Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 24 Nov 1910, p. 2

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, MURPHY .& ET]_:`.N, LOntario Land Gm-m...m-e L~- -- on-vlI H43 T 1`i_ V.ED T9 L.R.c.p. ac` s. Edinburgh; M.F.P. --48URGE0N-- L.R.C.P. & & 5. Glasgow mu miha a Clinical Aasmmc?xpeo13' Sq "M as on mu-e . Throatsc Nose Hospital, Londonr Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital (Moon-elds) ; for a ter m as Resident Surgeon in Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital; lxiristol Eye Hos ital, Bristo ; g H ital. 115 :f M be I n ;?ua1??.9phmumo1ogg1cumsm?3'}?r em r~ OFFICE__78 Dtnuns-n L`------ " ` " PETERBORO UNSYMPATHETICI AY-S THE VPETERBORO RE- VIEW: Some days . ago The '-Review announced that it would receive [contributions for the Campbelltown, New Brunswick; `sufferers, the moneyto be forwarded through the Bank of NovaAScotia. `The response was noteworthy. One thousand. dollars, was raised in a twinkling--nit., One hundred dol-I 1a'rs--nit once more. `One dollar--n0 not one lousy dollar. We are ne- spirited, ne-hearted people in Peter- borough. They are homeless in! Campbelltown, homeless and wretch- ed; homeless and winter is knocking` at their door. Let us see, there are over a dozen churcheshere and one is opened to-night. M. 0.. c. H. mm Hate of Toronto General Hospital. omce of the late Dr. Smith. `comer st- PIIOIO II. 32-Iy G.T G. SMITH & CO., PHONE 82. Established 1869. Undertake:-s. Open day and night.` Morgue and chapel in connection.` Barrie, On- tarno. ~ _ .____...__.._..-._._. ..._. LDR. V. A. HART, _GRADUAT'E 0.1? ?_ Trinity University, Toronto, Edin-. borough and Glasgow and Post -Graduate of University College, London. Office and residence: Cor. Dunlop and Mulcaster Sts. Oice open each day until 8. p.m. , Phone 124. *:__ DR. 1. A. c. EVANS, PHYSICIAN, Surszeon; etc... (`.m-nn...- rm. c:.......,.,. DR. MORTIMER LY'ON, 31 CARL- ton St., Toronto, late ofTBx-ooklyn .(N. Y.) Eye and Ear Hospital, will be at 67 Owen St., Barrie, every Saturday. Diseases--Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Consultation hours, II am. to 5 p.m., and by ap- 'pointme_nt. , - DR. ROBERT S. BROAD, PHYSI- cian, Surgeon, etc. Specialty-Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Oice and F residence, cor. Elizabeth and Brad- ford Sts. (Dyment Gore). Phone | . I05. ` B0x..~45 . _ " -_-....... :.aauu_. ;urveyo'r_s, Engine-; ers, _etc. Established 1852. Oice,` Mcdigal Building, S. E. corner Richmond and . Bay streets, To- ronto. Telephone, Main, 1336. V N. with Strathy & Estes, Solicitors, Bank of To- ronto Building, Barrie, will be promptly attended to. DR. A; T. LITTLE, LATE O.F Churchill, Ont. Oice -and resi- dence, John St., near corner Eliza- beth. Phone 213. L CRESWICKE & ALEXANDER, Barristers, Solicitors of the Sn- preme Court of Judicature of On- tario, Proctors, Notaries, Convey- ancers, etc. Money to loan. Of- irice, R_o'ss btlrogk, Barrie. A. E. H. A....1.._.. A u._.._ j _ A, i.1VVlLV, Ontano Land PrQ Aft; `I:`-4-'1, UNITED sums svisscniamas - $l.50"lN ADVANCE 'No , new name will be added to the Sub`- ocnption List until the money is paid. Subscribers now in arrears for three! months and over will be charged` use per annum. .1. ST"RATH~Y &. ESTEN, BARRIS- I-Ara c(\I:n:6Aog :.- IJ:...I. ('`.....A. .I H. T. ARNALL, M.D., c.M.w/31.1 ce, in Bothwe1l s block, Allandale. On the premises at night. `DONALD ROSS, LL.B., BARRIS- ter, Splicitor, etc. Bank of Town- to Budding, Barrie. Money to loan. LENNOX, COWAN & BROWN, `Ra:-1-Iain:-c` Qnlusch-urn Ina nkL..:..:..... [w. AULT, BARRISTER, SOLICI- `Gnu "A60 over (`r\ncoA-... .. .. .... ;S'rEw;;1ui 1%`: s'r1~:wmi'r, BAR- ;f risters, Solicitors, Notaries Public, 'Comre`y8ncers. tMone'y to loan 4 in any'sums_a.t 5 pet cent. Oice, 13' Owen St., Barrie. H. D. Stew- ` art,` LL.D., D. M. Stewart. ..-...... V`.-uuuauuulugl OFFICE-`-78 DU Phone 51. can society. NLOP STREET: PC 054 -.....\, av a. (ll, .)u*uu(1 KJITICCI tro 4 p.m. _Monday to Friday. ,.\. J. n. u. .r:.Vt\1VD, 1 n_51ClAN,` Surgeon, etc., Coroner for Simcoe County. Oice and residence: Will_iam street, Allandale. Tele- phone 3o a. At Stroud Ofce: 2 fn A nm 'Mm..a--- L- TEAL ,\Jlll\-C upcn Phone 124. `Pumas or suinsonnvi-xozv. I V $1.00 PER ANNUM IN_ADYANCE. )R. W. A. ROSS, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, etc., L.R.C.S., Edin., L. R.C.P., London. Office and resi- dence, Dunlop street, Barrie. Tele- phone 77-. va.;.\a:.a.a.:.a. nu... JauLA.'a.I.1, Dnl\1\LD` ters, Solicitors in High Court of Justice, Notaries Public, Convey- ancers. Oices over the'Bank of Toronto, Barrie. Mone to loan at lowest current rates. . H; Esten. l.\Uaa IJIVLII alllc. n. D. . 1.1. =a'e'swicke, K.C. ,' Krthur A exander. 51.34! 4.1 943,- \.t\l VI ("SL1 II. .lJl.\\J-VV AV, Bazfristers, Solicitors for obtaining ; probate of ,w;'1_lvs_, guardianshi and administratidn; and general` olici- tors, Notaries, Conveyancers, etc. Oices, Hinds `block, No. 6 Dun- lop street-, Barrie. Money at 4Vz- and 5 per cent. /Branch of- fices at Creemorc and Alliston. 'Haughton Lennox, K.C., Alex. Cowan, G. E. J. Brown, LL.B. u. 4;. J.\llIJJ'4LV1la\JL\ J-g JJ11I.\I.\.lD` ,ter, Solicitor, Notary Public, &c. Oicc, Ist oor Bank of Toronto Building. Money to -loan at low- es_t rates. ) vo 6llJJJ6' Jaa|.L\.a.\LuJ.I.:.'4.s\ , sJ\IL4L\/1" `tor, Ptoctor, Notary, Conveyancer, etc. Special attention in drawing and probating wills, obtaining let- ters of. administration and guard- Mianship, collecting accounts, etc. Oices, Ross block, Barrie. Money to loan..- OPPOSITE sass ST. JOHN B_ARR S OLD STAND * ` "` ' 'O"'I vv 6" 3legIis ind l g|IQ,|fQ, P Plnmunn. A. RADENHURST, BARRIS- In C.-\l:..:a-no KY4-`Luau. 'DqL1:.. 9.- - vv-~-vv -vu THOMPSON cizrv, PUBLISHER UNDERTAKERS. PHYSICIANS. 5.; 1.1. 1. .X Lb Surveyors En in m1....a .0 -1 -gm BARRIE. 0. Box. 9o. . `ext. aamrd: Mrviv8 in in}- O ce, fltu Ag W" @`?*{'"i%ml `J CRAIGHURST, om. LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE coumv or SIMCOE. Most reasonable terms given on a1 Stock Sales THE Bl Doors fan` 808]! I Stalrses l 315048 Shingles Tanks and Illnn... -nu..- - lT-PEiTlT(:T ________, . cuungles I Tanks and Water Trougns (Pine . COMMERCIAL menu, be given on applicatiom CONTRACT CH Rates will Condensed advertisem as wants or all kinds, 1 for sale or to re must be Cuts for advertiseme case b ents on oat an nt, specic a accomnamed with the dip moles. cash. nts must e mounted on solid met all. .. etc, usANSIEN'l` ADVERTISING Legal Notices. Auction 83) ' etc.-- rat insertion 10 cent,ae8' A"1`in3em an uent insertlon 5 - < x- cents ing notices. 10 centsper me insertio - n . 5 cents per line rn..D3.'-.1` for InlAI'"" "` L Tm: urgent Annzvcz circula 15 tion of an; 9` ,. An I PTn'4l column uowupipdr. H "Pabmnod tromtho once; as Dunlarftroot. Bu-rte. in nu County of sunooo. Pro`- vlnoe of Ontario. Uunodnsevory I Thuudayuornlnw y , fst. J3!IAll` __&L Oroolter ` Has a marvellous eect on rough skin. One or two applica- tions will remove the rougnness. and by its occasional use the - skin acquires the smoothness and softness of a baby's. Glycedonia is not sticky, and gloves may be worn a few moments after using it. Price 15c and 25c. Delight- ful after shaving. Brewed Entirely from the Finest ` Malt and Hops. ` Joh ,i l\15AIr\:nn -u.-._ --._ MAKES YOUR SKIN LIKE VELVET- Monkman s Glycedonia. NEXT noon TO THE TANNE'q y| 74-. n...... l-_ -n 1 DUNLOP STREET EAST BA R R I E No; 5:. .. 'I.l l;a. mA _ N6. lluilam " 58.... 8.86pm . '3 ` "f 65....'l.lIp.m BARBIE '1 BREWING GUMPANY Splendid ALE and roman. The Best and Brightest In cask and Bottle __(3o. MoNKMA1g_._ ,, _.-_. _ _ . . -.-/, up. Boilrs. Engines and all kindsot farm and stationary machinery made and repairegi onshoncst notice and moderate pnces. All All vgrk done by expert machin- ist and guaranteed rs: class. a_s Engine APx2liTHE ADVANCE. BARBIE 3 Horse Power In First-class Order `ruin N 11. *1! 61 11 I5 I MANUF T . A THURSDAY Expert Machinists PHONE 136 nllpa . rug. ., 1 Ginz um..- F-41- pr0Ven y paper mwthieve Ml Wu. arrivals and deputw : at and ` ro:n Ba:rie are uIollos7v`_I :` ~ ` .-* \ Acco the ma Graven Anight -serious `and re -Briddic ' It .-to disc gerous `notice `dick dc from V ;`admitte _ examin _wou1d {known giving to pass fvmunici Electric Who A Eith trouble ` % which \ the re 5 same. I `Sheriff ' _cnt Collingwo_d and Meaford; ` . To A % .*%..mouV . o. 68....1l.l7am No. 5t...J. lam I8:-u A - V " yous " .` nu-`.']) lIl If t` itself t it musl ence. ] the puq to pers "In t 10 C011; were b their h tering tiffs w show t degree mands so clan ity, an them V cet] m "" Daily including Sudzy. nzuuun: RAILWAY.GUlj3`E.'- 2s....1ma_xE' AaI7....-`l.l_lpm "11.! p.m..Oohalt Special .. `Ml; III, 10.0 a m'l`oronto& North Bay! 3! pm ' II D msoxnh Blyuoou-u III us p m..Torunto& Midland 7.0 a In Gravenhurst ll 5 In Thursdy, Nov. 24, 1910, Hamilton. 22.... 1.41am 2Q....l'pm LTIII Nm The work of the Barrie Horticul- tural Society is not to be la_ughed at, either. The town improvement sec- tion of this ourishing institution has been doing a work which must be apparent. to every citizen. Beau- tifully-kept lawns, magnicent -ow- er beds, trim-cut boulevards, . [win-V dows dorne-d with boies of bloom- ing plants-such are the fruits of, the labors of this. band at public-spirited . citizens` who are gratuitously d_c_>ing:V so much for the promotion of, a love. A of I the `aesthetic. ` _ ' Hundreds" of summer cottage prop- erties. are awaiting` the city man ot money whotwants to spenii his suin- mer away from the noise Land heat` of the city. Biat they dGntV\_knOw_;qf the beattty of put magnienttbgy. 'A - standing -adyvt. in "aafeww ._'good -papers- and magazines wh_ih ,circ.ul`a_te mong . gtljis; class `bi; 'p'eQp1.e.; the temeans 9f`b1'i.S5"8. mauve to Impene 5 I The personnel of they Monarch Railway Companjrtiseas yet an un- known quantity. In rnaking:negotia- tions with any. franehise-seeking railway company the fact. that Baf- rie holds the, key `to the situation should, not be e lost sight of 33 the [elector-st Terms ,snitab1e to the Town can be demandedfnot souglit after.__ ' ` .' ' " ' `A man from New `Orleans thinks enough of the charms of` Lake Sim- coe to purchase an expensive prop- erty for a summer home and in- tends: to come all thewayWf1-vom the land of cotton to spend his vacation of several months duration in Barrie. [Surely we `should be thankful for 3 _our many` natural ` advanta_gVes'.`r . ul- Proper bathing facilities `should be provided. It remained` for a_ former Barrie boy to remind usof our en- tire lack `of proper shelter of any kind in which Fathers might dress `and Vundress. The cost would be small and the benet to be derived ot` Tincalculable value._ A more eicient boat service be- tween Jackson s Pt., Big Bayfand all points intermediate, would bring in more people-people who shop here --leave their money here-bui1d up the Town. By all means let us have a good boat service next suinmer- ' We have _no 1-oom for the pessim- ist. For the man who is continually telling youthe Town is going to the darnation bow-wows; who is ready to prove that there are more vacant houses in Town to-day than at `an ` time since he can remember, A I The Sanitary Inspector gets ta -boost; in the M. H. 'O. s annual re- port, but, at. time of Writing,` have 'heard nothing further in regard. to that uniform with the brass buttons.` Better make it an overcoat and pair iof mittens now. F We have zjoom `for twgnty thous- land peopl` who think Barrie isvthe !best place on earth to live in--'t. he ibest Town on earth to spend them Emoncy in. Boosters. An estimate 'f, oicial places` our-population at .eight' millions`. Johnny Canuck_ will soon have_ _to `jump into long pants. Yu bet, ye. \ * xk it The Town Council needs a public.- ity department to. let people from afar know what a magnicent `spot Kempenfeldt Bay is to summer on. -_-_ -v- V`.-ivif` coo randy >. QUWVVVD. - W The paragraph referring. -`to /the T `disposal of garbage, and the Town's F.` apparent disregard of the elementary `rules of hygiene in this respect;' will, however, furnish food for thoughtful consideration by the community. at large. The Medical -`Health ` Oicer pointsout thatiti _is`imp'ossib'le- to have a cleanitown so`, long as our citizensare compelled to throw their _ waste material in their back yards, _either `on the surface orby disposing of, it by burial." The health. of the T community. is menacecl thereby and it is contrary to the `Statutes. Ii, - Lay. ,siie your little hamm`er,`Mr. Knocker. - ' ~ * uh uh aWq`e want-ga clean town-a town which will-be a model tinto othepf com-_ munities, and -if a garbage collection system 'wil'l'help us to attain that end, by all `means let us`have`fit.. The cost would `be `comparatively small, so small that a sei'ious outbreak of typhoid would mean many timesthe annual` -expense s of such a system lost in one year. Can we `aord. as a business proposition,` 'to'gbe with- out a, proper method of collecting `the waste material from every home in Town? mfg; li_hed' in 1as:weeE st Advance, Kcbntainb--l-infoftxiia'tipn whieh Should; be } gratifying news to ,the citizens, The health of a `community is a, question of the utmost importance, and `it IS encouraging `to note that Bar:-re is most fortunate in this respect. TL- __..-_._- |- " ' etfs "Ai:nual` "Report. as 15315-- Barrie wants optimists. ` VBOOSTERS. .4 *" thc scope. gtexgd` until 3e_v_ery `vhouseholder `b .9`I`h_es interst'e_d'. 1 in` Tthis, _c`omme;1d,aBl`_'v`rOrk and w.e_.may :%"` 3.=;""I`!._,.i.*.`.. j`,'.`-(ii theh ``t9wn.,- A .`I".'.1-4-I.3..V_I9`)v'-`.'-< Week advocates their cause;;it faithfully supplies the practical _.fa.rmerV` with valuable i;1,fo`rmation`o1}l "all ggricul-_ tura1'topics,`Ta1id is the most reliable `barome`tejr.:'._oAf`, ma}-ket eolnditionfs to `be Why do. so many farmers gread Tile 3 Sun? Because it persistently uvucnu uuu Au. D. ' uaxlxcrun, N11 . , . ;Gooderham, J.P., and Dr. Hamilton of `Barrie; To his left,` Sir V Francis Hincks, the Hon.` . C. Aik- Smith,- David ~Morro_w, and G. I. Bolster, _and throughout the room tinguighed company. ens, T. D. Mc`Conkey, M. .,,-Sheriff were seated at very brilliant and dis.-' vice-cnalrs___Dy Ur. Ramsay, Messrs. G..J. `_Booth,_`D. L. Samson, and Wes- ley Bmgham. To the right of the chairmgu sat [the I_-Fons. John, Sand-~ ie1d_Ma'cdoxiald, Dr Tupper, Frank Smith and M. ~ C. Cameron, Mr. --Win. Gooderhang. .J+P.,}d "Ra.-.-..~ - t-"`-- 59- On`.Thursda.y, 30th of November, the opening of the Toronto, 'Simooe, and Muskoka. Junction (Northern) Railway. from Barrie to Orillia was celebrated with a banquet in the freight shed; A- special train, bring-- mg a large and,__ arrived at9 p.m.~ The chair was oe-T cupied by` James Quinn, Reeve; the {vice-ehairsx by Dr. Ramsay, Messrs. G. I I Quintana-u .-A-I 137-- ;.F:-bm 'I`h Ox-illia Packet buorty years; ago: - T = - r\ `I - - -- How MANY RI::.`MENQ3ER THIS. ` BANQUET? Our sympathies have always been with` Michael Frazer, the rich old far- mer, who married the young. woman. The courts have `declared that he was sane. Now itsas plain as the nose on Frazer's face that his rela- tives weren t bothering about the old fellow as a man. _ It was a kindly interest in his money that s the main thing. We hope .the old chap .-will live quite a .few years yet and that he will leave the `whole, pile, minus just enough `to prevent the relatives who butted in from breaking the will. It s wonderful what a friendly interest everyone takes in a person when he's got a wad,isn t it? Let him go broke and no one cares a tap for him. They run across the road [to shake hands with you when your `rich. -Go broke and they run across the road or hide around the corner- : toimiss you when you go by.--Peter- boro Review. ya -Ava. III Lllhll UWH Il1uIuClpal1ty- We are Just as much dependent on the farmers of v the surrounding country as on our town merchants `and any measure we may pass to. ,their detriment is found to hurt our ltown. We would like to see this `discussed again in Council. I injustice to the . townspeople, many I would like through the columns `of your valuable paper to call the attention of our Town Council to the fact that last ear s -Council saw t . to cancel r.` D. C0chrane's. license for retailing meat in the town. Now sir, I think I am voic- ing the opinion of many of your electors when I say that this is an of whom cannot afford to buy a quarter of beef at one time, or per- haps do not_ require so much, and are, therefore, forced to buy it through the butchers who, I think I am safe in saying, charge ex-horbitant prices. I think it is fair that out- siders should "pay a fair amount of license, but why in the name of common sense should one class of merchants be so_ protected and others not. The hardware, grocer or dry- goods men are not protected. only by forcing pedlars to pay license. The` departmental stores can sell` as much as they nd customers for in {our town without paying into the ilocal treasury. The country butchers pay taxes in their own municipality. We are inst: ac mm-1-. Ammmu... .. To the Editor.` If the Tcommeycial travelers are} successful in gettmg the Legislature to pass legislation forcing "d`ry towns tdprovide accommodation, we may expect to go home any. day and nd our festive `board turned into a hash-factory. Not if we know it. on; all: U0!!! U! s """ "B " %can tV'spend it over the bar. fmm-mm. Mxdland a_nd. Orillia pride them- 91` _3 .011 5101113 _a larger money-order ybusxqess `In `then: post offices than Bagme. This does not signify any- th"}8. they are both dry -towns and cant soend if ovpr H19 lunc- .3 `Packet--If half the roads that are projected are carried through, in a few years more` it will be trtie- that all roads, lead to Orillia. And one leads to the" Asylum. An Irish Evangelist says he saw :more drunken men on the streets of %Hamilton- in one day than in a %month s stay in Toronto. Bet he lwas never up to Atherley, T ` \ . 1 1 1 Ir xv I-Inc \Il.lll.l'l. zacnct says, All *R. A. P. meetmg was held here re- `ently.T No doubt the knockers got 111 a few `tips. `17e.pL"Tomised. re,d1`1ction'A in mgt pfrics should be the most welcomg cut of`tvhe<'_`whole carcass. ` f_Therc ll be more ~ICC. s` this with ter wh,ethe1-`they like it _or'no_t--Keep coolers.- -Harniltbn Spectator. Keep` coming!` - According to -that Census Oice crop bulletin (on another L age) there -will be lots to eat, but te problcm_ will, as usual, be how to get it, ' During `the past summexf we have had many visitors to our town`, T`aA1_1d `remark-s have" frequently. been. pass- ed complimentary to the -cafe takeir by many citizens in beautifying tVh_i4r` .sr0m1d5- ' V 4 * % . .\ GOOD Fcin votr, OLD MAN. The Victotia_ `I-Iarbor correspond- `ent to the Onllna. Packetsays, An R A p fI1AAf;n-r tuna I-unIA Ln-.. a-A, ABOUT LICENSES. WQRKINGMAN. "rLH}}1:iNi)RrHER4N ADv2\i`\Igig dissolviegl 1 ".'~ :"--`7*` .>S' e nhuvcu ucssert may; be using oranges and cranberries `to- gether. Cook the cranberries as ..,for sauce and "pour over _oran_ges with` a `light sprinkle of; sugar Qver them. They shouldeof .co_urse,._'be si's'un`e:d street. Barbie" 0000000 .3` A LABOR OF LOVE." HE Annual Show of the on-. tario Horticultural Society at Toronto last week, was one of the best educative inuences that Ontario can have. It is encouraging to note that this year s exhibits were very far in advance of anything` heretofore attempted,` and that the interest shown was more widespread. There are horticultural possibilities in this. old province that are, as `yet, undreamed of by very.ymany people," and the i` provincial horticultural `soc- iety is doing splendid work in rous- ing that interest which will inean the speedy attainment of the ideal` .in this direction. am In t! aunt SCOTT usm mains` FOR THE FVALL ` EVENINGS nooKs"rox'u-:. am-ze A [tar york /awe worked /zam fo`r your money, and yam-Lcrops have escageda rz'szs, you sould make t/ze proceeds of your crop sat)?` and 50/22: . "ma BANK or woxomo Tim! 23` (but you zbill 1; ? ;f you z eposz't your money in ' If yoaqare farmzhg for tie money you `mike out of it, time you want to keep t/zat money in a sale aee. name and Allandale Brahqhes c. R. mvrmzn. - Managgr. Earned Money of the` FI'_nleI'L. `o 5 'u'uAi The Bank of Toronto Exactly the same as. regular $1.25 Edition. m'rmu:s'r is run on ALL uvmos AOOOUNTS { 5Qc_ INCORPORATED I085 ASSETS. 3503...... Have you seen that line of cloth-bound T Books at ms Iihay, b made} by d PfnhPf;An * `A How much money do you" think Barrie people would give towards these homeless fellow-Canadians? Would we raise a thousand bucks in a twinkling or would the response be met with oceans of sympathy and not one lousy, dollar of practical help? It s so easy to sit down by one s own reside and give thanks for our many blessings, but when It comes to shelling out to our brother in misfortune, we are Ve1'y_apt to consider the matter as none of our business. A -` n

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