Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 6 Oct 1910, p. 5

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ld in 3rd, au1 s ably ting one ? roci' Miss 1dy; iller s on Mr. )tU.- ish the Bar-room The Dominion Alliance Sunda , Odtober 9th, `I910 11.90 a..m. To Be Held In the ....- County Convention All Churches, Temperance Societies and other organizations "in sympathy with thegreat Provincial Cafmpaign to abolish the bar-room, are urged to appoint representatives. Tem- perance workers throughout the County are cordially invited to attend. Convention Sessions will beheld at [0 a.`m. and 72 'p.m., and in the evening there will be a 44.15 p.m. L fuit the OgeraHouse, at 8 gm. 7.00 p.`m. `Baptist Church . . . . .. J . . . . .. Collier St. Methodist Church. . '. Reformed Episcopal Church. .. Al1a.nda`1e Anglican Church. . . A u-.n4- OH n0-`nor Qao-1-unynn ll ;fsDDRE_SSES WILL BE GIVEN BY REV. BEN. SPENCE,Sec. of the Dom. Alliance, andothers Public Viass Meeting in EVERYBODY IS INVITED PROGRAM OF SERVICES FOR BARRIE THE ONTARIO BR~AN'C1-I OF In the County of Simcoe,_ ur'1der the auspices of FIELD DAY I7-3?{)gera House, Barrie -MASTER }WILLFRED MORRISON Canada's Great Boy Soprano, will sing 1 Men's Mass Meeting in the Opera House, address- St. Andrew's Prsbyterian (jhurch I. . . . . . . . . . .R Allandale Presbyterian Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . .R Congregational Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N Trinity Anglican Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . or`! kn _'I FIELD DAY will be followed by a cums CARPETS, RUGS. CURTAINS, DRAPERIES. .FURNlTURE perfectly. Gum-anteed_ to ~ give satisfaction. F9: Ren.t_`by the `Day. or soldi for 525.00 mm, .AD.VA;NC'E UUGIU Clllsllkitlll LILLLLIUIA . o - o u o w . o - . . o u a 0 About 90 other Services will be held in the county. Commencing at 10 a.m. Solos by The ` Automatic Lul CD5` . . . .Jos-. Gibson, Esq. A Rev. R. M. Hamilton. Rev. W. M; Morris. . . . . Ruthven McDonald. . . . . ..Mrs. A. Hitchcox. .. . . .Jos. Gibson. . . ...Rev. R. M. Hamilton. Vacuum ....R-w.; ....Rev.N boLU\JI. . ..Mrs.. Oper.t_ed easily by 4 V . child. W. M. Morris. A` . R. `M. Hamilton. .A. Hitchcox. 'c . aking Gleaner A pretty autumn wedding was solemnized at the hmnelof Mr. and Mrs. Frank Guest, Wyevale, on Wednesday, Sept. 28th, when their second daughter, Vivian Estelle, was united in marriage to Hr. Allan Hart of _Allenwood" by the Rev. Canon Murphy of Allandale. Wedding March, played by Miss Norma Scott of Elmvale, the bridal party entered the drawing room. The l)ri~.le, who was given away by her father. was attired in a. pretty .'g)W.n'0f`Cl'SRl silk eolierme, with long tulle veil trimmed with lily-of-the-valley, and c'arried a. shower bouquet of cream bridal mses. Miss Eva Hart, sister of the groom, was bridesmaid, wearing pale blue silk mull, carrying a bouquet of pink and white car- nations. Little Audrey Martin of Barrie, cousin of til'J.bI`lLlC`, made a very dainty To the sweet strains of Mendelssohns\ i I ower girl, with a basket ofsweet peas, which i she strewed in the pathway leading to a beautiful arch of evergreens decorated with flowers an-.l wedding bells, under which the ceremony was perforrnell. The groom was assisted by Mr. Reuben Guest, brother_of the | bride`; s I Th.e happy couple were" the-recipients of ~many`handsome and beautiful presents,which The ,g':!`oon_1 s gift` testid to the esteem in which they are held by `their many frig-xnds and acquaintances. to `-the bride was a gold 41 I `I "' '0" NJ ' " " O" watch, `to_`tl-xe bridesmaid a pearl crescent, to the orgzmista gold bracelet, and to thel groomsman a gold watch fob. Al`. I`. I` After partaking of a sumptuous weddingl breakfast Mr. and Mrs. Hart left amid showers of rice and confetti for Elmvalo, where they took the four o'clock train for a : trip to Toronto, Montreal and other places The best wishes of their many friends are tendered for a. long and happy wedded life. Just as delicious, just as ppetizing, just as \vl1o1esome, as the minute they were taken from the shell. Sealshipticase Weave handling only Sealslxipt Oys- ters this season. We are Registered Agents of the Sealshipt System, and have signed their rigid contract to sell Sealshipt Oysters just as received- solid oyster meats. We ixave just received the rst ship- ment of tempting Sealshipt Oysters. Valter . v - Thre is no food more pa.latab1e- none more wholesome-than Sealshipt Oysters. They can be served in couut~ less different ways. _ -. . . u... .. - Our little recipe booklt is free for the asking. Step in and get a copy. Butcher Sealshigt Oysters tag; 4` ,5 -e t.ts":'nu ) ' ur-- mt 'V~55'-SHMOVSTERSYSTB4 . .500!!! l0l\VAlJ.C:|'"` ` SEA].SHlPT oysma Always Ready tor Service Iuriol Very few stoves there are that. will bake, fry and boil equally well at same time. V You can, however, with f.'``' the Happy Thought. Patented Damper in the This is the R. Powell From Which lS=e'ionVis'0I'1 -L-an ingeniou device--brings re under all the cooking holesbn top; No matter whether your range be running with `direct draft or with the heat turned around. the o'ven.' each topc cooking hole is ready for heavy- service- . Call and let us demonstrate its many modern advantages. ..Even if you `don t intend to buy right now,.the knowledge %'y_ou-`will -gain"fror_n a visit may savveyou dollars and - cents later on. HAPPY THOUGHT RANGE ; Are . Sold HART-GUEST. Ethel Dhas._ Five Points mlzouvlak mu-1.. FOR 17 CENTS A DAY. i` V -Please read. the headline over again. Then'its tremendous sigm- }cance will dawn upon you. /\I' An Oliver Typewriter-the stand~ ard` visible iwriter-the most highly perfected typewriter on the market -yours for 17 cents a day! The typewriter whose conquest of the commercial world is a matter of business history-yours for 17 cents `a day !.> . The typewriter that is equipped with scores of such conveniences as The Balance Shift-- -The Ruling Device--.The Double Release-- The Locomotive Base--The Auto matic 'Space`r---The Automatic Tab< ulator-"The Disappearing Indica- tor-The Adjustable Paper Fin- `- gers - The Scientic C0n- densed Key~ board"-al1 We announced this new sale_s plan irecently, just to feel the pulse of the people. Simply a. small cash pay- ment--then 17 cents a day. That is the plan in a nutshell. Tliemreeult has been such a deluge of applications for machines that we are simplx astounded. rnu 9 0 9 l from people of all classes, ll ages, all occupations. | TL- ......:.....z... A :..h..:..:,._ 1,. . . . . ..... an \.,l(lJJ\.D, GI]. GSLB, an \J\.\'Ll}J(1L|lJll3- The majority of inquiries .has come ifrom people of known nancial standing who were attracted by the novelty of the proposition. An im- pressive demonstration of the im- mense popularity of the Oliver Type- writer. L A startling conrmation of our be- lief_ that the Era of Universal Type~ writing is at hand.` A Quarter of .a Million People are Making Money With has . The Oliver Typewriter is a money- maker, right from the word go I `So easy to run that beginners soon: iget in the expert"' c1ass_. Earn as ;you learn. Let the machme pay the I7 cents a day-and all above that is yours. -11-. u g T/ze Stcmdcz7*a' Vz'5z'/e U/7'z'ter -v Wherever you are, there s work to be done and money to be made by using the Oliver. The business world is calling for Oliver operators. There are not enough to supply the demand. Their salaries are considerably above those of many classes of workers. That is our battle cry to-day. We ihave made the Oliver supreme in usefulness and absolutely indispens-` [able in business. Now comes t,_l_1q Eeonquest of the home. `-.` x The OI_iver Typewriter THE OLIVER TYPEVVRITER BLDG. 30-13 CHICAGO. ILLINOIS. !. I Twentymine United States sailors .are thought to have perished through the capsizing of :1 launch on board of which they were returning to the L..uL1,..-L..'.\ \'i.-.-.. 'l.I...un_~I-.2.-n The simplicity and stregth of the Olwer t it for family use. It is be- .coming an important factor in the `home trammg of young people. An educator as well as a money maker. f'\.... .-.1`..- .--113... -1-.- ....4.- 1.1-- f'\1I \aLlLl\..Cl\-\JL (L3 V\\..l1 (13 (1. llL\J1lL_y lllL1l\\..lg ` Our new selling plan puts the Oli- `ver on the threshold of every home in America. \Nil1 you close the door of' your home or ofce on this re- imarkable Oliver opportunity? 1 117 - p }\}l `V IIILII I-I L4! Vv ynw I \alI.IlLl.lll battleship, INw Hampshire. "AN OLIVER TYPEWRITER IN` EVERY HOME! '\Vrite for further details of our eas_y offer and a free copy of the new Olxver catalog. Address IFWE POINTS ?HardWare.*`Store QLEVES Oompa;`I-Y- T9pzwri-l`r Yours for 17 Cents a Day! relmc A ,.,.:.i.1c1xt of lltr-iplfl he had been for many M1,, living :1 .sll0I`l. distance south of. `the, l'iil;1g.:. In 1881 he married Miss Ellen .TW,,,,.,,,, of C0ol(st0\\'Il, who, along with nmsistrrs, Mrs. Robertson of Vasey and Mrs` .\lz1le\' of Minllziml, survives him. The late Mr. Russell was highly esteemed {wall \\'lm l~;nc\\' him. He was a kind and ,'{-,,.I.3t1;cti I'ri.eud and neighbor, always uith :1 helping hand to those in need (rfal.~t:1lm'. Consequently, his demise is Ngretteul l-_\' :1 large circle of friends. In political ;i1_lili.r:ions he was pronouncedly a Con,:rmti\'.-, wnllc in religious faith he was asI2ill11'l1 IIu.Inln'I' of the Methodist church, luing on the olliviul board for almost halfa. c~I:r11r_\'.n1~l :1 HH.`1Ill)0!` of the choir for years grew nulrl Q4 'l'11efum-1:11, which was largely attended, {W-)L`t'(`.t1.`-1 1- tlus church, where a very >im- ]\l8Ssi\'0 .~.,-rvi:-.- was conducted by the pastor, Hcll. 1 . .\l. Puucock, who spoke earnestly and ._\'11:[-atlwti--.1H_\' from tho text, "Be ye faith- f.a'.1II1ti1 and I wiil give thee a crown of Iifc." Aftr,-1' . the solemn procession ['rU,L'f3{`rlc`1 I0 111-.` Union cenmtery, Parrie, for mzmn-nc. "`h.-A ps.11-bearers were: John :D.b<)l1,J.xs. .\li11e1', T1103. Ford, A. T D A) ~ `Arno Slllld_\']:1.s'f.> Bliss Edna \lr. Robert \hm- of . ` . . ` G` 111 this localxty last 'l`}`1u1's&:;fel was a, visitor . -....vm's:1l'\' servicesi . W Cmmectio . D with Bell has retulng . ` from Av . enlng. ll Hun . The annivex's:11'_v st, George's chmv 1 ,.... Afn\\'1 sup lowing 30:11") 4 back. station. In |in St. moms Lb m, Lrnol.I. T0 [lit ntheir BOTHWELL B_LOCK RETURN TICKETS AT SINGLE FARE N001`. no TO NOV. 12% HUNTERS OCT. 20 TO NOV. 1'2 nnulm. H:11ih'n via K : rn [0 min [Mi um! F a DRY GOODS gEPA1RED To .\Iu.'.;.;`.m Lakes, Penetzmg. La.k_c of H.1_`.'s'. \ Maganetawan lim-xx 1. 4.1; M. .\`IAv1-swxsku. to Parry >`m1n v\x;3 In In (jobououk. Lindsay to _I11i?'1r=w., .\h:n-hm, Lake to Culabogic \'1z1l\' 5: 1 H1.l\v.1_v. points from Sev- cm ,`\'.H`\ my. inclusive; and cer-. Iui'I Main -. |:- u-hurl hv Nnrrhnrn Nam-L n.w. wmms ' H:1I'U1L1 E011 e he has s0('1Il'L' , Tom 1.... Al ,' '1 llthsd ning- abeth A J.c.sc0TT } Coal "1 ".05 .\l. Coal for SEPT." an} R. Bell. ' ' 1 - bur.-:m_-`I ones we extend sympatlly iI'l`<`I\U.'l})1(,`10.s'S. K ! p."l`O-DATE srocx wwssr mucus L;|43|. JlI.\\n-u~-'VJ- . ve1`s:1I'\' services in` connection ,~chm[-ll here will be held on Oct M _.,-upper will be served the fol-' I , .. ` .\...nulnrr R('I111i(`k was a visitor at Ivy on H,, ....| ._ adny evexling. ham, lmore ALLANDALE L1 it at present ai:A1l{ston, I a sC('1ll't3d 11 position at the C.P.R. I nmrniugz lust, Sept, 30th, a_ stud l'L`Si(lL`lIt of this place, in the , .Iu.-.-pl: Russell, passed to the i in his 69th year. - ` -dm-u.-ased had not been in good` (`..n.-illcx~ub1e time, it was only a .L-L L3. {Huang nuunn\nt{ n . Enlingsiey. Deyot Agent. Elizabeth St. ` Ad opp. DREAMLAND L NEATLY5 QUICKLY (b?1oigx1er`1t..IJitl`!1e'.-I:"t'A67V. : I 1 88.80. '0' '33" ff P1-igegs on App1lou!19n*;` ~' in 'l'vm:1gumi. points Rete- I Pun ! Arthuxzand to a. num- *:`J~5 was-had by , Northern 1 k'm|;mI1_\'. also` to certain In -bx-t:,.\c\\' B1-unswick.Nova. ! .\I.:in(:. -L"1`OPIA. Mr- 2 1) . Inuxuslvc; tum 'uu:_'-, uhorl _ by Northern IND.- \ 5 . mu :1`! '1`icket_s. Dec. 10. NH reached by steamer HHU. AT (313311 `Only ' Mr. Frank vY.atel lft '1at` vxireek; Saskatoon... ~ ` * ~ wl-Vi.i;;"I{ i'a:ry 'Cuifo"spent Sunday at'hr h`ome berg. 43` ~ A ' Miss Ethel Storey is)" a. visitor in Collin.gtw'ood. ` i ' -- _Mr. L. E . Br,untoxia` was `up from; Hamilton over .Sunda.y; ,, ` _ '_ . Mr. G. Stundeny has re'nm-red to Gowan St`. T Mr. W. Humphrey has been ap- }poIi)nted night 'yardma.ster on- the G. up _ pus`: u mglw uuu. ~ Mr- and Mrs.'_. H. Goode spent the week-end wlth the latter s. par- `ents at the Rectory. | 11., '17 1 .' n 1- p. ` -i;'looking' after the `G. _.T. R. resta.u`ran.t in the absence of }1VIr. '_H_`. -T. Brown. .:'Mr." John Poucher of Toronto was Jan over-Sunday guest at Mr. C. W. rI oucher s. V, . . T _ _ . - Mr. ai1d`Mrs. J. Clark of Essa. St. are on a. visit to.` Belleville and: Montreal. 7 ` '.Messr-s. D. C. -Cameron. annd Arclre :Wi1k inso-n have . returned g from 3M`on.t'r`eal where they: were engaged on a. committee of engineers fat", ranging the long-fought. matter of ` increased` pay. . - IT`! I I The deal in connection withthe ac- quisition of "Springbaink,\the pro- perty of the J. L. Burton estate, has been closed, and the premises will be tted up as a sa.nita.rium. Dr. Bar- ber is a.t the head of the ente'rp.rise_. I I 1'\ -r -r 9. ---' ..v--`.. V. ---v ----v.r--.-'.. J. Lynch, superintendent of` the No_rthern. Division of the G.T.R., ' was in- town on Friday and held an interview with Mr. M. P. Byrnes, pre- sidentof the Board of Trade, in re- gard to the obstruction at the eleva- tor dock. Mr. Lynch promised Mr. r Byrnes that the mat:ter would be tak- ;en up with his department.immediate- ly. The question of additiona1l' eleva`-e tor `capacity also was dealt with.- Coll1ngw.ood Messenger. In failing health for the past ' two years, Mr. John M. S'r_nith, a. former `well-known business "man `of Town, `died at his re'side.nce,' `Market Sq., early. Monday morning A in his `48th year; ' v_ (V In - 0 up 9 n. of Mr. Smith was born in Innisl, buti had passed the whole of hi_s life since `boyhood in the county town. He learned the dry goods trade with ijohn ,W~atson. The rm: of Sarjeant & Smith which was constituted in 1898 continued for eleven. years, be- ing dissolved' in 1909 on the retire- ment of Mr. 'Smith. S-ince .that'.ti'me the latter made frequent tvrips`ab`f _oa,d in Search of health without obtaJin'i'n.g7 much benet. Deceased was married to . Miss! Sarah Dougall by v'vhon1W \vith one` brother and several sisters `he is survived.` ` ` - A private service was held yes- terday at the `house by Rev:Z*Tv;Ernest Biggs, the funeral proceedixig to Trinity Church," thence to St; Paul's cemetery, Inniisl, the ' place `of in.- terment. The 'I,0.0.F., `0fV,iWhLiCh deceased was an esteemed member, attended is a body and tobk 4pi1r.ty_ in the services. _ _ . ' V On Tuesday;_`Sept; `27th, after an ill_- l ness of twe1ve.weeks"_ du`ra.tion,,_W. A. `McConnell, . only son. of Rev. W. and Mrs. .McConne 1,1, died "qt. the family residen_ce,,895 -Bloor St. West, lTor0nto. Mr; McConnell had just 1 returned from the ofc,e,,to enjoy the |S:1turday half holiday, when he was I suddenly. and unexpectedly attacked [with pericarditis `and endocardizti-5.? .g`\1l that medical skill Could do was done, but comp1.ica.tions-." 'fb ll~owedJ which ended. a., . ~- 1 .: ...`.` .- LA: - `._,___dj` \Vl.llCll Cnucu at Llauxux us, .V Of a. retiring disposition, deceas`d : was ..possessed of sterling:-qualities of, lmindVand heart, truthfulness, rever- ence and kindness guiding all his `actions, He was born inithe town- ~Ship of Innisl, and after spending \his boyhood days there went to T`or~ `onto, where for a. number of years , he was in the gents furnishings"bu'si- ness, but at the time of his death he occupied the position. of er. He was a member of the Dover- court Presbyterian. `Church and was a _i Connservative in politics. T'he funeral service at the ho-use . was very largely attended, Rev. Mr. `VV`ilson_being assisted, by4RevA. Messrs. Bell, Cochrane` and Wass. ~A sacred _ solo .w_a.s_very feelingly rendered by. l Mrs. ' .McG*ill,- Directress of the VVest_`T'o'ronto vCol1eg_e of Music, who also led in; singing- the favorite hymn ` ' of the deceased Oh love Divine! how} 1 sweet Thou art. ` .The` oral '_oFfe_r-i ings were numerous and b8A1t1fl1l.: . _ At the, Lefroy, y here ~ the father` of the y o"i1n'g `_m'an had `labored for over alquarter `of -a century; the service showed the deep love of the people. `for the one who had grown up varnongst them. ~Rev. Mr. Cochrane,` yvholiad accompanied. the A-,f.-,as! m'ly from Tit:-Qi1to.'.t9oli1iarge 'both"here,fa_nd `at the graveside, be. ` ing assisted by ;-Rev, Dr. McL'e9d of: 9 Barrie and 'Rev.I`;_.=I, Ir; A of Chtif'chill; Rev_.i`Mr. .Craw_ tog Thorn- ton; also being` present. . 1 A .-vgery. ;larg_e_ ,cpt}'tege _fol}ow_ed-'_t,,l17ey fjejmains-.t_o~-then: . . *3, 4,3-..,.,:-..;. .i1;.st` t!=`-`,%*.itis*..%I1iIie.t.;`5`sTitri-fife-stash?7Zit1ii1e gshtr . 1,!-Iv A--ww--~ cemetery. ccmcu.-:1 y. . Besides an agedfat-[he'r, the deceas- Med leaves a. mother and three sisters ` (Mrs. S. Vwilliamson. of -Trafalgar, and Miss Carrie and` :Miss Meta. at_ home) toemburn `th`e~_loVss-of ai7lTc)!.y{-_:' .ing..a:1_d)11eE11 lpful `fso-g1: bt`foVth-`er. `f F f " BAY !`L)lguu"u`.fllIIOItutti- -: . `g : 3.1`) ` B.C.-011 -1.";2_ "~' Auistpn . . . ;- Arthut ,... . . . . . ".1 A` -....`I..Ln ~% ;F41-L; N-nag nj W,` A . ` Mccdrfmell J ohn M. Smith. j OBITUARY. Fiting

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