Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 6 Oct 1910, p. 2

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Fully e(`1uippi:)cVl'visl*-it_`l:-1h{`.Aatl1es, Planer. __Tl\at Cold? BOOKSTORE. Barrie usnr manna r-`on TH; Hor WEATHER ...._.v r-.--- w.rIIlIlIo BARFIIAE, _oN1`. INCORPORATED 1855 v--- c Fig.` pnqgs MAN : xomxs, ijjnj A A. Safe Savings Account _' in [he Bank `of Toronto _is a much better proposition than an investment in `stocks or bonds, the real valneof which is unknown to you and the -market for which is uctuating. 1 p IN OUR i SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Interest is paid every 6 mos., and your money is available to you whenever wanted. ' Barrie and Allandalg Branches c. R. LATIMER; ~ Manager HAS LAURIER` MADE CANADA? Your Money Exactly the sam as regular $1.25 Edition. For The Bank of Toronto ~ Capital $4,000,060. Reserved Funds $4,818,000. Have you seen that line of , cloih-bound Books at 50:; Va QILJ ` in B Page 48 Column Nowlpuper, P.1bltshed from the office. 123 Dunlop Street. ` Barrie. in the County of Slmooe. the Pro- vince of Ontario. Canada, every - ` Thursday Moraine. by THOMPSON CREW, PUBLISHER `-%-TA SAFE -_-SAVISYGS --ACCOUNT. until ,, ,v.-_, v v uU`IlIW V `Sleigh : and Cutters. `1'I1gt$w:)onsx_P:1:>u:o Horseshoeinx 55 AvrILIi"f A MA `JUFACTURER OF Buggies, Carriages, Wagons dical. Buildi Richmond and % ! JIIDUI. 01196..- All_ kind; In bestwcomppmes um;g_AL1qeu_anq _c__:;. P. n`. 88. 00's 3 heyartzutcl 1ns.$!rance- __-..-. ..,, V. ..uapum, nmstol; and 1 Eye Hontal, mrmingham :forme1 British. phthalmological Society. OFFICE--78 DUNLOP STREET, 1 I Phone 54. P. O. E .__.__._____.__________'___:Z G. G. SMITH & C0,, PHON] Established 1869. Underta Open day and night. Morge chapel in connection. Barrie, tano. v - ` - , " 2 served as clinical Assistant in Goldensquare Ear, Throat 8: Nose Hospital,` London; Royal L ondon Ophthalmic Hospital (Moorelds): for a t erm as Resident Su_rgeon in Royal London tOFhthalmic Hospital; 0 Bnsto Eye Hospital, B1-is ;and Birmingham] I 1 Hossrital, : former Member of bphthalmological Society. _ M. D., C. M. ( l`or.) Late of Toronto General Hospital. Olce of the late Dr. smith. Collier st. Phone CI.` 3'2-Iy _-_-.-..v Jaallu. DuI'VC \l. ' . ers, etc. Established 1852. Oice, Medical Buildin , S. E. corner Richmond and %ay st 1 ronto. Tel hone, Main, I336. Instructions eft with Strathy & Es_ten, Solicitors, Bank of To- ronto Building, Barrie, will be promptly attended` to. DR. _v_._ A._ L..R.c.1_>. 3; 5; Edinburgh; M.F.P; 2 . --SURGEON-- `IF, 2- ` ' ` DR. MORTIMER L v ton St.. T YON 31 CARL- Ornnfn Ian. .-.1: n_-_a. No. 5; .. mam .. 56-000 5- ,_____._______.__.___ DR. ROBERT s. BRQAQ, C53 qilrrrnnn I-4- ---o u n.unUN Eye. _ Ear, Nose % 8:_Throat, r..-.:._ - DR. A. T. Churchill, Ont. denc bet e, John St., 11 LITTL E, LATE O.F Office and resi- ear corner Eliza- H. T. ARNAE e , I.I1 Rl'If 1v19| .. LI- ,1, A ax. . . nz-u p`KADUATE OF Trinity University, Toronto, Edin- borough and Glasgow and Post Graduate, of University College, London. Office and residence: Cor. Duqlop and Mulcaster Sts. Oice open each day until 8 p.m. Phr)ne T94 ...._._.... ..-.___:. STRATHY ESTEN, 1 ters, Solicitors in High Justice, Notaries, Public, ancers. Oices over the Toronto, Barrie. `Money t lowest current `rates. G. . surgeon, etc., Coroner for Sim: County. Oice and residem W'iIliam street, Allandale. Tc phone 30 a. At Stroud Oice: tn 4 p.m. Monday to Friday. .___________` ._ preme Court_ of Judicature of On- .tario, Proctors, Notaries, Convey- ancers, etc. Money to loan. `Of- ce, Ross -block, Barrie. A. E. H. Creswicke, K.C., Arthur Alexander. ;-.--1_ ..__ -1- I5 .u- IK. Jo A. C. Surgeon, etrg.A_ Co (`hunts- - . -._, ..,....uua_y. u1:c:ase5-1Lye, 1:;ar,l Nose and Throat. Consultation hours, II a.m. to 5 p.m., and by ap- pointment. ` \JlllLC upcn Phone 124. .... -u.\zn:.1.Lv11L1\ 1_.x'uN, CARL- St.. Toronto, late of Brooklyn (N. Y.) Eye and Ear Hospital, will be at 67 Owen St., Barrie, every Saturday. Diseases-Eye, Ear, Islose Consultationl 1-u.-.._ -- )R. BROAD, PHYSI- cian, Surgeon, etc. Specia1ty-Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Oice and residence, cor..Elizabeth and Brad- ford St . (Dyment Gore). Phone 105. Box 456. OPPOSITE 8055 ST. L JOHN BARR'S OLD STAND v~W.-AULT, BARRISTER, `SOLICI- tOl`- prfff `, Nfa Dir (`An-.n--_- A A - LENNOX, co"vVAN% & BROWN, Barrian-re Q..1:..:....... c.._ -I_.,' . 1.\.\u-L ., LUHQOH. dence, Dunlop street, phone 77. n 0 I7 63 >12. w.A. ROSS, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, etc., L.R.C.S., Edin., L. R.C.P., London. vOFce and resi-I dence, Barrie. Tele- phone 77- STEWART -& STEWART, % BAR- riul-nru Qnlinzon.-.3 !\T..a....:.... D.-LI:_ L. ;. AKLVALL, M.D.,_ C.M. OF- ce, in BothvI_rell s block, Allandale. n the premxses at night. J\JLVl`\.L4.IJ L ter, Spligitor, etc. to Buxldxng, Barrie. ;. A. RADENHURST, BARRISJ ter, Solicitor, Notary Public, &c. Oice, Ist oor Bank of Toronto Building. Money- to loan at low- est rates. 4 4J..4,&VL`\Jl\, \.UVVtll_V< GE lBa_rristers, Solicitors for obtaining probate of wills, [guardianship and administration, and general Solici- tors, Notaries, Conveyancers, etc. Oices, Hinds block, No. 6 Dun- lop street, Barrie.- Money to loan at. 4% and 5 per cent. Branch of- lces at 'Creemore and Alliston. Haughton Lennox, K.C., Alex. Cowan, G. E. J. Brown, LL.B. ....\.u..a:., unnnlolnlt, DUL1L1~ tor, Proctor, Notary, Conveyance:-, etc. 1 Special attention in drawing and probatinguwills, obtaining let- ters of a'dmim'stration and guard- ianship, coecting accounts, etc. Oices, Ross block," Barrie._ Money to loan. ` V./Janpya, 4 VJ-I-'a"`_vl_`\5 u. o1.1:.vvnn.1\.l., 5111(- risters, Soiicitors, Notaries Public, and VCo`nveya`ncers. Money to loan in any sums at_ 5 per cent. Oice, 13 Owen St., Barrie. H, D. Stew- art, LL.D., D. M._Stewart. 7- A- HART; .GRADUATE-O.F '1` 1'.` :- litv Univercihr m.,\..... UNDEEXQEIQE SURVEYORS PHYSICIANS. __.___.___.___.___.j..Z `EVANS. PHYSICIAN, to (`2,,, rrnnnn `A- ;;1.), 1' fl 1 DILIAN, ,oro_ner Sxmcoe e and resxdencez, .\ 1 `V EN ... a-.151: \uUul[ UI %sA, Public, Convey- Bank of `Mone to loan at ates. . H. Esten. arrivals and at and from Barrig are as follows :' . Main Line. _ n-2.. ., av ' 'REE'1".' BARRIE. P50. Box, 96. a_4L.4.JJ., LJIXIKIXID Bank of Toron- e. Money to loan. 4.4.L1, J.)flI\I\1D` High Court of pnlxih. F`--A-~ 5.13.; A_gR;s- up uuu e, 011- I 32-! y 23....!0.15ax:\` 27.... 7.50pm ~"|"`,l'I|!OU0_I`l . ouomsr AND- `ST snaarzns 'rono~'ro -.1!ANcouv:n. ,S9c!is~IVclassone-way on sale only till A, October 15th. `SPECIAL RATES _ CRAIGHURST, ONT. LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY or snmcoe. Most reasonable terms given on al Stock Sales COAST Brewed Entirely from the Finest Man and Hops. ---an-0 I _ anmgles I Tanks and Water Trouzsns C!IPI`ess) Planing. Matching, .\Ioullin:. Hot Blast Hm-s.m Irnn Has a marvellous aim rough skin. One or two :1;>;>li tions Will remove the r0u.;nnc "and by its occasional the t skin acquires the smO0{IlllL';< n softness of a baby's. Gl_vccll.:: is not sticky, and gloves ll`;.'i)' worn a few moments nicer usi` it. Price I5c and 25c. I)c';i;l` ful after shaving. Druggist. unrr. I " "- M-LIE 2=:;e.;:are';3 or Rough and no D'g_essed I.nmlwx- OPS rames T Sash Stairs I C:l'l'lnn|ns Blinds shingles ` UUW5l 2`i DUNLOP STREET EAST THE BALL PLaNINcLin]i11Tu, _ _ ' BARRIE ` J D RODGERS ONT lwM.GALUE Carpenters and Bnildm-u u-_... MAKES YOUR SKIN LIKE VELVET-- Monkmalfs Glycedonia; var unm-nan Al Condensed ar. vertise as wants of all kinds, for sale or to rent, sn must llnnnuv-an-3--3 ,...v ID , * rtiscments on U$V:.:l%l8l?)%1.l`l" l:i(I31d8, lost and t, s ccitic artivlo. 8b1ggct:n,l:anniedp\vitfz the cash. 111118 Cuts for advertisenxen se be mounted on son. ca must in ever ,1 metal base: 7 D D A I A n n n n n A _ . . ._. _, _ _ ._--vu COMMERCI.-H. msn, be given on appm. coxmacw cu.x.\-r,- Advertisers will please hem notice ofintentiqn to (:hun;,'o mustbe handed mto tho: ' Rates will change must be in 'l`H}C .\l)\'.: later than 12 o'clock noon on "mm, ounerwnse the ndvo may not be made public ' ing. `Vn`Vf\I.V\vru - name BREW V cam: TBARRLIE RAILWAY atimlii. Splendid ALE and PORTER. The Best and Brightest In Cask and Bottle NEXT DOOR TO THE ` T TheNewFou dry] NEXTDOOR Tn Tut.-1-a _, V- r- -vs!-II . All work done by expert rmu-him 1st and guaranteed first class ,, _-_.- .--;su, gx .,. Boilers. Engines and M1 kin farm and stationary nnachincry 1 and repaired on shoxtcst nolm moderate prices. *n.oo p m..coba1c Special mo 5 m 10 40 a. mToronto 8: North Bay 5 II p m Byauu... 8.30 p m..'l'o:-onto 8: Midland `M! a. m (`J .... -....l.--_.4. VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE PORTLAND SPOKANE F`:-"om BARRIE. 150 Ml L REPAIR n for all on S. {era in ('A l`I_\'G_~` &':. CODFDENSED _,-::T,-" MANUFKETEJRERE B_A:R R I E Expert Machinists r1atChin g. V .\Ioul('iin<.'. Blast Drying Kiln. 1 -...- .7 ... - v . v . vuvvun asauanuu hf E III . Gravenhurst 9.85am Daily including Sunday. _V PHOVN_E-1.36 TO THE THURSDAY, , ,:.`..-.1;-:'saIInou'n nade uxml the week )ENSED AD\'ERTISl-I.\IE.\'TS. vertisements first pm I" kinds. ION? :....I c-~ - ERCIAL DISLAY. en appliarution. IACT CH.\.\'(n`F .-. xease boarln change adverw to tlnr-mun.` - A ' 13 kinds of hlnnrr m..,an Coliingwoqd and Mcaf TANNERY Bu rC'S&w!y nuns U1 5' made UL` and ,.ul`-lln mak 80! SM ma the be is Gi11 ` Rounds, rln __.._- LI-` IWIIJQS and un- of CO\ :1 \\.n -. she .\ic. wen Oct fhx'!:` Thursday, Oct. 6, 1.910 V Accmmtd For. Hamilton. [ Penetang. FROM No. 5%....7.4'l a._m "'. 42....1.0I p m 56....5.8 p m Alas, facts are facts. During the last dozen years the progress of Ar-A gentina has been; quite as rapid as that of Canada. Her wheat produc- tion is increasing with great rapid- ity; 25 years ago she imported our for her own consumption; whereas now she exports ve or six million - 40115 of our besides enormous quan- tities of wheat. She has an enorm- 0113 live stock and dead meat trade. Her railways are` growing at the rate of about 2000 miles a year. The immigration into her plains is en- (`H-I11t\uc No. 53.. 10.25 a m 55....7.5 p.m '- 22... .7.47a"m 26....85p ning South. -.... ..u tuv ucxuuu, xuan -1iV`"fl_C!'| He combs` PIRITUAL STOCK Y~IrEL`DING -loo" PER. CENT. DIVIDENDS. God never fstai'r.t-ed Moody_ into, business ,.for *H.-im with out equipping. him with 'the'- 'n_eces-_. . sary A power V to` . stir; two; ,_co1"gti`11eAn't_S._, T The. same: 'pQW61'.L.i$ 'ja.t ; ;,thej;_ c_11fspg.sa1. ` .;9f.`_._-`we on e`.':o.i_:,`E,,;:I-AIis:Ti ` ' it V V " We have seen, rst,`tha.t prompt decision and whole-souled activity are essential to the success ofany business enterprise. Is `this charact- eristic of His own servants? Is there the get-up-and-go about them that should be. expected in those to whom so valuable a trust has been committed? What are we doing with the innite powex-committed to us in the gift of the Holy Spirit? When Moody started into business for God he did not wait for magni- cent ao portunities to come ..,knock-. ing at is door,- but he seized the common occasions and made them great. He ..-started in agsmall ,w~a_y and worked `up, banking all the time on that name which is ab_ovjeTeve ry, name V for ..backi!ngj.-V,e He `was one of L 3 the live talent men ,who' 'will=h'a'nd " over V. to the` certain: Man `.when -; He t nrimI==' QDn:or'rn.,n c-nr~nr~.vr -. 7 V5 VCT - a:nu|\w tllblllg I" Our Lord thus teaches us by. ex- ample and by. parable that having entrusted to us the `responsibility of % sense nusiness methods if` we would `be true to _the trus_t.g ' `If I - His- `interests we should use common _ _ _ . . . -...a.a -D VV'\J n.L.L1_;J_'41\Ji\'D. I V.They lost` no time in deciding what course they would pursue and pursued it. They dic_1n t wait like the one talent man for opportunities to turn up, but they turned them_ up. \'VV-eald `men wait for opportunities,` strong then make them. f\ -; 1 ' _._- . ..`....>v. -a-u. -r_yJI.\.u1 U1` l.U`Uily- ; Phi1jipArmour saw {his in pork. I-During the` rebellion he offered pork in large quantities at` $40 per barrel. VVall Street speculators _told him that it would rise to $60, for the war was not nearly over. Young Armour ;kept on selling s11o`rt. and by the Mime the warwvas over HE HAD CLEARED TVV-O MILLIONS 'l`l-.,... 1A-L` _, mu: to UV!!!` till .I. What do you think ofthe story of pavid and Goliath? - ` My. opinion is that Goliafht wa _t physically. It was.` his mental Ct}_urie_r-Journgl. , zcpndition that. beat him;---Loujsvil`lc:- __- .._v. .,v yvaawcla IL: He. was not long in coming `to a dCC1SlOn as to` what HIS FatHer s business was, and the decision once work. This also seem to have been he method of the men to whom had. I made, He lost no time in getting to t been _co'mn1itted the talents. They. saw their opportunity and made most of it. like John_'D. Rockefeller who saw his in petroleum. There was lots of petroleum, but the re- ning process wascrude. Here was his chance. `He started ,with a sin-l gle barrel still in I870Aand made a superior grade of oil. In twenty years the business of the "little re- nery, not worth $1,000 for building and plant. hadgrown into the,Stand- ard Oil Trust. CAPITALIZED AT N:INI_ZT.Y MILLION, - and with . stock quoted at 170. Vanderbilt saw his opportunity in transportation by steam and gave up a good business `in order to take command of one 4 lOf the rcf efnnn-an.-c 1n.......L.-A 1'-`A-~ .... u-um LU Lam: command 0! of the first` steamers launched. Forc- seeing the greatluture of railways, `he then plunged into railway enter- prises and laid the `fou'udat'ion of the vast Vanderbilt `system of to-day. PhilipArmour -Durmg In large (1uantitie:vn+`. .-.;...v1.........1 I .Prompt decision and whole souled - activ_ity were at the base of His _su_c- cess in His Father s business, Looking over a lost and ruined manhood and womanhood, He saw that sin was the cause of human misery and unhappiness, He saw that the world s greatest need was not education, not social reform .-of from sin, new life, I am come that ye might have life and that ye might have it more abundantly. Redemp- tion to Him was A BUSINESS PROPOSITION. As He contem- Dlated the world's'great eld with its hidden treasure, He determined to sell all that He had and buy it... Looking at the pearl of great price, or the church, as it the depths, He resolved to. sell _all that He had in order to possess it. `LT. , - .---J -v vunu IICIVC UCCH bezzlement), but for the extension of His business. thatathe par- able has no bearing whatever upon any but twice born men and women. To them He has entrusted the re- sponsibility. of His own interests. To them He divideth to every man severally as He will the gifts of the Spirit. . _When a` mere lad He said W'i_st %;e not that I must be about _]mK oo .ather s business? Let us first at the Master, then at the,twQ successful business men of,the par- able, then at ourselves and compare methods. ` .Pr9mpt decision cess Father's , -,, ..... -5--s\.u , uut. 3CCOuntS. Like the - were the true a.nd ness and unreadiness for the coming of the Lord, but in the parable of the virgins the failure was `in the inner life (lack `of A the ' Spirit);- in this the failure lies in neglecting to use the" gifts bestowed. Theca"p`ital was paid over toeHis own servants not for their own. pri- vate benet (ha.d they used trust funds- they would have been guilty of em- extension (3; ;a k-ac-:An- 5 ` the false, `readi- preceding parable there Lesson for ` Oct. 9th, `Matt, . 25:14-3o. e ' Comments by Evangelinel. . Briey -summarized, the parable of i the talents>is' as follows: In the Kingdom of Heaven, or the _Christ-` ian age,` would be found two classes, those who would put out at highest: interest the talents committed to them by a certain man who was on the pointof leaving for a distant country. and to whom on His return they would `refund the invested cap- ital withidividends yielding 100 per cent., andithose whothrough lack of enterprise would make an assign- ment. ; A The certain man referred to was undoubtedly our Lord who waseven then taking leave of His servants, and was about to bestow upon them the talents or gifts of the Spirit, and Who after a long time would COITIC t0 straighten Ollt accounts. Tilrn +1.- .......-...I:r -- - mu: SUNDAY s`cHooLi answered. - aywvuuovlu I` 01'. i His face was artistically decorated with court plaster. T ~ _Well?. `we queried.` ~. I m _takingi a. correspondence course 111 `the art 0 shav1ng, he .d_oct`Aor ga've'him;' a.. stiffVtumb- 1 Lerfu-1, W,,h`i`ch_. -he gredxly Lswallowed, A <,1_Ton sfcoy{%m!2 his IV:,t?a*ha. his 9rst-:~~:5?9t<~9L`W In a Scotch village where a young doctor` had lately started practice _a workman had the misfortune to -get his nger .bruised badlyin one of tthe machines. A doctpr was~sent -for, and on-properly dressing the nger theaman nearlyifainted. He was asked if they would 'take"`a little ' spirits to revive him. V . _ Man,= he. exclaimed`; with feelil1`g._ `,;;'.`th;1,t' wgd just .b_1 _the,_ve_ry ;lif,e~ O'_ .me.. ` ` ~ UGUIUU V C I didn t' oudt. V Gre_en.--What `do `you mean hy cheating me like this? `You said ;his chain I- bought here would last alifetime, and here s all the plating worn in a. month! r"Moses---`Mine friendt, I said `clot chain vould last you a lifetime, pe- cause ven. you pay ityou look so, ill I tinkayouv vould live der iveek - oudt_ ~ W'arden-You ll get six months .for this job. Prisoner-_-Just my blooming luclg. Only had my hair cut `last night. Three-pence chucked away, as you might say. * , ;1vvv`WCu \a.1Lc1'. me noneymoonl)--.' `-Dearest, do you really think I'll prove a sa,t_isfa`ctory mate? ` Mrs. Neivv-wed-Oh, I guess you'll "do as a mate, all right; Now look at me, and tell me what you think of vour onnfain jed)- LVJ. `Is 11 In 1895 the cultivated area of Ar.- g-entina was 12,ooo,oo acres, and` it now is 47,000,000 acres, of which 14 or 15 million acres are devoted to wheat. Canada last` year had about. nine million acresin wheat. Mr. game, 1 would Hostess--Oh,'.I think some people ,are so _disagreeabl_e! Don t you hate `people who4_cau S1112 and won't? Grumpy Guest---Not. _so much as _I do those who can t sing andowill. Visiting Re1ative---How aristocra- tic your fatherlooks with an that grey hair. T The Naughty. Son---Yes, and he s got me to -thank for `it, too. - .l I Ashe I ...... ulc pun;-guoa laws do not make any prqvistons for love that as adulterated With lthy lucre. Fortunately for both halves 6f the world, neither half knows` how the other half lives. " It's easier to` talk about the straight and_ narrow path than it is! `to walk in It. ' 'Wake up! for at ce_rtain Man" hasl been away. a long txme, and may return sooner than we think. New-Wed (after. -tuhe Inn`:-ncf An --A-- . --~_. --- v J\)|,( \IlI\r5 Wake .up! Wake up ! The door of opportunity is still open. Emer- son _says: We live in a new and exceptional age. America is another name for~Opportunity. Our whole history appears like a last effort of the Divine. Providence on behalf ot the human race, .so. is China, and -India, and Africa, and South Am- Ierica`. ' 011110115. church is largely made up of lone "talent people, of might-have Abeens. Are you one? `If-i;- I19 - A - G--- .._.-u nunsunul JCIVGIIL. Note further how the one talent man tried to shift the blame of his failure` on-. the Lord. I know that thou art a hard man. He did not know anything of the kind. V His 'concept_ions of God were all wrong. The real trouble with him comes out in the Lord s judgment of him, Thou wicked and slothful servant, his life was all wrong. Like the foolishvirgins he too had been burning the dry wick .of an empty profession and was lled with con- tsternation at the coming of the %Lord. ` ---v, uuu Luu your captain. Beyond question it-is the way to succeed inChristian work. The men who have brought largest returns in the way of conversions to God have been men of- concentration in prayer and work. Spurgeon, Moody, Tor- rey, Evan Roberts, Chapman, and Pie'rson were men of one overmas- tering idea, one unwavering aim, men of intense purpose, the winning _of souls for Christ. I 1u,. I ..... av: \alI|lDl.. ' l Note how. the Lord `commends `these men for their faithfulness, *rath,er their Success, Well done good and faithful servant. 'AT._;. 1' -1 f`That prima donna s voice is velvety one. Balfan (immersed in `the me, ercely)-If that ' pitcher nuld only settle down! Mrs. Balfanl (inexpressibly shock- )--Dear me! You don t tell me! h-e as wild as all that, `George? ......u: run 11DD1\1.lV.l.V.l.blV 1 A1` 1-115 COMING. Some one remarked to Lord--Rothschild: I -hope that your children are not too` fond of money and business to the exclusion of more important things. I am sure you would _not wish that. I am sure that I would wish that, he re- plied, I wish them to give mind and soul, and heart, and body, and everything to business, that is the way to succeed, j But the`Dure-food laws do take nnv nrnxiicinnn 5.... 1...... .1--. For example, in his speech at Guysborough Mr. Borden noted that `Argentina, a country in much the same position as Canada, as regards great area, virgin soil, scanaty popu- lation, and-adaptability for raising agricultural produce, has got on_ just about as rapidly as Canada has, though the poor things there have not had the Laurier Governmen-t `to beam upon them. Fort-hwith a squall of rage arose from the Laurier press,i Borden is knocking the country. l-Las he run down Canada? `No. H'e simply has po-inted out that another country in a similar position has done just about as well. Treason, `treason. ' ,7. .. uuunus sn1\.1| uuu. WUHICII. I H-ad the ve talent and the two talent men lacked concentration they would have been compelled to make A. N ASSIGNMENT AT HIS rtnmmrz cm..- A- ----~---- ~ _...... VII una ucuuuoaa, ULIL U1 [U5 CUIU ness, "out of` his irresponsiveness, into the sunshine of His presence. He concentrated all the energies of mind and soul and body to -His busi- ;ness of. saving men and`women. A U4.` LL. 1` - .' Ii i'i_iia_i.p15eviOus lessongwe saw how When he saw him fill] of evil spirits H-e"re'fused to be side-tracked on it political, theological or legal lines. His business was to get men saved from sin. When He saw'a man with a -devil of al tempei-`he cast it out. he sobered him up and clothed him and put` him in his right mind. When He saw` a young man `who was so far gone in `sin as to be of- fensive to his sisters and all who came near him He got after him and called him out of his deadness, out of his darkness, out of his cold- HPSQ 'nnf nC - 11:a .' nnnnnnn -I ------ -- | J . I` . . |en`f1'a_ y V_ta.ught In the .parabIe,1v1z: icongeutratxon. ' ` ` ~THE MAN WHO LAUGHS. vn IIGIJB makes .(t_l5Vat is the reason why a pile out of it. I THE NORTHERN ADVANCE A honeymoon)--.l Ir +I.:...l- l"II I is such I by.-product of the Laurier a policy is the. curiously un- amiable attitude which some Liberal journals `find it necessary to -adopt towards other countries; They are busy shouting that the Laurier Gov- ernment and the Laurier Govern- ment alone has made Canada great, rich, happy and prosperous. The awkward thing about the argument is that other countries have been prospering too. Has then the Laur- ier Government been working for these outsiders as well as for the children of the Kingdom? Or has T there been a general world-wide prosperity in which Canada has` shared while the Laurier Govern- ment sat on top, smiled, and drew salaries? Perish the thought. Those outside countries simply must not` be prosperous. And so it happens that it it is high treason now even] to suggestrthat other countries are doing well. It is not necessary. to : show pleasure in their objectionable , good fortune; it is sufcient to men- 1 tion it. I i 1 I l - V ,,,_' -V-u --TII?U`Iu" 6 : 59 Baueld Street, Barrie : oooooooooooooooooooooboooo1 :OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO: Take Laxacold. quarter. 35. ,t:;i>lets for a CROSSLAND I no quinine, _b It you do not we ` suggest` a box of Laxacold. It does not matter so much just how you caught the cold. but youknow. ou are {eve , eyes leaking, a up enerally and the human machinery y clo all over. -Laxacold starts` everything working again and almostbefore you realize it you are feeling alright again. Contains 11: does the work. - Iionfcamyv-dam with your cam itbecome chron (3. ~ . I - ____._---`IO I _ Andother Users of Mhhineru 7 when m Barrie call and see me SCOTT J.` ..u; cqulppcu wnm Lathes, Planer. I `0 Harry himwlfenden street. Ba`.-.-an MILLMEN 2 THRESHERS 2 FARMERS I __,n"s.- Tnaueor: Sunscmrfrxox. $1.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE. 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