Grown old, in the serv'ic of his! country too, is the W. S. Field-I % mg, the Pe1i1ier s rst? liveutenantkl Age has come to him as -the reult7 of: hard work rather ::than_ b"T'yers;'., fTbT-`i'La'y ,h':'js a man $t_1-'icl( en _'pa'ral,ysis; `(It was thgught. 't!17'8f' Q.Oi1.1}:{_, f the';._1ft_=_;si`_c1eAo`f his face wa;i"`a e" `h:it_? `it. `is . :_1b`w, lgaifijsgii that" _ Exactly the same as. regular $1.25 % Edition. Capital $4,000,000. Reserved Funds $4,818,000. KILLED B}! A FALL. Have you seen that line of V ` cloih-bound . Books at 500. 7[--#A`5AF:-= --SAv`1NGs - -A _c c)UN'r.` `u`iherug:I_1:tnn_:fc| I D I1j: aQIZ *~ `*'I-`-& R STRId'l` Plmsosu. A'l'l'EN'l`lnN P Atn n - `MA vuracrvnnn fbr` Byggieo, Carriages, Wagons V _ Slcighs and_ putters. Rvlnnvou-u linn.-.` _ . s 1 ' ` K - V;.$,;.}`,".?,:,,o ~ Horseshoenng `jg, ' in ---------~ ____.________________.______________ FUNWIN, MURPHY & ESTEN, I Ontario Land Surveyor_s, Engine- ers, etc. Established 1852. Oice, M`edical"."~Buildin , S. E. corger . Richmond and .--- -A--- 55 IYFlEL mS-f "` " 1 I M. D.. 0. M. ('l`or.) Late of Toronto General` Hospital. olllce otjhg late DI . Smith. comer Sto I A Phone on. _ 32-Iy :;:`.?`.f`x*i`3`;`:.:.19:,f3 ..`?.`:?.:.9::9,*:-;.te- I 8 Having pent 4 years Post Graduate work in British Hospitals and hav served as Clinical Assistant in Golden Square ,_ Throat 5.: Nose Hospital, London- Royal" London Ophthalmic Hospital (Moo:-elds) ; fora term as Resident Surgeon in Royal London hthalmlc Hospital; : Brlstol Eye Hos ital, Bristo :and Birmingham gs`? Hospital. min h 1- am :former Member of thalmolog cal Society. 0FFIOE--78 DUNLOP Smnm. BARBIE. I .Phone 51. P. 0. Box. 96. I Zj; , L.R.C.P. & s. Edinburgh; M.F.I- . 8: s. Giasgow --SURGEON-- A THOMPSBN cimw, 15Ui3L1sHE1z G. G; SMITH. & CO., PH`ONE 82. Established 1869. x Undertakers. . Open ~daj* and night. Morgue and `chgpel in connection.` Barrie, On- tano. S`r;2wART` & STEWIART, BAR- ..I:_:a...-.. Rina... ..:.... `D--I.|: _ -W. AULT, TBARRISTER, `SOLICI- v'to`t *, Proctor, Notary, Conveyancer, etc. Special attention in drawing _ and probating wills, obtaining let- ters of administration and guard-.{ ianship, collecting accounts, etc.a Ofces, Ross block, Barrie. Money!` to loan. --.__. DR. ROBERT s. BROAD, PHYSI-I cian, Surgeon, `etc. Specialty--Eye, Ea:-,`Nose and Thrpat. Oice and F residence, cor. Elizabeth and Brad- ford Sts. (Dyment Gore). Phone ? _`Io5. Box 456. ` DR. MORTIMER LYON, 31 CARL- ton St.. Toronto, late of Brooklyn (N. Y.) Eye. and Ear` Hospital, 7 will `be at 67 Owen St;,, Barrie, L every Saturday. Diseases --Eye, Ear, g Nose and Throat. ' Consultation! ho_urs, II am. to 5 p.m., and by up-l * n pomtment. LENNOX,v.COWA`N & BROWN, ' Barristers, Solicitors for obtaining . probate of wills, guardianship and administration, and general Solici- tors`; Notaries, Conveyancers, etc.` -Gfces, `Hinds block, No. 6 Dun- lop street, Barrie. Money to loanl _ at 4% and 5 per cent. Branch of- ces at Creemorc and Alliston. Haughton Lennox, K-.C., Alex. ' Cowan; G. E. J. Brown, LL.B. DR..W. A. ROSS, PHYSICIAN, Sgrgeon, etc., L.R.C.S;, Edin., L. R.C.P., London. Ofce and `resi- dence, Dunlop street, Barrie. Tele~` phone 77. CRESWICKE & ALEXANDER, Barristers, Solicitors of the Su- preme,Court of Judicature of On- tario,` Proctors, Notaries, Convey- ancers, etc. Mogey to 19311. Of- ce, Ross block, Barrie. A. E. H. Creswicke, AK.C., Arthur Alexander. ST-RATHY & ESTEN, BARRIS- ters, Solioitors in High Court of Justice, Notaries Public, Convey-' ancers, Oices over the Bank of Toronto, Barrie. Money` to loan at lowest current rates. G. H. Esten.' DR. A. T. LITTLE, LATE or Churchill, Ont. Office and resi- dence,AJohn St.; near corner Eliza- beth. Phone 213. An 8 Inigo I8 00"-U ;.`."PI`POfg Published [tom the omoe. 133 Dunlop Street. Bu-rte.1n the County of Slmooe. the Pro- vin of Ontario. Uumdn. every oihuraday Morning. by ce, in .Bothwel1 s-block, Allandale. jH. T. ARNALL, .M.D., C.M. 0?`- ? On the premises at night. 'DONALD ROSS, LL.B., BARRIS- ter, Soligitor, etc. Bank of Toron- to.Build1ng, Barrie. Money to loan. ` `V IFIAS `MovE`Di (of %New ~.`."I_`._.;a If WMALBDMSDN , 1-onto Building ....-.up ;.4auu QqI"VCy0T_S, Engine Oice,; corner Richmond and 3ay streets, To- ronto. Telephone, Main, 1336. Instructions left with Strathy & Esten, Solicitors, Bank of To- Barrie, will be promptly attencied to. `O U IUIIEVJLV *" Eye. Ea:,-Nose 6 Throat. rJ.\. J. (1.7%. JLVIXLVD, I `Surgeon, etc., Coroner. for Simcoe , 1 County. Oice and residence:` VVilliam .street_. Allandale. Tele-1 phone 30 a. At Stroud Otce: 2 to 4 p.m. .Monday to Friday. I )R.:V. A. HART, GRADUATE OF i Trinity University, Toronto, Edin- borough and Glasgow and Post Graduate of University College, London, Oice "and residencezl Cor. Du`n'lop and -Mulcaster Sts. Oice open each day until.8 p.m.i Phnnp- tau 313 VI lav Iawynunn non-ow; $!.oq_ PE; ANNUM IN ADVANCE. UNITED STATES SUBSCRIBERS A $1.50 IN ADVANCE A _jJ_j L_ LI__Q--I. LC upcu i3i;;)ne- 124. .|.-,u:yV&_1al.\_.I_ up o..J.I.J.'avv:l.L\J'., uI11\` .risAt,eArs,-- Solicitors, Notaries Public, `and Cofnveyancers. Money to loan 2in anyjsunis-at, 5 -per `cent. Oice, I3 Owen St.. Barrie. H. D. Stew- arit,L_I_.L.D., -D. M. Stewart. `r. -A. `RADENHURST, BARRIS- ter,V Solicitor, Notary Public, &c. Olce, 1st oor. Bank of '-Toronto Building. Money to loan at [low- est rates. R. `J. A.TC. EVANS, PHYSICIAN,` SUTQ eO!`l_ PH` Cnrnnnr Fnp Q:O11t|r\n|` Dr. J. V ARTHUR} ROSS opposure ROSS ST. JOHN BARR. S ow STAND UNDE1VT`AKER-g: s PHYSICIANS./ Tfain a1-rivals mid at `and from Barrie are as fqllowl: ' I;.EGAL. A ext Satixrday I-``.."'_ .,"% . % 9 FOR THE coumv orfs-uM'c_o~:T` Most reasonable terms givcnozzal Stock Sales L101-:N_t;1_)T Aucfidliirna I THE _ADvA.\'cE est oxrculation c Town. to run ---A ' apex` m1n3`cYu3.` It has also by far the 1 est Bubscpu reoei fatter met demonstrates th itsT1lJ1atr05- 1 on I 8_ lmllty have any advertnshgto 3: ith the paper that reaches the it W the ]')I'1CC. p1 -d to pa! ` \ot 81 Sales. Ampsemem. 1 cents er I ' , ts D01` . ,,gntin89P`1; 1%C:nLg per lme for 9 ng I'g},, e!` Ii! ion : 9 insert '3! 10 for eac_hsub8enue:.1 11 same matter. Obntua ' tion 0` t 8 line- _ me. each 7 mg. Saturday at 10 o'clock, a: chnnge mustbe in THE . later than 12 p'c1ock noox week. otherwlsg the _ugIve; Ilinn Inn` `L- -- THE CABINET IS -D_E'CREVPIT. imz. CONDENSED ADVERTISE . mm-g, _ Condensed aevertisementso as wants of all kinds, lost andr}om`3 _ und, for sale or to rent, speqxc art` W99! must be accompamed mth the cash Cuts for advertisements must in ex case be mounted 0115 u I u C 1 01nd metal my ` unr. I" "" RM-IE '*;:&D':..:;;2 i2*;`.'.;::.:-as ~r u I " Dressed Lumber gland 222.? ::.-:':s ! zzmggs Blinds Shingles I Floorngs Tanks and Wu `K97 _I_I:qI_Igns (Plne mm THE am FLiiiis74m5_1 _ , imam: : J n RODGERS OM. IWMMLME Carpenters and Build:-N u.-.A. -<,-vv I |'|00r; Water Trougns (ne , _ _ Cypress) Plamng.` Matching, Muuldin 55- R -5 Hot Blast Drvino L';I.. C H `Si. J_nmA __&: Grookerl T TheNewFuundry} ` NEXT noon TO THE TANNERJYU `I- p John gnnem , _ . , {hut to all stations Chalk Rxvor :0 ?0l in .) InnluIa3I7n nlld Y0 ,hC3t hunting: _ A w.u.m-zmmu. Rates will be given on : CONTRACT C A A gyggufinn-~ ---3 " MAKES Ydua sxm LIKE VELVET- Monkman's Glycedonia. Has a marvellous ecct on rough skin. One or two applica- tions will remove the rougnness. and by its occasional use the skin acquires the smoothness and softness of a baby's. Glyccdonia is not stick) , and gloves maybe worn a few moments after using it. Price 15c and 25c. Delight- ful after shaving. jt Druggist. ,?uUUtIu5, __ _ Z: 'vP9!1 Seasons for Game anu .~ ...- % ` __r|.1a:1*cnEn. Agent. a.uuu_E I `(O OH 8!-&I.l0Il3 Luzun inclusive. and m,h Quebec and N Brewed Entirely from the Finest Mal! and Hops. DUNLOP STREET EAST` BARBIE BREWING COMPANY * Daily including Sunday; Splendid ALE and roman. The Best and Brightest In Cask and Bottle < -\-..-v,,, Boilers. Engines and u)lkin(1_q0{ farm and Stationary muchinerv nmde and repaired on shox test nonl-c and moderate prices. . r,--.r-. _ All work done by expert rnuchi 1st and guurunm-r1 first class Is 0 en for all 0rdc1's in (`.\STI,\'Gs MI L REPAIRS. ' REPAIRS, &"' 1~:_o. MONKMAI:{._` CRAIGHURST, ONT. THE SUNDAY DESPOILER. Expert Machinists C0.`[5l ER('L\ L ` kn r-3----' uuwnulg, Moulding. I Drying Kiln. PHON_E7136 BARRIE RAI_LV" \L`VA1'i1r V`i 3-.t}'I'l) EV.. NQUIRY into the _bi-lingual difculty is a good move With the results obtained it will be possible to determine what course to take. The bi-lingual schools were created by the Ross Govelrnment after the discovery had was conducting schools from which English was excluded. It was sup- posed that the schools would be an improvement upon `the old_ order of `things in that they would enable the children to learn English. But Bishop Fallon maintains that they are failures, in that they give a sound education in neither language. This is a matter requiring attention, with a view to the application of such reformatory measures as may I been made that that Administration be prudent.--Mai1 and Empire. .-.' Barrie. ` 191% . let Collingwood add Meifbrd. V T0 = FROM V 53.: o .1037 at m ` 43....85pm ` ' " 55st`: D m sonata _ the umc \'cr_\ J.` % "11.00 p muuobalt. Spe.:ial- .. *5 I0 3 m ' 10.40 a. mToronto 8: North Bay 5 II p In * 8 W D Innxurtah B&y........ p III 8.20 p m..'l`o:-onto 8: Midland M8 3 m Gravenhu:-at .. . 9.3 a. m 2s'...j.1o.1san_{ 27.... 7.50pm Thursday, Nov. 10, 1910. Tuna or 'SUasomm"1ox. lam. % Mair; '.L(ine.~_ Hmiuoxi. Peitetajng. ' HE Dominion Cabinet has reached the decrepit stage. There never was a time when there were so many ministers. in. i'll health or incapacitated in one. `way- or another from performing * itheirt full duties. .` ? . I i 2 i ~ I No. 53.. 10.8 a. m " 66....'IIIp.m `Going south. .22..-..7.4'I 5 m b28. ...lIpm L ITIIIII N 0. n 46 ig e"n't`i"t"l-;;'"' er am? `will in,,_tVen minutes; destroy all` sixty~ve .members. "and - the reprct typhmd and ck.m '`ba,-m` 0?` sventation `from the Other Pfovince` "S`"" "7g organisms " |is' in proportion .to thCV1'J0P1113tin the w~ater" Moreover autyaces `of lit fcsntows that -the paddihgf` `~I" ."" "11 faI>id}1r dfsavvear-tZ't ~retu_m.s from Quebegworksjva grav: ThVIs-tmethodj of'p1tr1c;it1o.n " hasN injustice ,`to`tlie. other 'Prc5v.incesL Th`! Ve_e" testgd with 'I,`?"tB'ay Waterl Toironto. Wot! th'intks _tha`t .tl,_e ,m.oculated _vv1t_h n_'nltl1o11`s of lqacterjg` ; `~Vso:r.7:,..F`Ye-r.3.' - ` 33.9 . Su`per~vi-Sibn, ._ v.t.h.eLt akin-gt Ogf :h,a_s. btjeinl `upg;9_rX3;:t9` 1.3911.` t.h_: ;Te11'sus.:T_in Qab`c.tttttTthis tlietrte %'i't`*``9 t .'~:t g; 5:? tt % 5s_e;_titVe`_d; {$by"ttt t}t?';`tfPtoiiin;t{ A A: V j the 1 T ??? n1?4ttt5?}*!?4 1?`? ; V9'.t;Y?1=` Ks ax'1i'j-'.it'rike1is7s W W mm.- "('m A ' ` * V s " egg 1.11.tsumn}:er re-_ `.5535? zid?` tthosie ,,,_` .`. .,. H_E fear isexpressed in `well informed circles that the" census A of the Dominion of Canada which is to be taken next year wi.U' result in a further decrease of th i `representation from Ontario -and; .the Maritime Provinces, and a` sma'ller`increase in the Western Pros-. vinces than was anticipated. Thi' would` be brought about by inatin the returns of the Province. or Que- bec. The `system to be adopted prc-| vviffes for `the ennmeration of a the `members of affamily whethe i they are at home `or Vabroad; ,` Th `Frencih-Canadian enumeratorsi wi ff ` be able to-pad their returns obey` add`. ing all the young people who. "hav -left their horr_i1esvt_o"workvin the fac ` tories of `(New ;En_g'1aVnd,'} and in; this- 1 Way, _it is>_x`pected t.hat~Qi1ebec will `show `a `large-i Tincttease of, .p_op_t1lation. The attempt to "draw [Sir James 4Whitney into the Liberal fi_*'ac`as in Drumniond "and Arthabaska failed miserably. Sir James is not to be caught by chaff.` But the manoeuvre, while impudent, wasinot without its meaning. The paper which; urged Sir James `to interfere holds con- tractsffrom the Laurier Government, `and. draws large sums `annually from the Public Treasury. Its` appeal for- -help for its employers was thus not" [ an unselsh outcry. . Q % Mr; Patt';ers"o_11 havc `assfd-' the Vthrheei ejs`c.0re 'y_e_ars' and ten, and in `the x1a~ {turd 9Ithing's cannot much longer |*un`de1-'t'ake th bares bf oice. I s CW; do you advise Conserva tives to `vote in'Arthabaska' r ' r election? was the query `sent to several Provincial Premiers by the I-Ierald,yof Montreal, among them Sir James Whitney; Sir James _yesterday sent the .fo'llowing`a~nswer to the f ; Montreal Hera_ld, Montrealf 4 'Your telegram has just- been i brought tomy notice. The anxiety displayed byyou as to the probable course of Arthabaska Conservatives at the bye-election, and the broad- minded generosity" of_'spirit which evidently prompts such anxiety re- ceive my hearty appreciation. One` iwould have thought your anxiety: would have been rather how, the Liberals are likely to vote on the occasion referred to. The Conserva- tives `of Arthabaska have not asked my advice,.and'-I am not in the hab~ it of tendering it unasked. It "will be a great satisfaction to me, however, }to realize that the Conservatives )f I Arthabaska are not likely `,0 suffer from my abstention while they bask in the sunlight of` the unbounded dgenerosity which prompts a chival- Lrous C opponent i like `the ' Monti-call Herald to take action, fearing lestl. they`may go astray. . ` l n 1IvTf`l"1il'.AY11\f l The Premier himself is grovving perilously near the age when a`-`man must lay down the sword and leave the ghting to others. Rarely does a. man of seventy participate active- ly in politics. Possessed of a won"-'-_ derful vitality, however, Sir `Wilfrid Laurier has lived a longer. - ptiblic life than is usually allotted: to man. He is now on the very verge of --re- `tirement. ` i . ` T 2 _ Ho'u.'hL .`.e:P.vV:Brodeur~ his a. c6_x`npa`ra- itivcly L-yO.u1,is 5man.` 5113 11.3 Vs `far. `f.:'`T" fobust, and'"th better ,pai~Tt "of the 5 last '_two1years has A-been spent "in" the! Ceort` to 1`e eupe_rate_ his shattered .hea1th-. ,His long .continu'ed'indis~ position causes anxiety, A Most of the`, news written of _thehM inister of Marine and Fisheries~is to the ef- fect that he has gone tosome health followed by the ofcial denial that he is in anything but good health. resort and that heis ill. ' This ` is. ' [It is freely steted on'the';Govern-I rnent side of the `House that Mr; Aylsworth wanted to resign ,long ago btitfwas induced by-the Premier to promise to stay in Parliament un- til the end of the present term. He -will, therefore, resign before the next general election. ---- ----,--5 ---v -Vv- -- "j}x}}ofi1er `Bane -c'a1inet wvlle:-has __been of.'ver:y.-li.ttle qse to'the Gov`- ernment for a year A`or two is the Hon. A; B.` Aylesworth. ~His deaf- ness renders his workin the House of little avail for ,pa_rty purposes for which he was call`ed. Hon. G. P; Graham is another Minister Whose health has-been giv- ` ing, him `some anxiety; He has been advised to take a long rest from his iduties, but the fact is that with the i present `cond_ition'of` the Cabinet` he cannot ve'ry"wel1 be spared. : FI'\I_ 1 1- 1 Thus it will be seen that the Cab- inet is in a very decrepit condition. There will have to be a complete re- organization in the near future or fall by the wayside. "A '7P. WHITNEY. ALjberal"`fi_"ac'as -_-- ---------v vv --an uvvtli`-Cl \.I|9U~5[ ]l\vC|vlo ~ `This inethod of purication ' has been tested with Toronto[Ba'y water {inoculated with n_;.i1lion`s bacteria. Eycry germ.-h_a ,b_ee1r destroyed and it has. beienv u;1ne boil the._. lrwgtgf. . ;1i1Vi;s mefhod h0uI d\.`be \AI:e&ry valu-_ able for miner__sA,"prQspect'o?zfs, damp- . ._ e1js,garid those livingfin. sixmmer _re- sg'rts' .vvhe1j,_fhe condition, of the;\w'a.t- er nnght; wnotf `bgffabove. `"susp1cio_h.% ` A level teaspoonful of cl:Tori(le of lime should be dropped into a tea- cup` of water . This solution should be . diluted with -three cupfuls of wat- er, nd vat teaspoonful of the whole quantity should `be added to 'e:1cl_1 two gallon pail of drinking water. This willjgive .4 or .5 parts of free `chlorine to a million parts` of wat- and `will in,.ten minutesgdestroy typhoid and colon-.bacilli or other dy-sentery-producing organismsi "n thewater. V Moreover`, all.t,rcel ;o_f tlie clilorinei V will i `rapidly diappe;r.ij.:'_ l . -'n_:`_ :_.-.u__.. ~-. .5 SIMPLE METHOD OF WATER I PURIFICATION. I N acute mental astigmatistnl aects those persons who un- dervalue the weekly day. or other nations have done.. One. has only to cross the international bound- ary line at some points to nd thou- sands of clerks and workmen `who have been robbed of their Sunday in order that capital may reap a larger "return on its investment, and ' that rest, and would fritter it away as~~ selsh pleasure-seekers" may pursue their restless amusements, Medical science subscribes to the value of one days rest in `seven as it does to the of the ancient Hebrews. The 113,.- tion that throws away its peace- utility of other sanitary. regulations! ful `Sabbath saps its ownvitality, and "neither for? gain nor for plea- sure will any wis_e-patriot be a palfti-` cipant in ` such madness.--Toronto. News, ' ' T 4 .---., I The follogwjnig simple method of purifying water, by G. G. Nasmith, Ph. D., and .R; R. Graham, M.B., has been sent out by John W. S. |M'Cullough, M.~D., -Chief Health Of- | cer _for~ Ontario :-=- " , , - . v.J - - - 1 -uavv, IIIIVI I-ll(U' is the w;5rk_ that confronts Canadian` statesmen.--Orange Se`.ntinel._-I }. _.,__.N __ _ * ' `.`You' s y tliaztz the) d;cead was -at` `blameless 'rnan, loved .nd~ respected. ed. f You knew him? > _This case shows how difficult it 73:, to devise any scheme that". cannci be `manipulated in the interests 'that section. - It `shduld be possible, }however, to devise ai plan that wouid. {be fair to every Province, and than" I V:.. AL- -7,` 1 A` _ -_-----, .......-yauuy \.uI.ua1 I aaacu I - He s,over head and ears in debt, if` that s what you mean; but it doesn t embarrass him at all, I as- sure you. ` nooxsromz. Barrie ed that instead" of twenty-threeithcnx-.! sand the unit of representation wil be thirty thousand. `In this way; v ; ' Quebec will be able to retain hen'999. idominant inuence in Federal affairs ' V . 3' `ii .'-~ , `to cannct!i ! be . that possib1e.i : i ! 'nnit bf representation. i It is estimata `____-_- _They' say I took a watch, ans- `swered the convict. I made a good ght. j I had a smart lawyer, an he proved an. alibi with ten witnesses. IV In. KIh7l\\IV-Loy The Brute. . His Wife--And didyou think of me during your absence ' `Her husband -- You bet I did. That_ s why I stayed away so long. Is it`; true that Tom Wildef is be- I gcoming nancially embarrassed?" u*[_1',_1_ ___- I - - ~ ' ` No; fIV got that *ro`m his` t9mo~ stone. _ . ' V J -..- ~- _I;d0nT tT see why you were not acqmtted, said the cha lain. P Well, sir, explained thg prison-' er, there was one weak p mt `bout my'defenc_e-they found the watclyin my pocket. -N0: 5` -I `.` 58..., l.IIpmT away. After all, the `man who marries takes a chance. Judging from the records of the divorce courts some of them don t_ even `get a chaqcef . V p`fHow did "youh-make` Miss Passay think that you were ,the finest` fe'llo_w on earth? `-`I `sent. her twenty beauti- beautiful 1 `roses on her thirtieth ; birthday. - ttindl The prison chaplain `-was going his usual. gound, when one prisoner in some way took hisefancy. This pris- oner evinced a religious fervour as deep as it- was gratifying to the chaplain. ltlsn - Of what were you 'acused? the prisoner was aske , AIVIRI . . v - - -on ululnslllllvllto They say tis far more blessed To give than to receive; And that it's more expensive I have `reason to believe. . - . Satumine. . ` What form of summer amuse- ment pleases you most? Staying `at home and` -Wifiting -to people at gummer resorts about how cool it is km the city. ` - v --t --w 9 oivnnnvjlllll 0 Br.ow'n has wired me to ,send him up some shingtackle. A nuis~ :nce,I',xsn t, it? Z, No, `that isn't it; ut cant remember` whether he favors $cotch or rye. Confused It. ` V Mrs. Guzzler--Aren t you ashamzd to come home in this condition? Mr. Guzzler -*Morti_ed to death, my. dear. I nd. that my capacity isn t wl_1._;_._ it used to be. ,---.._- -v- vww -v-uvuo v"`.You have had your pic and'cof~ fee,_ said the lunch-wagon man; anything else; sir?" Yes, mur~ mm-`ed the drowsy customer, as the` midnight` bells chimed iforth, be a good. feoyv and driye me home." ni LIGHTER VEIN. CS0 new name will be-a;<,i;1;aei t-o the Sn - Icnptlon List nntilthe money is paid. .I..|...-..l|.-..- nail! In nwnnil fnr thrn mnnthn _CnfEsion or -a Gho'_ul. Could not Remember. Asked for too Much. Not All sentiment. PPlease d_ Her._ T`I`{E10RTHERN ADVANCES Z-1Z-- Fatal. _T-l.10`fnas_ He__ane'y;' an erriploye bf `the `steamer .Druri1r`n::_1id,._l'o st_hi`s life by falling. a{ distanqeg of tw`e1it3? into ,the5fho'ld'*_of a bogc,%`?a1i?gh:ing,on ig Th`:"ib0=lt-.'w2is ._1oadixi g wi:h..p1g. ,.M'ic`1l_ay1d,L-' I_\T 42..V:_."; 'x-dpay, ` L W` ;u;lcl street. In true Tluot Mann Dumas nmrrs cc. ducrl any other an SCOTT S Yo`: And other users of Machinery when In Barrieosll and see the For 'A~Safe Savings Account in I` he `Bank of Toronto is a much better propositio than an investment in stocks ,0: bonds, the real value of. which is unknown to you and;.the; mat ket for which is uctuating. IUIIIIJHUII um! uuuuyuo usvuv; an pun... . subscribers now in arrears for three months and over will be charged 81 50 per annmn. "LIGHT REAIJING ` FOR THE FALL EVENINGS Money ` IN OUR ` `{ SAVINGS DEPARTMENT 1 IntereSt'is paid every 6 mos., and your money is available iT to you whenever want-ed. INCORPORATED 1855 Harry M. Wdlfenqen III Zn:-ndpl Q4-4-` 3--.. New Machine Shop Barrle and Allandale Branches c.V R. LA'l`lMER.. - V Manager Fny equipp%1 rsi}f:gxt"I3:a#hes. Planer. TheBank of Toronto ' Going Nortli: