Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 6 Oct 1910, p. 6

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Hwn \\'i1~' \\'i}.~` hwltl Dun INCH .\1r~:. f0\'\'] Cum .-An. 1111'. \\'hi .\I. INCH M3] M15 cnc Cr) . M l are safe. cheap and convenient. They are payablelfreelof at all banks in Canada (except in the YukonDis'trict). The Money Orders isstired by this Bank are also payable free of p charge in the principal cities of the. United States, and at the "" rate of $4.90 to the g6 sterling in Great Britain and Ireland. `They can be obtainedat any office of the Bank on application CHAPTER `XIIVI.-(jC PAID-URCAPITAL. 510,000,000 ` nasivs rum}, ~s%In .EDl`!.JND'W,ALKER.A c.yv.o.. I.L.o.. p.c.LI, 4 ALEXANDER LAIIa;o.{ V f;e;unAL%uauaa:a BANK MONEY ORDERS BARRIEL BRANCH % ' 5 H. J. GRASETT. Manager. _ ,. _--- -------- -; vu ulv av proaching caller with anew intent- ness. So that is Elisha.~Ci'owe P he said to himself.The man they. call `The Human Ferret `in. the village, eh P In a, way he is a. kind of. legacy to me, which I fear I have sadly neglected. _No, Miss. Wenslade, ` I cannot "explain my `meaninlg-` without divulging an oifcial secret, but this much I will tell you in strictest con- dence--you couldn't have- a better 'friend than: Mr. Crowe for the job -in. hand`. Far better than I should. be if I wer_e as free to serve" you as I should w__is__h. i If he gets his nose into this business he, will be worth A-`ab dozen lawyers. , ` ~ A Anal: .1 invokehis aid; ~you'.will-,~' 4 _ sure, pgt cno obsta_clesi,T lint.-. his? .. " murtniirqd T Yvonne ' a,_t.f_ul;1_y_; i f: - that I. 3.9m\:?1Y t?0n' ` la,` . . V i : .-van sun Lvuuucs Inenusnlp. What a- rum old chap! he ex- claimed. Doesn t carry much weight, I should think, in any'sense of the word. . "I won t have you poking fun at Elisha Crowe, Yvonne ared out at him. He doesn't` belong to the 00- D H lice. and he has got a head on his shouliders, evIeIn ia he isn t an impos- ing gure. e as, too. the merit if not `being; a believe:-`in -Mr. Carter avenscar- ` - V - TMa'jo'r Wilbraham eyed "the ap-' with a- new intent- neee RA 4... ; :. 'D.I:..I.. r~_--__-; an I,; meuur pacca resuessly up and down. A little jealous -thrill` shot through him at the `announcement, and. he walked to the -window, onlyxo break into a hearty laugh at the siszht of his rival for s friendship. WHnf Zlv I-urn nit` nhan 0 LA -3-- a,Ds)lD5CI'lI\r\r Y_vo'nne'had received her visitor 5n the drgwing-room, and was sitting in the wide window seat while the `Major paced restlessly and down. A Hffln .:...1m... n....m -1.-. .a.__,__,a- wnom you could appeal f" My father was not one to make` friendsvof that kind. Yvonnel with a whimsical smile for the pom- pous aloofness that had choked off all intimaeies. And I am not old .cnough to have any friends of my own except you , Major Wilbraham,i and you are debarred b'ylyour ap- pointment from helping me. Stay, though! The-re is one good friend -who'm'I had forgotten, and he is coming up the drive now. But he has no inuence, I am afraid , to make my uncle procure fresh legal assistance. ' I u----.-,_ - 1Jl.(`:K is me {ast ot his line. I No-Old friends of your father s to wl`1"c{`m you could appeal? tr of`-Inn (Ivan AL A..- L- _.._l__ I J`-III5\vI O "I am sorryto hear that Lor'l '-Monlcsilver is leaving the conduct `of the case and tl1e.ch0ice of a solici- tor to his : secretary, he said after a Dause. I do not -like that man Ravenscar, ad wouldn't- trust him further than I could see hjm. Have you no other `male `x-clatxves who- could advise -you P 'kTl`\I\A vnna\`:p\.I K7 . . . _ .4- I, A ~- - A uumu uuvlac -yuu 1" ' None, replied Yvonne, her eyes illing as she realised the signicance iof her admission. After `my uncle, Dick is the `last of his liner. ' M- -14 :..:....a_ ;p I VV\lII\ (.1;-.S|I\v lllucllo LL IIICIRC3 IIIC 31%; - Majo(`W'ilbraham `glanced shrewd-' ly at the girl's ushed cheeks and ashing eyes, and -his glance lost some of its sh.rewdness~to gain in admiration. For the healthy, honest bachelor of ve and thirty.` with all his slowness of perception, had sud- denly grasped the fact that the hoy- den" whom he had piloted to- hounds was a woman, and a pretty one. He found himself wishing in a vague sort of wa.v that he was ten years A younger, and that the tinge of grey at histemples had spared him _a little longer. 00 L... .I-_. 7 _ ,1 T n... n......... 4.- _,_,_- ._, .._ ....,, _,...`,....u-asap, uwnwaluvnun It all seems to hinge upon my vncles secretary, and he strikes me` as facing both ways, said Yvonne helplessly. ``.He is all butter and sugar to that. old dufferv Thornith- waite, defers to him. on every point, and then, as soon as his back is turn- ed, tries to stop my mouth by say- iglthatuthe counsel will do all the work at..the trial. `It makes me sick. `at - - - - I _ 441` I'll I -vlavv Irv ' The good-natured ex-cava1ryman s manner, no less than his words, paci- tied Dick s fair young champion. At any rate, he was a friend at court, and it was comforting to know that the police would not, as too often, move heaven and earth to obtain a conviction to justify an arrest. She took him into her condence, and` pouredout her fea:rs that her brother would be sacried by the incapacity and lukewarmness of those who ought to be his staunchest defenders. some explanation. for it, other than what appears on the surface, though I say it as should1i*'t. The model mayphelp sharper wits than mine ta 5l30t it. - I " ' 'I"L- . u I atl I I `Q -.4 45-15 Elisha only glanced at the place indicated, and, scarcely paid tention to the.girl s words. Standing on tiptoe, he let his gaze range slow- lw. from end to end of, the bbok-case and `back -`again,` devouring with hungry e_ye._.ever'y detail of the carv- . ed oak ;_framework, of the. massive shelves, .and of - the backs of the beautif_u_llyV bound volumes` theeon. - Mr. h'Wenslade had he_ej1;,=a lcivl-lectqr `_ vi- -_, ,, ,1.` ,_1. T OF COMMERCEF vcsyuuunuu. _.l.ll|JCCIU'l' rearman drew a-chalk-mark round it before at was'red. but the mark was rubbed out when the police had nished their search."_ ' L -. 3a-. 4 .. _,.. .3 530, nun * alCU Yvonne, `'to `whom; `that spot` had. been part of a. nightmare, olaced her -ngers on the `carpet'close to the angle of .a book-case that ended at the. doorway. "-`The muzzle- of` the` pistol..was towards the table, she explained. `_`Inspector Pearman . dxfew .-m....a ":4. 1.'..t....-"- I I am sorr t_o harrow you, Miss Y . - enslade, but can you `:5 int, out to me the exact spot where the pistol `was lyingf he Aask.e_d. . . \7__;_... - ' Ill` IVIIO If you could answer your own nuestion. miss, It conldtell you how your father was .killed, said the old man, rising to his feet. This chair is in the secret, but it won t talk. Again he seemed to fall into at semi-comatose condition which last- ed lomrer than the first, and then, oroducing a copv of the local paper, he referredto the" report of the in- auest. shaking his head as if not sat- isfl. --"4`-4-J- $711` f.`.'.".'%..`f us: uuuDCIIUlU 3110 D15 at . Suddenly Mr. Crow`; hsxgved for-- lwfarcllj and {aid his hand on the back 0 it e chair. It_ was one of the re- l`;`:eV12' kind, and. had enabled the ,f 39,0!` to Wheel xfound apd_ pet- 1.1 1fY.3!1-Intruder with the mnumum to dlsmfprt to h:s_own portly pey- S931- r. Crowe twu-led the chan- tihxs way and that, so that it faced rstl the _wn_1dow and `then the door. "3 1,v, mk,mg to_ ms knees and serutimsmg every m_ch of .the_ posh- ed yvoodwork. _Yvonne, growing im- Pnatleft, asked hum what` he was look- 1 g or. a `II : __-,, ,. I 1 -aux. ux Luc uuuuvng-nel(l And when she had ushered Elisha into the study there was nothing`to buoy her hopes that he would prove /his dogmatic assertion. On the con- trary, he stood just inside the door With his eyes half closed, as though his wits were wool-gathering in face ,of the problem he was to attack. All traces of the tragedy had been re- moved, the tell-tale stain on the handsome, Turkey carpet having been covered by a rug, while the litter on the writing~table'had been put away. The sun was streaming in at the French window through which Dick had rushed into the garden with his "cry of alarm. There was no sign that-the King of Terrors had pass- ed that way. except the vacant-chair whence the dead autocrat had rule his household and his parish. ` i MP r"""""` """" J P, nuuvva uc 1:11 I. ' She spoke more than half in friendly jest. for she- had grown so accustomed in the seventeen years of her short life to regard Eli`sha as a mere villaee busy.-body with a hobby ,for collecting tittle-tattle, that she had not `rated Major Wilbraham s re- commendation of him. very high. She was too unsophisticated. to un- derstand that coming from the Chief Constable of thecounty it implied much more than it would coming from. the Major only. as a good com- rade of the hunting-eld. AHA urlann cl-an l....l ..,..l.-_.- 1 1-u- I u'a lllJ`l. lllc Il1.ul'(lCl'l ." Yvonne jumped up and led the way out of the room. Come with me. she said impetuously. All the policemen in Wroxford and a pack of other fools whn fhinlz n:..1, .....-1.-. ` son with the professional draughts- maiden a. "le'a;d`, enabling her to. push -do poor old Dick `good as it_is harm. muu an uc uuwcu 1111115611 DUI. ` Strangely enough. the first to. strike a responsive chord in. the girl's rlespondent mind was one who was ranged in the opposite camp, arrayed against Dick Wenslade in all the panoply of oicial authority, and pledged by his duty to strain` every nerve forthe conviction of the pris- oner. In preparing the case for the prosecution the police required a model to be made of the interior of. the Rectory. showing specially the staircase and the study door. Rather than depute a subordinate to intrude upon the widow and her daughter, the Chief Constable came out in per- man, and carried out the unpleasant duty with suchvkindly tact that he i disarmed Yvonne s hostility. They were old acquaintances in the hunt- in-g eld, where the .gallant__ Major had often `given- the adventurous her pony into a front place at _ the- death. to which that aged animal was certainly not entitled by speed A or , stav.I'n.g power. a . - Now you mustn t look upon me `as an enemy, he said, seizing-~the'gir1s.-4 half-reluctant hand when he "had _ asked permission for his assistantto takethe m.easurem.ents. . This _th.i-ng: ; that wehave to make is as 1ikely.t`o 1 I don't believe in the infernal". evi- dence as it stands. There mus-tpbeg ,.u...uucu In vyroxrora and pack lot fools who think Dick guilty have seen It. It will be refreshing to show tlge place to someone who knows he 1sn t. Cl... -_ -1-~ ` ' .4.1u, M1135 VVaCI1'5l3.(.lC,' He` I'eped- I have /not been able to follow` up the slender clue you so ipluckily ob- "tained. More s the.pity, because a sort of instinct tells me that Phyllis Va.ughan s fate, whatever it may have been, has a bearing ontyour brother's chances of acquittal. ' I ventured to look in to ask if there would be any objection to my seeing the study where---where the murder was` committed. ` You think it was murder? asked Yvonne quickly. V I know it was murder, Miss Wen- slade, and I know that your brother was no-t the murderer. vuvnnnn -_--4- - 1 uu; aca : ' The little man dgeted `nervously with his well-worn bowler hat. glanc ing round the prettily furnished room asthough in some awe of his sur- roundings. He generally gave strang- ers the impression that at some pe- riod he had__met with a great shock from which he had never recovered. ` -No, Miss Wen-slade, he` replied. `I -have not 119911. ahha +,. :nn....... .... ILI3 caac. ' You want me to pursue `Mr. Ra- venscar on my bicycle again. Mr. Crowe P she began, assuming a gaiety she was far from feeling. Or, 1 `perhaps you have come totell me that mv chase the other night has borne `fruit and that you have been able to tracethe "mysterious `Miss Smith ? .Oh. don t think me heart- less, she went on in graver tone. I am. as concerned_ as ever about my dearest Phyllis, but you can un- derstand; can't you, that our troub_le here has driven even her loss into the background for a while." You. stxll think that she mayqnot after all be dead-have thrown herself into thensea`? GIVE 0 .He shocks hands war-mly,`and `hav; ing called his subordinate from the hall took his departure by the front door just as Elisha,` far too unpre- Asiuming to seek admission anywhere else, presented himself. at the back. Indeed, on beingmshown into the drawing-room,- his manner was an apology. for having intruded at all, and. Yvonne hastened to, put him at his ease. J 6119. . . ' at 1-` J for other `people's business. We l, 'that"i'sfjust the kind of man you 1ra_ut;;isn t"it-,", -was the Major s cheery answer. Now, as my fellow mu have nished his. measurements, we will"take ourselves off and leave the eld to Elisha -Crowe; Courage. Miss Wenslde! and have no fear: that I Shall hamper your friend with counter. moves so long as he plays. fair.` Donft forget what I say-`you can't go wrong in trusting that little P . atomy. ` - ' `L14: a`|p\A'nn Lp.-An -o-o._aa`uu tun-I4` Ln`: 5:.` I.` .o_ `It _:_ ": 38 compo. ATHE N(i%u'HAERNAADVANCE 4Lo(11(g'N(z1`1;ci/\-t;:ad-ii}'r' the little old man stazjed at the shelves and their contents: then suddenly darted for- ward and, again ekemg `out his the bookbinders art." an auuu as IIC WU] SCC THC Ravenscar shook his head doubt- fully. That will not be just 1 fear: his iordshin is conned tn his room, and is not at all himself, he said as he bowed himself out Q91-nntvnico nA......L AL- 1' VI Contrast with. this the durability. cleanliness and `well-ordered appearance of Concrete. T laest of T zvood cannot withstand, for long. constant dampness and soaking. Its tendency to rapid decay soon shows itself -in leaks and stagnant pools of water around trough. They are short-lived V and require re- placing every few years-.--niort to mention continual patching to keep them` in repair. drinking troughs are about as "reliable as the weather. Sloppy, leaky wooden troughs, ore'cIejc`m, durable Concrete ? N ationa>l Mfg. Co., Ottxwa This Range lllk Iauuly. I wish you would show your de- votion, then, by not being so obse- auious to that fool lawyer from Lon- don. was the girl's in-esp'onAsi_ve comment. If I had my way, we should employ a rm accustomed `o the conduct of criminal cases, and not to a mere scribe of deeds and varchments. I shall tell my uncle so as soon as he will see rne. .Dnuvnoq4-...... -1.--`- L9- we Sell on Easy Terms. scanty' inches by standing on tip-toe,1 took down a handsome copy of the works of Josephus, from which a] .fringed book-marker of blue silk was hanging. Yvonne, watching himl 2}-3-uuncgnsnin s'r.. BARRIE Canada _Cement Limited 51-80 National Bank Building. Barns cisterns Dames Dipping Tanks Foundations Fence Pom Feeding Floors Gutters { cu: Lcu 1. vuuuc snrevguxy. "We must have patience, and hone that something will crop up before _the crisis, said the tall secretarv, holding her hand a little longer than was necessary and with the hint of a caress in his vo-ice. I want no credit for it, but I should libyou to know, Miss Yvonne, that I am working night and day to discover a aw in the prosecution. You. need not, put, all your trust in Thornithwaite when" there is one here, on the spot, devot- ed to your-I mean the interest `of the family. ' H "1 ...:,.I. -.,.._ ___...__l.! -L- I ' We'd be glad to send a Copy of 0 book, W hat the Fgrmcr Can Do W, Concrele,"--Free--1f you'll ask for It tells the many uses of Concrete in p]a]` simple language--tells how to make is your choice-.-expense-producin or money-savmg Concrete? 8 Wood. .2` -Thedampness whi h d `intensies the Streilgtheitggiyi` hmber {of Concrete. You can impair a wood _ I . . 9 I - `comparatively lnttlie use; [,5]: Y-ough with . . If t powerful explosxve to put a Concretglsgt a er tank out of business. `Ferior to all other tanges made. of last month, they are almost Nothing succeeds like success- L-__- , A great Fuel Saver A very Durable One A erfect Baker -vrct --nu: --w- set up in your kitcixen ,lw'ith greater intc-rc~1 nmv, tl that it was the Inzxrkcr an L book that had :u`rc.~Icd hi. Hens Nests Hitchlng Posts Horse Blocks Houses Poultry Houses Root Cellars Sllon shelter Walls Which And` underneath Mr. 1hornith.-' waite's courtly. manners Yvonne was not long in noting that there lay the firm conviction that her brother had done the deed charged againsthim. In this the old lawyer only shared the general opinion th.a.t Dick must be the murderer because it had been -clearly demonstrated` that no one else could be;' but this ill-concealed be- lief was not one to. endear its holder xto an enthusiastic partisan like Yvonne. After his second call at the Rectory in quest of defensive evi- dence._she=sa.t down and wrote to Lord Monksfilver, frankly denouncing Mr. Tho-rnitihwaite as an old wo- man. . ' (To be contimxcd.) 'rr6Jho Walks g, Montreal and "Her uncle did not reply in person or on paper, but sent Mr. Ravenscar over to smooth the angry girl down. This he only partially. succeeded` in doing bv assuring her that the real onus of the defence would rest upon the counsel briefed to appear at the trial three weeks hence, and that three of the most eminent advocates at the bar had been retained._ O.`I\ . collcj n Y A ,\Ir.< bmte.` 1| _ ` Hun , ridge baco `.\1i;C [. H "But they can t_make bricks "with- out straw, and this dodderer doesn't concern. himself to `collect any, re-T torted Yvonne shrevydly. I Inxr- _. |_-,, .

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