa`g:e'r, Why, be- cause` there's e1even..,:.{gs_ide. See! He was poorly cfa_?d3d }and dirty-a tramp in appejaranc_e4a}-and his com- panion was 0_f",the;sa estamp. His companion was `readi gsa piece of nefwspaper, and now? _nd*;-then leaned forward to comment I). the news, asked. Fe'ller.;drown`e in a beer vat \ .~"`What do you mak ;'of this? h ; . yesterday!" a S %,v.~.~ ` TL- Isl-1:45.. ...u'\1'4r."_V._ L-.'..-n ';r`.:;;:;e, T511./;z%;;,*;:;*?%e,;e,. , `O13; death,.;whe is thy sting?` __he- sagi. _ ` I 1. - :In a South L_6ndon_str_eet might have been seen recently a notice .board outside an empty house witn `house would saiIf' _. This House for Sail painted on it. A gentleman on -theglpok-out tor such a. hous,..:and; 'alvmTyst'.ready for a pleasant-.jokc,_ noticga peculiar spel1in`g, at,ld seeingige Wogia (the caretaker) -at the dool`,-~.'stQp7ped and asked 'her=_1.very` pp1it1y,t~;,:when the .-a:..;`- nI,, IL-4.3. : _A_._.._ ll'..,_. . house "would saiI.'7 -. '* "Just _as`~so0n_ a_'s At`}1_V'eg'if1*a'r'1 comr.-~. wh"ocan;_?raise f;the vw_n'1_d,' was the "Brushing rejoinder. Ila- 1-nQOI11fVIO19\ TI-""ll' l\O1 51570"? A nob: con la. cures colds. hula` . -- . llrodnnilu I - w `L Sealsshipticase Just as delicious, just _as appetizing, just as wholesome, as the minute they were taken from the shell. smsnlrr ovsnan Season is On We are handling only Sealshipt Oys- ters this `season. We are Registered Agents of the_ Sealshipt System, and have signed their rigid contract to sell Sealshipt Oysters just as. received-- solid oyster meats. ' We ifiave just received the first ship- ment of tempting Sealshipt Oysters. n. \.4 5. There is no food more palatable - none more!/holesome-than Sealshipt Oysters. They can be served in count- less dierent -ways. _ 3 . - Our little reciim booklet is free for the asking. Step in and get a copy. I llilllllls [\.,J\.Illl\I\II. The gentleman walked on, I.\ ;'..? T(`l]1(1iHct1 me sen-in-_ to`Athensv expetlitiun ac- con1p:mi.l `and chiom-. their 11r.~t visit. ' .\It-hun Prior never missed a state cct`t'Im.x1y\\'l1icl1has occurred dur- ing 11i~ h1'i<`f periods of rest in. Bri_t- ilin, and was present at the BI`1_111 Ct)I1ft'I't'I1`t'_ the wedding and funeral of the l:ttt- 02:11` of Russia, the Delhi Durhztr in 1902, Somaliland expedi-: tiun, um; and the Russo-Japa.nes,V war in 1004. -- Montreal Dauly WiIl1t'~s`, ' B_t_1tcher. V Sealshigt Oysters This isfthe R. Powell IN LIGHTER VEIN. AS_h'g_S<;ored.' . Bram which ---Ir: Ul3l_Ll\v" ' . soum uonwAu<.coNN ` O Are Sold TU WINNIPEG I AND WEST Five Poitlts of express trains carryirgg through, standard` and _tourltT sleeping cars for all pomts _1, 3 `Western Canada ' ' .A For Information See R. J. FLETCHER, Adent. BAIIRIE` nr 1) 1 mt. ..... -.. n n A" IlI........c.. w ' ' --' - V----`--y -Q-W--I ----------- _or 1:. L. Thompson. D. P. A} '1`oro_nt_o.'_ L

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