Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 6 Oct 1910, p. 8

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:{;-`-'1'It_., is ,re;cih-tcd that =tl3e,.A V Indian- W! 8 ~~"f.f11!5;;:.1d ~ ' i;m2%TFpVo=$ei9n% . iii to tgc" au Ragged Rapids on _r supply. 1.;. `will fore condmons [Th _ _ ` . 1 I'I9$: 3 in n..-. 4 the .large genera- Mondzgy has been cut 111 be about; a. week bte-e arq 1_1o_rm2_1l agam. wooden `ground people i smelter don m-it -and it, t The'y'_ a chaqge` ter 15 creatin % town. , During ; teal-` estate _,on _n1ov_ed` up. T building on' th is nearly complet n the neighb for th and: 1211!` whnrnnrn 3 A e `company s ed. The orhood of the t expect any ill effects are not worrying about re pleased _to see`. the e better that the smel- g in that section of the th.e last Protestant? two weeks _ W. A. Boys appeared for Mr. Trace_ and Mr. Haughtoh Lennox, K.C., represented-Mr. Broderick. which lasted for. over two hours, is Honor, disposed of all the ap-I peals except three in which `judg-, ment was 1fes_e'rved.; - V The cause of the holding of this; court, says the Lance, is that a local: option contest is pending, and thel` `supporters of the by-law and thpse opposed to its passage were making] an effort to have the list corrected for the election in January. Mr. John; Trace, for the supporters of the measure, asked to have twenty- ve names added and fteen struck off the list; while Mr. John Broder- ick, foi; the antis,_ applied to have ltlgee names added and seven taken 0 . _ ' ' {last \eek._ `His dagh, presndmg. vvvol -A16 IL UIUP us a postal Eard avvd "we \ ill tell you where to apply. See that it comes out of our barrel with the red ends. . _ - - : nob` J-'A1\-lI`1. We claim to have the largest ex- clusive factory in America and the most up-to-date_ plant. We manu-I lfacture and sell more vinegar than :all the other factories in the Do- minion, and our storage capacity is greater` than that of all the other factories in the Province combined. :Ourvpatrons number by the thou- sands from the Atlantic to the Pa- cic. We have the vinegar of qual- ity, and the public recognizing that fact have responded in such a way that has enabled us to reach the en- viable position we hold to-day. If `you have been using other vinegar` in the past we would like you to now give ours a trial. We know you will I be more than pleased. All up-to- date grocers have W'ILSON S vine- gar constantly on hand. If you have any difficulty about securing it drop card and we will apply. See l\n-L -P - 1 PREPARING FOR vs an V W ulcu nu Up The remains of the _late'Mrs.' Thos, -Sprouio. were interred in the Methodist cemetery, Stroud, on Saturday, October" 1st. Service `was conducted by the Rev. E. Crockett. The- bereaved husband and family have our sincere Cy!/npathy in their great loss. ' 1 I `TALK No. I4-THE LARGEST! VINEGAR FACTORY. I Um. ..1..:_- . . I %By The Wilson ulytle Badgerow Co., Toronto (T he Largest Vin- A egar Works In America). NOTES FROM ORILLIA. :-..:. VINEGAR TALKS V ,_---...--L ulll lli13 , and land owners in that` :asking '5o%to I00 per cet. lots than they were a o_ Hnwamsr H-A-A 9A iAT. nexus : e this local test the` qf uu vv cuucstlaj Honor, Judge THE FRAY._ _-___v .._. - .7 , I Mr. Geo. Cotistable has completed a fine looking job on his house by veneering with comeut._ ' V ` 55 pphixlg erectnon of I6 Canadian ' Company. fan in... ..n neck, braid . . . . 7.50 On Tuesdaynlast :1 party made UP ' Of Angus Moore, James .\loore. -'\T' "W 13111166. and Mr, Sl1elwcll,Wl`h . Bafnardo Home boy who had be?" `l"df0r years in the family. of All` gus 00|'. Went out to Long kc ' ,0" th tow line between Orillia _"d Matchedash, to look for cranberr1e>`~ Just {after dinner Angus Moore all`! Fth -'-boy started to cross the < n b I `"1. Old boat, and when about 113 ~ ..w35' across the lake the boat 1195"" "Mr. Moore seized the boy and help` edllhim to Ret hold of the boat en- 0114.'3gin"g hum to hang on W _e _C3l"d-for help. The pa1'ty 0 5 `e ` `..`3,d. no boat or other means 0 ' g93'm"g assistance, and the boy I" O zahd `sank. Moore remained 1" watet-vfor well on to an ho Ahur Bunce hurried OVCT `O , Thos.McK`_nl" tually 'necessary to illuminate IW" homes. The burn-out took 913 `Monday night 1lb0u t 11.10 WC ythere was only about half `.1 Iua 1 . , Hhe machme.~-Ncws-Letter. COUNTY) Under and by virtue of it writ of `I99 _ Execution issttvd out of tin`; - AICOE County (fonrt of the County at T0 WIT Simcoe and to me directed and delivered against the lands and tenements of the defendants. John wliitebrcad and MP8 S A_. Whitebread, ut the suit ot"I`odd Brothers. Piatntiffs. [have wized and taken into _cxecut.ton and wilt otft-r for sale by publi-2 a',unv at my Ofce in the (`curl House In W` '10Wl10f Barrie in the said (`ountv of Simcor " Mnd8Y.tbe 24m my or oczohet-i.i.D. win. at the hour of 12 o'clock nonn.all the right, liU9'i` wrest and 901111) of redemption of the said dc- fendants in to or out of the foltowinglandsund "`m8 situate lying and being in the Town Of Bagrric. in the said Countv of Simcoe. and Province of Ontario, containini; hv aiinteasurw ment one-tifth of an aore (more of- loss) and}l mg mD0sed of lot number one on the 138% Bi 0 of Bradford St.. in the said Town of Barrie 3.3h.0Wn on Registered Plun number. twenty- two (2?) in Rexistrv Otiic: for said Count."- . W. It1.H.u:\'m'. . Shem!` County SlnlC"L'- I Sheriffs Office, Barrie. July 15th. 1910. 39* ~ 4-::--{ {Coal that's stricily high-graIJe Irderow -- `Phone No. 23 f...De|ivered When You Wish... I: YOU CAN GET m4;lV;:;n'i'x'rsa1'y services are to be held at the Methodist church next Sunday, Oct. 9th, to be conducted by tho Rev. R. J. D. Simpson, '_ of Newmarkot. 4 I Estate ptA.W. Wilkinson _I.KlNSN S SAD DROWNING ACCIDENT. SHERIFF'S SALEO? LANDS l)u'g'al;iz iattimer catIn:ia"' ' e _ mgmg tools and :16`; pushed .a raft. With this tboat and the` upturned 1 ex. 3 {Moore in. p,rt*Y- We` my. ._ ' -m9rn1ng P for 35 , JUST AS USUM E _ THURSDAY a/di/e - ....Admlnistratrix _ _-.... ..- ---- . -..~w-v-w- Mr. S. Maneer, sr., is at present very ill, % but we hope for a speedy recovery. _ .... u_. |t-r_-_ ___:|-_,-n n. I Total then --v..-.-.. on uonv vooouubv vu QIIVIIILIIVQ I mh'd"r.ri`-"1';a- intends going to Cooks- town Fair with `his famous pacing mare, Ruby L. _. ' % ' n'nni.uuu -.- - -""'""I'. p A great number of prizes were taken by the Strand fa1_-mere at Barrie. Fair. _ Vl')'alton Bobertson went to Toronto to commence his studies at the University. , ' vin:1`'a_4mRwc>'t:'a'x--t;;s;>.1:,-gwarclay, spent Sunday with Miss Irene Constable. STROU D. Mr. Howard Black is attending college in Toronto. - _ --~r- cu. - I-v`I\I\vvIJ avvvvvnJl iiov. Mr. McLean and vife wexf`e calliug on their parishioners m the village on `Moudav. : ll .. D.....! '1 -a.:-_. ___ :__;___. 3, I . IV 1 ' The Metlnodieu hold their anniversary oer-e "vices Sunday, the 9th: The Rev. Mr. Church of Toronto, who conducted the serge eervioe hit year, is expected to be the epeeker. `. Boys Reefers,navy Hue with vei- vet Collar, made from anice 3 materia'\l,veach | .A few only of Boys o\'ercoafs left . from last` sasbn. Some ' were 4.75 and some 5.50, all to cleatat . . . . I STANFIELITS QNDERWEAR for Men and Women mm in& Murchison [EW mu-zss GOODS.---NEW 1`-`LANNELl..E'l`TES .% Nam "union: 4'... II..- ....I III._.... `Ll___ It a White Wool Blankets 2.75, 3.00 and 3.90 The New --- `anvil owlill VV 1 I` IJFIIV-I` Elan!` I DD. 'I`Iew'l"losiery .forUh`l'e%n and Women. New Under- wear for Men and Women, and New Suits and 0vercoat,sVfor3Men and Boys,` V ,evlin 81 Murchison I1 Mina Wxllmo-t, 9(_B{rrie,sf>$ ;t;;ekee;nd Au gum otjM_iaa Euty Bill, fniyejraglg rm.- 1'M.r.Ni.chol JEefy ha A deemed `the Liberal, nomix 1ation.inV Sou-t;h Wcllington. - , 4 . '- It can - ` (._ 4. MbNnAY,ocr 3:4. % It is believed -that the Lancashire- isotton lpckout will be _se_tt1ed-sho1't- `-gr ~vvn - - -Y.. ' Wynmalen; a` F-renchi aviator, reached` hei ht f- 9,Iz1_,_{_cc1:: at -- -uvw-u. euynnotvulg ! Eclv_Ifra_x'-d. T. -Rosenheimer; V.a" weal-~- thy New.` York manufacturer, jghas -been -indicted for Vrst deg{ec_ mur-L duet,-`ch`arg ed vyith killing a -young `_y'qma'n with has aptomob1le. __ ` . .4 v v -u-vuay Gfand .T .r`un kEn.\g;ine. rs Cpi1- mittee, who have been" in ontreal interviewing the management, have seturned home.. The report` is t_ha t the demand fox -"a .12 _pe: _(c`ent. "in-- crease. has` ' been granted. 15_I,,, Fl` 0-. sATURDA;Y, oc'r. xsc; - Figureg for the first ve moths of" the current .sca}' year_show that Canada's tradeis mcre_as1ng`at the :rate `of o_ve, '\$Ioo,c_ao_o,ooo-a `year. ` (inn--an . `l.`;__I _pr1\" .` . ~---V -- "V-'r*"'-v`_'v`-'9`.-"-'V' J"`- _ ' George Ford of Duluth claims to have been marooncd an a sma1l_`is- lanid in" Lake Seul for A six weeks without rearms an'd-with-vry;lit_- .tl,-'. P.rovi_si-ens. ~~ FIVI. /1 ' 1- :7 ` worsteds, _froni hill! [0 l0uUU Men s Heavy. Overcoats, made from extra heavy tweed, with latest `style collar andlmc-d throughout with 9:00 _and 10.00 for. . . "good Italian linings. eg. . . .. 1 Men s Heavy Dark Colored Over- .1 coats, made in the very latest styles, ` Some are 3-button double and single ` breasted styles and some are Motor Coats. V All are made from the very _l;`.1 test patterns . . . .` . . . 0 ._ . . . . . . . ... A $10 $12 $15 $18 $20, w'\ I I\ [Eventsof the Week Condensed for I _ Busy Advance Readers. Afpatiuful accident occurred to a.siuell led, son of Mrs. Thomas Carter, of this Village, one day last week. While assisting gather- ing eorntin the eld at-Mr. P. M_ilne s, the hay came too closeto the corn binder that gym working and had one foot badly out. He flvssetsken to the Barrie hospital, where heis doing well thus far. ` and Max-`tin are spending a short honeymoon 111 Toronto and guualo. They; wall reside on; Owen {- JJLII 1 St-_ `Rev. A. B. Hubley tied the nup-I tial knot im the presence of only the immediate rela.tives.~ The ceremony was performed under a `bell: of smilax and fern, Lohengrin*s wedding march `being played by `Miss tGertrude Wright on the entry. of the bridal- party. Her mother gave away ' the `bride, who `was wearing a travelling suit of blue chion broadcloth with net `waist. She was unattended, and carried bridal roses and lily-of-the- valley. . ' 7'`! ~ sweet peas. . _.--..- V--. .. uvp. Va. uuuln Luna .3 . At the dainty dejeuner which was afterwardseserved the table was pro- fusely decorated with` smilax and 1.1- ' . 1: -Ir ! V.'VIV`}V1de're were many beautifixl and] 1'are'preents, the groom s ifte to the bride bemg a set o-f mink urs. A. .|,_ A _ ruxly a \.lVCl\.UdL3, an 5LyICS and 3253.90 4.50 $5m7.5u The home of M1-s.~James Hunt, 63 Owen St., was the scene of a quiet lwedding yesterday ` afternoon 1t". ~2;3o when her_ only daughter, Sarah 'Marga.ret,became the wife of Mr. }Charles R. Martin of Town , "former- ` ly of London. - + I v . . 1\Iens .VNw Fall Suits, 3 ior_ {but- ton sack style coat, trousers made full -at the hips, made from nice pat- terns in fancy to-I8 from - ` I ` I If I DAILY NEWS GRIND : H'.HL.>Tar"B;1sh b;1d uh. "3111. Groenlaw attended Elxxtvglg Fair thin, '1.~..`..1. V - ~ Boy s Overcoats, ali "styles. anl - Q I. I Q3. $-A MARTIN-HUNT. Keep Out I:1truders.v .'According to R. J. Brown, baker, Midland, who acted as one of Fras- .er s-guards before the marriage, the old man became very quarrel-I some, and wanted .;to ght` witness . and his friends. "Then he would for- get all about. it", IWlhen told of his brother Jol1~n~ s death, he e_xela.imed: Oh, :11 God! He is gone and I_ am left witl`1,;the whole ---n- burden. of the country to share. V v ' JOIIIISIOII, tnejomer "guard," ejecting Miss Robertsoam from the house. Michael .-Frazer was in bed, and when informed of the_ invasion, told, them to Keep a~l1`_-7- apt:-uderse to e- offthe p_l`a`.ce, and especially petticoats. -I-I`.e V-had "sticks" placed byrhis bedside for fear {of intruders; an`; the -1. on1y.; rea- ;;,3o g_,_ fog_.thia;'that. .w1tnea`s ~k_nev4ir, of "`.`,th'is7 to Describin the incidents leading `up to the isputed marriage, witness saidthat one mm'nin.g',in' September __of mt year he found the Reverend `Robertson` in: the cellar, and saw Johxistong. the; other guard, ejecting" Mi J`:-nu-n, also '.In\..- A considerable body- of evidence was offered by` Mr. John King, K.C , on Sasturda in proof of Fraser s san- ` ity, a 'n.u'm: er of witnesses testifying *,that they had',no`ticed no change in .his mental condition. eitherpribr to ongsince his. marriage. (nun Judge` to Interview Frazer. Before the adjournment. Friday Mr. John King, K.'C.', for the. de- fendants, suggested that his Lord- ship might motor to Midland in. the afternoon, visit the old man and talk with him, , but time would n.ot permit the journey .to be undertak- en, and the chances are` that Frazer may have to `go to Toronto to be tested. ~Unable to conclude the trial at the Assize Court here, his Lord- ship_ with the consent `of both par? ties, decided to hear the medical ex- perts evidence at Osgoode H'all on Friday, Oct. 7th, when Drs. A. Juk- est Johnson. and Cotton will be ex- I I -am-ined for the plaintiff, and Drs. Cameron, Beemer the defence. and Clark for Misses His Drarn. T It is part of the case for the de- fence that ` Frazer's eccentricities, whichthe_'plaintiff .relies upon to prove his insaniity, were `really attri- butable to his over-indulgence in, whiskey, largequantities of which, it` is alleged, were consumed in the house before his marriage. Young Mrs. Frazer, according to all ac- coun:ts,'has cut off -the` supply, and an incident related by one of the witnesses Friday indicated that the old man. feels strongly the loss of his smile, as_ he was wont to call it. I vu, tn Auauu. U; an cxamjnanon 0-t I"raz.. er on June 13. W1-tness had no hesi- ta.`t1on.1n arriving _at _the conclusion that Frazer was suffering from $611118` dementia, and that` he, was not cap- able of looking after lns own affairs. . A Disappointment. That .F'razer was unable, so it was said, to attend the court and give evidence in the which has been raised to determine his mental COI`l'.dl ti0I1 of his mar- riage-to Miss Robertson- was a great disappointment not only to the law- yers for the plaintiff, who itched to! have the old man in. the witness box totest his mentality, but to many who had hoped to have an oppor- ,tunityt of seeing and hearing the veteran cavalier who at 84 could win `the heart of a fair yo-ung, ladyof 30.` For, according to the story relatedl in court by witnesses on both sides, Michael had a pungent -gift of ex- pression,- however erratic or incoher- ent his views may be. When these blankety lawyers and doctors -are throu`gh with me, you might com.e over and help me out, he is re- ported to have .told,a friend who vis- ited him. `recently, . and who. in the witness box. Friday informed Mr. Justice Britton thatthough a elittlel crotchety the old man seemed per- tlfectly` contented and sound of mind. I In c ross-examinationn Smith admit- ted that what he had stated in . an affidavit was true .-- "namely, that while he stayed; with Fraser two gallons of whiskey on; an average weekly were used; and Fraser used conshderable of the same. Senile Dementia. _ Di: Ryan, Medical Superintendent of Rockwood Ho -s.pita.l,K*in'gston., describ- ed the result of an examination o-f F raz- ex` on Tum: 11 \)U:+n..... 1..-; --_ L-7 =; :? )lr;` W, -J. Boll isjudging at om soumi _'I`i`|',thiAI.`;Wf 89k. - . _ -u-quno J. ulu. JIJUL 3CC Ila 'When; I was bidding Frazer good- bye he asked where I was going. I ;said: `I am going h`o-me. .There are plent. here now without me He re-' plied: `What you going home for? Come back ' \ . l the house Mr. `Robertson came in with twoladies. One wasthe in- tended bride, and the other her sister, When= we. got downstairs again Mr, Frazer and- the bride's sister were sitting on; the -bed hav- ing a cup of tea. We had been up- stairs for about twenty minutes. Frazer said: `Iwbelieve they say. therewas a wedding here this morn- ing. - I A "ufevyer, tJok }__a doseof c'arb_olic digd. `V , George. Hai'rin.gton, a. thirteen- [ye._a.r.-old boy, was_ probably fatally 11I}J11!`C,d_ in: To'ronto byla horse step- | pmg upon `him. Protestant ratepayers of Cam- bridge township have brought ac- tion against the School Board to `prevent the teaching of the Roman Catholic catechism in the. pub1ic~ school. ' I V James C. Finn.crman,~ ma. traveller, _form.rly"of. `Kentucky; was killed by .a st`:-_e'et car at King` and "Bay streets, Toronto. ` ' ` ' `Nineteen persons` ,1os:t, thir lives `I as a result of `an explosion that \de-V strayed The Times building at -Los j Angeles. i V ' ' I said: `I di`d`n-ot see it. '\X)'L..._ 1- . . . ..' ._ Dr: West lies been conned te the Iioese_a_|. few-days with a cold. " I (Continued fr-olm Pag. One.) rHE'ANoR f1*HE1i&N ADV.ANC,EW iRastu:=,-I':or t'he lov Sar', what fer turned wrong side _ Sairibo--Sh! You see, 1 tion `to-ni-glint and 41's bulge out 1_1- e (if heben,' you got you, pants before-mos? . _Dop t talk so loud. s mvxted to a swell recep- ` gettin. de de `fAk.nees,--Success : Uuusv Ulll agazine. ' um ;usuu;a..1 c2pcI'[S- C_)l'I. DO_li- sxdes Will be heard. Mr. Justnce Bntton said he would `certainly.-see `Frazer, `but- it would not be at his home in Mid- land. " \ H". `S. Ruby, the Reeve oi Midland, had known Fraser` for. thirty-ve years, and `had never heard it sug- `gested that he was of unsound mind !W. J. _'lTih:orburn', school teacher, Midland; also testieed to s `mental soundness, This concluded lthe evidence for the defence, and the ` case was adjourned until Friday, when the` medical experts on b`othl~ sides will b heard, Mr TIIl>;.nA `D..3La...; -JJ - -v- us` 11063 I-'lIEDlIUIIg F ranle Weston, IClerk a.nd Treasurer of th.e'muni`cipa.lity, Midland, had had "many opportunities of noting "the mental condition of Frazer, and had never seen anything to.ind&ca.t"e' that he was of unsound mi*nd. Sunday, Sept 25th, witness. had a. conversa- tion ith hinrabout the `surveying of his property, when he remarked, As soon as I get rid` of the lawyers and doc`t*`o'rs you might come over and out. At the last municipal election Fraser voted in the 0rdin.'_:1r_y nrnv any-I Ian 0-..I`.l _.2h----- -..-. -., ...u. say; uuauuclpal rote_d the ordinary `way,_and he told; w-tness he had felt ihappner sincehis marriage. V 1.1` .c D..L__ LL- I-A - ----A V Anaua { % I ' Mr. Scott, of Collingwood, {formerly prin- sips! of our school, was a \"isitor for a" couple of days last wfc with friends here. that he ha.d had business dealings! with -Michael, and had found him fairly sharp and able to look after himself. Three weeks ago he had a {C0l`lVel'SaitiOl1.' with the old ma.n, who ing to indicate unsoundn:ess of min.d. 1-le` remarked, I have the bestwifc on earth. She reminds me so much of my mother. And then, he had talked of ho.w Mrs. Frazer was trying to prevent him from taking drink, {while he t-houg'h`t he~.should h-ave ;_some. . ' 7 !~ talked very sensibly... There was .noth-' \. my vvlbll nnnuuttlabllll. ` | Dr. Bowma.n, Penetanguishene, gave similar evrdence. Dr. James Russell, Hamilton, had visited Frazer on `January 21', and again: on July I last, and found him changed for the better on the latter -occasion. -H-e wasamuch more clean and tidygin his general appearance,j lhis conversation was brighter, and his physical condition improved. Best Wife on Earth. ` 1 Thomas `Chew, "Midland, an. old, `friend of the Frazer fmily, testified} that he had had business 'MiChael. and had fnunnl LI.-ni r- - . -......6 $11 AA1a1IIclsC- I Mr. Creswicke submitted papers showing that John-' s estate` larnounting to $46,177, had been left. [to Michael. This concluded the plaia1.tiE s case. For the defence, Dr. Raikes, Mid- land, who; had known Frazer .for| twenfy-eight years and had attended; him at intervals, declared that he had noticed no change `in his condition except wha.t was incident to old age. Dr. Spohn, Penetanguishene, saw Michael on the previous Sunday, and ` was unable to detect any change, ex- ;cept that he looked older and .was sti'enred up with rheumatism. T\_. T` "` ` To Mr. King, K.-C., Brown admit-i ted in cross-examinatioin that a lot of] drinking went on in Fraser s house prior to January. He had seen" two gallons of whiskey in. one Week. He and "Johnston; had, on the advice of Irwin and Dr. McG.ill, taken up their residence with Frazer for the pur-I pose of keeping out the R0-ebertsons and preventng the marriage. I i `M- r*..--_-:-1-. Ecnelaking an onslaught on the castle, ` . - Preparing to` Look His Best. _V0ted~ at Last Election. -1- 117--.- .r\u Two Gallons at Week. v-;-: Geo. Vickers Two Fretty Styles for Children H There was a large turn out from this station to Ba.rrieVaml Collingood fairs. I" Two BEAUTIES 1-on mssrzs TWO GOOD STYLES FOR LADIES Is ready for you in our Ready to.-wear Depart~ ment- We have spared no pains to excel in Style. Variety, and Value. When` buying your Coat; see othefs, then come to this store and Cxotnpare. Coats at Vickers are tight. ensive.Showingu[ Women~ %s&Bhildren s oasis 'Chi1giren Nav_ir Chat, .v'rith- deep military capes, piped with scarlet, `braid trimming.` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.25 Children s Coatsin Navy, Green and Red, fancy braid` trimming -w1th.deep collar . . . . . . 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., . . . . . . . . . 4.25 Mises' Coat in Navyand Red, military collar with trimmin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Misses Long Coat in Navvy nd Green, buttoned close at button and braid trimming . . . . . . . . .j . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lddis Long Kersey Cloth Coat, in black an_d grey, semi-tting, braid and corded silktxinxming on collar, fancy buttons . . . . . 15.00 Heavy Diagonal Serge Coat, in black, blue, rose and Wisteria, Moire silk collar, large jewelled buttons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10.00 ,: a gvlun-` Ge j knees.--Succ`ess two and it wil'l_b'e i)(;ut`__';l"\_;Ve:l`< bf- -fore are normgl The parts have` to be ob._tamed- from f.the_,.. ,AW;1inghduse falctorx t .Pitt$f" f ., @____he .. ,1 . ?.!;s22 1: . A good number `tzrom our village attendelll the funeral of the late Joseph Russell at Utopia. on Sund: ll ` ` `

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