{News DESPATCHES 1 a FOR PAST WEEK! lI\r &\\vI\.|, ;.avu 5510-on gm--us-. Junior Primer -- -Janet Bogardi, Amy Gilhooley. 1170113, -rs, _,._I2 7_-I , . . Kingston, Nov. 2.-Married but SIX! ""' " ""` '*?*:| months, Cora Bennett, when arraign-` her voice the murderers ha_d escap-I ed in police court on a.'Chal'ge of` ed. Valentine with his wife and . . . `thee hilde iedb t f vagrancy, said shehad been led to 3.: dags agco h:;V?nga`;)ne girctclt fr%`:1: life of shame because her husband -1..a1y_ M,-5, Valentine says they could not nd work. Her husband} left Naples very` hurriedly, her hus- Frank Bennett, was also locked up; band professing .great fear for his - life` for some reason not revezilell to on_.a vagrancy charge. They came` her`_Ma and Empire. `here from Syracuse two weeks ago.; I I Mrs B-elmett spent most of her eime` obalt, Oct. 28.--Two. men were! on the streets and in the city parks. killed . . . ` . _. yesterday by falling down `MY mfsband Could Ot get Wofka WC shafts at the mines. John Dow, 21 had bills to pay, and I did it as ai divinitystiident from an Ohio col-'i last resource, she said. As they are' 189 Who was Working his W33. - --, _- - lth h '11 , v k'lld .t 1 American citizens, they..wil_l llkCiY`R;:1':StefOl;ignee, `:31 1HeugOq be deport`ed.--Toronto World. , ll strel was killed on the Marathen pro-'. I perty in the South Lorrain camp. .. .. ``'~_g __ - Windsor, O.nt., Niov. 3.-_-With every [ stitch of clothing torn from him, and`: his body a mass of bruises from head`: to foot, Arthur Baltzer, `of Kings- ` ville, engineer of a. shing mg`, was l taken out of his engine rooin in an I unconscious condition yesterday. Baltzefs clothing became entangled in the machinery, and he would pro-; bably have been battered to a pulp but for the` quick action of the re- man, who shut off_ the engine. He will _probably recover.` --- Mail and 1.1`.-u\r\nI41 I Ills, ynnb-u-`V. V- _, __,__ ' k V . . ' ` "'V-I . I GUUIIIIIKVU LU t'l|y y u;\,` 9 V`. J_.__J ` ta en his engine room in 1_ The meetmg was a lively One. so; companies that invest lll tne ,West have gross assets of $197,887,- condition t s ' ' . _ _Baltzer s ?;`dsut;,:,V (ggsosid `ylgehoctp 386, and of this total $38,983,765 is inthe pro-;ition had 79 signers. The 1-equ?red Placed i the West This latter have been battered 25 per cent. of the names appearing'tOt3l would probably pass the $40,` the quick action of.the fire- on. the jest revised voters use waS=000,090 mark it the gures showing rnan, engine._ He set at 66 signatures. It was urged the investments. in Manitoba of will _probably recover.` that an the signers were not on the=the Standard Life were procurable. h_`P"'- 4 last revised voters list, that of 1909,! - . ' ' the i9io`l~i tn t t h ' d.l V A Washington, Nov. 2.-Killed, 3,.` This objecstionowig h:i1m,aa`i:1,| A PROVINCIAL BOARD. 8o4_;` injured, 82,374. This is the cas-' taken, and the names of fteen of` `W. J. Gage, Toronto, was elected uality record for the railroads in the the temperance advocates were provincial president of a proposed ~United States during the year ended found to be not on the voters lis E provincial board of trade by repre- June 30 last, according .`to the Inter-' as required by the statue. the sentatives of a score or so of boards. State Commerce Commissiorrto-day.` Council after a hotd ebate refused who met here to-day. There will be It IS an increase of 1,013 in the to submit. the by-law.-Mail and.Ern- another meeting in two weekS_ when number killed and 33,545 it} E mlm'-'Pi1'- - lfurther details viii be arranged. ber injured V over the previous year's. . gures. _ l -` v"\_`.I~. .- .`.:,'-, ,. _ There were 5,861 collisions, kit!- mg 433 persons and injuring 7,765 and damaging railroad property, $4,-` 629,279. . In the year's 5,910 derail-j : ments,, 340 persons were killed and ~ `4,8I4 injured. -During` the last three ` months of the year the total killed . - or injured was 20,650. - Montreal . Daily` Witness. - ' ' 3 OUR NEW METHOD TREATMENT will cure ii and make a. man of you. _Under its inuence the b!'.il.ll becomes active. the b ood puriiie.l so that all pimples, blotches and ulcers heal up: the nerves become strong as steel. so that nervousness. b fulness and despondenc disappear` the eyes Lecome bright, the tacetu11andc.e3r,ene return; to the y. and a moral, physical and mental gstemsare invizorate ; all drains cease-no more vital -waste roll) the system. 0'1 90.8.1 Y011!`Se1f8Ig1an_i_s_n:l _l_(_OW mzgrrjage cannot. be a failure. Don`t let quacks I _Toronto, Nov, 2.-Call is being is_-` -`sued -at once against shareholders of defunct Ontario Bank to pay up 95 per cent. of their double liability. .This follows decision ` of Privy i Council declaring -that transfer of assets, and business to Bank of Mont`real- by directors of Ontario Bank was'_1egaI andproper.-` ` A..- __A LL- J.Jc|l|I\ vv 509 nvas-A u---\- r- w: v-_ _Had fdecision gone against the ldirectors, they would have been ` liable to the shareholders. Immediate winding up of the bank's affairs vill `follow the call for 95. per cent. of .the double liability as is believed to be" just preliminary, as full 100 per cent. wil be required to meet decit. A, 0 9 I2_L2!2L.;. \.\;uL. vvu. ug. Awslu--nu u, ----. ..-._-V,- The" amount of the- double liability.` is close `upon $800,000.--Montrea|lv Daily Witness. % A ' San Francisco, Nov. 2.--Lying '11:`; bed beside her sleepin husband last`, 4 night, Mrs. Antonio alentine heaitdz` a crash of. glass, and `a moment lat~` er saw two men -climb :through the window of the room from the patch 1 roof, Too. frightened to move 01} L L_ cry out, Mrs. Valentine watched-onev. of the intruders steal up to -the befd,-, place a pistol .-`a_tA h_er husband's! breast and re a shot that `brought instant death to the sleeping man.` LL- 4.2....'.s' `inn cnnfhll Pvffe E5.;11 s IIISLBHI. UCGLIL |.v -|.IA\- ...--,... .___,,, By the time the woman recovereag s. s- NO. :5, INNISFIL. to - C0! 32% I ' I 713`- Ira.- unclsly atopscou In h.thoat an-_!._ lu 3" `Teacher. ` of -3 voice the murderers had escap- f Valentine with his wife Ii three children arrived about four gdpays ago having come direct from ll P, b_and 3! life some ,1 her.-Mail `- ` Niagara Falls, Out, Nov. 2.-The! Chippawa Council at its meet- +ing last night rejected a petition asking that a local option by-law be lsubmfxtglted to t_he voters on January 4 -_L._.__ _-..._ _ I:-...I_- Ann ism.s;"i=;i"i3.;;"na.r| I19:`_(_;__)I'()I' the Hair` If. my-nil. Ila: ' 7Ze0Xf0RD [CD/10!]./2'5? T v A makeshift cook-stove is al- ways expensive. . You waste food because it is notproperly cooked. You waste time trying to make thinvs right. You waste fuel trying to heat, your oven-or at a. hot. re---or keep a low re 4 all day an night. You lose money every day you try to use an unsatisfactory range- V T T1Mnu oxronn Here in the range for your purpose. The one perfect-all rldht cast. iron ran _ . day in and day out. your after year 111 Qhic easiiy saves 29% of your fuel. No other deuice of the kind ever 1nvented 15 Worth so much to you in cold cash, You lose money every day you try to get along without it (`among :1-1 onI11n+ no aknnr xrnu 4-Ln T...........2._1 f\-_-,-_1 _,.';1_ '""' `V"" `""'-7 """J "' .7 J` "J V Shy aunts v\u.uuu.u 11.. Come in and let us show ou th I ' ~ .- Economizer_ attachment. It ymensfiolilatlseraijxld (c3e);f1(:)s.r( c1o r lth Other Gurney-Oxford stoves and `ranges for every 331;: pose and any kmd of fuel. Get acquainted with the es? known, best hked stoves in all Canada. It will be your gain A Blank for Home fl'unu_nont. nas.KENNEDY&KENNEW - 4- I `I I (In l\,A_-2l. 112-`. and takirs rob you 0: your hard earned ` will make Under active. that pimples, so tag taceu11andc.e:u', ene returngto 7 ph sical men vizorate systems are in reel yourseltaman and know marxgaigie o are. `E N0 NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT rnnlyxrauen wrm PARALYSES , .. -rt oI_-_._........ _.J.-`baa `J5 nvv-\nI'I{n1It|D' m Cot. Michigan Ave. and.Gris_wo|d st, Detroit, Each. V i ment in Windsor, Out. If you desire to us -ersonally caI1,at, our Medical _Insti_t_u_te in Dgtroig as we see and treat -4-- ....A A '. ` All letters from Canada must be 9.d<`.*.`cs=sd A V - to our Canadian Corrcspondncc I).~.p:;rt- - " . LLLKJLII. Au. II ILA!-Lu-7\IL V... ..- J . 7, ee us ' rsmially caI1.at,our Medical Institute Dtroit we and in pat gut : in `our Windsor ofces which are for Correspondgnce and ;9..abora:to;y_ .,fQ1 .___..C_!Il8d,i3-1,1 buf_sj_;1gs_s` only. Address all letters as. follows: . pas. ENNDY &KENNamr, Windsor; Ont. 5eTeEi 1 of . II` Ibr address. the ngers set in and we uocwr wlu me he feared pamldysis. -1 took all kinds of ` medicines an tried many rst-class physicians. were an electric belt for-three ~ V _ montgghreceivcitti littlexbenegdt. ti , was consu Drs. enn .'7".""' """e"-""'" Kennedy,-though I had lost all felt in """" ""`""" doctors. Likeadrowning man I commenced the Nut Mm-non Tnzmrnzzrr and it saved my lite. The improvement was like 0-! could feel the vigor going through "tin" rvee.;I cured and h . lha tth ti t um vesen emmnnypaens ...._.;.. - ......uq'-pain an an Inn! a.pdconuaue.m aolo. . . ` . .O|IRE8 GUARANTEED OR NO PAY . 'We- tint uulcuo VARICOSB VENSENERVOUS DEBIUTY. BLOOD AND URINARY COMPLAINTS. KIDNEY AND I-ADD1 DBEASES and III Dileazez pee Me ` CONSULTATION FREE. If unable to cull write for 1 Quuua" LUNDULI A I nun ruuara `sink for Home Trcnhnent. Next to SARJ EANT &. KING F". A. HOAF? ~AYER _S_*_ HAIR VIGOR_ AVER-sr HAIR VIGOR Peter E. uxnmem reuwes nu! exp:-sucu-..c. I was troubled wish Nervous Debility for many years. I 1:1 It. to lndiscretiou and ezoesses in you . I became very aoannndnnh and d1:1n t care wlr.-ther I pldllbk-7 "We mu: not forget that the mere cxch:mgc of certain articles may inwlvc a great deal more than ;1poc:u'; surface. For ex- zunplc, In :moli.~'h the duty on wheat on lmxh .~ilc, uf the line looks fair; but tn accept of an -offer of that` l pun` nml simple, would, in my upiniml, In` ,1 1)m1' 1>:u'gainfor Can-_ . 1.. " I-T`.-Uiif iwuuuu - -_____V Peter E. Summers relates his experience: ur wnq trnnhlnd wish Nervous Debility in youth. 1 Decauw very des ndent and di:1n whether \ -wox-`ed or not. I imagined everybody * who looked at me guessed my secret. Jlmaginative dreams at night weakened 1 me-tn '!3gokach0d.hadpamsin the `lunnipn - nd were 'me--m b80K8Cl100.,.ll8l1puln3au mu, backo minhead, hands and feet cold. tired the morning, wot appetite, ngers were shaky. eyes lurrcd. `hmr loose, memory poor. etc. Numbness in fingers setln and the doctor told me ha fmrmi namlvsis. J. 0.Arn. $38,983,765 LOANED BY LIFE 3 COMPANIES IN WEST. F Westerners borrow a lot of money, and that fact is not fully realiz:d without the aid of the actual gures. At Winnipeg there are located many iagencies that devote attention -solely `to this doleing out of small loans. It is a good business and the com-- 3`panies often complain when the 1' farmers come in with their rolls and E, demand their mortgages. They have -'. established for themselves a good Y: record for paying up during the past 6 few years. l . . .I I`? At the present time the life as- gsurance companies are amongst the ;most active lenders. In the aggreg- ate, they have loaned in the three iPrairie Provinces no less It sum than ,-$38,983,765. This is practically all Ilon first mortgage securities, and the 3 balance in municipal and government ;,gtiaranteed debentures. The twenty- _ six companies that invest in the _ , West _386, $38,983,765 dplaced in g total $4o, S?ooo,ooo the d investments in Manitoba the I r e: Made for coal or wood--D:-3 V attachment. if desired. Hns de'mchab_le mckel rims. easy to clean. New device for rcmovmg ashes. B u: {Va Ine llfl IRICIS OI Ila Sir George We Ross 0ppo':ed'*to. Negotiation of Such Agreement With the United States. e v-_\'0w if `there is one thing which canadialls resent more`. tl_1an anoth- er,-, Said sir Geprge, It 15 any Im- putation on their loyalty and they would resent wlth equal fog-ce ay advances for a treat) Wm` thg United States that openly qr by am.- pcatgon, suggested apnexatxop. .We want friendly relzttxons _w1th the. United States as wxth a` neighbor of mat distinction and p0\V1'._b`1t It ope that this c1esi_re W1ll`l'l0t degen- erate into sul)sCI'V`1CnCY 0 011)` Part nor into umvarranted aggressgon onl ;]1e1)a1'l of the Umted States. (Ap- plausc.) . ` ..nv 4, e `\I\` In.-n-n 1419+ fhl Sir Germ-gc Ross quoted statistics! 10 Show that Canda IIOW enjoyed: `great prosperity without `a. _treaty.- ".\'0w we are free as to the whole tariff, {rum A to Z, he said, If a treaty is made, our power as well 2_l5 `our liberty to amend any article in the trL'21l_\', will be lost until it expir-` (`.~ and no m:1tter`h0w)irks0me, .we_ must bear it. e Treaty not now Needed.- "ln ISM), when the old `treaty W35 l".`Dale(l, we were poor `in banking capital, in skilled labor, in agricul- Transportation Losses. 'over s4s%.ooo.o%ooT Totsl Assets Capital` and Reserve, - $8.500.000 SAVINGS ACLOUNTS SOLICITED \ nll|(l.L1l(l.|l pun ha u} V V . - -- zmd the loss of prestigg, Czmuda _w0u'ld become de- upon Umted States ports mllct to the markets of thel `J When. purchasing Hardware the lasting qualities are the points about "which youare most vitally` interested-b--- but theidesign` and nish Aarej not to be oviei9looked.% V At, our store we._ can % guarantee, "the quality of every. article we sell, and_`the-Vptices are always a ` p%lsant .,I`surpriV'se" when 'qnua'1ity is_ .cQliSidetgd.'. Capital A . . -;~ $3_.ooo,oob' Reserve Fund. . . . .[ $5,500,000 Head,O'1ceV,"Ha1if_ax,T .& General Manage:-'5 Oice, Toronto. The Books and S_taten__1ents bf this Bank . are `annually su'bmitt_ed_ to a strictly independent audit. Genral Banking BusinessT`Trans`acted.' Barrie Branch - ~'Fi'v'Points ' S. MCADAM. Maxaqtn ture and in manufactures, A` treaty then would `have afforded `some re- lief--to-day. conditions are different --different because the repeal of the treaty removed every prop on which we hadrformerly leaned, and the true temper of our Angle-Saxonspirit `was aroused, to action. , I think no country in the world affordsa bet- ter illustration of public spirit than Canada when the United States in 1366` ung our poverty in our faces and told us our only choice was starvation or annexation. A Nor does it appear to me to be necessary that we should worry` our- selves much over rciprocity in manufacturers. If the tAmeric'an.s want more of the excellent products of our factories let them reduce ; their tariff and T I have no _doubt manyof them will` be glad to wear our cotton and woollen. goods. Tn . A 4-: If the.markets of Canada and the United States were opened by a. re- ciprocity treaty, Sir` George declared, - Canadian merchants would nd com- `petitors from across the. border 'en_- itermg their home market, and Can adnans would stand to losein a still larger sense. `He recalled a state- ment of Senator. Beveridge to. the eect that capita'l,should be kept `at home to _,employ American work- ingmen to supply. Canadian demand. - B Britain's Claims. "So long as the British Empire en-V 'dures, ? said the speaker, "`we may iexpect the British market` to be ac- cessible `to us. If we have any favors to bestow that is the market with the strongest claim, and if_ we anti- icipate any favors such as a prefer- ence over foreign traders it is in the British market? that these favors are most likely to be obtained. One `thing is certain, we cannot have re- 'c1pr0city in wheat and British pre- ifercnce at the same time. I` 4 I .1 l\alLII\p\r _`lL |v I I V U u ; 1 n v - - - - - V. Sir George said that Canada had absorbed 300,000,000 pounds sterling of British capital, andwonld want two or three hundred million dollars. ; more within the next few years. This iwould have to come from Great` `.'Britain.' In considering furtherin- Ivestments would British capitalists "be as likely to decide for Canada if our trade were directed to the Unit- _ed States---'f0r that is what.reciproc- ~-----:m ....I....1 .1... annolrnr T?nr `e(l atates-wr Lllitl 1; \_V|1a|._]\,\,.!;.\,\, lty means? asked the speaker. For his own part he did not want to see any. act of the -Canadian people sub- iject to interpretation at Washing-' `E ton. A Only once in 1_oo years did the }country get/full justice in" _the inter pretation of treaties with the United States, and that was` before The -Hague tribunal a month ago. If we differ about the interpretation of a treaty what redress have we? ask4 ed Sir George. We might call out i the Canadian navy perhaps. (Ap- pianseand laughter).--Mail and Em"- pire. o A The above speech vstas deliyered by" `Sir G; W. `Ross _before the Board of Trade, Toronto. Incofpgrated .1832. T --: ?gnA1.s'roN-oc'ro33ER `SCfI66:I;- REPORT; T `I T."_-._'. 'l'I_-~_._._ _ `Q L an-ru1s.|..h` V},-4-Inc: *Bro'wn. % ` `_ . j 51:. IV.. -- Howard .Be_ath,-- _,Dora .;W_atson, Herman `Osborne, Retta Brown, Hayold Osborne, Mae Emms, Delbert Emms, . Minnie Debennam. "T. T\7 t`:...;.... 1n:n:_,,,- un -I A uemert 1:;;nm`s,ee Minnie Debennam; l .. ' `Jr, IV.---Gra'ce .WiIliams,~ Wallace -Ke?y,AFlo'ssie Debenhann, Edith Cur- rie, Ida - Lavender, Martha Tate, `Harry Perkins. ' ` -I-1--r cu -- - '-- -.__`J _>. '._-.__.-u Sr. III. --- Eva Prlenticye, 'Magg1c McDearmid, Muriel Nelson, John Lavender. ` - `V Jr. III.-"-Julia McGregor, ~ Lewis Wilson, Myrtle Campbell, Myrtle Beelby . Emerson _Hickling,- Ernest Spence, Lulu Emms, Alice Benham, Pearl Coutis, Albert Bonney, -`Helen Williams, `Creighton Dwinnel. = 7 Brooks. [ The followig is "the '1-_ep`Q_r`t fer Ferndale scho_ol- for October: _ ~Sr.V IV.---Goldie Minnikinf. Mae J 1'; WI(`V.--Ida Minnikin, ` Ifene Da`w.` `son, Amos Johnston, John 'Vair. I11 PI-.. AA'..I:.... c...:..|. ALF "i'iI`c`iZs3i'$Iff{ :I I3i:1_C13o;as Prince, Cecil Thomas, `Willie Smith II Class--_Emm`a Cropper, Frances Dawson, Li'zie Aller. Pt. II,-Robert Pringlen Sr. I.-_--Norine Webb, Ruth Alker %.Alex. Glenn, Earle Brown, Eddi Prince, Jack Baylis. ~ Jr. ii.-'-47C73V(;11;_ii-e`__I; ierry, Willie Vair` `Ev: _Brct)oks, Ivy -Dart, Leslie Dart. {- __,1uhnnIA I-Tow-a~nunr\n Pan` THE OLIVER TYPE- WRITER FOR 17 CENTS A DAY. Lava. Pluuna, Lvy 'ua|L, ucauc uau. | Pt. I.--4H'aro1d erguson, Cecl Pringle, John Prince, "Alex. Archer. Average attendance for month, .21. Q9 cit-ovvrini-N rr\ FERNDALE SCHOOL REPORT. };:uLlJ`_' that ctoria, look- |' Please read the headline` oveft again. Then its tremendous signi- Iegnce will dawn upon you. ! v a-vow--`av v --. `nun vv -- V-r v_. ' - 7 '.m Oliv`er Typew1_`iter--the stand-I ard isible writer-the most highly perfected typewriter on the market -yours for 17 cents a day !. ,__L-_- --...........L A` .a day.! , W L '--JvuAa l\Jl 9] wvnnu.-v u nu`, - Thetypewriter whose conquest of the commercial world is a matter of business history-yo1-1rs for 17 cents 9 '1-.. .I,-n 2- __......\n `Q V13. -0 . _The typewriter that is _equipped with scores-of such conveniences as The Balance Shift"--TLhe Ruling Device--"`The Double Release - ``The Locomotive Base-.-The Auto- matic 'Spacer-.--The `Automatic Tab- ulator---The Disappearing Indica- for"--The Adjustable Paper Fin-l _ gers ' -- Tl1e` Scientic Con- densed ` K e y- board-all V We announced this new sales plan recently, just to feel the pulse of the, lpeople. Simply a small cash pay-' ment-`--then` 17 cents a day. That is? the plan in a; nutshell; _ . TL; 0-A4111` 1/Inc Hanan IIt1 9 (`P111091 LIIC Plilll II! it HUI-3||\vl~li ` The result has been such a deluge. ?of applications for'machines that we l are simply astounded. TL- 1-`go-vino-\1` nno-nan F9-nrn nnnnln nf The majority of inquiries has come. ffrom people of known nancial ' tanding who were attracted by. the novelty of the proposition. An im- pressive demonstration of the im- mense popularity of the Oliver Type.- writer. _ '- ,,.1!._;._ --..C.....-L:A.a A` nucn `vb- all classes, all ages, auoccupauons.` I I I are simply aaLuuuucu. ` The demandcomes from people of iall classes, all alloccuoations. FBI... ......1.s..2A... AC :nnu:o-Hue Hoe nnrn 'c7{I'i~zDLE*s scHooL REPORT FOR OCTOBER. V 1156 den- g. at 133 I ; A sfartlig` cqnrmatiqn of our be- lief that the Era of Umversal Type- writing is at hand. \ ' 4 `A D Ilollo 1| | IV--Robbie. Cameron,` May Mof-' Wherever you are, there s work to be done and money to be, made by using the Oliver. The business world is calling for Oliver operators, There -_.. ...... .....-..m-h tn mmnlv the demand, The Oliver Typewriter is a money -I maker, right fromfthe word go! - "So easy tojrun that` begmners soon] `get in the expert , _ class. Earn as t-you` learn. Let the machine pay the, I7`cents a day;-'-and all above that is! 1xn._-..__--_. _--.. -7.` thorn : urn!-It tn .7`/ze Stammm~ If/z'sz'b/e Writer The ~~/(_)lalEi|`lT, /'l`VY; E\W_l"`lV|,'l'El"_ `,1 1 CAGO lbllalg L V OLIVER U3iiaEV%Tvn`awr|*'V` '4-,4'-__'__._ -`1 3`. ` I`?I;I:L-.':,f"I`eacl12r. \/`\i."1_iV\Vf-I-i1 -.llE-`Z, a;;;a.;r.k ;TfHE%?%NoR`i1"HERN AISVANCE W-='~'ti.*?=r'4 -Yours for 17 Cents `a Day! Retail M`cKeve1b-, Edna` Robertson, equal. . y\ `I"I'I' `uh- -. Sr. i 'iI.--V-Mabel Brown, Hrbort. Plowman, Freida Ferris, George Mc- -Indless, Gordon Atkinson. Jr. "III~.-`-Christie Horton. . Pt. II-1/.aura Forbes, Hugh Blow- man, Gordon Brown,~ `Norman -W1-ight, Gladys Armstrong, Richard Armstrong. ' ` A cup 9 n-. _.. o -.` - ft,` Delia "Fex'-ri, Willie?.S;Tn-ott ,`v 99' 9. . up g'- `.__g. . Jr.` III-Je Hgrton. _ "'~"--'--2 '1-' I 1 an M'cKever', ` Leonard` Sr. 7Ii.V-`I:'ia`r,t"y Wright; Clarice Fer- ris, Theo. Brown, Kenneth C_a`mer0na Norman Atkinson,` Alice Atkxnson. -swam. - _--_-_v_-,` -----v ---------vv--1 Brown`, Willie Mc- Kever, -Geolrge__E. ?Wng'ht. A : Honor Conduct Roll---Robbie Cam- eron, Jean MLg:Kever, Kenneth `Cam; eron, Della 'Ferris, Greta Daly, Edna Rob/1;tso-n, Laura Forbes, A `l Y.T.LT11\7 'I"-;-L__ [The following i/s.the reportjfof S. No. 15, Innisl, for month [October. ' - V Class'--Bert Pratt, Ed:'za Johnston, ` Bobbie N 1355, Cliord `V Lockhart. 1 _ ' `= Senior ` Thin-d-,-Jennie Lockhart, Lucy Summers, Florence Connell, Glenora Ness, Elsie Gilhooley, John Alpine.` ' - 1-: I 1\ I 4`. cc. U Ju'ni<;1" S-cond -- .Ma.rice Martin, ' Frank Cowan, Finnie Martin. . V ; Senior First--Willie Moore , Lena` l Graham. Primer - Sady Alpine, Leamcr Lockhart, Louie Ngss, Wi`l~ lie `Reid, -Bowman Allen. in , I`! Second-Bessic -Connell, Lillie Reid. ' Class A. - Wiltie Bogardis, Joel Thompson, Wilma, Thompson, Teddy `Dawson, Stella Gilhoolev. Herbie Summers, 'Zada Gilhooley; Reta : Walt, Russel Lockhart, Ervilla Lock- fihart. I Average attendance 25. E A..H. RAINEY. Teacher.